[Emotional] The Birth & Death Of Angel Jibreel

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Djiboutian is the first living breathing creature of Allah he is the first creature that's ever been given a soul without any parents how is he brought into existence you know when babies are born they make all these noises and they figure things out what about the maniacal what about juvenile someone he was brought into existence what did he say right so a demon will say you all do Allah and who narrates as the angels are brought into existence they say la hawla wala quwata illa billah there is no power or might except that of God we have none so as debris was brought into existence this first soul he said the heliport Allah Allah the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says I've been given permission to tell you about just one of those angels one of the angels who bears the throne of Allah subhana wa tada he said the distance between his earlobe and his shoulder is a journey of 700 years and the narration of even close aim of the prophet's life sallam said a bird could fly that journey in 700 years so how do we even determine who's the bigger angel and who's a smaller angel and what does this have to do with debris Nadia Salaam Namaste Allah says the greater the task the angel has been given the greater the size of the angel so that tells you right away that gibreel adding his Salam is even bigger than that he's the biggest of the angels and the greatest in size because he has the greatest of tasks the people of low parties Salam that entire city was destroyed by the tip of one of Jabez wings they were lifted up and they were destroyed by the tip of one of his wings so it shows you the strength of jbeil ideas cinnamon the prophet sallallaahu hani was said i'm said that jibbety and I need his sanam resides directly under the throne of Allah so kind of town what does he look like when he's in his full form the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Allah ie to gibreel I saw jibbity whena who sit to me auntie Jenna and he had 600 wings not two or three or four 600 wings not only that the Prophet slicin said he filled up the entire horizon and he was sitting on a throne that allah subhanaw taala provided for him and the prophets lice and i'm said not only are those 600 wings spread out he said yantisoaman rishi hit to Howie dome in a dirty way out quotes there are constant rubies and pearls falling from his links in a narration Ahmed the prophets license that the color of his wings are hawa are green and the soles of his feet are green there's not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there's a mention of debris seriously just go through a pusle mb a-- the stories of the prophets you'll find dimension of gibreel itt saddam in some way shape or form he's gotta be there because he has been sent to 124,000 prophets in the hadith of in Muslim Imam Ahmed there were 124 thousand MBA amongst them 315 were messengers were rusev he has been sent to each and every single one of them to teach them to raise them to support them to protect them he was there when Adam and Sonam was expelled from paradise did Allah communicate directly with Adam anymore no now gibreel becomes the intermediary between Allah and Adam a decent one Adam passes away they didn't know what to do with his body obviously because human beings had never experienced death before a lhasa gibreel adi his saddam and a group of angels they washed the body of Adam at ease so that they shrouded Adam and he said how they buried Adam idea set up so he's there from the very start even without the mighty son then comes the very long one of the longest a hadith actually in sahih bukhari is this hadith where the Prophet slicer mentions Hodja running from Safa Marwah running around carrying her baby Ishmael looking for anyone to help her she's in an abandoned place there's no one there right and the Prophet slice them says all of a sudden she heard of sounds she said come forth if you have anything good to offer so the Prophet slicing them says for EDA gibreel suddenly it was debris then the prophets why some said Jubilee did this he struck the ground with his heel when Japanese did that the water obviously started coming from the earth in a huge Lowe's Zemzem comes bursting out of the ground and the prophets lie some said la him a lot on this Mary may Allah have mercy on the mother of his Mary which she did was she carved out the well because she was afraid that the water would go all over the place and nothing would be and the profits license said had she not done that then the entire earth would have been touched by something now so how do I think about the miracle of Zemzem right you know how big it is in dimensions 8 by 3 and in an official research that was done on zum-zum it pumps 8,000 liters per second that means 691 million liters per day Zemzem think about how many millions of gallons subhanAllah people are constantly drinking from it it has never dried up that's just from the strike of Judas foot okay you're still drinking from it till now so that's your connection to gibreel daddy he's still up until today subhanAllah when Ibrahim and his marine finished building the caravan Ibrahim said Eddie not a nasty killer Oh a lot show us the rituals the prophets like Salem said a lot Jubilee daddy his Salam and Jubilee daddy his Salam did the hedge with Ibrahim step by step he took him through the monastic of hatch and one shape on tempted him from the places where the jama'at are today gibreel is the one who told the brahim to throw stones at him and we do that today in commemoration of that moment that debris told Abraham throw those stones at shaker do you ever associate used to parties none would you be ready set up you know I mean you don't see you could listen to an entire series on Yousef riding his Saddam