Husayn RA And Karbala

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[Music] upon occasion the prophet sallam was walking through the streets of madinah and he saw hussain radhiallahu playing with a group of children and he began to run after him and hussein would run this way and the prophet saw would run after him hussain would run out that way and mean would run after him until finally he caught him he embraced him and he kissed him who else other than hussain had the honor of the prophet lifting his garment and kissing him upon his navel who else other than hussain hussain is from me and i am from hussain who else other than hasan and hussain have the honor of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam saying that your houses will be opposite my house in jannah who else other than hasjun and hussain has the honor of the prophet sallallahu alaihi islam saying that on the day of judgment in the hereafter that you will be the leaders of all the youth in jannah whoever wants to see a man from the men of paradise let him look to her saying ali for indeed i heard the prophet saying that sallallahu in the shade of the kaaba and he would see hussain and he would say this one is the most beloved person on earth to the ones in the heavens today [Music] on one very special day in the streets of medina our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came out and he was wearing a coat made of black wool and then his grandson hessen came and he entered that coat of his and then saying allah came and entered with him and then fatima came in and also entered with them and then ali also came and he entered that code with them and then the prophet recited indeed allah wants to cleanse you from impurities o household of the prophet salallahu and purify you and so upon the death of ali on the 41st of hijrah for six months he became the khalifah so the way he decided to join between the hearts is by saying that i am going to resign as the khalifa so he resigned as the khalifa and he appointed muawiyah as the khalifa so for 20 years the reign of the allah until the year 60 after hijra when we come towards the end of the life of and he decided to make his son yazid the khalifa those who were in the sham region they were already used to leadership from banu amaya and they were okay with that but those in the hijabs people like abdullah ibn abbas abdullah ibn umar abdullah ibn zubair and the bait those contingent around hussain even ali refused to give the bay'a the oath of allegiance to yazidi and so yazid would send his governor walidity to makkah and medina to force the people to compel the people to give that oath of allegiance but they refused and amongst them who refused was he just couldn't stomach the idea of giving the oath of allegiance to yazid even so the people of kufa then are ever eager and they're sending these letters to hussain ibn ali and they want him to come to kufa so that they can give him authority and they can give him support what hussain ibn ali decides in fact is to send his cousin muslim evan why don't you go to kufa and you investigate the situation i'm receiving thousands of letters but is it really true that i have a support base in kufa ali nabi talib of course moved the center of the khilafah from medina to iraq and so he had authority there and they knew of course this is the son of ali so in his mind he's thinking well maybe it is true that the people would want to support me over there he leaves in the month of the and when he goes to kufa he discovers that there are thousands of people from 12 000 the number rose to 18 000 people who were ready in his eyes and his mind to support hussain ali and they gave this allegiance to hussein ali at the hands of muslim evan that if he came here we would support him and we would assist him and we would make him our leader muslim sends a letter back to hussain ali in medina and the letter comes back to hussain and it's with the good news that we have a big support base in here if you came the people would support you decided to leave medina and go to kufa and to take his family with him yazid suspects something he doesn't know quite what it is but he suspects something so as a precautionary step he decides to replace the governor of kufa and he was initially no man evan bashid the great companion of the prophet saw salam may allah be pleased with him and to replace him with obedience and he was known because obey the liberal ziad was in the army of ali in the battle of sifeen and his father ziyad was appointed as governor of governor of basra by ali bin abi talib himself but he was ruthless and he was cruel one particular day this new governor of khufa obeyed allah ibn ziyadis was now in the month of he goes into the streets of khufa and he's wearing a turban and he takes the end of that turban and he wraps it around his face so no one could see who he was exactly and when he came out he came out with 17 men it looked like a prestigious entourage and the people of kufa when they first saw that they thought that must be hussein ibn ali was now arrived from madina and so they went to greet him welcome oh grandson of the prophet and he was about 55 years old by this time he was saying even ali but then they realized they just made a fatal error [Music] what obeyed allah ibn ziyar did initially was he sent one of his servants go to the streets