Moving On From The Life You Thought You Wanted Part 2

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[Music] all right well June chapter 1 verse 9 says but even the Ark Angel Michael when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said these words the Lord rebuke you this is the reading of God's Word I want to talk for a few moments from this topic today moving on from the life you thought you won't it part to if you're old school the remix if you're new school its continuation from last week family there is an aspect and an attribute of our eternal God that I'd like to offer up in this introduction it is an aspect of God's existence that is not overtly spiritual but it is uniquely important and that is amongst all other things God is a planner somebody say planner by that I'm simply suggesting that God does not act reactively or impulsively I'm arguing I'm contending that God is strategic intentional methodical in executing his intentions for his people and whatever is a surprise to you is not a surprise to him because God is a planner scripture corroborates this in the book of jeremiah chapter number 29 god burdens the heart of a prophet named jeremiah with the message for his peace a people that are experienced in exile they are oppressed they are suppressed they are depressed their life is unraveling they would dub and designate that season as the worst season in their life ripped from their homeland ripped from their religion ripped from their relationships and in the midst of what is seemingly the worst season of their life God gives a messenger a message for his people a message that is tailor-made for their situation a revelation that's going to bring them elevation God tells Jeremiah to tell people who are weeping wounded and worn for I know the plans I have for you he said you're crying but I have a plan you're upset but I have a plan you're confused but I have a plan you're disappointed but I have a plan you are hurting but I have a plan he didn't say we know he didn't say you know but he did say I know and when it's time for you to know I'll let you know but what you need to know is I've got a plan and I'm not going to tell you what the plan is but I am going to tell you what the plan does he says the plans I have for you will prosper you it may pain you in the present but it will prosper you in the future prosper you not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future isn't that exciting to know that in the midst of our misery that God the master has a plan because God is a planner the parting of the Red Sea was God executing a plan the falling of the walls of Jericho was God executing a plan the giving of the law was God executing a plan the Hebrew boys coming out of the fire furnace was God executing a plan Daniel coming out of the lion's den was God executing a plan the birth the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus was God executing a plan the Bible says that the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world which means that God created the answer before the devil created the problem did you hear what I just said God is a planner par excellence and when God makes provision for his people according to his plan there's a word we use in academic theological circles to describe it we call it Providence God's providence it's a synthesis of two words Pro video Pro means before video means to see God sees it before you see it he sees it before it happens and so he plans according to what he sees not according to what we see because we can see to the corner God can see around it we can see to the hill God can see over the hill we can see today God can see tomorrow and God plans based on what God sees it's the principle of perspective the principle of perspective where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do sometimes we don't understand what God's doing because we're not seeing what God seeing and we're not seeing what God seeing because we're not sitting where God sitting he sits high and looks low and when you sit high you got a different vantage point family God has plans for us the contention with what I'm communicating though is this is God's not the only one that has plans for us we have plans for ourselves I like this side today y'all I feel real over here I said we have plans for ourselves we have plans for ourselves we have we have plans right we talked about this last week we have expectations for our life some of those expectations are unspoken we haven't communicated them but we still expect them some of those expectations are unconscious we don't know we were expecting it until we didn't get it and then we got mad about it right how many know it's possible to not even know you were expecting a text from a certain person on your birthday until your birthday came and they ain't even text you you like wait a minute you ain't even text me I ain't actually to put nothing in the cash app I just asked you to text me and we can have expectations unconsciously about what our professional life should have been like in what we should be doing and how we should be doing it where we should be doing we can have expectations for our relational life like who we should have been with and where what state our relationship should have been in by now we can have expectations for our spiritual life and where we felt like we should be in what habits we should have overcome and what dysfunctional behaviors we should have divorced ourselves from now we all have these expectations but one thing I can tell you about expectations and one thing I can tell you about life is this expect the unexpected so a key and critical Kingdom life skill that every follower of Jesus must learn is the skill of learning how to manage and adjust when you face something you ain't see coming anybody in here in something right now you didn't see coming but because God is a planner part exelon and because God sits where we don't sit and sees what we don't see it's incredibly important to recognize when our plans conflict with God's plans to submit and to surrender and to master the art of moving on from the life we thought we wanted because God's plans for us are better than the plans we have for ourselves am i making sense alright and so I believe this text that we just read in the book of Jude is a text that can help us engage in that activity last week we taught you why we should move on from the life we thought we want it right today I want to talk about how to move on from the life we thought we wanted and this text in Jude can help us this text exposes us to an exchange between an angel named Michael and Satan and they have this