Protect Your Joy // Dr. Dharius Daniels

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Matthew chapter 2 verse number 13 is where I want to start reading this afternoon and I have a question and it's just do you feel like talking back to a preacher this preacher this afternoon okay I felt that's kind of a no all right it's all it's all good it's all good you're going to I know it I know Matthew chapter number 2 verse number 13 I want to make sure as a spiritual family I'm where I'm always doing my job to remind you of how blessed you are so let me tell you what I mean by that this is my life's honor I want to do this until I only want to pass it probably about another 25 years 2025 but I want to serve people till I die that's why I was born and I can't tell you to freedom in the joy that comes with knowing your purpose and I mean that it's better than money and if you don't have no money here like yeah right baby not that having what you need to meet your needs is it important that's not what I'm saying but I am saying that knowing your purpose it gives you something internally you can't purchase you get that you understand so I want to serve people till I die I want to do this till I die but part of what comes with my life calling is I get the privilege of like an inside view on people's life that the average person wouldn't get in terms of the amount of people and not being cynical at all but being realistic stuff can turn so quick in a person's life you understand what I'm saying and I think sometimes because we don't know how fragile life is and how blessed we are there are times we I sense this we major on minor problems but you don't know it's a minor problem until a major one hit your life and then you're like man I was tripping about that I'm blessed and so with the news I get bombarded with regularly I wonder I just want to remind you that and I'm not just talking to grown people I'm talking to teenagers I'm tuck I want you to know how blessed you are to have a parent that care no don't I'm not saying some parents don't care but I just want you to listen past I want you to know how blessed you are that you got somebody that care enough to fuss right because one of the things that I'm dealing I'm I want the made men of the men who are part of our church family to do is to be able to look up one day before you go to heaven and be able to point to a tribe of men young men that you help that don't have your last name young men you put money in their pocket you gave them advice you help put them through school you bought books you coach them you mentor them you and so I'm telling you you bless to have parents that lean in and that Karen I know tell me what pounds are you just my mama get on my nerves oh my gosh she'd be doing the most just leave it that's love and I'm telling you listen to me because I'm in the people business there are some little girls have a law to trade places with you you bless too so during this Christmas season I just want us as a spiritual family that sounds so like churchy but I want us as a spiritual family to remember that because it's facts it's true so let's do our best not to major in the minor because you are more blessed than you know and you're more blessed than you feel amen all right we can go home now praying for all Eagles fans praying for all Eagles fans today I want you to win I'm 49ers we won last night and because I'm a 49ers fan I keep me a cowboy supporter so whoever is going for the cow it going against the Cowboys I'm rooting for you fly eagles fly all right fly eagles fly Matthew Matthew chapter 2 verse 13 says when they had gone to angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream get up he said take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt stay there until I tell you for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him so he got up took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt where he stayed until the death of Herod as I said I teach in series on week one I've taught on the promise of joy or the power of joy week two last week I taught on the path to joy and week three today I want to teach on this subject I believe it's God's encouragement to us protect your joy protect your joy family in 1957 Random House published a book written by a gentleman we've come to know as dr. Seuss this book ended up morphing into an animated film called How the Grinch Stole Christmas and if you haven't seen this story this film this cartoon it it involves an interesting-looking character called the Grinch who attempts to rob the world of the joy of Christmas by robbing the world of presents that would go under the tree and I was considering my sermon for this Sunday I saw how that story although not religious in nature has some spiritual significance because the Scriptures teach that we also have a Grinch we're dealing with called Satan and Jesus says in John 10:10 that this Grinch called Satan is also a thief a thief who comes to steal kill and destroy and this Grinch does not want to steal the presents that are under the tree he wants to steal the presence of the one who hung on the tree I'm talking about Jesus not robbing us of the presence of Jesus literally but robbing us of what the presence of Jesus brings and in this series we've been teaching that the presence of Jesus has the potential to bring the presence of joy and I believe I've got some people in this service cuz I know what service I met yeah when I pull up on the grounds I know what service I'm at I know where I met I met