15 UNIQUE Update Ideas for Minecraft

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I hired a developer to make us 15 super unique and creative minecraft 1.14 updates from the various new fruit trees that spawn in and new tiny trees for that matter to mechanical blocks like auto feeders so that animals can get busy without you having to be in such close proximity or for the thrill-seekers out there the runic boss mom but you can kill for Opie drops if you're brave enough maybe you'll find one of many new enchantments for your gear either way here's all 15 number one is fruit trees ever wanted to be able to forage for your own foods in the wild rather than having to make your own farms well now it's an option my friends look at these trees look at these bushes look at all these lovely fruit we've added in 10 total new fruit trees and fruit bushes to harvest so I'm gonna see if I can find all 10 right here we just right-click and we grab them we've got a strawberry in hand look at this delicious as you'd expect the food does stack you got to get up nice and close to it you just got a stack on one certain hand and best part of all you can wear them and different fruits will actually heal different amounts will tell you more about that in a second for now I found me a cherry tree this is awesome you literally have to jump up to pick it that's two seriously dude you can't tell me this doesn't look lush oh my gosh I wish this was in Minecraft so bad we just found a tomato bush I'm not mad about this at all and then looked hello what do we have here grapes growing from a grape tree I heard through the grapevine that they grow on grape vines okay five here we've got like oh it can't reach it worst day come on perfect lemons and of course the five other type you can find growing around lettuce raspberry plums way up in the trees orange trees dude this one took forever to find and last but not least coconuts gimme so with all your various fruit types in hand you are ready to eat now I got a do to eat them is right click and you will healed many of these you eat and they all heal different amounts cherries strawberries grapes tomatoes and raspberries will give you one hunger that's half of a shank lemons plums and orange will give you one full hunger bar back as you can see right there and rarities known as lettuce and coconuts yay will give you a lot more healing ability and like I said you go where him number two micro tree farms tree farms take a lot of space but what if my friends what if you could condense down to just one block to make this all you'll need is five pieces of clay and a single bone meal for your micro farm you can play some micro farm down anywhere you want by just right-clicking and then from there you'll want to add various types of soil you can use grass you can use dirt you could even use n stone if you want I don't think you're supposed to drop it he's supposed to just right-click it depending on what type of flooring you use for your micro farm it will either cause certain trees and such to grow faster or will allow for different types of plants to grow but look at that it'll just start growing right on its own well of course once you add various different sapling types to it using dirt and your tray will cost saplings to grow once a minute using grass however will cause them to grow every 30 seconds and then from there all you really need to do is drop your sapling of choice that you want to use on the applicable area and yes that even includes chorus flowers for any end Stone trays you have although chorus plants will take two minutes to grow but as you can see here these things are getting busy right away with the very own little tree variance that's lovely and every so often they'll pop out a log block as well as some sticks here in there but you're probably wondering how do I automate this and I'm here to tell you you can look at this my friends all the trees slowly growing blocks of placing in order to automate this it's simple enough all I got to do place a hopper down and your tray will instantly assume a new position on the ground including the tree actively being grown which means the moment that these things pop off they will instantly collect inside of any hoppers found underneath them you could not get an easier set of tree farms for your world and it's literally adorable so get rid of them you just break the block that they're on and look at our tiny little baby we'll come back for this number three a classic gravestones but with an interesting twist this time when you die a gravestone will appear and it will protect all of the items you had on you except for the last row of your inventory this means you'll want to be extra careful to prioritize everything on you at all times for example check it out my inventory is entirely full with orange stained glass being in the third row of my hotbar we're gonna hit this death button look up huh oh well I'm dead now that's so sad oh look at it look at it it's the cutest little thing it's a little tiny little guy oh wow here's my stuff the gravestone will spawn and it'll be your job to break open this gravestone to get all of your goodies back which is simple enough to do but notice something no more stained glass if you die though any existing gravestones will disappear so you have one chance to get your items back don't leave any graves around number four is industrial machinery that's right here's some new blocks to help automate your world y'all ready for the feeder the item collector and the or doubler these three new mechanical blocks will be instrumental in any Minecraft survivalists world the feeder block is awesome it allows you to place in various different food types including wheat carrots and of course seeds and then from there all you need to do is have nearby farm animals nearby and they will automatically be placed in a love Meghan my baby Oh now it will use up some of the food required to do that but don't worry you don't have to get your hands real dirty in the process anymore why y'all looking at me enjoy your family I'll be back the next block is an item collector and it will teleport any items nearby right on top of it up to two blocks above it which does in fact mean that you can place a hopper right on top there to instantly start getting all things by immediately teleported into this item collector look at this that's very very nice and in its story thirdly the or duplicator it can duplicate any or for the cost of a lava bucket so we'll place it down right here so you can get a nice look at what it's all about you can see that it's got a good golden ingot right on top there and if we were to open this