Destruction of The Giants - Nation of AD ᴴᴰ

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they said who is more stronger than we are who is stronger than us and who that is a mistake all of you fight me now fight me now for key duty to me all of you fight destroy me if you can and they couldn't destroy him they couldn't do anything to him and he said in Neto a gun for the law I've placed my trust in Allah I'll be what a book my Lord and your Lord and Allah Allah the foot upon the one who created them Allah who created them who I should demand that he is more powerful than them and more superior than them they said bring us what you're promising us I need the punishment of a less panna cotta if you're telling the truth now we're talking about nations destroyed not just two people three an entire nation we're less opponent of wipes them all out the wings started picking up and started [Music] to begin with tonight in Charlotte Allah the people of food the nation was called a HOD and the specific Kabila the specific like family tribe that who'd alehissalaam was sent to they were called Ihram their location was a location called off between the sandy hills windy and sandy hills and it was between Yemen and between our man in this area these people they were the first people to worship idols after the destruction of the people of Nohr on a sauna after the flood the people were on tow hade they worshiped allah Spinola tada the first people to introduce the idols back into the worship were the people of God unless panel Allah tells us about the people of God that they were extremely extremely powerful allah subhanaw taala tells a certain fetish really beautiful that allah Spanos allah is testifying by the daybreak again testa fication a lot is swearing every time you see allah subhanaw taala testifying you should look for what is the Jawad Kassab why is the loss of hano Dada testifying and interesting in surah confession jawad will pass him as they say is my hoof allah subhanaw taala didn't say for what reason he testified someone who may say it's a question is in there an enormous testa fication in these things the Sun and the ten nights all of these things isn't this an enormous testa fication they the hedges for the person with intellect the person with a brain if you have intelligence this is a huge test efficacious and then allah subhanaw taala says haven't you seen what allah did to the people of a hot haven't you seen it didn't you see what Allah did to them what is joab impossible do i bless em is this that if someone turns their back on a lust panel of Dai Allah Allah will destroy them that's what Allah Spano taught anybody in their tyranny and their aggression and the and the one that they do to a loss of panel it's out on people think would they're only thinking well what injustice did they do number one injustice is to worship other than Allah subhana WA Ta'ala this is the number one injustice there is no injustice greater than for a person to worship other than Allah Azza WA JAL Allah subhana Allah says in Allah Allah yeah futile unusual Aqaba Allah will never forgive someone who associates partners with him Allah will never forgive them in the hereafter hereafter they will never be forgiven if someone does tell but Allah Rizzo death Allah forgive them in the dunya but if they died on that sin they will never be forgiven in fact the messengers were commanded to not prey on those who died in you can't even make drop for them because they died as a fob which he can you can't make Don that is the greatest one and when someone does learn and turns their back on Allah Azza WA JAL allah azza they will destroy them either in this dunya or they will be held to the Hereafter and the hereafter is much more intense in the punishment than anything that they would the anything that would happen to them in this dunya and in this verse Allah span Allah Ta'ala says LM tarah haven't you seen what the Lost Planet Allah did to the people of AD Irama that in Ramat here on the specific family of Iran that Elam and the people who build lofty towers lofty columns and then allah subhanaw taala says and l'm you love me through half will be loud they had no one in comparison to their power there was nobody in comparison to their power now when we talk about power what does it mean to have power what does it mean to have power when you see people when they power they'll do one of three things they will either go to the gym right they'll either go to the gym because they want power they think it's like powers like right here in this bicep muscle all power is harnessed right here right this is one type of power number two power a second type of person will try to make a billion dollars because they want financial power they want to buy buy buy buy buy all of this stuff right and the third type of person when he thinks power he says let me run for political position and let me become king of the world and get political power dear brothers and sisters what type of power did I'd have they had all the above they had all of it not only that but allah subhanaw taala says and let elem you flop me through half will be like nothing like them was created in the land it's been narrated that it was so strong so big that one of them will grab my palm tree with his hand and pull off pulling a palm tree with your hand you need a bulldozer to take a palm tree for some tea grab from one person to grab her and take her up fifty people together probably not even can't even take a palm tree from its roots so there were very strong people there with very tough people though we're so strong that a loss of hand I said we'll either but that's tough but assume Tibet in and when you have who when you fight you fought with pride they ruled the route all the lantern all the lands around them that's how strong they were no one could face them no could stand against him that were very strong and tough people they used to build palaces in the Americas although they never used to live in the mountains they used to live on a flat land they used to build those palaces in the mountains so unique palaces for the sake of fun the eastern building just for the sake of fun no palaces were ever made laksa and some scholars say even to the day of judgement now palaces will ever exist like the ones they they had wealth that was so enormous they had so much luxury not only did they have the money they had the offspring