Imam Ash-Shafi'i [RA]

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Hey [Music] a young men the age of about 13 years old in the time of him and medic when he man medic was in his Middle Ages a young boy about the age of 13 his mother from Mecca his mother said to him my son you are now well known you have memorized the whole Quran and he had memorized hadith and he have memorized poetry I want to send you to Imam Malik to learn his head up his character before you learn his knowledge so she got him ready and she wrote a letter to the Prince of Mecca the governor of Makkah who was happened to be her cousin she referred to him to send a letter to the governor of Medina to go with her son to Amman Malik basically to intercede for him to become his teacher so this young boy took this letter from his mother and sent him off young thirteen-year-old going through the deserts to Medina seeking knowledge he reached the governor of Medina again with the letter of the governor of Makkah and the governor of Medina his face changed he started to sweat the young boy looked at him and said what's wrong he said what Allah he of the governor of Makkah asked me to walk barefooted in the middle of the desert with nothing on my head it would be easier than for me to go to Amman Maddox house because he had so much respect for him so the boy innocently said to him well you don't have to go to him make him come to you the governor of medina laughed and he said come on let's go so he went to memetics house they knocked on the door and the house made the servant of Amman Malik answered and they asked for Imam Ali she said to him listen if there is a religious question right now is not the time write on a paper and he will answer a point if you want to learn how do you go to his circles of datas they'll be in a certain time and if it's a government issue this is not the time there's another time for it so the governor of I have a letter for him from the Prince of Makkah so then the young boy says a big tall man blond white covered eyes unexpected from the people of Medina came to the door says I looked up at him and the servant lady bought him a chair he settlements and then he said what does the governor of Makkah want from me and the governor of Medina just gave him the paper without a word when a man manic read this paper he threw the paper away saying now how would I what help or what the intervener has it come to this that knowledge now needs connections he looked at the young boy and the young boy said to him may Allah straighten the power of the shape he said to him I am from the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so now basically he forced he obliged that he meant to listen team an opera she I have memorized the Quran at the age of seven and your WAPA the whole of it I've memorized there with his chain of narrations by the age of ten my mother sent me here to learn from you Eman MANET looked at him and said Oh young boy fear Allah and stay away from sins if you do so there will be something of your future if you apply these two advices does anyone know who the young boy was here was Imam Muhammad even the Driss to himself that there is no God worthy of worship but him and he bears witness to the greatness of his creation of the angels and he bears witness to the importance and greatness confident it was born in 150 hit Judy and he died in 204 hey Judy so he lived about 54 years of age he was born in the same year in which imam abu hanifa died so he did not meet in memorable hanifa but he did meet every other imam almost that we hear about including some of the teachers of him amiable hanifa however his main teacher was a man Malik himself he was born in Gaza and he was known as an imam in Makiki the Imam of Makkah because his mother took him from Gaza when he was a child to Mecca and he traveled a lot and he is knowledge different to the other Imams was almost in every area in every subject that you can know about mmm as share ferry was what we say he was a hair she me that he was from the bloodline of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Menasha he loved sports he loved archery that's a favorite sport he was 10 out of 10 in archery excellent horse rider he would jump on his horse without leading to touch anything maybe just the ears or the head and he lived in the desert is very important for 17 years of his life when he was a child his mother sent him to the desert for five years of his childhood until he was 13 or 12 and then he spent another 12 years in the desert later on why there was a tribe in the desert by the name of Manuel Jose when you hear this name vendor Jose all the Arab world especially in those times knew that battle Jose was where the original Arabic that the Arabic is to be taken from there they were the spring the fountain of all the Arabic of the world but no Jose the turning point just like I explained that every man had a turning point where they went from one thing to another yes his mother she helped him to memorize the Quran and he memorized it by the age of seven also said that he memorized a lotta the book of hadith of Amir Malik by the age of 10 or 13 years of age like Abu Hanifah he was inspired by another scholar so there were two inspirations we said his mother but first he had an uncle who was a scholar and in those days they all read this thing called for our Sir Edmund Ferrara it's a science of looking at a person and from their features you are able to see science of particular qualities in the person so his uncle looked at it his nephew and at the age of about 10 or 11 he says to him son I see brilliance and intelligence in you he had a gift of memory now although I never had this gift but him am a chef a he was a pinnacle of this he stood out in memory as I said he memorized the Quran except he was a poet at 10 a reference poet at 10 he read the Quran every single day of his life as for his features mmm a chef here he was Arab looking very healthy who had a strong build tall