hostile exchange because they're disputing over the body of Moses the Moses who led Israel out of Egypt and through the Red Sea and into the wilderness has passed away he's died and they are arguing Satan and an angel named Michael over Moses's dead body why is an angel and saying arguing over a dead body why are they engaged in a hostile exchange over someone who's not even alive I'm not even gonna bother that why is Satan so concerned with the man who's no longer breathing what is so significant about Moses that even when his time on earth has expired that Satan is so obsessed with him that even when he dies Satan is concerned with where he's place I want to live the kind of life where Sadie's concerned about me when I die [Applause] huh did you hear what I just said yeah because when you live a life that thinks generationally you are blessing people from the grave hallelujah not even alive and your words are still blessing people not even alive and your creations and your contributions are still blessing people not even alive and your generosity is still blessing people I want to be a problem for the Internet even when I am in my grave I want him to be obsessed listen to this they're disputing over the body of Moses because in Deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 5 and verse 6 it says something very interesting it says in Moses and the servant the servant of the Lord died in Moab just as the Lord said and and God bury him in Moab in the valley opposite of death pure but to this day no one knows where the grave is they know the city but they don't know the spot and herein is possibly the reason Satan and Michael were arguing over Moses body it's because God wanted to bury Moses in a spot where no one knew where he was Satan wanted to bury Moses in a spot where everyone knew where he was because Satan knew that it was highly likely that Israel would try to make a memorial out of Moses his grave some of them would even worship Him others of him others of them would be so attached to the memorial that they would stay stuck in the wilderness and not advance into Canaan because they would feel like moving on with Joshua is disrespectful to Moses did you hear what I just said here's the lesson we need to learn if we're going to move on from the life we thought we wanted Israel knew that Joshua was Moses his successor they knew Moses eventually was going to pass away they just didn't know when and so one day Moses this is how per believe Moses tells Israel listen I'm going on a walk with God Moses goes on the walk only God comes back he passes away and Israel gets no closure I'm trying not to run Israel gets no closure Moses don't no closure no why Lord no no closure go because one of the lessons we can learn from this part of the passage is if we're going to move on from the life we thought we wanted we must be willing to move on without closure we thought we need it some people are still some people are still stuck in the past because you're waiting on closure you're waiting on closure to move forward and what you have done is you have placed your future in the hands of someone who is probably unwilling to acknowledge the damage that they did in your past you must be willing to move on without anxious did you hear what I just said because many of us have questions about why did this happen and why did that happen and are they going to apologize and are they going to say that they're sorry but we must be willing to move on without closure we thought we needed God only gives closure when closure is necessary for you to move forward he does not give closure when the enemy wants to use closure to trap you your pass and to make you keep revisiting something God's trying to get you to bear it carry that table so that you can move on put it in the ground so that you can move until your future you don't need closure you just need a calling to get you from where you are into where you need to be your future is calling you and you're waiting on an apology your future is calling you and you're waiting on an explanation your future is calling you and you're waiting on answers to questions you don't need answers for got to be willing to move on without answers here it is God gives us answers to the questions we need answers to not the ones we want answers to and whenever you're dealing with seizes in situations where you got stuff that you don't know you got to lean on what you do know because what you do know makes up for what you don't know why did I go through this I don't know but I do know he works all things together somebody better come get me for my good and for his glory so instead of focusing on what I don't know I've learned to lean on what I do know why did I have to cry in that season I don't know but this is what I do know weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning why is everyone coming against me I don't know but this is what I do know no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up in judgment God will condemn instead of tripping about what we don't know we've got to lean into what we do know trust must be present when answers are absent and some people are stuck because they are waiting on answers I don't know why we had to go through what we had to go through I don't know why what happened happened I I don't know I don't know why but we must be willing to advance without answers and so I want to pull from this text for steps I think we can we can take to move on from the life we thought we wanted and number one here it is we must admit the emotion I believe one of the reasons Moses his body needed to be hidden was because Israel had an emotional attachment to someone who had served them well in a previous season they were in love with though someone who could take them no further did you hear me they were in love with someone that was unequipped for their future they were in love with someone whose attachment of who who was a asset for a season God had no intentions of them revisiting Moses represents a romanticized view of our past because we have emotional attachments to our romanticized view of what we thought life should be like when we think about the life we want we only think about the romanticized version of that when we think about if it's a professional dream we have ourselves we only think about the increased income and the increased influence and the increased exposure that's a romanticized view we don't think about the increased pressure the increased jealousy the less margin that we have the less free time that we have the stress and the pressure the volatility of that air space and I make insists is this romantic view