Muhammad Al Fatih RA

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[Music] foreign the message of allah said you will surely conquer constantinople it's a meal will be the most wonderful and the best of a meals and this army will be the most wonderful and the best of armies the best time capital was constantinople for eleven hundred years the byzantines ruled christendom the longest empire the man who brought them to their knees eight hundred years after he prophesies this was when muhammad al-fatiha rahimahullah conquered constantinople constantinople for a thousand years was the most beautiful city in christ there was nothing like it in the world [Music] who were the ottomans 1258 usman the leader of the ottoman was born [Music] his father [Music] always be at the forefront because unparalleled on the battlefield it was from him in 1258 on the same year that baghdad was sacked that he had a child called usman usman is the founder of the dolatur of mania and also known as the ottomans they say it started from a dream the osman had a dream that he's sleeping and the heart of a very pious man is transferred into his heart and then from his stomach a tree sprouts out and the shade of this tree goes all over the world he had the dream interpreted they said that the dream is that your progeny will establish justice where people will live under this justice and prosperity and peace the prophet salallahu was once in the house of um he falls asleep he wakes up after a while and he's smiling and um what's making you smile may my mother and father be sacrificed for you the messenger of allah said i saw that group of people from my ummah and they're on these large ships like kings sitting on thrones so she said oh messenger of allah make dua that i am from amongst them he said you will be from amongst them then he went sleep again and after a while he wakes up and he's smiling again and um they're sitting on these large ships like kings on thrones she says message of allah make dua [Music] that allah subhana wa make me from amongst them and the prophet salallahu said you will be from the first ones come the time of abu bakr nothing happens come to time nothing happens come the time of the give me permission to start the naval expedition so us allows them they go to cyprus in this ship is no other than um they reach cyprus um riding the horse the horse is startled omiharan falls off until today the grave of um testimony to the prophecy of the message of allah but in the time of himself muawiyah now starts another expedition and this expedition is to constantinople and every single person wanted to be in this expedition you know why many sahaba have become old you know why because there were two possibilities of prophecy here one was guaranteed and one was a possibility the one which was a possibility is that you will surely one day conquer constantinople the emir will be the best of amir and the army will be the best of me so this was possible if they conquered it but there was another prophecy related by imam muslim in israel that the messenger of allah said that the first army from my ummah which attacks constantinople the city of the caesar allah will forgive them all and this is why every sahabi wanted to be in this army you had abdullah abbas but really the name that really stands out is at this time was over 80 years old he had the honor of hosting the greatest of creation sallallahu alaihi wasallam abraham who would live on the top floor the messenger of allah will live on the bottom floor 80 years old you are the host of the messenger of allah there is no need for you to go you're 80 years old he says the ayat in the quran won't allow me to sit at home allah says go in the path of your lord may you be heavy or may you be light he said this verse in the quran will not allow me to remain at home imagine this from medina all the way to constantinople the battle begins and he befalls unwell it becomes unwell he withdraws from the battle yazid was the general of this army when he heard that he was unwell he went to visit him and he said sheikh what can i do for you he said give my salam to the army and tell them that they must fight with vigor and when i die make sure that you bury me in the furthest land of the enemies so i can say to allah oh allah i went in your path living and i went to your path whilst i was dead he passes away and they take him with a procession right to the outskirts of the walls of constantinople so caesar's watching this he sees this procession so he sends a message to yazid and he said what's this yazid said that this is a companion of the messenger of allah and it was his desire to be buried as far as possible in the enemy lands caesar says he sends a message to yazid he said obviously you're not as intelligent as your father he said when you leave i will exist and i will feed it to the dogs so yuzi replied he said i swear by the one that you disbelieve in and i swear by the one due to whom he is buried here if you do that i will every byzantine in our land and i will be church in our lands [Music] it had such a big impact on caesar that caesar put permanent guards around the grave abu ubel in saudi arabia western historians mentioned that when the christians would have a drought they would come to the grave of abu ubel and sari and the christians would make dua for barakah constantinople what is constantinople istanbul today napoleon once said if the world was one country its capital would have been constantinople istanbul because it bridges the east and the west in 1559 when queen elizabeth the first in 1559 she sent an organ to muhammad iii and when thomas dalam who went to deliver