Fight Club | Fight Club Part. 1 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up youtube family there's daniels here man and listen i'm so excited about this message you're about to watch i'm going to be very very clear if you are a man you need to watch this message if you are a person that loves the men in your life you need to watch this message so that that means if you're a mom a sister a niece a friend a granddaughter daughter it doesn't matter i want you to lock in and lean into this message it's part one of a two-part series we're doing called fight club if you're in the fight of your life i want you to learn some skills and some tips to fight right i've got one request up before you watch this video if while you're watching it it adds value to you would you just please do two things hit that like button and then share to share it with somebody else god bless you enjoy the message i want to get into as i spend the next two weeks in this series called fight club i want us to look at matthew chapter number one and i want to read a few verses of scripture starting at verse 18. this is what it says this is how the birth of jesus the messiah came about his mother mary was pledged to be married to joseph but before they came together she was found to be pregnant through the holy spirit because joseph her husband was faithful to the law and did not want to expose her to public disgrace he had in mind to divorce her quietly [Music] but after he had considered this an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and said joseph son of david i'ma get to that because that's important he says what i'm getting ready to tell you requires me reminding you of who you are watch this because joseph is not going to want to hear what i have to say but the son of david will [Music] it's god god says i need to remind you that you both you're not just joseph you're the son of david so i need to remind you you the son of david before i give you this instruction now don't be afraid to take mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is from the holy spirit she will give birth to a son you ought to give him the name jesus because he will save his people from their sins watch this verse 22 this for everybody who wants a destiny everybody who wants a purpose all this took place to fulfill what the lord had spoken through the prophet the virgin will conceive give birth to a son they will call him emmanuel when joseph woke up he did what the angel of the lord commanded him and took mary home as his wife but he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son and he gave him the name jesus it's it's so much in this but i want to tag a title of this text and i want to use a sermon title that's consistent with the series title we're in for these next two weeks i'm going to talk from this subject fight club fight club family i want to i want to ease into this introduction with an axiom that is attributed to jesus many of us may be familiar with it it is recorded by the gospel writer john he he articulates that jesus communicates these words jesus says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free the the the word truth here is actually a word etymologically that means reality so when jesus says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free jesus is saying we all will hit seasons and situations where we need a revelation of reality [Applause] yeah he says i i want to interrupt your sense of reality so i can disrupt that false reality with a real reality that's going to add real value to your life he says when when when you know the truth when you get a revelation of what's really real that revelation of reality causes a revolution in your life in other words i've said this before once you get exposed you cannot be unexposed we must be cautious and careful asking god to expose us to things expose us to opportunities expose us to information expose us to revelation because once you get exposed you get spoiled yeah and you start developing an insatiable appetite for something that you didn't know existed until you got exposed to it this is why some of you right now are in a season of agitation and inconvenience because you saying once i taste it what is possible for me i'll never be satisfied with something that's beneath me who am i talking to today yeah that's a holy agitation that's a holy discontent god gave you some premature exposure to your future reality so that we so that you wouldn't get comfortable in your present reality he says i'm not going to let you settle for less than my best so i'm expose you to what's for you before the time [Applause] so that you don't think that all that's going on in your right now is the sum total is of what's going to be in your next and i don't know who this is for but somebody that's following me on this father's day i want you to put this in the chat i want you to put my now is not my next yep i might be crying now but the bible says if i'm sowing in tears in my necks i'm going to be reaping enjoy uh i may be walking into some closed doors now but my bible tells me he opens doors no man can shut and he closes doors no man can open my next is a season of open doors my next is a season of multiple doors my next is a season where i need increased discernment to determine what door i'ma walk through my next is my next is a season where i'm not even walking through doors by myself yeah i'm taking everybody that the enemy wants to keep stuck and stagnant with me cause my now is not