Improving 15 USELESS Minecraft Updates

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useless minecraft up there's plenty of some updates originally had use that faded with time others didn't add much to the game from the get-go well my friends today we spruce up fifteen of minecraft most useless updates by giving them newfound abilities now you have a reason to go dig through my ceiling to find seeds that plant new mushrooms with special status effects and you'll never want to leave for the caves again without bringing some beetroot soup which has an easier recipe and as you'll soon see comes with a special mining effect now today's video is all about useless items but on a more serious note maybe you can all help me do something really useful now before we dive deep into today's video I have some fantastic news to share we've teamed up with Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital to raise funds and awareness about childhood cancer through the power of gaming may have noticed a new donation button sitting near today's video by clicking that button you'll be able to donate money to st. Jude in their efforts to fight cancer st. Jude has helped push up the overall childhood of cancer survival rate from 20% way back when the hospital opened to 80% where it's at today and 100% of your donation goes to the hospital and helps pay for patient meals treatment research and so much more so do your part to help ensure that no family receives a bill from st. Jude for anything by donating today I'll be offering small incentives and perks to those of you that decide to donate for every 100 total dollars donated we'll be shipping out a signed log dad zip t-shirt to one random donor a $50 or higher donation will get your name shattered out in a special upcoming thank-you video a smaller twenty dollar donation will get your name on a thank you board in that video shout at $500 total donated will be releasing the world from today's video for free download and the best part of all team log does it will be matching everyone's donations up to $1,000 so I encourage you guys be part of something bigger and play for more than just bragging rights thanks for your donation and enjoy the rest of your video alright so number one here is the dead bush in are you believe the most useless item in Minecraft the dead bush sees new purpose today I mean sure they're fun to punch and sometimes you get sticks from them but what if there was more to this Stickley wonder well my friends now there is give this poor soul some water and throw a rare tone of I'm dying on top of it and it will turn into the rare golden oak tree so you can tell it's golden oak bite the big nice bark seat yeah that's good special thing though about this tree is that its leaves have a chance at dropping enchanted golden apples it's not a one hundred percent chance we're just kidding remarkably lucky oh my gosh check it out see ya it appears to be Wow that was totally we got three of them and now we haven't gotten an E in a hot second oh there's another okay that's four yeah we got four or five yeah we got four but that's really useful another this vid is about especially with the fact that now that you can get toners of them dying from raids you have a very easy way of picking up more of these things next up is number two the diamond hoe I've never met a hoe worth the gems I spend on more specifically I'm talking about the diamond hoe because I understand some of the earlier hoes the wooden one the stone one maybe even the iron one they all prove they're used quite nicely and helping players get set up oh gosh shouldn't have done this buy a cake with their wheat farms that was what I was trying to say but usually by the time you found enough diamonds for a diamond to hoe you've probably already found more effective ways at getting food in game just by killing us in mods well now diamond hoes are quite useful because when you sneak and use them they will fill in a 3x3 tilled spot instantly because hey maybe you're a vegan and you like eating bread all day but you have to sneak to activate this specifically notice that when we don't sneak it doesn't work so you can choose when you want to use it and when you don't it's a little finicky sometimes you got to be received that's big plant away my friends in addition it also gives you one extra crop when farming as you can see here when we mine away at least we get extra loot every single time we do it just look at my hotbar boom extra foam extra extra extra read all about it more vegetables than ever you know which is whatever number three is mycelium for useless items blocks look at it it's purple and it exists about all it does I mean these guys like it but who cares about them well now you should care because every few mycelium you mind with your hands with tools etc you'll get new seeds already they're called mycelium mushroom seeds yeah I meant to say mushroom seeds and yeah they've roughly a 33 percent drop rate so if you dig around in the dirt for long enough you'll get a good few of them now what's particularly interesting about these mushroom seeds is that depending on where you plant them they will sprout different things sort of place the seeds on mycelium and we get red mushrooms placing them on dirt gives us brown mushrooms but for whatever reason when placing them on grass we get a green mushroom well I mean not for whatever reason we coated it that way but either way you've got a nice new green mushroom delicious so long as it's planted on grass you can get one of these but you'll need to break the block under it in order to collect it that's because it's a resilient mushroom and it comes with some unique powers notice our hunger bars it slowly drops and we have to deal with a series of mobs that all of you real damage well oh well I'm gonna run and I'm gonna eat my green mushroom and the moment I do I'm poisoned for two seconds and blinded but after that we get a whole bunch of positive status effects also everything starts getting guys you can't have it is my mushroom