you and I know what service I met it's the Lemm 30 not the 11th or just 11:30 crap yeah they like pastor I got some good sleep I came today to give the devil a nervous breakdown I came to hear from God and give God praise I believe I got some people in this place today who walk joy who refuse to settle for less than joy and who are impassionate pursuit of joy but the Grinch the evil one the enemy is an adversary who wants to steal the presence of joy from the believer therefore we must live operating with awareness of this reality here it is from our note-takers whatever is obtained must be maintained and whatever you possess you must protect because it's one thing to get it it's another thing to keep it it's one thing to get peace it's another thing to keep it it's one thing to get focus it's another thing to keep it it's one thing to get joy it's another thing to keep it so because our adversary is a thief we must learn principles to protect what we possess and I hear some of you contemplating in the recesses of your mind pass Adair's what are you talking about I read that God was my protector I read where the Bible says where the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against it and protect me God is my protector I read where the Scriptures teach if the enemy comes at me one way he's got to flee seven ways God is my protector I read that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises to judge me God will condemn God is my protector and I would argue yes you are correct God is your protector that's part a but Part B is being aware of how God protects and one of the ways God protects us through divine intervention what's that pastor that's when God does some things for us an example of this is found in the Old Testament when Israel was making their exodus out of Egypt getting ready to go through the Red Sea their leader Moses acts God a question God what are we going to do and God says stand still and see the salvation of the Lord Moses reiterates that to Israel while in other words God is saying watch me work I'm gonna do this one for you I'm gonna put you in rooms and you're not even gonna know how you get in there I'm I'm gonna throw opportunities your way that you couldn't even strategize for just watch me work so there are times where God works through divine intervention but then there are other times where God works through instruction with intervention he said I'm gonna do it for you with instruction he says I'm gonna do it through you ooh it says imma give you direction and if you follow my direction the direction is gonna be your protection I'm gonna give you direction and if you follow my direction the direction is going to be your protection and you may be saying pass Adair's what do you mean that this this this this Christmas story here that we just read is a powerful picture of what I'm trying to articulate very often when we hear about the Christmas story the focus and the emphasis is on the birth of Jesus but here in Matthew chapter 2 we get exposed to some incidents that are surrounding that birth it's interesting because the Bible is clear that Jesus is born in a region that is governed by someone named Herod Herod has been assigned to govern that region under the authority of the Roman Emperor so you can imagine how Herod feels when he hears that the King of the Jews has been born in a region that he's responsible for ruling that is populated with Jews Jesus's birth starts creating some insecurity inherit Jesus didn't perform one miracle he hadn't led one movement hadn't opened one blind a tie and Herod becomes infected with insecurity all Jesus did was show up and Herod was so insecure he became illogical because unchecked in security becomes illogical and he probably starts telling himself stories like okay this guy's the King of the Jews are the Jews gonna want to follow him instead of following me and if they choose to follow him instead of following me how's the Roman Emperor gonna feel about me is he going to fire me is he going to kill me so before I let the Roman for a kill me i'ma kill dis Jesus so he said I want every male child that's born in my region to be killed he's acting illogically because he's dealing with insecurity and he's dealing with insecurity because he's telling himself a story about Jesus that ain't even true Jesus is like bro I don't want your kingdom I don't want your crown I don't want your seat I don't want letting you have I don't want what God got for you the only thing I want is what God has for me are you hearing me because people who are suffering with insecurity listen to this will be in competition with you and you not even play in the game Jesus is like my kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom it is not a natural Kingdom and you are upset and you you're unnerved Herod about me pursuing something I don't even desire and all Jesus did was show up this should release some of us should help some of us should bless some of us because some of us sometimes don't recognize the limitations of our ability to help somebody else experience transformation I did a message earlier this year called five types of people you can't help and see whenever someone you can only help somebody that's ready for help that won't help and that's willing to receive it from you and sometimes when people are unwilling to get that help for their insecurities the only thing that you can do to help them not be insecure does not show up cuz that's all Jesus did he said and here I said I'm gonna kill every