and gibreel never comes into the picture but he is there where is his first encounter with Jubilee you know where it is when his brothers threw him into that well and used to Friday his Salam went plunging to the bottom he landed in the hands of a man that he's never seen before Djibouti Theresa gibreel caught him to make sure that the fall was not too too harsh on him Allah does not lose you Allah does not let you go to waste with their ihsani he said I'm along as it just says a Leah - now who bid open/close we supported him with the holy spirit no law even mentions it as a favor to ISA ISA them a yeah - can I supported you with royal kudos with the holy spirit the only angel that could take a profit and ascend in the Sun through the heavens is who debris so when the plot was made to crucify him the angel that was sent to him to take him through the heavens and to place him there until loss of hentai decrees that he returned was Japanese when is the profit slice on first see to be as a young child on acid nomadic will the eleven Eric's that the prophet sallallaahu hiding wa sallam was running around playing with all of the children just like everyone else and this is the year that his mother died so the prophet slice Allah is a complete whorfin at this point he's lost his mother and he's lost his father sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he's now switching from hand to hand I mean from lap to lap muscle loss twice and I'm still was a very happy child and he's running around playing with all the other kids when suddenly a man came and he grabbed on a Sol la Sol la la re Wasilla and he threw him into the ground so all of the other children went running to their parents and they said in Mohammed and puts it that Muhammad Salla Larson has been killed and as they're running to their parents the prophets why sanam is watching now what this man is about to do to him well so loss of Allah why he was selling said he cuts my chest opened my chest he grabbed the heart of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them and he took something from the heart of the prophet slice on them and he said how the Hamlisch a bonny mink this is the portion of evil within you the portion of the devil within you any through it then the prophet slice on him said he proceeded to wash my heart in a golden vessel of Zemzem and his heart was put back so allah i do Salaam and by the time the kids got back they found the prophet slice of him with his chest sewn up for 34 years the prophet slicer knew that this happened and we know that other miracles happened with them as well so why allah with no explanation 34 years later at the age of 40 years old ah he shoveled the allahu taala and i said the prophet sallallaahu Hadi wa sallam he started to see truthful righteous dreams for six months all of a sudden the prophets why some have started to see truthful righteous dreams good dreams truthful dreams he sees in a dream that something is going to happen tomorrow that someone's gonna come visit him the next day that person comes and visits him wearing exactly what he saw him in the dream doing he sees a janazah in his dream he wakes up in the morning and he finds out that a person has passed away and that janazah takes place and that continued for six months everything that he was seeing in his dream would come true the next night so he already has an idea that something is happening just to sort of understand why the prophets Weisman would all of a sudden start going to a cave right and meditating and praying right something is very strange is happening with him so Allah Hardy to sell them as he's seen these things then suddenly I shall double our antha says Allah bestowed the love of seclusion on the prophets of Allah reseller suddenly he loved to be alone well Salah so I said I'm would climb up to head off now hit ah is about a two hour client suddenly as the prophets lie Simon is there one day he sees djibouti Dada his to them now the jbeil come to him in the form of an angel or in the form of a human being in the form of a human being so you might be thinking to yourself why in the world was the prophets lie so I'm scared then well think about it your two hours up there no one's around you and then all of a sudden you see a strange man standing at the mouth of the cave and he's just staring you down he's not saying anything a future narration gives us an idea of what happened to the prophets Weiss Allah but also lost like somebody told Khadija what happens he said Johnnie under the itani philomon am the one who I was seeing in my dreams came to me so that further establishes that the prophets lie some had already seen juh bleed in his dreams and so he's thinking that this is strange I'm not sleeping right now I'm not dreaming which explains why gibreel grabbed him he hugged him this is real it brought read that's the process of that revelation coming to the messenger sallallaahu so not only that dear brothers and sisters but you know when you recite Quran that's the the easiest way to get angels to surround us to start reading Cobra you know why because the Angels have not been given the gift of the recitation of the Quran and some of you are like wait what the angels do not recite the Quran yes deme una la they listen to it there are only a few angels that a loss of Hannah Matata has actually given the gift of the recitation of it obviously djibouti not even Sunnah and some angels but for the most part the Angels they listen to it so when you start to recite for ad in the Quran and fudge kanima CUDA the angels witnessed that the angels surround the people as they recite the Quran because they love to hear it since they don't recite it subhanAllah he's with the Prophet sallallaahu Messala and every single arch of the prophet's licen ghost for example abu jahal says that if this man puts his face in the dirt