[Uncharted] The Origins of Nathan Drake

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believe it or not when I was younger I want to be a treasure hunter I watched a lot of Jackie Chan adventures one piece and Indiana Jones and those things kind of forced my young impressionable mind to fall in love with the idea of embarking on dangerous adventures to discover hidden treasure I only fell in love with the idea though because I was raised in the banks and my young ass was not about to go hunting for no damn treasure in the hood that's how you get jumped well a few years later the gaming company known as Naughty Dog heard my prayers and released one of the best adventure games known to man that just so happened to be about treasure hunting I mean at that point in my life my goal reverted back to wanted to become a Pokemon master so Naughty Dog was a little too late but forget all that mess the game was lit as hell and it evolved into a series that was even more Leigh and today I'm going to cover the protagonist of that series what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history the topic of this lecture will be Nathan Drake was born as Nathan Morgan in the year 1976 him and his brother Sam Morgan were raised by their mother Cassandra Morgan who also happened to be a retired archaeologist and historian at young ages Sam and Nate were taught by their mother about the famous escapades of the Explorer Sir Francis Drake well until Cassandra abruptly died and left Nate and Sam and their father's care and the father left the brothers at an orphanage come on people we all know how screwed up these origin stories can get don't even act surprised the Morgan brothers then began their new lives at the st. Francis boys home but not for long since Sam got kicked out for being a dirty criminal and Nate Falls soon after by sneaking out on his own on the outside Nate regrouped with his brother Sam and Sam told him that he knew who their mother's belongings were sold to excited Nate followed his brother to the manor where the belongings were being held broken and found his mother's Journal Oh Sam teaching a young brother Nate to be a criminal just like you such a good role model before they could start really digging into their mother's journal however the owner of the manor they broke into showed up the owner realized that these kids were sons of Cassandra and explained that their mother and father used to work for her your mom she said that they believe that Francis Drake had two heirs kind of hinting that Nate and Sam could possibly be these heirs she then told me that he could keep his mother's Journal because she believes that they can finish their mother's work but don't forget these boys still broke into someone's house so the cops showed up to pursue the brothers Nate and Sam managed to escape and decided to change their surnames to Drake in honor of their mother's research on Francis Drake also because it's pretty hard to go researching a dead guy while constantly running away from the boys in blue got to keep life simple you know years go by after this event and Nate is now 15 while continuing his mother's research and Francis Drake he finds out that the guy's ring and ring decoder is being shown at an exhibit in the Maritime Museum in Columbia Nate is like I need dad then decides to break into the museum and attempt to steal so Francis's ring sorry not steal because in his eyes he saw as reclaiming it because it's somehow belongs to his family okay Nate we have no solid proof that you were actually the heir to Sir Francis Drake but that's fine go ahead and become a criminal during his attempt a Miss Katherine Marlowe and our assistant victor sullivan stop them they want to steal these artifacts too so like any crime boss would do catherine commands her men to kill Nate that's what you get for stealing stupid but Victor Sullivan see something in this little criminal so he saves Nate and takes him under his wing to show him how to hunt for treasure with some finesse now we fast forward a whole bunch of years into the future to get to the beginning of Uncharted 1 the game where we see Drake go on his first important adventure okay guys before you get mad I know that Nathan Drake went on a whole bunch of adventures before this but for the sake of time I'm gonna stick with my turn at one do four if I were to go into every single adventure that Nate went on then you guys have been sitting here for a really long time and I'm not trying to bore you unchartered one because of the now fully grown Nathan Drake recovering the coffin of Sir Francis Drake with the help of journalist Elena Fisher Elena is working on a documentary while neh is just doing his Sir Francis Drake researching thing they opened the coffin and find nothing but a journal that talks about El Dorado the City of Gold not this El Dorado the El Dorado Nate's looking for will be a little bit more morbid you'll see surely after named Elena opened the coffin pirates attacked their ship hurts pirates but they are stated about Nate's good old fake daddy Victor Sullivan once they get to safety Sully and Nate decide to leave Elena's ass to go to the Amazon and find out the rato themselves while traveling through the island they find out that El Dorado was actually a statue and it was moved by the Spaniards hundreds of years ago so they continued their quest to find El Dorado but they are stopped by a rival treasure hunter Gabriel Roman and his partner at TOC Navarro the two parties are after the same treasure and Roman can't have that so he shoots