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for years Minecrafters of all ages have wondered what it would feel like to make it all the way to the moon and for the first time in the history of Minecraft you can now find out with nothing more than a map download oh it's ridiculous no mods no fuss nothing it's gonna be exciting what's going on guys slog that zip here and get ready to join me as we embark on a quest to the moon yes score my friend scored speak my man tell me how are you feeling about it did I just see a sloth appear on that head oh my goodness guys welcome to the moon this is a map download created by whoa great by that guys scored the man the myth the legend right behind me has recreated a moon an entire moon in Minecraft 1.9 ready for you to explore over 20 new mobs brand new items dungeons and even a boss over 1500 command blocks added it's Minecraft 1.9 custom mod pack whatever you want to call it's ridiculous and we're gonna be doing a simple let's play of it now unfortunately it's a single-player man there's no multiplayer I'm sorry scored I wish you could join us on our adventure but if you want to give a big THANK YOU to scored there's a link to his YouTube channel in the description of this video as well as on the map if you decide you can just you see you can click that'll take you right to it man that's a mess of characters just find it in my description give him a subscription he's got some awesome content and if you want to see the trailer for this baby it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen I'm very excited to play this map and escort is going to be guiding us ever so slightly as to what we're supposed to be doing there's a wiki and everything everything you need to know is gonna be in the scripts in this video I mean this this thing they follow me they follow me around what is this even this is the guy that made the aether let's play that we did a while ago as well and that was wild we're in creative mode right now this is just a taste of what's to come so join us on our brief mini-series it's probably to be four to five episodes we gonna [ __ ] and it's gonna be good so surely support by drop of like ready on the video and like I said do check out mister sneakin man scores channel he is the reason that this is even possible you guys got a download this join me on the adventure maybe y'all can give me some tips tricks whatever it is maybe y'all could yell at me because I'm doing stupid things that's what I'm here for your abuse I'm just kidding well kind of anyways we're gonna go ahead and jump over to a single-player world not because unfortunately I said scored you just can't come with us oh it's awful and I just punched him because that's just he deserved it I'm sorry yeah you can't plug now the crave anyways we're gonna go ahead and switch on over to single-player Thank You scored so much show this man some love he deserves and with that said let's head on out so here we are in the control room oh it's gotta be beautiful honey alright so this is the main area you started when you begin the mood and you see you get a great little pop up here like I said it takes you to all those great links we got a big lay all these thanks y'all look beautiful I can't wait to play this and then over here hey la got zip welcome to mood and click here to watch the trailers map highly encouraged here's the link to the wiki you can even donate to them if you want to but now it's time to enter the rocket ship oh you can even look at command blocks we all worry about okay oh man I don't know if I'm ready for this guys now we got it let's go oh no we're actually launched off whoa get that are you serious what what's happening oh are you kidding me are you kidding me did y'all just see that I am like flabbergasted right this is wild alright so futuristic furnace now apparently the futuristic furnace here I looked up on the wiki does not need fuel you can just add things to it to make it go faster this is our spaceship we've got a space chess play space food apparently it's cooked chicken I'm gonna go ahead and just now they advanced tooltips are hidden now we're completely immersed so what else we have the space boots some more space food a flashlight interesting flashlight right what if I hold it I don't know we'll have to figure it out oh that did something I don't know we have here our space helmet titanium stick some more space food and our space leggings and iron drill and a titanium ingot okay well let's put this baby on uh I mean I said uh uh-uh I'm full space gear and I'm what is that that's me breathing I think that is going to get annoying very quickly I have a feeling yeah I'm just saying so here we are on the moon Wow yeah that's that's gonna kill me I figure if there's a way for me to yeah hold on okay I don't know how to fix it so I'm just gonna have to lower the volume at some point or another because that is just that's honestly way too much Hey I can't use it in my hand I guess okay good to know I guess let's see there's got to be some around here now it is nighttime so I'm kind of worried about hey here's something what is this howdy we have ourselves some and Duryea more interesting what could this be for we could make some armor maybe get a better suit or something the end now what is that oh so we're leaving footpaths and according to the wiki you want to gather resources as fast as possible and leave your footprint very small footprint because it will attach it will attract aliens and a wormhole can appear and spawn and mobs so I'm a little bit I'm a little nervous we need to find some more orders because we definitely don't have enough here we don't have any titanium yet that's got a decent attack speed I guess hmm oh here's some more ores I think these look different this one's red hey what is this we just got zooming zoom mini and crystal huh and it doesn't look like I can - I'm gonna give it a shot nope we don't get the ore from that we're gonna need to make probably and ender ium pickaxe in just a little bit here grab you can't mind that guy man this is the sound effect this will be fixed definitely by the next episode okay I'm just letting y'all know so if the sound effects are pretty low this time that's why I'm a pod and if some interesting happens I will unpause for now I'm just gonna collecting ores and even space food also I put brightness up because I ain't trying to make it hard for you guys to see and what is that holy moly the moment I turn brightness up I can actually see something what could that be over there are you serious and I gotta remember where my ship is I'm not even pay attention tell you what all right well let's mine this for the time being grab these oars as I get them we don't have our flashlight actually on right now let's see look at that much better I see so if you know if you're not holding the flashlight that's when it's not working I understand I realize now but that means I could just do that and then switch when I need to yeah I think that see boom that's gonna be a nice fun way to do it can I can't now I can't actually do anything okay well good and done now I'm gonna we got explore this there could be aliens aliens I used to say aliens when I was a little boy when I was just a youngin Ellen's the aliens are coming actually what is this though is this not even my goodness I thought this was a village what is that over there this looks like a dungeon or something my word I kind of want to explore can I mind this I can't what is it alien bricks what I kind of want to mind some of this in yeah make a base a home base or something [Music] look at that it's the earth Wow Wow isn't that something this is Wow I'm so amazed by this this is sick all right well let's grab these these look like they will provide brightness in the future and I do in fact enjoy me some brightness