and the families and to build that wealth and they had the livestock and they had that agriculture and they had the gardens and they had the rivers that flowed through those gardens they had luxury to the highest level so much so that they used to build buildings and they would never live in them they would find a huge mountain and they would just build something up there a huge castle someone would pass by and they would say who built this castle who lives there nobody lives there but it belongs to there's another castle there up on the mountains huge and mighty who lives there nobody lives there who built it I had built it and so they would just build this just playing games their excess wealth it would just build this and political power nobody could stop them they would go anywhere and any law that they said was the law because of their power because of their physical power because of their political power so much so that I'd said and Allah subhanAllah tada records their statement they said and it's interesting how many things and how many people have been destroyed by similar statements they said men ashadu manapua they said who is more stronger than we are who is stronger than us the most powerful nation who is more powerful than us allah subhanaw taala says don't they see that allah the one who created them has more power than them allah subhanaw taala says what Allah add in a Hollywood hood alehissalaam was from their tribe he's from their tribe so when you think of a messenger sent to a people you might be thinking that all of a sudden some foreigner comes who has like different skin color different language and says hey can someone translate for me and gives them a message this is not the case he is from them who Dali Sam was from this tribe Avadh and we can then understand that who Dalia had a strong enormous body alehissalaam it was very handsome he was from them speaking in their tongue these people as we said they worshiped idols and they specifically worshiped three idols they specifically worship three idols the names of the idols were so de soie mood and Hara the prophets alayhim as-salam you know exactly what the statement they said was worship your Lord you have no god except him who Dali Saddam was then giving this message to the people our Fahad they responded they disbelieved in who darkness and I'm comfortable they just believed in him the messenger spoke to them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again from the people a lot of soldiers sent him as I prepared a messenger he told his people worship Allah so I tell there is no other look for you except to worship Him Subhanahu WA Ta'ala Sofia life's origin fiamma's panatela leave the worship of these idols remember Allah's origin had given you remember what allah subhanaw taala to start upon you remember Allah Jordan had given you as a larger also says in the Quran Hakeem and remember what Allah make us for the first sisters after the triumph of north and he had given you strength physical strong physical bodies lost I'll mention the end up Veronica name and a loss of Hannah what time I mentioned what Allah granted them from the strength and the power they had everything they had palaces they had houses that there was strength health wolf families respect honor civilization knowledge headwater Sanatana sainthood to remind them thank Allah so much everyone lies don't have to start upon you then Asajj has someone else with the worship of allah subhanaw taala worship allah had any up I start to mock who the la silla the way the trap of no he's to mock more they used to make fun of him so they start to make fun of food what am I lost in someone beside you who who are you to come and tell us what to do God to look our strength God to look our para car to look our civilization the leaders of his tribe said we see been foolish or who'd we see as a foolish man and we think you're a lawyer making up some lives on our Lord who'd responded back said there is no foolishness in me when I came near a Suleiman Apple I mean I'm only a messenger from the Lord of the universe Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I convey the message of Allah to you I'm only a good advice and CC advisor to you I just want to warn you from a severe punishment that will come before the amazing that Allah sent one man from a monkey to remind you and the more he calls him to allah subhanaw taala is the mother become stubborn against the clone of allah and the way i remind him about the tohave the more the guy gives the toe hate and i'm i remind him about the favours of Allah upon him it's a more they turn against Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and the more they look and make fun of wouldhave Salam to the stage they said can't you look how strong we are they're stronger than us even your love is not even stronger than us and so these people they disbelieve allah subhanaw taala says that odds disbelieved in the messengers now notice how many prophets did they disbelieve in how many prophets all of them why all of them lhasa they disbelieved in who dahlia sanam but because they disbelieved in one of the messengers all the messengers have come with the same message and so they disbelieved in all of them and so a disbelief in one of the messengers is a disbelief in all of the messengers and so we understand from that what there's this this new thing happening where people are saying but as long as you believe in Moses it's okay as long as you believe in Jesus is a prophet which they don't but it's okay that's not true if someone disbelieves in any messenger they've disbelieved in all of the messengers that's number one you will see that the people of odd were extremely skillful and they were extremely intelligent except when it came to matters of allah subhanho time they were and I thought to myself if they had a nobel prize at third time they'd probably win it right these people are extremely intelligent 'fl except when it comes to the matter of allah subhanaw taala and so when you see nations if you go and travel you go to these you know traveling from nation to nation tourism where do you visit most of these locations that you are visiting our nation's that allah subhanaw taala destroyed if you went to the pyramids for example and I know Egyptians are all excited about the pyramids and songs you're looking at their tombstones this is where they were destroyed and you go to another