Quran: 2. Surah Al-Baqara (The Calf): Complete Arabic and English translation HD

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wish me luck my man you're walking in the name of allah the entirely merciful the especially merciful [Music] Alif LAAM Meem the nickel kita boleh ibises food inimitable this is the book about which there is no doubt a guidance for those conscious of Allah al aliy now me noona be ye be well you'll be more nice quality one man was a now people who believe in the unseen establish prayer and spend out of what we have provided for them well alina you mean ona bhima Xena elegant go mama I mean public an ability mutant and who believe in what has been revealed to you O Muhammad and what was revealed before you and of the hereafter they are certain in faith in Allah who them be him a kimono monthly those are upon right guidance from their Lord and it is those who are the successful [Music] [Music] mmm indeed those who disbelieve it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them they will not believe but then the long life will be modest and voila a bell fleur-de-lis shower what a whom my lovely Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and over their vision is a veil and for them is a great punishment well-meaning Naseem a ruin be like he would be yelling everyone be meaning and off the people are some who say we believe in Allah and the last day but they are not believers you are their own along how and levena a man one I am 4:7 is they think to deceive Allah and those who believe but they deceive not except themselves and perceive it not fearful no one being not aloof as a double long-ball whatever mother Alima be Mackin in their hearts is disease so Allah has increased their disease and for them is a painful punishment because they habitually used to lie well even till 11 lat of C do feel mMmmm and when it is said to them do not cause corruption on the earth they say we are but reformers she do now a lacking unquestionably it is they who are the corrupters but they perceive it not well either Thielen MMS will follow a note me no cameras [Laughter] - your father another most often walking and when it is said to them believe as the people have believed they say should we believe as the foolish have believed unquestionably it is they who are the foolish but they know it not well available Edina MN wanna know either Halloween a Champlain infernal well either Halloween a champagne bottle no monsters alone and when they meet those who believe they say we believe when they are alone with their evil ones they say indeed we are with you we were only mockers along we estancia mean why I'm doing feeble we are any human but Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression while they wander blindly Coletti Nash double boiler that BB hottie Jenna those are the ones who have purchased error in exchange for guidance so their transaction has brought no profit nor were they guided methylome cometh Anil Eddie Stefan [Music] wha-at Mahalo had a loving routine that had been lobbying Metallica in vivo lumati Leoben their example is that of one who kindled a fire but when it illuminated what was around him Allah took away their light and left them in darkness so they could not see death dumb and blind so they will not return to the right path Oh Mina Senna if he ya Jenelle Swamy I'm feelin mean us for anything well long even being a fede or it is like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness thunder and lightning like they put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps in dread of death but Allah is encompassing of the disbelievers yeah kinda bum oh yeah cool Emma of all of whom I showed me one either I'm blonde our informal one shine along with have any send my him one of those lauding him in Allah I appreciate you indeed the Lightning almost snatches away their sight every time it lights the way for them they walk therein but when darkness comes over them they stand still and if Allah had willed he would have taken away their hearing and their sight indeed Allah is over all things competent yeah a human being I mean Papanikolaou an accountant Oh mankind worship your Lord who created you and those before you that you may become righteous a legend and a component of Buffy Ocean Obinna ins an alum in a semi EEMA ah aha Java moodiness the novelty de-spawn lookin fella he and he who made for you the earth a bed spread out and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky rain and brought forth thereby fruits as a provision for you so do not attribute to Allah equals while you know that there is nothing similar to him in [Music] our bed in a fact don't be so fat to be watching me mother don't leave don't leave and if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon our servant Muhammad then produce a surah the like thereof and call on your witnesses other than Allah if you should be truthful the eleventh the final now on letting you doin mess one page Oh wipe that little caffeine but if you do not and you will never be able to then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the disbelievers well the shitty Lavina a man where aminos wali Hattie and on Jan 19 the Giannini tactical and Clemmie was informing him using our children's pool although I love using I mean pompano to be a mutashabiha what I won't FINA as rajim o paja WOM fear falling and give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens in Paradise beneath which rivers flow whenever they are provided with the provision of fruit therefrom they will say this is what we were provided with before and it is given to them in likeness and they will have therein purified spouses and they will abide therein eternally Alana is the methylamine [Music] Amen all same how warm your warm beam what animal Anika thumbs up all on the long behind the mana you will do because he only because he all one your window be in line 15 indeed Allah is not timid to present an example that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it and those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord but as for those who disbelieve if they say what did Allah intend by this as an example he misleads many thereby and guides many thereby and he misleads not except the defiantly disobedient 11 I am born as the long he knew bounding me Fatima alone another long bao far away you'll see doing I feel um iike moon cause you who break the Covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and caused corruption on earth it is those who are the losers gaze at the corner be lucky welcome and what a heckum some may owe me to come so may he come to me lady Jang how can you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless and he brought you to life then he will cause you to die then he will bring you back to life and then to him you will be returned let me holla holla come fill up blue jammy master illness if a someone that's about I said well who I be cool Alisha in my name it is he who created for you all of that which is on the earth then he directed himself to the heaven is being above all creation and made them seven heavens and he is knowing of all things well born on okay Neela manicotti mej I don't feel like Holly fan Paulo Thiago phenom IFC doofy how is wicked demon Alana no no Sabiha be handy Kawano called insulin all in me mother and mention o Muhammad when your Lord said to the Angels indeed I will make on the earth a successive Authority they said will you place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood while we declare your praise and sanctify you Allah said indeed I know that which you do not know well a Coulomb our little man katisa Paula and the Unni the Paula and be only be asthma ha in tombs our duty and he taught Adam the names all of them then he showed them to the angels instead inform me of the names of these if you are truthful also the Hannukah Hannukah Hollywood Hakim they said exalted are you we have no knowledge except what you have taught us indeed it is you who is the knowing the wise be asthma in him Velma but be a smart Impala alum Apple Lancome Cooney my best MIT one lovely one moment Alberto now I'm a fool don't act alone he said o Adam inform them of their names and when he had informed them up their names he said did I not tell you that I know the unseen aspects of the heavens and the earth and I know what you reveal and what you have concealed egotist dude only and I'm a passenger in Belize and I was that Balkan I mean I look a feeling and mentioned when we said to the Angels prostrate before Adam so they prostrated except for Iblees he refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers joke illusion natella Coulomb in heaven - she - memorable voila baba yaga matata hakuna mina Wally mean and we said Oh Adam dwell you and your wife in Paradise and eat therefrom in ease and abundance from whatever you will but do not approach this tree lest you be among the wrongdoers burma-shave on one haja Homa McAfee wanna people about walk only babbling I don't why let them see lovably must wanna tell but Satan caused them to slip out of it and remove them from that condition in which they had been and we said go down all of you as enemies to one another and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time but I can imagine what my Baba then Adam received from his Lord some words and he accepted his repentance indeed it is he who is the accepting of repentance the merciful merciful hola mi amor de esta la khawfun alayhim wala ho Mirza we said go down from it all of you and when guidance comes to you from me whoever follows my guidance there will be no fear concerning them nor will they grieve levena katha Wakanda Mumia Tina ah ah it cannot happen comfy huh Holly boom and those who disbelieve and deny our science those will be the Companions of the fire they will abide therein eternally yes Wallace corner materiality Anant walaikum or lob on D well fool BR d fe behind become worried is all Oh children of Israel remember my favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill my covenant upon you that I will fulfill your covenant from me and be afraid of only me mama Kamala Taku oh what a feeding be what a testimony IIT feminine Paulina YF @ and believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is already with you and be not the first to disbelieve in it and do not exchange my signs for a small price and fear only me when I tell this one help available in you attack tomb will have power and tomb column and do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know it well be must fall at our apples ecatel come out walking and establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow in worship and obedience at the moon and a sentence don't allocate an do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves while you recite the scripture then will you not reason what Stalin will be slumbering or swollen when allah kabir rotten in allen Hashmi and seek help through patience and prayer and indeed it is difficult except for the humbly submissive to Allah levena animal a poor being one who in a here our dear who are certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to him ya then I saw in and kuru near materiality an ontology from one to come Malayali me Oh children of Israel remember my favor that I have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the world what wel maleta to Zenith soon enough sunshine wanna open bad omen - well that'll mean a foul I don't know what are you mean I don't know what I whoa and fear a day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all nor will intercession be accepted from it nor will compensation be taken from it nor will they be aided well if not Jana coming alifair on I assume una comes o allah rabbuna Buena banner economists and his uncle wah fees alikoum Bella mm equal gnarly and recall when we saved your forefathers from the people of Pharaoh who afflicted you with the worst torment slaughtering your newborn sons and keeping your females live and in that was a great trial from your Lord well if fell upon a bee come on back off Jana come upon and recall when we parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on well I don't know banging away Latin Sumitomo large enemy to volume and recall when we made an appointment with Moses for forty nights and when you took for worship the calf after him while you were wrongdoers me the niccola unwelcome - cool then we forgave you after that so perhaps you would be grateful well in a tanuki turban for born an hour and recall when we gave Moses the scripture and criterion that perhaps you would be