muscular he had a strong presence when he walked in everybody stopped and listened and looked at him he faced many trials in his life especially with the government he had an amazing character indeed and he was as I said from among the three best generations after the Prophet sallallaahu said the promise of Allah Salim said the best of all generations are my generation then the ones that follow them after that in the third best generation are the ones who followed them after that his education and morals and etiquettes and character was exemplary he accepted any advice from anybody as soon as he gave him advice if it had evidence in Delhi I'd listened to you until you finished I've been hot masculine he says that Imam Shafi had seventeen teachers in total in his life number one on the top was Manek he was his teacher until he died his second teacher was Sophie and a banana and he was a student and the contemporary scholar with imam abu hanifa his third teacher worth mentioning is muhammad IBN al-hassan who was the direct student and the best student of imam abu hanifa as far as indirect teachers there were mmm in Jose a mammal aza he had a mother hub as well however his mother hub didn't last long what lasted from till today from hizmet hub is the area about international law his indirect item was also a mammal lathe even Assad and he lived in Egypt it was him that his students were and gave him a hard time his favorite student went to a Yemen and that's where Imam Shafi spent most of his time he started his working in Yemen and lent of this when he learned of the student mmm chef a grow a great interest in Imam and lay that new salad he loved him a lot and is very interested and he was actually influenced by his way after Imam Malik mm lathe disagreed with Imam Malik a lot and Imam Shafi was affected by that he became a Mufti at the age of twenty years approximately emember Schaffer he was a genius really he had the utmost respect towards all of his teachers and people he had an assertive nature he pointed out errors in his teachers opinions with respect and friendliness and mostly in his teacher Imam Malik now a mammoth chef he was the first to document his urn and mother had with his own hand the other Hemans this Yunus documented he was the first to document personally summarized it in a book called an omen and it the book alone contains opinions of abu hanifa smother and others it contains ideas of amendment as a international law and so on in Islam but his greatest legacy was a smaller book by the name of AR rissalah this is very renowned the book a rissalah is a simplified has simplified principles which all the methods agree on they are the principles of Foucault which makes Imam Shafi the first one to introduce this new approach called the principles of Papa or soul and Foucault every Amen among the four Imams and others had to face a clash with the government or a clash with the people because all of them were courageous and as I said there weren't government scholars they weren't scholars of desire scholars of wealth there were scholars who knew that they were inheriting the legacy of the problem I have lots of Ilario selling with sincerity in the time of him Emma chef Irie something began to develop called holography and annual Hadees the people of opinions and the people of Hadees now by looking at it you'd think people of opinion what's that Chuck them aside it meant that these were people who deduced new views about current situations based on daily based on the Quran and Sunnah in all its ways people of hadith for more literalists so for example the only if you say rasul salah salem used the miswak that come up to you and say you should never ever use toothpaste and toothbrush always the miswak regardless and died on that now what happened was this already people have opinions they based on analogy comparison deduction and they lived in Iraq mostly a little hadith their priority was to find the text and follow the text literally and they were mostly people of Hejaz hey jazzmin in Medina Makkah those areas even till today this is basically almost how it is both of them did not violate text but one was more strict and literal than the other what was the position of Imam Shafi he was sort of half half somewhere in between a bit of a balanced approach not too much this way not too much that way but he also never burger violated hadith either his statement was all of us men of opinions can be disproved except for the owner of this grave when he was doing his Hajj you look at the grave the promise of Allah said o man he said all of our ie all of our opinions and views can be rejected and disproven except for the owner who described any point of the grave of muhammad sallallaahu idea when he met a chef he went he went to visit the grave of imam abu hanifa and he made dough out for him he pretty miss mustard close to the grave with the grave of a funny fate is when he prayed he used to lift his hands up after all cool and when he goes into her poor but in a behind if his mother it didn't reach him that this is part of the salat so he didn't raise his hands that was his view so a members share pray for the first time there they saw him not lifting his hands up in the select so they asked him why did you not follow the view which you know is his right in your opinion he said because out of respect for the owner of this grave and he pointed to Abu Hanifa a shackle is a dub and respect in debating is also very renowned for example he never raised his voice in any debate number two he stayed calm in every debate he used to say that he never debated with anyone except that he first he made dua that the opponent the person is debating him is in the right and the right is with him and he made a draw to help him so imagine you debating someone on a view and you've got different view and you're making go out that your brother who is debating you is on the right and there are a lot of guides but the only thing is that they had a commitment