we got to admit the emotion here it is because sometimes there is an emotional attachment to the life we thought we want it and when we want something real bad that feel like God it's got to be God because I want it so bad right this person got to be for me right pastor I know they're not a Christian oh yeah but I mean it's bad people in church already though right pastor I know I'm already unequally yoked but you know I mean it's bad people everywhere I know they not a Christian I know they don't really value me cuz they text me to strategically uh oh gosh I know this job is for me and the danger of being overly emotionally attached is when we are highly emotional in any way it impairs our discernment we don't think soberly like when we get super upset we will do things that we would not do if we were emotionally sober right if we get super sad we will do things that we would not normally do if we're emotionally sober if we get super low and we're feeling very low about ourselves and our esteem is bottomed out we'll be open to things we would not normally be open to if we were emotionally sober and one of the things that the enemy wants to do to destroy and disrupt our life is to get us to make important decisions when we are emotionally intoxicated and sometimes we are attached to something emotionally and we won't leave it because we think is God you like I want this so bad for me I know God want this for me God God told me he wants this for me I think maybe probably I don't know maybe just a little bit but I just believe he do you got to admit the emotion what does that do that increases your discernment and it allows you to ask a critical question is this you or is this me God is this you or is this me you gotta admit it you know God is calling me no justice fellas just take God out for a minute we're gonna bring him back let's just take him out for a minute so we could be honest you won't that don't you okay I lost all my realness right there huh I said let's take God out for a minute this something's like no I want this right yeah I want it you got to admit that emotion because if not we'll be entrapped by what we don't expose there are so many things driving our decisions that we don't know that's driving them all right y'all ready for me to quit so here it is number two if number one was like that number two is about to be rough number number two is acknowledge the entitlement now these were Hebrew people so has all different types of hues and all different types of personalities and it's just an amalgam of people someone wanted an answer for what happened to Moses by Jesus where's Moses rahi come on with all those different types of people and genders and origins and background somebody had an attitude with Moses didn't come back yeah I need some answers up in here I need some answers where's Moses I need to know where Moses is somebody need to tell me something I can't believe Moses just abandon us like this I mean I've been with Moses 40 years I walk with Moses I am Oh an answer I deserve an answer and gods like wait timeout you want to talk about what you deserve and sometimes it's hard for us to move on from the life we thought we wanted because we feel entitled to it we feel like it's owed to us God you only and gods like timeout you want to talk about what I owe you let's talk about the stuff only me you know God said oh you all keep it real Yuri alright Yuri alright let's keep her let's talk about the stuff only me you know you deserve what nevermind Jesus you know all asleep all of sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Jesus you know I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody that can say [Applause] gods like Israel the only reason you had access to Moses is I gave them to you and I gave him to you as a gift in a season you did not deserve him you were in Egypt and you weren't even worshiping me I sent him and told him to tell Pharaoh to let you go so you could worship Me so you were at your worst and I gave you my best and now that you are better than you were you have forgotten how you used to be and now you feel entitled to a gift I'm smart enough I'm gifted enough I'm talented enough I'm better than this person better than that person I should be here cuz like no entitlement entitlement comes when we're thinking about and focusing on I don't watch this I don't have what I do deserve I deserve what I don't have that's entitlement I don't have it but I deserve it that's entitlement appreciation says I don't deserve what I do have and appreciation is the antidote to entitlement gratitude breaks the back of entitlement and so you can only move on from the life you thought you wanted when you realize you're not entitled to it I don't deserve it number three everybody all right we breathe it it's just this good right okay so remember now if we're going to be a church that's about transformation and not just about inspiration it means that we have to say things that comfort us but also challenge us and it means that we have to be a church that's more concerned about how we think than how we shall write because you can dance your way into a sweat but you cannot dance your way into the next level okay number three we must y'all ready for this refuse to revisit what you can't revise here it is for some of us today's a worship service for others of us today's a funeral service it's where we're going to bury something once and for all and refuse to keep digging it back up some are reminiscing is counterproductive once you have extracted all the lessons you can from your past there is no reason to keep bringing your past up and keep torturing yourself with if I had done this differently in 89 I would be here and if I hadn't be at this in 99 I would be there and if I hadn't done this in 2009 I would be somewhere else you keep revisiting what you can't revise and that is the enemy who is the accuser of the Brethren using your past as a weapon against you to keep us from getting to our future because he's using watch this he's using our mistakes to keep us in a maze misery at some point you got we have to accept I can't do anything about that and once you've learned all the lessons from it you got to put that body in the ground and say earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust I will not keep torturing myself with this I will not allow others to torture me with this if they have not gotten over this I can pray for them but I can't wait for them to get over me in order for me to get over me I've got to get to a point where I move forward and in Luke 17 Jesus makes a statement that I believe is applicable to all of us in this