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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of super goo bar Sunday this you guys think this is a special morning just because it's super duper sunny but this is how every morning starts every morning he crawls all over us Arnie crawls lays down he's a little wiggle worm when he's ready to get up we have to get up and he has he's told us now that he wants to get up so guys today is going to be a full day in the life of Cooper Dakota but this time it's gonna be in 360 degrees it's gonna be awesome I'm really excited about this so you guys don't know if you're on a desktop what you have to do is just kind of like click and drag on the video and you can look left and right and up and down and all kinds of stuff like that if you're on a cell phone I'm pretty sure you do the same thing if you swipe with your finger or you can actually turn the camera and look up and down and stuff like that if you move your phone you can see different parts of the video so the quality is not going to be as good as a normal super uber Sunday but it's still pretty solid for a 360 camera and this is by no means how all future Super Sunday is gonna be we just thought it'd be fun I just found a new 360 camera well show you guys a dandelion of Cooper and Kota in 360 kook come here oh yeah are you ready to start the day is it gonna be a good day are you really excited do you want your property you know to start the day here we go good boy can you catch it oh we're over 1 but that's not like it start here we go we're gonna try it again yeah - that's not too bad so this is about how every single morning starts he crawls all over us Wiggles around looks us that sort of thing I'm always the first one out of bed I'm always excited to get down start recording so I get out of bed Chelsea all hang out from like 20 to 30 minutes just loving on him cuddling him that sort of thing and you guys will see pretty much as soon as I leave the room and he completely replaces me so normally when we were both in the bed he'll be down towards the end where he is right now if I'm gone he just completely sits on my pillow and gets all up in my space so we'll see what happens I'm gonna see you guys later I'm gonna go work good morning you took my spot didn't you gonna play that's okay that's a good boy so that's how the board it goes then as soon as he's ready to get up and both he and Chelsea get out of bed it's potty time we've really got to go party this morning [Music] [Music] it's a long one buddy who's ready so after potty breaks comes a breakfast and this is where the day really gets started at these guys both love their food it's so here we go we're gonna fill these bowls up boy you do spins for breakfast are you face Klan we go there's kodai's there's Cooper's boys [Music] obviously exercise is a major part of every dog's life you've got to take them out walk them play with them run them that sort of thing we like to make it fun sometimes and we love going to the park we've got a nice little local park that has big open areas to run and play and fetch it all kinds of stuff like that so that's what we're going to be doing today not to mention that on the way home sometimes we like to stop and pick up some puppy ice cream so we'll see how this goes Chelsea is getting the boys ready good boy Kota are you guys ready you ready to go to the park we're gonna go for a fun ride here we come go go go go go go to the truck to the truck to the truck go come here to the truck we're going in the truck come on good boy good boy good boy get in there Kota this is always my favorite part go you got this [Music] [Music] tell us would you like to hold the camera please you for life can you taste the excitement coming off of his breath I can taste something I can taste it in the air it smells like a hot stinky dog breath in here just a nice nice family day nice family day at the park here guys so part of this park there's still a lot of debris from the hurricane it came through a couple months ago and part of it still closed off because they took like all the down tree limbs and debris and stuff and dumped it in this park and that's the part we normally go to so we're gonna be kind of on a hunt for a a new spot but you guys can see we do have lots of open area looks like some people are playing soccer over there we aren't gonna mess with them today coop you hear that all right family I think we made it we're in a nice little open spot I don't see too many squirrels or anything that we can get distracted by coop you got some grass on your nose oh you just ate it okay that works too Kota I know you're probably not all that excited to be here but we're gonna have fun I'll chase you around a little bit so we brought a couple of cool little toys guys looked down you can see that I got a frisbee which is Cooper's newest favorite thing as well as we have a little tennis ball launcher so those are two toys for coop Kota doesn't really like toys he doesn't like fetch or anything like that so we're just gonna run with them and it should be a fun little exercise session [Music] [Music] he's already tired that was about 20 seconds go boy Koda good boy all right I'm gonna take him over to the shade and then it's gonna be coops turn my right wild child are you ready for frisbee man he is so excited about this here we go you ready coop you ready [Music] [Music] good boy bring you back your breakfast but your back bring you back that's a good boy coop are you tired was that a good workout was that a good workout buddy good boy Koda what do you think are