I did change my brightness so that it actually requires some you know it's not all super bright like in normal use my videos I'm trying to go mersive as I'm like talking about not actually being on the moon I'm play anyways I would pretend I'm on a map now from now on I said now what is that I have a feeling I don't want to die I can't tell if that's what could that be is it like lava or something you know what I got an idea good guys switch that first yeah hmm I'm like desecrating ancient moon temples is awful and hilarious here we go what okay well I suppose that work just as well they hit nice all right eat up I do want to see if this is gonna damage me oh it doesn't it's just great water now I know I didn't know if it was poison or something it does give me weakness when I'm in the water I have weakness oh man and I do hear something that that looks like some sort of cosmic lava and it even makes cosmic love and noises that is I keep forgetting what I can mine with what it cannot mind with so let's explore this area oh there's a chest Erick's that sounds like a plant maybe a space carrot some sort ooh ooh we got alien loot a new achievement oh that's what I'm talking about now what else is there in here that we can gather this looks like something we can't yet mine oh boy we're gonna start dropping in places is this the only way I can enter alright looks like it this might be the worst decision I ever make it might just be I do see some obsidian okay oh boy is this our first dungeon already this is crazy this is lava oh man oh man the jump it threw me off oh no I got to keep a good amount of stuff but I lost everything else oh boy what is this and I'm out of food too by the way isn't that grand what is this this looks wild what could this be and like what is this or I can't mind this or specifically uh even with my pickaxe unless I've messed up before now see ya wha that's not enough to mind it for sure all right well we can explore this is for the time being I guess maybe we can find some food that'd be nice oh I hear something well what is that what do we have over here what is this in the air I can't even sprint anymore I'm nervous this is bad hello what are we having here come on now can I break you open perhaps you got anything good for me in here no honestly honestly and we start starving Oh piss are starving man I don't like this one bit let me up can i what is going on in here that's lava we got a mine in man we need a mine in here Oh what is this Oh Oh it's a what is that thing I'm leaving I'm sorry I'm grabbing ah what is that oh I didn't mean it I didn't mean it Oh I'm gonna die on the moon hey those look like yours I need hey they are I don't know what I just witnessed in there but very scary very scary indeed so what I was trying to make once I found this Oort man I don't even remember where my stupid oh man we need to make a better drill so I can start getting these other ores that I'm seeing all over the place I think it's titanium that I keep seeing and titanium is used to make a lot of the tools as you can check on the wiki with the crafting recipe so in order to make that we need some in dorium we need to find a ship I literally think there is a solid chance I'm going to die I don't remember my ship is my my goodness I'm gonna look for my ship and hopefully not run out of hunger ok I have not yet seen my ship but I do see support and I do see something crazy looking over there and I'm I'm a little curious I shouldn't be I really shouldn't be exploring right now but what do you want from me okay at this point I may as well cuz I'm probably gonna die again and there's some more ok sick awesome oh and we got some red stuff now we need this to also make a flag because there's also a flag item that we can use in order to set flares so that we can locate spots so once we get to my ship I'll be able to take advantage in fact I think I just saw some more over there - oh man as I'm talking about huh oh hey there's my ship and ho perfect now what is that was that where I was before is that where he died all right let's just get the ship so I can die in peace in my ship and not worry about losing my items down we go I miss food oh man there was stupid what is this called again and and durian there was an during em right here I went to thin nail tried to find this or and it's just all over the place what is this oh I don't think I can mine that yeah but we will be able to really was there some right there no that's that stuff as well okay cool well we made it barely are you kidding me what can it mind this interesting that's weird I like stop being on the mind things hmm well all the same we can now put it in here and it should if I'm not mistaken I don't know I thought I read something oh I see please wait a few seconds battery low oh so check that out I don't know if that's aI don't know if you have to like jump start it and then it doesn't use anymore or what exactly we're going on so I'm gonna let these babies cook up and we're gonna make ourselves a head let's just well it cost us a couple levels but that's quite all right because now we've got full health and the stupid sound effect is temporarily gone away look at that cooking up whoa please wait a few seconds battery low look at that it looks like it does cook every once in a while how about that alright so I'll be right back so moment of truth isn't gonna start cooking more it is this baby has now been jump-started that's what I'm talking about and we are one brief moment away from being able to make our first enduring block now there's a crafting something or other around here so I got to right-click areas I'm trying to right-click on some areas where is this crafting module maybe I have to I might have to make it I gotta check the wiki real quick oh we have to go find it we have to go find it absurd actually we technically have to go make it in order to make it we need to grab ourselves two different items one is an alien shard which we had and we also need to grab ourselves a piece of titanium we've won titanium ingot and one alien shard now I don't actually have any titanium ingots we might need to go back to that dungeon I'm thinking we need to go back to the dungeon oh boy we need to go back to the dungeon I thought we were fresh I thought we were clear I thought we were totally in the clear well there's no reason to bring anything other than these tools on us for the time being I really wish you had some space food I'm gonna go find that dungeon real quick see and I'm actually quite upset because I had an alien shard and a titanium ingot at one point so I'm just clearly not prepared for this moon journey now this is a different area from before we weren't at this one we were somewhere else but let's head on down anyways let's see what we got I'm wondering when the mob start to pop out I've just been patiently waiting on him this is really crazy looking though seriously oh boy so let's keep an eye out for some sweet loot oh man forgot about the jumping oh boy oh boy look huh yeah okay oh my goodness oh man I just don't know about this yeah okay take it easy take it easy all we did it all but barely dead end is it no okay good amazed amazing it's amazing let's yeah let's see we can stay left for now my word this is gonna be very disorienting I can already tell but we need to find the goodies hey hey this looks dangerous I don't want to drop down yet maybe there's some great Explorer to do in here you know maybe we got to see hey see plasma cells poster swiftness and Eric's we now have care rods Eric's hit but there's opportunity for another chest even to be found was it this way I went before no I don't know I swear what turns out I'm just like an expert mace navigator and happen to choose like the right path on my very first try there was like nothing else to explore other than you