firstborn I want every every male child kill him every baby killing so I can get to Jesus he wants to kill Jesus while he's an infant because he's afraid of what happens if he ever reaches his potential so the attack on his life is when his potential is in its infancy stage because the enemy knows that once Jesus matures and moves from infancy to maturity then he becomes a threat to his kingdom when he grows up he's going to bruise his heel on the Serpent's head and the Bible says all of this is going on and Joseph Jesus is father stepfather and Jesus's mother Mary have no clue that this threat is over their life and then all of a sudden out of nowhere they sleep they good and sleep they probably got that mouth open sleep you know the mouth is open sleep all of a sudden God comes to Joseph in a dream and says get up right now get up wake up get up get up get up Joseph would sleep literally but we can be sleep metaphorically come on 11:30 and talk to me I said it's possible to live through life sleepwalking and God knows how to speak to you and give you an out a word that says all right it's time for you to come out of your sleepwalking come out of your slumber come out of your apathy and your coma and get yourself back together are you hearing what I'm saying he says don't let the rejection put you to sleep don't let the denial put you to sleep don't let the disappointment put you to sleep because rejection denial and disappointment can put you to sleep and you'll find yourself just going through life going through the motions and all of a sudden thank God for a God who won't let you live your life just sleepwalking a God who will give you a word that says get up get yourself together get up get back on your game you broke up y'all been broke up long enough don't allow the breakup to cause you to break up from your destiny and miss who you are shake yourself get yourself up and step into my future for you get up see that somebody's were right now somebody somebody receives that for their life right now because you're like I know I have not been walking in the fullness of my potential it's time for me to get up God says get up and then and then he says get up and this is what he says he says get up and I want you right now get to get the child and get his mother and go to Egypt I want you to get up and I want you to leave and I want you to stay there until I tell you to go get up leave stay until I tell you to go get up leave stay until I tell you to go get up leave stay until I tell you to go get up leave stay until I tell you to go and you got to do all of those things right to get this right you got to obey every part of my instruction because partial obedience is disobedience oh he says he says I want you to get up I want you to get the child which you go to eat I want you to stay there until I tell you to leave and the Bible says Joseph does that he gets Jesus he gets married he goes to Egypt and he stays there until God tells him to leave listen to us listen to this y'all listen to this we will not be talking about Jesus's life and ministry we would not be talking about his death burial and resurrection we would not be talking about any of that it's Joseph had not followed divine instruction because it was following the by an instruction that protected Jesus and as is the case for Joseph it is the case for you and me if we're going to protect our joy it's going to be from following divine instruction following biblical principles and I want to know is there anybody in this room today anybody watching the online change global our YouTube family anybody honest enough to say pastor I need to learn how to protect what I'll possess cuz I'm honest enough about my life to say sometimes if you talk to me spiritually I'm on ten and you say how you doing I'm saying I'm blessed and I'm highly favored and I'm giving the devil a nervous breakdown and I'm strong in the Lord and then if you talk to me later how I'm doing I'm tired I feel like Jesus has left me I want to know when is he going to show up and for some for some people in the room you're that way from week to week for the for the rest of us in this room is to catch me at what part of the day and then that's the part of the day I determined we need to learn how to protect what we possess and the text gives us an insight on how to do that y'all is it's in the story the the the wise men show us one thing to do Joseph shows us two things to do it's it's interesting the first thing I see in the text number one is this if we're going to do this number one if we're going to protect our joy protect what we possess first thing we got to do is this we must pursue his presence we must pursue his presence pastor what does that mean the wise men heard that Jesus was born and they took the initiative to go find him no one had to make them go no one had to twist their arm no one had to manipulate them no one had to guilt-trip them into going they pursued his presence why is this important when it comes to protecting our joy very simply the Bible says in Psalm 16:11 in God's presence there's fullness of joy in other words God feels us with joy in his presence got me God fills us with joy in his presence in other words when we get in the presence of God the presence of God has the potential to change our emotional condition and it is difficult almost impossible for a person to protect their joy without developing the spiritual discipline of worship because worship is pursuing his presence are you here imma say it again it is difficult borderline