Saba' - Paradise On Earth

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Hey Allah said certainly there was a sign in the homeland for the people of Sabah Allah said we gave them two huge Gardens two Meadows one to the right and one to the left all they would see is green landscape all they would breathe is the freshest and purest of air all they would drink is the purest of water and all what they experienced during their travels was safety and security it was a completely sterile disease-free environment the trees were so dense rivers were gushing through these two Gardens of the people of seven this was seven and they had a dam they had a dam that was built holding that back the water and accessing it as they wished and therefore they were hardly reliant upon rainwater at all paradise on earth this was a kingdom of heaven in dunya but however they became bored with the favor of Allah this was the reality they became tired with the goodness Allah gave them - they denied my faith and they made a very strange dua that you will not believe when you hear him what did they say Saba is the name of one of the kingdoms of Yemen it existed a long time and belt is the famous queen who existed during the time of Prophet Suleyman son allahu and he was send him she was part of this kingdom in one duration or another this was a kingdom that allah subhana wa ta'ala had blessed in one of the most breathtaking and jaw-dropping of ways in every sense of the word in terms of dunya in terms of prophets in terms of the air in terms of rivers in terms of fruits Allah had blessed the kingdom of Saba like something you and I have never seen before messengers were sent to the people of Sabah reminding them that all you need to do is benefit and enjoy the higher the goodness Allah has given you whilst thanking Allah for what He has given you and staying away from Haram and they did them for a certain period of time but then with the passage of time the people of said that began to change and thus the favor and deny the blessings of Allah upon them also began to change Imam Ahmed narrates in his most not on the authority of Abdullah even our best that a man came to the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam asking him about 7 what is it the name of a country a land a man what is that he said is it the name of a man is it the name of a woman is it the name of a land and the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam said to him he said no seda is the name of a man who had ten children six of them stayed in Yemen and four of them went to a Shan we are speaking about Arabs we are speaking about the origins of the pure Arabs the third category of Arabs Allah Arabic Arriba they come from this man said ah he said six of the children of Sabah were in Yemen this was their homeland and they were messaging and kingda and al as an - Ariana and him young and anmar and he said as for the four from the children of seda who went to a sham greater Syria they were Latin and do dahm and I am Allah and Hassan and they were all living in Yemen once upon a time but when Allah subhana Allah commanded that dam to break and to destroy the people of Sabah as we shall find out they were dispersed and scattered six of the children of seven stayed in Yemen and four of them migrated to a sham and therefore if somebody asks you when did the Arabs first appear in the land of sham Palestine Jordan and Lebanon and Syria we say to them they migrated there after the dam of Saba broke down and they were dispersed and the Arabs made their way to a sham and these were not the direct children of Saba by the way as America kathira he said these are the descendants of Saba whether they were his grandchildren or further down the line what do we know other said that let us begin our journey for today and buy a larger brothers and sisters for those who are patient and those who are grateful you will realize that this story is a life-changing one Allah said luckily Connolly said that in FEMA scanning area Jan attorney on Yamini no shima Allah said certainly there was a sign in the homeland for the people of Sabah Allah said we gave them two huge gardens to meadows one to the right and one to the left all they would see is green landscaping all they would breathe is the freshest and purest of air all they would drink is the purest of water and all what they experienced during their travels was safety and security it was a completely sterile disease-free environment the trees were so dense rivers were gushing through these two Gardens of the people of seven this was seven and they had a dam they had a dam that was built holding that back the water and accessing it as they wished and therefore they were hardly reliant upon rainwater at all Allah said it was welded onto Hiba a pure land a beautiful land two gardens one to the right and one to the left all that was required of them dear brothers and sisters was to eat from the fruit of the Lord and to thank him their messenger said Kulu munis leader of Nokomis Karuna builder totally batoon war upon of war they said to them eat from the provisions that Allah has given you enjoy them and thank Allah you have a blessed land a sweet land and a very forgiving note could anybody wish for anything more than that a land that wants to give and give and you have a lord who wants to forgive and forgive paradise on earth this was a kingdom of heaven in dunya a mammal Ballerini written history earth at Makati lana Saudi they both said they say that a woman would carry a basket on her head and she would make her way through the gardens and the basket would be empty but by the time she would walk out of the other side of the garden the basket would be filled with all types of fruits without her needing to reach out for anything ripe fruits dear brothers and sisters falling all over the place kingdom of heaven paradise on earth Allah gave them so much just show gratitude to Allah and be patient and resist Haram and they did that for some time but then they began to change they got a little bit comfortable in fact they got too comfortable and they began to doubt Allah and the worship of God Almighty Allah became the worship of the Sun and they began to challenge there are messengers Allah said they turned away could they denied my favours so what was the outcome for upset Natalie him saying Inari Allah says I gave permission