IMPROVING 10 Dead Minecraft Updates

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hey what's going on guys long dad zip here there's a lot of dead content minecraft today not only do we cover 10 pieces of dead content in Minecraft but we try our best to give them new use for example ever dreamed about bats actually having a drop don't worry I have to a lot perhaps we'll have a reason to start using clocks well it's about time yes even a use for poisonous potatoes blimey or is it Blarney yeah whatever here's Alton presented in lovely showcase form at 10 pieces of dead content number one is bats will be starting every single number with why I think these are currently dead pieces of content and game and honestly I shouldn't have to say anything for bats bats normally don't do anything of value whatsoever they just float around kind of worthless well bats now drop bat ears what do they do well I'll show you soon first you're gonna have to grab a sword and maybe some protection that's because if you get too close to a bat now it's actually capable of poisoning you notice this we got a little too close to this bat and we started getting poisoned right off the bat that's because they've got poisonous fangs or at least that's what we're saying right now you should try and kill one of these bats so that you've got a chance at dropping the bat ear when it dies fear not you the bat normally it's only a 5% drop from bat so you'll need to kill about 20 bats on average in order for you to have any chance at getting this bat here but once you do you can use the bat ear to have some supersonic abilities namely you can detect mobs from all over the place wherever you look around hold the bat here and look down after pressing it oh gosh ooh I don't like the sound of that at all okay good he died you can use this sonar and supersonic to locate underground caves finally you've got a reason to go looking for these bats and murder them now that they poison you though we're gonna have to figure out a way to stay safe from them thankfully one of our other items later solves that problem for now we move on to number 2 dragon eggs or in this case the dragon egg you should know by now this literally serves no purpose we've given it lots of purpose in previous videos without on the channel but it has no official use yet anyways it just sits there as a trophy and kind of exists well no problem for now we can take our ender dragon egg and it's craft will place has decided that you'll be able to craft it into something new known as ender dragon energy this item will give you an insane boost in strength as well as speed now look at this count with me 1 2 3 4 5 I'm so sorry 8 8 punches to that sheeps face to kill it dead now look when we hold dragon energy Hey 1 furthermore a mob such as a zombie or a husk only requires 2 hits to take out and you get knocked back on this baby to better than just sitting in your chest forever oh my gosh I think I hear listen do you hear that I hear a sheep stuck in this hill we'll need to use the ender dragon energies other power the ability to be just like the ender dragon and bomb through essentially anything look at what we just did best day of my life completely just tarnish this cave system similar to the ender dragon you can now use it to sprint through various areas in the overworld and destroy every single thing in your path as long as you remain sprinting you'll be able to clear through anything you run through whatsoever oh my gosh imagine making like a cave system of some sort doesn't work in water that's because they enter dragon isn't like water it's probably why he deletes it whenever you place it in the end dimension as well then again he kind of deletes everything yo we did serious numbers to this area look at this oh my gosh just pounding through now I don't know if you noticed but when you run you also get a very special particle effect that will follow you around as you move around you know cuz everyone looks particles is it the right use for the dragon egg hard to tell it's better than what we currently got number 3 are mules mules suck because they can't really do anything and you can't rebreathe them in order to get a mule you'll have to breed a horse and a donkey together once you've got that will you guys love me already yeah he did it okay so now it's gonna handle this guy and then y'all about to be best friends y'all ever heard of the term arranged before ok great so get at it the reason mules suck is as I said you can we breed them once one of them appears and they really don't have any direct incentive for you to want to spend the time it takes to breed them for now as you can see hey this guy's got different plans because he has seen some updates look at him he's an adorable tiny little guy he's got speed boosts and jump boosts that practically begged you to feed him up so that he turns into a full-sized mule which you'll then have to tame once again but you'll have every single reason to want to tame the sky I mean look at him he's literally going all over the place and now he loves food and now you can move around on one of the fastest creatures you're gonna be able to have in your game it's almost absurdly fast and then it has it has the jump look oh my gosh it's it's actually alright I feel like it jumped higher when it was a little baby horse but look at this we just scale the mountain with this mule fantastic now I believe if I'm not