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hey what's going on guys log that zip here today we're talking chunks minecraft jugs don't mind that chicken down there he'll be fine if you weren't aware minecraft is made up of a whole bunch of blocks in all of those blocks form 16 by 16 grids that make up chunks and chunks are the life force of Minecraft there's something without this 16 by 16 love story minecraft would surely not look quite as it does today but what if there was only one final chunk in Minecraft the last chunk that's just a son I I just thought it looked pretty that's why I zoomed in on it what shut up Betsy well my friends today we find out about the very last chunk in Minecraft courtesy of fraud double-oh-seven he's a fraud I tell you look at him he's a fraud from the beginning and of course carlos ender who looks like he needs a napkin gross in an experience simply known as the last chop in this short map that was made in three days reading this off a list by the way will fight against a lot of ancient mobs defeat some bosses and find some of Minecraft most secret items and places here's a story with more the short story seat says right under my head there yeah anyways the world is in ruins and the human race Scott almost passed away the last survivors managed to make this shelter but the balance twins found it and infected it your goal defeat the balance twins and recover your home by completing the monument hey who is scary here okay let's do it rules during this book I think hey what do you got for me well the last chunk rules follow the rules out great thanks settings on whatever you feel cover why I have 60 pages oh okay good enough down to the scripture if you want to play for yourself here or what we are doing death count try to beat me okay well you have zero death count so we just can't die okay good speed run make your best time oh wow okay and disabled challenge now I like challenges that's okay so here are some of our child and chanting kept more strength that's normal mode yeah well you can go normal mode because I'm a normal guy you know I play Minecraft all day for money that's normal right it's not your journey by walking on the slabs okay hey well I already died once now it's true Frodo is gonna beat me so here's our one chunk this is the last chunk yo and this place looks disgusting what do I do is this like the ultimate nether region over here it's just blackness mmm good baby oh he's hold the sword it's probably stay away from that guy what do you have here ooh infected sword exceeds sharpness and unbreaking and 10 bones love it calcium if your bone marrow is delicious by the way you let us down you're older well maybe so what else can we do over here is there like more or have I missed some things do we need to attack you and kill you later yes time I looks like I did miss something what it looks like there's nothing too special on this side I went ahead and looked over everything and there's not the DOE down we go we'll have to look at these guys a little bit later once you got what you want uh-huh what is this ooh goodies don't mind if I look at all those arrows delicious where we have underground armor an underground knife not bad not Brad Pitt at all we got some pages here we got some more pages I hear bad guys where are they oh oh that's your slabs thought it was a skeleton and so it looks like these are the three different monuments we need to capture blue red and green primary colors Computers something what are we in the matrix I'll take your call and bread though delicious yo coal-fired bread my favorite it's good for black lung anyways down we go we got some mobs we need to take out presumably I hear a lot of bad guys so it would make a lot of sense of that where the case well I've really bright down here which I'm fine with and just it's an observation alright ever calm down hmm so what about this is the last chunk exactly why oh boy was my nerd you gotta go oh boy there's two of them how many lost miners are you get me lost me together alright Bo the safety gun with punch my love punch delicious it would appear that the last chunk in Minecraft is very bony and disgusting and so it looks like we're gonna need to get our hands on a pickaxe so we can start mining away at some of this otherwise I have a feeling it's never there it is the coal miner boy man you left it behind oh now that we got our pickaxe I can kill you you idiot look at you with you duping dick and you too oh my gosh I know you want my bread I know you looking greedy you're gonna get this mine I need the carbs I told you it's a long day okay I gotta be able to do this without you all get drunker three now break it break it why can't I break it stay away i where do I go oh hello we got another one of you oh my gosh Oh boys come on half come on now not bad and I hear some lava and I have some potatoes it's a perfect combo really so then if I am Wow okay yeah we're in trouble here there's a lot of loss miners boys kid you really could you just come on something please like I know you're lost I don't know the way either like how do I handle this is seven there's a it's so many get away am I supposed to be like looking