so pay close close attention to my status effects right as you try and eat the mushroom two things happen you will get y'all ready boom two seconds of poison - two seconds of blindness - and then five seconds of region five and then 10 seconds of night vision three resistance three and fire resistance three and finally 30 seconds of nausea - so you can eat this mushroom when you're in a quick pinch it can still kill you with the poison and put you in a really dangerous spot because it blinds you but so long as you can survive that initial onslaught of bad maladies you will get a whole bunch of healing I mean as you saw there we somehow managed to survive against a whole bunch of husks all over us now in this case the resistance is doing a lot of good protection for us but combine that with all the healing we had a second ago and you're pretty invincible for a good amount of time while I was a invincible but you know alright either way now you've got a reason to cultivate and dig up mycelium number four polar bears now polar bears were a little bit of an oddity when they were first introduced in Minecraft 1.10 frost burn update namely because it was one of the first times a new mob came into play that had no new drops all polar bears dropped currently in Minecraft are the fish that they are apparently carrying around in their pocket or wherever they keep them but for the most part it's still not useful at all my guess is that this was done to discourage them from you know getting killed constantly by people like me that think it's funny inside other personal did but today's video is all about giving these updates uses and so now polar bears do something a little bit different when they're hanging out in the water they'll drop a special type of fish of their own accord and all you have to worry about is making sure they stay in water and don't step on this block over get back in the water we've got that guy over here to show you a comparison of what it looks like when one of these polar bears is not in water so I'm gonna let him do his thing oh look II just dropped it nice check it out we got a new type of fish here ladies and gentlemen the golden salmon if you look over here this polar bear hasn't done anything he really is worthless now the golden salmon does two specific things namely you can heat it and when you do you see down there we just got four extra hearts on our health bar oh yeah baby and they last for a total of sixty seconds so this is gonna be a great thing to scarf down right before any major battles or raids for that matter now you will have to eat some food in order to fill those hearts up but hey they could come in serious handy that sounded weird I think I mixed up the words there but anyways the golden salmon has another use to keep going fishing homeboy that's what he's doing see he's he's fishing good boy oh I got another I love him he's my new best friend Oh use the salmon to get the luck potion number six on our list more notably known as the luck effect which is a heavily underused status effect that you can find in Minecraft using commands as currently there's no way to get actual luck effect in game until now anyways now normally luck is used to impact the loot and the quality of loot you get from treasure chests found in your world but since there's no way to currently get it we thought we'd change that and add on to it anyway so with a golden salmon in hand we're going to throw it into a full cauldron of water and that's gonna start to simmer and so once you've done that go ahead and take a glass bottle and fill it up with that water and you now have a potion of luck in hand when applied you'll get +1 luck nice now again on top of its regular use using loot tables when using the luck potion there is a chance you will completely avoid taking any damage at all that's because with the luck effect active you also occasionally get some resistance out of nowhere for about zero seconds time which means if you happen to have some nasty dirty mobs nearby that want to cause some problems for you there's a chance that every once in a while they won't even deal any damage to you despite you attacking them constantly look sometimes they take damage sometimes I don't think that so really it it all depends on look how much this thing helps you but it's better to have resistance 4 or 5 every few seconds for 1 second then to not have it at all so it could prove to be extremely useful in combat situations especially if the creatures are a little stronger than spiders number 6 on our list is bedrock can be found at the very bottom of your minecraft worlds and some of you might say what toilet know you yeah well whatever I'm not talking to you it's got one use it's to keep him from falling out of the void and if you're so bad at Minecraft that you're gonna fall into void because there's some holes in the floor well then you're just not pro enough sorry so we've given it a different use and we've given it the ability to be broken did you like I managed to my way all the way to the bottom you can now use TNT to light this puppy off and so don't mind if I do damn bad baby Oh loader we just got three bedrock in hand beautiful we're gonna go ahead and collect a little bit more mm-hmm cuz we're gonna need it for some very special effects and items in just a little bit here now check out the hole in the floor we just got oh it deleted my bedrock you now use bedrock to slow down entities that's because the sheer weight of having this husk nearby you will cause them to slow down in a serious way I mean look they're not even moving he's so dumb he can't do anything right no one invites you anywhere and these are the reasons why come on move a little big maybe you'd like to build some unbel builds using your bedrock as well well you can do that because even though you can blow up this bedrock with TNT you cannot mine it you still cannot mine it there's absolutely no way to break it using your pickaxe in game which means you could in theory also use it to lock sorry open to certain