my next we need a a revelation a reality and that's what truth does it rescues you from operating incorrectly because you perceived something inaccurately [Music] right let's use relationships for example the apostle paul in ephesians 5 dedicates an entire chapter to this he's talking about christ's relationship with the church but he uses marriage as a metaphor for us and this is what he does there are all types of viewpoints and perspectives about what it takes to make it work what does paul do paul gives them a revelation of reality and he says in ephesians 5 he says marriage isn't just for two people that's in love marriage is for two mature people that's in love he says now he said he says i want to dis i want to disrupt your understanding of that so that you don't spend years working this ways that it doesn't work he says i don't want you to work at ways that don't work so let me disrupt your understanding of it he says two selfish people that are in love don't work this is for two people who are committed to serving each other and he said and he says if you'll receive that it'll set you free from operating in a way that's incorrect because i'm looking at something in a way that's inaccurate she said truth set you free and i think this is important family because receiving this revelation helps minimize some frustration in our life because many of us have to wrap our head around the fact that there are some things that we have accepted as true that aren't truth and so when life gives you something that is incongruent or inconsistent with what you believe to be true it can cause you to question what you believe about life now watch this but if you bel if if your book if this belief i'm referring to is a belief that you believe comes from god and then you experience something in life that's inconsistent with that then that will not only have us questioning life it will also have us questioning god [Applause] for example we just sang a song earlier about god being a good father goodness is his nature it is an incredibly important attribute every believer needs to rest in the revelation that god is good it's it's it's cathartic it's therapeutic it's grounding it's anchoring it's your shelter in the time of storm that that revelation is your bridge over troubled water that revelation is a rock you can lean on in a weary land didn't jesus tell peter that the revelation he had about jesus being the son of the living god was a rock upon which he could build this church that we need that revelation however god says he's good but he determines what's good [Music] so when we assume that our version of good [Applause] is the final and determinate version when something happens in our life that is inconsistent with our version of good we can ultimately end up having issue with god and god's like you're mad at me about something that wasn't truth it was true to you but it wasn't true you thought me being good means you never cry when i told you me being good means i wipe wipe away tear from your eyes you thought me being good means you never go in the lion's den or you never go in the fiery furnace when my revelation of being good is even when you go in there if i don't get you out i'm coming in with you i don't know who this is for or what you in or where you are but i want to let you know if god hasn't pulled you out it's because he's getting ready to come in somebody in the studio shout come on in here and somebody in the chat put come on in here he says i'm getting ready to come in that marriage i'm getting ready to come to that job i'm getting ready to come to that mine i'm getting ready to come to that heart if i don't pull you out i'm on my way in it's truth he says it's disruptive it's disconcerting it may call into question things that you believe your whole life this is what i'm talking about in this master class the bible detox it may cause you to question watch this bad truths you learn from good people i mean they were good people and praying people and godly people and have pure intentions and jesus says part of what i want to do is i want to disrupt your sense of what's true with truth i want to give you reality i want to rescue from doing life in a way that won't work he says i want to align your expectations with the way life really works and in our time together as i'm looking at this text that's something i want to lift up to you today because i think it's incredibly important is relevant for everybody it's uniquely relevant for fathers and men who are listening and here it is here's a truth that i think jesus does not explicitly state but you see him consistently up implying this all throughout scripture here it is y'all life is a fight no no no no i don't i don't know what you've read and i don't know who you loved and what they taught you and told you i don't know what you've watched or what podcast you've listened to or i don't know who's who has impacted your world view in terms of your expectations as it relates to life but i'm telling you when i look at what the architect and the creator and the designer of the world has to say about life it can be summarized in that simple statement life is a fight jesus said in john chapter number 16 he says this in this world he didn't say you might he didn't say there's a possibility he said as long as you have a residence in this world you will have tribulation [Applause] now watch this he says now before that sends you in a downward trajectory before you begin to have a an emotional