guided well if all emissary follow me follow me in come Warren Beatty ha the cool idea to Fatah in a burrito 4 seconds I'll inform command Abadie incompatible - what - wah wah and recall when Moses said to his people oh my people indeed you have wronged yourselves by your taking of the calf for worship so repent to your Creator and kill yourselves that is best for all of you in the sight of your Creator then he accepted your repentance indeed he is the accepting of repentance the merciful to me a moose and not mean alcohol that kuhmo swore upon that was falling down and recall when you said o Moses we will never believe you until we see Allah outright so the Thunderbolt took you while you were looking on the mountain kamalakanta school then we revived you after your death that perhaps you would be grateful one that was NRA cumin no I said we're cool Oh me ye batty melons I'm on a phone when I wanna Munna while I can for ceremonial move and we shaded you with clouds and sent down to you manna and quails saying eat from the good things with which we have provided you and they wronged us not but they were only wronging themselves well how do you mean now we'll feel like oom-pah-pah Hakham wasn't as II don't know Cassini and recall when we said enter this city and eat from it wherever you will in ease and abundance and enter the gate bowing humbly and say relieve us of our burdens we will then forgive your sins for you and we will increase the doers of good in goodness and reward for that they'll already know what a loophole and why only Lena Allan Levene Ivana moody jism meanness Emma Amy Mack we have those who wronged changed those words to a statement other than that which had been said to them so we sent down upon those who wronged punishment from the sky because they were defiantly disobeying well it is less formal setting only family nobody beyond so I can jump Fedya between mood natasha Tina but their Eileen a coruña SEMA show the moon Gullu a Shaboom it is spindly he wanna touch that we feel ugly mob CD and recall when Moses prayed for water for his people so we said strike with your staff the stone and there gushed forth from it twelve Springs and every people knew its watering place eat and drink from the provision of Allah and do not commit abuse on the earth spreading corruption well in all to me I'm back region and I mean to me to Abu me the only have apiece in a fool me huh why does he have about funny huh all a testability new Naledi who wanna be lucky who ye be poor miss fluffinella Kumasi a little wobbly battle anymore Villa Tomas canna - ah ba ba ba be minimal or there can be an can we are gonna be acting the hawaiian a beginner below a little helpful learning can be man all song what can we aren't and recall when you said o Moses we can never endure one kind of food so call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth it's green herbs and it's cucumbers and it's garlic and it's lentils and it's onions Moses said would you exchange what is better for what is less go into any settlement and indeed you will have what you have asked and they were covered with humiliation and poverty and returned with anger from Allah upon them that was because they repeatedly disbelieved in the signs of Allah and killed the prophets without right right that was because they disobeyed and were habitually transgressing one Lavina had enough laws for being a man a man abhi na Hyun Jung me everywhere I mean Ali half a moon fell dumping him what a hole for gnarly water oh yeah indeed those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabean's before Prophet Muhammad those among them who believed in Allah and the last day and did righteousness will have their reward with their Lord and no fear will there be concerning them nor will they grieve well a hot namitha Paku Paku Tayna before what do you what boomer she he now I'll uh content and recall when we took your covenant Oh children of Israel to abide by the Torah and we raised over you the mount saying take what we have given you with determination and remember what is in it that perhaps you will become righteous lady Dalek fellow who long ago mama - who knew Nina Fauci then you turned away after that and if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy he would have been among the losers well according to Melina today me comfy subhanAllah Puritan horsey and you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the Sabbath and we said to them the Apes despised the color lima-bean oh yeah day one the Fallen feather I wanna worry wanted mu W and we made it at the Tarrant punishment for those who were present and those who succeeded them and a lesson for those who fear Allah well [Music] that Daffy Luna who you were all I will be lucky and I mean enjoy and recall when Moses said to his people indeed Allah commands you to slaughter a cow they said do you take us in ridicule he said I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant oh no darlin Ambika you bangee l'anima he all in who we are all in before - laughs are you wanna be Kanawa be another link the farm ummah they said call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is Moses said Allah says it is a cow which is neither old nor virgin but median between that so do what you are commanded all of them but can you bang Ilana all in we are in battles before no no that's what one led they said call upon your Lord to show us what is her color he said he says it is a yellow cow bright in color pleasing to the observers all Oh darlin oh I'm Becca you bangee learner mejia in nepal to share the Harlan [Music] you along they said call upon your Lord to make it clear to us what it is indeed all cows look alike to us and indeed we if Allah wills will be guided now we are following to see you test in Horsham Salama - lashing at a fee oral energy turbine campo de bajo mama do we have he said he says it is a cow neither trained to plough the earth nor to irrigate the field when free from fault with no spot upon her they said now you have come with the truth so they slaughtered her but they could hardly do it well in Montana - Nelson Mandela don't we have a long resume awkward don't act too and recall when you slew a man and disputed over it but Allah was to bring out that which you were concealing nobody boom will be back we had a community room so we said strike the slain man with part of it thus does Allah bring the dead to life and he shows you his signs that you might reasonably delicacy I can charity our shadow first one what in I mean until I'm is a fact John [Music] what you know I mean LEM is pop off al for Joe mean man well I mean anime and people meaningless one Allah will be lawfully nan Madol then your hearts became hardened after that being like stones or even harder for indeed there are stones from which rivers burst forth or and there are some of them that split open and water comes out and there are some of them that fall down for fear of Allah and Allah is not unaware of what you do Futaba meruna a mean ol Akuma for the confetti booming whom yes Monica I'm along for my honeymoon mm I had to be for a whole new demon do you covet the hope o believers that they would believe for you while a party of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort the Torah after they had understood it while they were knowing well either upon landing were either howl about boom Allah about will follow two hundy funa who benefactor how long while you can jumpin being dumb become a fella Piru and when they meet those who believe they say we have believed but when they are alone with one another they say do you talk to them about what Allah has revealed to you so they can argue with you about it before your Lord then will you not reason you know am i but do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare in many yahwah and among them are unlettered ones who do not know the scripture except in wishful thinking but they are only assuming Hawaii only Levine I October negative EAD Luna her the mean I'll delay yes BB Samana Paulina so why you don't love me mikata bats anymore you know lon me my actions so woe to those who write the scripture with their own hands then say this is from Allah in order to exchange it for a small price and a long email and they say never will the fire touch us except for a few days say have you taken a covenant with Allah for Allah will never break his covenant or do you say about Allah that which you do not know SMS a Yenta what I have what we need for me to move not easy huh horrible yes whoever earns evil and his sin has encompassed him those are the Companions of the fire they will abide therein eternally levena my middle Wally Hattie Ola you girls have all done goofy huh horrible but they who believe and do righteous deeds those are the Companions of paradise they will abide therein eternally well a hot nanny sample Benny in an otaku Doudna in the law how I've been worried a niece Anna will be worried a knee if son Weber Elliot mi wanna misaki kneeling Co snow LT must fall at our it was a cotton poly and recall home we took the covenant from the children of Israel enjoining upon them do not worship except Allah and to parents do good and to relatives orphans and the needy and speak to the people good words and establish prayer and give zakah then you turned away except a few of you and you were refusing me become test weakened edema Kamala takumin Eureka moment and recall when we took your covenant saying do not shed each other's blood or another from your homes you acknowledge this while you were witnessing our lagoon is foreign to me noona be that wink Iturbi what a funa be bound from a gesture may follow the link ameen come unless you feel hyatt in dunya why oh man I am a Tijuana [Music] Sheldon Laura one Allah will be lawfully non-metal then you are those same ones who are killing one another and evicting a party of your people from their homes cooperating against them in sin and aggression and if they come to you as captives you ransom them although their eviction was forbidden to you so do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part then what is the recompense for those who do that among you except disgrace in worldly life and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent back to the severus of punishment and Allah is not unaware of what you do you can live in a stone higher and dunya be laughing long fella you bust one woman like that whatever Muse those are the ones who have bought the life of this world in exchange for the hereafter so the punishment will not be lightened for them nor will they be aided one of other antenna mosul kita of fame in bounty balloon what a now in subhanAllah we MLB Nativa adonijah Akuma Scooby Mata fostro most active area hmm and we did certainly give Moses the Torah and followed up after him with messengers and we gave Jesus the Son of Mary clear proofs and supported him with the pure spirit but is it not that every time a messenger came to you Oh children of Israel with what your souls did not desire you were arrogant and a party of messengers who denied and another party you killed well bonamana on the line of human law because principally am I and they said our hearts are wrapped but in fact Allah has cursed them for their disbelief so little is it that they believe me denahi Mossad I'm American Bobby Lewis Tofte Hoonah lalalina kappa velum [Music] I'm also kappa movie fell out at the law here a little caffeine and when there came to them a book from Allah confirming that which was with them although before they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieved but then when there came to them that which they recognized they disbelieved in it so the curse of Allah will be upon the disbelievers beats amassed all b-47 a cruel Bhima then Along bell win a unison along Mussolini on a me nobody will be of all bobbing our llevaba well in caffeine I mean how wretched is that for which they sold themselves that they would disbelieve in what Allah has revealed through their outrage that allowed would send down his favor upon whom He wills from among his servants so they returned having earned wrath upon wrath and for the disbelievers is a humiliating punishment well either theorem Aminu Bhima Allah Allah all oh no me no be man see now I think now I okona be most wonderful evening meaning and when it is said to them believe in what Allah has revealed they say we believe only in what was revealed to us and they disbelieve in what came after it while it is the truth confirming that which is with them say then why did you kill the prophets of Allah before if you are indeed believers well