Imam Malik [RA]

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Hey [Music] the story begins like this mmm manic was about 9 or 10 years old he was a cheeky little boy when he was a child and he didn't listen to his parents much they had a bit of a hard time with him he had pigeons and he's to hurt pigeons that's what he used to do as a child when he was sitting at the dinner table his father tested his children with a fuller question understanding of the laws Malick didn't know the answer but his older brother knew the answer quickly his father said to manic the pigeons distracted you from knowing knowledge and this struck him and Malick right in the heart as a child they angered him it angered him to make a decision not to fight with his brother or to get jealous their anger was the motivation the other aspect was that his mother when she saw that he was angry she took him and made him take a shower then she dressed him with a really nice clothing and she put perfume on him and she made him look really well groomed presentable in the highest esteem and he she said to him I'm going to take you to the knowledge behind the humans in Modena he said but mother I want to become a singer he had a nice voice but his mother was very smart and wise and said to him son you know seeing is not just about the voice singing comes with good looks and you don't have it you don't have good looks you don't have it you know have what it takes even though mm Malick was very good-looking so she took him to the Medina mr. DiNapoli over there he found he saw 7te moms giving seventy different classes at once she chose for him a particular scholar she chose any man by the name of Ravi I ignored the Rahman but I be outdoor ie the garden of the best opinions the first thing his mother said to him was this she looked him in the eye and said to him son I put you with this mm not just so you can learn his knowledge before you learn his knowledge I want you to learn his adapt his morals and his character it was a real time and his students and I if they go and celebrate a man manic what's he doing he's going to the house of emissivity and he went with his books and his pen and he waited outside the house of him a Maserati he was about 16 years old at that time and he waited and waited and waited and there was a servant of him Emma Zoe she saw him a medic outside and she told him a Missouri about him and they used to call him the blond boy she said he was the blond boy and he said let him in so he came inside the members oh he thought that you know he's coming to eat there I eat food with him so the amount put in front of Malik and him and Mary looked at it and said I don't want food said what do you mean you know then why are you here he said teach me tell me hadith he said he sat down and he taught him for teja deeds with their change of narrations and the Imams writing it then the Imam says teach me more and he said to him in Missouri go first and learned there is an inn come back I'll teach you more he said I've learnt them he said really he said yes forgive me gambits him says tell me and he said them all with their chain of narrations without a single mistake at all just by writing them once when he did that the members only looked at him and he said Cole stand up stand before me stand for you are one of the vessels of knowledge you are one of the exceptions which are long made Allah is witness of grayness himself that there is no God worthy of worship but him and he bears witness to the greatness of his creation of the Angels and he bears witness to the importance and greatness of those in June a mathematic if not honest he was born in the year 93 injury in Medina about the Year 760 the man of hora the man and when he looked at him you cannot help yourself but give him respect even though his origin was from Yemen and he lived in Medina he knew he really stood out he was a tall man white chested broad-chested men wide eyes strong looking man and he was blonde hair white face and some narrations say had blue eyes his beard was long until it reached its to his chest he wore the most elegant and eloquent clothing when you looked at him even if you didn't know that he was an email his features strike you and you find something inside of you forcing you to respect this man his father was a turbulent he had three brothers and one sister one of his brothers older brother by the name of another if not honest he was the man of knowledge they used to say Malik the brother of Imam al-mahdi when he met Monique reached his position by the will of Allah they started calling another another the brother of Eman medic him a manic was attacked a bewdley he met the people he met the sahabas the grandfather of a man Malik his name was Mary Kipnis as well and his great-grandfather was a Sahadi his name was Muhammad his grandfather manikin darkness was a friend of a friend of my father the Aloha mmm Malik started his knowledge at the age of 10 years and he spent his whole life in in the land of the prophets of allah wahda you were Salem he never left madina munawwara only to Mecca when he went to did Hajj or Umrah he never even rode on a camel or any transport vehicle in his entire life when he was living in Medina because in his righteousness and love for the promise of Allah do sell him and as a role model he saw it disrespectful as an a man representing his Deen in the highest esteem to lift himself off the ground out of respect for the messenger saw said him while his body was in the ground when the hood affair the rulers when he went to meet them and the rulers were in Iraq in Baghdad and who find those areas he never left to see them