Adding 25 NEW End Updates to Minecraft

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it was recently announced that the nether would be updated in Minecraft 1.16 sounds exciting but what about the end I mean sure and city loot is awesome and in fairness it is the only place that you can get your hands on an eletric lycra Electra either way though that's about it for the end which means I guess it's time for the lock dot zip command crew to come through with twenty different updates to the end complete with new and biomes for you to explore rogue and urban traders with special blocks and items to offer wireless chests transmitting using ender eyes which is writing phantoms as if you didn't need enough nightmare fuel and even ender stasis blocks for advanced telephone let's explore a little bit more in depth and today's world by I see we should start with a nice easy change to get you to the net number one a portable and a portal can be created with the following structure eight obsidian one beacon block and then a dragon head will actually cause a new end portal to appear this is awesome because as you can see we're in the overworld we kind of just placed an end portal wherever we wanted and didn't take that many blocks to do it so now let's jump on in ooh look at this place biomes oi oi number two is an ender River biome now obviously you don't see much of anything but yellow and purple blocks when you're in the end normally so it'd be cool if the end had a nice fresh lick of pain in the form of new biome types so we've got our pickaxe let's show you what these blocks are called under grass purple and yellow galore not even though it's called grass I wouldn't be mining away with the fist if I were you because come take very long time and by the way if I were you I would also stay away from this unless you really like purple flames nevermind the death message that said we tried to swim in lava it's not lava it's number three ender acid which is some kind of dangerous pollutant that you can find in the end perhaps the strange liquid is the source of all of the life for the chorus plants I mean they got to grow because of something and it doesn't look like too much water so my guess is that they've developed some sort of attachment to the acids found in this terrible spooky world here maybe we can use the fruit to teleport us closer to the next one maybe maybe not anyways number four ender slime which will also spawn in in Endor ass ooh big boy flame alert so not only do you have to worry about not stepping in the ass if you got to worry about the creatures that are coming from it as well this one looks like he's related to the slime blocks I mean I figured there'd be similar monsters in each bomb it would make sense if this guy made some kind of an appearance now if y'all could die thank you you'll notice that we actually got a special drop when killing these slime acid slime thing slimes yeah i'ma finish this off get away from me we just got ourselves a whole mess of ender dust now assuming you kill enough of these ender slimes to get entered dust you'll be able to use it for some very unique applications which is why it's number five you can sneak on enter dust to teleport down the line that it forms so look we've got a nice little area right here stand on one edge look boom instantly teleport between both spots okay yes yes honey you do have to kind of be looking in the direction you're trying to get to but once you got that one down you've got instant teleportation now if I were you that means I'm collecting a whole lot of this ender dust I mean look at this one look how far this path goes down all the way over there maybe we can spruce it up even more so with any luck when we sneak on this oh yeah all the way down the path that is beautiful yo this dust looks whoa oops hey anyways we'll come back to it for now number six item receivers and transmitters you can use these two special block types to wirelessly transmit items between chests tomatoe you'll need 600 dust some dragon's breath a hopper and of course one of your eyes of ender for the item transmitter as well as a version with an ender pearl to get the item receiver so currently this receiver chest is completely empty but look what happens if we were to put in 11 and her dust into this guy hmm how about if we were just start dumping every single thing we're seeing in that ol chest right here look at you all of it slowly moving over as this chest slowly fills in with everything coming from the transmitter chest but you can go for longer distances too so we're putting all of it into our current transmitter that we've just placed down and if you look over here in a second there's no other chest really to close nearby till we you know teleport to this guy all the way over here an instant movement situation super useful for moving stuff we'll have to revisit our transmitters and receivers very soon for now I'm going to use my dust to get to the next destination look at that literally biggest time save ever good thing we need that time for number seven the end Canyon biome this biome type is similar to a ravine which will cut through various end islands and comes with its own unique builds such as upside down trees they're not too common so when you run into one you should make note of it and also destroy its livelihood by cutting it down seriously what are y'all doing growing upside-down don't you know it's current year you can't just be doing things like that now upon breaking the tree you'll get a special type of purple log a strange level which you can of course turn into strange planks and I'm curious are these leaves gonna drop me any delicious fruits ooh well we got a strange sapling whoa you're ugly looks like a feather duster not bad guys welcome to my new home spacious see we're in the living room now number eight phantoms can spawn the end however they come with a very special new phantom which means we should probably actually start gearing up for them why don't we go ahead and do that so with any luck we should have some phantoms oh boy yeah they sure have spawned in and ooh there's a glimpse of our special phantom there is literally a witch riding on this phantom look at it all over the place could you imagine seeing this in your game world yeah just ready to die balmy with potions galore yeah no thanks so man is seeing let's see if we can do some damage to these guys where's the witch yikes and he comes at you with only just poisoned me worst combination - there's so many fans right here I don't know if I'm ready