The COMPLETE Story of Raiden (Metal Gear Solid) | Honest Gaming History

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so you guys remember when we covered Solid Snake you know the most badass soldier in gaming history well there is another soldier that we need to give our respects to and he may not be as well known as Nick but my god this dude Oh King monster what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history on this episode we'll be covering hey you didn't interrupt me this time yeah well you don't care no no no don't get it twisted I'm just trying to do my job and focus on this video instead of constantly bickering with you no no no I know you [ __ ] is because of that good news I shared with you earlier isn't it yo shut up man I see you smiling bro you ain't slick fine I'm in a good mood but hold off on the good news till we get to the end of the video all right all right let's drop this spoiler warning and get this video started ridin was born in Liberia under the simple name Jack he was adopted by a man known as solidus snake and was then on trained to be a killer he and many other child soldiers were molded into the perfect murdering machines however Jack was one of the most gifted young soldiers in his unit so get that in fact that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper so just think about that for a second all right this kid's first toy wasn't gun his version of play time was to go outside in the battlefield and kill grown-ass men do you see how [ __ ] up that is hey Dad what's for dinner the same thing we have every day son the organs of our enemies and a hint of gunpowder for seasoning after going through many years of a very traumatic childhood Jack was secretly taken to the United States along with a bunch of other child soldiers there he went through intense counseling to try and suppress his dark pasts after he became somewhat stable Oh Patriots got their hands on him this secret organization planted nanomachines in Jack's head for now these nano machines would be used to alter Jack's memories and someone helped him in getting over his insane order happy past however the true purpose of these nano machines would become apparent later Jack continued to hone his skills as a human weapon while also trying to become a better person by joining the US military during his many years of fighting for the US he met a woman named rosemary who he slowly fell in love with however his relationship with rose was always crippled by Jack's dark past and Rose wasn't so innocent herself but we'll get into that later now with all the background mess out of the way we can finally get to Metal Gear Solid Sons of Liberty the first mgs game where Ryan was the protagonist in 2007 a metal gear known as Metal Gear RAY was being transported through the New York Harbor slow snake heard about this and being someone who hates metal gears he decided to infiltrate the tanker that was transporting the weapon of mass destruction but Russian mercenaries got to the ship as well and they were trying to hide it the tanker and take Metal Gear RAY for themselves but Evolver Ocelot jumped in and finessed on both the Russians and snake by blowing up the whole tanker and taking Metal Gear RAY for himself and to make things worse the blame for all of this was put on snake when all he was trying to do was save the world from war metal gears I mean at least was assumed dead after this incident so technically the blame was being placed on a dead man Dale's death though two years after this incident the decontamination facility known as Big Show was taken over and held ransom by a terrorist group known as the south of Liberty he wanted mad money for this place fox hunt was like well can I have that under the leadership of Colonel Roy Campbell they said there were crew to handle this mess this recruit was none other than Jack who was originally given the codename snake but it had to be changed to Ryden since snake was kind of taken so quick question is lock sound just against teamwork because this wouldn't be the first time they sent one man to the job of a whole task force listen man if you can't handle [ __ ] by yourself then you ate about this Foxhound life well okay then as rioting begins his first official mission with Foxhound he runs into a possible ally who looks strangely similar to Solid Snake aimed Iroquois Plissken and when I say strangely similar I mean this dude looks just like the whole Foxhound agent almost at a point where it makes no sense how writing was an insanely suspicious from jump anyways Ryden also finds out that the Sons of Liberty are not his only enemies there is a former anti terrorist group known as Death Salva is working with the Sons of Liberty in the big show and to make things even more confusing Ryden is told of the leader of dead cell is Solid Snake himself so we have a guy who looks like snake a the guy claiming to be snake who's working against right in and anti terrorist groups joining terrorist groups the is going on here so write a template see and begin working together to take down dead cell and the Sons of Liberty as this mission continues right and finds out about the Patriots discovers that his adopted father solid a snake is the actual leader of both dead cell and the Sons of Liberty and finds out that Iroquois Plissken was actually saw snake this whole time Wow who woulda thought along with all that riding discovers at the Big Show which is a cover for another metal gear that was being developed an arsenal gear this metal gear had an AI known as GW built into it that was meant to help control other metal