place and you look I remember I went to Alberta how many people have been to Alberta Petra in Jordan anybody been there Jordan Petra nobody okay Petra and we'll be talking about the people of the mood this these are not the people of the mood be very similar in Petra there is a castle carved into the mountain there's a castle carved into the mountain just type Petra on Google Images you will see the castle carved into the mountain when we were there as you're travelling through all this mountainous range there was a tour guide and he was they we didn't you know hire this tour guide but he was just walking with us and he wanted to just explain some of what we were seeing and I remember him clearly almost as if these words kept like there was a highlighted marker on it he said look at these people they were destroyed by and look at these people over they were destroyed by and over here on this mountain and you'll notice this crack here they were destroyed by and I just kept hearing that but yes they were a huge and powerful nation and yes a la spada blessed them with things that no one is blessed even till today but Allah destroyed them and so even though a person is skillful or intelligent Shaitaan can still deceive that person shy upon can still deceive the person these verses allah subhan allah tala says and you'll find this 29:38 while i don't want the mood will cut abelian alikum in my second him allah subhanaw taala said and as for a higher than thermode will cut two billion allah from a second him and clearly will appear to you from the traces of their buildings their faith what happened to them a las panna cotta says that Shaitaan made their sins beautiful to them and so they were blocked from the straight path and a last - what cannon was devastating that they indeed were still even though they were gifted with intelligence and skill even though this happened Shaitaan still misguided them that that intelligence and skill is not enough the person has to go deeper to the heart to worship Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells us that ad claimed to be the greatest nation on earth the strongest allah subhanaw taala says and as for ad they behaved arrogantly and you want to underline that arrogantly what does being arrogant mean it's when a person thinks that there is no strength above their strength when they claim that any type of knowledge that they have is from themselves and so anytime a person attributes that intelligence and skill to other than Allah subhana Dada they've become arrogant they have to turn it back to Allah as oujet and thank Allah for the ability to have this knowledge come to them all of this you open up the internet you're like alhamdulillah that allah subhanaw taala gives us this technology it can be used for good or can be used for bad they said man I shall do manapua who is stronger than us in power a loss of Hanoi to Allah says l1 m ER l don't they see and you'll notice that Allah subhana dad is telling us again and again and again open your eyes and pay attention I want a mirror oh don't they see and Allah let me shut up on the one who created them Allah who created them who I should do min but he is more powerful than them and more superior than them you will see in their arrogance - who alehissalaam they wanted a sign they wanted a sign that if you're telling the truth and bring us a sign this is what the nations did they're asking in arrogance and what will happen when the sign comes to them they will disbelieve in it and after the disbelief what will happen they will be destroyed the people of odd do you know what their sign was that they wanted they said bring us what you're promising us ie the punishment of Allah span Tata if you're telling the truth we want to see a sign yes what is the sign we want a lot to destroy us and then we'll believe and that's exactly what they got but it wasn't at that time Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says and one of the verses speaking about Ahad and with the ayat of allah subhanaw taala they used to make mockery now we're talking about nations destroyed nations an entire nation not just two people three but an entire nation where allah subhanaw taala wipes them all out wipes them all out do you see any remnants of odds do you see any remnants of them in fact there's like some archeology illogical discoveries and so on if you read perish nations by heroine yah he has very nice book and there's this picture in his book where he shows the lofty towers of odd from satellite it's under the ground it's under the ground and the only reason all these scientists are so excited about this discovery because Allah mentioned them in the Quran that's why everybody's excited and they've said is this the ad harden in allah that allah sunnatullah destroy just the remnants of them they asked for the punishment to be brought to them but we're not going to be punished he's gonna punish us which is strong to be punished would be powerful to be punished would too big to be punished with terrorists to be punished which is strong they could punish us we are over hard where are those with strength and pride we are those with power we are those who brainless people punishes even you can look at even Punishers would a lace that I realize that his people are so stubborn full of pride they're not gonna change he challenged it he said awareness and you witness I am that I am innocent I'm free from what you believe me I believe in Allah you wanna assertion someone else with you they said but I am innocent I've got nothing to do with why you do mean to me if I keep you ninja marathon mulatto let me see what he could do to me not even white don't even give me time he said for ki duniya Jumeirah he said all of you how powerful was on them you fool of me throw out there nobody was created like them and he said all of you fight me now fight me now Fakih do any Jimmy and all of you fight destroy me if you can and they couldn't destroy him they couldn't do anything to him and he said in Nieto it goes to out Allah I've placed my trust in Allah or B or a book my Lord and your Lord and then he may draw on his people the way nor made honest people he said father I've been suddenly be my calves are born o Allah give me victory ever what they denied him yeah like give me victory over the lies they lied on me yeah like every week Allah give me victory and support however the denies and however the