you'd see a custom GUI menu what you'll need to do is grab some lava and we got a bucket right here to do just that and then place the or you want to duplicate right on top of this or a duplicate or block don't put it inside put on the top there from there just enter the bucket put it in and just like that you'll get two diamonds and your ore block will be destroyed now keep in mind you will need silk touch to put certain ores on top of the machine so I'd like to think it's fairly balanced I mean it's a little low P but you know it's you know it's alright okay I collect our goodies pretty sweet update so uh it's getting started number five amethyst or well I know you have all wanted new ores before so here's your new ores they look lovely I'm gonna get to mining them right away now they don't drop the gem they do in fact drop in amethyst or but you'll be able to smelt these ores using whatever fuel into amethyst and naturally you can use the amethyst to craft all your usual gear armor weapons Nuggets swords even blocks of amethyst now with this horse armor to boot look at him oh he's eating grass to me hi now amethyst isn't the most protective armor type or the strongest weapon and tool type in the world necessarily but you're missing the point if that's what you're using your amethyst for all the good stuff has everything to do with this amethyst block check out what happens when I set this TNT on fire right next to our amethyst block notice there's a lot of damage right well the amethyst block managed to stay completely intact it kind of as you can see there's a bunch of cracks on it and if we were to collect it you'd notice it's a cracked amethyst block now that's different from a regular amethyst block see right here is a big distinction now we're gonna try and blow these puppies up again and see what happens the crack one doesn't make it the one that wasn't cracked is now cracked and so hey this is some interesting block combination you might be able to use for some trapdoors some falling crumbling floor ways possibilities are endless number six the runic mobs a brand new challenge well every so often a runic version of a mob now has a chance to spawn in quite rare but very powerful let's show you first the runic spider if I could place him down for me oh gosh okay and as you can see here he's a rare blue variant that will instantaneously poison you if you get too close also coming with his very own unique speed boosts and possibly some other effects oh my word and he's got a lot of health on him as well oh boy please oh gosh we barely made it out of that but check out the drops we got over a stack and a half of stream normally you might find fermented spider eyes as well in the drops but we missed out this time maybe it has something to do with all the poison he was doing from eight blocks away probably to creative mode for the rest of these because next up is the runic slime he's a real dangerous guy I mean look at him he's flipping huge and blue if I was green I would die if I was green I would die now look at what happened to our hot bar right here we are actively losing arrows essentially all the time that's because one of the runic slimes effect is for him to steal arrows from you that makes sense because you're talking about that and you're not gonna be able to get close enough to melee this guy reasonably seriously just take my word for it he will one-shot you essentially so if you find one of these in your world you're gonna want to make sure you take him out from distance and you're gonna want to do it very quickly we've already technically lost a whole stack of arrows essentially and then naturally you got to clean up the mess after the fact with the smaller guys but don't worry about the air effect occurring with these suckers it's only in the most giant of forms I'll spare you the rest but what I won't spare you is the new drop that you get from this guy the runic slimeball check this out see my bounce speed or whatever it's called bounce height right now look at this when held in hand you will get ultimate bouncing ability as though you are one with the slimes if you don't hold the object you will you'll die oh boy there are also runic creepers these blue wonders look at them if you get too close though you'll literally get shot up into the air oh boy quite literally yikes get away maybe we need to get one a little bit closer yeah yeah I don't think so imagine us being in survival mode killing one of these creepers will award you with either 32 or as many as 64 TNT not bad the final runic mob is the runic blaze who you'll want to make sure you UPS well not that but well actually probably should do that yeah well I'm out of spawn eggs but all you need to know is that he would teleport at you the moment you would look away from him on top of chasing you and he does drop this runic blaze rod which will keep you safe from fire so long as it's held in your hand you see when I take it away it's it's uh-oh I update number 7 ancient tomes nowadays it's pretty easy to get max level enchantments in Minecraft it honestly doesn't take too much effort but ancient tomes are going to be the answer to that they're going to be an extremely rare drop that is only found in strongholds in your worlds and upon finding them will give you some remarkable abilities such as the ability for you to upgrade all of the levels on your current armor by one extra level I think I'm lost an ancient tome perfect now it's time we used first thing we're going to want to do is set up an enchanting area with the maximum out of books needed in order to get some major enchantments going once that's nice and set up all you would need to do is grab some items that you want to see enchant it to higher levels look at these mending smite 5 knock back to throw the on top of your enchanting table making sure it's right on there and then throw your ancient tome right at it and look at what happened to this enchantment mending to smite 6 knock back 3 efficiency for fortune 3 for long efficiency 5 fortune for etc etc etc I don't know if you'll get a curse of vanishing - it's possible I suppose let me see what are we gay we did but check out this thing maxed sharp smite Bane all five look at that madness drop it on you know the deal oops I can throw yeah yeah now check out this sword it is in sane yes number eight para days if you happen to find a pair in game and then proceed to feed it a strawberry after about 15 to 45 seconds this parent will actually lay an egg and it's going to be your job to catch the egg because you'll never know what a parent is going to be airborne or if they're going to be stationary because if you're not