What Are You looking For | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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[Music] let's say that one time one more time the quality of my life is greatly determined by who's in it and secondly by how I manage the ones that are part of it in other words the people that are allowed to occupy space in my life can contribute to me experiencing abundant life or the people that occupy space in my life can contribute to my life being an agitating one because the course and the quality of our life is greatly impacted by those who are a part of it but when I look at the litany of scriptures that are contained in biblical texts regarding the reality of the relationships I see a picture being painted of possibility that we should all passionately pursue I see in Scripture specifically in the Song of Solomon I see that kingdom relationships have the potential to be fruitful they have the potential to be flourishing and they have the potential to be fulfilling everybody say fruitful fruitful meaning that there is something produced as a result of our union that would not be produced if we hadn't got together then I'm a movement by myself [Applause] but I'm a force when we're together I'm a movement by myself but baby you you make me better I'm loving it one of the mothers of my church say yes go ahead go ahead go ahead someone say fruitful yet that that that our connection gives us more than company but that our connection allows and enables us to produce things to be productive in ways that we would not be productive if we hadn't come together it's it's when the when an individual is an asset in your life and not just the liability I see that I see that in scriptures I see that as a possibility I see that as God's intent for us his Cayden land for our relationships I see in the Song of Solomon is not only fruitfulness I see flourishing I see people that are with each other who actually want to be I see people who are with each other who feel like they're operating at some degree of a deficit when they're away from each other I see people who are sad when they leave when someone leaves but excited when they come back not excited when they leave and sad when someone comes back flourishing there's there's vitality there's veracity there's the unexplainable in communicable it factor is just you just feel it we just flowing we're just you and to me and I'm into you and I know you more and I don't love you less it's flourishing but but then you also see fulfilling right that there is that there that there are deficits that are no longer deficits because you occupied space in my life it means that this person becomes the person that God chooses to use to address issues in my life that were not addressed before you got there it's full full feeling um full filled I'm full filled so I'm not thirsty because I don't want to be in a relationship and still thirsty I'm full and I'm filled I'm full of affirmation I'm full of affection I'm full and filled of love we shouldn't be in relationships and still operating or we don't have to be in relationships and still operating with deficits is its fulfillment that comes through a person someone may say well pastor God fulfills my every need absolutely he does but there are some needs he fulfills directly and then their other needs he fulfills indirectly is that not what happened in the Garden of Eden God looks at Adam one who has the company of animals - he has the company of God and still says is not good for man to be alone because if all you have around you is God and animals you're lonely I'm not talking about animals literally come on talk to me somebody yeah God says even though I'm here there's something that Adam needs that's going to come in the form of a person it's gonna be full filled I see that picture this this is what I see in Scripture when it comes to the possibility of relationships I see it it becomes a space according to Genesis where you are uninhibited what does that mean it means that you don't feel like a politician in your own relationships where you have to measure every word where you have to spin every conversation where you're you have to tell half-truths because you can't tell the whole truth where you're walking on eggshells no it should be a place where you're uninhibited what you are unashamed well this is the one place in space in the world the one person with whom I know I can experience the manifestation of God's unconditional love that this is the person that loves me flaws and all and it should be the place where I'm able to be undeniably authentic that this is the one person that really accepts me for me is it's not my job because the job is simply the exchanging of gifts and if I did not bring my gift that would be no relationship it's transactional it's not covenant yeah I'm still come on even this relationship you love me but it's transactional it's transactional you love me but it's transactional when I you you here you here because of a transaction I use my gift to serve the body yes but but the person you sharing your life with it should be covenant oh not transactional it's the one place where you're able to be your authentic self this is who I am and this is the one place I don't have to be anyone other than who God made me to be right that is that is a picture of possibility it is scriptural however it is not very often the reality that if we assess honestly the relationships in culture and relationships among many Christians than what you would discover that their life's partner for many not all but for many that that's not the person that they feel like they can be authentic uninhibited and unashamed with if you ask many people in culture and song and Christian context who that person is they're gonna tell you it's my best friend they're gonna tell you I really feel less judged with my best friend then I do my life's partner they'll probably tell you my best friend knows me better than my spouse hmm why because it is almost as if we have all in culture and in Christianity becomes so domesticated with the world's vantage point that we actually settle for relationships that are not bad as long as it's not bad we're good how y'all doing we good what does that mean not bad does that make sense but we don't realize we have the power in the person and the presence of the Holy Spirit that transforms us internally we've got the principles of God that guide us on how everything in the universe works and so so we've got biblical principles that guide us on how things work we got the person of the Holy Spirit that changes us on the inside yet we will be satisfied with a relationship in which we don't argue what's that well we're not arguing so I'm fine we have lowered the bar and said why do we need the person of the holy spirit and the principles of Scripture just to have relationships that aren't bad why because God's promises require our