there whenever he wanted to give them advice he waited when they came to Hajj to Mecca if he was there he'd meet them in their residential palaces and when they came to Medina he would go to the residential palaces and meet them there and advise them he never went to a ruler for any need for himself or for any need of that ruler the only time he ever went to the rulers or officials was for only one reason was to advise them when they had heard and this is the trait of all the Imams and especially the poor Imams my brothers and sisters in Islam mmm Manik learned of his first teacher bhea karate for seven whole years dedicated to him after that he started with the famous a map of the law of nahor was the law of Nevada Moses was an ex servant slave he graduated after eight years from heaven han was a school there is another remember he learnt of his name was Amanda Zoey ja part of the Ilan was the grandson of a leader of the Elohim and he was a very important figure it was the teacher of him and medic and there is a school of thought called the Jaffa very mother I just want to mention one of the Imams opposed very infamous quote he said Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala distant forest things and he made them unknown and what he wanted from us he showed it to us so why do you have to sit there and thinking of the future don't think of the don't worry about the unknown and ask questions of the unknown think and worry about what you have that is known and work with it when he went with these scholars it was a bit he used to try and play a game to win the scholar or for himself so he used to bring some dates and stuff and he would assign some of his mates his friends in the class and him say I'll give you some data to persuade the students to go back home today so they'd go back home and he'd be one with him or one or two people with this teacher and so we'd have this teacher all for himself and that's where he mem Malek began he was a vessel of knowledge and they loved hadith he loved his teachers he used to stand outside and wait for his teachers in that in the heat of the Sun right in the middle of the law when everyone else was at home and he'd wait for his email one of his Imams Imam had been a harmless he never liked people to stop him and ask him questions except at the time of his death but mm man he didn't settle for that he tried to always work his way around so he'd wait on that rod when the Imam came out he'd see him and he'd rush after him very secretly and the first thing he would do is he would say a cinematic um what a couple oh but I kept with the Imam has to say why they promise Center and he would say yeah mmm just about that much about that hadith can you just narrate that to me again and about this was he tried to get as many as he can from that mm and a man would have to answer him you know as he was walking by he excelled in and mastered in his knowledge but his sister became worried that you know he used to stand a lot of day a lot of hours in the Sun sometimes had come back really sunburned her father said to her don't worry daughter he'll be all right he is learning the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam met him in June and he actually became at the qualification of a Mufti one who can actually look up for an and hadith by themselves raw and bring out new verdicts new rulings for very new circumstances that haven't existed before that's a Mufti anima style it's not very easy to be like that when he was 21 years old he became that Mufti and he said I did not give any until I had 70 great scholars who had qualified me these were 70 of the greatest amends for kaha jurisprudence goddess of Medina 70 who qualified him to be ready they said you are now ready to make derive your own opinions obviously based on Delisle from raw quran and raw hadith that's something beyond measure his way of thinking was a little bit different to imam abu hanifa in fact very different to all the emails he didn't like to dwell into areas of controversial issues in artena and he didn't like to dwell into areas of ideological differences such as what used to happen in Kofa with imam abu hanifa with the mozilla and the hawaii philosophies of the greek theology and Aristotle's beliefs such as saying today modernist views he didn't dwell into them in fact he didn't need to do that because he was living in Medina a man Malik was a traditional man he taught according to the actions and practices of the people of Medina he was to look at the Companions who lived in Medina and his laws and school of thought revolves a lot of rounding and one of his shoes by the novia amina here he says a man entered into our circle one day and he asked the email a question he said yeah Imam al Rahman Allah largest hour the most merciful who rose above his throne that's literally what it says in the Quran he asked how did allah writes him a manic put his head down and the students could see him sweating sweating out of anger he was angry at that question so a man Malik looked up and he said to him I don't know how about but a lies above is not below and asking this question is an innovation and then he looked at him and he said to his students get him out they carried him out of the Masjid quickly and he said I don't see you except an innovator or a mischievous person pitner that's how we dealt with these issues FML axilla like every other scholar including imam abu hanifa a man malik first looked at the quran for solutions if there was no clear-cut solution in the quran then he would look second into the sunnah the ways of the prophet saw us and if there was nothing clear-cut and now we're