to honesty that was the only difference okay I want you to be right but I also the community honesty and that's the Dean the Dean is not yours or mine he used to say I never debated with anyone and liked him to make a mistake he also said give and take listen and speak and don't criticize the person personally so there were no egos in all the differences of opinions he used to say throw away my opinion if it goes against the Sunnah and take it as my motherhood for this is what we all want he also had a sense of humor Imam Shafi Lee an example of that is that he never used to stretch his legs out when people were sitting around him he considered it lack of decency and courtesy for others do something like that but he also had a problem with his legs he needed to stretch him so he would use humor to have an excuse to stretch his legs one time he was sitting on his students who were around him and he asked the question one student gave her an answer which was way off track so we said well since I have students like that then I think there's nothing wrong with me stretching my leg and it stretched his leg like that his sources were the Quran the Sunnah and if you couldn't find the information in the Quran Sunnah he would use something called Iijima mount means consensus that when all the scholars all the Sahaba agree on something he would take him this is the fourth source which he used was something called key s the s means to come up with a ruling based on analogy something that is like it further than that he didn't go he wrote one hundred and seventy books but the most monumental books were Keith Urban whom made up of seven to eight volumes and a reseller or asada is a very balanced book it's got the fundamentals and principles of Foucault which all scholars can use and they don't differ with any mother my brothers and sisters the scholars say that the book of Imam Shafi a kitab an omen they said you can see the spirit of abu hanifa throughout the book alone and he was the first one who stood out in saying listen he felt that people were following their Imams too in a zealous approach like there were prophets almost so he wanted to break that trend a little bit to say look I am even writing a book correcting some of the views of my own master and he's the calling master imam malik to show you that has to be respect but at the same time a commitment to honesty because of that the students of amman malik after amman medic died began to hate Imam Shafi and some familiar scholars who followed the school of thought of him and Michele Fiori were el-beit happy ass Realty a memorable party they followed the math above Amanda chef Ian mm a chef a sufferer two great trials one of them was the trial of whole 'quran there was a people called in Marta zealand they came with the Greek philosophy thoughts and these people said that the Koran is created it's not actually the Word of God directly and one of them was the amendment Cheryl you had to say face this trial but the only things they membership here he got out of it and he said the the zaboor the ng the Torah and the Koran these four are created what he meant was these four fingers are created it didn't mean that the words of Allah are created and they liked it the government liked and they said okay let all the immense let's say the same thing but imam ahmed was the only one who stood firm on it the second trial team am i a shocker he really went through with which remember we didn't go to that extent was a very sensitive political problem which was the issue of a debate in those days there was no such thing as she yet but there were some people developing from among the people who started to claim love for the family of the prophet sallallaahu I do send them in a zealous way in an extreme way whereupon they began to give them over praise and then he started to enter into the political arena there were two great empires with her called Benny hot baths and Benny Romania Benny hot baths were more linked to the prophesy asylums line from his uncle arbors and Benny or mayhem or from the mahalia side but there were all cousins though all from been with a sham but they had this hate towards each other and each one claimed that the Celia should be for them when our bear said we're the ones and we carry more of that bloodline the other side of all mayor they said no we carry more of the red light and then there was another group called the hello whites not that I Louise of today the other whites as in the ones who carried the blood that went back to Ali it'll be a lon and these hello whites in those days were actually great people we're talking about Samuel I abhi Dean the son of Ali of the al-amin who existed at the time of Abu Hanifah he went up against the government and I will honey for supported him in the time of new members share theory this was developing this was getting worse this idea of a debate in the Salafist should be fine debate and the problems were whoever will beat the or maids has taken over the ambassador's at that time and our bastards claim clean affable and they said we've got to take it back we our bloodline is more important anyone revolting against the government about this they were killed on the spot regardless of their status even if there were Amanda chef Kerry himself until they came a halifa called him am haroon rasheed in his time there was a ruler in Yemen this ruler in Yemen did not like Imam Shafi because Imam Shafi used to kiss to warn people and say the ruler of Yemen is an unjust ruler like all the other a man's I did not fear for the sake of Allah and he spoke about injustice since this idea of had been baited who should be the saliyah and so on and so forth was there this ruler of Yemen had captured nine people who were talking against the government using the idea of elevate and he accused Imam Shafi to be one of them because the membership he had close connections with them students I think where they attended their circle all of these nine will be headed on