participation because just like Israel in the Old Testament one of the things that you'll see I want you to catch this is when they try to occupy the land that God promised for them they had to overthrow the obstacles because there is no possessing of God's promises without addressing the obstacles that are in the way and we must be willing to fight to occupy the quality of relationships that God has available to us we've got to be willing to overthrow insecurity and envy and selfishness and pride and tradition and perspectives we've got to be willing to conquer those enemies of God's best for our relationships if we want fruitful flourishing and fulfilled which is God's promise we have to follow God's path because you can't get God's results without going God's route proverbs 14:12 says this please please please pay attention here there's a way that appears to be right see there's a way that appears to be right when it comes to our relationships and this is powerful why pastor Darris why you mentioned in this I'm mentioning this I'm getting ahead of myself I'm talking about it in our next lesson I'm mentioning this because just because two people are Christians doesn't mean they have a Christian relationship right and and I think that's that's that's the myth that's the the inaccurate ideology that many of us operate with we assume that if both of us love Jesus and love each other then our relationships will be fruitful flourishing and fulfilling absolutely not because just because there are two Christians in a relationship that mean they have a Christian relationship the question is what way are you relating because there's a way that seems right so the question is not only both Christian the question it's beyond our we both Christian not that that's not important it's beyond that the question is what way are we managing our relationships because there are pastors and first ladies that don't have Christian relationships that there are deacons and Deaconess that don't have Christian relationships because because it's it's about not just how we worship God but also the way that we relate to each other how do you relate to me how do you treat me how do I treat you cuz we can be Christian and I have a Christian relationship so the question is how do we get from here to there if you at the before you do stage if you're the at the after you did stage what what do I need to put in place to help me it's important because everybody's saying God's principles are the path to God's promises say it again say God's principles are the path to God's promises okay so now I want to share this with you to get you fruitful flourishing and fulfilling who got to follow God's principles and the first principle oh oh is the principle of choice quite often the course and the quality of your life is greatly determined by who's in it and it also discovers that you can't have a good relationship with a bad pig well sometimes we just need help and if that's you just log on to www.mptv.org/outdoorwisconsin a handy companion resource guide to help you as you walk through this amazing sermon series and it's all available right now at darius Daniel's dad calm the principle of choice everybody say choice matters see it's hard to have a good relationship with a bad pick and in Christian context we have to be more truthful with you and communicate to you that the picked matters you resemble pastor doesn't God pick for me absolutely not no God picks for me no he does not pastor God picks God pick II no he didn't he made her wait a minute [Applause] he made her he shaped her he molded her he developed her he fashioned her so that she was right for Adam so that she was would Adam needed come on he developed her and then he presented her and Adam had a choice whether or not he would choose what was made for him because all throughout scripture God encourages his people to choose what he wants for them if you look at Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 you'll see this you'll see God says I called the heavens and earth as a witness to you this day he's talking to Israel he says I've set before you life death blessings and curses choose life I'm presenting but you have to choose does that make sense y'all does that make sense okay now because this is a biblical principle it's not necessarily going to be the way culture approaches relationships so when you manage your relationships this way you have to be okay understanding that most people are not going to understand your logic and understand why you are spiritually selective when it comes to who you engage with watch this because some of you have the revelation that God would rather you deal with the pain of loneliness than the pain of brokenness everybody say choice matters now this this truth may not be extremely eye-opening for many of us because we know choice matters I think the quandary for us is how do I choose and if many of us will be honest we've learned experientially that we need divine assistance in choosing some of you may have a great track record in your choices but others of us we are emotionally healthy enough to honestly assess our past picks and say I need God okay where's the real section in the house today say pastillas I'm healthy enough to be honest that I look back at some of the people I was with and I'm confused myself I'm like let me go to this side over here I'm confused myself I look in the mirror say now what was I thinking yeah I don't need anybody ask me that I ask myself what was [Applause] see I need God's help you see God presented Eve to Adam right and Adam picked who got picked for him he picked her over the animals he picked who got that pick for him but see he made the right pick because he was in the right place he was in Eden which is a metaphor for unbroken Communion and fellowship with God you see you make bad picks when you in bad places that's why when you're at a bad place in your life that's not the time to make a pit because if you're in a bad place you'll pick somebody that's suitable for that bad place but when you grow into a place of help and wholeness you may look at a person who was good for you that when you were broken but not good for you now that you're whole you like I was supposed to be with them he's like no they were supposed to be with you for a season to help you get out of that season but now that you got some sense now that you know who you are now that you're not suffering from rejection and brokenness and low self-esteem and emptiness and insecurity now that you have your wits about you you it's hard to make a good kick when you're in a bad place this is why you must reject the rebound philosophy let me just rebound the the discernment is off hard to make a good pic in a bad place someone say I need God's help yeah I need God say in who I'm seeing I need God say in who I'm seeing well I can't choose by myself why cuz even if I'm able to make an appropriate choice