spiral that's unhelpful and unhealthy he says but be a good child for i have overcome the world in other words he says the gospel is not a which is good news the gospel is not gospel because we get to avoid [Applause] say that's not gospel means good news so the good news is isn't that you get to avoid it the good news is whatever you don't avoid you can overcome [Applause] now how do i overcome it [Music] john says this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith wait a minute james says faith without works is dead this this is what distinguishes faith from optimism uh lord i just got a few minutes but give me a little time to work this edge yeah faith produces optimism but optimism and faith are not not the same here it is here it is here it is here it is now optimism is anchored in circumstances that are uncontrollable but under no one's control so optimism says it will work out faith is different [Applause] [Music] faith is in a person that has all things under his control looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of my faith so optimism says it'll work out faith said god it's gonna work this thing out work it out how you gonna pay your rent work it out all your money y'all not talking to me today [Applause] i turned it over to the lord and he worked it out the universe didn't work it out the one that created the universe worked it out i need more than the universe i don't need an impersonal existential force i need the uncaused cause the one that created the universe the one's got a personal interest in me the one that says the hairs on my head a number you settle for the universe give me god the one who put the stars in the sky give me god the one that made the grass green give me god many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them out of them all faith different from optimism because it has a corresponding action it produces works james says i show you my faith by my works what does faith at work look like it looks like a fight y'all better come get me today i say when your faith is working what does it look like it looked like a fight your faith is working doesn't always look like winning but it looked like a fight it doesn't always look like oh doors open immediately but it looks like somebody knocking at the door kicking at the door punching the door climbing through a window tearing a hole through a roof to get to jesus faith shows up in a fight the fight is evidence of faith the fight is evidence that i believe this is for me the fight is a revelation i refuse to settle for something that is less than what god promises me because all the promises of god are possessed through faith and faith has to fight and i'm sorry church we have taught you how to sing we have taught you how to serve we have taught you how to sow but we have not taught you how to fight [Music] [Applause] and so when we hit seasons where we have to fight we don't know how to fight yeah we are so disoriented by the fact that we are in a fight that we don't even know what to do in it we've been rebuking it and binding it and blowing it away trying to sew it away and when we find ourselves in a ring [Applause] we don't know what to do because your adversary is not going to cease fighting just because we hadn't learned how bite you with the right church today [Applause] no no no no th this this this this is no longer just church this is a training facility you walked into fight club where we're getting ready to equip you with the skills you need to bob and to weave see some of you are hurt not because you've been hit but because you hadn't been trained know how to block y'all miss what i just said yeah some people got hit with the same punch but it didn't knock them out because they knew how to block and someone else didn't but you getting ready to learn how to block how to jab how to throw a uppercut how to do some body shots because i'm sick and tired of the devil hidden believers and you don't know how to hit back but who am i preaching to today that'll say this is my season well i'm getting ready to swing back devil swing on me if you want to i'm swinging back come for my children if you want to imma fast and pray until they turn their heart in the right direction so there's a trainer i called earlier this week i said fam i got some people to come to the fight club they need to learn from a fighter some skills they need to fight he said what you need pd i said i need you to pull up on me pull up on me on father's day and tell the people your story because you're one of the greatest fighters in the bible you had a great contribution but you greatly under appreciate it [Music] i would venture to say you're not just unappreciated i would venture to say your contribution is undervalued because when we look at your story we see that god told mary she was having a son but god told you what the name then when we look at the story herod wants to perform genocide and eradicate all the babies that are born that of jewish descent because he's afraid that one of them is going to be the king of the jews and have influence you were the one that the angel appeared to and said get your wife mary and that baby jesus and get out of here and the bible says i'm not going to bother this because we could go a number of places with this they hid him in egypt i'm going to leave that one alone but that's yes yeah it was you joseph thank god for mary we cannot undervalue her contribution but she wasn't the only one that contributed to the rearing and