impossible to be a person that protects or maintains joy without developing in the spiritual discipline of a worship because the worship is pursuing his presence yes prayer is a spiritual discipline yes study of Scripture is a spiritual discipline but a worship is also a spiritual discipline what's the spiritual discipline it's the spiritual exercise you do to get spiritually strong the Bible says you must exercise yourself into godliness if I'm going to get strong spiritually I can't wish strength upon me I've got to do the exercises spiritually that build strength into my spiritual life I wish I had an 11:30 service kind of Amen right there am I making sense and Russia is a spiritual discipline it's not something that we simply do because we believe in live and vivacious church it's not something that we do because we're uninformed or hyper emotional or because we're uneducated or because we're a certain socio-economic class yeah I don't worship because I'm ignorant I worship because I'm informed hey I worship because what you call in look I know it's blessing I worship because what you call coincidence the Bible calls favor did you hear what I just said yes indeed it's it's a spiritual it's a spiritual discipline and the word worship means to express worth Express worth it doesn't mean to feel gratitude because it's possible to feel what we don't express worship is saying God you have worth in my life and what I'm doing on a Sunday morning is I'm coming to your house your designated place of meeting y'all are talking to me the people say well I can worship God anywhere you can and you should but he has always had a designated meeting place for the corporate gathering of his people it's like when Big Momma say everybody coming in my house for Christmas God says on Sunday mornings I want all my children to come to my designated meeting place so you can worship me together it means to express work it means to express worth now in some context people interpret that mate to me we all have to express work the same way so it means if you do this I'm supposed to do that that's not relationship that's religion that is when you have been that that's when you've been conditioned into a spiritual social norm where you have picked up all the mannerisms of worship but not the heart of a worshiper so if everybody has the same mannerisms that spiritual social conditioning it means that we just been trained too quick in the same way or we've been trained to respond the same way it's something we picked up in church culture but it does not mean that those actions on the outside are reflective of adoration on the inside jesus said you draw nigh to me with your lips but your heart is far from me worship is the expressing of worth we may not all do the same thing yeah we worship according to our personalities we worship according to the principles in Scripture the Bible says when Jacob became an old man he leaned on his staff and they worship yeah I want everybody that's 30 and over to look at somebody and say lean with it rock with it that yeah he leaned on this thing he said my knees won't let me leap my authoritah s-- won't let me dance but I got a praise on the inside I clean me but I can leave [Applause] are you here means to express worth and worship worship gets a response the response to worship is God's presence so I hear you I hear you saying pastor but in God present everywhere right in God present everywhere right he is that's what we call omnipresence Omni right unlimited everywhere we go the mall he's there right David said if I make my bed in hell you'll find me there you can't run from him because when you run from him wherever you leave it and wherever you go into you run into him on the way and he beats you to where you going to right he's everywhere but omnipresence is different from manifest presence well what does that mean here it is someone can come to your house but that doesn't mean they in your presence because they can be in one room and you can be in another let me see if you follow me you follow my logic they in your house you got it there in your house but they're not in your presence because they can be in your house but not in your presence i'ma say it again they can be in your house but not be in your presence because they can be in one room and you can be in another they don't benefit from being in your presence until they get in it because even if they in your house is some things they don't get until they get you see if you are an encouraging they can't get your encouragement if they in one room and you and another you got it yeah if you bring humor then they can't get your humor if you are in one room and then another but but when they get in your house and they call your name when you hear their voice you'll come out of one room and walk into the room where they are and manifest yourself and when you when you manifest yourself they get the benefit of you coming out of the room every Sunday morning we come into his house but we sing songs of worship not because we feel like we supposed to sing we sing songs of worship because that's how I call his name and when I call his name he starts walking out the room sitting on my room and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty he started setting me free and I was feeling sad all of a sudden I feel glad I don't even know why because he changes my emotional condition in his presence did you hear what I said in his presence it gives me an attitude adjustment it shifts my disposition you can feel