rejection they rejected yeah like give me victory and support however the however what they rejected from my comb so a lots of hand onto either on the back he said I'm not Vali nice people their short moment we're all going to regret as allah azza wajal says when he wants to destroy our nation for the hana highway him a BBQ lelache remember this my brothers remember this my sister's when allah wants to destroy a nation along will open up all the joy of this dunya when ama wants to destroy nation a loss of a note i will open up everything of them money take women take men take strength take take take take hey there forever be my auto until they are relaxed and comfortable and their inner in the state of joy and happiness I have no button that's when we suddenly take them destroy them when someone says their almighty all-powerful Allah Subhan Allah will send them if you notice how people were destroyed they were destroyed with the wind someone will see beautiful wind and they're like oh ma sha Allah there's a beautiful breeze turn up the wind and it becomes destructive someone will say we're in Canada here and like oh we want some sunlight we're like a little bit of sunshine and once that sunshine has turned up it becomes destructive some people like to go swimming but just dip your nose into the water and you could drown and it becomes destructive all of these elements of allah subhana wa ta'ala junudullah they are the armies of Allah Spanish Allah Allah created them there at the hands of allah subhanaw taala all Allah Azza WA JAL has to do is tell the rain water to stop coming all iliza jet has to do is command the earth to pull the water further down and the people will have no ability to touch it and when there is no water bring me the biggest nation and if there is no water what will happen to them there is no water to drink the livestock you won't be getting your burgers anymore and your chicken they're not coming because there was no water for the livestock and the lands will dry up and the people will die and so this is what happened to the people of odds for three years there was a drought that befell them and so they said who's stronger than us in power Allah subhana Tata took the water away from them the people of odd whenever something like this would happen they would go out and they would pray to the idols they took out 70 men they took out 70 men and they went to pray to the idols and they had like their Emir and they're calling to the idols calling for rain and it is said and this is in the history books it is said that three clouds were appeared to them the clouds as they were praying to the idols it was said to them a red cloud yellow cloud and a black cloud and it said which of these clouds do you want and the mirror of them said we want the black cloud because the black clouds carry the most rain they returned to their people and it was a sign of you know that Allah as we know their idols and a line they would worship idols and they would say that this is a sign that God was you know had been very generous to them and they were very noble in the sight of God look we've brought the rain clouds and they came back to their people allah subhanaw taala says that he whom fee ha either banoffee it was a wind once the people came back initially when they saw the rain clouds they said had the hireable moons little now they said this is a heart of mum played on that this is like the rain clouds are going to bring rain to us they saw the weather and they said they rejoice that now the rain is finally were in a drought for all these years and then allah subhanaw taala says better who is not a jealous doom be rather it is that what you were trying to hasten what were they trying to hasten the punishment of allah so honey time but nobody can hasten the punish of allah punishment of allah nobody can hasten it it has its time and now initially they thought that it was going to bring rain and they say that there was a woman amongst the people of odds who felt something different and she said this isn't a rain cloud the wind started picking up and started to scream and it became violent and even though the people of odds were enormous and large and built very well fortified places if anybody just stood up the wind would snatch them allah subhana wa ta'ala sent the wind for seven nights and eight days how quickly would they be killed probably just in a few minutes they'd be destroyed seven nights and eight days Allah destroyed everything he wiped them from the earth federal policy handsome they were like a tree that had been chopped down there was said that they would be lifted up and they would be smashed down on their heads and all their limbs would be out like roots like that they were all destroyed and then allah subhanaw taala says for hellotara home in bahia is there any remnants of them allah subhanaw taala says till coma this was a nation Laham a casa but where is hard right now they have gone to what they have attained welcome mark a scepter and you will go and you will journey on to what you are accumulating now you are planting seeds here today you have planted the seed tomorrow you will be planting more seeds and you will journey to the fruits of these seeds and what comes from them and Allah Azza WA JAL will never ask you on the Day of Resurrection about the people of a hot glass of Hama Dada will ask you about yourself the people of odd were not thankful to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and so let you be thankful to Allah o Jenna the people of either were arrogant to Allah so Allah disgrace them let you and myself all of us be humble for the sake of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they had so many luxuries yet they didn't spend from that they didn't act the time the well all of that they didn't use it for the sake of allah subhana wa ta'ala and so if it's not going to be them and let it be you [Music]
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,441,409
Rating: 4.8762612 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, muslim, Allah, lecture, sikm4n, LoveAllah328, soldierofAllah2, merciful, servant, lebo2196, islamicevent, themercifulservant, ad, thamud, destroyed, perished, dead, killed, A'd, hud, hood, prophet, messenger, powerful, giants, mighty, strong, 2013, new, hd
Id: oUUQsrh19Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2013
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