again in front of us in front of the Kaaba he swore by Allah Twitter's day he swore by the idols that I'm gonna step on his neck and I'm gonna kill him I'll do away with you it'll be the end of Muhammad slice' prophet so I said I'm he comes out he starts to pray in front of the cat but abu jahal starts walking towards the prophet's lysosome suddenly he puts his hands on his face he screams and he runs and they asked double john what happened he said the ditch of fire and he started saying these things like there is something between me and him when the prophet slice i'm finished to swallow the Companions came to him they said what happened he said no father who loved how the Hajj agreed he said if he would have tried that debris would have killed him like I know gibreel is there and Jibreel would have done away with abu jahil I thought the Ayad he writes us a very famous seal of the prophets like Salah called as Shiva the cure he describes a narration an incident that took place between the prophets like Salem and Geneva well so lost Iceland asked ghibli he says you know Allah says in the Quran Allah mohamet Lara Hamilton analogy we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the worlds he said did any of my mercy reach you I mean you're part of the world you're part of your the realm of the matica you're the realm of the angel did any of the LACMA reach you Sabri Nadia Salaam respondent he said yeah Muhammad's Allah he in naka I have one MBI unit he said I swear by Allah you are the most beloved of the prophets to me I've never been sent to someone that I loved more than I loved you he said and it was through you that I gained security what does he mean by them he said I used to wonder about my fate until Allah revealed to you and the devout see McKean that he's established in his position with the owner of the throne before that was revealed to you to plead used to wonder what would happen to him at the end of this hall when allah revealed that to the prophets license obedient knocking over the prophets I said as the Prophet slicin I'm starts to experience the end of his life I was sorry the food that he ate only a lot of time he narrates that the prophets like Saddam was standing amongst us almost little la sala lahardee he was Allah was speaking and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he simply said allah has given a choice to one of the servants between that which is in this world and that with Allah he said and that servant chose that which is with Allah now the prophets Ison was completely healthy nothing was wrong with him so the Sahaba assumed what this is just some analogy that he's giving he's just talking about some servant maybe in the past or something like that he was given the choice between that of this world and not of the hereafter but abu sa'id says elbow Beckett broke down into tears and he said later on we realized that the prophets Iceland was talking about himself who and Messiah he was the one that was given that choice and Abu Beckett was the only one who claimed from that incident onwards the health of the prophets lifetime started to deteriorate rapidly the fever got to him I'm so lost lysozyme started you know slowly slowly his mobility was reduced he couldn't come out as frequently couldn't walk he couldn't stand when he prayed it started to affect the prophets I Silla I started to get to inside of his home everyone was crying because they knew that the prophets why Saddam's time was nearing attack I shall be alone on her then she was you know moving the prophets lie somewhere he needed to be moved she held the prophets lysyl em tight and also lost my son was leaning against her chest and mercilessly Selim his eyes fell to the side on a banana bin ABI Becca called alar and her brother and he had a sea walk in his pocket and Aisha says the prophets license I fell on it and so I knew that he wanted it so I said so well so lost I said I mean you want that that toothbrush to see what and the prophets lie some he nodded is that so hard rock man gave it to her and it still wasn't used so if she chewed it and she softened it and she put it in the mouth of the prophets ice enough uh-huh he sure says as soon as he finished using the sea WA da holiday notably gibreel entered upon us now she looked at the prophet slice of him and she said the prophet slice and his face lit up a huge smile on his face ha Allah he was so happy to see to believe you know what I think about this pellet 23 years before this incident how traumatized was the prophets light son by the sight of Djibouti and he didn't even know who Allah was or what Allah wanted it Columbus middle Nicoletti hollow in just 23 years the most beloved sight to the Prophet slicin on the scene debris not ISA and Djibouti died he said I'm said to the Prophet slice alone I'm here to give you a choice either you can choose to remain amongst your companions and live well or you can have the panting ship of the most and Allah do breed is Salam and he said that the Prophet slicin and responded by little faith behind little to know a lot of you cannot Oh a lot the companionship of the Most High I want the companionship of the most time I want the companionship of the Most High I shall only allow and she says that the prophets lie some soul left his body as he was saying Allah Fukunaga the most high the companionship of the most time his hand fell and the prophets lysozyme dying now the prophets I some he left this world and subhanAllah everyone will leave this world and the prophets lie some said even Jew breed will die and you imagine that even debris daddy his Saddam will die the prophets lie some said that after the horn is blown and the only ones that stand in dementia or a book the ones who your Lord willed a loss of Panama Tejada will have in front of him javadi is sloppy me CAD and the Angel of Death Allison