the organ he entered constantinople he says it was like i entered into a different world he said i had never seen anything like it just from 1123 to 1453 which was the year that muhammad father lay siege to it it had been sieged 23 times the muslims since the time of the sahaba until the time of muhammad al-fatiha had laid siege to it 11 times in holiness it was regarded as the second jerusalem as far as the walls were concerned it was regarded as the most impregnable city on the face of this earth twelve miles of wall eight miles were water four miles land it was regarded as impossible to take let me move on to the man that i'm gonna speak about today muhammad al-fatiha who does muhammad al-fatiha come from muhammad al-fatiha come from the ottomans who were the ottomans see when the mongols came into eastern turkestan half a million of the turks migrated to west turkestan these were people who were homeless well if there was any group of people who became inheritors of the earth it was the ottomans homeless destitute running away from the mongol who were the mongols the mongols were those people who decimated the muslim world 1258 was the year that baghdad was sacked 1258 was the year which uthman the leader of the ottoman was born 1258 his father when he migrated he saw two armies fighting the khwajims and the seljuks the shias and the sunnis so what he did is that he took the side of this the sunnis the cell jokes the seljuks were so impressed by urdugal military brilliance they gave him a certain piece of land it was from him in 1258 on the same year that baghdad was sacked that he had a child called usman usman is the founder of the daulatur of mania and also known as the ottomans usman was known for his justice i mean there are many in russia where ismart would judge between a muslim and a non-muslim and he would give judgment in the favor of a non-muslim and they would say why do you do this except because allah commands us to fulfill the rights of other people let me briefly tell you who the ottomans were the ottomans are the longest empire that the muslim world has ever had no other muslim dynasty no other muslim empire no other muslim khalifa lasted as long as the ottomans lasted they ruled iraq they ruled egypt they ruled all of north africa all the way up to tunisia they ruled sharm when i say sham that means [Music] they were unparalleled these were the flag bearers when the finished when the appetizers finished when the quarantine finished when the wahi didn't finish there were only one group of people who defended this ummah for centuries and that was the ottomans a jeep where allah says that we want to favor upon those who are taken weak in the earth and we make up the imma the imams and we make them the wary theme the inheritance of the earth so let me now move on to muhammad al-fatiha muhammad al-fatiha rahmatullah alayhi was the seventh sultan out of the ottomans his father was murad ii and his father was very honestly you know whenever i've studied the lives of every single muslim leader well like there's two characteristics i've seen in every single one the first was terbia the parents were concerned about nurturing their child they put an effort in nurturing their child you know they say about him that he was a son of a sultan he wouldn't listen to his teachers and murad thani was so concerned that he said find me a teacher my child so they found a man called imam quran imam qurani was kurdish he was known as the imam abu hanifa of his time and being the son of the sultan he laughed in the face of imam quran imam qurani was old style he took out the stick and he gave him they say before this he could barely read the quran by the age of eight muhammad al-fateh became they say imam qurani instilled in him the love for reading and writing muhammad al fateh could speak up to eight languages we can't speak english his main teacher was a man called aksham sudhi akshayam sudeen was the man who instilled in him that he must one day conquer constantinople he was the one who took his horse into the sea because the ottomans were here and then across was where constantinople was so one day he took muhammad al-fatiha and he took him by the shore and then he took his horse into the water until the horse and water reach the neck of the horse and then he said to him he said oh my son one day you will conquer constantinople his father murad he himself lay seized to constantinople for 22 days muhammad father would often hear his father making dua for the conquest of constantinople making dua that his son would be the conqueror of constantinople you know what kind of terbia he got you may regard it as old-fashioned but but one day he was walking muhammad the father muhammad was quite young at the time and he gives him a good years later muhammad said to his teacher he said why did you beat me from that day he said because my son you are going to be tomorrow a king you are gonna be the sultan if you have never faced this vlog when you oppress other people you won't know how it feels i did this so you know what dulan feels like second quality the love for ilm and the love for scholars his father made him the amir at the age of 14. he said you are now the sultan the christians when they heard it they're very happy 14 year old child he won't be able to do anything so they decide to attack his land so he sends a message to his father and he says oh my father you know they are about to attack the lands i need you to come back and his father said no you are in charge you deal with it 14 years old so he says to his father he said listen if you're the sultan then it's your responsibility and if i am the sultan