gears riding was like welp can't have that so he a snake worked together to not only put an end to the majority of dead cell but install a virus into GW to the metal gear rays that were on big shell could not function properly but after all that mess ridin starts finding out some [ __ ] and this [ __ ] is pretty intense so prepare yourself alright so it turns out that this whole mission wasn't even legit by that I mean that everything that went down since the tanker incident was completely orchestrated by the Patriots and ridin was just a chess piece in this whole elaborate plan allow me to explain the Patriots who actually controlled the GW AI were using this mission as a way to kind of sort of test riding those nano machines they placed inside of his brain was actually a backup system for GW the colonel wasn't even real he wishes a contract created by GW hell even Rose was in on this [ __ ] Rose was a patriot spy meant to keep tabs on riding this whole time she was in on this whole plan to make writing the main puppet of the Patriots and she tells right in all of this which gets him pissed but then she admits that she actually did fall in love with him and apparently she's pregnant with his child so right in is now at a point where he doesn't know what's real and what's not anymore and then his girlfriend drops his pregnancy bomb on him how does one even fathom all of this amidst all this confusion Ryden realizes that he can't just sit down and you know solidus make is the only problem that he has left to take care of but ridin is conflicted about taking out his adopted father because this is exactly what the Patriots wand but solidus can give two shits about ridings emotional state he knew that ridin had a backup of G W implanted in his brain so he needed to kill ridin so he could obtain the information he needs to destroy the Patriots so ride in fights and kill solidus thus putting an end to his first mission he then tries to join snake on his mission to rid the world of metal gears but snake doesn't need all that angst in his life so he denies a request afterwards he meets up with rose and somehow finds the courage to forgive her bra the woman lied to you for years and he just gonna forgive her like that write it you are way too nice I would have given that [ __ ] the illest dub some time goes by and during this time ridin and rows begin living together however memories of his past begin to resurface which ultimately leads to their relationship falling apart or maybe ridin was still tied about the whole my girlfriend was actually a spy for the Patriots mess that's a good reason to get pissed and leave he started working for the Paradise Lost Army during this time he found out that role in a miscarriage and ended up marrying Roy Campbell the real one not the G W constructs that trifling [ __ ] while working with the Paradise Lost Army he was tasked with helping them find the remains of Big Boss this mission led him to get captured by the Patriots again the Patriots ruthlessly experimented on him and ended up replacing most of his body parts of the enhanced cybernetic upgrades thus turning him into a cyborg the Paradise Lost army managed to save them and remove all the nanomachines that were implanted by the Patriots but they could not bring his body back to his normal human form so ridin continues to seclude himself because he sees himself as a monster but he ends up running it's a snake for a second time in 2014 so this brings us to Metal Gear Solid 4 the last mgs game where snake is the protagonist in this game snake his task of taking down liquid Ocelot a former agent of the Patriots liquid is trying to use an AI known as its ultimate Patriots to control private military companies and steal the Patriots grasp on the world ridin a snake no they can't have that so they were together along with other people to not only defeat liquid but delete the AI that can chose the Patriots after this mission right and went through another surgery that made a cybernetic body look a little more human rose did confronts him with their son John wait a goddamn minute did it Rose have a miscarriage and didn't she also marry Roy nah fam that was a lot of took the Patriots in thinking that riding was a lone wolf if it looked like riding didn't care for his wife and son then the patrons would have no reason to try and kidnap them and use them against him all this was meant to make ridings life easier so she made his life easier by lying to him again and then making him think that his son wasn't even born yeah pretty much hmm okay please don't tell me he forgave her after this that is actually exactly what he did he embraced his family and promised to stick with them all this woman has done so far is lie lie and lie how can he still forgive her I don't know man love is a powerful thing yeah but it's not powerful enough to make you do dumb [ __ ] like this this coming from the guy who is most likely to do said dumb [ __ ] because of love yeah yeah let's just continue the video please after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4 the economy fell into a deep recession this was because the world economy was making most of its money through war with the world slowly moving to a state of peace the money that was being made from purchasing weapons was quickly declining this left right in a tough spot because he had to find a way to provide for his family so right and joined the private military company known as the Maverick dare he mostly did bodyguard work so he could stay away from the violence of war everything was great until one mission in particular in 2015 