mistaken you can add a chest to the mule and now suddenly it does have storage space so now you've gotten instantaneous means of carrying a lot of extra things on you at breakneck speeds you like get behind this one plus it's got regen as well so if you were to scale a mountain and take somewhat of a decent fall there mmm-hmm he's gonna heal up extremely quickly or at least you are as so long as you're standing on it number four is poisonous potatoes remember those bats from before we have a solution to all the poison they deal out now that's because poisons potatoes will now be useful as after you've eaten five they will give you 15 seconds of anti poison this will also remove any poison effects you have active check it out yo what's the spread baby ooh not bad yo they're just regular potatoes currently in game poisonous potatoes don't really do anything I don't even necessarily know that if you do eat them anything good happens from it but they provide no healing effect you can't replant them they're pretty much just a waste of space so why don't we go ahead and give myself a little bit of hunger mm-hmm and a little bit of poison as well so you can see what happens when we eat one of these in a row then we eat another one in a row three four hit that poison one more time and then of course five so check it out poison instantly went away and we've got 55 seconds of anti poison 2 remaining we were to try and hit this poison you'd see that it instantly goes away the poison does not hit us whatsoever it's because we've built up a little bit of an immunity by eating so many of these poisonous potatoes that they no longer affect us in the same way it's not a bad trade-off perfect for handling witches cave spiders or PvP if you've got people that share the server that you're on number 5 and your mites now these are kind of dead content I know that there are a lot of pro players out there that know how to use them from Enderman farm so that you can get and urban farming going but for the average player they don't have a drop they only super rarely show up when you throw an ender pearl and you happen to get one of them that appears why after you've thrown it they feel minimal damage and they don't provide much experience either but now they drop in doubles let's spawn one in die oh you didn't die die yeah check it out they're definitely not retexture shears they're supposed to be like man OOP get out of my way no one wants you here you've got 50 leather from that guy keep in mind we've got a looting soldier so normally you're not gonna get this many and bowls this frequently when you're finding these moms they're a little bit of a rare drop but they do some really cool things if you hover over you can see that when you hold it in your offhand you will get a speed effect so currently it's in our main hand nothing specials going on put in the offhand suddenly we are moving around baby now put it in your main hand and you can easily navigate away from certain death because then it gives you slow falling beautiful you're like legit you'd be able to fall from like any distance essentially just put this puppy on a little bit before your fall and hey you good to go plus if you hold to at the same time you get slow falling and a speed boost think of the parkour you could get done when you got both of these you could clear some serious drops plus you do have still regular jumping ability so it doesn't make it too much harder to jump on blocks you normally would be when attempting to traverse a field as I like fall all over the myself come on does this make sense no not at all but that's ok they're useful we're a boy down with the video have y'all left to like yet and subscribe thanks so much everybody I knew this hell would show up it's never the diamond Tuhoe specifically that's exactly what I meant by the way don't look into it any further yeah everyone knows about these hoes okay they're not too useful but now they are useful because look you can you can till three by three areas with them essentially instantly now everyone knows that the current hoes in game only till one by one useless now you got the diamond to hoe putting in the work that's what I'm talking about Diamond level Prime oh my gosh I'd use this all the time I mean look guys I'm just saying I've got no love for these hoes they only till one block at a time these hoes tho oh my gosh I'm gonna take them home and use them tip farm potatoes cuz those are useful now remember number seven is cod and salmon these are currently just extra types of fish that you can find swimming around in your oceans they don't really oh this is awkward yeah I mean currently they provide no major use they just swim it around and there's so many better food options in-game you wouldn't find yourself going out of your way to look for these creatures till now anyways notice we've got some special effects on us yes indeed dolphins grace as well as strength that's because when you swim by these fish you'll be given a passive AoE effect that's going to aid you in traveling through water as well as battling creatures nearby check it out Cod's will affect all players near them within 5 blocks with speed and salmon will give you strength within 5 blocks as well it may very well be that the Dolphins grace is what's acting as the speed here now if we were to summon in a husk for example or well maybe not a husk but a drowned check it out check it out check it out hail