around to catch the parent egg the egg will actually smash and you'll feel really bad because why would you want that to happen so I'm gonna let him you know lay an egg I guess and we're gonna catch it oh okay we caught it that it they too long I would have expected him to want some more privacy than that but look at that we got our parody right click it it's the same exact looking parrot as before so they kind of have an interesting means of breeding these guys number 9 hats ever want to put blocks and stuff on your head yeah now you can with the hat maker look at this this is what it looks like put it down nice see look what are we the best hat maker now you can do a few different things with it you can use blocks and namely that's probably what you'd want to do just place it right inside and then check it out when you stand on this you now have a glass block on your head fantastic how about an end rod y'all anyone trying to be a unicorn right now can we just can we just let put it on oh you have to take the previous hat off first now look at me I'm adorable unicorn curious though what happens if I were to try and put a pick does that did we yo-yo I look good number 10 is the chest transporter which is a brand new recipe that you'll be able to get your hands on look at this beautiful what does it do well you could probably guess but allow me to explain I'm gonna grab a couple more of these and as you can see right over here we got a chest with a whole bunch of goodies in it you can use the chest transporter to do just that it transport chests see now I've got it in my hand right here fantastic and we can move this around wherever we want such as though you know right here perhaps and look at this all the items still inside doesn't matter what's inside the chest either so long as you have one of these transporters and you can actually grab multiple chests and you can even place them right next to each other if you really wanted to now look at this emotions still there foods still there this is really useful all could you imagine this during a move number eleven more enchantments like a lot more enchantments because minecraft hasn't added any new enchantments in a fairly long time the chopping enchantment was recently announced in the combat beta but other than that so we're taking matters into our own hands instead with nano shield ooh nano armor Rockets soul bound glider magma walk venom Zeus vein miner tree faller auto smelt space spawner touch light magnets lucky look at all the hoes rather than go through every single one of these brand new enchantments what we're going to instead do is just choose a couple of them to go off on in today's video and hey if we get a lot of likes on this video or we leave a comment about this specific spark you know maybe we could do a whole nother video on these enchantments be up to you here's the one I like nano armor so check this out yeah put on a full set of nano armor and y'all ready to see this amazingness that's about to happen well too bad I'm not gonna show y'all getting check it out a different video but never twelve XP storage the XP storage store near my experience orbs if a glass bottle is in the slot found so here's our XP storage block look at you you're lovely Wow not bad and so check this out you can right-click it and look you've got an XP storage area let's put a glass bottle right in here now look at what happens if we were to stand right on top of this currently level 4 by the way almost level 5 stand on it Wow 8 up some of our experience just like that and you'll get an XP potion which you can drink to get back the same amount of experience that you had just had oops you didn't see anything not only that but it'll actually eat nearby experience so you couldn't theory use this for a mob farm of some sort by taking the bottle out at the end and getting all the experience rendered out from these mobs let's see what we just collected here ooo so much experience that it doesn't even say how much experience that's my favorite amount any bets wow it's all that twenty levels from that again though standing right on top and you'll be able to put all those levels away essentially look wow wow it is going faster faster faster path that bad fat I'll take that number 13 extra arrows self-explanatory really first one is the torch arrow wherever you fire this one off a torch will appear novel concept I like it we'll have to use more of it soon next up the ender arrow any guesses anybody anybody Bueller anybody eat teleport do I need to go into detail on this one come on come on come on everybody knows oh boy actually these torturers are gonna come in handy here because we are approaching a cave and I'm not trying to well I live please it just barely I don't know oh boy thank goodness for my gravestone yep what's this mmm it's the next area for us to explore aka number 14 nether ores it kind of rhymed there's never been a reason to go mining in the nether but now you can't cuz now they got all the different order types in netherrack forms see they're all right here that was number 14 then hey number 15 is more totems total woman dying is pretty cool but you know maybe there could be more of them you know like the totem of dying someone not paying close enough attention could easily mistake one of these for the other and you do not want to put a totem of dying in your hands because if you do well you can't take it off it's stuck to you and it will continue to poison you until you die it's really bad it's not good to see I'm trying to remove it it's not happening however there is something good about the day after dying you'll be able to collect your own player head in survival mode so hey that's not a bad trade off let's see if it's the case though ooh wow look at this well I look good that was all 15 my friends did you have a favorite let us know in the comments below special thanks to blue commander for today's world and let us know if you want another one
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,375,566
Rating: 4.8633518 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, nether update, update, new update, new, new blocks, datapack, minecraft 1.15, new nether update, secret, secret minecraft, minecraft tree farm, new items in minecraft, new food in minecraft, minecraft food update, minecraft food, 1.14 update, minecraft 1.14, fruit trees, minecraft animal farm, new minecraft boss, new enchantments in minecraft, new minecraft ore, nether ores, new ores, minecraft diamonds, 15 UNIQUE Update Ideas for Minecraft, totem of undying
Id: aMiCqO5iw3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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