Sully in the chest it's my treasure now [ __ ] Nate escapes and run into Elena that's relieving me at the dock don't hear they didn't hop on to Sully's plane and try to fly away to the place where Nate assumes the Statue will be but they are then shot down and forced a crash landing much farther away from where they wanted to go separated from Elaina Nate continues to make his way towards the statues possible location but is then captured by pirates Elena saves his ass then they work together to run away from Nate's captors once they get to safety Nate decides that this mission is way too risky and he convinces Elena to leave the island with them but they are forced to drop this plan because it turns out that Sully is still alive and he's working for Roman so Nate's like we're either gonna save his ass or beat his ass either way we have to get to him Elena and Nathan managed to save Sally from the clutches of Roman Sully explains that Sir Francis Drake's diary stopped the bullet and that he was playing Roman by giving him false information so our boy is still on the good side but Sully get separated from Nate and Elena again leaving them to continue searching for El Dorado by themselves as Nate and Elena continued their journey they come across a treasure vault which contains the dead body of Sir Francis Drake in Nate's eyes this made it look like Francis died on the island trying to find Eldorado depressive this outcome he places the ring of Sir Francis Drake that he has had all these years on to the corpse he and Elena then begin to leave the vault but before they leave they encounter Eddie a part that was working for Roman and his crew running away from mutated human beings Nate's like welp can't have that then he and Elena start booking it not today saying Nate and Elena escaped to an abandoned German bunker when they find a projector that shows them some [ __ ] the projector shows into the statute that they've been looking for all this time was cursed it mutated the Spanish and the Germans that came after them these mutated beings were called ascendance and they were the same things that were chasing down Eddie and his crew all this means that Francis did not die looking for this treasure he died trying to protect the world from this treasure oh the irony Elena then ends up getting captured by Navarro and Roman and named what's regroup with Sully to save her it looks like Nate and Sulley suck at saving people because they get captured by Roman and Navarro in the process and the bad guys at the Statue as well so I guess made instantly stuck at their actual treasure hunting jobs to Navarro tells Roman to open the statue and within it lies the mummy of Eldorado The Mummy releases an airborne toxin that gives Roman the t-virus and turns him into a snob I mean a descendant Navarro then shoots Roman in the face and he reveals that this was his plan all along he knew about the curse and plans on using this virus as a biological weapon that he can sell to the highest bidder statue in his grasp Navarro tries to escape but Nate plays a hero and follows him this leads to an epic showdown that Nate ultimately wins he kicks Navarro into the water with El Dorado so that neither of them can cause harm to the world so Nate went through that whole journey of tomfoolery and has nothing to show for it well I mean he did almost get a kiss from Elena and silly-- did manage to nab some treasure and Elena did manage to get his ring back for him but still my man almost died on multiple occasions and all he gets is a love interest of some treasure from Sully brah that's crazy anyways Anton charter to a few years after the events of that El Dorado mess Nate accepts a job to steal an oil lamp from an Istanbul palace with Harry Flynn and Koli Frazier the oil lamp is related to Marco Polo's last fleet and a very important artifact known as Chintamani stone an item that is said to grant immortality and invincibility to its user so with two crazy interesting things being tied to this job Nate has no choice but to accept it oh and Nate is also banging Chloe there's that so the criminal trio performed the heights without much problems during the heist Nick discovers that long ago Marco Polo's fleet was responsible for transporting the Chintamani stone to the mythical city of Shambhala until the tsunami knocked the fleet over to Borneo meaning that if you find the fleet you found the Chintamani stone cleanse like I'm not try to share all that [ __ ] so he betrays Nate takes a map from the oil lamp but gave them all this info then dips leaving Nate to get arrested after three months of making hand puppets in jail Sully breaks Nate out thanks to the help of Chloe they tell Nate that Flynn and his employer Jean ran lazarevich I've already found Marco Polo's fleet but they were unable to find the Chintamani so they devised a new plan Nate and Sulley would team up and find the stone while Chloe would act as a mole and continue working with Flynn thanks to Chloe's help the dynamic duo was able to infiltrate lazarevich as HQ and find out that Marcopolo never had the stone the stone was still in Shambhala so now they have to go to Shambhala after regrouping with Chloe team Drake ends up finding a lost tomb that he'll the dead bodies of Marco Polo's men inside that tomb they find a dagger called the phurba and a letter from Marco Polo that writing them to an unknown temple in Nepal but Flint finds our heroes and taste it later along with the dagger fortunately thanks to finance Chloe the two Medicine narrowly escaped and Drake gets his dagger