for some kind of exit oh hey well that makes sense there's this close go baby I don't even know it's strong Oh watch your iron eyes I could take your hind I would be useful you stay back that's oh my gosh and there goes all my stuff lost Meyers birthday how much was it get all my goodies now I gotta go like so okay we're gonna have to bum rush bum rush wait that's the wrong way is it this way wait which way is it even I'm totally confessed oh my god you stay oh oh there's my kid yeah okay it's long oh boy today ain't gonna learn today hey wait short oh boy this is it no no no no I need my potatoes oh my god oh boy this is gonna be bad oh great and there's the Sun going down which means mommy's let's party up here Oh lovely okay I got my things and we also picked up some goodies you see all these nice little guys I killed those are birds from before yeah they drop their goods but we have a little bit of a dilemma we've got some problem people upstairs I hear a whole bunch of creatures that I just don't know how to add work Oh put on on ask now that a I'm so nervous to go up right now oh my god they're like everywhere yeah what are you even this is like so scary like what kind of chunk is this place I'm so confused is this really with the last truck I need stay alive stay stay stay alive how gonna get my anything I mean oh wait now good map like randomly switched game modes on me that's good that means we can mind things maybe I had to like activate a certain section we need to get rid of this spawners oh boy oh boy [Applause] we are retreating that is what I'm doing instead goodbye oh my gosh that's it I got a chance to mine away that ridiculous launchers for so we should mostly be good for now there's a couple zombies hanging out somewhere and he wants to give me he's good I respect the hood I like your board did you just give me nah I guess its protection too this one's better but no boots yeah well do we get all the chests yo underneath sounds so scary like so ridiculous you're scared I don't want to go down there but I think we have to okay you know what maybe we don't have to maybe we can just hang out instead yeah okay this is not what I had in mind break the bone block yes yes and you go there now if we kill enough of these guys we could probably make some oh no I love it alright I'm a farm on these give me a sec I mean really look at this hall we got so many goodies now so I'm gonna make me some lagging at God and then we can booty yeah that's good too and now we have a nice set of legging and booties okay surprisingly looks pretty calm down here I'm very happy about that hi I'm gonna break you right now you are broken yeah it's perfect excellent good finally all the grinding I did on those zombies up above is paid off I'm so happy huh the lime wall is hidden here somewhere somewhere he says all right we're will go ahead and get looking won't we for that though oh nice what are you thoughts pad now it was supposed to be a chest plate but you know the pants we'll have to do see it Larry says right there for you do hear a noise if that's a little concerning you know that is that much above going on now there are your chests you got some goodies in here hidden away hiding away hid away hey what are you fire aspect three look at this fire bringing this weapon keeps the secret of the flawed use wisely if it keeps the secret afford to be the lime is behind it no oh well where that's it's fine I guess it's just time we started tearing this bro so I'm gonna get me mad lime wool of it's the last thing I do well so far it's been a mess in de trying to find this place actually didn't even notice there's a chest over here I haven't opened this guy what do you got for me ooh what do we got iron hammer hammer designed to make legendary weapons yes that is an upgrade never and I'll tell you what's gonna damage do but no lime wool now I know it's got to be on this floor because the map said it was and if it was and whether it be a big problem I bet you is it is that watch watch it is it let me see look through something right here can we just wait this blocked off oh it's time okay see upstairs it's blocked off this time not as food that's it let me yeah got it perfect lime wool let's place you down do you hear how many creatures are downstairs that is disturbing I am so nervous I don't want to go down another floor let's place the wall and hopefully have a good old time can we just maybe I'm not running I don't know if I actually camera I can kite these I probably keep tighten these guys around yeah yeah what you gonna do nothing ow ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh well that's one way to do it I suppose huh let's all head on our bed a - the Olaf oh boy oh boy oh my gosh get my stuff fire bringer set me on fire now - is bad it's a good thing I just keep respawning otherwise this would have been a real bad time stop just stop I don't have my things are all my things had where's the wall okay have the wall on me good all right I think I've gathered myself my creatures are nice and vanquished and I'm gonna place you here now perfect thank you what I got another line why I want you you put me through a lot of stress man I ain't