coming down to very detailed minut information now about the dean has to be something quite special that has occurred he would look into the opinions of the sahabas then if he couldn't find a clear-cut solution from the opinions of the Sahaba he would then look at something called an ishmael consensus of the Companions and consists of the scholars the great scholars that existed up to here all the four Imams still followed up to this stage now here was where a man Manning differed he looked at something which the other Imams didn't agree with him evelle including one of his very close colleagues who studied with him his name was elated Mossad a man man accused to use the practices of the people of Medina meaning he would look at their practices and how they acted and he would say act like them and there were more than 120 thousand companions in Medina that lived by the time him and many came around later Mossad is to write letters to him saying yes amen you are right to use these great sahabas of Medina that's good we don't see ourselves any better than them however not 200 years later there are customs involved traditions of your culture an email manic respect that is if anybody stuck to his own believing that this is the right one if he couldn't find it among the people of Medina he went to something which amount of a honey for years and that is Cle s to come to a ruling by comparison he'd look at a ruling that's similar to it and say okay we'll say that it's like this will practice it like this the scholars used to say that smoking cigarettes is mccrory it's just disliked but when they found out the effects of smoking in tobacco and how bad it is we conclude that cigarette Rebecca is haraam like the way drugs or alcohol is fought on him a manic also looked at a very unique way and this is where he really differed something that full of flexibility in his mother you will find three things that the other imams didn't one of it was cold and is des m which means the better of to fill of matters it's got to fill of matters he'll take the easier one or the better one and the second thing use the followers centered there are which means something local and local depending on what it would lead to for example if it leads to destruction eliminate it and thirdly our Masada and Muslim the benefits of the public if something may lead to the harm of the public or or community even if it was something highly then you should stop it and this is to look at the benefits of the people at large but Amman Malik's mother was actually the most flexible because of these three and the other Imams differed about their that didn't really agree on maybe our hannover to a certain extent a man Mary produced a monumental book it is called Alamo Appa and more 13mm medic this book is a collection of prophetic hadith and some companion sayings etc it contains currently about 1720 hadiths and it was about 100 years before a hardy and Muslim and the six books of hadith that we know about so basically some scholars say this was probably the first book of hadith ever and it is one of the most authentic now this book it took about eleven years of Amman mailings time to complete and it came to us through one of the students of abu hanifa muhammad nasir - a Ben who studied under manning for three years and he propagated this book along with another Scott it reached another scholar by the name of I said if not in the for art who was famous for propagating his lamb to a place Cicely and a student of mana corrode and water and the basics of the Motherhouse spread through Africa and Spain and this kidnap and what that was spread by his students him and Mary didn't write and Walter himself he collected it and his students actually put it together the way they put it was first of all there was a hundred thousand had it's in it from the hundred thousand nine thousand were taken as being most authentic and from the nine thousand we finally ended up with 1720 most authentic hadees till today that among them are several of them which amir malik narrated himself we call that the golden chain they are the most authentic hadees existing today any hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that had the following chain from Malik who heard it from Natha who heard from him neuroma who heard from the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you see that chain before any Hadi the scholars unanimously say this is the strongest chain of narration to exist in any form of Hadi they call it the golden chain mmm a chef really says about a whopper no book before the book of Allah was more authentic and accurate than al Moapa keeping in mind that Behar a Muslim went existing at that time mmm-wa had masseur who was the hanifa at that time remember we mentioned him it exists and abu hanifa he came up to him and marry at the Kaaba and he said Tim yeah ma I want this book to be copied and printed and distributed and I want it to be the main source and every other book of Hadees to be destroyed and burnt him and Malik said to him no don't do that for there are people who received knowledge from their emails and from different sources and there could be sources that are not known to me to take only my book and refuse all the rest is a dangerous thing to do don't take away all the other knowledge just based on mine for I am a man of knowledge and there's still more for me to learn and this is the way the Imams always spoke a man Malik's greatest fear someone asked him a question and they've got to give them a verdict every time a man Malik was asked for a ver that didn't exist before he would say to the person wait he'd gone maple door then he'd come