things now you can't get into this chest sure you could blow it up but you know stop bro this man is going to town on the golden Sam and you'll keep up the good work what is he doing number seven course dirt very useless however now every once in a while one breaking coarse dirt you got a chance to get a brand new item it's notice muddied Flint and it's Flint but it's muddied yep look at the durability on these three iron swords you can use muddied Flint's to repair them all by using the Flint portion of each of the swords to sharpen it and so now these swords are good as new muddy Flint has other uses which we'll get to in a little bit number eight is the fletching table which as of minecraft 1.14 and even the 1.15 snapshots currently has no use at all you see this block we've actually done a video on this in the past before explaining that it currently does nothing alongside the smithing table well we've changed that drop a glowstone dust right in the center of your lovely fletching table and shoot an arrow at it and look at what happens it instantly changes welcome to a nice new easy way to get your hands on some spectral arrows what you didn't know can be used to highlight mobs sorry dude or maybe you'd like to try some different types of dust arrows plus redstone dust equal redstone arrows arrows and gunpowder give us explosive arrows and hag you can even drop one of your brand-new muddies Flint's on top and shoot it at that to grab yourself a lovely little muddied arrow redstone arrows will cause a pulse of redstone to fire off anywhere you have the arrow land again we'll hit a quick replay right there quick little pulse muddy the arrows will slow down nearby mobs as well as weaken them so that they can't reach you quite as easily especially cows cuz cows are always after me oh it's coming and y'all probably could have guessed what explosive arrows do funnily enough though they only work if you hit an entity with them but that does not include items it has to hit a mob here's a fun idea let's activate this command block with our redstone arrows look at that oh I love every second of it and now that we've got that out of the way we're gonna blow them all up now this is definitely not what the fletching table will be used for eventually but one can dream but speaking up number nine is the smithing table the other useless block that came out in 1.14 still doesn't do anything yet until now you can actually make special swords using this thing first of all you can use smoothing tables as you might a normal a crafting table to make swords as well as to automate that process because you could use droppers and dispensers to cause these items to fall onto the top of one of these blocks as an example and it works for your normal expected swords however it does have another unique feature because you can use the special smithing table to make some unique minecraft swords such as an obsidian sword which is with one stick and two pieces of obsidian just like that will buy obsidian sword check it out looks good okay but what is so good about this sword well first of all it's unbreakable see check it out right there unbreakable no durability but notice it's the same attack damage as an iron sword it's weaker than a diamond sword that's the trade-off you get an unbreakable sword it's not gonna be as strong as diamond but you can use it and know that you'll never have to worry about it it basically has mending on it but doesn't even eat up experience or hey maybe you want to try out a brand new muddied Flint the sword that's right you could use the muddied Flint and a stick to get your hands on the Vespa Hemus cool thing about this sword you can juggle it die just play with my off at button the Flint sword will slow down and weaken nearby oh that's a lot enemies but it's extremely brittle as you can see here we've only swung this thing a handful of times and it's mostly already broken but it's an easy way to inflict a whole lot of the status effects on a whole lot of mobs in a very quick amount of time gotta use that obsidian sword at bay maybe eat on somebody's golden salmon oh I'm gonna die help me number 10 the clock I mean look if we're being honest with each other the clock is not that useful you can look up at the sky to know approximately what time it is but we've decided to give it its own unique use and no it's not moving time super fast I just did that for the anyway when put into an item frame the clock will send out a beacon to let you find your house from a distance look at this beacon as it slowly begins to form right away and quite visible from the night so now you've got an easy way of knowing exactly where you left your base by scoping out this awesome particle effect on top of that you can set multiple clocks for multiple beacons so you can even designate areas in your world using these things what's more they act as a mob deterrent here's a creeper goodbye here's another creeper goodbye why don't we summon in ask goodbye no mobs can exist nearby beacon clocks they're instantly removed speaking of if we were to remove this the mob would instantly reappear oh gosh get back down if you leave it alike on today's video guys number 11 beetroot soup arguably one of the most useless forms of food look at this have you ever drink in this no I throat at wall you you're the worst not a woman hey not only do we change the recipe to make it require less beetroots but we also updated it so that you can make it in your 2x2 grafting grid at any time and not only that but it actually provides useful effects now I've just poisoned as well as hungered myself oh so hungry that's because when you eat beetroot soup it will remove bad effects as well as heal you as well as give you a nice antioxidant boost in the form of a lovely haste effect so check this out this guy sucks he's just given me a hunger oh he's the worst I stop breaking my armor okay get it rot EEB oh don't poison me I've unfolded myself ivory healed myself I got rid of my hunger right away but I've also given myself haste three which if