the spot as for Imam Shafi he was sent to but that to Harun al-rashid the Khalifa and there Muhammad Amin Hassan has a burny one of his old teachers the student of Imam Abu Hanifa who was the chief judge he interceded for a members share feeling in front of the Khalifa and said he is not a foolish man who talks like this membership he was innocent from Paulette he didn't revolt against the government that's not the point but he stood a ground against the ruler of Yemen and said if it was if I wanted to revolt I would but I don't see it the correct way so he let him off and he said to the chief judge look after him but that's not where the most courageous point was in Menasha he had to draw the line about this idea I heard baked hello debate has nothing to do with the Shia that's number one and the Shia of today have gone backwards saying the followers of the 12 commands that and they came to be later on and these people started claiming that they love the 12 Imams more than anyone else in the world but we love them and revere them but the problem is that they say we love them more to the point where we give them they gave them powers and abilities that really beyond measure the debate was does it go all the way to Judgment Day I mean everyone who comes from the line of the process of allah salla are they considered a debate I mean today in a Sherman Egypt there are more than 10 million people who claim to be descendants of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah you ascend them we have a problem here and are they at the same caliber of all these demands and all these ala debate or are they not the second thing is a debate he's a part of our religion we must love and revere the people of a debate but the Shia today and the likes of them similar to the statement were all equal but we are more equal than others in that sort of sense Amanda chef BAE what did he do he created the dividing line clearly and courageously saying the Dean and the alidade have nothing to do with the political makeup don't anyone come around and say that the honey fares to be from a whole debate and that the political movement when you fight over the blood line and all that stuff he said you have to decide to separate between these two and for this reason some people got jealous of him a machete and they started claiming that he's a shilling later on in history and they said that he is a sympathizer of them and some of them said that he doesn't love a debate and all these people became jealous of him they also accused that with hanifa and Malik as being Shia later on just because they studied under people of Ireland baked they studied under a man Jafra Sadiq revealed and great a man of Allison people like Muhammad about good great Imam of a listener and these three Imams were students of them just because the students have them doesn't make them Shia or anything like that the second accusation that they made against him and chef Faye was that he was a worshipper of reasoning and philosophy again only because he had studied under a great scholar who was an expert in animal calamy philosophy interpretation just because he started under him does not make him like that but he has nothing to do with either philosophy or Shia at all well honey for considered that you know different views to humanish fu he considered that venule may and bernie are bears were illegitimate Khalifa's a man malik agreed but differed about some other aspects Imam Shafi he said the Salafi it is not enough must for the Khalifa to be from the prophet's family because the promise of a Salem said people said the other so Allah if you die who becomes the hanifa from your family and he replied by saying this matter the Phillipa Allah places whomever he finds he wills to be in this place so he didn't say he has to be from my bloodline and the Quran states that royal blood comes through the boys but Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim had no voice so then again he used this as evidence as I said before the students of Amman Manik became extreme in their following of Amman Malik and after he died Amanda chef feel he found that people were saying although Allah and the others would say kyleannie a man medic and he knows about the Prophet more than you even if something was clear in membership he wanted to draw a line came up with the book and he wrote evidence against some of the errors of his teachers because of this and because of all these different accusations and because he managed FA became the top in the world in his time him and Malik students and this is a problem they hated him a lot and they waited for him when he was delivering that's in the Masjid in Yemen they entered upon him and after he finished his lesson they attacked him and they beat him until he became unconscious he died a few days later now the scholars say he didn't die directly from the wounds but he had another disease another illness that when he got beaten up it exacerbated he made it worse and then he died but as a result of their beating up by the students of his great Imam and great master and here Imam Shafi'i half of his reason for death was that he was beaten up by the students of Imam Malik and if he man Malik was alive he would beat his own students up for doing that of these so-called students sadly who overpraised their amount to the point where their made them almost like prophets how do you differ on my a man's opinion so my dear brothers and sisters members share feel he died at the age of about 54 years of age in Yemen and he was one of the great scholars of Islam today is probably the second or third largest school of thought followed in the world I'm sure his favorite students on the other hand [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 175,186
Rating: 4.9196095 out of 5
Keywords: the four imams, imam abu hanifa, malik, al-muwattah, ahmad ibn hanbal
Id: fo_na7zQkf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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