INCREDIBLE PALWORLD PATCH FIXES TONS OF ISSUES! Pals Won't Get Stuck - Palworld 0.1.4 Patch Notes

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another really good one that I feel like I need to immediately test oh that's that's surprisingly faster than I was expecting or hoping for and this is huge we got a patch for po World last night and the patch notes show some promising changes a lot of them focused on base issues but instead of being lame and boring and just reading the patch notes and going yeah that's cool that they fixed it I want to go and investigate to see what was fixed and what was not fixed or how all of this is interacting because I built my base very poorly um I was thinking like oh if I just have a giant storage crate here that's kind of like centralized for all of the resource Gathering Boom the wood and the transport all here will be nice and perfect except no because Pals would hop up on here and then get stuck and then like a lot of weird stuff would happen and it looks like this issue hasn't been solved so I'm probably just going to submit a ticket through the game like hey the uh pal storage crate Pal's just pop up on it and then they get stuck and they stop transporting so that hasn't been fixed however I also want to just kind of see like what bad situations I could create for my base and if anything has gotten better there so it looks like flying Pals don't get stuck in the trees anymore cuz I would usually just like that's the crazyy thing you want a flying pal for transport or like a bird pal the problem is they like get stuck in the trees or stuck on the mining and their transporting gets bad but it seems like that was one of the things that was fixed a little bit in the patch notes uh for the most part if a pal gets hungry it'll just like teleport to the feeding area and and then like try to go back and resume its work flare is just kind of hanging around I guess he might be on break so yeah very complex system so it's going to take a little bit to be like fully fleshed out but at this time things are definitely functioning better it just means like oh you might have to move a few things around if they're still broken but at least it's going to be easier to make them work with the pals seems to be my thing also just don't use the giant storage crate because still still pretty buggy it seems also I think some pals are still having issues if you put like a fence next to the Border because they want to like wander just outside of the range and then they kind of get stuck on something like this uh sometimes I'll just immediately like teleport to the feeding if they get too hungry or they'll eventually fix themselves yeah some some issues still happening which just like Pal's wandering around getting themselves stuck and we we'll talk about that when we get into the patch notes a bit more one thing I did want to check is also another base so I cleared out like the resources I'm going for in that base I want to see like did they make it to where things will work AFK not really so I I I don't know how you solve that one just yet or if like the devs are working on that cuz I think if you have a multiplayer like if you have a multiplayer session but just you playing single player then all the bases will stay loaded and all the pals will work and that's kind of the fix for it but if you're doing purely single player yeah it doesn't seem seem like work is actually done so then the there'll be like rocks that go on mind and stuff like that also um these Anubis have been stuck transporting on this patch for a while so that kind of seems like an issue maybe it just happened with the update so I'm going to do is pull them out and then put them back back in and maybe that's going to fix the issue and then they won't get stuck there again it's like little bits of sticky things still happening all right so I'm going to let some things around the background and see if there's any other issues with the pal but while that's happening we can actually go through the patch notes major fixes fixed an issue where the game would crash under certain conditions all right game Crash fixes uh I didn't know this was a thing fixed an issue where if another player's pal base pal had 30% hit points or less it could be captured by using a sphere good that that's fixed PVP isn't in the game yet we don't have like some kind of PVP sphere yet fix an issue where enemy Pals would get stuck in walls due to charge attacks that makes sense this also because I haven't done like insane multiplayer I I wouldn't know about a lot of these things implemented the first fix for an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the Guild's total number of Pals captured reached 7,000 the game no longer crashes even if the total number exceeds 7,000 however save data that has been in the state prior to this update is still unable to load but they are working on a fix for this permanently yes this is a huge one added support for Mouse side keys and numeric keypad and keyboard configuration further improvements are currently planned for interact key configurations well actually I got to go and set that up right now because I like using my little gamer buttons so what I like doing is I like changing Crouch to one of my mouse buttons and then I like putting roll on the other Mouse button so we'll see how that looks and then they did change a couple other things that don't look like you can change the direct control for them because now instead of picking up a pal it's not F it's the V key which is really nice so that means