right and joined maverick in their efforts to rebuild an African country that was recovering from a civil war this mission continued for three years during this time Ryden ended up the friending Milani the country's prime minister and in 2018 a PMC known as desperado sent an army of cyborgs soldiers to attack the country Ryden wanted to stay and protect the prime minister but maverick needed him to defeat the attacking side this force right into lead the prime-minister side thus allowing sundowner the desperado leader to swoop in and murder Nnamani and ranged riding one tap their sundowner but another cyborg named jetstream sam came in and whooped right in robotic ass to lose to somebody with a nickname like that must have been embarrassing yeah luckily his friends at maverick found him and thanks to a German cyberneticist nicknamed doc door he was fitted with the new and more powerful cybernetic body now it's time to get some sweet revenge ridin specifically went on missions that have to do with this barato he wants to figure out what the motives of this PMC were and take them down and buy missions we mean running around and murdering other cyborgs and the most epic way possible over time he found out that this Bharata was trying to collect the brains of children and use them to create cybernetic soldiers they were sick of this short time of peace and wanted to rebuild the war economy this gave him even more reason to stop this crazy PMC do more investigation ride and discover that there was another entity working together with desperado that entity was another PMC known as world martial world martial with this barato cyborg supplier thus making them the rule of write-ins problems and there was one man who was strongly connected to both desperado and world marshal that man was slave Armstrong the senator of Colorado right and now saw who his target was if he exposed Armstrong then he could cause both world marshal and it's brought out to fall apart but riding was technically not allowed to just attack another PMC without provocation he wasn't legal so for the protection of his friends and loved ones he had his family stay in New Zealand and quit maverick so they would not get in trouble for his actions then right and started slowly taking down both world Marshall and desperado his efforts finally led him to Stephen Armstrong who had his body enhanced by nanomachines ridin finds out that Stephen planted becoming president of the United States in 2020 under his rule he would use PMC's to rebuild the war economy so he could end all wars he wants a purged a week and will a country composed of only strong individuals in his version of America people could fight and die for what they believed in nothing else so he wants to use war to end all wars pretty much and purge the weak so that only the strong can survive that's right ah somebody come get their boy cuz this dude is crazy right and here's him out and it's like [ __ ] you crazy then after a grueling battle he kills Armstrong thus saving America from the most insane president in history after these events maverick asked Triton to rejoin them for riding the Klein instead of working for a PMC he decided to fight his own war against all the murderous cyborgs that have the balls to catch his fade what's going on don't you fam it G boy the black bastard don't you thank you so much for watching another episode of honest gaming history like I always say at the end these videos I apologize for not going and complete deft with this character I know I missed a lot of stuff but to keep these videos at a certain time limit I have to kind of exclude all the semi important [ __ ] and non important [ __ ] to keep all the important stuff out there anyways if you enjoy the video please don't forget to Like share comment and subscribe if you have not already I'm feeling like 3k is a number for us this time so let's try to get this video to 3k likes in 24 hours I believe in you guys we can do this huge shout out to sabrina purple inferno and all my other dope patrons that make videos like this possible with their kind monthly donations if you also want to have a channel with your funds feel free to go to my patreon page in the description below and find out how you can support the channel 4 as newzeas one dollar a month or you can do this whole membership thing that YouTube just implemented where you can pay $5.00 a month and get this cool little icon next to your name that helps out too however know that if you are not able to donate any money sharing liking and commenting is always helpful let me know who else you want to see me cover and honest gaming history in the Constitution below and that's pretty much it see you later guys oh [ __ ] yeah I forgot then use right um consciousness coming back fall is a definite if you get this video up to 5,000 likes by Sunday I will have the trailer out by Friday yeah get high wheel it
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 393,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal gear solid, the full story of raiden, honest gaming history, honest gaming history raiden, metal gear rising: revengeance (video game), solid snake, metal gear, guns of patriots, raiden, metal gear solid 5, phantom pain, raiden (fictional character), metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty (video game), metal gear solid 3: snake eater (video game), metal gear (video game series), metal gear rising revengeance, metal gear solid raiden, raiden full story, hideo kojima
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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