King David [Dawud] AS

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Hey [Music] [Music] fact is that he is a great prophet all religions look at dawood alehissallaam and the kingdom of the wood alehissalaam and they look at this man who was known for his very bada who is known for his dedication for his hard work and they look at dawood alehissallaam as one of those great great prophets and personalities so the story of dawood alehissallaam starts when he was very young and he was with a group of believing men and that group of believing men faced a colossal army of the giant the intimidating Giroud everybody knew ja Lutz everybody knew how gigantic his army is they were scared Giroud asked who is coming to face me the young the energetic the brave the fearless the daring teenager dawood alehissallaam he stepped forward he had his slingshot and he had one go with the will of Allah so they defeated them with the permission of Allah how did he come to that point well because iran allahu ta'ala in his famous book columbia he said that the been o israel at that time they faced tough enemies and this resulted in them being very exhausted by wars he says then allah subhanahu wata'ala send some well among them whom they asked to relieve them from their plates they asked him to appoint a king for them and under whose command they could unite and fight their enemies however he thought it was a noble intention but he knew about the Bene Israel so he was asking them by appointed king over you doesn't matter who are you going to listen to him are you going to stand behind him they said yes of course we are he was somewhat convinced and he appointed for Lutz to be their King appointed by Allah has decreed for our Lord to be your king but when they heard that how can it be that is the king over us how can it be how can it be that far Lord is going to be a king when he is not worthy of kingship and we are much more worthy of kingship how can it be that he is chosen to be the king he has no kingship he has no experience and he has no wealth the venue Israel will not accept this and they despite the earlier promise they started to rebel they started to categorically reject his leadership so Samwell said to them something he said I'm not disappointing he said Allah has chosen him over you and he has given him great knowledge great knowledge and a great physique strength Bar loot was from the working class he was a man a man of the people someone they knew someone they treasure someone they knew that he's the one who's always the first helping everyone and he was also from my background worship some well said to them that a sign of him really being the chosen king to unify them will be that indeed he will come with a BA booed the chest the treasure the Ark of the Covenant from the time of musa alayhis salaam and when they saw that this chest came back to them they knew that this is this is real pollute is their new king so they somewhat guarded behind them but the next test was not too far away the next test was that he said now we're going to face J loot everybody knew J Lutz everybody knew how reckless he is everybody knew how gigantic his army is so as they were walking you will come across the river and you're not allowed to drink from it they's heat this weakness they start they suffer they traveling all of this and when they came to the river according to it Nia brass or the Allah one whom and many others it was the River Jordan most of them went and they drank Allah said you know that had to drink except for a little will little a little sip you can drink but most of the Tommie they went and drank and a lot of Chanukah promised that those who drink would not find Jared once they passed the river and they were walking they were only few in numbers out of those thousands most of them drank from the river most of them were not allowed to proceed only the believing men only those who are really serious about following the route and the orders of allah subhanahu wata'ala they were allowed so when they passed the river out of those hundreds and thousands of of the army only about 300 plus left but they had a class they had sincerity they wanted something they saw that there's only a couple of hundred and they look at the army of jihad they I can't egami not just him general ood but his army and they were scared so some of them said to the others how many times it happened that a small group of believing men with sincerity with dedication they overcame and they won and they were successful against a much greater group be is Nina and Allah is always with those who are patient Allah is always with those who are patient they were stepping forwards and they're believing men in that army they said o our web poor patients upon us and plant firmly our feets we are here and we are here to stay when here not to give up give us a class give a sincerity give us steadfastness and give us victory over our enemies that disbelieving people in this case Jaya loot asked who is coming to face me and who faced him the young the energetic the brave the fearless the daring teenager dawood alehissallaam he stepped forward he had his slingshot and he had one goal with the will of Allah full with conviction that this is something which will happen because Allah gives the promise and allah subhanho wa taala then said so they defeated them with the permission of Allah and Allah gave him kingship and prophethood and taught him from that which he will which Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wanted him to know he became a hero overnight these are the words of ethnic assirram allahu ta'ala and he said and he been who is from he loved him they loved him he was young he was energetic he was daring he was knowledgeable he had with he had bravery he had the dedication the hard work they loved him and they made him their king this is a kingdom to be reckoned with in future that is when the start came dawood alehissallaam was very much known for his worship the most beloved of all so yam to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is the CM of the food for he used to fast one day and not the next and the Hadees goes on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and the most beloved prayer to Allah is the prayer of the wood he used to sleep half of the night pray 1/3 of the night and sleep 1/6 of the night so dawood alehissallaam used to pray a lot of TM he used to recite the zebu it was said that the wood alehissalaam resigned as a board in the most