havin it now in terms of this next floor I pretty sure we lucked out right here we had like almost nothing to fight I don't think it's gonna be the same story on this next floor I've been hearing mobs constantly yep yup yup yup wow there's a lot woah Wow what do you guys not attack or something oh you want to give me gold Pharaoh oh really really really you got thorns on you dude how do I get the lime on this I mean the wool whatever color you are oh my god stay away at least this is kind of like a maze you know what I mean like like they're trying to reach me over here they can't do nothing yeah what do you want yeah yeah what is he ridiculous you get over oh boy wait good stuff okay good I'll kill all y'all oh wow my weapon is almost completely gone already this is bad and I broke I broke this spotter and here I don't know if I'm gonna have enough weapons I don't know if I could do anything anymore all I got are these potatoes no one even likes potatoes uh I think there's a particular all right let's play this wool we just got a bum Russian what do we got what do we got what we got mine you mine yes good how come aking me none of them why are you attacking me what are you guys what are you doing you guys okay we're on the same page oh boy oh that would explain something the Pharos uh-huh well maybe maybe we're actually good we might be good right because we killed the spawner so oh boy well now we're attacking with pickaxes that is the world we are now living in wait I forgot I've got a whole bunch of iron goodies upstairs I could just make another sword excellent good but for now let's kill up on all these all Pharaohs you got a die die die die okay that vanquished them it just got rid of most of them there I've got a whole bunch of experience to grab through huh don't mind if I do and can we upgrade anything now doesn't look like we can do it just yet but that's okay in due time all right but now we're gonna get to mining maybe we can find ourselves another piece of wall oh here we go here's something Oh the ancient boobs I know it's not that good but you need them what just attacked me what attacked me all right can they attack in water now is that the whoa easy easy does it oh I think I just goofed something by making the water appear there can we just yeah yeah what yeah yeah no more water sorry guys it's nothing personal you just got to go how come the water didn't oh no it's cuz I'm placing stairs down oh my gosh we're staying my life can we ever thank you thank you thank you and you gotta go to thank you.thank I lave hey well here's something we got in the pharaoh's head it's it's okay well I just realized I don't have any sticks so I can't do anything with my iron ingots I can't make swords can't do nothin so I guess we're going back to stone swords this is quite literally the worst last chunk ever what the heck and now they can all attack me what just happened I leave for five minutes and now none of you guys are my friends anymore oh well I have a feeling I'll be here for a while I'll see you in effect well all right it only took one entire sword and a bunch of food we cleared out all of these guys now I could breathe but only for so long because now we head down to another level and where is really there's a slave down here too you just couldn't have enough you had to hang out with your village your friends how you're a lad your friends how you fail at your friends huh you're vindicated friend yeah you won't bite okay come on down slave you ain't got nothing and how many are they extra really oh boy what are you honey would you book library guardian I was just a library Oh this shouldn't be that bad eh-eh-eh-eh book you got there Lovecraft your fan get away okay we need my gosh well I see a chest I'm in a bum Russia and just see if that you stay away oh boy oh I have an idea I think I know how to instantly get what we want just involved yup yup yup yup yup yup what do you got is that yeah I knew I was the smart boy I knew it my mommy always told me of course it's dead of the night and I got to deal with it why didn't I give her the spotters on the top floor so I won no that would have saved me a whole mess of trouble well we really need to hurry up because all I have left food-wise is Apple's it's literally apples I've got three apples left and a whole bunch of zombie flesh right thank you run Oh another one how many do they do it get it alright alright are we good do we have everything we need cuz all these guys all my gosh isn't knowing all these oh my gosh ooh chest there's your got it they already got all these guys drop is shovels yeah I could I could do it worst chunk ever all right in you go Wow perfect ah okay we are eating our lastest food right now and I'm hoping that I am doing the right thing by going right here if I am well then that's good and if I'm not and having trouble oh look it looks like you can go down one further here I hear poison spiders I don't want to hear those oh boy librarian please oh oh god oh no oh no oh no this is not what I wanted at all where's my boat you almost are taking them out yeah from a distance yeah whoa one-hit wonders yes this is very good okay hello goodbye oh hello we gotta be so