know this chest which we got so that's pretty hilarious I'm kind of a cool guy and you should be my friend now what is up on this level this is a separate level we weren't here before secrets happy days well give it a look around hazus oh hey what what's happening what's just even I'm very startled I'm like kind of scared I do not know what just happened is this hey this is no way it took me back up fancy that that can't be right so then what's this way what is where I just kept this is where I just came from right holy moly I'm so confused like what does it all mean well we just went down deeper what is that I don't know if I want to blow it up I mean I guess I shouldn't probably should well you know that's gonna go ahead and do it for the first episode of the moon alright so made a mistake last episode and that mistake has since been fixed we found ourselves another titanium ingot drop this on the ground along with the alien shard hey do you see that it's like chasing me Odie what then do you see it chases me why is it chasing me what just happened it's chasing me there we go that took a little bit what we have out here is our futuristic crafting table not too sure why we couldn't put it over there but the nuts that's just fine using the futuristic crafting table we can now make ourselves some tools required to mine up those better ores and in addition we're kind of running out of food so I'm gonna try and find an alien base in today's episode and maybe do some trade with the local village assuming they aren't completely dangerous so we could in theory well that's right we could in theory make ourselves a flag you know but a flag acts as a flare by the way you place a flag down and then a flare will appear in the sky so it's great way to mark but I think we need to make ourselves in and areum drill instead now if I'm not mistaken it's that is that it I've got the crafted recipe yo hold off hmm when I right-click above that happens I get it okay so you put the recipe in then you do that okay all right see that took a little bit but we figured it out to get you know let's get to the highest point of this moon and figure out what we can see because that's gonna be helpful in figuring out where maybe some local villages are and I really need some food what is this like a signal for a cave there's so many things there's so much to explore to be honest oh man well let's just take it out from right here we may as well to be honest there's gonna be bad okay kid we're fighting it but we might not be for long okay it certainly looks like we might not be I'm gonna mine that that is not my pickaxe that is my oh one just spawned I think Oh what the what is that guy Wow hey where you going that kill him in one hit it's for attack damage is that a UFO - are you get real I gotta take a screenshot of this that's awesome man isn't gonna kill me though I don't have anything to like attack from a distance with oh I almost fell into space love all right let's just see is there anything down here that we can do man that is wild I don't know how I feel about that UFO really no gravity all right getting those extra bonuses now what is over here can we mine I think I can just break sounds good so far all right so these just finished up which is excellent because now we can make ourselves not only a titanium drill actually we might not have enough for titanium drill we'll find out right now I suppose we need to make ourselves a titanium drill I do think that that is currently the most important thing that we make no what the heck me it's not making my stick it needs to be able make a titanium stick I'm looking at this three titanium ingots is supposed to get me a titanium stick maybe if I do that it's gonna be a bad day guys oh now it works I like it was I to Spanish I spend it like this and then it worked okay that's good it so if we do this that's one more stick we'll have just enough for another titanium we'll have enough for titanium drill we will also have enough to make ourselves a flag so let's make the drill boom just like that yes now this is weak only to attack damage no wait a second titanium drill does goof I think I just give this is a golden pickaxe and this one oh boy but it is glowing so maybe maybe I do need it for something I don't know all the same though we need to turn this in Durham into an enduring block and then we can turn that into part of the flag that we need so let's just jump all those in there that baby ready mm-hmm now the flag I believe it goes like this five zoom in iam the enduring right there and the night titanium stick oh there we go sugar it's so it's actually sugar oh I'm gonna take that off now we see now it just now it's cute now I think our safest thing should always be to I hope this lasts how does this look by the way oh this is Sony this is neat let's drop it and that's what it does no does this cause something is there an actual flare that did that just make this to earth come out what is happening do you see it like shifting between sight and not weird oh this is neat so on the wiki there's instructions to tell you how to use the flag so you can hold your sneak to rotate the flag and see it's gonna rotate mm-hmm you like that that's good now if we look straight down and jump well actually look straight up and jump we now have a beam that's toggle look at that look at that look at that and then look straight down and jump and that will take the that will take it off and it'll also give you the flag back that's that's sick that's awesome so let's place you right here look right on up and we can rotate you just a little bit further a little bit further a little bit further yeah I don't know why right there but that's okay so now we have a flare set up whenever we get lost this means home now unfortunately we're still pretty much out of food I don't know what lutea seeds are we do have some trays iam I'm gonna put the rest of our goods that we don't need on us in here I don't think I'll need this for anything we can keep some of those we don't even need that many let's keep that many we'll keep those we'll keep those in there bring the trays in leave the titanium I've learned my lesson since and I don't think I'll need this for anything we're gonna keep that in there for now so I'm gonna make my way back up to the tallest point in this area and that should I'd see what we can find I found some real interesting looking or right here it doesn't look like the other orange we can mine it oh that's just more trays iam I forgot what it looked like kinda that's sick that means we'll have enough to do some hopefully some decent trades when we eventually get to some sort of village please a sword Oh sick oh I bet you some good pop-up watch can I titanium sword that's what I'm talkin about yo I want to see people mess with me now please oh I was just kidding uh-oh what just happened [Music] [Applause] they heard me literally uh-huh I run through them up there's another mom you have no way to heal there's no way for us to heal right now oh dude oh dude oh no oh no oh no there's gotta be something I can eat can I eat anything I don't even wanna know what's over there we got ahead to the outpost oh boy there's what is that thing no we're not strong enough we don't have we don't have anything for armor that that would kill us instantly we need to as quickly as we can head over to that outpost we saw I think if we just avoid them at all costs we won't run Danny mops cuz I have not seen any mobs spawn oh no oh no [Applause] escape please please he can climb this what am i doing oh the helpless is right there it's right there please don't kill me whatever you were it's like after me I have so much stuff on me I can't lose this sword all right all right all right all right all right oh man okay we're almost there okay take it easy everybody loves you the spider