you don't accidentally interact with anything or you don't accidentally like hop on your pal you can just pick up with v now yeah I like having crouch on the mouse because it's easier to like keep my movement going and then Crouch and do strategic stuff or like combat roles especially and then if you want to do the tech where you actually do the slide downhill that's actually a lot easier and more accessible so pretty nice I like that change fixed initi where players on dedicated servers were receiving damage twice specifications have been changed so you can move at extremely low speed even when you have exceeded the weight limit that's also another really good one that I feel like I need to immediately test because in a lot of games unless you have like super duper extreme encumbrance you could still walk in some amount oh that's that's surprisingly faster than I was expecting or hoping for and this is huge this also means that you're not like forced to use a grappling gun and depending on your state of the game like you just have the basic grappling gun that's really bad you're not just like completely stuck moving like three Ines every couple of seconds but with this it means like you can actually transport massive amount of stuff across your base even if you're super duper over the weight limit that's amazing that's very nice also while reading the patch notes it looks like we still have a few issues I'm wondering if a lot of these can be fixed by oh the pal was already out before the update so if you just kind of pull it in and bring it back out that'll like fix most of the issues cuz now it's going to have the better AI interaction so yeah um we're going to see how that works out players will no longer pass through walls when dismounting I guess that's another thing we got to test because it's really easy to make happen especially if you have some like a jet dragon how many times do this happen to you oh a m shaft just pretend there's a m shaft here I'm going to Dismount oh wow nice and then put you like straight into the climbing animation that can still leave some Jank inside of caves yeah it would it would just shove you straight into that wall and then you'd have to like find some gamer movements to get out or you'd have to like recast your pal and then glitch your way back through the wall yep we're fine awesome fixed an issue where capture Power strengthened by life monk figs was reset when using memory reset drugs this happened on stream because I got the drugs from like killing love Ander I was like yo I put everything into weight for the early game but now that I'm maxed out I don't have to worry about waight let's immediately reset and then by the time we had the Ser or the stream delay everyone no don't do it it resets and then I lost everything now the capture power has not been restored but at least it won't be reset so you don't accidentally just get bodied by that uh fixed an issue where armor could be equipped in the wrong slot I knew about this but we don't cheat on this channel we don't glitch we don't exploit because obviously it's going to get patched and that means it's cheating because it's completely unintended and it gives you an advantage in the game so what you could could do is you could actually take from the slot and then move it over onto an armor so what it used to be is just that like that simple and as you can see they hard locked it out now so you can actually wear like all the heat resistant armor in one slot or like heat resistant armor here cold resistant on the body and then whatever defense pendant and be like super cracked so actually that's going to make it harder for some people to play because they were crutching on needing like an extra 400 defense and weather resistances I actually wonder how many people knew about that glitch but it got fixed so yeah they are responding to a lot of the bug reports even some of the niche ones that's really nice and then just giving us quality of life like the uh encumbrance adjusted camera positions of several Pals to make it easier to see when mounted oh is that going to be like just another super awesome one because jet dragon had a really bad problem to where if you try to scope in and use its ability it would just like put you inside of it and then you couldn't see anything yo the quality of life yo the game is functioning but this is only 0.1.4 we're not even 0.2 yet for Early Access game's going great then we go into the base issues specifications have been changed that Pals who are manually assigned to a breeding Farm will not become hungry and their manual assignments will not be removed okay that's huge that speeds up breeding massively but it also makes sense because if they're eating cake they shouldn't be hungry and then they're getting all their breeding stuff so yeah that's actually really awesome and people were complaining about that on my breeding guide where it's like hey I can't get Pals to stay in they'll just like find a new assignment or they'll get stuck or they'll eat or something it just seems too slow so huge breeding changes uh the key to lift pal has been changed reduce the speed and range of fire spreading on wooden buildings yeah that was like some Minecraft Alpha stuff on how fast bases were being destroyed by certain raids or Pals make your base out of stone kids fixed an issue where manual work assignments could not be set at all under certain circumstances I haven't tested this one like fully to see what was fixed and what wasn't because it's mostly just something that happens where like