of kufa and i want you just to sit and keep an eye on things watch who comes in who goes out where is muslim where is it is your responsibility go and find where these people are he discovers muslim ibn afil is in the quarter of of al-assadi and in the quarter of hani even and he goes back and he reports to obey that this is where muslim ibn akhil is on one particular day obeyed allah evan ziyad so he sends a big contingent of people with weapons and they go to that house of hani and they encircle it and they want muslim ibn aqil to be taken prisoner when they go in they discover that muslim is not there but the one who is there is himself and they take him and they take him prisoner when muslim ibn akhil discovers that hani ibn arawa has been taken prisoner he now puts his people to the test here you are oh people of kufa with your claims of support and your claims of allegiance and your claims of power and support and everything else and here is one of our loyal supporters who has been taken prison [Music] he says i need your help we will march to the palace of obey the liberals yet and we will request for an even to be released we will make that request and 4 000 people joined him and they said that's a good idea and so he takes that force with him even zia petitions the tribal leaders the elders go and tell the people tell the fathers to dissuade their sons tell the mothers to dissuade their sons and so the fathers are now saying things like listen there are enough people with muslim ivan you don't have to put your neck on the line [Music] in the morning he left with a big contingent of 4 000 people but that number began to reduce by the afternoon it was around 400. by maghrib time it was 30. he led 10 people in salah by the time the prayer was finished there was no one behind they became observers [Music] is by himself in the streets of kufa and all of his supporters have deserted him [Music] what does he do he walks around he's trying to evade people like the authorities if you want to call them that who want him to be taken to even ziad he finds one whom he knocks on the dawn old woman answers the door and he simply says i'm very thirsty i need water is there any water for a guest please and so she brings him in and she gives him some water and she asked or cries about him and she realizes this is muslim and she's overjoyed that we have someone in our home from the family of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and she was so eager for her son to return home so she could share the good news with her son we have someone in our home from the family of the prophet sallallahu alaihi not knowing of course her son was treacherous for when that son did come home and she shared that great news with him the son had one thing in my mind you wait till the morning i will be first thing out of bed and i will run to the fourth of oban and i will inform him where muslim is and i will take a payment for that was there obedient ziad sent a very very big force of people and they encircled that house of that woman and he was brought out and he was arrested and he was taken to the fort of obey dull ibn ziyan on the 9th of that ibn ziyad executed both and muslim and decapitated them has no idea what's happening in kufa but before muslim ibn akhil had been arrested he did write a letter back the people of kufa they lied to me and they lied to you and he's telling him don't come but he never receives that letter he leaves for khufa on the eighth of the hijab and muslim ibn aqil and hani ibn arwa are killed on the 9th of and he has no idea what's happened [Music] but before he leaves because the news has now reached the other great companions of the prophet they come along i can't even be patient i'm struggling and i am fearful about this disastrous decision of yours they betrayed your father [Music] but he says i know that you're a good advisor to me i know that but i've made my decision to go and i will take my family and you know i don't think anything will happen to me my cousin if you are truly adamant in going then don't go with your women and your children because i'm fearful you will be killed like earth man was killed and his women and his child are looking at him who comes then he comes next he said look for saying i will tell you something i had your dad say these people who claim that they support you they have no resolve and they have no patience with the sword and they will betray you but still hussein may allah be pleased with him is confident about his decision who comes next abdullah bin uma i i bid you farewell i wish you the protection of allah from being killed he had this very strong belief that hussain is not going to come back alive and those companions who were old and they were experienced and they knew the situation and they lived with alibaba with hussain's father and they were close to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam they're advising him don't go to pufa but still may allah be pleased with him he went along with his family 72 of them women and children and some supporters and he goes to kufa [Music] when he arrives in kufa he discovers that there is no muslim we died a long time ago there is no hani even also died a long time ago now and where are those eighteen thousand people from the people of kufa who claimed that they would support him where have they suddenly all