then i command you to defend the lands so then his father comes and takes the reign again the year that his father passed away the greatest agitator of the europeans he was the thorn in their sight when he passed away they were happy francesco sent a letter to all the leaders of europe saying that your greatest agitator has died his successor is an inexperienced young boy 21 years old he said it's time now to destroy the ottomans his father passes away he's crying at the side of his bed and his mother comes to him who just lost the husband just lost the king said son get up we got things to do they were rejoicing and he was busy with the work he bought the prophecy of the message of allah 800 years from before to light but not only that the longest empire in christian them is byzantine eastern europe for eleven hundred years the byzantines ruled christendom who was the man who destroyed them muhammad al-fatiha man prepared he had his he had his eyes on the goal 21 years old when he became the leader 23 years old when he lay siege to constantinople and you know how he prepared meticulously he made sure everything was prepared to the degree that he had a man called urban was a christian hungarian and he was specialist in making cannons so he said to urban i will pay you whatever you want you are the best in your field can you make me a cannon which is unparalleled in the world urban said to him i will make you a cannon which will destroy the walls of babylon you know how big this cannon was a man could crawl in its barrel you needed 60 oxes to pull it 200 men this side 200 men this side 13 miles away you could hear its blast he raised the taxes where others lived within muslim lands he drew treaties with anybody who could impede his mission the hungarian the bulgarians all of them he drew treaties with and then he built what was known as the bosphorus throat cutter so basically to get to constantinople you have to go through the bosphorus they already had one fort on the other side he built another fort so nobody could get to constantinople and then they placed cannons the narrations mentioned that muhammad they built it with his own hands he took off his top he told his the all the princes take off your tops he told all the ulama take off your tops and work they work with their own hands where did he learn this see they say he was a half with al quran and they also say that he was an expert in history he studied history he saw when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam built and the message of allah carried the bricks until the narration mentioned that his back bent over and the sahaba said a message of allah will carry for you and the prophet said you carry that one i will carry this one and then mention that the prophet saws front and back was covered with dust this is where these people learnt from caesar is watching all this he's in constantinople he sees what's happening and he knows that this army is getting ready so he sends a message to the pope we need your help all of western christendom is there all of europe is there we need your help the pope said on one condition because christianity was divided into two you had orthodox christianity which was the byzantines which ruled from constantinople and in the time of the prophet salla all the way to sharp and then you had the rest of christendom which was catholics the problem was that each one of them were putting fatwa on the other each one of them regarded the other one as kafir so the pope said we will help you in one condition that all of you become catholics caesar agreed so now they come to the sofia hagia they're there the pope delegation is there they're about to sign that all of orthodoxy will convert to catholicism and then the people of constantinople they they become outraged the sacred in charge in that meeting stands up and he says we would prefer the turbans of the turks rather than the long hats of the catholics so catholicism the pope withdraws his help i ask you today you ask any christian in the world was that statement worth it they will tell you no it wasn't worth it but we do exactly the same thing when you're gonna learn we would prefer turban of the turks through the long hats of the latin they lost constantinople you know like you and i cry about losing spain constantinople was far more precious to them than spain is to us 1453 they lost this we lost 1492 we eventually lost granada so muhammad now he brings the cannons three cannons they have it takes him two months to bring them to consent in opening places and then the battle starts and they shoot their cannons the cannons pulverize the walls of constantinople the narrations mentioned the women came out their houses screaming because they hadn't had nothing like this one muslim historian he says that when i heard the canon by allah it was like israel had blown the trumpet and the christian historians say but worse than this was when the muslims would say allah said it would make a shiver run down your spine when they would say that and the walls of constantinople were very high so what they would do is that they would shoot the arrows but they they marvel at the bravery of the turkish soldiers leonardo who was a contemporary was there he says that the muslim would come close we would wipe all of them but the next batch would come he said sometimes to save one person ten would die but they could not live with the shame of leaving one of their companions unburied you know what the french traveler retro don he says he he in 1430 he met the turkish army and this is what he says about the turkish army they are indifferent to where they sleep and they usually lie on