for this right now - how you doing witch see and if you don't hit the phantom that the witches on top up it's not like you're even gonna kill the witch in time so you really gotta be vigilant about this vigil and I said I didn't okay we got one of them oh boy got another are you kidding me he threw a potion from the sky we had a walk back I'm just happy we have all these different shortcuts that can take advantage of now killing the witch doesn't give you any normal rewards that a witch wouldn't normally give you but you know hey get some sticks sure can use them to make a pickaxe for number 9 the opal or which will generate in these canyon biomes and opal ores drop opals so why don't we go ahead and get busy minding a couple this is what the gem looks like a very fun mixture of blues purples and yellows amount to one of the most beautiful gems minecraft has seen yet so let's mine away at it huh yeah baby gimme that opal like scum looks like a metroid from like samus anybody so what exactly is this opal used for then huh well a couple different things so we're gonna grab a bunch of them for number ten here the end or auktioner which is a special Enderman that will auction off blocks or items it picks up yes a rogue trader of source here's one now the Interop sure is auctioning one diamond block there's one minute remaining and if you look here a text menu appears in the bottom left of your screen with current bids so we can literally bid on various different items that these traders have so I'm gonna bid on this and I'm gonna set it to 2 opals so I'm bidding 2 opals to try and get my hands on this diamond block but look there's another auction err someone just bid 2 opals I'm gonna bid again let's bid five all pools hey and an honour sentiment has bid six opals what are you talking about 15 seconds remaining someone's trying to get my diamond look I'm gonna bid 8 opals do something about it huh yeah you fool yes but oh 3 seconds yeah I did it I paid my opals I hate it type something very quickly 34 opals for one diamond block that's it yo you're a ripoff homeboy yikes worst trade ever oh boy I'm just kidding please know if you've got anything else to trade oh well if you're like now but anyways hey hey hey hey look out for rogue traders in the end and you know have your opals ready all right my friends number 11 sees a change to the eye of ender namely dropping one in the end will cause it to explode so now you've got a reason to start collecting all this alongside that your ender pearls and blaze powder cuz look now boom that's right baby you can use this to cause explosions wherever your heart is content look I okay hey probably watch out a little bit Wow hold on yeah I'm gonna go to town on this we're just gonna slowly yep-yep-yep yep-yep-yep oh this is cool I'm mad about this just throw bombs all over the place ooh my house I didn't mean it no man worst I'm gonna hold on to the rest of these they might need them in a little bit whoa check out this place beautiful number 12 the end o Asus biome there's an ancient story about the end that paint said is a once lovely lush place filled with life foliage flowers friendliness and so many other things that start with the word F or letter look it's been a long day alright but look hey alright not really we're gonna explore this area around lava so you can get a nice glimpse of what it could feel like to prance through a field and cities and warships nearby collecting flowers for your grandma or something I don't know grandmas are nice flowers are nice too and so is number thirteen endermans can now drop their head as a special drop when it comes to the special power while wearing the head you will teleport away when damaged so what we have right here hmm I will grab you thank you so much is a charged creeper and a friend ermine we're gonna press that down blow em on up baby yeah huh I thought I'd press this to disable them then whatever we got the head Jagger oh and Reuben head so we'll go ahead and take that off put the Enderman head right on there and Wow look how scary ham guys now whenever you take any sort of damage you can expect for a clean getaway boom nice look where i teleported to actually yeah where did I teleport to that's kind of Wow not bad pretty far distance if you ask me why are you - a boom baby okay that time we tell probably one block but try setting yourself on fire and look what happens look at this instant movement yes yes I'm trying to get sit on actual fire how come only purple flames so yeah maybe if we do it in here instead there we go now look at me every single time I catch fire haha we can teleport of different places dude what year is it right now this is hilarious oh I loved every second number 14 the infinity pearl which is a special ender pearl that has no gravity you'll need an ender pearl and a tender dust to make this thing now it doesn't look like it's any different from normal but trust me this ender pearl is enchanted with infinity on it which means it has no gravity so see this building right up here yeah we're just gonna throw it right up there and look it continues to go in a straight line until oh yeah Ikes yo hahaha that was sick bread talk about a quick shortcut leave that elevator action also how do I get down this ender pearl is particularly useful because you can use it to really pinpoint exactly where you want to land in certain locations also don't be an and urban when you use it because I just got teleported away from the tree hmm number 15 the pearl stasis chamber this special mini block chamber will literally freeze and ender pearl in place until a redstone signal is applied to it that's right stuck in stasis to make it you need 400 dust for per per blocks and one nether star at its core it works as follows throw a pearl at it pearl will freeze in air now once you've applied a redstone signal to it that pearl will drop and you'll instantly teleport nearby I'm gonna take this guy off it keeps teleporting you around petite average again making note though that you can apply a redstone signal to this to extend the rate at which you teleport by a factor of distance I don't know if what I just said actually made any sense but I gotta say it did sound pretty smart so check this out pearl still in stasis over there press this button check it out I don't think it reached the end yeah I'm dumb it's still not wow look it's a little buggy okay I don't know what you want me to say number 16 is the interference gem which is an item when held in the main or a fan will prevent nearby Enderman from teleporting