vanished into thin air for he couldn't see it anywhere and here he is the grandson of rasulallah the only living grandson of a prophet alive and he's stranded and so he has three claims three petitions he says to them look i am happy to go back i will go back to medina or i will fight fisabilillah in one of the frontier lands of islam and i will die like that killed shaheed by the permission of allah or allow me to go to yazid himself and i will petition my claim to him they refuse rejected all of them neither will you go home neither will you leave this vicinity and nor will you have a chance to go and meet yazid yourself because they wanted to compel him to give that bay'a that oath of allegiance to yazid ibn to go and compel hussain ibn ali to give that bayan for yazid but hariban yazid he was made of a different kind of substance for indeed when he went to hussain ali he kind of kept the distance from him he tried his best not to get too close to him he would follow him if he went right he went right if he went left he went left but still he would keep a bit of a distance from him until he spoke and said o hussain do not make allah test me with the family of muhammad sallallahu alaihi do not make allah test me with the family of muhammad sallallahu may your mother be bereaved of you says you know if it was anyone other than you i would have taken revenge against you but what can i say about your mother when she is when she is the leader of the women what can i say about your mother and yazid you know he had a disinclination he didn't truly want to be part of that thing but it was so difficult for him to break tires completely and ibn ziyad sensed that and so he sent a larger force of 4 000 people headed by um you go and you know if you don't go then these lands of yours that i am giving to you they will go to others like shimmer even the other people they were happy to do my work and to take the land if you don't go and here you have those who will do the evil commit the injustice because of promises of dunya and so he was happy to do the deal and he goes off with his army of four thousand people usain ibn ali is stranded he can't leave because ibn ziyad is blocking the roots and he's enclosing khufa so it's difficult for people to come in and it's tough for them to go out but he's trying to allow them a few days extra days he's taking advice from those who are with him what is it that i'm supposed to do in this situation but also strengthening them here they are in the tough hour in the hour of difficulty in the hour of hardship what do you do until the forces of ibn ziyad are mounting up another one thousand of hussain ibn another one and then another one thousand and four thousand um thousands of people are preparing for this encounter with what a group of 72 people among some women among some children and at the head of all of them the grandson of rasulallah how could that happen and how could that happen until he comes to the ninth of muharram and he realizes look there is going to be no more extension to our days they won't have patience anymore they're ever eager to engage in us in battle and so he speaks to his people he began by praising allah all praise is due to him and by thanking him and praising him whether in the hardship or in the ease whether in those days of relaxation or in those days of hajj no allah in the ease and allah will know you and hachi no allah in the ease and allah will know you and hachi [Music] and i praise you that you made us from this family the head of whom was the prophet and blessed us with prophethood this family this ummah he taught us [Music] telling his people do not forget the blessing we are still from the ummah and we thank allah that allah gave us hearing and seeing and heart my dear brothers he says to his people look i think our day with the enemy will be tomorrow this night has now come upon you so make it beautiful and show some degree of brotherhood an affinity for one another take the hands of one another we didn't come here to cause an aggression but they refuse us to go back and they're bent on warfare they're bent on killing us what else can we possibly do [Music] and then he went further on and he began to say allahu akbar and they said what's wrong he said i've seen an angel in the form of a rider and he has told me that the army is coming and death awaits you and they said i'm saying what did you say what do you see upon the second time he said i have seen the decree of allah and he saw a dream and the only thing which woke him up was that his sister zainab she came out running and screaming because the enemies were advancing and upon that night he was saying he gathered all his men and he said oh people know that the only man they want is me so why don't you all go back why don't you all go back and leave me he said to say there is no life for us after you and then he turned to the family of muslim and he said oh muslim your family has given the sacrifice because whose muslim has been martyred why don't you go back and they said oh hussain what will the people say that you left your master that you left your that you left your cousin because you wanted to live in this dunya they said i we swear by allah this can never happen for we will die with you we will give our lives we will give our families and we will give our wealth and if it means dying with you we