the ground their horses are good cost little in food gallop well and for a long time their obedience to their superiors is boundless you know muhammad al-fatiha when he took his army the narrations mentioned he went to one marketplace he would often disguise himself and the market owner said to him i have enough to feed my children today i've watched that market that person over there nobody has come to stall you go to stall so muhammad al-fatiha would go to his stall he went to him he bought something he said i have enough to feed my children today go to that stall muhammad al-fateh said on that occasion i realized now i have the people to conquer constantinople well why was it possible to have people like this because they had a leader like the narration mentioned muhammad afar they would always be at the forefront danish hilmi says he's a turkish historian he said since the day he became the sultan every single day of his life for two years he studied the maps of constantinople they say that nobody knew what his next movement was one of the qaadis once asked him he said sultan what we gonna do next he said why allah if the hair on my body knew what i was gonna do next i would pluck it out and i would consign it to the fire nobody knew one morning you know because he was a mastermind one morning what happened was that they created a frame because they're finding it very difficult to scale the world they created a frame which was higher than the walls three floors each floor covered with skin so they couldn't shoot their arrows or pour anything over them by the end of the day the christian managed to burn it down muhammad al-fatiha said no problem tomorrow we will have another four one of the christian historian says he says it would have taken the entirety of christendom an entire month to make something like that and muhammad al-fatiha did it in one night and the next day he said we're going to make another four and if that wasn't enough the tunnels muhammad al-fati rahim allah began now to dig the tunnels underneath and now the christian and constantinople they hear about this and the narrations mentioned their own historians mentioned that they were so scared that they felt that some any time some turk will jump out of the floor this is what muslims were like once upon a time they were innovative they were dynamic they were diverse and this is why we had people like muhammad al-fatiha rahimahullah but you know there were times obviously situation was wasn't very good certain times the muslims found it very difficult there was an occasion where the ships got through and muslims lost a lot of men so then their sultan was an even spared so the leaders came to muhammad al-fatiha and they said muhammad al-fatiha sultan this is all your fault because you listen to your teacher aksham sudeen and this is why we are having these losses so muhammad al-fatiha now sends a message to his teacher he said what do you say what's your advice he said o sultan man plans and allah plans and allah is the best of planets the situation gets even worse then he goes himself and the god is standing in front of the tent and he's telling the sultan even you can't go in the the shaykhs and nobody can go in muhammad move the guard out of the way he went into the tent he goes into the tent he sees this he's in sajdah his turban has fallen off his hair are on the floor and for a very very long time he's in sajdah and his eyes are flowing and muhammad walked out and he said i swear by allah knowing that i have people like this in my ummah gives me greater pleasure even than the conquest of constantinople but the morale is down so what does muhammad father do look at this this is a leader muhammad al-fatiha now disguises himself and he goes into the muslim ranks and he sees the state of the soldiers and then he takes off his disguise and then he gives a speech he says oh people the morale is down he says oh people don't you want to be from the army which the messenger of allah said is the best of armies and then it points to the grave of abu ubel and he says you see the companion of the message of allah over 80 years old and he wanted to conquer constantinople so what is the state in the city constantinople the state in the city is even worse well they're being besieged so then what they decide to do is to raise the morale what that what they do is that they have this image or yetriya and it's mary holding jesus and pointing to him you know like nowadays you say he's the man she's pointing to him that he is the savior of the world it was regarded as the most holiest relic in byzantine they believe that say luke actually drew it himself and they believe that as long as they have this that they would never ever be conquered so what they do on the 25th of may they put it on their cart they want to take it to all the sites of the city to bless all the sides of the city so they take it and what happens is that it slips out the hands of the carer and it falls on the floor eventually they managed to carry it but then the torrent comes the rain comes and the procession is cancelled now the panic struck the next day 26th of may the sofia hagia is struck by light this is a christian historian to mention this sofia hagia their largest church in the whole of christendom is struck by lightning now mohammed father has one problem subhan allah got his army on land but he can't get his army on sea because you have 12 miles of wall eight miles is covered by water and and four by land so land is gone but he can't get to the water why because there's a passage called the golden horn and the golden horn has a chain when you enter it so what the christian would