you didn't know is really good for my knee look up much faster we are currently mining this pickaxe there's a regular pickaxe by the way no enchantments with an efficiency five pickaxe though it is almost instant mine it's like you're in the nether mining netherrack with your pickaxe so you're gonna want to keep beetroot soup on you believe it or not at all times when you're in the caves number twelve the turtle shell helmet now it has a sneek function because honestly when's the last time you went through hatching turtle eggs getting scoot and doing all that nonsense for a turtle shell helmet the truth is you did it so now check out what it does when you're in a pinch and there's a whole bunch of mobs nearby you can sneak in place to give yourself crazy resistance in fact we currently have resistance four on us and they just broke my chest plate is the worst while sneaking you will actually have the inability to move around and eventually your resistance will wear off unless you re sneak however when you're snuck down you cannot move until you unstick for a period of time see we're stuck in place and the mobs cannot hurt us at all but you also can't move so it's easy for you to get away in a pinch with your turtle shell helmet in addition the turtle shell hema will also increase your swimming speed while in water so look at how much faster we now move around using this as opposed to not having and I'll show you what that looks like in just a second here namely right now you're gonna see that we're gonna move a lot more slowly when we don't have this honest look at this this is normal swim speed right right and here's what the helmet on it's night and day I mean come on number 13 coral fans normally you'd find these things underwater but I'm too lazy to locate an ocean by them and so you're just got to deal with them dying slowly in front of me here which is really all they do if you don't place them in water they just exist and then they don't for a little bit oh they're good for decoration but that's about it however all these guys need is a little soul so throw some soul sand on top of them to turn these fans into actual fans that will blow any nearby mobs items or entities into obscurity it's kind of hard to do underwater because there's like you know a bunch of you know get seen look it push them nice oh gosh now the different fans will actually work in different various directions so blue will work a little bit differently it goes the opposite of the pink when they're red it's gonna go in the other direction as well and you can expect the yellow one right that also does its thing baby now there's five total coral fans and so as you can see here whew it's eaten up these bubbles baby beautiful the final one the bubble coral fan this one works a little bit differently y'all ready this one works in all four directions so now it does not matter from which way you throw items from which way mobs run into this thing they will all go in different directions and that includes you the players so now we get caught in the middle of it or you'll find yourself in some shallow water number 14 the composter currently you can find composters in villages or you can even craft them if you're so pleased by finding some wood and seeds and things like that but for the most part they're not too useful yeah you can fill them up and that's probably what we decided we wanted to change about them so now instead of using your composters for bone meal which takes forever to do and most people don't bother with if you keep your compost you're nice and field near the top there what you're gonna notice instead is that it will slowly drain so we're gonna let this exist do it up come on yeah that's good oh I did it they're much better let it sit at the top like that and what you're gonna notice happen is something quite special the composter will actually fertilize and cause all crops nearby it to grow in an extremely quick manner and I'm hoping it activates right now while I'm spinning or not dang it so look at what happens when you fill up your composter with various seeds carrots potatoes etc it begins to grow them at an alarmingly fast rate I mean look at that some of the crops are already ready to go fantastic do you'll want to keep your composter block nice and stocked as often as possible so that you can instantly grow these crops way faster than normal like did you see that right there that was fantastic I'm in love finally use this update here number 15 the furnace minecart now we can use it in a different way than originally intended which was to push other mine carts around this was originally implemented years and years ago I think close to ten years ago and while it currently serves no real purpose in game because we've got things like powered rails now you can use it to smelt interesting different blocks cobblestone ores gold even sand just place it alongside the rails of wherever this furnace minecart is moving and look at what happened I ain't I didn't mean even see it's really cool it turned all these blocks right into their cooked variant fantastic work furnace minecart I'm so proud of you not only that but it'll actually double the output of whatever it cooks so we've got one gold ore there let's go ahead and let it do its thing Oh two gold ingots love is so good that's today's video guys I'd like to thank everyone that decided to donate to today's st. Jude campaign you guys are the best we'll see if another video real soon
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,279,481
Rating: 4.8743243 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, rare, rare minecraft, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, village and pillage, mobs, most rare, minecraft rare, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, minecraft useless items, useless minecraft features, useless, st jude children's research hospital, 15 USELESS Minecraft Updates, improving minecraft updates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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