ILLEGAL Minecraft Crafting Recipes (Comments to Crafting)

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we asked you guys to help us find a legal minecraft crafting recipes and we managed to cook up 10 counterfeit emeralds is just a start baby from handcuffs to keep mobs or other things in place to an infinity totem that keeps you alive forever and don't even get me started on the reverse uno card leave your recipes in the comments section for a future episode this next theme star wars alrighty we start off with handcuffs this first one was suggested by wife Anderson and so when right clicked on a mob and iron cage goes around them okay let us see let us see you are under arrest yeah hell no that's cool interestingly enough this is one of our first crafting recipes that requires a double crafting test what procedure I don't know anyways here's soup that's the right here's the recipe we need iron nuggets placed in a shape just like that we'll get you one iron restraint but you're gonna need two of them so go ahead and make two and then the last thing you're gonna need are three more are nuggets to make your iron chain restraints and chains huh wife okay okay I reach you anyways combine all of those to get your handcuffs and so yes as you saw it will restrain mobs I'm curious to see what happens if we try and do it on this pig am I am i interrupting something well doesn't matter you under arrest now fool coming around here with a sword unregistered no less but what else can i arrest squid under arrest swimming Pig under arrest you must stay you need to learn Oh under arrest get back here running a rest I believe my job here is done next up Nick Wilde officials suggest s-- the stealing to this baby is gonna let you pick pocket all the nearby villagers and finally get a return on some of those investments was good babies yo-ho every time you see green particles around a villager it means they are eligible to be pick pocketed right clicking near them will give you a did you just take your seats back and then he runs over okay well this will happen from time to time but you just find another villager right click near them and get those Kara's baby I can see clearly now mine oh no no you can't right-click you got a right-click nearby them and then you can get stuff like books sure to make this you'll need some shears and you'll also need to get your hands on eight diamonds so you know it's pretty expensive yeah this fenced off area this did not work as planned but as you can see not every villager is gonna have stuff - oh yeah didn't mean interrupt not every single villagers gonna have stuff to steal from every time but every time you do fine when with particles well there's something Nick now it looks like every villager has the same stealing table so and what's with what's with all the hats yo did I like miss some kind of convention or something get back here I want your goodies boo I got an emerald that time hello so the loot table seems large enough in terms of what you can get from it books carrots potatoes emeralds but taking from the villagers very illegal well finally a different one up next Archie Beasley suggests counterfeit emeralds who tell me friends at a glance can you tell which one of these emeralds is real hmm could be the one labeled to counterfeit emerald well here's the thing my friends the villagers cannot tell so allow me to show you how to make these first we need something that feels at least as hard as an admiral so we're gonna start with glass and then we need to diet in some form and so you'll need green dye and just like that you'll get your counterfeit emerald so we've got three of these counterfeit emeralds right here and in the inventory there's hardly any difference the counterfeit ones are a little bit smaller than the regular sized ones you can kind of tell right here but all those villagers have to do is see a little bit of green and their eyes go crazy y'all gonna turn into oh yeah you don't want them oh but this guy wants to sell me some fish yeah big boy on board look at that we can use our counterfeit emeralds and get us a bucket of Cod and you know what comes next right under arrest no littering in fact in very quick time you can get yourself a nice counterfeiting press going look we got all the cactus growing all the cactus flowing we've got a nice quarry setup for sand and then all you need from there is a crafting table cook that cactus into your green dye and you literally now have infinite money oh sweet sweet animals so come together boys up next Tanya Boyd suggests a slab mallet but there is a slab mallet I love it it looks awesome hey you want to find out what a slab mallet is okay let's do it together die Oh Oh could it could it be Oh hey get back here you need to become slabbed must be a glitch with the system before apparently the slab mallet mallet turns mobs and didn't get all right crack mobs and the slabs pretty cool look as well log onto a server see this what do you do the slab mallet takes four slabs and one single stick to make em now in total fairness it does not have too much durability but you maybe wouldn't expect it to have too much durability you know it's it's made of wood and you're also doing something you probably shouldn't be doing look at this oh I love every second of it Wow infinite slabs return the slab anybody okay but what else could we turn into slabs every mob how about this Cod die huh kind of or maybe it's lab oh I'm gonna drown slab flab slab slap your results may vary doesn't always slap a fun gotta go knotted a braid not booty get it does it not work on the drag oh boy well so much for that one okay so almost every month we'll have to revisit you some other time number five today is suggested by Milo Keith and it's the uno reverse card really so if I were to take this you know reverse