Imam Abu Hanifa [RA]

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Hey [Music] the amount of a hanifa was in June with intelligence beyond mission at one time the Romans who were at war a time-honored alumni of the Muslims at entered Rome and they reach as far as China and Spain and thoughts are but philosophy and argumentation began to come into the lens of the Muslims and so there were disagreements about things people start to use the opinion opinionated so these scholars came in to set strengths these people's thoughts once again but what hanifa was wonderful of reasoning and the Romans sent an envoy a man trying to put down about their religion so a man came along and he sent to the people I had come when three questions he stood up and he said my first question is who was there before God and then he saved the question right now Allah is facing in which direction the number three what is a lot of doing right now I will hand it was only about 10 years old 12 years old that time no one can answer so he said let me answer father so it came up any setting as for who is before God he said count from 10 backwards and he counted until they reached 0 said once before 1 he said 0 0 is basically the end and he said once before when he said nothing so the Lord of the Worlds the glorious creator how can he not be in the beginner when in actual common sense and logic you count backwards and you end up with one and is nothing before that then he asked them the second question says what I've ever go what is he facing in which direction is facing now he said if he light up the candle what do you see he said light it said in which direction is the candle by facing said it's not placing any particular direction light it's facing everything he said then what do you say about Allah who is the light of mike's no one i that mean how can i say which direction his face that's when the third answer he sent to him to answer your third question you have to come down here and i go up there because the people want to hear the answer and if you want to only fit because he made your question in front of people let me know so presently so he thought that's common sense so he got out and he said what is on lower limb right now he said right now he is making the one who is on post would come down off the pulpit and the one full of success to climb up the pulpit to answer and prove you there so he said this is what Allah is doing right now every action that happens in life this is what Allah is doing right now Allah is doing this if it wasn't for God we will all be non-existent dead God because we don't keep ourselves alive Allah keeps us for life Allah keeps everything emotional column describes his teacher and the following he says he was extremely quiet he avoided forbidden things he remained silent and absorbed in his thoughts most of the time he answered questions only if he knew the answer to them he was very generous and self respected he never asked a failure from anybody in his life he shunned the company of the worldly minded people and he didn't like having a position of status he avoided gossip and slander he only spoke well or knew or he was silent honey his enemies who imprisoned him and whipped him he had nothing to say but only good or he was silent generous with his knowledge as well as his wealth this was Abu Hanifah Allah is witness of greatness to himself that there is no God worthy of worship but him and he bears witness to the greatness of his creation of the angels and he bears witness to the importance and greatness of donors and Judith nomination the first of them is the great imam abu hanifa but his real name is and no man in italics him not not man in normal search of M so Japan is a Persian name sir even our Haditha but Allah Allah was of Persian origin it was a non-parent but he was born among the Arabs lived among the Arabs under the Arabic language but this man a woman Eva rafat amari was also nicknamed the man one must be mean the leader of the Muslims he was also nicknamed and a man with alpha the ever so great inner the great scholar he was nicknamed his even by the scholars who came after him and even by the contemporary scholars cousin lived in his time they named him an amendment album and this is a nickname and ether as well imam abu hanifa was what we call one of the generations of attend be me and that really is anyone who met a companion of the prongs over assailant believed in the message of the cross and died on that message hey guess what he man I'm a Haditha the journey scholars stirring said that he was attacking the reason why they say he was that way was because he actually lived and met some of the companions of the prophet salaallah alayhi wa seven and one of them was tennyson pneumatic of the aloha aloha a phenomenal ahh he was many about thirteen years old when he sat in one of the classes of the companion Venice in nomadic but Allah Allah imal and at the age of 13 Anderson dramatic died he was born in the year 699 eighteen engineer man if I was at all why very handsome book long black hair from Persian origin beautiful big eyes and he was a scholar of two very important subjects Alpina theology and jurisprudence how to practice your Deen in select create fasting legal systems chronology inheritance finance he was a extraordinary scholar of these areas every Arab interaction of life every area he was the man and by the way our honey ferran tallada was born in iraq in a city called cooper in that area Kufa another area kielbasa Muslim Arab and Mecca and Medina they were the center of knowledge dispose of the world center day the best cause of the world and uh Bohannon in Kufa but first these scholars that lived around them the majority of them the majority of them were not Arabs not only that many of them were in the sons of slaves who had