the raising of our savior mary deserves her credit we should celebrate mary yet at the same time especially on this father's day let's pause for the cause and let's give this brother a little credit because he played a huge role in the raising and in the rearing of our savior and today i'm almost done he want to teach us how to fight and i know many of you are reading this text that we read at the beginning of the message and saying darius what are you talking about there is nothing in this text about fighting oh yes it is dearest i don't see any fighting in this text oh yes it is see every fight has an arena and some arenas are public but there's underground fighting and backyard fighting all arenas aren't obvious some arenas are incognito and joseph is fighting the issue is he's fighting a fight nobody knows but him and god you're not talking to me today come here the bible says this man is engaged he's betrothed so that that's that's a little bit different so when when we think engagement we think i just gave you a ring during this point in human history betrothal was a bit different it was you weren't formally married but you had a legal obligation to marry yeah you can't give me a ring and take it back no no not during these days so to call off the engagement you had to meet the stipulations for divorce y'all are y'all here so come here you dating your girl you get engaged the wedding day is set you have not engaged in any intimate actor with her come here fellas then all of a sudden one day she texts you and say can we talk whenever a man get that text he get nervous he called he said what's up she say i'm pregnant he said okay who is it god come on let's not sanitize the story we rob the text of his revelation and this richness for us if we sanitize it this is a rich text i'm pregnant and it's god's this man's fighting the reason i know he's fighting god says i got to send an angel to talk to him come on because he didn't believe her what did what did he feel how was he going to tell this to his father he got to go home with his mom and dad and say uh god did this he's fighting as i'm reading this story i'm getting ready to go here now it's only getting worse y'all hear this as i'm reading this story i'm looking at what's happening with joseph and on this father's day i said you know what not in practice but in principle that's happening with a lot of men okay they fighting it's just an underground fight the fight is internal so it's not obvious we can't see the fight that they are engaging in he's he joseph just like most men was fighting an invisible fight and he's fighting in several areas that i think that we must be prepared and equipped to fight him we will not have his specific scenario but we will have similar circumstances where there is an assignment you've been given that is uncomfortable and your willingness to complete the assignment is going to be based on whether or not you win a fight nobody know you have it y'all aren't talking to me did you hear what i just said yeah joseph's joseph represents men and women don't don't miss this but persons who've received an inconvenient assignment and on the outside look like they are performing it faithfully but on the inside nobody knows it took an angel it took divine intervention it took god coming to me and saying joseph son of david and what's scary is because the fight's internal you don't win anything when you win y'all not talking to me yeah you can battle with drugs and you win that and people give you a high five you can battle with hang-ups and habits and you win that and people give you a high five you can battle alcoholism and you win that people give you a high five cause those are battles done in a public arena generally but you're fighting and winning fights and watch this and joseph's fight is not for him because the easiest thing for him is not to accept the assignment see i want everybody right here i don't want anybody don't jump off look at me look at me let me be a pastor for a minute you cannot say get my husband my brother and my son in church and not want me to speak to him let me okay let me be a pastor for a minute because we want the men in church but many men find church irrelevant because it's not speaking to issues that are relevant to them it's 52 weeks give me this one to come for your brother your husband your father your person that you that you love deeply and dearly that you want to follow jesus so joseph has to feel unappreciated now wait a minute here it is i know because i've heard chatter in the culture i've heard the chatter in the culture the chatter in the culture why we need to celebrate you for doing what you're supposed to do why are we supposed to celebrate you for doing what you're supposed to do i heard the chat in the culture that's popular in culture but it's inconsistent with god's truth because all throughout scripture you see god and god instructing us to encourage other people to do what they supposed to do y'all not talking to me come on now come on in leadership circles and whether in leadership context or management context there are books written about the power of affirmation affirming people letting them know what they're doing well why is it when it comes to men we don't need to celebrate you for doing what you're supposed to do see at least joseph knew he was the son of david he knew his genealogy he knew his lineage he knew who his dad was he knew who his granddad was we got brothers now who are doing the very best they