please assigned to this assigned to the not the rock the all right it's just wandering off back to the mining station I guess it's just bricked so hopefully that fixes most of the issues and now you can just throw a pal on a thing and it'll work and it's only going to get better as we get into more updates fixed an issue where extremely high level Rel Laurus would attack the base during raids o that sounds like not fun uh several measures to prevent base Pals from getting stuck so this is kind of like the big one and there's still going to be more measures there's still going to be stuff my observation like I said is it seems like they teleport to the feeding basket if like something goes kind of wrong but they can still get stuck on certain objects and I'm going to submit a bug report for that one fixed an issue where Pals would get stuck while transporting items and drop them on the spot we just saw that happen with that uh grass pal so again maybe resetting it that's not going to happen again maybe it's still a little bit of an issue issue again early access this game is this game functions way too well for an early access game it's almost a polished release and actually has about the same amount of issues as a AAA full release of a game so it's doing great I'm not trying to like when it's like oh look at that that's still broken that's not like a hard criticism that's actually just me testing the current state of the game and the patch fixed an issue where Pals at the base would continue to cut down trees that were already cut yeah that's a problem but now it's no longer a problem and also the thing is a lot of my janky bases I've either rebuilt or removed or like relocated or something so I can't hard test or like hard observe these things but it's like oh yeah I had that issue if that's no longer a problem great great that it's solved fixed an issue where Pals at the base were on the verge of death due to unexplained falling damage that happened a lot where you're just wonderand around it's like how are you incapacitated yeah just falling damage something something getting stuck fixed an issue where Pals of the base would float under some conditions so I'm pretty sure that's when like you just look up it's like hey buddy what you doing up there that's not good so like just some random stuff like that and then that could also lead to problems but that seems to be fixed very nice and then fix an issue where if a farm was built on second floor above work Pals be unable to move on the floors below that's yeah I see I didn't I did not want to take the pathing and working of how these Pals interact and then try to add that and like oh yeah the the farming station is up in the second floor of the house good luck have fun n and then just some other stuff minor fixes UI key guide measures have been added to prevent cheating bro it's it's crazy po World already caring more about cheating than Pokemon company this is why po world's winning corrected in correct text boom yeah awesome and then last thing I wanted to check was how the pals were interacting in the other base I wonder if this has been like addressed by the devs on the Discord even though I think it should be like a big announcement where it's like hey Pals for working are not working when like outside of a base or something but it really only seems to be an issue with mining bases or like things that aren't workstations because the stone these Anubis were mining the entire time I was doing the patch notes same thing for this geran tide was setting up the palum fragments so I think it like simulates everything on the base that is like built and attached to the base but it doesn't simulate you know picking up loose things on the ground or mining the ores that spawn in the world I don't know if that's intended I don't know if that has like a plan fix or if they're going to like start once the game gets more optimized it can actually dedicate memory and resource allocation to doing this while you're away from the base and again it seems to function in multiplayer like the entire base is loaded and all that still runs so I've had times where I come back to a base I'm like hey I've got thousands of ore and coal but then recently it just seems like yeah that doesn't function but all the other processing and stuff does so if you want want to have a mining base going you want everything to be mined and then you want to have everything get processed before you leave while you're waiting for that 30 40 minute interval where everything is respawning also it looks like transport pals are still only grabbing one thing at a time I'm going to put that in my issue report as well but there we go guys patch notes looking good love of the issues either completely fixed or functioning better and the game experience is going to be much better overall so if you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 2,955
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Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Patch Notes, Palworld 1.4, Palworld Update, Palworld 1.4 Update, Palworld 1.4 Patch Notes, Palworld Glitches, palworld review, palworld pokemon, Palworld news, Palworld update, palworld roadmap, palworld gameplay, New pals, Palworld bosses, palworld glitches, new palworld, pocketpair, gaming, Pokemon, video games, gameplay, palworld new, verlisify, palwolrd pathing issue, Palworld 0.1.4, Patch notes palworld, update palworld, palworld update
Id: dHaP86uGzFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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