a tiara those who apportion the command of Allah and Allah asks the Angel of Death who remains and the Angel of Death says o Allah your noble face your here Abdul que me Abdul catch a bleed your servant Judean your servant me Kat and your servant is fluffy Allah says take the soul of mica and meek as soul is taken from him then he says who remains he said yeah Allah you me gibreel a nice fluffy I says take the soul of is sloughing and his la fere soul is taken from him and he says who remains and he says why do have a cute kitty your noble face a lot abdul kajada the servant of hers or abdicate debris were the last to serve standing Allah says take the soul of Geneva the prophets why some said jbeil would fall on his face as his wings spread out glorifying allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he would die in two spheres panel on his face hits the ground as he makes the spear to Allah then he says who remains an angel of death says yeah Lots just you and me and a loss of Hannah Montana says to the angel of death to die and the angel of death dies and a loss of Hannah Montana says couldn't humanity every single person parishes boy others college what ibeacon little Jedi he would accrue and only the noble face of your Lord remains and a loss of Hanna what's a de would ask himself demon in wilfully on to whom belongs the Dominion today where are the oppressors where are the dictators where are the oppressors where are those that used to kill innocent people and harm people where are those that stuck but all that had pride in this world and that thought that they own things and thought that they were Kings and thought that they had unquestioned Authority where are they today and where are they a loss of Hanna Matata says Lehman in one corner to whom belongs the Dominion today Allah says to himself then la ilaha illa Allah to Allah the one the subduer a loss of habitat it's only him now on the day of judgment the prophets lie sillim says that as we all come back the prophet slicing him says the earth is flattened out of the glory of obedience to a loss of Hannah Hannah and he says each and every single person will not be able to move from the spot that they are standing in the place of assembly and he says so Allah Hardy was something some Dara o it or knows and I would be called the first of people I would be the first person to be called to Allah and he said so I would enter upon a loss of Hannah Witton Anna well ahead of us a Dida and I would fall in prostration he says the auto-fire Roxy and I would raise my head that either gibreel and you mean Obama and suddenly Elsie gibreel on the right side of the most merciful so and you know what he says miss Heidi Subhan Allah says well la him out on a low table I swear by Allah he never saw him before that day Jubran has never seen a loss of habitat the vision of Allah cannot be grasped on the day of judgment that would be the first time to be would actually be able to look at a loss of Hannah whatever Allah him out on the table so in the prophets like some season he points to him and he says he out up in the house but only I'm Micah I'm said to who he laid he says o my lord this one told me that you sent him to me pea pod Allah select Allah says you've told the truth why does the prophets lice that I'm choose to do that on the day of judgment why does he feel that inclination because on the day of judgment every messenger is being asked whether he delivered them you're not the Prophet slicing them vouches for debris before he's even asked o Allah he said you sent him to me he did his job losses sucked can you talk to Japan in general can you be with him can you unto man man about you're with the one that you love not only that the prophets like slim says brought a to Jaffa I saw Jack follow the allahu ta'ala anhu ethereal feel generative & melodica and he was flying in gender with the angels you could get you a pair of wings and you could fly with jublia daddies saddam and gentlemen it's panel of one of my favorite things about talking about jew video as opposed to talking about some of the companions of the messenger so allah hearty wasilla is that you can actually interact with judea right now you know how the Prophet slicing them he says in an authentic hadith and actually Anna saw the Aloha and who says a noble thought has says one time the Prophet slice and all of a sudden his face was just full of joy so he said to Allah what is it may Allah keep you happy he said John any gibreel gibreel just came to me for call and i obliquely i Muhammad and I usually are a Laker I had mean o matic unless allah tala he Ashley aren't you pleased O Muhammad SAW why Selim that no one says sólo la hora de us in them except that I send salawats upon them ten times gibreel alehissalaam as well in Navajo woman etiquette ever you saw Luna and Nephi a lot and the Angels send their salawatu on the Prophet slice of it and when you send the sort of walk on the prophet's mysoline gibreel alayhis-salam responds to you as well Allah responds Ian Juby writing Saddam responds to you so you want to be I am to say your name right now it's a little audience la most lovely wa sallim ala nabina muhammad [Music]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 1,009,588
Rating: 4.9080086 out of 5
Keywords: muft menk, ismail menk, islamic lectures, islam, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, abu bakr, daily reminder, nouman ali khan, nouman khan, eman, ihsan, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, angles, hellfire, heaven, jannah, makkah, dua, supplication, salah, prayer, sin, ramadan, fasting, seerah, muslim lecture, 1islam, 1 islam productions, sadness, jesus, bible, khalid yasin, stingy, Quran, koran, angel, angel jibreel, gabriel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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