for the dam to break open and we sent upon them the flag to the dam collapsed and torrents of water now were gushing onto their lands flattening their crops and uprooting their trees and turning sweet fruit so bitter and turning security and safety into fear and hardship everything was destroyed within the blink of an eye because urado they turned away but then imagine that a human that I need owatta Poquelin hunting was a streamer shy in Bensalem Connie Allah said and we replaced them with the two Gardens the two beautiful gardens that they had once upon a time we replaced him with two other Gardens but what were their characteristics Ya Allah listen and compare two gardens of bitter fruit and Ethel meaning tamarisks no quality trees thorny food for shaking Minh City ring Khalil a few low trees here and there that was the end of the civilization of Sabah and this was one the children the ten children of sada they dispersed into the land Allah says their leakage as a new home be America far Oh Mahalo New Jersey illness before we compensated them with this because they were ungrateful because they disbelieved and this is how we behave with everybody who is ungrateful Allah said well New Jersey in that Kippur and then a lot of Hannah Anna in the area after this draws our attention to yet another blessing that he had given the people of Saba listen to this Raja under Boehner who Hansa de veau banal correlative our akina feeha a sham : of our era what Cadorna she has seen what Kadam Nephi has sailed Allah says subhana wa ta'ala and between the people of Yemen listen to this beauty that they had before the destruction and between the people of Yemen and the people of sham that land that we have blessed Allah said between these destinations we had placed cities Quran Law here are cities that were visible cities that could easily be seen what does that mean the people of seven like everybody else they needed to travel up and down the country for business reasons but their business route was very different to Panama Harvey they had service stations from Yemen all the way to a Shannon much like other service stations that we have on the m4 and the m5 but these service stations of Sabah were very different it wasn't just a cost of coffee and a bargain and a bed and breakfast Allah said for envira we had placed cities as stations so when they were travelling from a sharm to yemen and yemen to a sham they would walk out of their home dear brothers and sisters without any luggage no rucksacks no packing they didn't need to they would leave their home and enter a city eat and drink and rest and then enter another city eat and drink and rest till they arrive at a sham and they would do the same thing back pauran waha allows it visible cities that could be seen I hear you ask what about navigation did they need maps did they know the way I said what cut darn Fe has said you and we had made the distances from city to city measured and well-known they did not get confused I hear you asking now about the security was there any fear to travel in the morning or the night Allah said to them CoV Haleh earlier well I am and I mean travel make your travel in the morning or in the night if you wish you will be completely secure security food drink land beautiful air money water everything man could wish for in the life of this world but however they became bored with the favor of Allah this was the reality they became tired with the goodness Allah gave them and they made a very strange to add that you will not believe when you hear him what did they say I know I've been a bear I'd been a mess fairy now they said o our Lord we ask you please to lengthen the distance during our travel make it long in other words o Allah we're tired of this goodness you've given us we want to we want to carry bags we want to travel long distances and we want to be thirsty in the desert and we want to be scared like everybody else we don't want this comfort it's too much Allah said well Volume one for something they wrong themselves and your brother dear sister I know when you hear this request of the people of seven you may think to yourself this is so strange I say it is very strange but it is not uncommon and if you look around you very carefully you will realize that there are some people you know who are doing exactly what the people of sebat did when they made that one like who brother Ali like a man or a woman whom allah subhanaw taala has blessed him or her with marriage a beautiful spouse a handsome husband a beautiful woman a righteous individual a god-fearing person but this person chooses to pursue another relationship outside of the pain of marriage behind closed doors that is a person who became bored with the favor of Allah like the people of selected or another person whom Allah has blessed with a steady income of halal steady source of Finance Hanna it may not be huge but it is an Al and it's enough for him and his family but then he gets tired of it so he decides to set up a brand new business of intoxicants of smoke of lounges of zina and Haram why did he do that he was comfortable why did he do that yeah he got bored with the favor of Allah he got tired he wanted something new so what will be the fate of such people it will be the exact same fate of the people of 7 what was the fate of the people of Shaba Fedya hanahuna hadith we made them into stories Allah said we destroyed the people of Silla and we made them into a narration what do you now see off said that what do you hear of said nothing it's now become a tale that we discuss today I know who my hadith Allah said well Mazeppa now whom : Lama Mazda and we scattered them dispersed them this United them with a major dispersion Allah says all over the world they left Yemen what used to be a unifying kingdom of a happiness and harmony paradise on earth became a smash to pieces community fragmented society torn into roots and tribes travelling the world trying to find a new home and then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala conclude the story of Sarah telling us that not everybody will benefit from this story rather there will be people who will walk out of the messages or finish reciting the Quran and they will remain completely unchanged he says subhana WA Ta'ala in conclusion in Nevada Nicola cotton liquidly Submarine Shakur Allah says indeed there are signs in this for