father Giacomo survey means to morning and Moses had certainly brought you clear proofs then you took the calf in worship after that while you were wrongdoers well he's a hot namitha lava fountain Dana before what you must now although Sameera now I also you know I won't remove him or don't be more like Janna vehicle-3 be mannequin and recall when we took your covenant and raised over you the mount saying take what we have given you with determination and listen they said instead we hear and disobey and their hearts absorb the worship of the calf because of their disbelief say how wretched is that which your faith enjoins upon you if you should be believers down the long haul in mountain say o Muhammad if the home of the hereafter with Allah is for you alone and not the other people then wish for death if you should be truthful when no other than Bhima want dammit led him along bill volume but never will they wish for it ever because of what their hands have put forth and Allah is knowing of the wrongdoers Netaji then a Siana hyah - I mean and Lavina Shaw - yeah what do I know Aleph SNF you wanna be Museveni meaning either be a lovely man and you will surely find them the most greedy of people for life even more than those who associate others with Allah one of them wishes that he could be granted life a thousand years but it would not remove him in the least from the coming punishment that he should be granted life and Allah is seeing of what they do Ilana zalimoon walla walla bkb evening [Music] Oona's Alanna wannabe cabbie is Neela he most wonderfully ma baina you a mood emotionally say whoever is an enemy to Gabriel it is none but he who has brought the Quran down upon your heart o muhammad by permission of Allah confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings to the believers in cutting he was only he was a baby you know I mean you gotta fatten along our Dorian caffeine whoever is an enemy to Allah and his angels and his messengers and Gabriel and Michael then indeed allies an enemy to the disbelievers la la la quwata vena wah Manitoba ha inland fuzzy boom and we have certainly revealed to you verses which are clear proofs and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient one coulomb another the ferryman is it not true that every time they took a covenant a party of them threw it away but in fact most of them do not believe what a magic deema oona de la feria Pamina La Vina O'Toole kita vegetable or a wood Inca and and when a messenger from Allah came to them confirming that which was with them party of those who had been given the scripture through the scripture of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know what it contained what about Metatron shyamala Mookie Suleiman huama Kafar sulaiman wa knocking Nichelle pinochle you are Li moon and necessity Shana who's in our American DB bourbon a hammertoe amount one man you are limine mean I hadn't Cola in nomina no fitnah tall fella that for Fayette our lamb Warren I mean woman I you fell asleep or Nabi he banging a little mama he was GG woman who belong Audrina beam in hiding in Lobby evening wait on the moon mio boom boom what I am well upon the early moon I managed to whom Allah who feel all spirity mean fallen oh what a bit semi shall be needful some who don't come out and they followed instead what the Devils had recited during the reign of Solomon it was not Solomon who disbelieved but the devil's disbelieved teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon Harut and Marut but the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say we are a trial so do not disbelieve by practicing magic and yet they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife but they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah and the people learned what harms them and does not benefit them but the children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the hereafter any share and wretched is that for which they sold themselves if they only knew what toppled a mess or burned in long gun and if they had believed and feared Allah then the reward from Allah would have been far better yeah you know I was smelling well in caffeine our Moon o you who have believed say not to allies messenger raah I know let's say unborn and listen and for the disbelievers is a painful punishment man 1 do Lavina Khatami nikita be wanna know mostly kena Iona's Allah Allah inquiry middle of binkham were long we have the scoby la mattina maiaysia well long felt Minami neither those who disbelieve from the people of the scripture nor the polytheists wish that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord but Allah selects for his mercy whom He wills and Allah is the possessor of great bounty manners I mean I see Hannah to be fighting with me huh and a long Harlequin Shaitan body we do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that we bring forth one better than it or similar to it do you not know that Allah is over all things competent Ellen Ellen and Allah Allah who were cool Senna YT 101 11 min do Neal annually you Nasri do you not know that - Allah belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth and that you have not besides Allah any protector or any helper and Tory noon thus Allah come come I saw in a moose a me pandu one ietter better than you performing a man if upon the one less hour a stubby or do you intend to ask your messenger as Moses was asked before and whoever exchanges faith for disbelief as certainly strayed from the soundness of the way what the Cathy Nikita belong we all do nakooma mannequin coupon has a demeanor forcing him Barty man today another hormone hamper farfel farfel had a deal long be any longer leash a new body many of the people of the scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed out of envy from themselves even after the truth has become clear to them so pardon and overlook until Allah delivers his command indeed Allah is over all things competent well for atella a second one to the morning Agito inna llaha be mountain man moon above weed and establish prayer and give zakah and whatever good you put forward for yourselves you will find it with Allah indeed Allah of what you do is seeing well a moon illusion Netta in can hold an honest aa Deluca imanakum saw DD and they say none will enter paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian that is merely their wishful thinking say produce your proof if you should be truthful that's no matter how horny learn you were warned don't be don't be what a hopeful not even wanna yes on the contrary whoever submits his face in Islam to Allah while being a doer of good will have his reward with his Lord and no fear will there be concerning them nor will they grieve well on at the end one donating I show you important in Nassau like setting yahood wanna change you want me to Nikita Kadal iike all 11 la la una means love only you so long we obey now homie i'm an opium addict he mechanically often the Jews say the Christians have nothing true to stand on and the Christians say the Jews have nothing to stand on although they both recite the scripture thus the polytheists speak the same as their word but Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ woman mmm Anna Anna Sergey the law he knew you'd gone off he has smooth us our feet ha Bobby huh [Music] become a Kannada who I adore oh man in the Hoffy l'homme fin dunya his you 11 feel Fiat er the nollie and who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in his mosques and strive toward their destruction it is not for them to enter them except in fear for them in this world is disgrace and they will have in the hereafter a great punishment well annually merciful is not onee but the a Nana - I know fathom knowledge of the law in Allah how has he ever ninety and to Allah belongs the east and the west west so wherever you might turn there is the face of Allah indeed Allah is all-encompassing and knowing wah-wah-wah-wah super Hannah blue Murphy sahnaya t1 lovely cool new level pony - they say allah has taken a son exalted is he rather to him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth all are devoutly obedient to him the de los mit one and only one either of all a month mmm originator of the heavens and the earth when he decrees a matter he only says to it be and levena moon Allah you can leave moon along I'm 13 Kazan ecopauline I mean bubbly humans luckily the Shire had other than a teen upon me those who do not know say why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign the spoke those before them like their words their hearts resemble each other we have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain in faith can be the machine to San Juan I'll stab you indeed we have sent you O Muhammad with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a Warner and you will not be asked about the Companions of hellfire top bunk Ali a moon no Farhad Debbie I mean let them know what the longing one who that what a me about that ledger coming and lining America mean along em you wanna you wanna know lead and never will the Jews and the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion say indeed the guidance of Allah is the only guidance if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge you would have against Allah no protector or helper levena ant a mnemonic a tibetan una parte de que yo me noona b1a4 be nice I come home or cause you those to whom we have given the book recite it with its true recital they are the ones who believe in it and whoever disbelieves in it Judas they who are the losers yeah the knee is swollen corner mentality and I'm trying to Kamala Oh children of Israel remember my favor which I have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the world what we on the left a dizziness soon enough soon shame and fear a day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all and no compensation will be accepted from it nor will any intercession benefit nor will they be aided Welli batalla eloheem who be can imagine all in eji locally [Music] hola amigo deity Pollyanna on Diwali and mention o Muhammad when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them Allah said indeed I will make you a leader for the people Abraham said and of my descendants Allah said my covenant does not include the wrongdoers well John metal banging tamatha better Lina c1 know what for me mmm Oh son why he didn't uh-uh I don't know Hema is marrying our baby boy he loved Atle paw if you know a lot if he you know I'm look guys fooled and mentioned when we made the house a place of return for the people and a place of security and take Oh believers from the standing place of Abraham a place of Prayer and we charged Abraham and Ishmael saying purify my house for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying there for worship and those who bow and prostrate in prayer well Paula ibrahim abu jahal Aden I mean Allah who - some of our team and I mean whom belong all our men kaathal off that will materially mmm you know either well be sendin mostly and mentioned when Abraham said my lord make this a secure City and provided two people with fruits whoever of them believes in Allah and the last day Allah said and whoever disbelieves I will grant him enjoyment for a little then I will force him to the punishment of the fire and wretched is the destination evil he MoveOn I read I mean a little baby what is marrying me [Music] Tessa me Riley and mention when abraham was raising the foundations of the house and with him Ishmael saying our Lord accept this from us indeed you are the hearing the knowing man imagine a Muslim a Neela Camellia Tina madame muesli metallica arena Manasa Khanna what a Dean a man a chicken I want to ballerina a web ye our Lord and make us Muslims in submission to you and from our descendants a Muslim nation in submission to you and show us our rights and accept our repentance indeed you are the accepting of repentance the merciful merciful Oh been a modest fee muslim-majority come on kita the hikmat I was a king mmm tell lies evil hockey our lord and send among them a messenger from themselves who will recite to them your verses and teach them the book and wisdom and purify them indeed you are the exalted in might the wise when they are one miletti the more he may learn selphie Hanif's when a body's off hanging a movie do you feel fear until I mean us warning and who would be averse to the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself and we had chosen him in this world and indeed he in the hereafter will be among the righteous Aslam Aslam told me when his Lord said to him submit he