do is whether one of their armies or their ships would come through they would lower it when a the enemy army would come they would pull it tight and they would rip through the hull of the ship so none of the muslim ships could get through so then muhammad al-fatiha pulls off one of the greatest moves ever done by any general muhammad al-fatih in the darkness of the night he cradled 67 ships out of the water he has logs which are lined with grease on them animal fat and it's not flat some places it is 200 feet high the enemies are all around him you know when muhammad al-fatiha said if the hair on my body knew what i was going to do next i would consign it to the fire this is what he meant in one night muhammad al-fatiha rahimahullah brings 67 ships and over the darkness of night without under the nose of the enemies without them knowing and he brings them over to the other side the christians they say that he surpassed alexandra the great by doing this dokkan says this was a miracle that we never heard from before or never after this was muhammad can you imagine the morale is already down in constantinople and now muhammad al-fatiha has bought 67 ships now they surround them now they're only covering four miles they're covering 12 miles then muhammad al-fatiha says he says to his army he says tomorrow you light three fires where you normally light one campfire so they believe that we have reinforcements and then they attack the morale is already down and the city is about to fall and then muhammad al-fatiha sends a message to caesar he says oh caesar give us the city we don't want any further so caesar says you know that cannot happen and then muhammad says his famous words he says either my grave or the throat either my grave or the throne and then muhammad al-fatiha says he calls his army he says pray at night and then he gave a speech he said allah is close to giving us the message of allah promised 800 years ago so when you enter the city make sure you abide by the laws of the deen of allah no women no children no non-combat combatants should be touched eventually and the city falls and muhammad al-fatiha rahim allah now enters the city and muhammad al-fatiha entered the city later on in the day then mentioned that he was he was in total and utter humility in front of him was his teacher and then he reaches the center of the city and muhammad al-fatiha he gathers his companions 150 000 strong army this was he's 23 years old at the time and he gives a talk and he says remember the words of the message of allah allah you will surely conquer constantinople and you the army will be the most wonderful of armies and then he walks towards the sofia hagia some of the christians they come out and they go on one knee and they sit in front of him in one ear and muhammad al-fatiha says stand up i am nothing besides sultan don't lower yourself for me and then muhammad al-fatih they go to the hagia sophia this was unparalleled this never happened before he waited for them to finish their prayers he said go to your homes you are all secure and then that day the salah was in sofia now some say oh but why do muhammad al-fatiha convert the church into a a masjid muhammad al-fatiha is on record essay that i prefer that next to every masjid there is a church so for the christians they go to the church and for the muslim they go to the masjids but if you compare this what happened on the other side of the mediterranean which was spain every single masjid was turned into a church not one masjid was left the guru masjid according to many historians was the largest masjid in the world once upon a time it was larger than the har remain mohammed fatih converted some churches but the vast majority he left them to be so what happened in christian them europe erupted the pope actually gathered a special tax to fight the turks frederick iii of germany began to cry the other leaders all united on to fight the muslims but subhanallah they could not why because for the next 30 years muhammad al-fatiha kept him on their back foot he opened the doors to conquer europe for the next 30 years nobody could advance towards the muslims muhammad al-fatim closed the doors for the europeans to come into the middle east because constantinople was the door so now the crusades had finished but what he also did was that he opened the doors on the other side muhammad al-fatiha would say regarding constantinople before conquering it he would say this city needs to be conquered because it is the center of evil and transgression let me tell you the other places that muhammad took so 1453 he takes constantinople serbia 1453 maria 1460 black sea 1461 valakia when muhammad al-fatiha went to valakia to fight dracula he saw 20 000 men women and children in muslims mohammed father was the one who destroyed dracula bosnia took bosnia in 1463 khaman in 1473. albania in 1478 italy 1481 the pope was thinking about leaving rome that's how scared he was when they reach italy and they are ready to attack rome and the pope is thinking about running away muhammad al-fatiha rahim allah passes 1481 the momentum muhammad al-fatiha created in fighting the europeans lasted for 200 years you know muhammad al-fatiha the father of good because where he lived and wherever he conquered was a land of prosperity and hope and peace he was the manifestation the true manifestation of the dream of you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 31,354
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Id: S3k7hlkvhGc
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Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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