can to lead families and they haven't they don't know they're the son of david they don't even know who david is they don't have a connection with david they don't have a lineage with david so if i don't know see don't miss this if i don't know who my daddy is i don't know who my uncle is y'all are y'all hearing me if i don't know who my dad is i don't know who my granddad is on that side so i'm cut off from the influence of generations [Music] and i'm fighting inadequacy i'm fighting self-doubt i'm fighting whether or not i'm good enough i'm fighting whether or not i'm raising my kid the right way i'm fighting but don't nobody need to encourage you to do what you're supposed to do that joseph is fighting he's all in his head i'm telling you his ego's crushed as a man he's crushed he is crushed and he's like god i'm grateful that some i am grateful that the savior of the world is coming to the earth but if he were to be honest he would probably say but i wish you had gave it to another woman because i want jesus to come into the world y'all are y'all okay see i'm telling you the stuff he probably thought about so i want jesus to come in the world but i don't want to have to live through what i got to live through he's fighting internally and i'm telling you every i know this applies to women but this is father's day every man you see fighting fighting fighting i don't care how prideful he look he's fighting some of the most prideful ones fighting insecurity that that's all pride is anyway pride is insecurity playing dress-up that's all it is fighting but he won the fight i'm gonna say that one more time he won the fight and brothers i know it's a fight but joseph gives us some insight on how to win the fight because what you're fighting for is worth fighting for look at me men must be fighters you cannot win if you don't fight it's hard fight it's not fair i know fight they don't get me i understand fight i'm underappreciated i get it fight i'm misunderstood i understand fight i feel like everybody else's feelings matter but mine don't and when i make mine matter i'm selfish i can't be upset my feelings can't be hurt they're fighting some of them are fighting confusing confusion boy this is real today some of them are fighting confusion because they feel like they're getting conflict and messages from culture but joseph fought anyone he thought it's a marriage we got to fight i'm done let me wrap up y'all tied to this here it is now here it is here this the the first here's the thing the first thing that that joseph does is he teaches us how to fight in your faith because that's the area we're gonna have to fight in because mary comes to him and says god did it and he is obviously having some trouble believing that so an angel has to come and the angel has to say joseph what she's receiving he has come from the father and i am calling you to steward what i put on the inside of her so you got to fight to believe don't miss this you got to fight to believe in what i put in those i'm holding you responsible for leaving y'all not talking to me this is why this is why the enemy i believe uniquely attacks men in the area of faith and women have historically had greater faith and have had to bring the men along because the devil knows he knows the impact of a man operating with a lack of faith because he not only has to believe god for him he's got to believe in what god put in those he's responsible for he am i making sense you gotta believe you gotta see what he put in mary and believe that you called me to help birth that you put it in her i got a birthday you put it in my children i gotta help them i gotta protect it gotta fight in the area of your faith two i'm not going to bother this long uh when we start our men's gatherings back up then i'll talk about this he was fighting in his flesh yup because here it is the desire to divorce her quietly probably wasn't just a faith issue it's a flesh issue it's an ego issue it's a preference issue he said i love you god but i still wish you had picked someone else's issue and so the people around town are going to look at me weird issue it's that my friends are going to say you doing what issue see okay but he had to fight his flesh three he had to fight fear text says the angel tells him don't be afraid what are you afraid of he's probably afraid of a lot he's like i didn't believe it was god that's a faith issue now that i believe that it is god i'm scared and this is what's interesting men don't generally speak these are generalizations they're exceptions of course but men don't show fear the way we assume fear would be shown you know why some of us are workaholics fear it's look at me sisters he thinking about stuff he's not talking to you about he's thinking about things he's not even talking to you about he's thinking about how i'm gonna do this i'm gonna move this around i'm gonna do this if this happened are we gonna be okay how can i protect us how can i insulate us how can i do this how can i do that how can i position us here okay in five years we're gonna have to do this he's gone he's gone cause it's it's fear you gotta fight that brother you gotta fight that because god always works it out many are the plans of a man's heart but it's the lord's counsel that will stand number four he's fighting his feelings we would probably assume that after the initial moment of agreement joseph has no more questions he never again struggles with the assignment but this is unrealistic because even jesus