thing was just trying to give you a hug clearly oh look and that looks like an airlock okay this has to be humans this has to be something that could trade me and give me some food in fact I think I see something right there I don't know if it is alright then we go get in here get in here get in here let me in okay that's the airlocks gotta be closed you perfect all right where am I thank goodness something that looks human in nature I feel at home now hey and there's a chest right there please have something good Tracy him uranium syringe I could use this hey hey hey hey what do you got you oh thank goodness wait blok at trey's IAM and block of uranium for do you have food food I don't have any of this I just want food ooh a saved music disc what you don't have anything for me is there anything I could find around here maybe oh man maybe there's stuff hidden around I don't want to have to eat this if I don't have to or I mean inject it also matter manipulators futuristic furnaces oh my goodness are we about to get into some like serious like science projects and stuff what is this what are you you're a you're an ugly aren't you thank goodness food experience sword hey we can do this but should we listen listen I'm sorry I need these I need them all I'll plant some more they'll be nice and planted fine but Arno no no no is it oh my goodness where have they spawned oh yes thank you thank you I can plant and food now hey this needs to be our new base oh I'm gonna have to set up a flag here for sure after having even pretty much all those potatoes I just realized we should probably cook it I'm gonna harvest up all these babies right now all right we just grabbed all the seeds I'm a little worried that there's gonna be like a mob that's gonna try and kill me that I don't know about that's like a legitimate concern you know what I think I'm ready I think I'm ready this time I think I'm ready this time I'm gonna grab me my food and we're gonna destroy some serious alien menace I'll grab that thank you very much we'll go back to this room and grab our other food and I think it's time I think it's time thank you so much oh it's still only used to oh man okay well that's fine we'll just leave the rest in there for now I think this is good what should we definitely do though put the rest this in a chest real quick and then head outside all right we're going through I'm ready I hope they're still there all right mobs there's one of them hey buddy alien what are you a lien Archer oh is that so well you're dead now and you drop some goodies you dropped an alien bone and a plasma cell and look it's a dead Alex from the Dead Eye I mean hey that's kind of painful I killed you didn't an alien major what did you drop me and how am I on fire there's no oxygen in the moon I'm just gonna ask questions now were there any other mobs that we could take out where we left off we found this great moon base it had some space dudes hey space dude with some terrible trades as usual seems not gonna matter what planet or sphere we're on the trades are never good but we found food space potatoes and I forgot I want to hide these we also found a great sword the titanium sword I like how in Episode two accidentally called the meteor sword I didn't realize until after don't worry already change the title in this episode I think we're gonna check out a boss I saw an awesome comment by a cereal and this cereal said hey remember that thing we found at the beginning of the first episode okay well it is time to battle let's take some monsters out oh wait you know what we're definitely gonna take some monsters out that's fine but I wanted to tell you before we do that did some exploring got mostly everything we need we need to head back to the main ship that is our primary goal right now mainship is primary goal secondary goal is the reason we're going back to the main ship is that we can grab our futuristic crafting table because I don't think the ones that are here work properly and I don't wanna mess anything up so I'm not going to now what is that that thing looks wild hey-ho what are you what is this oh holy Wow take it easy Haney's take it easy Oh No hit me with levitation oh my goodness and poisoning me what kind of mob is this I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I need to eat this I need this Rindge ah run away there's another thing over there are you serious biggest mistake of my life it's still after me Wow I refuse it's still after me okay we gotta get inside yes close white clothes why would you close Thank You goodness Oh what just happened oh my gosh I can't believe that anyways we're going to head to our mainship grab our futuristic crafting table we also once we do that we are able to make our onboard assistant well almost so I read the recipe wrong we only need one block of pet cream which only takes nine dust but we need four blocks of titanium we don't even have that yet we almost have enough I forgot to I forgot to cook this up but we almost have enough to have 36 we need 36 we need six more titanium or I'm staying away I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry to make the awkward assistant and then once we have the unborn sistent when we die we don't lose things anymore so that said I'm only gonna take what we need with us I don't want to lose anything else and I also want to take enough stuff to make a flag so that's gonna be one block and then five of these no screw it we don't need it we don't need it right now this is we got a lot going on here I don't feel like losing anything we'll keep that do that flashlight and let's grab some more imma grab some more food look at him out there I mean honestly look at them that thing right there the most dangerous thing I've ever seen in my entire life did you see that it was like as crazy spider we need to be very cautious we need to seriously handle this in the best of ways and we need to make sure that those guys are nowhere near us and it doesn't look like they are base is bases this general direction I think we just need to go for I think we should head out let's just go for it see what's around us mine titanium as we see it we only need six titanium ore and we just need to get back to base that's all that matters and then we get our onboard assistant and then when we die it doesn't matter nothing matters now can I mind this see I like using this drill because I'm slowly running out of my other drill so we're getting really close to where we were before this is where we picked up this right hey this is it this is something new what's in here oh boy what just happened oh hey what what's happening what is this the land is like getting infected what is going on I need to eat eat eat please don't die oh my gosh what happened what alien space helmet awareness what was that I'm like very shook I'm very confused is it like a fungus hey it's disappearing my gosh and look there's a mob over there I forgot my but I'm holding my potato I was like trying to eat whoa did you see that that was weird let's kill this mob maybe he'll drop something hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy yeah you oh boy oh boy I was just kidding I need to you oh he's gets kook thank you gosh alien meat holy moly I don't get I got to check out what's over there this has been a scary experience thus far oh man what is there anything else around here I emptied out the chest we seem to be good on that front we got everything we need there oh man all right I'm just gonna get some titanium get back to base all right here's some and there's another underneath that's sweet whoa there's a whole bunch of a lot of stuff at the bottom of this critter did you see all the blue look at that and purple I see a whole load of trays Ian this is what I've been waiting for the mother lode I'm glad trays ium isn't like ridiculously rare you