card drink this poison summon this cow and then use the card ooh Oh Betsy I'm sorry I didn't think it'd actually work very illegal this is bad Betsy stop taking damage please no she listen good girl yeah oh now look it's an expensive recipe one nether star 1/8 red dye just to make this card so effect chickens and get player effects ooh so I've got mining fatigue and slowness and these chickens all have something reverse whoo now I've got jump boost speed and strength our chickens normally infected with it that's pretty good look it even keeps like the amount of time left I think let me see does it know it does reset it to 9:00 okay good to know well at least I'm stronger than all these chickens okay so I'm curious so if we didn't know instant health potions actually deal damage to undead mobs specifically only undead mobs they heal everything else I'm curious if I hold the uno card in one hand while I splash myself with one of these potions if it will give the mobs my health benefit instead or maybe it'll do both so let's go into survival mode we've got the uno card right here okay hold that swap these two out so then if I've done this right let's see no I didn't work oh I think I have to be looking at him because it looks like it kind of depends on where you're right clicking stop fighting I need you for something okay so that didn't work but I'm curious do other mobs have effects that we don't know about who knowed ooh whoa bats are naturally blind Hey every sense that's interesting look it's a party we're learning to swap in powers every once in a while on hardmode you'll find a spider that spawns in with some effects currently I have no effects can I take the effects for him I did I got strength the spider came with strength I always thought it was regen I know sometimes it's invisibility I thought they had a regen oh wait witches alright we're gonna hit this witch with the bait-and-switch you just went ahead and potion DUP for she or whatever it is I don't know if you know we should be getting into those details so I got hit with slowness well you've got speed boost I'm gonna swap now I've got speed boost and you've got slowness she said um I want to see if we can get the witch to poison herself go on hit me with some poison baby was good oh yeah why don't you go ahead and enjoy that instead thank you very much although I did get my slowness back because of that and while you just take that as well Oh No we both got poisoned this didn't oh boy okay I don't know what I want anymore yeah I think what the speed boost okay that didn't work as planned if I set the witch on fire I believe the witch will drink anti [ __ ] see your anti fire say look I look I got fire resistance out of it and speed boost nice yo this is the sickest card ever hey sheep yeah you want some fire resistance and look at work see look check it out check it out set on fire yeah nice okay it's mine now sorry about that we're halfway down my friends don't forget to let me know in the comments below which ended up being your favorite for now Pandora 2001 suggested the water wand to make the water wand you'll need eight water buckets and one wooden sword it's pretty good deal Wow apparently with this thing we can take water let me see can we just oh yeah oh yeah just legit taking water yes oh yeah all of it I won't sit look at this this is awesome we just got a full of material water tiles so then what I can place them down and yeah yes baby we got just placeable water ooh this is foot what can we use this for okay can we place in the nether nope not in the nether still doesn't work so but hey speaking of well the water wand work on lava I mean can I even say where am i I feel like you could make pretty cool art with this or something like if we just pick and choose specifically it gotta get real down there to get that lower levels baby because it's only taking those specific source blocks so if I get that yeah hold on yo yo ultimate design make some sweet Gardens under arrest you two wait what would happen if we put it on the ocean spoiler by the way I'm just gonna go right click mad right now boom boom boom just all over the place was good I don't know if he's working actually can we just this one may only be a proof-of-concept I don't know we do develop all of these as you guys leave comments about them so maybe it only works in this ultimate lily pad area of doom hold on yeah well I got close next up number 7 dark toaster 7 7 suggests the infinity totem so illegal hellooo you it just begging to be played with gimme so the infinity totem apparently has infinity on that's what this you know says well totals I'm dying normally only work when you die so excuse me I need to kill myself in Minecraft so you know let's not let's not take that out of the context so I guess the idea here is so long as we're holding the infinity totem when you use it we don't actually use it it just keeps going and if I'm not mistaken well we've got some regen right now it's managing to keep us alive but I think we're about to yep die again and look at this we just keep getting we just keep getting a tote bag wow this is broken I would yeah I definitely say let's try something a little more dressed how about some lava let's just go was good baby yo baby can we die even faster though somewhere else like what what could feel more damage more quickly hmm all right I heard these guys like being stared at so let's see if we can get busy with some new friends hi oh they're coming to welcome me what's up everybody we gonna just hang out for a little bit yep I think we may have found oh my gosh yeah this is like this was a really good idea yeah Oh bride is a of course this is actually like a lot of fun like this is pretty funny to me dude all right all right all right so though you better hold out of this thing for dear life