baby dog dog dog we have regular strength 1 and we just cleaned the house on that little drown are you really invincible yo I'm impressed oh yeah we're also gonna drop this one doesn't make much sense either but like all good with useful they're not no longer dead content oh gosh what do you want what what do you want why are you let's just move on weirdo number 8 sir ocelots number eights I said number 8 is ocelots yes ever since 1 point 14 cats have been separated from Ocelot spawning so you longer need to find ocelots in order to tame and find cats in game for you to turn into your pet so privyet content now as a result ocelots will now drop Ocelot claws so let's go ahead and spawn in Ocelot oh look he wants to be my friend why are you running from me I'm friendly okay now again we got an ultimate sword so we're getting the drop essentially every single time we've come across it but check out these clouds baby what are they useful for well they're useful for ripping drops out of other mobs his claws are enchanted with looting one so if you were to kill a mob with this thing you'd have a better chance at getting additional drops in this case we got only one lead so sad guys but check it out we got some leather too ooh I guess I think we got leather before but we got five leather we should have gotten less than that thanks Ocelot claws right anyways it's time for us to move on to number nine rotten flesh yes that's right again I can understand for professional players and the meta players of Minecraft it does have use you can trade it to clerics for gold but for the average player it serves as wasted space in your inventory no one even likes to keep it now rotten flesh will affect you with speed and strength when you eat it though they will still give you the hunger effects and speaking of the hunger effect we're gonna give that to ourselves right now as we TP to the race apparently I'm gonna go ahead and eat this rotten flesh now check it out we've got an insane speed boost that we just took on right there as well as the strength boost which we haven't shown off just yet we didn't get some resistance for a boy it might be that we actually just get resistance but you saw the sign it said strength on it so I'm gonna eat this guy up yeah we got resistance instead so he does less damage and you can escape more easily when eating rotten flesh now I would have changed this personally I didn't put this map together it scrapple plays you've done a fantastic job if we were gonna do it right we're gonna do it with slowness cuz these guys are so slow but I could totally get behind the idea of making it easier to run away from these nasties Plus as usual still better than before and finally my friends it's that time number 10 clocks woohoo it's that time indeed you can now smelt ORS much faster with the clocks here's the recipe for all our types and then it precedes to give all the recipes so why are clocks useless exactly well you can kind of tell what time it is by you know looking up in the sky and you kind of don't need to know what time it is when you're you know in a random cave somewhere plus they don't even work in the nether look at this thing it's literally going nuts in my hand so what can we do about it well I already kind of gave it away you can use it in new crafting recipes to more easily smelt the ores you're collecting on a regular basis all you'll need to do is take the ores in question put a clock right in the middle and you've automatically smelted much more quickly any ingots that you might need whether that's going to be well you wouldn't really do you pretty much only really do it you know gold and iron because the rest of them come is you know ores and if you're trying to save time you're probably not gonna be you know using a silk touch on these guys you know details details details look it's a good recipe you collect that off a lot of iron I know you do so save on smelting time and just use a few clocks instead plus you can use the clocks to get your gold ingots to make the clocks even faster guys very special thanks to its craftable plays for today's Minecraft world let us know in the comments section below which one of these items you think is most useless the private island mean dock complete with a full-blown research facility that's funded by the park guests it's genius I mean our test attractions have gone quite well we've modified the internal structures of six regular minecraft blocks to grow them to enormous sizes we've even stabilized them well enough to go inside them but some of the block containment systems unlocked by in terribly dangerous logic gates in order to open the park to the public we need someone to help us do the dirty work so that we can fund the study of the origins of our blocky work and use the wonder of these giants you attract patrons to the island they told me you were fantastic now you ready well then welcome to big block out now on the Minecraft marketplace
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 781,654
Rating: 4.8537612 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1.15, minecraft 1.15, minecraft update, new minecraft update, new update, minecraft updates, dead content, dead updates, updates no one uses, useless, dead, logdotzip, gaming, ender dragon egg, dragon egg, ender dragon, ocelot, new
Id: oomSB0iFnXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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