you just chillin this is his favorite thing in the world to just sit here in the shade got a breeze we've got all the smells good boy it's just so funny how one never quits and one is quitting in two seconds good boy all right what do you guys say I think we worked up a pretty good pretty good sweat here we're both panting pretty hard I say let's let's go get a frozen treat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the place we normally go to get them a little treat is either Starbucks for a pup cup which is just whipped cream in a cup or sometimes we'll take him to this Italian ice place and the Italian ice place is closed right now they don't open for another half-hour so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna run into Freddie's here and we're gonna get them at two small vanilla ice creams now dogs can't have the simple flavors like vanilla obviously ice cream isn't the best thing in the world for you so it's not something you should do regularly but we decided we can make this an extra special day and these boys are gonna get some legitimate ice cream it's Elwha Freddie's drive through it here we come this is this is weird 11:50 a.m. yeah can we have two small vanillas please in a cup I think that you think Freddie's monument mati order whenever your uh hi can I just get two small vanilla ice creams and cups please thank you I'm gonna get out of your way no she doesn't like you Oh rude but no kisses were hurt what about for me don't wait for the icing boy oh we got your I think yeah thanks have a good dad just relax even though this is the dog toting sand on your feet at the beach wearing dog hair everywhere truck I don't think we should eat ice cream in it no I'm gonna say we should probably wait till we get home so we're gonna head on home we'll see you guys when we get there all right it's ice cream time so we're gonna bring this outside because I know it's gonna get messy I'm gonna set you guys down right here there we go come here this one's yours good boys yummy yummy I don't know what you guys think Koda I know you're not gonna be involved in this but I'm thinking that after running around getting sweaty getting all hot I think we might have to take a 360 swim how do you feel about that Joss how do you feel about having two wet boys today is a pretty I wouldn't say Chile but it's like it's in the 60s for Florida which is kind of chilly for here it's been like that for like a week now so the water is really really cold it's like that cold where as soon as you jump in your entire body numbs up but it OOP look where I'm going coop look where I'm going here he comes big cups go well coop and I are having our fun water activities the Chelsea is over here just brushing co Dakota what do you think about this you enjoy this is this your outside activity for the day this is what you like look at the size of the fluff that is coming out of your butt that came out of your booty okay I feel like we were playing that how many licks does it take to get to the center how many shaves does it take to get kotas booty fluff out you got a big booty dude there he goes oh we got it [Music] [Music] all right cool to end off the spectacular puppy day we're not doing more swimming and we've got to get it back so the lake is awesome we love the lake but sometimes the water stinks a little bit it stinks right now which means you get stinky dogs in they swim in it so we're gonna give him a bath you stay there and then I don't know if you guys can make it out but right on the other side of me kotas down there on the dock just lounging that's probably where he's gonna spend the most the most of his night here so it's bath time nope no swim in that's somebody what you're doing down here you don't have to move I'm just coming down to say hi so I don't know if you guys can see it but they're all these little fish here we need to you know like come out and pull these weeds but usually the lake is super super clear and you can see all these little fish swimming around and that's what he likes to stand out here and look at don't you buddy you see them and we have some pretty big fish we get like you know 12 14 inches stuff like that so he's got some big ones that he likes to watch if he hour goes in the little ones like a little minnows and stuff like to swim through his tail so all right guys I think that is a very successful super Cooper Sunday that was a lot of fun technically the day is not over yet but there's really nothing too exciting that's gonna happen from here on out you guys saw the post breakfast wrestling we're probably gonna have some early evening wrestling then we're gonna eat dinner then we'll probably like kind of hang out cuddle stuff like that and then go to bed so you guys aren't missing much but so that's that's what a pretty average day looks like I wouldn't say we swim everyday or kayak everyday but that's a fairly average day in the life of a dog in 360 so hopefully guys enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching we are gonna see you guys next week we're gonna be back with the normal type of episode and we'll see you guys there peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 685,172
Rating: 4.8632708 out of 5
Keywords: super, cooper, sunday, super cooper sunday, dog, puppy, video, videos, dog videos, puppy videos, cute dog videos, cute puppy videos, golden, golden retriever, great pyrenees, 360, 360 video, day in the life, day in the life dog, dog 360, dog 360 video
Id: 06T1rVq-cp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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