back Sully does decide to bow out this adventure though he's getting way too old for this [ __ ] it's alright Batman we understand sold the new dynamic duo Nate and Chloe made their way to Nepal where they witnessed lazarevich tearing the place apart to find this temple that may hold the Chintamani stone they also run into Elena and her cameraman Jeff but why are they here well it turns out the lazar which is a war criminal and Elena is trying to prove that he is still alive using her journalist powers but more importantly Nate now has a deal with two love interests at the same time why God why would you do my boy Nate like this why so they're now larger team Drake funds a temple that Marco Polo spoke about in his letter and use a fervor to find out that Shambhala is in the Himalayas finally a precise location kind of soon after this discovery the team gets ambushed by lazarevich is men and Jeff the cameraman gets injured in the crossfire Chloe's like lead the dude Pham but nate is like ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind so against Khloe's wishes Nate helps Jeff out but lazarevich captured them and kills Jeff anyways [Music] Wow I never saw the game punish the protagonist for doing the right thing so fast and Chloe kind of makes it obvious that she's a mole and gets put on timeout but Elena puts the moves on Flynn and thanks to her savagery her and they are able to escape however nate is not done trying to be a hero he insists on saving Chloe from lazarevich so against Elena's wishes they chase it through those orifices trained and he confronts Chloe by himself she's all butthurt because Nate obviously likes Elena way more than he likes her so they argue about it what did you expect me to do I expected you to have my I had your back how could you possibly with the other two on yours until Flynn shoots me in the stomach and Chloe is forced to save Nate again all right Nate let me get this straight Chloe has saved your life on multiple occasions and for all she knows you guys are pretty much a thing and then Elena shows up and then you start treating her like some side ho and you're wondering why she's mad bruh aren't you supposed to be good with women twin soldiers go after Nate because of Chloe's distraction so our boy shoots a propane tank on the train which kills his pursuers but also sends his half of the train onto the edge of a cliff Nate escapes a train falls unconscious then wakes up in a Tibetan village there he reunites with Elena and meet scroll Schaffer who tells him that the phurba is the key to finding Shambhala Nate tells Shafer that he is no longer interested in finding Shambhala or the Chintamani stone so to change his mind Schafer sends him on a quest to see how powerful the stone really is when he returns from the quest he witnesses a small tibetan village being attacked by the bad guys and they also took the phurba key and Elena worked together to take that lazar but his forces he then reunites with chloe who has a fur but with her she gives him the dagger and with the help of Elena they find the entrance to Shambhala but the bad guys show up again and this time they're using Chloe as a hostage Nate given to his heroic ways and surrendered lazarevich and flint he is then forced to go with Flynn and open the gates of Shambhala but when they open it wild Yeti creatures start attacking well they are action any creatures their guardians of Shambhala who are being powered by the Chintamani zone nevertheless the Guardians continue to attack those are witches men and the heroes use his chance to escape and into Shambhala they finally find the stone but find out that it is not where they got it was the stone is not what gives the power it is a sap from the tree of life that resides within Shambhala that grants the power with this newfound knowledge team Drake heads back to take care of lazarevich but they find a badly wounded Flint standing in their way he pulls a dick move and blows himself up while also critically injuring Elena piss of this adventure heard his love interest Nate Li's Lena with Chloe and goes after the Tsarevich he finds the war criminal drinking the SAP and watches in horror as larva to seize the power of the tree of life but Nate's claw armor is greater than any random power boost so he defeats lazarevich and escaped Shambhala with Chloe and Elena before it blows up once again Nate returns from another life risking adventure with nothing to show for it [Music] once they get back to the Tibetan village Chloe goes today and is like look bro straight up do you love the chick Alina or nah Nate doesn't say yes but he doesn't say no so Chloe dubs his ass and dips damn Nate she was fine - Nate been reunited Elena they share a much-anticipated kiss then they look off into the sunset on - in charter 3 sometime after Drake blew up Shambhala he instantly go to London to try and sell Sir Francis tricks ring to a man named Talbot for some cash the duo accuses Talbot for trying to give them counterfeit money so they fight but the brawly's - Nate instantly being shot at an alleyway Talbots employer captain - Marlowe who was the same woman from the beginning of this long story takes the ring from Nate then cutter one of Talbots men proceeds to kill Nate and Sully [Music] NAIC nay instantly shake this off revealing that this was all just a setup to get closer to Marlow at NAB Francis Drake's decoder device oh and Qatar is also their boy that's how they faked their deaths Cloe returns from being butthurt because of the last game and with her help they follow Marlow to a