been free or there were non Arabs vibrated and lower than they converted to a stamp they were not Muslim and these great scholars we live our religion today off their backs as far above mineva model are they he was a premium he was numerously and his grandfather was a friend of mine in his time the Romania ever was a time where fajitas were coming leaders of Muslims were coming and going but there was one problem these new leaders of Muslims he lived in the time of about 40 different leaders of the most one of them was OMA developer knows he's a great deal but the rest of them they were corrupt he lived in a time where rule was being corrupt by its least and he was fed up with that because he manawa hanakos a man of justice and fairness he was born the time of day many kid no matter when one of the Khalifa's and then he died and then Mohammed Aziz for about two years and then came the one he had the most dispute with the leader of the Muslims his name was Abu Jafar and also a job for the most home was also scholar he was a scholar of hadith and scholar but it goes to show that not just because if a person has knowledge that he is Yoshi is necessarily a man of God people use their knowledge for corruption and people can use their knowledge to be god-fearing my brothers and sisters knowledge but they have no good character they are not the scholars which Allah praises if you have arrogance and proud meanness over what no to show it off in front of people you are not an addict if you live in knowledge only to debate people and to make them look like they were wrong and you were right you are not adding if you have great mother genuine abuse and disrespect you are not hanging though I know men are the ones who fear Allah we're going to study what it was like so this man Mansour even though he knew no more honey goes among the greatest scholars he was also corrupt in his rule game land to family members and was unjust when he came to courts doing justice on members of the of the government they can even face but when he came from a person from the common people they ruled against him with harsha's one day a member bahtman eva they operated a business in textiles silken material this was his business and that was his trade Kimagure Hanifa refused to ever accept any money or wealth or award for teaching his knowledge what he did was from his business the profit that he made was in order to sustain himself and to sustain his students he had over a thousand students in one time and he used to pay them he gave them his knowledge and he gave them wealth to sustain themselves so he did not have to you know obey the government injustice you don't want anything from them he didn't need anything from them he was self sustained and he did not care what he said so long as it's the truth even in front of the biggest tyrant that was our Hanukkah a man of truth spoke the truth and spoke the truth at the right time and only spoke the truth when the truth was going to be beneficial he was passing by one there is about 19 or 21 years old and a great demand ashabi in Cobra saw him any member shall be as something called for a savage which produces someone he can tell a lot about that person he knew that this young boy and he's mistaken he was think he thought that he was a student so he asked him what are you going and a man who said I'm going to run a business Aaron said that's not what I'm asking you why aren't you in class he thought there was a student of Anita's Center I'm not really a student of knowledge shall be looked at with a sad face that said you look like an intelligent young man and I could see it in your face how about I advise it to take my knowledge oldest deep I think a lots going to come out of a man more money for that day he thought about and truly this inspired to become a student of Atlantis shall be and so he began his journey of knowledge if you now know what honey father took some lessons under this amount of shabby but there was one problem as I said before there was philosophy and argumentation of science by permutation in the left so how many bees descendants some of the circles and the students of people began they love to talk about issues and argumentations you know and he started to get get sucked into this philosophy in argumentation but then he found that this philosophy was not based on real proof and all he did was he hardened the hearts so he said I didn't like it he meant it and he went to his next shape after studying of the man shall be cast away and he went went to his renowned she'll come back later chef Amanda ministered a man claimed to be his teacher for the next painting news of Anita's life among her mattered he's studying our companies like underline the muscle the Menace of nomadic great companions of the products enter so brothers and sisters and what hanifa was not just a person who spoke from his mind he was a man who spoke through evidence and proof and he learned of Shay's and masters who learnt of companions such as idea of the old law partner of the lumpiness rule of the Latin our best man I became no - these were companions the process have been Judith great knowledge he wasn't just any man as people to see mi hear about people say the hanafis maja neva he hardly used evidence of proof he deduced information through his opinions on the first day amount a man place of an offender back room from the first day he noticed that what maneuver was very bright so from the next day one words of a many people always set on the right side is a man until he's dead there was no scholar imam abu hanifa did not sit with in Kufa a balsa or even mecca medina he sat with them all there is even one time when he went to Medina and he sat in one of the circles of a magnetic time he was 13 years younger than imam abu hanifa and when he lived in a manic met