room and Jesus says these words I love it he's talking to people who have an issue moving forward and he says in Luke 17 32 remember Lot's wife that's all he said remember Lot's wife there's a wife of a man named lot in the Old Testament and they were leaving this town that was being destroyed and God gave them specific instruction it's a metaphor don't look back and the Bible says that Lot's wife looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt because you can't run forward and backward at the same time and whenever you run into somebody they're salty there's somebody to keep looking back whenever you keep looking backwards you're going to end up salty salty about what you didn't do for yourself salty about what others didn't do for you and I came to tell you it's time to make a decision I will not revisit what I cannot revise my future is better than my past my tomorrow is better than my yesterday and he whom the Sun has set free is free indeed I've been washed by the blood of the Lamb I've been redeemed from a life of destruction my sins have been forgiven cast into the sea of forgetfulness to remember no more got to move oh you gotta bury the body yes it was a dumb decision no no no no no that's not true it was dumb decisions but we gotta bury the body and move on we cannot keep revisiting well we can't revise and I'm done number four we must trust the Savior with our satisfaction we trust the Savior with our salvation we realize we can't save ourselves that we must respond to the good news of the gospel God's provision for our relationship we must respond to the good news of the gospel with faith and repentance we know we can't save ourselves we know we can't sanctify ourselves we know that we all have issues and habits that have been that have been present in our person for as long as we can remember decades of struggles and issues and secret battles and in areas of our life where we need healing and help and we realize we can't we can't fix us no surgeon operates on themselves so we trust the Savior for our sanctification but the third one is really hard trusting the Savior for your satisfaction and here's a question I don't want you to answer I want you to reflect on do you believe God knows what it takes to make you happy do you really believe it stuff but there were a group of people in the Bible who were struggling with this and God speaks to a man named Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter number 2 and it gives me Jeremiah insight on their issues and he says in Jeremiah 2:13 he said my people have committed two sins they have forsaken me the spring of living water and have dug their own system's broken cisterns that cannot hold water if our happiness keeps leaking it's because we've put it in cisterns that have holes in it something is holding your happiness that's got holes in it if I put my head between our happiness in a job that's a broken cistern and your happiness is going to leak if you put your happiness in a relationship that's a broken cistern and it's gonna leak and God says there's a there's a whale I want to put in you spring it up spring it up into eternal life you know you'll have the thirst anymore and Jesus put it this way he says he who seeks to say preserve their life will lose it but those that are willing to lose it you'll find it because his plans for you and me are always better than our plans for ourselves I'm done today but for some of you that last point was like POW right in the eyes God spoke to you he like passes you wrap up today I need a little help with that cuz I've been trying to chase my own happiness and it's still leaking I've been doing me but I'm still leaking if I'm honest I'm not and I want to be gonna be satisfied I don't want to live frustrated and as you pray today past they include me in the prayer that's you I want to pray for you and I want you to know today I believe God's gonna release grace to help you in this room and don't lie how many believe God is gonna satisfy your soul [Music] so father I pray right now in this room and for those online I pray for the person watching me at 2 a.m. in the morning 10 o'clock at night tears streaming down their face that even now you will give them beauty for their ashes you will turn their mourning into dancing they have sown in tears God may they reap in joy I pray for an overflow and outpouring of the joy of the Lord I pray for the grace to trust you more to put our happiness in cisterns that can hold the water I thank you today there your people are moving out and moving into the most joy filled season of their life for your most glorified in our joy I ask this in Jesus name Amen if you got hands that work can you clap them in the house if you're moving on to another level can you praise God in advance if you know the devil's getting ready to have a nervous breakdown with what God is going to do in your life can you give God praise everybody well what's up everybody hey don't turn me off I know how it is I just want to thank you for watching this message from our series called moving on there are some entrances that are determined by how well you make some exits I hope this bless you if it did I want to encourage you to do two things one I want you to share it with someone text it to them email it to them we're blessed to be a blessing and two if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be in the know about all the content that we're releasing right here on this incredible vehicle called YouTube and if you are in the Orlando Florida area I want to encourage you to join us we recently planted a campus there change Orlando I'm live it used to be Sunday nights now it is Saturday Night Live Saturday at 5:30 p.m. listen late enough for you to have your whole day early enough for you to have the rest of your night I want you to join us there and if you're anywhere in Pennsylvania New York New Jersey join us at our change church locations on Sunday morning it's incredible God's doing some incredible things I'll see you next time take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 298,884
Rating: 4.9134502 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, mike todd, jamal bryant, pastor chris hodges, criag groeschel, rich wilkerson jr, chris durso, chad veach, judah smith, levi lusko, tony gaskins, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, dave ramsey, john maxwell, dr. matthew stevenson, keion henderson, toure roberts, devon franklin, ron carpenter, gary vee, andy stanley, tony evans, joel osteen, bill hybels, michan carter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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