to make it you'll need one of your opals from before as well as eight and/or dust look at this baby and or Ference yes please so check this out I'm gonna summon an Enderman now he can't teleport well he's not supposed to be able to teleport let's do it in creative mode yeah we'll see I mean it's not that he teleport he comes right back so it's not like he's actually moving away you know we're gonna count that one yeah it's totally fine I'm gonna get away with it number 17 the end of compass right click to point to the closest end city so this one takes 400 dust for under 4 eyes of ender scuse me and a compass look at that to get a lovely purple tinge compass that will point to the nearest end city Wow it's right there now actually in order to use it you need to right-click with it and what happens is it lets off a particle it emits particles you see and it points instantly to where the end city is without fail so you'll be able to locate the nearest one without here we are number 18 ender mites burrow into perper creating chokers yes that's right you didn't know Joker's were around riddling born now you do and do my day on it now mmm boom shocker come on baby that's lovely now you die and when you kill a choker you get something quite special come on open up come on open up come on I just want you well come on Eve she'll baby I disappeared great now I'm floating and no I'm going to create a mode for this die Oh God I even drop it but look the idea here is that number 19 Joker's will drop their shulker bullet projectiles so now you have access to these stupid little things like please I don't like them you can now get them as drops and have them used against other mobs on your behalf look at this thing throw that out yeah baby yeah baby all over the place I love it though I'm still geeking on this they'll look at this end or mites come on yeah that's right get stuck on in there it doesn't matter what per per block it is the moment these things hit one they bro in and become my least favorite chest like mob of which is only one but it is my least favorite oh look they're fighting you're those two or those two are fighting yeah yeah oh boy I'm in trouble yo can we use this bullet against other mobs can we just oh yes yes oh you're literally the worst ha ha ha ha ha you're a floating zombie now I've seen everything guys oh yeah you stay away 20 and end your bag to make this you'll need to shulker shells as well as an ender chest to get your end your back here's what's cool you can right click with your ender bag to access your end your bag chest at a moment's notice so I'm gonna go ahead and put a couple things in there and not a problem no problems at all but now look walk around a little bit right click again and your bag instant access but that's not even the best part the best part is that it links to your and your chests look at this you now have portable ender chest access through your ender bag at all times now you can get you all your goodies whatever you want number 21 sneak while holding the dragon had to shoot a fireball yeah I can get behind that look good baby bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam yeah yeah yeah look at this wherever we look is where the fireball appears this is yo I could totally get by this I love this so much you'll be able to get easy access to dragon's breath all you need is a dragon's head oh boy no I did me to put you there get away comes with a navigate all this he between the Oh nope uh-uh number 22 throw and/or dust on an end crystal to turn it into a turret yes I will do that you've been dropped on dropped on on I tell you what now it will attack nearby mobs yes please yes please just going for them oh my gosh so good mmm and it looks like things caught in the crossfire have a chance of taking damage as well as the main target maybe not hard to tell but here's the beautiful thing we go into survival mode we're gonna be hunky-dory fine this thing's not gonna come from me because I'm the one that placed it I put it down it listens to me yeah y'all can try and get close I'm not gonna happen you shovel come on you do have to be careful about breaking the crystal still however back we go for the time being huh number 23 ender mites will burrow into the dragon egg respawning the dragon egg after you've had an endermite grow into it is going to make for a much more interest where did it go come on man you killing me with this foot there we go burrow on in fantastical now while that's all happening yet we're gonna do this mm-hmm we're gonna do this mm-hm we're gonna summon in this dragon once more now there's a reason you would want to take on this special dragon because after beating the hard dragon the world resets and you prestige so what does that mean well I'll get back to y'all in a little bit I kill this drag come here baby what's good what's good get all back here you dig now I've given myself major strength boost and I also have a sharpness 5 sword that were - oh wait nevermind I just kidding haha I was like wow this guy's got a serious amount of out there now I just kept missing but either way you've killed the ender dragon you just take my word for it that it's a harder boss battle this time around and once you've done that you'll naturally get all your experience like you're used to falling from the port dragon but now you've prestiged you've got one prestige point click here to spend it okay I'll do it prestige I'm gonna spend it oh and you've got options permanent speed permanent strength permanent resistance or permanent hassed it's short for haste let's go to the speed boost so we now the permanent speed boost on our world no matter what we do no matter if we die no matter if we're living beautiful prestige points were number 24 by the way and I thought there was 20 well I mean there is hey fires purple now number 25 all right sweet
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,073,956
Rating: 4.8556223 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, the end update, minecraft the end update, The End, nether update, minecraft 1.16, 1.16, 1.15, Minecraft 1.15, new end portal, new biome, new the end biome, Ender River Biome, Ender biome, new ender mobs, ender slime, minecraft ender update, new minecreaft ender update, eye of ender, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft update, the ender trader, no cursing, ender dragon, ender dragon egg, ender dragon portal, new eye of ender
Id: CGjRctPhdpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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