weak and timid and apprehensive but you get in as president all of a sudden you feel bold come on you feel strong you ready to run with troops and loop over walls because his presence fills us with joy and worship is the way we pursue his presence whoa are y'all here it's hard to have joy without the spiritual discipline of worship because worship means to pursue his presence and expressing Worth and when I pursue his presence his presence gives me joy why because the thing that takes your joy will never give it back you only get it back from God see you only get joy back from the one that gave it to you not the one who took it from you did you hear what I just said so if you had a bet if we have a bad exchange with somebody we can't go back to them and say give me my joy back in that last conversation you hurt my feelings give me my job back they don't they don't have it just like if you go to a guy if we go to a gas station and get gas and then we we drive on to 95 or 95 or Route 1 or whatever the road may be we drive on that road we're using gas on that road but we can't get gas from that road we got to go back to the filler station got me God's presence is the filling station that refills me with joy the word give us information that's good revelation but its presence give us joy because we can be knowledgeable scripturally and empty emotionally there are some people this sounds mean but there are some people who are well versed in Bible they just mean it's like you know all of this word you are the most mean supposedly Holy Ghost field person I have ever met in my life you quoting all them scriptures and you just mean what's wrong with you that cuz joy only comes from presence so I got a pursue his presence number two number two y'all ready for number two number two if I'm gonna protect my joy I must handle my haratz remember what does Herot represent Herod represents individuals or issues that have the potential to assassinate your joy issues or individuals that have the potential to assassinate your joy in the first week of this series I gave you a homework assignment I said identify three joy robbers in your life those three joy robbers are your hereit's those are hereit's those are the things that have the potential to assassinate your joy so if I'm gonna protect my joy I need to know what I'm protecting it from I need to know historically in my life what has the devil used to rob me of my joy there are no new tricks historically what has he used when I look at my life historically what has he used to rob me a joy those are my Herod's now sometimes those haratz are issues that like we talked about last week it might be time management it's hard to have good joy if I don't manage my time well or if I'm overwhelm if I overcome it if I try to do too much for everybody from a people pleaser things of that nature and when it comes to those issues I got to destroy those issues so that they don't destroy me but sometimes haratz are individuals and the text tells us how to deal with harris who are individuals the Herod wanted to destroy Jesus Jesus but God didn't tell Joseph to destroy Herod God told Joseph put distance between y'all every service every service I did this sermon last night in Orlando this the fourth time I did it today every service I got those three gulf clouds ever since those three golf class because people and I'm about to go there people in Christian context don't think distance is spiritual they think putting distance means absence of grace oh oh he's this is he told Joseph go to Egypt he didn't say kill him and he didn't say stay there and let him kill you loving people well the Bible's called us to love people well and to love people without conditions but loving people without conditions is is not a statement about my position it doesn't mean that I have to be or anyone has to be held hostage and subjected to the destructive behavior of others in the name of love we can love people and set a boundary come on are you here are y'all here that the Bible says if it be possible as much as it depends on you live at peace with all people for some for some people to be at peace with other people there's got to be distance between them did you hear what I just said right because we should pray for people and invest in people so that they reach their potential but you have to deal with people based on their actuality and son Jesus said I know the tree by the fruit that's not judging whether or not the trees are good a bad tree that's the judgment if I say this is a good a bad tree food inspection or discernment as the Bible calls it is identified this is an apple tree and I'm allergic to apples so I need distance I'm not judging you I'm protecting me and some people cannot protect their joy because they won't handle Peretz what kind of Christmas message is this a change Church Christmas message of Darius Daniels Christmas message a level-3 Christmas message we love you too much to give you a nursery rhyme Christmas message that sometimes you have to put distance between you and haratz and sometimes Herod has your last name speak Holy Spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is what's so cold about the way this happened in the text the Bible says they got up and they left at night it means people around them will awake and they were in one place they went to sleep and woke up they were in another place okay i'ma say it again it means that Joseph Mary and Jesus was in one place and then people started sleeping on now you gotta count and when people