with another contemporary scholar i was sitting there he said do you know who this man is said no he said he is our hanifa he is the man that if you want to tell me that this pillar which is made of brick is made of water he can convince me because I was so intelligent in his words so a man with any talent of the man command over and then in Moscow and he meant of hustle and bustle and interviewed his knowledge from these great eminent scholars when he met Obama Nephi was about thirty years old and one day his teacher said I have a funeral to attend a family member of mine died so can you take my place two months a number honey back to baby the t-shirt was to the students he goes no two months 60 the issues were taught to me and I answered them all and I wrote them all down to check them with my email when he came back when when a man came back are you able to check my 60 matters any man found 40 of my answers were correct and 20 of them working correct of a honey percent I said what a lie I will never take a class again until my team and vice and truly that's what happened showing you brothers and sisters as soon as Samuel is a hadith or two you want to give that was left right and center in becoming human and you like people calling us a Amendment of Amanita developed something that never that amount before debated he developed something called a code of principles he held to directly look at the Quran and hadith and make a ruling out of there and being able to study that versus say that hadith to bring out more than ten twenty or even a hundred different principles and rules no one you have didn't now remember what he have to do that because the Muslims have dispersed throughout the world and they have gone to places like Spain and Greece and and so on and societies were different they and the Muslims needed more information more things to be able to settle their affairs in life for example today we have a cigarette smoking how many no cigarettes and smoking is Parma Highland in the Koran he doesn't say cigarettes actually prevent smoke cigarettes or ecstasy pills that the minister don't take ecstasy but a mammal Hanifa he helped us he said in order to derive new things that come up in your society and to know whether the Hellenic heart when you can't find direct information in the Quran or the words of the Prophet peace be upon him or his actions then I will teach you how to use the same sources to understand in everything in your life whether it's good or bad permissible a lot the possible he was the first to create their system and the latest calls that came up to him also used the earth and the same principles after him in fact they elaborated on it if they improve them even more so don't anyone say honey but in anything and none of the stars that came out in ever Simpson what he did was he made the understanding of our religion easier and that's why the majority of the people of the world follow the school of thought of Imam Abu Hanifah but him amiable hanifa taught us to use evidence and to always not take something lightly he also said my words and the words of others can be rejected at any time we say something today and tomorrow we may change our mind old except what goes back to the Quran and to the Prophet peace be upon him that cannot be rejected and if what you see and what your scholars discover that is more closer to the truth of the Quran and the Sunnah is better than mine then throw my saying across the wall and take that as my saying what this is all my god and this is the goal of all the scholars anyway when he is a man a man died he took over his school when he took over his school he had 1,000 students in one year every single School in korver had closed down and they all joined in the school of an even more than 50,000 students at one go there were with them every single day in hardship enemies there is a story there was a man by the name of imam baqir a member keenos from the family line of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah said a great great grand slam from the promise of Allah riding a center so the problem is his great great grandpa one day he came up to album anything and he said team so you're the one who contradicts my grandfather by using logical reason about honey for lieutenant said how dare I let me privity because how so they're not a question who is weaker the man or the woman he said to him the woman is wake up physically so he said well then it only makes sense that in inheritance she should gain more than the Sun but I didn't say that I said what how muscle I said have said what they lost it for the boy double of what the Gil witness then he asked him another question he said which is more important praying or fasting he said pray he said then by logical reasoning the woman during her menses during her menses she doesn't fast right all pray it's not right but by logic she should make up her prayers and not make up that fast me but unless both are together but instead I said the opposite I said when the promise of Lamar said no said if you make up your glass think maybe no make up your pray and he used one why I need only Allah one that if you wore a fourth friend you wanted to make although logic reasoning says that you should work underneath underneath that hope from them over on the top but his lab says wife over the top say mama kahani prefer those who think that he was a man that just uses logical reasoning you are far away from the truth and you are far away from understand who he really was well he said that Imam Baqir who is the gregory regrets on the props are silent a tear came from drop from his eye on aggregor when he was pouring and kissed him and he said he loved him after that once as we said he was a businessman right so once he had to go to teach some way and he got one of his pupils his name