hidden library within that library they find a map detailing Francis Drake's voyage to Arabia he was trying to find a place called Ovar the Atlantis of the sand Nate and the squad used in map to discover more clues that will lead to the location of the bar but every time they get a clue Talbot and his men ambushed them and steel said clue well that sucks after those failures Nate instantly head to Yemen where they reunite with Elena this chick is everywhere son oh by the way things between Nate and Elena are pretty awkward right now because they decided to marry Elena off screen but then he promptly decided to leave her ass so yeah not the best time to reunite with our favorite blonde suppor character with the help of Elena they instantly find a map of star constellations that tell them a location of the Atlantis of the sands but as usual the bad guys find a way to [ __ ] [ __ ] up this time each by shooting Nate with the hallucinogenic Dart Nate is knocked out then wakes up in front of Marlowe where she starts talking about his relationships in his past basically letting him know that she runs these streets and if he messes with her she will murder everyone he loves she asked her the location of Sully but neighbor refuses to give her an answer unfortunately her Lackey Talbot tells it that they found him so Nate flips his [ __ ] then chases after Talbot but then Nate gets knocked out and captured by a pirate named Ramses why you guys keep bullying my boy though Rameses tries to pull the whole interrogation stick but Nate ends up escaping the Pirates clutches blowing up the ship then reuniting with Elena Elena's wifey instincts kick in and she tells me that Sully has been captured by Marlowe the only way he can save him on time is to hop onto a cargo plane and chase after the bad guys with wifey's help Nate hopson's on a cargo plane but Marlowe's men and a battle ensues which sleeps in a plane exploding and nape falling into the middle of the desert after traveling for what seems like days in the desert nay ends up getting attacked by Marloes men but he has saved the busted lien deleted of a nearby tribe they beat Marlo's men and head to Salim's camp there he tells Nate that ubar was cursed by King Solomon when he imprisoned the evil gained in the middle of the city but Nate doesn't give a crap about a curse he needs to save his boy Sully so Selim agrees to help him and together they save Sully and reach the gates of Lubar upon entering the atlantis of the sands Nate decides to drink the first source of water that he sees which is understandable you know he's been walking around the desert for a pretty long time must be pretty thirsty but the water causes him to a loosening and he sees visions of Sully dying and people lighting on fire this is why you don't just drink outside water people he eventually wakes up and finds Sully but after his little acid trip the curse that King Solomon placed on the city becomes clear when he sealed the Djinn inside a container and dump it into the water that tainted the water and caused the city's people to go mad that led to the downfall of this city Sir Francis Drake knew about this which is why he abandoned his voyage toolbar with this info the dynamic duo gotta find Marlowe before she doesn't make stupid like try and take the container that the gin was sealed in when they find her that's exactly what she's doing so Nate doesn't he does best he buzzes the city leaves the bad guys to die that escapes with whoever was lucky enough to follow him on this journey in this case Sully once back in Yemen Sully he has a heart-to-heart with Nate then reveals that he still has Nate's wedding ring he doesn't exactly tell him to get back with Elena but he kind of does so Nate gets back with Elena and that is the end of uncharted 3 thank you guys so much for watching take care what what are you still doing here the video is over oh oh right right uncharted 4 right ok uncharted 4 takes place three years at the nape blew up the Atlantis of the sands now he's trying to live a normal life with his wife Elena he has a normal job a normal home everything is just normal up until his brother Sam who we thought was dead rarely shows up at his job time to throw that normal life at the window Nate Nate shares his many crazy adventures with Sam but Sam is not here to reminisce you see Sam was in prison and Hector Alcazar the drug lord broke him out in exchange for half of Henry Avery's lost treasure now Sam needs Nate's help to get said treasure so Hector doesn't find Sam and murder his ass Sonne decides to help his brother out and highs this whole thing from his wife by telling her that he is taking a job in Malaysia first rule about marriage Nate you never lie to your spouse the brothers recruit Sully and together they follow Sam's first clue the cross of st. Dismas that is being sold at an auction in Italy Nate and Sam plan on stealing the cross while still he acts as a decoy makes fake bids to buy them time while the two brothers are working on the stealing part Sully runs in to rape a man who was in prison with me and Sam a long time ago and Nadine Ross the leader of a private military army Rafe and Nadine are planning on outfitting everyone for the cross thus making the Drake brothers job a lot harder luckily - a few hiccups the three managed to steal the cross and get away once they get to safety they bust open the cross to find a clue by their ex into a Cathedral in Scotland but Wraith always the cathedral and is using Nadine czar me to guard it the band nifty sneak their way to the Cathedral