back he'd sit down and he would start by saying there is no might and there is no power except with Allah then he would give the answer to the best of his knowledge he is to say there is nothing more power upon me in life than when I was asked a question about halal or Haram is this permissible or not because I am representing the ruling of Allah Himself the creator of the world so the scholars form of decoration was a common modern I do not know an eighth army which was one of these students of Amman Maddox's I witnessed a man Malek being asked about 48 issues matters on separate occasions he replied 232 out of 48 of them he replied to them I do not know there is a story about a Moroccan he had a question which all of the Imams of Morocco could not answer him so a travel performance with a message from the mmm saying there is no knowledgeable scholar on the face of the earth and he man Malik go to him in Medina and get us the answer for your question so he set out for 4 months you can imagine the desert and the hate and the struggle when he arrived he asked him a medic the question him a medic meant and made model came and sat down said la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah stood up and said to him give me till tomorrow the next day he did the same thing and he sat down and he said to him my answer is I do not know the Moroccan stood stood up and said here amen with all due respects the Imams of maracas are waiting for my answer and I've travelled for months and now I have to return another four months to heaven is that eight months to get the answer I can't say to them the great Imam says I do not know well then go and tell your scholars that Imam Malik he doesn't know the Moroccan went back and this is what he told me I do not know because this could earn him this place in Hellfire if he knew that he had made a mistake he'd gather his students and then he would clarify his mistake in front of all his students that's something very heavy to do listen students I said this before and I've made a mistake this is what the correct answer is he circles if anybody spoke while he is speaking that would be forbidden any circles they never allowed someone they didn't like people asked him what's your daddy they're asking him things which they don't understand themselves up as a table or Hanifah circles he is to encourage his students to discuss and debate as for him a medic lived in medina the knowledge in Medina was different it was quite strict and straightforward and these ideologies of how Irish and Martha zina and Greek philosophy and Aristotle's beliefs the stuff they weren't in Medina so the man manic was not interested in all those ideologies anyone who asked them does Allah have a hand where is he which face is he directed and all those thoughts he never attempted to even answer them except in one way brief answers that made them be quiet take it as it is and walk away where he used to sit was the same spot where the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem used to sit and teach it was the same spot where our Moradi a lot of the honey per set and taught he never in his life narrated a single hadith while standing a man Malik before he ever said one hadith he go and have a shower or he'd make model then he'd pray 2 rakaats they need where the best of clothing put on the best of perfume and to the Masjid quietly would not say a word until serenity and peace befell him what lie I'm not exaggerating is what his students say he went to the seat of the boy the process I used to see and he sat there then he looked up at his students and he spoke the hadith with its narration that's how a man Malik narrated hadith mm Eric he went against the norms yes of the scholars which is to accept the gifts from the scholars I'd like to say that all four immense even though they had different ways of dealing with the government all of them got imprisoned and all of them got tortured including Imam Malik even with the way mm mattock dealt with them mm mattock witnessed the fall of the Umayyad dynasty and the rise of the Abbasid dynasty he witnessed ate her knickers in the time of the Umayyad dynasty and five helices in the time of the Abbasid dynasty in it 90 years or 86 or 90 years making him the longest living of among the 40 maps the point is that him a medic was courageous and this is proof that him taking the gifts did not mean that he was a government puppet like some of the scholars today he was not a government scholar once held on a Rashid he gave 3,000 dinner homes to Imam Malik and he said to him when these 3,000 did homes reach you I want you to come immediately to my palace with my royal order he had to leave Medina and go to about that mm Malik never left Medina and he insisted on never ever leaving it a letter to come to meet about that because the three thousand dinars he sent the three thousand dinars back saying to him I will never leave Medina in other words keep dreaming so what did that ownership do to show you how much they respected him he sent him double six thousand dirhams with no conditions same MIT looked at the wealthy look 30 students and says no promise process and him says whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah Allah will give him something better and he distributed among students and himself just showing you that if he was a government scholar would he say something like that never now because of this truth something happened and he had to face a terrible ordeal he clashed with the state every mm crushed with the state a revolution against Abu Jaffa and amongst all began and Imam Abu Hanifa was about in his 60s at that time and the