know if it was it really you know and I mean I'm glad it's not reaching and we gotta get him out of Peck room now - in fact hey things have gone worse before thank you very much and we'll grab some more okay well speaking of now we're right at the bottom of a giant oh boy oh my gosh what is this it's my gosh I'm so I'm so scared I'm so scared what is the noise it is literally spreading and I cannot control it at all let me out of here please I can't see anything please let me out of here please please please please let me out of here please please please please there's okay I see the beacon I see base oh my gosh how long is this blindness last I think it's what - go away what was that okay if this kills me that's not cool that was a glitch of some sort I'm giving all my levels back I'm getting all my items you saw it that's not how it works what a lovely American flag my goodness that gave me such a scare oh boy now I got to make sure I got everything I get my great helmet I did awareness 1 what is awareness do and how much how much of this did I lose what what all that's really important is the titanium we need two more titanium and the pec reham we lost our PEC rim I need to get that back oh boy I need to get back my PEC reom where is it looked back at my clip didn't even bring PEC reom with me thank goodness there's some at the bottom here or I would have lost it we still need two more titanium ingots though more than enough PEC REO yeah that puts us over that's good but we might as well get it all wow there's a lot right here actually there's even more down there let's go let's go check out that alien boss that we saw oh ye sick five bro now I'm pretty sure this is it this is the only thing in sight so even with keep inventory on now even with our board assistant I'm still a little nervous now we stepped foot in there the wrong way before I don't want to anger this creature whatever it may be it was like right is this is this the same I hope I don't know this is I got the heebie-jeebies I'm telling you how do we get in maybe this isn't the same place hey though what it it is it is oh boy I need to like compose myself or something I'm nervous okay we got this [Music] which had a bow or something look at him look at him look at him do you see that I don't think I'm ready for this too bad we got it now can I I can't let's see if I can mind this again what is that prismarine bricks so that wasn't renamed huh but well it's mine now all right I think the best way to do this is just to go in just go in oh boy oh boy hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hey you're not that oh he's mad at me and there's lovely things I need fine run away get out whoa oh my gosh this is not good at all this is bad look you can't okay forget Laura he got up alien Lord sucks I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do that that's not that's not fun let's run away though look at him I get back away no please we gotta switch over to the chicken I mean this I mean the space food actually I can't heal anymore I know anyways that's too much there's too much for me to handle look there's like particles all around do you see these particles what's going on it was even with boy oh boy oh boy oh boy eat the chicken oh what an interesting boss fight what an interesting flash man to get mad or something oh boy I've just miss around stop kicking me ah [Music] ah run more run run is good man this is some serious kiting right now alrighty what does he give me cuz he like do some serious butt damage to be a something oh boy kite and run kite and run kite and run just keep going up a block and he'll never Oh what is at the end of the world or something I killed him I killed him is there something back ISM in the lair oh my goodness that was stressful my word please please please please please please eat let me eat again let me eat oh my gosh bonus dungeons space water and fire dungeons but what's in here nothing bonus dungeons oh and look at this you can unlock them for levels oh my gosh this is insane Wow well I can't wait to check out these dungeons but definitely not in this episode of the moon in the last episode of the moon we killed the alien Lord and we unlocked a special star transporter that takes us to bonus dungeons the space dodges the water dungeon and of course the fire Dutch standard rail but would I be doing those this episode because I I don't feel like it but what I do feel like is grabbing this tracing block that I missed before talk about now lemme Adam oh boy oh I can mind that okay that's fine let me yeah we got that Trey's ium yeah baby thank you i bless your heart I forget your name someone point out that there's a trading block in here and yeah just that I'd make that clear we went ahead and got some more supplies and I can solid ate a lot of my messes supplies into blocks we made two more flags so that we can mark ourselves we've got some more food in this episode we are going to be covering a lot of the bases that we either died from in the first episode or just ones we haven't seen yet namely it was suggested to me that we go back to that giant mountainous area that we were by before that huge area because apparently I missed some great things over there I could make a black hole grenade a black hole grenade it makes one UFO part one zoo minion block and three chronics blocks we could make that right now oh boy let's do it let's just do it hi you know alright alright so chronics three right here and a block of zoom in Oh oh man I got a room I guess we could get rid of fuses I don't really need the fuses for anything now I don't know what this does I'm gonna hold on let's have some fun so I've just loaded up a different world which is why the breathing sound effect is back because I don't know what that thing does and I want to find out and I don't think that that's really simple so this is that doesn't do anything it doesn't look like it's actually done maybe if we go into this mode no I bet you we have to like make it from scratch because it's got like special day dirt hold on okay we'll see if this does something I'm gonna make a bunch of those what do you got for me huh ooh whoa whoa I don't even know what that just did looks great though maybe it drags it things towards me or something I say hey what does that do try again maybe it damages mobs let me see summon zombie let someone in - oh we just summited way too many what is happening even I'm fine what have I done oh did I wonder if that did that dude oh so many bobs hilarious I uh huh I've made a huge mistake let breathe Wow are those all just based off zombies are we gonna get a safe distance hey one of those should do something oh let's see man I don't know what it does safe distance away it doesn't really look like it does anything I'm trying to determine like what this could whoo you see what I mean it doesn't do anything oh now here's something good okay this is that first place we like checked out like right as we started that one episode we died and everything cuz I saw another door but I have no clue what it like led to it was I think through here was it nope that's where we kept gate there we go okay so what is all this about sword in hand um this looks dangerous it looks like something's about to hey was that I see levers oops but what is that what what is this what is this room oh my gosh why why Oh chick get back oh I just came back and killed whatever was right here and it did drop itself what I just do did we just like collect a body disturbing tree we need to get in there and take out those mob thingies as very fast as humanly possible I mean we don't even have to but it'd be fun to say that we did holy moly break it off break it off all of it all of it just get it going oh my gosh they're spawning in while I'm fired why this is gonna be harder than I thought I mean do you