to find a clue that direction to Madagascar so often Madagascar they go in Madagascar they find out that their next clue lies within one of two towers so Nate instantly go to check out one tower while Sam goes for the other within their Tower they instantly find a map reading pro-day use quantum essentia so their Tower was a correct one however before they can get in touch with Sam rave calls Nate and doesn't that Nadine's army is coming to ambush them the three things and after a super dope chase scene they escaped Nadine's men once they get to safety they find out that they map they found poison lo Italia a fabled pirate utopia that was founded by Avery that most likely contains his treasure super hype about this news they and the squad start celebrating until they find Elena in their motel I told you don't lie to your spouse Elena is pissed that Nate lied to her then walks out on him slowly decides to stay back and keep an eye on her while the Drake brothers continue their mission Nate and Sammy move on to an island that was pointed out in the map they found while searching on that island they get attacked by rape Nadine and her men the attack Lisa's I'm getting chased on boat and getting separated after being knocked into the water Nate wakes up to a signal from Sam he eventually reunited his brother but now they have some breathing time he stops his brother and is like listen man you're really obsessive this treasure and I've already lost so much because of this I think i'ma quit but right when he says that they find themselves in libertarian you just wanna hear me say it don't you really want to hear you say Liberto yeah the Drake brothers make their way through Liberty Lea and find the treasure building but the treasure isn't there so after looking at some clues they concluded it may be in a place called New Devon on the way they get attacked by more of this game's bad guys they ain't never gonna catch a break brave confronts two brothers and Nate discipline tries to strike a deal baffled by Nate's proposal he realizes that Sam has been lying to his brother all this time Rafe is the one who freed Sam Hector alcázar was dead before the breakout even happened Nate is pissed but Rafe is too evil to care so he attempts as she would may in the face but Sam takes the bullet and accidentally pushes me off a cliff he later wakes up in the safety of his wife's arms in the middle of the forest see this is why Elena's wifey she never gives up on her man even if he did leave her and then get back with her and then lie to her face yeah Nate decided to tell Elena about his past as Nate Morgan his true past she accepts it and they move on to save Sam with the help of Sully eventually as a dealing with some more of midian seemingly infinite army they reunite with Sam team Drake is about to escape but Sam begs them to stay and help him find Avery's treasure drinking the squad are like no bad Sam no treasure for you Sam is like okay fine but then an accident leads to the team getting separated from Sam and he goes up to the treasure anyways now based on how the last Uncharted games ended I'm pretty sure you know how this one ends Nate saves his brother kills the antagonist Wraith and finds a way to completely destroy slash blow up the treasure that's our Nate Nate Sam Sully and Elena headed back to civilization and they part ways back at home Nate finds out that Sam actually took some of the treasure and gave it to Elena so Nate doesn't accidentally blow it up and later then uses some of the treasure to purchase the company than Nate works for they want to rebrand its own it can continue doing his explore thing and Elena can continue doing her journalist thing but now they can do it together as a couple and with that they live happily ever after oh and Nana Lena have a daughter named Cassie that's important too I guess what's going on doji famine thank you so much for watching another episode of honest gaming history Jesus Christ that was probably my longest one yet I I'm tired I'm so tired I did this is this was recorded literally right up I just finished recording the whole script and my god that took so so long Jesus Christ if you enjoyed the video please not forget to Like share comment and subscribe if you have not already shoutout to bare knuckle space and all my other dope pages that make videos like this possible with their very kind donations if you are not already a patron but would like to become one for me to go to my patreon page in the description below and find out how you could support the channel for as little as $1 a month BAM and on the next episode of honest gaming history we'll be covering our first female character on this series bayonetta so get have for that and lastly please do not forget to let me know who else you want to see me cover in future episodes of honest gaming history so with all that being said be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 145,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the origins of nathan drake, honest gaming history, uncharted, uncharted 1, uncharted 2, uncharted 3, uncharted 4, playstation 4, naughty dog, uncharted story explained, nathan drake full story, uncharted story, uncharted explained, uncharted storyline explained, uncharted recap, uncharted storyline, uncharted backstory, nathan drake, the nathan drake collection, uncharted review, uncharted story so far, drake, uncharted 4 ps4, the nathan drake collection ps4
Id: YpzGcQaWn6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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