were sleeping they started sleeping on them but when the people woke up they were in a whole new place see some people sleeping on you and when they wake up you're gonna be in a completely different place then you were the last time they saw you don't sleep on me just because I'm here now that mean I'm gonna be here forever when you wake up I'm gonna be in a completely different place [Music] they moved at night they moved in the dark they put distance in the dark they put distance and here it didn't even know they moved because when you put distance with your haratz you don't have to announce it moving the dark I want somebody to help me preach this yeah yeah you don't have to always announce your moves make a move you ought to love people so well with the love of Jesus you don't moved in the dark and they don't even know you shifted on there they think you on the same level they like they have no idea on food with them like that no more I'm just nice I need somebody to find somebody and give them a heart bomb and say he is preaching to you today move in the dark [Applause] I'm done I read this book years ago call your perfect right it's called your perfect right and it shifted my mind on on um on the difference between aggressiveness and certainty and assertiveness between being callous and unchristian and being a good steward of your own life and your own soul and your own future that you are responsible right for being a good steward of your emotional well-being and that means assertiveness on your part and sometimes it means distance you say well what if they were there an assignment where it's different if somebody's an assignment I'm gonna talk to you about that in January when I do my series called put put people in their place yeah yeah cuz see everybody has a place in your life is not the same place and sometimes our relational life is struggling and not romantic relationships but putana relationships over a relational life is struggling because you got good people is just bad place you want them to be a friend but there's no reciprocity in a relationship where there is no reciprocity that's an assignment and I need to align my expectation so I'm not mad expecting you to be as good as to me as I am to you did you hear what I said right I'm not gonna it means that you don't keep fussing at someone for not being a secret keeper you just stop telling your secrets my goodness you know people ought to be better no I'ma be wiser until you get better I'm gonna be wiser y'all know we had these I love dogs and I've been through so many dogs I got a breakthrough with dogs though recently this last when he's sticking around he's been great and so my wife got me this dog cuz we need small dogs cuz we travel a lot so she got me this dog I wanted a boy dog I wanted a boy multiple cuz I like kind of calm demeanor and we're on planes and when he dogs sleeping all that stuff so anyway um we got this dog she got this dog from the Midwest I'm looking at the dog and she's looking at me I was like this is the most unique look at multi poof I've ever had and she's like yeah me too it looks weird and so I started training start training the dog he grew up a little bit I start trying to train the dog one of our members here in the net her husband Ernest he's professional dog trainer so he was he came over to my house one times I had this this crazy dog and that dog had a demon and so he was trying to help me here with the dogs or whatever and so you know I had these little dogs and he was like he's like your problem is you training the dog based off of the way you see it not based off the way you see itself [Music] he's like is no Lou dog training in big dog training you got to see this dog as a big dog cuz the train um you have to establish that you delete of the pet y'all missing it so I started training this dog and I'm just I'm doing all the stuff you know charmer and this little dog and I'm like this is the most stubborn multiple I've ever I say this dog is stop just this doll this is a Yorkie I'll tell my same baby that woman lied to you this is not we take the dog to the groomer day like this is not a Maltipoo so now I had a choice that's also stubborn I'm trying to do I'm just dragging the dog he wouldn't walk he just let me drag I'm just dragging him around the kitchen come on Rocky I'm talking I'm putting the dog he just dragged he just slide would not move and we had given so many dogs away we had this wonder do you see York as a stubborn so I had then we had this one doll and this dog really had a demon and so I was like I'll tell you I said we gotta get rid of this dog so one of my musicians Jerry his kids were younger than a time us for some reason I think the spirit led me to Jared I said Jerry you want a dog you got your kids they want to talk he say yes I'm so a dog to be your life comes back to me later he says pastor say yes he said what is wrong with this dog you gave me you say this dog is tearing up my house pastor I say wow so I had to make a decision am I gonna sit and wish that the nature of this thing was different or because I'm committed to this or we're gonna have to adjust the way we deal with it and relate according to what it is not what I thought he was now I'm not comparing people to dogs I'm using dogs as an analogy sometimes we dealing with people based off what we thought they were that's not a Maltipoo that's a your key distance and number three I want everybody listen to me on this third thing Joseph did was he escape to Egypt Egypt represents a