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beautiful beautiful what's up my friends speaking of beautiful it did turn nice day it's Sunday which for us you guys know Sunday's always family day if we can make it family day to my dad also it came with the sprout yeah okay cool this is our Venus flytrap we want to get a plan that eats bugs time time time figure the kids like that what's up mama nothing your dad had one of them when you were a little like that's why I wanted one we stab one up in the in our old kitchen yeah and you can touch it pet it and it would just close up hey Kane come here did you do that you did in yeah you didn't get orange stuff all over the door me so you telling me you have nothing to do with that you should see this kids hands look at this I put these wheels on you're gonna ride you promise all right you would not get on this thing yesterday so let's see I'll put the wheels back on it's dirtbike lessons 101 you're doing awesome you just let go on going too fast right now we're going running speed good job yeah bond to the handlebars there you go good job nice and easy nice and easy no give me five you did it I'm gonna eat with that on how you gonna put food in your mouth like that just gonna put it up under your helmet all right I gotta see this some crazy food going on here tip go out with household wings and pizza Cain Cain once the is food through his helmet let him try I'm just see how difficult it is I'm glad you did I'll be right back this is Dale sweet friggin go-kart that he built by himself from scratch he willed his butt back in what 2005 a first welding project ever and he he literally built them it's so awesome and I remember you building this it I've really only done one upgrade and that's the giant tires that had tires on the back that size these are off and put the big dogs on a minute I got Todd following behind every year he does a fish tank Todd the guy that works on my aquarium also the guy you guys always say takes care of your fish tank while you're gone he does everything I don't touch that tank he does everything we're going to get fireworks he does a big once a year fourth of July no smoking Oh guys we screwed up man you remember I always come here there's nobody here is busy busy yeah Kate they got food here holy crap I'm not sure it's that time my friends what would you just say flame involves anything with flaming balls shoot flaming balls we've got to have it a lot of dude everyone's nice oh dude this is our showroom dude you don't make enough money that's what you get right here this snakes and sparklers that's what I like this is it we're gonna check out right there holy crap that's gonna be good that's more like it thanks dude always hooking it up always hooking how are we gonna get this in that car though you got to help me for real I got rope is this how you treat my van yeah this is how you treat this is the original white work man right here this is it Todd bought it a while back this is the doctor come on in check Brett my first date in this band as always huge shout-out to phantom for hooking us up listen guys phantom I hope you listening to this I want my own smile more firework nothing cheesy either I want a big one that shoots big smiley faces called thus mom I see the names of these fireworks why not the smile more Roman Atwood smile more I want my own listen to me call me just left there we got a bunch of cool stuff you guys will be with me you taking me along on the 4th when we like all this stuff last year was crazy hopefully this year here's a little smoother but they're not maybe it's fun for you guys but doesn't just so smooth what's up dude get your boots on what do you mean take them these chairs in it's his fourth third know I don't know I just walked into a mountain of confusion oh we found a home for the chairs that's what you're saying yeah these chairs they were did you tell her we've been washing them outside all week with the rankings nice I see our trash pandemic hasn't changed we uh I didn't tell you guys in the blog either somehow whether the building company anyone find a new account number or anything I guess Mia bill she can't figure out how to get trash picked up focus focus here we go I cannot believe they can't just drive in a frickin dirt bike I am super super happy we found homes for these I mean they're actually still nice I just need a little cleaned up a sloppy mix Lobster look at that sunset yeah well it's going down so fast well that's a whole nother it's a whole nother stupid trees hang on we'll get a better one up here oh it's really pretty it looks nuts to this tent the window go say hi to Zeus me too come on stop by Brittany's mom we're gonna go say hi to our puppy this is how you know Zusi lives here dun dun dun I don't know if I ever told you guys this but when we had to be out in LA a lot we needed a home / Zeus because he wasn't getting enough attention and we felt awful about it Britney's mom agreed to take Zeus as long as I built a fence on her property so we built this entire fence and it goes all the way around her house just for Zeus Zeus you're like doubling in size every time I see you dude look at your gut oh hi Paul hi bull but I don't think we've ever told him the story about Bo either how's your mom end up with all the animals when I used to work the Rope factory you brought him to the factory as a little puppy trying to get me to take regardless now she's got Bo she's got Zeus which is a handful huh nee get down on all fours beside him in front of him look at that are you kidding me oh he's happy a bit loose drop it good boy oh he actually let Bo take it Wow drop it drop it you don't listen like Zeus does Zeus sit oh he still remembers his commands sit stay stay Oh watch out Caine it's gonna get ugly daddy long leg see look if they lose a leg they can grow another one get the idea that he wants to pull their lair we're not gonna pull their leg off but they can grow new legs doesn't happen immediately but that's cool right yeah that's really cool actually there's just no lightning bugs out tonight buddy it's too cold eat do you think they would come out if they wore sweaters yeah maybe they just need some sweaters guys we get some sweaters out here for the bugs all right guys while I was at the fireworks I got these you seen this little poppers that you throw in a pop my dad these are like those but they're like on crack they're huge let me show you but in your hair I told you I was gonna pop no you have to it has to make contact like a missile so loud you know those you know those little things you throw on pop little white yeah these are like upgraded they're like little sticks of TNT look at these look at them I'm not gonna do it yeah I want to I want to I want to show them actually this is what they are all you do is drop them there he's so old all right guys we do got a run we love you so much thanks for watching I don't know what today's vlog was even about it was very jumbled we had the family over usually in the families over I tend not to grab the camera too much it's it's a bad habit I should be pulling out my blood we're out here we're getting out we got to get to the airport in the morning and then we're flying out for work and flying back it's gonna be a very quick train you're gonna fall yeah one day falling I'm gonna go get some face paint this week for the super face paint off face paint store we love you guys yeah anything it gets right now well and use for yup there he goes that's it guys thanks again we love you keep a big smile on your face your awesome smile whatever I cook for people whenever I cook for people on the grill I take pride on my cooking always asking how it is what do you guys think
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,392,549
Rating: 4.9394064 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, atwood, roman, family friendly, LA, Born, roman atwood vlogs, columbus, ohio, more, prankster, vlog, everyday, kid-friendly, vlogs, Natural, Prankster, GREATEST, THE, BEST, new, pranks, pranking, family fun, smile, craziest, family vlogs, vlogging, crazy, vlogger, RomanAtwood, movie, daily, family-friendly, prank, making, Romans, day
Id: iYdo4ZgxgOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2015
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