said I have submitted in Islam to the Lord of the Worlds well Swami huh Yoani more Benny he won a law house Aladin mostly moon and Abraham instructed his sons to do the same and so did Jacob saying all my sons indeed Allah has chosen you for this religion so do not die except while you are Muslims don't show her the is help all y'all better know who is born anybody he met down balloon anybody Paulo now I'm gonna do either ha ha ha Iike a bohemian smile you know is how far you know him he does to me or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob when he said to his son's what will you worship after me they said we will worship your God and the god of your father's Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac one God and we are Muslims in submission to him till on the hall at La Casa de casa de la Luna that was a nation which has passed on it will have the consequence of what it earned and you will have what you have earned and you will not be asked about what they used to do well borrow Cunha more than a uniform to do Bulbul military belonging my honey I'm not gonna mean animal shrieking they say be Jews or Christians so you will be guided say rather we follow the religion of Abraham inclining toward truth and he was not of the polytheists xena ena ena Juana Xena ela I belong email want you smile you know I have follow yeah boob L&S belly one oh dear Musa ot envy you Namibian opal bahadin Llano filippova inna llaha diamond wanna know la you Muslim say o believers we have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and The Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord we make no distinction between any of them and we are Muslims in submission to him [Music] one loaf mmm fish oh they say a key come along well who wants the me all gnarly so if they believe in the same as you believe in then they have been rightly guided but if they turn away they are only in dissension and Allah will be sufficient for you against them and he is the hearing the knowing one will need Allah he asleep a long wanna know who and say ours is the religion of Allah and who is better than a lot in ordaining religion and we are worshippers of him - ha Jun and I feel like he wanna become one welcome out man open wanna say o Muhammad do you argue with us about Allah while he is our Lord and your Lord for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds and we are sincere indeed an intention to him and double I belong email is Mary know what is how far out as woman level me movement Commission had that 10 I don't mean a law when the law will be lawful [Music] or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and The Descendants were Jews or Christians say are you more knowing or is Allah and who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has from Allah and Allah is not unaware of what you do Tinka or the hall at La Casa de Atacama Casa Burton voila Merkin that is a nation which has passed on it will have the consequence of what it earned and you will have what you have earned and you will not be asked about what they used to do people anymore let you can only learn machining for nobody but me I will announce when all things to be the foolish among the people will say what has turned them away from their qibla which they used to face say to Allah belongs the east and the west he guides whom He wills to a straight path what can you catch an apple oh man what's up a little cooler allomancy way Hakuna Matata you function either wanna lumpy Bella tality cool Darla in learning I mean to be on what's wrong i mean IAM pani bhana a female in Connecticut be rotten in lovina had the wrong woman can along you'll be a mannequin no longer be messy not awful ye and thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and The Messenger will be a witness over you and we did not make the Qibla which you used to face except that we might make evident who would follow the messenger from who would turn back on his heels and indeed it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided and never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith indeed Allah is to the people kind and merciful Oh denote Apollo biogenic efficient felony Anacapa Benetton total Baja the only way Jessica Shah Pahlavi Masjid in Halawa - fellow Jamaican chicawa in lovina Oh - Nikita Malayalam Oona Nakamura love being one along will be all feeling [Music] we have certainly seen the turning of your face o Muhammad toward the heaven and we will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased so turn your face toward al-masjid al-haram and wherever you believers are turn your faces toward it in prayer indeed those who have been given the scriptures well know that it is the truth from their Lord and Allah is not unaware of what they do well in a tent and levena who don't eat a baby coonley aunty young people enter one tubby tubby right people that don't want what my Bible beat Iberian people at the about what I ain't about my whom you barred imagine I come in and I can't even let me know Walli me and if you brought to those who were given the scripture every sign they would not follow your Qiblah nor will you be a follower of their Qiblah nor would they be followers of one another's qibla so if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge indeed you would then be among the wrongdoers levena attained and working today already funa who come a burner whom were in deciding upon let's do moon and for whom those to whom we gave the scripture know him as they know their own sons but indeed a party of them conceal the truth while they know it because I own and I mean elementary the truth is from your Lord so never be among the doubters well equally we genuinely have passed upon for your art an emetic oh no we had T become law upon deed for each religious following is the direction toward which it faces so race to all that is good wherever you may be Allah will bring you forth for judgment altogether indeed Allah is over all things competent women hanging so far dutifully watch a couple al-masjid al-haram yamuna lumira one big one Allah who be walking [Music] so from wherever you go out for prayer o muhammad turn your face toward al-masjid al-haram and indeed it is the truth from your Lord and Allah is not unaware of what you do is to identify one gentleman fellow joakim shop or emollient leia Coonan in CLA come Hodja tone inland la vie Nevada Moomin hum fella auction feller Tasha Mahoney hua Luo Tian Metheny kamalakanta and from wherever you go out for prayer turn your face toward al-masjid al-haram and wherever you believers may be turn your faces toward it in order that the people will not have any argument against you except for those of them who commit wrong so fear them not but fear me and it is so I may complete my favour upon you and that you may be guided [Laughter] Kumba come near to Allah come Tina I use aqui con huevos de que como le moco Maliki tada well Hickman Taku Newton just as we have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you our verses and purifying you and teaching you the book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know the booney and kokum what school do you wanna so remember me I will remember you and be grateful to me and do not deny me yeah a man staring all these Labadee was father in a long announce Lobby Dean oh you who have believed seek help through patience and prayer indeed Allah is with the patient well at the only man you portaloo fils-aime Neela he my Bella here Waunakee let the show I do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah they are dead rather they are alive but you perceive it not one another one knuckle be shy you mean a little coffee wanna do or you wanna believe mean an m14 see what what that is far being and we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits but give good tidings to the patient levena i saw between mostly bethel auto in anime you are you [Applause] Ilayaraja who when disaster strikes them say indeed we belong to Allah and indeed to him we will return guarding him what I want me love me more wha those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy and it is those who are rightly guided in a sovereign of what a meeting sermon gentleman - oh no no fella Jonah holiday am Olaf a behemoth woman Donna in law hockey or gnarly indeed as-safa and al-marwah are among the symbols of Allah so whoever makes Hajj to the house or performs Umrah there is no blame upon him for walking between them and whoever volunteers good then indeed Allah is appreciative and knowing in Laveen is to moonin I mean Albania one who knew about Dima Bayon moon merciful key tabula Ek Allah Allah Allah Allah indeed those who conceal what we sent down of clear proofs and guidance after we made it clear for the people in the scripture those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse 11 a taboo of the Yamuna Iike to water him well Anna tell ye except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident what they concealed those I will accept their repentance and I am the accepting of repentance the merciful mmm [Laughter] I gotta earn that long human manner it got you wanna see a Jamari indeed those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers upon them will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and the people all together clonidine athena let us settle on either whatever biding eternally therein the punishment will not be lightened for them nor will they be reprieved what you know now he loved man ye and your God is one God one God there is no deity worthy of worship except him the entirely merciful the especially merciful in a fee hollow p71 ugly oftener feel anyone hurry wonderful King lat eat a jelly filling bury Bhima so a man that Allah meanness in [Music] ears are here be hearing about them on T huh so uh yeah be he know about them I'm watching my best session I mean cool leader but you I don't really feel fear he was a happy animal Safari banging-ass Emma even of lenity upon me indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day and the great ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every kind of moving creature and his directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and earth are signs for a people who use reasons Lenina NASA made O'Neill and Ramona Uncle Ben well Alina I shall do for Bella what a mean of all is your channel a channel on another and yet among the people are those who take other than Allah as equals to him they love them as they should love Allah but those who believe are stronger in love for Allah and if only they who have wronged would consider that when they see their punishment they will be certain that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment 11 a to be romina Lavina are the bandwidth of a part to be humorless and they should consider that when those who have been followed dissociate themselves from those who followed them and they all see the punishment and cut off from them are the ties of relationship levena cotton sanity mean whom kimitaka daily carry him along a mother who has a lot in our name he won I won before in Jena Mina those who followed will say if only we had another turn at worldly life so we could dissociate ourselves from them as they have dissociated themselves from us thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them and they are never to emerge from the fire yeah o Shah Mardan o mankind eat from whatever is on earth that is lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan indeed he is to you a clear enemy even fashioned what a long mmm he only orders you to evil and immorality and to say about a lot of what you do not know well either the letter home of young man's that a long autumn better than that I like and I'm gonna show you my moon and when it is said to them follow what Allah has revealed they say rather we will follow that which we found our fathers doing even though their fathers understood nothing nor were they guided well methadone la única Sabu commissary levy and we will be man yes marrow in wanted come on your thumb liar the example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing it calls and cries cattle or sheep death dumb and blind so they do not understand yeah you mean Illume you ye batty man was upon a commercial in what's call in a in kuntum Yahoo terrible o you who have believed eat from the good things which we have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is indeed him that you worship mmm alaikum will make that I want them I wanna see you mama neelaveni avoiding Familia Oh baby whatever I do if melody you know la ilahe he has only