though because the moment you let it go well you're sure to die to make one you're just gonna need a total of dying and an infinity buck who'd have thought next up is the diamond creator suggested by Owen Roberts it looks like an innocent chest I don't know if it is one or not let's see if we put a diamond block on top okay nothing special happens well that's expected we were supposed to put on diamonds what happens if we put on diamond ooh ooh two diamonds hey so what if we were to put on $2 Oh whoo we got four so how quickly does this work exactly oh my gosh all right guys I'm gonna be sick okay I think we get the idea but what about a full stack full stack not gonna happen you got to do them one at a time which I guess it's fair it's literally infinite diamonds you know but if you go too fast it stops picking up them all together she got a kind of timeout these that's baby too bad it doesn't work with blocks of diamonds you oughta had a field day but speaking of blocks of diamonds you're gonna need eight blocks of diamonds alongside a regular chest to make this diamond create and eight blocks of diamonds this is a lot of diamonds that's over a stack of diamonds a stack plus eight diamonds but once you get that many you essentially have infinite diamonds under the rest number nine Jonathan Lennox with flying sand is it true is it really true oh oh boy yo he got he got stuck on some leaves let me break these move any luck no I stuck in another one look this tiny little corner get real now if we break that Oh yep away he goes try more open air boom yep goodbye I don't know what you'd use this for but I'm not gonna lie it's not fun they're a little bit janky they kind of start going crazy at the top there it's kind of expensive to make - you need four shulker shells and some sand just to get one single piece of flying sands yeah that's all right probably do more that we just didn't have time to develop anymore with it so sorry John but a the last one look at this thing gross it's known as the circle of doom by pocket raccoon they make me swoon alright I'll stop to make it you need another star and one two three four not place like that plays like this netherrack and apparently this strange little ball will open a one-way portal from the nether when thrown on the ground let's see boom nice oh yo something's about to happen okay big big man gasps what's with the particles all over the place can we just oh my goodness yeah I'm gonna is it on the ground still I'm gonna take it oh it's no it's gone weird the gas go oh it just stacked with my other ones you can keep this one down look at this it's crazy oh and there's something interesting maybe we got to go somewhere different this area feels a little more open BAM okay yeah it looks like he's frozen in time or something oh it's cuz I had peaceful mode on there we go that's what we were looking for so it spawns it ooh it spawns in a few guests oh gosh how many how many you're gonna keep coming just the two well that makes me feel a little bit better this one's not even though I spoke too soon okay you can die oh great so it's just oh my gosh so it just keeps spawning them in one by one well really one by two I guess oh no there's the third one okay yeah we I might be in a little bit of trouble I'm gonna just go ahead and pick this guy up yeah you should go in theory this is like a portable gas beats throwing these down can put gas spawning oh yeah he's in pain yo everyone to clear out a forest just place these like every two blocks and you'll just have ghasts all over the place presumably at least and then they can start going nuts on the leaves all over let's see it work yeah we got some gas coated baby and a whole bunch of magical particles all over the place dudes we're gonna clear this forest in no time at all they're everywhere oh this oh wait village actually even better we're just gonna set a couple loose inside here see you you know I problems you spin up you know good old time hopefully no vindicated thereby Oh God all right that should about do it we've summoned in a bunch of guests at this point are you looking at oh boy now we just sit back and enjoy void the fire sure does smell good around here yeah I could have told you this was gonna happen sorry about your house bro but hey I want to know from you guys which of these illegal recipes was your favorite you can let us know in the comments below and don't forget this week's theme y'all ready it's Star Wars we'll see you later hey you arrested get better it's genius I mean I test attractions have gone quite well we've modified the internal structures of six regular minecraft blocks to grow them to enormous sizes we've even stabilized them well enough to go inside them but some of the block containment systems are locked byun terribly dangerous logic gates in order to open the park to the public we need someone to help us do the dirty work so that we can fund the study of the origins of our block and use the wonder of these giants to attract patrons to the eye they told me you were fantastic are you ready well welcome to big block now on the Minecraft marketplace
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,189,028
Rating: 4.9081316 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new update, 1.15 update, crafting recipes, gaming, minecraft 1.15, items, funny, mobs, Minecraft 1.14, logdotzip, comments, new, comments to crafting, new minecraft items, update, minecraft updates, new items, minecraft challenge, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, new tools, new weapons, new minecraft blocks, new crafting recipes, reverse uno card, illegal minecraft, illegal crafting recipes, minecraft stealing, illegal, totem of undying
Id: hdjb_kNtzlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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