was okay with his assignment at one point in his journey and then gets to the garden against him and he starts struggling again this is why joseph is up and down sometimes because he's fighting his feelings god i meant my yes when i gave it to you i don't know how i feel about it now and number five he's he's fighting his fate the bible says all this happened so that a prophecy would be fulfilled he is wrestling with what's been picked for him god said no no no no no that's why you were born don't fight this this is fate this is your destiny this is your calling now come here brothers come here you should know the truth and the truth will set you free you don't pick the life you supposed to live now i know that's not what you're hearing in podcasts and on youtube and that's not what you're reading in books i know that's not what what you've received is true but the truth is you don't get to pick fate purpose destiny you discover it and then you decide whether or not you will align your life with the only option for it you may go another way but god only has one way for you and once you step outside that lane you have stepped outside his will that child your assignment god trusted joseph with mary god trusts you that spouse that that girlfriend that's still god's daughter that's still god's daughter she's not your wife but she's still god's daughter girlfriend assignment those children assignment god trusts them with you and sometimes the things the things that we're facing is not even about us it's about what we're supposed to help others carry a mentor of mine i'll talk about this next week years ago was doing some teaching with us and he was introducing us to some hebrew words that he saw in the scripture that were used to describe men and one of the words was a word that implied weight bearer you've been born to bear weight you've been built for it you just need the skills to know how to manage this ring man i can't wait until we get back to in-person services because right now i sense what i would do is i would have an altar call but i don't believe god is limited by time and space or wherever you are i want you to look at me because i'm getting ready to pray for every joseph every man that's fighting underground fights nobody knows about fighting to come home fighting to keep food on the table fighting not to give up on you fighting to be the best you you can be when you're being criticized for not being what you've never seen you've never seen it not now that you didn't have it you never seen it and you've been criticized for not being but you never see and some of you are deflated but you can't be defeated it's too many others that are dependent on you there are people in your future that you haven't that you haven't even met yet that are depending on you becoming a better version of yourself i'm talking to every single young man right now yeah you like i don't have a family i don't have people i'm responsible for but listen those people are going to be blessed by or burdened by who you do or who you don't become and so god's using these trials that you feel like you're going through now as training to make you a weight bearer [Music] that's your assignment [Music] i want to pray for you cause you've been fighting maybe you need a second win i'm gonna pray that god gives it to you father i pray right now in the name of jesus for every joseph that is watching me the joseph's right now that are looking saying i can't believe a pastor took a sunday to preach to me i pray for everyone that feels undervalued everyone who feels every joseph that feels like their contributions are taken for granted i pray for every joseph who feels like all the attention goes to judas and the focus is on the judas who walked away and the judas who betrayed and the judas who was dishonest and you feel like i'm joseph i'm over here i'm over here too lord i pray for vitality and renewal and a second win into that man the man who's who's fighting this faith the man who's fighting fear the man who's fighting his feelings the man who's fighting his flesh the man who's fighting his fate i pray for him lord minister to him we need him our churches need him our communities need him our families need him our country needs him raise up kingdom men who will accept kingdom mandates to make sure of this birth which you put on the inside of them i pray this in jesus name amen and amen clap your hands in this studio please well i hope that message blessed and courage challenge you as always i want to encourage you to share this message with someone else email it to them text it to them add value to their life and if you aren't subscribed to our channel subscribe we've got a vision to use this channel as a delivery system for all sorts of transformational content we want you to be notified whenever we drop something new podcast is coming back and more interviews and we're just excited about it listen i want to thank so many of you each week who say pastor darius how can i sow into support bless financially the work that god's doing through this ministry lord thirds coming on the screen for those of you who want to respond in that way thank you so much and my prayer for you is that the rest of your life is the best of your life take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 67,737
Rating: 4.9330449 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: JXT3mGrIu7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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