forbidden to you dead animals blood the flesh of swine and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah but whoever is forced by necessity neither desiring it nor transgressing its limit there is no sin upon him indeed Allah is forgiving and merciful levena - una Manzana la mina kita be washed I wanna be feminine Pauline and hola Iike my Cologne a FEMA for now you can long we all man looking at math you wanna use Hakeem what a mother bunny indeed they who conceal what Allah has sent out of the book and exchange it for a small price those consumed not into their bellies except the fire and Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection nor will he purify them and they will have a painful punishment in Ashtabula mood well rather than be known few spelling those are the ones who have exchanged guidance for error and forgiveness for punishment how patient they are in pursuit of the fire the new cabin Alana's a Lolita bourbon campo well enough Dallas's nikita beneficia pop you buried that is deserved by them because allah has sent down the book in truth and indeed those who differ over the book are in extreme dissension la selva 1 Tojo accountable honestly he will nobody be Malik in LB woman man wallak in a little bit woman I'm gonna be like human feeling one man yattawan Okita b1 nabi'ina wanna be what tell my lord i don't be that we looked by only a time I want my sake now I'm in a Sebelius son le no fue para empanadas Dawa ATA's Nakata muna beyond either I was forbidding I feel better even Bob war in advance bula you can live in a sauna righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west but true righteousness is in one who believes in Allah the last day the angels the book and the prophets and gives wealth in spite of love for it to relatives orphans the needy the traveler those who ask for help and for freeing slaves and who establishes prayer and give zakah those who fulfill their promise when they promised and those who are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle those are the ones who have been true and it is those who are the righteous $40 communities also fill container bill showed you a lot of dough bill Northey one [Music] and then no fear that warming up he Shan fatty I won't be mad oh Allah Danika toffee become fermented dairy cattle more than any oh you who have believed prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered the free for the free the slave for the slave and the female for the female but whoever overlooks from his brother anything and there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy but whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment what a goon feel things falsely high and there is for you in legal retribution saving of life are you people of understanding that you may become righteous booty by income either ha mama ah - oh no - in Tabaka phone in one swing here 21 lead a new one upon being able not happen Allah would be prescribed for you when death approaches any of you if he leaves wealth is that he should make a request for the parents and near relatives according to what is reasonable I duty upon the righteous then I move about them as any offer if wanna live in a human DeLuna innallaha Semyon honey then whoever alters the bequest after he has heard it the sin is only upon those who have altered it indeed Allah is hearing and knowing Berman for family Jenna fan with Mantha also happening fellas you know lawful but if one fears from the bequeath er some error or sin and corrects that which is between them there is no sin upon him indeed Allah is forgiving and merciful yeah I mean I mean commonly kamalakanta o you who have believed decreed upon you as fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous the mechana Miku Marie bond a wireless Italians and that will mean alien info while 11 I'll play upon a whole feeding at all bombers Keenan topple Wi-Fi off my own what does walk into darlin fasting for a limited number of days so whoever among you is ill or on a journey during them then an equal number of days are to be made up and upon those who are able to fast but with hardship a ransom as substitute of feeding a poor person each day and whoever volunteers it is better for him to fast is best for you if you only knew shahida minkumu sh-shahra falyasumhu' one encana Maryam one award a safari ferryman I am in Obama yuridu bikumu Osama Larry Doby guru Swami took me like that a little can't be long well you can be long - cool the month of ramadhan is that in which was revealed the Quran a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion so whoever cites the new moon of the month let him fast it and whoever is ill or on a journey than an equal number of other days Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and wants for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you and perhaps you will be grateful well either celica by the underneath anybody orgy more don't want the Dada funniest angie boney when you Mina will be now 11 me up Shalom and when my servants ask you O Muhammad concerning me indeed I am near I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me so let them respond to me by obedience in me that they may become orphan Falana Bashi now abotobble Nakata B'Elanna come walk all over shabu hatate began an Akuma - a being abominable - alas what do you mean Alfonzo Atomos Miami in a lane while aunt aubergine don't knock you soon a few messaging ding kappa dude hola he fella tappable huh ok then he came banging long a teeny Messi now I love him yet it has been made permissible for you the night preceding fasting to go to your wives for sexual relations they are clothing for you and you are clothing for them Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves so he accepted your repentance and forgave you so now have relations with them and seek that which Allah has decreed for you for you and eat and drink until the white thread of dawn becomes distinct to you from the black thread of night then complete the fast until the sunset and do not have relations with them as long as you're staying for worship in the mosques these are the limits set by Allah so do not approach them thus does Allah make clear his ordinances to the people that they might become righteous only one to their own being in Anoka militant guru ferry bombing and one in deceiving if me one and do not consume one another's wealth unjustly worse ended in bribery to the rulers in order that they might aid you to consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin while you know it is unlawful yes Runa carnelian I want a tool in su-100 what I sell will be an attacking many temple what do you mean and then why be huh what a long hello unluckily trust me whom they ask you O Muhammad about the new moons say they are measurements of time for the people and for Hajj and is not righteousness to enter houses from the back but righteousness is in one who fears Allah and enter houses from their doors and fear Allah that you may succeed well party no fee sabili llahi' lagina yo party new nakum wala Tata in allaha yuhibbu more today fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress indeed Allah does not like transgressors Oh Tom - status - mwah region - welcome well fitna - I do mean a new Ponton well no party no mind and Masjid al-haram he had one caffeine and kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you you and fitna is worse than killing and do not fight them at al-masjid-al-haram until they fight you there but if they fight you then kill them such is the recompense of the disbelievers and if they cease then indeed Allah is forgiving and merciful well Artem had takuna fitna hakuna newly the Union to Havana in warning fight them until there is no more fitna and until worship is acknowledged to be for Allah but if they see see then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors will be shedding army one home at Dobis all the men here today I think was found dead why can he be mystery mounted down anything what an Elohim our Lilith the theme fighting in the sacred month is for aggression committed in the sacred month and for all violations is legal retribution so whoever has assaulted you then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you and fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him what people will see severely he wanna poop on bi e da cunha lat look at me when I see in Allah hmm and spend in the way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction by refraining and do good indeed Allah loves the doers of good what a demon had general rotten in in ghostly tone famous day salomina Noddy voila - Lee Poros a compatible one how do you mean Shannon Kanyakumari one OBE Adam Watson he's a idiot Oh I mean father Tom famine dammit terrible mati Elin Kenji famous - Ameen al-hadi Milania Jada phosphonium Ossetia Amir feel was about in either Raja - till cotton kamila the Nikolay Milania come knew how little masjid-e-haram what long long machetes ordinary bald and complete the hajj and umrah for allah but if you are prevented then offer what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals and do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter and whoever among you is ill or has an ailment of the head making shaving necessary must offer a ransom of fasting three days or charity or sacrifice and when you are secured then whoever performs Umrah during the Hajj months followed by hive offers what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals and whoever cannot find or afford such an animal than a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you have returned home those are ten complete days this is for those whose family is not in the area of al-masjid al-haram and fear Allah and know that Allah is severe in penalty Japan a special honor for supona ji-dan has been handed you one that's why no meaning what does my goes for you not for your zurvita for what a pony and Hodge is during well-known months so whoever has made Hodge obligatory upon himself by entering the state of Ephraim there is to be for him no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during hush and whatever good you do Allah knows it and take provisions but indeed the best provision is fear of Allah and fear me o you of understanding lease on a corner from tabata wolf oblem you won't become either to me not even cooler than measuring from what kookaburra heal Amina ball mean there is no blame upon you for seeking bounty from your Lord during Hajj but when you depart from arafat remember allah at Alma's our al-haram and remember him as he has guided you for indeed you were before that among those astray man so must tell she long in Allah Allah and apart from the place from where all the people depart and ask forgiveness of Allah indeed Allah is forgiving and merciful - Menasha cocoon fans go logically cry come Akuma shed alcohol Femina NASA me up all of banner Tina Sidonia wahoo laughs you're teaming father and when you have completed your rights remember Allah like your previous remembrance of your father's or with much greater remembrance and among the people is he who says our Lord give us in this world and he will have in the hereafter no share bana Tina dunya hasanat my feel piatti Hashanah talking but among them is he who says our Lord give us in this world that which is good and in the hereafter that which is good and protect us from the punishment of the fire well uh you gotta mundo swinging boom a castable well almost Eddie those will have a share of what they have earned and Allah is Swift in account one kulamish we am now knew that the man down jennife 'i'm a fella it's gnarly woman the fall fella it's not a blue mana tell Paul what mm Anakin ela heat or Sheldon and remember a lot during specific numbered days then whoever hastens his departure in two days there is no sin upon him and whoever delays until the third there is no sin upon him for him who fears Allah and fear Allah and know that unto him you will be gathered emina cemo couple removing hiya - don't ya why you don't wanna feel fun to be well you she no longer a fee upon me he and of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart yet he is the fiercest of opponents well either one time I feel ugly you see Daffy well you can help someone well ah a professor and when he goes away he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals and Allah does not like corruption well either till Allah would appeal harder to life than to be listen the husband what a beat selling me had and when it is said to him fear Allah pride in the sin takes hold of him sufficient for