people who started this revolution were people from the prophet's family and the leader of the Revolutionists was led by Muhammad and napster Zakia there was a descendent of Imam Hassan even ali ali allah Hanuman and him and Malik he supported the leader of this movement if Muhammad Imam Muhammad enough sasaki a great a man if he became the new ruler then it would be better this was a mathematic thought on the inside what happened was the governor of medina so he started going around basically forcing the people to pledge allegiance for him and the people didn't like this so the revolution increased one day someone asked the Imam Manica question which had a political move behind it and him a man he knew this is very smart and the question was if a man was forced to divorce his wife and he divorced her does the divorce count a man Malik said in photo and Islam nothing is valid out of force so the hanifa found out and he sent news for the amount to stop saying what he was saying never to repeat that rule that verdict again the Imam replied I cannot conceal knowledge if I know it so they sent a spy to one of his circles and Aspire asked the question again to check if this Amman really meant what he's saying to test him so he asked them the question the man answered him exactly the same answer as before knowing the political consequence of it the result of this was there was an order to capture him at Mallik in Medina to the governor of the prince of Medina they captured him imprisoned him and they tortured him he was beaten so badly until his arms became disabled and his shoulder his right shoulder was dislocated in that time he meant man he prayed a little while with his arms down this is documented then there was a second revolt when I heard about your man Manik being tortured this way his students got up he messed with his students so mmm amongst all medieval mythology came in person to Medina and he says I apologize young man I did not order this please tell me what you need and I will give you and I sacked the governor and I've humiliated him and so this is what he claimed and he made manic therefore was not a government scholar the end of his life of him and Manik after that he became very ill at the age of 19 and he could not go to the Masjid for a little while he died at the age of 90 years a young men the age of about 13 years old in the time of Imam Malik when him and medic was in his Middle Ages a young boy by the age of 13 his mother from Mecca his mother said to him my son you are now well known you have memorized the whole Quran and he had memorized hadith and he have memorized poetry I want to send you to mmm Malik to learn his head up his character before he learned his knowledge so she got him ready and she wrote a letter to the Prince of matkah the governor of Makkah who had happened to be her cousin she referred to him to send a letter to the governor of medina to go with her son to him and Malik basically to intercede for him to become his teacher so this young boy took this letter from his mother and sent him off young thirteen-year-old guy through the deserts to medina seeking knowledge he reached the governor of medina and gaining the letter of the Governor of Makkah and the governor of Medina his face changed he started to sweat the young boy looked at him and said what's wrong he said well lucky if the governor of Makkah asked me to walk barefooted in the middle of the desert with nothing on my head it would be easier than for me to go to Amman Malik's house because he had so much respect for him so the boy innocently said to him well you don't have to go to him make him come to you the governor of medina laughed and he said come on let's go so he went to memetics house they knocked on the door and the house maid the servant of him and Malik answered and they asked for a memory she said to him listen if there is a religious question right now is not the time write on a paper and he will answer a point if you want to learn how to f go to his circles of datas they'll be in a certain time and if it's a government issue this is not the time there's another time for so the governor of says I have a letter for him from the Prince of Makkah so then the young boy says a big tall man blond white colored eyes unexpected from the people of madinah came to the door says I looked up at him and the servant lady brought him a chair he settlement and then he said what does the governor of Makkah want from me and the governor of Medina just gave him the paper without a word when a man mattock read this paper he threw the paper away saying now how would I what help or what there in leavener has it come to this that knowledge now needs connections he looked at the young boy and the young boy said to him may Allah straighten the path of the Sheikh he said to him I am from the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so now basically he forced he obliged that he meant to listen to him a nap or a sheep I have memorized the Quran at the age of seven and your mapa the whole of it I've memorized it with his chain of narrations by the age of ten my mother sent me here to learn from you Eman Maddon looked at him and said Oh young boy fear Allah and stay away from sins if you do so there will be something of your future if you apply these two advices does anyone know who the young boy was here was Imam Muhammad it is a share [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 456,749
Rating: 4.8914728 out of 5
Keywords: the four imams, imam abu hanifa, maliki, hanbali, shafi'i
Id: qgU6wNwusdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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