diligent so diligent it hurts can I do this so I can fire my bow oh boy I've been poison okay please you gotta go you gotta go - oh boy where is he great a minor head that's not all I need right now I need food sticks nothing I do really you see this is go down another level Oh gray of course which means that probably shouldn't even be messing with this section because it probably not anything I need all right let's do it you never know hey I'm looking for food maybe we can get our delicious [Music] oh boy okay okay okay everybody calm down come on oh yeah oh wow we don't mind you yes we are you have in mind and you've been mined - what yeah that's good please I just need like some food or something like please just give me the please oh hey sure whatever give it to me I ain't run flush now worst day okay here's something very gross nearby I don't know what it is but I hear it I've pretty much gone through all of your chests we like port just board through all different walls oh they all play like that H nah not today bye bye person oh man there's been a heck of a time so far but I think we're on there it is the entrance down I'd like my even knows I broke that Boop's well let's see what's waiting for his down he probably can't be anything good huh probably not okay looks like it's snot oh my gosh this guy looks strong demon you are a demon no you are bad I need to you not to do good now they can all come to me slowly hey come on well you can't reach me I like the carry HP wait worse guys yeah what's good baby hey hey oh whoa we should probably uh yeah we're gonna make a nice little barrier now you go yeah stop me oh wow you might stop me so if you could just not push each other in so I can make quick work could be that would be and this is pretty good sword we burning through these yay now here's the true meaning of life Jenny okay we good we made it I was gonna hit my head on luck he's stealing some break break it yes okay two more oh my gosh isn't over floor get real can we just stop with the additional floors like it doesn't do anything for anybody no one likes it these guys don't like it like I have to kill these creatures because you're making me do this all right uh-huh yeah you really really you think I'm just gonna drop down crazy down and then we'll break another one and then down was just like a boss battle oh great oh joy oh wow it literally looks like it's gonna be some kind of boss battle oh can we just take our red wool and be on our merry way please that would be great that would be hello what is this start boss fight oh great this is exactly what I wanted I'm literally eating zombie flesh I just want some wool I guess we can make it happen you know I'm gonna do check this out look no one say was against the rules so here we go baby here we go baby here we go baby hey what up babe come on down hey oh boy well I'm gonna take you out from far nobody likes you yes yes yes yes yeah I killed it I was easy and I'm gonna attract you now wait you a little piggy yeah yeah yeah stopall me can't do nothing I'm out oh wow he's got thorns on okay this could be bad after oh why right burning Oh he was casting magic on me is that okay well alright most anti climactic ending of the century I'll go and take my totem and dying thank you not leaving that one out of my hand and up we go to the red wool but how much no we don't have any blogs I said we could do the fun way but we never blocked it fun where you do the boy way I'm gonna go up this way true shame about this being the last chunk in Minecraft and all it's uh kind of disgusting if I'm being perfectly honest like so is this I not the hallway anymore we're just gonna break in my dear whoa we skip that whole section with the librarians I forgot okay we may or may not want to go the long way in this room yeah I think I will oh no no no you fools can't get me now huh oh boy really close I thought it was good I know that was it for sure okay they get the home stretch from here baby ladies and gentlemen may I present you the end of the last chunk City hey at whispers - congratulations you won the game thank you for playing well I'll tell you what you're quite welcome and thank you all for joining me on what could very well be the last chunk in Minecraft so scary guys five likes no seriously thanks for watching enjoy today's video do leave a like on that was the description we'll try this map out for yourself see how you do against me thanks for subscribing and like I said in that Valve vitalizing to be notified of every single nyan cat video rise it comes out this musics getting way too loud so I'm just gonna go I'd throw myself in a bit nothingness of the void I have a good day we'll see you later I'm dead
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,110,202
Rating: 4.8664455 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, last, chunk, chunk minecraft, minecraft chunk, 16x16, the last minecraft, the last of minecraft, the last of us, ancient, ancient creatures, new, how to, crazy, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, minecraft logdotzip
Id: UFQQ2uHnjXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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