him is Hellfire and how wretched is the resting place I mean and nasty me Ashley naps and the Betty law I'm aborting wah-wah and after people is he who sells himself seeking means to the approval of Allah and Allah is kind to his servants yeah human Ladino Lowenstein Minka but what a beautiful what is shameful in Kunar do oh you who have believed enter into Islam completely and perfectly and do not follow the footsteps of Satan indeed he is to you a clear enemy imagine at Kubasaki but if you deviate after clear proofs have come to you then know that Allah is exalted in might and wise Allah - Yahoo moolah Fiona in miiniwaa mommy one mana in Catemaco lien in a low-heat Oh do they await but that Allah should come to them in covers of clouds and the angels as well and the matter is then decided unto Allah all matters are returned salabanzi saw Allah can attain Amati Baena wha may abandon near metal ah he mean burned imagine in law machete don't learn bomb ask the children of Israel how many signs of evidence we have given them and whoever exchanges the favor of Allah for disbelief after it has come to him then indeed Allah is severe in penalty Louisana in ladina customer hire to dunya is fun I mean Allah and levena top upon whom me Illuminati Ana well long we always walk with me it'll be a long meeting he's beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world and they ridicule those who believe but those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection and Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account Ganon assumed a dance about alone the beginning but she Rena one Siddarth alone nabina MOBA she knows Irina ones Eleonora home on kita baby little teeny Akuma bananas - often see one of teloth Athenian lady know to me about imagine atamora bailina to melbourne 'bageena for had a long Lavina only not elephant Feeny mean and happy be evening along we deem a assha ll flopping study mankind was of one religion before their deviation then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and Warner's and sent down with them the scripture in truth to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed and none differed over the scripture except those who were given it after the clear proofs came to them out of jealous animosity among themselves and Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed by his permission and Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path and Hassidim and the origin of Halloween Bobby Lincoln must set whom all better Lorenzino hunter all of us to do one latina mmm menace for a law a bunny or do you think that you will enter paradise while such trial has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you they were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until even their messenger and those who believed with him said when is the help of Allah unquestionably the help of Allah is near yes Tom inquiry fell in one a tiny 1 upon B now Elliott and I want mr. Keeney what a nice me1 that the 500 mean quality in allah nabiyeen they ask you o muhammad what they should spend say whatever you spend of good is to be for parents and relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveler and whatever you do of good indeed Allah is knowing of it puta madre puta tallulah kun hua the coho Sheikh who are you welcome why I said to him o Shang my shovel like him what long we have don't let down fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you but perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you and Allah knows while you know not yes Luna County Sheriff eternal [Music] vp9 sabili llahi' wakka swamp even masjid-e-haram even is hajjali Muhammad Allah well fit natto act bomb in a loop on toe koalas a loony party Runa come on oh come on Dina come in stop all when I didn't mean come on Dini if I am NOT wahoo a castle in Inca happy about melons in dunya when fear on wha girls haven't even seen a funny boom they ask you about the sacred month about fighting there in say fighting therein is great sin but averting people from the way of Allah and disbelief in him and preventing access to al-masjid al-haram and the expulsion of its people there from our greater evil in the sight of Allah a Ana is greater than killing and they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able and whoever of you revert from his religion to this belief and dies while he is a disbeliever for those their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter and those are the Companions of the fire they will abide therein eternally levena a man one Lavina Haram or jihad or fisa be like okay yong-joon our momentum indeed those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah those expect the mercy of Allah and Allah is forgiving and merciful yes Anna Karenina for me one mazing wolfy [Music] if moon could be a woman a few only nurse you worry ah cobalamin after AHIMA wanna come Oh Napoleon Kazan you can begin hola hola como do you know I let that go they ask you about wine and gambling say in them is great sin and yet some benefit for people but their sin is greater than their benefit and they ask you what they should spend say the excess beyond needs thus Allah makes it clear to you the verses of Revelation that you might give thought big dunya 100 yes moon Akane antenna only 11 ye were too hard upon things one o come o Allah may Allah more enough see the meanin mostly what I wish i a lunatic woman in a long hours even honking to this world and the hereafter and they ask you about orphans say improvement for them is best and if you associate with them they are your brothers and Allah knows the corruptor from the Amanda and if Allah had willed he would have put you in difficulty indeed Allah is exalted in might and wise valeton curcuma shreeka t hat voila Anna to minnetonka Katja become well autonomous Nick in a hat you mean what I don't mean on my own mistake you what I want our job back home hola you can't I don't wanna know engine that II wanna know if you want to be evening why Oh baby no I Antonina see now I love me italic oh and do not marry polytheistic women until they believe and a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist even though she might please you plea and do not marry polytheistic men to your women until they believe and a believing slave is better than a polytheist even though he might please those invite you to the fire but Allah invites to Paradise into forgiveness by his permission and he makes clear his verses to the people that perhaps they may remember oh yes Anna Karenina he does you know I feel mahi what a table home the ether top of help laughing I mean hi I'm Alana okay what a web you know why you hate Mutapa Haiti and they ask you about menstruation say it is harmful so keep away from wives during menstruation do not approach them until they are pure and when they have purified themselves then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you indeed Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves lancome fed to hogs a and a she to ma pandemonium come what [Music] Kumu well that's shitty luck meaning your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth righteousness for yourselves and fear Allah and know that you will meet him and give good tidings to the believers what a dejar no longer but only a man Iike Manta Babu at the top oh don't leave home Bain and [Music] well long 790 and do not make your oath by Allah an excuse against being righteous and fearing Allah and making peace among people and Allah is hearing and knowing come along in love with e a mani Kawasaki hello Kumba Marcos event bucum waffle honey a lot does not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your oaths but he imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned and Allah is forgiving and forbearing levena mean Tom boson a parity as you know for those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months but if they return to normal relations then indeed Allah is forgiving and merciful well in eyes ever caught up often along has sent me and if they decide on divorce then indeed Allah is hearing and knowing well no palapa to me at all of Boston abusiveness Allatoona Mahal up a long sea of time inability what border to one I have to beyond enough either you can do you wanna who name is Lou la vie Island be Lamar's what it be journaling Nadja well Lala's even honky divorced women remain in waiting for three periods and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the last day and their husbands have more right to take them back in this period if they want reconciliation and do to the wives is similar to what is expected of them according to what is reasonable but the men have a degree over them in responsibility and authority and Allah is exalted in might and wise Apollo pool of water for in 7b now roofing industry [Music] voila hey Luna come to me [Music] time to mache and in in uh a father la última who do the law the intestine and latina who do the law he fella do najara he Murphy master to be dildo long fella to do one a a time da do da lon youmu divorce is twice then either keep her in a reasonable manner or release her with good treatment and it is not lawful for you to take what you have given them unless both feared that they will not be able to keep within the limits of a lot but if you fear that they will not keep within the limits of Allah and there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by which she ransoms herself these are the limits of Allah so do not transgress them and whoever transgresses the limits of Allah it is those who are the wrongdoers Hassan general Sahara I don't know John in 101 FEMA who do the long but dilka who don't long you been many follow me and if he has divorced her for the third time then she is not lawful to him afterward until after she marries a husband other than him and if the latter husband divorces her or dies there is no blame on the woman and her former husband for returning to each other if they think that they can keep within the limits of Allah these are the limits of Allah which he makes clear to a people who know well either to Majella muna MC : a beam I often am sadly home Nabby man's wallet on second Abuelita Kwame Estrada any capital Manama Nelson what a tegu yet Elijah was corny met along Harlequin wanna Thank You Nina Lou kita be one Hikmat e I will be what double law and a law have equally change in nineteen and when you divorce women and they have nearly fulfilled their term either retained them according to reasonable terms or release them according to reasonable terms and do not keep them intending harm to transgress against them and whoever does that has certainly wronged himself and do not take the verses of Allah in jest and remember the favor of Allah upon you and what has been revealed to you of the book and wisdom by which he instructs you and fear Allah and know that Allah is knowing of all things well either Nisa a favela una Jenna who Nutella balloon am Kim s Raja inaudible ethat of Albania humble mouth very common Kahneman come you mean ability that I come as gotta belong we have to let out and when you divorce women and they have fulfilled their term do not prevent them from remarrying their former husband if they agree amongst themselves on a reasonable basis that is instructed to whoever of you believes in Allah and the last day that is better for you and pure and Allah knows and you know not well a leader to awareness Aladdin Hellenic military man aut Kuala namu Lodi remoras onaka suita who Nabil na they're too Californian alone her little body that will be will be wanna do wanna know what is Phoenix Road anak in order feel small and BB moominmamma whatta Sheree and Phaedra nihari me man what in autumn and testify all addict on fella Jonah Harlequin either Sandlin to MA thing to me now what mm ooh now law have you met that man one of those weed mothers may breastfeed their children to complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing period upon the father is the mothers provision and their clothing according to what is reasonable no person is charged with more than his capacity no mother should be harmed through her child and no father through his child and upon the father's heir is a duty like that of the father and if they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both of them and consultation there is no blame upon either of them and if you wish to have your children nursed by a substitute there is no blame upon you as long as you give payment according to what is reasonable and fear Allah and know that Allah is seeing of what you do well in a hotel masala Namak