just hear that and you just hear that gosh after the fruit for this either twice man I tell you I guess I don't need the Titanium's sorry that's fine we need to get back and blow the rest of these up ASAP oh now how many were these other one - one more fine run how many just spawn wasn't anything is that so many Oh fine stop it stop it just die just die you did you die you did you die you die you did I think this is good I think it's not hurting me sucks can't kill is this like a terrible sword or something I don't even care I'm Achilles well he's like screamer what's screamer dude it doesn't matter dad now and there's more dudes over here holy look at that guy's he's stuck why does this pick up my face oh boy oh boy now we're just gonna hang out right no I think that's enough what is that noise though honestly it's like sounds like glitched I'm poisoned and I hit everything if I die I'll be so upset oh boy it's gonna happen it's gonna have a good bye good bye good literally no clue what's going on [Music] it's probably better we don't worry about it and what are these these look like something [Music] gosh get that sound away from me honestly that was horrible not it ooh hey more UFO parts and a potion of shield now what is a potion of shield and why do I need it you know I could do there we go did that did it just trying Wow I'm gonna open up all chests at a very specific distance away from now on I can't believe that and was this dude all right I was just kidding how much just blew up one final look to see what happened because that was so scary did it just oh look at this it led to the outside man it just did a total number on this entire area how about that talk about oh man yo it blew up so much wild now that's something else now wasn't there something like right nearby here as well that we had yet seen yep there it is there it is what is this now it looks like a city this looks like a full-blown city and what is that do you see that in the middle right there right there is that a is that a dragon egg a space dragon egg even oh and their spawners oh man I don't feel too good about this what is what is okay how do we go about this though I Oh what am i stupid since we lost that sword we need another sword and that is where I decided remember that I was telling you before that we had we had the tools necessary to make a crazy like I don't know what was it alien sword or some other well we can do that now it's one titanium stick to meteor shards shabba-doo shakopee a Chaba d ash of it hey come on okay well I'm gonna chalk it up to the fact that this stuff's been kind of not working too hot lately it's supposed to give me a meteor sword so it works on other items there it only took spam clicking it to high heavens but we got ourselves a meteor sword check out this monster this thing's huge it is it's huge that's crazy it's an iron sword and it's time to destroy with it I mean I hope okay so now we're ready to take on some monster baddies I think this should be good and you know what because I'm a left-handed because I'm part of the left-handed master race can't find a mouse I have to wait to get a mouse shipped so I gotta deal with this awful scroll wheel and it's gonna be the death of me watch it we'll see how finicky it is anyways we should probably I don't really care to deal with these I don't mind them just as I see them and not worry too much about it what I wanted to do this episode once we check out what this thing is all about is maybe take a look at some of those space - okay that was very close would have been upset I want to check out the space dungeons that we unlocked with the alien lord I think that would be nice I think that'd be a fun time really I do hmm so we should do that but I got a C oh and there's a titanium block right there in the middle in fact I should check other areas in C like what else is around here maybe there's like some crazy like uranium here ain't you know what's that noise what is that noise I'm like so nervous to walk by this lava all right let me what's going on here I see I'm trying to the sword alien spacer oh it's exactly what I have read hey you know let's leave you here for when I inexplicably die somehow again and confused so you know I think that's it but what else do we have here I guess we could all righty oh I mean I don't know it's scary sounding you know what I mean what else is around here I'm gonna explore this sounds like actually starting to bother me and I need to figure out where where is it it doesn't even show subtitles I just checked you know we're gonna worry about it later oh hey that was easy so now what is this it's just a dragon egg can I do anything with it there's no crafting recipe for anything as far as I'm aware yeah I'm gonna look through the rest ease houses and see if there's anything we're coming something tells me there's something over here I was wrong shoot that's okay because there is something over here lava I can oh oh hey this looks a little is that a giant dragon thing see like I ain't even worried about these things that spawn oh okay well spoke too soon how many did you spawn is responding to hey man I was just joking hey don't oh hey relax hey see that's the sort of lost hey did you just die hey he's got my drill Wow all part of the plan alien thief does he like take things from me wouldn't that be something huh relax what do you trying to do yeah thanks I wanted that now owes another spawner okay see ya okay I think that's all the spotters in this room yeah this looks like a gnarly dragon or something I can't even tell is there anything can we keep in mind this lot lava all right take it easy take it easy is there anything we need to know about Donny get knocked in and die fat check oh there's a chest a uranium rod a full block of crazy again real I don't need no black moon bricks and I don't need run flange and I don't really even need that to be honest we got a very full image how many times we gonna do that why am i poisoned why am i poison what's going on is it the stick oh my gosh that uranium stick messes me up holy Wow I'm gonna look at the crafting recipe and see what I can make with this right now so doesn't do that so I can make a nuclear grenade some time to do that cuz the black hole grenade was stupid I can make a uranium drill which I don't need because I can already get every block that I really need with this one or I can make me y'all ready for this all right check it out seriously this is gonna be sick drop you drop one of you place you right there let's do this very quick stay away from me yeah actually new Sicard there okay okay are you ready for this Oh kill it Wow look at this thing it's uh I hold it very interestingly but that is sick now I assume it uses plasma cells let's try to find one of these huh mm maybe I got a knot beholding potatoes all right plasma go what you made of Wow wow that's neat but I can't pick it back up oh well that's not good West Wing done now it's time for the north wing the dark queen darkwing duck oh my goodness let's break you I try and mess right now seriously thanks well we're gonna get a lot of our levels back that we spent just by coming here you know what I mean that's nice it's convenient I'm a fan truly and I can't break that can i yeah I guess we could just do this this we can be smart boys we could be smart young men I mean girls if you're watching that's cool too okay I see a chest but I also see something that needs to be vanquished immediately thanks so much okay any other spotters hey let me know I have no problem taking you out no okay well we see a chest right here what do we got I mean this is cool like oh yeah I broke all these down because I was taking up twice as many spaces by thinking I was cool by having block forms as well pointless true only one chest in here I mean I guess the only one the other