was house and he said them can you take this silk to sell it in the market for so the man said of course he said but wait before you take this silver there are defects you know there's problems in the silk and before you sell it to the people you have to tell him about the defects in this product he said sure say winner and house was so happy then he's selling the product that the you know the merchandise over the mantel Hanifah he got so excited that he forgot to tell the people about the defect so he's found an advertisement silver silver silk so everybody came from boredom there then he made so much property he made his thirty thousand dinars it's large amount of money and he came back and gave himself a honey look but honey fell open he goes oh you sold all of the material he said yes if I make thirty thousand dinars oh well honey if I go happily said now I can spend it on his students and on the poor and the needy so then he remember he goes what happened to the people when they learn about the defense book and you still made that profit and he said oh no I forgot to tell them and to remember what honey but you know he said to me sit then this money is not we took it on mobile they come up capable so what are gonna do except given in charity and he getting all his worth in charity he didn't take any of it not once a man owned her behind about ten thousand dinars and he's been trying to avoid so well honey if I went up to him and stopped him took him aside I said why are you avoiding me and the man said to him oh my honey for I'm embarrassed not to shot those are only in the money and I can't pay honey if I looked at him and said well you don't need to avoid me I'd rather you be my friend if you can't pay them ten thousand dollars there was once a neighbor of his he was held Holly and he likes singing along and by the way the mother bah-bah-bah Hanifa is the most strictest and harshest against musical instruments and he had a neighbor who used to love singing music singing and music and an alcoholic so let's say our honey for though them everybody knows I'm a hanifa was sit back to riot and study and his neighbor will be singing and drinking and he would say the following words nobody cares about me everybody shuns me I'm a nobody I wish I was dead and I was I never listen to this every night and he would sing this poetry one day one night the man didn't sing so honey for asked about and he found out that the government had taken him to a prison so handy for went to the governor and he was a good friend of his and the governor sitting of an ephah coming to my house didn't have to do that asked me to I'll go to your house as someone she was respected said what have you come for and he said I've come for my neighbor and he said what would you like us to do say though I get to release him safely by email signature there's no need to buy so they brought him and as he was exiting of a honeymoon look that his name and he said have I done goodbye here my name and he said do you have done so well as for me well Allah I will never drink again and guess what he became one of the close students a bubble honey firm and one of the renowned scholars so he an authority was one of our Hanif as allies and there was another student was there was yes either nor her mate he says I once prayed behind our Hanif at you pray and the maja NEPA recited the following verses when the earth is shaken to its final quake and then the verse goes on by saying in the end and there isn't an atom's worth of good on that day except that it shall be revealed he says we finished the Select and everybody left I looked and I found him amiable honey was still in the Masjid exactly where he was sitting and he was weeping and weeping tremendously he said we kept after a share and I came back at fuzzer to pray in the masjid and hanifa was still sitting in the same position he was still waving and grabbing his being like this it was soaked and I heard him say the following words Allah rewards the smallest of virtues and punishes for the smallest of sin o Allah saved our man from the Hellfire and such were the scholars of East Africa he is life was dedicated to serving faith he prayed budget and stained in the class that half the progeny answered the people's questions then he prayed the Lord then he had another session with the people then he went out after also and he visited the sick and the poor and the needy this was his day then he went to visit his family his relatives and his cousins and then at night after Isha it was dedicated to himself there were nights where he spent in one room from from a shadow budget why he spent standing from a shirt to a budget on one solid without losing his woman and this was the gravy man hanifa one man came to have a honeycomb and then it said to him distressed I lost my money I lost my money I don't know where it is no worries and 104 looked at him and he said this is not a question you know I don't really deal with these matters but because of his spirituality he said but go home and pray to Allah meaning I don't have an answer for you I can't find your money for so he went he started praying and praying and praying then the man remembered and he found his way immediately he raced back to him and said in my email you're the greatest I thank you I prayed until I found it about - look tell you many said of course you're gonna find it that was the Shaitaan who made you forget but when you started praying he thought this is not a good deal if they wanted to keep on praying so he reminded you where it was and he found it and that's when you stopped praying rather than coming and thanking me you should have spent more time praying to think a lot and such was the thoughts of demands of a honey pen demands like when the bubble honey flow would cease Jews you look at them first