Umayyad Aruna assuage aeternam Dona be unforeseen in alberta hud-vash wall-e de Bella Luna Jennifer Doudna Harlequin FEMA Ferrell Nephi foo tina.bill na well lobby man down man Luna for need and those who are taken in death among you and leave wives behind they the wives shall wait four months and ten days and when they have fulfilled their term and there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in an acceptable manner and Allah is fully acquainted with what you do well I'm gonna hire you come female doom beaming people better Oakland Tom v4c kun animal wanna come Santa's Kuna wanna kill a nasty one in [Music] aleppo Paulo Martha quality more openly Cahaba new volcano Murphy a la home honey there is no blame upon you for that to which you indirectly allude concerning a proposal to women or for what you conceal within yourselves Allah knows that you will have them in mind but do not promise them secretly except for saying a proper saying and do not determine to undertake a marriage contract until the decreed period reaches its end I know that Allah knows what is within yourselves so beware of error and know that Allah is forgiving and forbearing siripatana opportunity for the human being now if he had not seen there is no blame upon you if you divorce women you have not touched or specified for them obligation but give them a gift of compensation the wealthy according to his capability and the poor according to his capability a provision according to what is reasonable a duty upon the doers of good well connolly and amezo who now a father from to moon a fairy bottom panels foom-fa bottom inland your phone and we are for one let me be Eddie he Robotnik well that fool Alpana Bonita Paulo what happens someone from blabbing in a pool no longer be mad at that man who never freed and if you divorce them before you have touched them and you have already specified for them an obligation then give half of what you specified unless they forego the right or the one in whose hand is the marriage contract for goes it and to forego it is nearer to righteousness and do not forget graciousness between you indeed Allah of whatever you do is singing happy was what I do use fallible morning langa-voni teen maintain was cared the obligatory prayers and in particular the middle prayer and stand for Allah devoutly obedient the inca stone fairy Jan and Luke Berner feather tom says go AHA Kamala maqam al an takuna darlin and if you fear an enemy then pray on foot or riding but when you are secure then remember Allah in prayer as he is told you that which you did not previously know la vie no Tolleson amiko Moya da Munna Raja mouli ateliers regime matter an eland holy warrior I called the inhomogeneous fellows una Harlequin seemed a very long season hockey and those who are taken in death among you and leave wives behind for their wives is a request west maintenance for one year without turning them out but if they leave of their own accord then there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in an acceptable way and Allah is exalted in might and wise well in Apollo 14 a terrible movie husband 11 or 13 and for divorced women is a provision according to what is acceptable a duty upon the righteous dead early can be no longer a teen our local town thus does Allah make clear to you his verses that you might use reason Allah [Music] Allah Allah humbly not unless you wanna connect Shelia school have you not considered those who left their homes in many thousands fearing death Allah said to them die then he restored them to life and Allah is full of bounty to the people but most of the people do not show gratitude well party No Fee Savini Lana Lana semi or Naeem and fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah is hearing and knowing melody openable local one hisana say Abajo a wife and Cathy on along will be a boy at the stupa in enemy Tom Jones who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so he may multiply it for him many times over and it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance and to him you will be returned Alan Tamil Eelam and Amir Danny is for in a moon bounty Musa is paulina balloon is paulina be labelled an American no party FISA bill inna allaha la stay tuned in koti belong in compete I know a lot to party Allah mallanna Allen imparting a free sabili llahi' one for the region I'm in the arena mmm booty ballet him on Peter hotel in La Nina mean long Molly moon bit lolly mean have you not considered the Assembly of the children of Israel after the time of Moses when they said to a prophet of theirs sent to us a king and we will fight in the way of Allah he said would you perhaps refrain from fighting the fighting was prescribed for you they said and why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out of our homes and from our children but when fighting was prescribed for them they turned away except for a few of them and Allah is knowing of the wrongdoers father Barras alikoum pollute America follow and I one more quarter you know I wanna know I have will be Mookie meanwhile a mutant Mina all in law house warfare modern composer the moon best bottom feeling me when gist me Allah who you team welcoming well all's you nollie and their prophet said to them indeed Allah has sent to you Saul as a king they said how can he have kingship over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given any measure of wealth he said indeed Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature and Allah gives his sovereignty to whom He wills and Allah is all-encompassing in favor and knowing what a woman Tomoka he a giacomo to fear second to me love be commodity at all no Munna - Munna iike in every color and their prophet said to them indeed a sign of his kingship is that the chest will come to you in which is assurance from your Lord and a remnant of what the family of Moses in the family of Aaron had left carried by the Angels indeed in that is a sign for you if you are believers fella Mathis all Apollo - bill - moody Paula in Elohim Oh Bethany khumba nahariya feminine cherubim in hoof Eliza meanie whoa Milania porn movie [Music] Neelam and taro fellow fan vad saccheri booming in a pond in omim Falana Jawas a homo homini nononono por una batalla Nelly I may be joão Judy Lavinia la ilahe community Polly Latin wala Bantry Aten Cathy autumn evening love along mouth swab eating and when saul went forth with the soldiers he said indeed Allah will be testing you with a river so whoever drinks from it is not of me and whoever does not taste it is indeed of me accepting one who takes from it in the hollow of his hand but they drank from it except a very few of them then when he had crossed it along with those who believed in him they said there is no power for us today against Goliath and his soldiers but those who were certain that they would meet Allah said how many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah and Allah is with the patient what a Missoula general Talmud Rudi bana bana Athena's father who was that bent upon them and Oh Monica Vitti and when they went forth to face Goliath and his soldiers they said our Lord or upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people bismillah pathognomonic mamuni mayan one owner that so long he knows about boom be babbling laughs I said that in polycon Allah only Nanami so they defeated them by permission of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah gave him the kingship and prophethood and taught him from that which He willed and if it were not for Allah checking some people by means of others the earth would have been corrupted but Allah is full of bounty to the world's do ya don't love hina - now I like you can't believe how well let me know any these are the verses of Allah which we recite to you O Muhammad in truth and indeed you are from among the messengers Tilikum also know someone about behin Allah about me kalenna love affair about bomb damages what a nice a banana I'm a banana a year that I will be all hindu-buddhist one shy oh mama mortadella Levine a new body new bird imagine a beginner to analysis I mean well oh sure allama portela lacking no longer a farmer who need those messengers some of them we caused to exceed others among them were those to whom Allah spoke and he raised some of them in degree and we gave Jesus the Son of Mary clear proofs and we supported him with pure spirit if Allah had willed those generations succeeding them would not have fought each other after the clear proofs had come to them but they differed and some of them believed and some of them disbelieved and if Allah had willed they would not have fought each other but Allah does what he intends yeah I mean I was up on a coupon bond eieio yangtze he wanna pour la Tasha fire one calf you own a home volley moon o you who have believed spend from that which we have provided for you before there comes a day in which there is no exchange and no friendship and no intercession and the disbelievers they are the wrongdoers along hey let go Mussina too Lomu Murphy summer what do you wanna feel Oh melody ash fell down a lovely evening yeah I love my baby him one the Horsham what I hope you wanna be shaming me nightly in Lobby Masha what's the article see you Sena 81 oh well oh yeah oh no boom wahoo a lolly lolly Allah there is no deity except him the everliving the sustainer of all existence neither drowsiness overtakes him nor sleep to him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth who is it that can intercede with him except by his permission he knows what is before them and what will be after them and they encompass not a thing of his knowledge except for what He wills his kursi extends over the heavens and the earth and their preservation tires him not and he is the most high the most great but today an amused Ameen annoy Vinayak for what do you mean be lathapandi stanza Kabir or what you feel Ahmed aha wallah whoa Sammy or Naeem there shall be no compulsion in acceptance of the religion the right course has become clear from the wrong so whoever disbelieves in Tahu and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it and Allah is hearing and knowing Allah are you live in Yahoo Minamoto Matalin one Lavina cat home oh yeah Paulo - Yahoo Jonah who Nina Nuria LaVon oh man hola a girl stabbed American FINA Holly boom Allah is the ally of those who believe he brings them out from darknesses into the light and those who disbelieve their allies are Tahu they take them out of the light into darkness those are the Companions of the fire they will abide eternally therein and Allah Allah je Balaji Murphy on me and Luca in water either him or being letting you feel me - Paula and I actually want me meet Paula Ibrahim Serena la jolla TV shouldn't see mean animation EP fatty be hummina nobody beat the movie Tanika Walla Walla Walla have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord merely because Allah had given him kingship when Abraham said my lord is the one who gives life and causes death he said I give life and cause death Abraham said indeed Allah brings up the Sun from the east so bring it up from the West so the disbeliever was overwhelmed by astonishment and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people who can forget you here - no scheana routine anatomy medicine all economies poor ladies - young woman and a boy Paula bellavista Mina Tom you follow Allah Emiko a Shalaby cousin whoa Allah he marykarmelina Jonica whoa whoa Illinois warming fan she's - excellent opinion water and no longer a body or consider such an example as the one who had passed by a Township which had fallen into ruin he said I will allow bring this to life after its death so Allah caused him to die for a hundred years then he revived him he said how long have you remained the man said I have remained a day or part of a day he said rather you have remained 100 years look at your food and your drink it has not changed with time and look at your donkey and we will make you a sign for the people and look at the bones of this donkey how we raised them and then we cover them with flesh and when it became clear to him he said I know that Allah is over all things competent well Paula Alohomora be a teeny case a to hill mountain Paula Elam took me Paula Bella in [Music] neptina cuss out here no long season happy and mention when Abraham said my lord show me how you give life to the dead Allah said have you not believed he said yes but I asked only that my heart may be satisfied Allah said take four Birds and commit them to yourself then after slaughtering them put on each Hill a portion of them then call them