ones only had one chest too so you know whatever well this is happening some just going on I don't know what but should prove to be where am I like how do I get out I'm like lost and now the final branch the east branch I don't know if this was the one I was at yep it was because it's the one that set me on fire but I don't know if I explored it in its entirety maybe I don't know I don't think so pretty sure I did not know what began over here nothing particularly special how about over here nothing particularly special over there either fine anything good no just another thing for me to break you know I kind of why are there levers and honestly I kind of leave this I think what I'm gonna do is grind some experience I'm gonna grind some experience that way we have enough levels for the other ones I'm adorable I'm like making this area safer so I can grind it oh boy that was close oh my goodness oh my goodness no please don't kill me II killed me but actually we're do we Oh what is that thing what a creep what a creep stir man you know now I'm oh boy what the heck is this I some on me it's on me oh my goodness oh I'm so confused and concerned let me right now I tell you man it seems every time mob spawning like three spawn oh boy oh boy hey relax relax relax you moving off the fast and you don't even need two nice got that Alien Hunter hey what's going on guys log-odds if here welcome back to the moon I wasn't going to show you me getting experienced to unlock the other levels for the dungeons but I do want to show you this this is the first time I've come across uranium I just found uranium I've never actually seen it before see uranium I'm excited and that's all I want to show you so next time you see this click resume we're gonna have enough levels to get into the water dungeon okay I lied I'm sorry and an attempt to happen across some experience we've instead happened to cross an abandoned spaceship I'm gonna peruse the area if there's anything good I'll let you know seriously oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy lightning attack lightning attack oh my goodness that is dangerous I I'm Donna what died oh boy is this how it ends is this how it happens shoot you use thank goodness huh talk about stressful this is a very dangerous sword really eat thank you oh boy so there is a little thing in there that we need to mind ASAP neutralized and there's a tracing block oh man there's a tracer block waiting to be mined by me [Music] and I have a bad feeling about this look at these UFO ships can I get chests with things in a shield potion I still don't know what this he does let's see we might just need it I've pretty much combed the entire moon for experience and it's hard to come by so I am going to cook potatoes hit until we have enough levels actually curious to see what this is all about boom boom experienced sword huh that sounds like a crazy thing to have looks pretty gnarly too now I don't want to kill you but oh boy man big mistake big mistake well let's see how much experience we did the second anything did he even drop anything good no I feel bad and I shouldn't have killed him forgot I had a bunch of stuff in here just like look how much stuff we have now gonna make some super fertilizer in an effort to get even faster potatoes not sure how it works I'm just gonna drop it and hope that died right whoa whoa whoa can I can I get that back oh it's gone Wow hey thanks super fertilizer I totally recommend you for purchase and at long last were here and we even got to kill some mobs on the way so we're a little bit over level 30 water dungeon there is water maybe I guess we'll see so here we are looks like we only have one option for this dungeon and it's to have this way all right I thought it was lava scary man seriously can't go anywhere through there that's fine so then what is this dungeon all about I wonder kill it kill it thanks ever so much oh that was close I feel like my my stupid plasma again like shoots out on its own sometime just has a mind of its own No looks like I am actually just going to take these thank you so much mmm now when you get in water you actually give your given weakness did you see that so we gotta be careful there's anything actually in this dungeon mmm I mean I guess we'll see momentarily it does go pretty deep oh and now it's starting to branch off oh boy look at this what is that that was close that was close I think I just disabled the TNT bomb holy moley oh that's a little much honestly it's a little much break you and we'll break you so that we can get up come on work with me work with me work with me one more go perfect yeah talk about jokes try to kill me or something I haven't met but we did get five 10 T hit it's I guess I guess moon TNT is also just called TNT but where does this take me dad took my why you a potato but what is this alien spear look at that and it's got knocked back three and it's unburrow oh my word and what is this uranium drill whoa well to heck with this we just got an upgrade baby look at this thing sick wow I'm glad I came to the water dungeon this is gonna make grinding 32 more levels take no time at all okay well let's see what else is in this dungeon before we write it off there might be some more discovery keeping aid and I guess we could just stack up on TNT what am I the most dangerous man in the world there's a lot of TNT down here why is there all this booty was I supposed to like blow something up and I just don't know about it actually what's down here is this something secret no those oh here's another chest oh and some spawners actually hey buddy I'm gonna have to take you out I'm sorry I am I am I just AM you always have your done you got dot die die die alright we're gonna we're gonna mind this thing first because I think that's probably a better choice oh and is nothing kill you now both yeah that's right that's a sec yeah I don't think so please can you just can't use my accent y'all think I've even used my axe really first thing it would ya nice sick did you drop sir oh you dropped no oh boy talking about a horrible chest but what's this one also empty it's just it just everything just sucks and makes me nauseous and and struck by like a it's like addicting to try and open this chest it's like maybe something different happens probably not but what's in here hey okay yeah let's just push on through here I think I see something oh yeah they're all empty why no chests in this one there's one more no chests in this one either that's weird there's chests but there's nothing in any of them well as it was that that's the water dungeon we successfully took out the water dungeon and that was only one dungeon left and we need 20 levels to get there it's come to mining zoom in iam I'm such a weak man here we go here we go I've been waiting bring it on we got some okay but I was just kidding you don't you don't need to bring it on like that much that's some oh hey this this looks like what happen with that chest I thought that was the chest I didn't know it was like come on over here come on over here ride yep woo oh I'm gonna just let's let this happen this is okay you die Wow we did it that's 35 levels right there all right now the heck with the rest of those guys let's head back to that dungeon the final bonus dungeon the space dungeon you've been unlocked let's check him out baby oh yeah right off the bat I see some knowledge Baga yeah you gotta get rid of that come on please switch over properly thank you so much mmm a lot of UFO chambers and and things and stuff interesting these are real weird looking around here maybe we should keep this on us for good measure wouldn't be a bad idea probably need the flashlight on us anymore and probably don't need that version of the meteor sword you know I think we're good I think we're good with just this okay so let's see what we