before he starts his listening and you can see his eyes full of compassion and sometimes with tears and he's smile and say for them you are the joy of my heart and the removal of my song which sorrow the sorrow of the ear after because they will test the platform and the joy of his heart he they are his legacy he had over 900 dedicated students we're talking about 900 problemo specialized in every area whenever honey was about to give a man he would get his students and I was studying studying studying and he would not confirm the verdict until everyone had agreed that it was right and every time they agreed he would prostrate to Allah pray to our God and 700 in there who was not good off the path and that's how he used to reach his movies and the sayings about maja neva other following no one has been in greater loss than someone who attains knowledge and the knowledge did not prevent him from haha secondly a person who talks about religion and does not think that he will have to answer for what he says does not know the meaning of religion thirdly if the religious people I'm not friends of Allah then God has no friends in this world number four knowledge of religion will never have its roots in your heart if you learnt it for the benefit of this world and lastly he said to have learned disagreements with someone by the will disagree with someone on knowledge with someone who has no sense of knowledge is to annoy that person unnecessarily we said that the new FIFA the new leader of the Muslims was a muscle they have taken over the O'Malley era and he thought that that ambassador the Abbasid Empire is going to be better but unfortunately they were even worse corruption in the course corruption in failure ISM taking money from the people in in in in soccer and spreading among their relatives and family giving leadership and estate to their sons or their relatives and so on and so forth the imam abu hanifa opposed that tremendously and all the scholars did as well but he stood up the most it was the most vocal you know how today when the 21st century this new ideology such as atheism Scientology well in those days the knowledge that was corruption was something called democracy that and the how image in an eephus time the high-wage were more however the start of time i don't know they're like a little bit before and then the ones who killed I mean of the ulama they killed him because they basically told me was out of the police then the problem with these people how I know a terrible men they have beards longer than yours in mine they pray more than you and me in the night they memorize the bone and rid of better than anyone of us there's so many good you think that these are Saints these are what angel sent from the sky but their character what opposed that tremendously these people are very violent and then went to extreme that was so extreme that they said they made a person together only when they did a major sin like drinking of alcohol or zina you'd become a cat with this belief that it also said that anyone who doesn't agree with our view is also put to the sword one of them was about money for he didn't agree with the college so one day they entered upon him with the sword that's what they were doing they were going around to people and they were questioning them do you believe in do you not believe Abu Hanifa was a very smart man and he said something that started the trend which saved the lives of many people they entered they were studying bash the door down and they said to him repent he said from one doctor Kent fun they said repent from your views that are against us and then when he saw that he had to either agree with them or games are valued somewhere though is they're gonna kill him he recited the verse from the Koran and if any one of the politicus iron worshipers seeks your refuge then give him refuge like don't touch him until he hears the words of Allah they consider that when he fell upon the theistic app so he used the verse about the caveat but what can he do it is a mechanic so I just went their way he can't beat them you got to go along their way and that's a very smart wise thing to do by that he saved his life so we said if the police be a circus refuge they give him refuge and then the how they looked at each other and they said Allah he has used the words of God against us he's our policies we can't touch so he became a thorn in the hearts of the Sauvage there was another party animals of the hut he once came into the Masjid and he said to him repent he said repent from what and he said I am told that you've agreed to ie that when Adi said having a dispute with mahalia he decided to settle his dispute by having what they called arbitrator the Hawaii I didn't believe in them and they also accused the audio alarm of getting an umpire from his family but someone who is his friend they said this is wrong and you have more money for you agree with what he did so repent do not repent the soul so honey looked at him he said then maybe speak I said I wanted to be said okay if you wanted to bang me then how we're going to know who's right or wrong we have to put by an arbitrator they said okay put him and the he pointed to a man who was also from mythology and then about honey per said you just did exactly what I needed a lot of it so why are you disputing with me and that's how he immediately back straight away cause you person he pleased he had doubt that he had nothing to say he walked out and he never repeated what he said to anybody ever again well hanifa distance himself from every Kingdom or Palace because he felt that they were attracting him to say the wrong thing and he was they could easily use it and today still they can use force for their own benefits right these mistakes that people be careful be careful of going to the 34 the leaner