they will come flying to you in haste and know that Allah is exalted in might and wise people nirmalam feasible and he can necessarily have batting but that's an ability cool a bullet in me a to harbor wallah will mournfully Masha Allah was here 19 the example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain which grows seven spikes in each spike is a hundred grains and Allah multiplies his reward for whom He wills and Allah is all-encompassing and knowing levena supona and wala whom fee sabili llahi' song to be honest no wanna the level had your hand up being what a wholesome not a yes'm those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah and then do not follow up what they have spent with reminders of it or other injury will have their reward with their Lord and there will be no fear concerning them nor will they grieve I will feel like this is one up on to you yet about man the livonian honey kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury and Allah is free of need and forbearing ya ayyuha alladhina amanu lot o bobl Osada portico bill many one addict 11 fee poem alleluia see what you mean we'll be lucky one young woman keep the meta know who chemist a nice winey 9fl swab my Futaba caboose one death letting up on the owner - shame a castle well on I dunno palmela carefully o you who have believed do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury as does one who spends his wealth only to be seen by the people and does not believe in Allah and the last day his example is like that of a large smooth stone upon which is dust and is hit by a downpour that leaves it bare they are unable to keep anything of what they have earned and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people Fiona my mobile TiVo I'm aborting learning what this beautiful singing Camus anogenital the Robin Antin also Bahama balloons that oh cool aha we're famous ribbon upon well law will be man down men will never feed and the example of those who spend their wealth seeking means to the approval of Allah and assuring reward for themselves is like a garden on high ground which is hit by a downpour so it yields its fruit in double and even if it is not hit by a downpour then a drizzle is sufficient and a lot of what you do is seeing hey Wanda Hadouken and da cunha Huijin I'll never judge a mean 30 and that you demon 30 hell and hell ever seen I mean release penalty when I saw I will keep on what I wanted me at all what area to Martha alphabet you know falling out of a double punch can you can you baby no longer c'mon yeah do you know I'm lovin that doesn't go would one of you like to have a garden of palm trees and grapevines underneath which rivers flow in which he has from every fruit but he is afflicted with old age and has weak offspring and it is hit by a whirlwind containing fire and is burned thus does Allah make clear to you his verses that you might give thought yeah people move way back to my casa back to mommy [Music] Hajin aluminum own one attend my hobbies a mean mu Tong Fiona Wallice to be a TV in love Nalani you mean o you who have believed spent from the good things which you have earned and from that which we have produced for you from the earth and do not aim toward the defective there from spending from that while you would not take it yourself except with closed eyes I know that Allah is free of need and praiseworthy a shame on ya Madoka moon Apollo mokume billah fashion wallah no Fiat I mean one thought well unless you're 19 Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality while Allah promises you forgiveness from him and bounty and Allah is all-encompassing and knowing you didn't take matinee when they tell hick metaphor for the routine a fire on casino one iron that come in and he gives wisdom to whom He wills and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good and none will remember except those of understanding wonder if Wally mean I mean oh and whatever you spend of expenditures or make up vows indeed Allah knows of it and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers in tomatoes for the party pheniramine many were to fool her to to help off my fire on that boom well you can feel one say a deacon wallah will be mad man enough on bead if you disclose your charitable expenditures they are good but if you conceal them and give them to the poor it is better for you and he will remove from you some of your misdeeds thereby and Allah with what you do is fully acquainted lang syne condemn what akan along is diminution woman film inquiry on Sanliurfa sequence one that a funereal a bit you all I was in love what matters people mean why he was in a pom pom lot of them not upon you O Muhammad is responsibility for their guidance but Allah guides whom He wills and whatever good you believers spend is for yourselves and you do not spend except seeking the countenance of Allah and whatever you spend of good it will be fully repaid to you and you will not be wronged in lovina ops leo fee Savini line is stopping your own ababa feeling of let's complain about bath in lovely I said boomer yeah he don't own me Ameena Darcy typhoon BC BC melatonin NASA in half a one-man fuming quieting the long happy here our new charity is for the poor who have been restricted for the cause of Allah unable to move about in the land an ignorant person would think themselves sufficient because of their restraint but you will know them by their characteristic they do not ask people at all and whatever you spend of good indeed Allah is knowing of it don't be mean when a wholesome one of those who spend their wealth in a large way by night and by day secretly and publicly they will have their reward with their Lord and no fear will there be concerning them nor will they grieve levena Rabelais muñeca my apology at 'him Babu moshai phenomenal mess the Nika be and Amparo in Baguio me slow Reba what a Halima they are Mohammed me burn tunnel now Watanabe he found a fellow who masala for a moment in a long one another a girl seven Wolfie Holly be those who consume interest cannot stand on the Day of Resurrection except as one stand who is being beaten by Satan into insanity that is because they say trade is just like interest but Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest so whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desist they have what is past and his affair rests with Allah but whoever returns to dealing in interest or usury those are the Companions of the fire they will abide eternally therein in helped along by up this waterfall Allah Allah Yahoo look after in a theme a lot destroys interest and gives increase for charities and Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever a man whom you know slowly heard you were up almost wallet our towns a Katella home at your mind don't be mother hopeful neither indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah will have their reward with their Lord and there will be no fear concerning them nor will they grieve yeah levena double long happy I mean Arriba [Music] o you who have believed fear Allah and give up what remains due to you of interest if you should be believers the olanta finals that then only he'll be mean along you are ruining well in Tibetan salad also and wali cuneta and if you do not then be informed of a war against you from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent you may have your principle thus you do no wrong nor are you wrong well Katya sandra tamina Machado well that's what Duncan don't am and if someone is in hardship and let there be postponement until a time of ease but if you give from your right as charity then it is better for you if you only knew what wel mental down a fee in a long metal salon I've seen Casa de la and fear a day when you will be returned to Allah then every soul will be compensated for what it earned and they will not be treated unjustly yeah I am to be dining Allah Jenny Musa [Laughter] well yet to bein a compatible bin Laden voila Beckett even a bacchanal on October 1 lela lela lela lela of the malaria the host min Mussina the ink analogy on a hill hapu sofyan oh boy - allah stopping you mean Hasani only wanna you bin Laden was - mid-ocean he died near me Jenna come for in Lamia Kuna rajala any font any momentum poem in a show doubling la foto de caramel oh well I bet you had Oh even a door voila test and dr. boom for Iran i'm cavion a Jelly Belly kuhmo supporting the law he was or militia that he was a lot of taboo in takuna to Jonatan competent OD Runa Habana fun fellows all - Juna laughs - boomer what'd she do yeah boom welcome what a Shaheed what you test I will become what double long wanna come along Allah will be cooling Shang in nineteen oh you who have believed when you contract a debt for a specified term write it down and let a scribe write it between you injustice let no scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him so let him write and let the one who has the obligation dictate and let him fear Allah is Lord and not leave anything out of it but if the one who has the obligation is of limited understanding or weak or unable to dictate himself then let his guardian dictate injustice and bring to witness two witnesses from among your man and if there are not two men available in a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses so that if one of the women earns and the other can remind her mind and let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon and do not be too weary to write it whether it is small or large for its specified term that is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves for then there is no blame upon you if you do not write it and take witnesses when you conclude a contract let no scribe be harmed or any witness for if you do so indeed it is grave disobedience in you and fear Allah and Allah teaches you and Allah is knowing of all things well Tomales everyone I'm tajci ducat even 30 hinako boob on 13 I mean about once Lu and Alessi to me a man who only Taliban what attacked emotion Arden when I what long will be Melanie and if you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe then a security deposit should be taken and if one of you entrusts another then let him who is entrusted discharged his trust faithfully and let him fear Allah is Lord and do not conceal testimony for whoever conceals it his heart is indeed sinful and Allah is knowing of what you do Lily murphy Sana'a t1 i feel for you to be do mercy for ii to omou Johann Seebeck ooh the old Fiona me one people may assure well long wanna push a body to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it Allah will bring you to account for it then he will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills and Allah is over all things competent and I never saw a man zina elenimia walk beanyone me : amana billahi wa nah in Catemaco Tobin he was tolling he know that we're opening a honeymoon was funny well Paulo Sammy now a partner was wanna come been awhile either you can not lead The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord and so have the believers all of them have believed in Allah and his angels and his books and his messengers saying we make no distinction between any of his messengers and they say we hear and we obey we seek your forgiveness our Lord and to you is the final destination now you can leave for munis and announced on la casa but you are Elena Mikasa but a banner - a signal in escena Oh what now Robin I wanna duck me Lana it's one camera and levena me Bernina Vanuatu her minimal a pop bottle and a b-1 now I'm feeling an hour mmm Lana for now on and follow me look a feeling Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity it will have the consequence of what good it has gained and it will bear the consequence of what evil it has earned our Lord do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred our Lord and lay not upon us a burden like that which you laid upon those before us our Lord and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear and pardon us and forgive us and have mercy upon us you are our protector so give us victory over the disbelieving people
Channel: The Meaning Of Islam
Views: 9,939,513
Rating: 4.7005739 out of 5
Keywords: Quran, Arabic, English, translation, recitation, transliteration, Surah, Al-Baqarah, complete, Baqara, Calf, Mishari, Rashid, AlAfasy, Ibrahim, Walk, Koran, Muhammad, Prophet, religion, HD, full, Al-Baqara (Religious Text)
Id: Z5zh5QCsjYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 45sec (12105 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2011
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