will die [Music] he was 19 years old at that time and he came out and he fought like a lion because he was who he was the grandson of ali and he was the family of hamza and he fought like alive until they cut off his hands and they struck him and when he was breathing his last they were saying you know the allah took him in his arms and he said oh my son on the day of judgement your grandfather the prophet allah will bear witness to your shahadas and then the cousins of the allah move forward and these were ordinary people these were sahabis these were men who fought side by side with the prophets allah and four of them came until they were martyred and then asked him the son of hassan he was a very beautiful young man and he fought until they struck him over the head and when they struck him over their head he said yeah he said oh my uncle and i was saying ran forward and he took him in his arms and he said oh my son today your uncle is so incapacitated that he cannot reply to your call because his enemies are many and his friends are few but i swear by allah that after this day you will not need to call upon anybody and then one by one the family of hussein who were martyred until there were only two people left a bastard of the allah and hussain and then they martyred abbas and then hussain of the illinois he fought bravely but for three days he hadn't tasted a sip of water and he fought as brave as he could but for three days he had a face in the sip of water until finally he retreated and he went into his camp and he had a young child a young son called abdullah and he knew his time was up and he took his son in his arm and he began to kiss him and he began to embrace him and one of the kuffin there shot an arrow and the arrow hit abdullah in the [Music] upon your decree oh allah give us somewhat upon your decree a man who's in this state but he's still turning towards allah subhana tala and one of the quran mentions and i swear by allah i have never seen a man as brave as hussein for bodies are lying all around him but he's sitting there as content as any man could be why because he knew he was destined for jannah he knew that jannah was minutes away upon occasion he was sitting with his students and was saying allah and the world passed and he said if you want to see a man who's a bodhisattva then look at this man because i swear by allah i heard the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam saying that hussain's abode is jannah and this gurufan says that never in my life have i seen a man who was brave as this man is because he knew his abode with jannah and that was saying he stood up and there was a river close by because he knew his time was up and he walked toward the river to drink some water and one of the kuffin there shot an arrow and he hit your stain of the alarm and he fell through the floor and when he fell through the floor the kuffin surrounded him and was saying he's saying he says he said give me some water for what will you do on the day of judgement and when he will come to my grandfather and you will ask him for water on the whole go through what will you do on the day of judgment and the relation mentioned that the scene was so touching that many of the of and they took a step back until shiva said what you waiting for finish him off can you imagine the scene the family the women folk of hussein radiolan his wife his daughter his sister are all watching this and they settle upon him like vultures and they struck him 60 times but he didn't finish there why because the prophet allah said that allah has a certain station for people and often they cannot attain this station through their own deed so allah puts them through trials and tribulations and then one of their kuffins they grabbed his head and the other one removed his head from his body what head was this what head was this this was the head what the prophet salallahu would kiss this was the head which would lie on the chest of the prophets allah this was their head which would lie on the lap of the prophet allah this was the most beloved head to the prophet sallam on the face of the earth at that time and then they took the women folk over the family of saying allah as captives and when zainab the sister [Music] sell salutations upon you this is hussein lying in the battlefield and lying in the battlefield today his shroud and his clothes are blunt [Music] today your daughters have become captive and your progeny has been killed and the goof would mention that even many of the soldiers when they heard us say this they lost control and they began to cry and allah didn't even give these people the tawfiq to bury hussain or the allah until the bani assad came and they buried the bodies of hussain radhiallahu and when their khufu is found up they sent water over the body over the place where the bodies were and then one of the bedouins from the bani assad eve came to this place what was his place this place was [Music] you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 816,886
Rating: 4.8507614 out of 5
Keywords: Hasan Ibn Ali, Husayn Ibn Ali, Muawiyah, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, The First Fitna, The Second Fitna, Al-Jamal, As-siffin, Aisha And Ali, Karbala, Ashura, 10th Muharram
Id: uv0ZWc5c15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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