place of refuge refueling renewal and replenishment years ago I got introduced to something called replenishment disciplines now not just rest replenishment what replenishes you do you understand what pours back into you and I'll tell my Justin now you like passing right now just take a nap are y'all ready for this here God tell them to go to Egypt and you stay there until I until I leave Egypt represents the plate you say you stayed until I tell you to leave and he made him stay there until Herod died Egypt represents the place you go to to get refueled replenish refresh until things die down if you're gonna protect your joy you must give yourself permission every now and then to escape to Egypt in this overworked hyper-connected hyper achieving culture if you don't find Egypt you won't have joy are you hearing what I'm saying I'm not saying being neglectful of your responsibilities I'm not saying be a bad parent I am saying sometimes to be an amazing parent or be an amazing spouse you need time away so that you can replenish for a minute and recharge so you can come back and be your best self to that particular person I'm not saying it's got to be weeks or days but I am saying that you've got to find an Egypt that's not weak it's biblical that was a hebrew practice that god god implement does a practice got implemented with the hebrews where he would make them after a certain period of years he's like you can not you cannot work until this ground this year let it replenish she said like in the sixth year he says i'm gonna give you double harvest so that you don't have to sow and reap in the seventh because God knew even the ground needed time to replenish you won't have joy that was an arm I'm sure some of you saw it an associate of mine I met him years ago probably over ten years ago pastors in Washington DC and articles on Washington Post he's getting ready to take a extended sabbatical and um most amazing thing happened he said um he was working just non-stop never stopped that didn't take days off whatever and so he says this old lady asked him one time I see you never take a day off why don't you take a day off he said the devil don't take a day off she said why are you using the devil's your role model it's time to go you gotta find Egypt what replenishes you what breeze lights back it back into you if you don't have that I'm telling you you won't keep your joy pray that God gives you the courage to give yourself permission to do that you need it some of your caring a lot you're in a season you're carrying a lot right now and if you crumble everything crumble that's how much is on you so you got to love everybody enough to take care of you does that make sense I love you enough not just me enough I love you enough I love my family enough to every now and then escape to Egypt I'll pray I fast I've had a not a perfect but a healthy study life since I was about 16 15 16 I've been studying the Bible I went to sleep reading last night but that is not what I do all the time sometimes it's Monday you think I'm fast and I'm playing xbox huh I have a Linton dose which every time I'm on the plane the switch is with me cuz I can't beat my best to anybody if every now and then I don't stop thinking and turn it off and go to Egypt and Egypt is a place you go to mentally you are wherever your mind is you can go to Dubai but if you don't turn this off you're not resting you must go to Egypt here because one of my mentors taught us this if you don't learn the power of a break you gonna end up broken father I love you and I thank you for what you're doing help us father we're tired of cycles of heaven joy and losing it we ready to keep it so give us wisdom on how to do that the discipline to carry it out in Jesus name Amen what's up y'all thank you so much for watching this video this is my hope this is my prayer I hope it was simple yet significant I hope it was easy to understand yet impactful and I'm so glad to have the opportunity to share God's word with you hopefully add value to your life as always I'm asking one thing of you and that is if this message bless you I want you to share it exit email it to somebody else because my mission is to help as many people as possible change their life so that they can help change the world that's what we're all about and we want to extend the reach and you can help us do that thank you so much for being a part of this family we consider you back and I can't wait to see see you real soon hopefully you'll give one of our locations we've got locations in New Jersey on their live Sunday mornings for services right now and two locations there we also have a location in Orlando Florida on them live there every Saturday at 5:30 I speak on Saturdays at 5:30 in Orlando and then Sunday mornings in New Jersey meet us at one of those campuses for our Los Angeles traditional community that they've got that meets every Sunday evening but even plays I hope to see you there so take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 147,729
Rating: 4.8979158 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Dr. Matthew Stevenson, Jamal Bryant, Devon Franklin, Chad Veach, Carl Lentz, Robert Madu, Mike Todd, Chris Durso, Levi Lusko, Judah Smith, Trent Shelton, Eric The Hip Hop Preacher Thomas, Criag Groeschel, Pastor Samuel Rodriquez, Pastor Chris Hodges, Joel Osteen, Bishop Tony Evans, Ron Carpenter, Keion Henderson, Rich Wilkerson Jr
Id: v3ITIU-e1Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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