for this season in my life life changes people in ways you can't predict and so even if someone is suitable for this season life may happen if sickness happens to them what kind of person do they become on the other end of sickness if if something if something that's not catastrophic happens to them if if unexpected unexplainable success happens to them how does that change them well family listen it is my privilege I mean that to be able to have this opportunity to share God's word with you and I hope it is adding value to your life you know my heart beats for change that's that's what I'm about I'm about life change not just moral modification not just God improving our morals but God actually changing our life and when you deal with life the quality of your life is directly connected to the quality of your relationships and when it comes to relationship decisions besides making a decision to come into relationship with Jesus Christ the most important relationship decision you will ever make is who you choose to spend the rest of your life with and it's important to know what you're looking for I hope this teaching bless you I hope this series bless you we play a majority of the messages here on the air but believe that spiritual resources are like medicine it is important to have them in the cabinet when you need them and I pray that you'll do the same I want to encourage you right now right now not to wait I would encourage you right now to get this resource into your library some of you may not need it for your life but maybe as you are hearing this teaching today you started thinking about friends family and co-workers who need to get this revelation before they start making consequential relationship decisions the numbers on the screen you can call that number my team wants to get this right out to you or you can go right online and you can get it right now whatever format you choose you can have it downloaded in a matter of minutes in addition to that what I've come up with and what I've put together is a resource guide that I want you to get into your hands and what it does is it takes every message and it allows you to practically pull out the point and to engage in exercises with yourself or your significant other so you know how to put the word into practice don't just be a doer of the word but be a hero also I want you to get this message I believe it's going to revolutionize your life and we're able to bring this message to you wherever you are in the world because of the prayers and the partnership of a group of people called change parties and I want to invite you to be a part of that spiritual family that's what it is we're a family and we have a commitment to bless those who bless this ministry we believe that's God's Way of manager relationships it's reciprocity and we want you to be a part of the spiritual family if you're being blessed by this we want you to bless the thing that's a blessing you if your support is what allows us - come on and to stay on the air and we need it so you want to sign up today and be a change partner - wage you can call this number on the screen we'd be glad to walk you through it or you can go right to our website and I want you to sign up today because I want to put this change partner packet in the mail to you immediately I'm telling you you you want this I believe it's gonna be an amazing blessing to you thank you so much in advance I just believe God is speaking to so many of you and prompting and impressing on your heart to partner with what he is doing in this ministry we love yourself so much you know we also feel like God is giving us a mandate of multiplication and that is to multiply the churches that I lead in different environments in different areas I feel called to do ministry in more than one place and we've been serving the northeastern New Jersey area for a long time over 12 years and we look forward to expanding our chance at enlarging our borders and in 2018 we're excited about bringing a church to Orlando Florida and we know many of you may be in that area or you know people in that area we want you to stay in the loop and in the note about what God is doing it's coming soon and some people are asking wins but we have very soft timelines so we're believing this year and we've got some benchmarks in terms of when we want to see certain things done but when we feel like it's ready it's ready and we'll launch it what we want you to be in the loop we've got some events that are gonna be coming up really soon we want you to be a part of it and there's an email on this screen I want you to send us an email and just tell us say I want to stay in the loop about what God is doing in Orlando and that way as we roll out events and different opportunities for you to be involved you'll be one of the first to know and if you're not a part would you commit to pray for it just pray that God would go before us that he would give us favor and that his will would be done we know we're responsible for obedience only God can control outcomes all right well I hope you're blessed by today's message will be back same time same station next week we love you until then take care quite often the course and the quality of your life is greatly determined by who's in it and it also discovers that you can't have a good relationship with a bad Pig well sometimes we just need help and if that's you just log on to www.mptv.org/outdoorwisconsin a handy companion resource guide to help you as you walk through this amazing sermon series and it's all available right now at darius daniels dot-com join us same time next week for another insightful and practical teaching from dr. darius daniels for additional information and resources visit us online at darius Daniel's comm and when you visit please consider partnering with our ministry as our mission is to take this life-changing message to all nations our desire is to reach that positively impact the masses with its life-giving Word of God however we can only do this with your dedicated support shall we thank you in advance and feel free to connect daily with dr. Daniels expanding social media family and become a part of an incredible banded lightning move of God so thank you for joining us today we'll see you next week for another our inspiring word from dr. Darius Daniels
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 109,474
Rating: 4.9072289 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Hillsong, levi lusko, rich wilkerson jr, pastor charles jenkins, judah smith, carl lentz, jentezen franklin, michan carter, keion henderson, pastor ron carpenter, a.r. bernard, dave ramsey, bill hybels, gary vee, tony robbins, chad veach, pastor matthew stevenson, elevation worship, bethel music, jesus culture, hillsong worship, elevation church, vous church
Id: xZiz-iyOK1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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