and feeding him just like you can fire don't go to him to his courts except for some specific purpose and he has given you a post of a judge don't accept it unless you are sure he will accept that you exercise your personal judgment you will judge even against him if he doesn't accept that don't accept his job to be a judge so that you can be pressured and never accept a position that you are not feeling these were the words that were honey first advise students appeal an official when they said to him a honey recently my only to visit me in my house about money for a mastiff wife what for now nobody should visit people but this official you see he knew that he used the use of the scholars so said why should I visit you and he said to him visit miss I did get to know you more he said I did not visit people to power and he got angry and so the people in power began to resent our hanifa he had enemies and his enemies were the people in power no one to use it to their advantage there was a governor of Iran by the name of years he may be no Cabella he once called a Baha'i 13 and he said to him I want to give you the position of chief treasurer of a Hanif immediately said never yes he said to him why he asked me to gather the doors of the mosque I wouldn't listen to you let alone guarding the money of Muslims and standing up for you so that when you steal the death of a Muslim and you sign if I have to carry it out yes he felt so angry with him that he ordered his imprisonment for going against him and he ordered that he be with every day one hundred lashes and even in prison until finally he found that his students were protesting for you you no other choice but after 30 days to release him we said that the Khalifa marshal came up and he also tried to do something - oh honey / one day he called him and he said to him I want you to be the chief judge of all of Iraq I should be the chief judge a mammal honey % to him never because then I'll have to rule in rulings in favor of the people in the right way but when he comes to you when you accept my rule even if it's against you honey forgot angry and this thing she didn't expect something like that you don't talk to the leader like that he said to him you must take the chief judge position over honey % I am not fit for that position so then the honey Merced you're on liar and then I'm honey % well there just proves mistake if I am a liar a judge is not fit to be easily the Fatima got so angry on him that from that day onwards he resented him more and more and because labor run as a ressentiment he had kept on refusing these positions he finally imprisoned him merely for the fact that he would not accept the position of the post of being chief judge why because he was afraid this post you going to be questioned about he didn't want to meet Allah spent a day plus a package and he knew that the government was going to use it so he got imprisoned for it and they did not wiki so the Mansour and muscle what he said the students went to come and learn from him so he had to allow the students to come and learn from him from behind bars he had thousands of students coming to learn Fremont Mahoney was inside of the prison and he began teaching people while he was behind bars and the rest of his tutor accompany he stayed in this way for three months to the point where he kept talking against the corruption of the government department the narration says that or the government's got so annoyed of him that they poisoned his food and when he felt the poison of his food he began to pray in prison for a few days and he died in his prayer but the like he was about 70 years old died in the year 767 before he died get rid of her wither after warning people away from the corruption of the government he said when I die I request you not to bury me in any land which was given by the Felipa to any of his relatives his family and that meant that the people open their eyes I said what the honey that is giving land our land to his relatives of family so he made even more of a problem and he was narrating from that Mansour we used to say about hanifa we are not saved from Abu Hanifa neither is like what we say and even in his death I am I saved his funeral prayer and the first thing his funeral 50,000 people had to attempt it people kept on coming from all around Iraq and even outside of Iraq it was so much further the body of omaha NEPA had to be laid there for the whole day from budget until sunset because at 6:00 Genesis were made plain in inch time the first was only 50,000 in the rest were more he died in Baghdad and was buried in but there in Iraq school of hanafis spread throughout the Seljuk Turks the Turkish Sultan's took it as the happy mother the Ottoman Empire followed the panic we may have all the principals and most of missiles that scholars came after you 90% of them they use the principles of a honey put into juice and deductr rulings among them was mmm sherry and this is what he said anyone who wants to excel the Islamic law cannot do so without referring to our hanifa Allah has blessed him with gift of wisdom and understanding in man back met when he was asked about come on anyway he said so had a lot in medicine knowledge piety abstinence from the dunya and preference to the hereafter he was of the highest stages that nobody else would be able to occupy he was lashed for the simple reason that he refused the post of a judge offered to him by our chaplain Mansoor may Allah's mercy and maybe attain the pleasure all alone the swagman with Mohammed said [Music] you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 332,404
Rating: 4.9159579 out of 5
Keywords: hanafi fiqh, maliki madhab, hanbali, sahfi'i, the four imams
Id: CRc1b0ogVx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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