[Infamous First Light] The Story of Fetch | 💥Honest Gaming History💥

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what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history the series where we retell the story of videogame characters in the most entertaining way possible or at least try to you know we're trying our best here people today we're covering abigail fetch Walker from the infamous series now wait I know a lot of you guys were expecting us to do Leon Kennedy but you guys seem to really love the infamous second son video and we really didn't want to leave that story unfinished by not covering my girl heavy Gale over here so thanks to doji you guys gotta wait another week for Leon Kennedy brah play that intro son [Music] in this world there are the superhuman beings called you know what you guys heard all this already long story short there are these guys called conduits they can control unique forms of matter but society doesn't like clear stuff so the DUP was formed to capture these conduits pretty much all the background info you need enter the focus of today's story Abigail Walker who was given the nickname fetching a young age but never explains why fetch grew up with her mother father and older brother Brett everything was show with the family until Abigail went to discover that she was a conduit her parents lost their [ __ ] like regular folks in to do these situations and make an executive decision to call the authorities how you gonna snitch on your own daughter bro Brent is like welp can't have that then runs away with his little sister during their time on the road brett has Abigail promised that she won't use her powers makes sense I mean if her parents nasaan her imagine what a stranger would do oh you a conduit [ __ ] your rights I'm calling the cops well the cops might have been the better option because it still please end up getting hooked on drugs okay I just gotta say POI sucker push for making this backstory super realistic it sucks to say but getting introduced to Bennett did the drugs it's very likely to happen when you're young homeless and justly for something to give you comfort I'm in no way shape or form saying that drug addiction is cool or entertaining to watch but I am happy that sucker punch on the dark side of society just like this cuz the people playing can more so understand that drug addiction just ain't it now if you're old enough responsible and just smoking that ganja go ahead and do your thing just don't go overboard with it so Brits eventually joins a gang so you could survive in these streets and then so chopping his whole druggies problem because drug addiction is not cool fetch originally six with her drugs but ends up dropping them after seeing her brother returned from a job all banged up over time they make it to Seattle where everything gets [ __ ] the siblings gonna hold up a boat and plan on running away with money from an opposing gang he curates that you sent to fetch the money but the occurence find out about this plan and kidnap her brother I mean what did you expect one does not simply steal from a bunch of freaking criminals [ __ ] like well can't have that so switchers all over for her brother but to no avail eventually she's found by Shane Brent's boss and the drug lord who is trying to take down to you cure this creepy SP from Texas there's always a second before he starts hitting on this poor girl who just lost her brother so fun fact Shane's voice actor travis willingham just so happens to be the same voice actor for reggie and infamous second son and the bush active for fetch laura bailey is actually his wife meaning two of the packers who treated fetch the worst were voiced by the voice actors own husband those conversations after each recording must have been hilarious oh and laura bailey also voiced kate chunks from DBZ so she get some booty points for that so Shane decides to be useful an office that help vets find her brother fetch accepts to help without knowing what change true intentions are I came looking for booting as I go to most to the missions to try and find bread it becomes apparent that Shane is using Abigail's power to achieve his goal of taking down the occurrence without them he can own the drug tonight on be Seattle streets his intentions become 100% clear once they find Brent instead of kindly giving Brent back to fetch this [ __ ] takes him hostage ah daddy Shane wants fish to work for him permanently as his weapon of mass destruction what Shane uses her to get the police under his thumb he tricks fetch again and almost kills her come on fetch that's twice he tricked you now you better girl-- pissed fetch gave Shane a new choice either he hands over her brother or she will pick apart his gang piece by piece Shane acts all tough but his refusal to comply caused them to lose a bunch of men banks of fetch why would you miss the conduit as a normal ass human they don't play by our rules you put up your hands to fight and they obliterate you like why would you even start that war so shades [ __ ] ass [ __ ] up and agree some meat fetch so she could have her brother back but instead of getting her brother Shane tricks the poor girl again and injects it with drugs [ __ ] come on girl again you're killing me here brah so the drugs disorient fish and lead her to accidentally kill her brother [Music] ah daddy ah this is why you can't be falling for the schemes bro by this point DUP has been on her ass for a minute so they arrest her and sent her to their prison in curtain K over the next two years Augustin trains abigail to master her powers now really in a calm master roshi tap away but more like an Akuma you gotta kill everything type of way and to help her train Eugene from infamous second son is used to create enemies murderface so that's a nice little fun fact not that nice for Eugene since he was being forced to do [ __ ] he didn't want to but you know once vet tells Augustin the full story of her past the concrete queen expected he would kill shade have given the chance then the lady reveals that they had the ball sack as a prisoner of this whole time damn son all jokes aside I'd be scared if I was this dude my man kidnapped her brother user to take down a gang had her kill police officers and led her to kill her brother body does not the word to describe what's about to happen to you much II bet she shamed rages the hell out and attacks but she misses how how did you miss in the confusion Shane tries to escape the prison but Fitch confronts him Shane starts talking his [ __ ] then fetched tortures him before ultimately killing him told you guys to who's gonna catch the hands with fetches biggest adversary down August he states that she is ready she's been put in a military truck with Eugene and Hank was also from infamous second son see how everything ties together Hank sly ass reveals that he has a paper cut to unlock the cuffs which leads to Hank reading the accident that happened in the beginning of the second son but as you know this is all staged by August II and after that we get to the offensive infamous second son which was already covered in detail in this video so you've got you watching that long story short fetch goes back to Seattle and starts killing drug dealers to avenge her brother Delsin finds her basic down drug suppliers in Seattle they hook up then she helps him take down the DUP and free the rest of the conduit sense of hurting k but if you want a more detailed explanation than yeah you should probably watch that girl's intro video it's pretty good and with that excellent thanks so much for watching another episode of honest gaming history fam I hope you guys enjoyed it and don't worry Leon Kennedy is next I promise I already started working on this it's being worked on as we speak it's coming don't worry he's the next person up I'm sorry however even though I did not cover Leon for the people that were looking for Leon I hope you guys still did enjoy this covering of Abigail fetch Locker from infamous first light and infamous second son I hope you guys still enjoyed the video and I hope the explanation please you and all that good stuff however as usual if you enjoyed the video do not forget to like because it helps channel a lot let's try to get two thousand likes again we almost made it we got two 1,600 likes in 24 hours last time it was dope let's see if we can get two thousand likes if we can't it's all good I just want to see if you can comment to what you want to see me cover in future episodes the - gaming history and if you want to see more of me and conscious don't forget the subscribe button and hit the Bella fication button as well so you can update it whenever I upload new content to the channel and I believe that's all I gotta say so as usual be easy stay lit and take care and remember you can do whatever the [ __ ] you put your mind to all it takes is practice in time see you later
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 50,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infamous first light, infamous first light fetch, infamous first light abigail walker, abigail fetch walker, the story of abigail fetch walker, infamous second son, playstation 4, infamous second son dlc, infamous first light ending, infamous story explained, infamous second son story explained, infamous first light story
Id: gTVaCd3nfNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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