beautiful of voices some say in 70 different voices in 70 different styles in 70 different recitations in fact when the wood alehissalaam used to recite the zaboor allah subhanaw taala said and we certainly gave dawood alehissallaam much bounty much blessing spoke he said all mountains when you hear that word reciting the zaboor the Kalam of Allah subhana what are the revelation mountains repeat the praises with him and the birds as well even the mountains are listening the mountains are repeating after him the mountains are making Vicker the birds used to stop and make liquor of allah subhana wa ta'ala dawood alehissallaam was a man of worship but he was also a man he was a working man he was there to help he was famous for you know having this knowledge Allah taught him how to deal with iron and how to bend iron and he was very strong he didn't need no fire and he was making the most beautiful and the most effective armors indeed the prophet of Allah dawood alehissallaam only ate from his hard labor from his own hard-earned money he was a leader he was a king but he was in our habit and he was a worker a la soprano that I said and we strengthens the the strengthened his kingdom and gave in wisdom and sound judgment so the wood alehissalaam was famous for justice the people knew that if they go to the wood alayhis-salam to make him judge Dawood alayhi Salaam will judge fairly and it was almost always the case but there was one case when he didn't and he's mentioned in the Quran two people came and they jumped the fence one of them has a farm the other one he has like a herd a flock of goats and sheep animal life stock but the livestock the animal spills out on to the farmland of the neighbor and they end up eating and tearing through all of his crop and when they wake up in the morning they find they've ruined all of his crop his harvest all of his you know his his farm has been ruined and the animals are all over the place he hears her case out and he basically says well let's estimate the value of the animals versus the crops that were damaged and when they end up finding out is that the animals are worth pretty close to you know what the crop would have been worth if it hadn't been destroyed so he basically says you know gentlemen be who owns these animals in retribution for your animals damaging the harvest the crop of your neighbor the farmer he will basically be given your animals you will transfer the ownership of the animals over case settled the farmer is at least grateful that a decisions been made by you doesn't really know what to do with these animals and the man the shepherd who has to give to all those animals up he's very distraught like this is everything this is everything I own Sulaiman alehissalaam a young man the son a prophet of Allah is sitting at the back of the court and he says father if I may offer a suggestion he says absolutely what do you have to offer so layman alehissalaam says a farmer doesn't know anything about raising animals while the shepherd here in this situation will be left with nothing probably fall into poverty will develop a lot of ill feelings in regards to that and what's going to happen to his family and it's going to create a lot more problems here's my solution the farmer will get the animals of the shepherd while the Shepherd has to restore the farm and this arrangement it will last as long as the Shepherd takes to fix and restore the farm the sooner he restores it the sooner the farmer gets his farm back in good condition the sooner the shepherd gets his animals back the longer he takes the longer he doesn't have his animals window dolly said I'm here's a suggestion he says that's an amazing suggestion it's a remarkable suggestion now would alehissalaam let bani israel in with justice with rights he brought back too many who still are ill peace and tranquility and justice and Oda as they mister for many centuries and then it was the time of the wood elacin am to pass away and the wood I said I passed away 100 years old originally 60 years old where did the other 40 come from remember the story of adam alayhis-salam when Allah Azza WA JAL what the back of Adam and all the descendants of Adam appeared in front of him and Adam alayhi salam saw all his descendants all his children and from among their children he saw one with an extra light however his forehead so he asked Allah Allah who stir so Allah told him that's your one of your children by the name of the wood he asked Allah and he said here Allah and how long does he live for so Allah as I said 16 so he said yeah Allah give him 40 s from mine so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala gave dawood alehissallaam 40s from the years of adam alayhis-salam and the wood alayhi salam he was a man with the quality of severe jealousy towards his family and when Dawood alehissalaam estiga out of his palace he used to lock the whole palace and that palace is not allowed to be open until he comes back one day while his wife's were in in the yard of his palace they saw a stranger day I was surprised who's that stranger they said well no he if the wood knows about that he would not rest until he demolishes this man and then later on the wood alehissalaam came here are you and he allowed you to be hit right he said I am the one that no barrier walls can stop in front of him so that would me that's an angel of death so the angel of death took the soul of the wood alehissalaam it is reported that in his janazah to carry his body to the grave they were tens of thousands of people and not only that the birds came as well and when the birds came Sulaiman alayhis salaam salam instructed them now this is the Sun this was one of his first instructions to the birds it is reported it was a very very hot day there were no clouds no wind and the Sun was shining as though entire creation was in mourning he told the birds to create a barrier between the people and the Sun so they were just hovering in a huge flock hovering above and they created shade for those who were burying the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam and that is when the prophet Sulayman alehissalaam was recognized as the one Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says indeed Suleiman inherited the route in two things in his kingdom as well as in profit [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 211,489
Rating: 4.9290128 out of 5
Id: 2donoi0SgU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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