every person who is patient and grateful Allah tells you these are the people who will benefit these are the people who will cry when they hear the story of seda these are the people who will rush home to say Jana P what changes do I need to make and what sins must I eliminate because I want to be grateful and patient I don't want to have the outcome of the people of Sabah the story of Sabah is a real life practical model as for how allah subhanahu wa ta'ala pays back a community or a country or an individual who misuses the favours of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and ignores giving thanks to him however when we look into the Quran dear brothers and sisters you will find that this story of Sabah and their two gardens was not the only story mentioned rather there are several other stories that seem to be identical subhanAllah stories of other people who had Gardens they misused their property misused their limbs and thus allah almighty took away from them the gardens we have in the quran the story of the man who had one garden the story of the men who had two gardens and the story of the community that had many gardens and the outcome for every one of these stories was identical as for the story of the man who had one garden this is mentioned in surah Anam chapter of adam and what was the outcome of that story when he misused his blessings Fattah finding help from your big of a moon allah says a visitor from your lord visited that garden when they were asleep and destroyed it and that was the end of that garden what about the story of the two gardens that was a story of Sabbath that we just heard but there is a second story of a person who had two gardens this is in surah 2 - and what was the outcome of that garden Allah says what oh he'll be family his garden his gardens were encircled with destruction that was the end of that garden what about the fourth story the man who had many gardens this was the story found in surah - sha allah the chapter of the poets were Allah Almighty speaks about the punishment of around affair o Allah says astronomer Jan at Yahoo we expelled him and his community from many gardens and from many Springs for gardens or four stories belonging to four different people in four different times and the outcome of each and every one of these stories mentioned in the Quran was identical Allah took away the property because of a sin that was involved this dear brothers and sisters is the takeaway message we take from surat 7 allahu ta'ala used him only on Bill Maher see Allah removes blessings of people through their sins shaykh al-islam is not a media he says in his much more on Fatah WA he said the Quran mentions in more than one passage that Allah Almighty does not destroy communities nor does he bring harm to individuals only when it is due to a sin therefore beware dear brother dear sister revisit your transactions and your dealings at home and with your friends and your private affairs before you are forced to bid farewell to something you did something you dearly loved Allah tells us that it is only the patient and it is only the grateful who will benefit from the story nobody else and therefore you may ask yourself what is patience so that I may be patient but to withhold the famous Allah has given me my health my sight my hearing my money my children my team what is patience so that I keep them and they don't get taken away like the property of Sabah was taken away from them what is patience the scholars they say patience is of three categories patience a sovereign or a sovereign and model a sovereign and Matador they say patience category number one is to show patience towards the obligations of Allah number two to show patience towards the prohibitions of Allah to stay away from them number three patience towards other the decrees of Allah that may bring you pain that is patience what is gratitude somebody may ask that is also of three times gratitude of the heart so that you show Allah I believe their favor is from you nobody else gratitude of the mouth so that you are always speaking about the favor of Allah your talents number three gratitude of the limbs so that you only use your body your private parts your hands your eyes your ears your senses in that which pleases Allah does not anger him that is patience and this is gratitude these are the people who benefit from the story of Sarah dear brother dear sister a person who goes home tonight without rethinking his finances his investments his sources of income has not shown patience or gratitude and therefore this person awaits the same fate as the people of Sabbath he now awaits a flood - a person who goes home dear brothers and sisters after hearing the story but does not rethink the relationships his conversations his observations his glances his hearing behind closed doors when nobody is looking has not shown patience and has not shown gratitude and is awaiting a flood like the flood of the people of sabah sooner or later a person who walks out of the message it and he is yet to make allah subhana wa ta'ala the number one priority in his or her life has not shown patience or gratitude and this person is waiting for a flood whatever the form of that flood may be so that it may destroy the distractions in your life or mine can we go back to allah subhana wa ta'ala with a broken heart and crying eyes begging Allah at his doorstep for forgiveness but we don't want to be like that person we don't want to be an individual who waits for tumors and an illness and lots of money and loss of loved ones to cause us to change and repent we don't want to be like that person we want to be an individual who sees the signs of Allah and to turn back to Allah with tobin repentance and a new page with our Creator willingly voluntarily without waiting for a calamity or a hardship to wake us up show allah subhana wa ta'ala dear brother dear sister that you have benefited from the story of Sarah as was intended for you and I and do this by starting a brand new page without man and a brand new eagerness and enthusiasm to pursue the pleasure of Allah on the home of the Hereafter you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 523,466
Rating: 4.9036503 out of 5
Keywords: queen of sheba, sabians, greatest city
Id: T3eMTIuShgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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