got around here experience I don't really need experience anymore so we can we could even put that away these have read my two main weapons I think ooh lots of I'll take that then maybe maybe if I do with an axe no shoot well let's see it can't all be locked meteor shower grenade meteor shower grenade gosh I'm running out of things I don't need that and I don't need this anymore you do did I picked it up again one get rid of it oh it's getting stuck to me or whatever cuz I lost the first chest plate now wants to be my best friend that's my best friend ooh kill it now good good good good good good good no right here two more plasma cells for our trouble all locked now over here might be good all lock there - okay well we came from over there so let's see what's down this hallway hey buddy hey buddy oh boy oh boy oh boy what what so lesson learned watch out for this guy cuz they'll mess you up see he's doing it again die die why why stupid punk I'll show him mess with me now hide area where yet he's right there hey come on come come over here dude stupid yeah that's why thought oh I you should die hey you should eat you most definitely go away whoa what is this alien claw it has sacrificed - what does that even mean we're getting so many great oh there's a spotter in here I don't even see that thing my goodness alright well cut ourselves another weapon lots of weapons lots of different weapons I am a fan this is the 1.9 stuff you can have like a billion different textures you see what I mean that great some more lock things out of chess in here this is a huge looking dungeon space leggings with adrenaline probably shouldn't have actually what is this what's all that about some weird contraption or something hmm anything over here no well here some doors oh boy this does not look good I gotta get rid of you as soon as I can scroll to you do you see what I deal with guys it's awful huh do bad left-handed people are so great that our Mouse's aren't that common that looks really neat I like how that looks now did I check in here the furnace is unlocked interesting these guys are they all locked all of them hmm okay well maybe there's something inside no that looks empty - this must be like a hangar bay or something huh any chests any goodies for me any secrets for me anything anything at all no do I just need a ransack this place I do have TNT I do I do and I could in theory you some Peck reom and a stick to make Torche blow this baby's gotta hot I'll do it if you want me to oh here we go not much I can really do with that actually ooh I don't even see up here there's even more stuff up here that's what Tom bow okay now we're working let's see yeah we got in here Oh baby bunch of stuff I already have but get rid of that and that way we can just what bah just like that we have a lot of trays iam we could probably get a couple trays going in a hot minute here I I heard how can I get back up yep yep hmm I mean I guess he could just yeah all right what do you got for me over here locked locked locked not locked morph assume any of just exactly what I wanted is more is iminium ooh okay anything in snow that's fine we've got some pretty decent loot so far but I think there'd be a little more hmm and we just looted that chest all right looks like the hangar bay has mostly been discovered so that was all the east branch let's head over to the South Branch now and see if there's anything worthwhile on this all right well yeah that only leaves us with one branch because we came in through the West so now let's head over to the north hopefully there's something good over here for us huh locked locked locked locked not locked I'll take one of those Thanks hmm oh this chest dang they're teasing me I don't like being teased especially by aliens I'm good on the zoo minion I have more than enough zoo minium to power anything I want can you take it easy zoo minion seriously that's locked too what's in here don't mind if I do actually I kind of like try try and use this claw whoa mix makes them love me or something look why is it doing that did you see that that's called that's the sacrifice ooh maybe it heals me I'm gonna let him hit me once hit me go ahead I want you to hit me as hard as you can but not a little of it why aren't you hitting me okay so let me see it does it heals me new favorite weapon the best weapon in the world this thing heals me whenever I use it look at that you get regen for upon using you need to die die oh wow there's a o Gibbs Gibbs archers you really need to die no you know I'm gonna just go in there and break this first and foremost you've been broken oh my goodness got a lot going on here I think it heal heal heal let me out a safe distance [Music] I'm liking really bad right now actually I think this was happening he sucks can't reach me y'all suck stupid yeah don't mind while I kill you into your dead yep like it I like this Sally makes he says he's a silly boy die just die die thanks man I've been waiting for you to do that more funny in [Applause] oh boy boy oh boy oh boy gosh stressful so stressful I need heal where's the other spawner coming from there must be another one if they're still spawning where I have no idea they just still keep coming so like it begs the question where from where are ye I'll take some of those that's locked maybe maybe they're right spawning anymore maybe sir anything in here I could take these are all locked up all of them are locked huh oh boy well I guess I could have missed something in here we didn't really look through this entire area let me see over here yeah some of this looks new we didn't go dude wait that's the way we came in from well I mean it looks like we pretty much found everything huh how about it Wow well that's that's the space dungeon how about that and I think that might be a good place to call the moon guys there are a couple more dungeons to discover and to check out but it's pretty much all the same stuff so this this might be the finale guys if you really want to see me finish up the series let's get 25 if we get 2,500 likes I'll probably finish the series I still say probably cuz it's up to me but if you really want to see me do it then do that otherwise this has been the moon such an amazing mod pack custom command world whatever I don't know what the official name we just call one of those things scored is seriously so creative so many different weapons armors custom texture packs sound effects we're on the moon this is what I've dreamed of since minecraft pretty much came out is going to the moon on minecraft and now you can with a simple world download you'll be able to find in the description this video as well as a wiki everything you need to know about the moon crafting recipes mobs items etc and more and a link to scorch n will be in description as well show him some love he's hanging out on planet earth right over there and we need to show him some appreciation so thank you so much for watching the moon like I said if you enjoyed the series please drop like I'm going to be much appreciated thanks for subscribing guys you should do it it's free and it only takes one click and other fun things that I should say to encourage engagement rates with my audience anyways that will have a will have we will have a nice day but I hope you have an X we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 907,890
Rating: 4.8572774 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, moon, planet, moon movie, movie, minecraft movie, how to, HOW TO LEAVE PLANET MINECRAFT... (MOON MOVIE), logdotzip movie, the moon, to the mon, earth, space, minecraft animation, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip
Id: xVj4rKf066k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 40sec (5560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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