Ali and Fatima: From Love to the Pain of Death | The Firsts with Omar Suleiman

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tonight in charlotte allah this one is going to go through a few different emotions because we'll go through the lives of Ali and Fatima may Allah be pleased with them the humanity of both of them the marital struggles that they had some of the difficulties while still seeing the way the Prophet slice of them comforted them and and cared for them and then ultimately the death of the prophets why some and then the death of faulty mount may Allah be pleased with her and the very human emotion that came out of that starting off though there was this frequent this frequent pursuit of the Prophet peace be upon him love and everyone wanted to know if the prophets I some loved them the most right this is a very common trend that you find in the hadith where people come to the prophets Lysanne and say who do you love the most and can you imagine Ali and Fatima asking the Prophet slice and I'm which of us to do you love more right so we last week we talked about bass and Ali and Osama bin his aide coming to the prophets lysozyme and saying who do you love the most and he says Fatima but now it's Ali and Fatima asking the prophets Lysanne by the way who do you love more what do you think the answer of the Prophet slicin am was both you know we struggle like when you're taught it's not not like when you're talking to your kids and I love you and I love you the Prophet slice of them had the most eloquent answer first of all the Prophet SAW son can't lie all right he his heart is attached to faulty MA he loves faulty mother and fall team I was very special to him but at the same time he doesn't want to answer that question in a way that would hurt Heidi who he also raised like his own son right and he loved daddy it'll be low animal like his own son he's a son he's his cousin he's his brother and Medina he's so much to him so they asked the prophets of Allah Islam which of us two is more beloved to you so he looked at Ali and he said here AHA boo Aleya mink well enter our Zoo Aleya min ha it's a beautiful answer he said look first of all here a hug boo Alea mink she is more beloved to me than you but what entices or Alea min ha you are more precious to me than her so he gave them an answer that they could both take some pride in right you have more is that with me she has more up with me you are more precious to me and of course there are certain connotations to that what he means by that and you are more beloved to me Oh Fatima because the Prophet slice of them truly loved her that much now the first problem that arises in this marriage is not that they had an argument it's not that the the poverty got to them it's the distance from the Prophet sallallaahu Hani was summed up once they got married realized they were they were poor they were distant from the messenger sallallaahu Hardy was on their home was far away and they felt a distance from him fall tema grew up as the daughter and then Abby had the mother of her father of the Prophet sly salam annealed the allahu ta'ala anhu also felt a distance from the prophet sallallaahu ardi wa salaam and if you look at an old map of medina you'll find that the herder at the apartments of the prophet's lifetime if you will small homes of the prophets Weiss Allah where where you would see his grave now so his where his grave is is actually the room of who that's her dot that's the apartment of Aisha all of the Elana that's where the home of the prophets lie seminar I shall the Aloha was and then you you have these small homes that run to the left side of the Masjid right and they run two by two taking up that area and the house was far away from the prophets license house now all of the homes of the prophets lights and I'm actually belonged or were built on the land of one men and his name was and his name doesn't come up I'm not even gonna bother asking if someone knows that masha'Allah but it's a very hard name to find his name is Hattie that evening or not Haditha even a Norman he's not that well known from the companions but he owned a huge piece of land next to the area of the Muslim so whenever the Prophet slice alum would get married he'd give him a new extension of the land so that the prophets lie some could have a home so when Ali and Fatima got married the prophets like some was too embarrassed to ask Haritha for more land so that he could have a home for fall tema and i leaned close to him so how do you that saw in the prophets life that I'm one day some sort of emotion some longing so he said to him do you miss your daughter Fatima and the prophet sallallaahu sometimes said yes and he knew what he was indicating he said but I was too embarrassed to ask you because you've already given us so much so so holla this is the humility of the prophets lysozyme he could snap his finger and everyone will throw everything at him right but he doesn't want to take advantage of the kindness of hadith a so he said I didn't want to ask you for more and hadith Asad by Allah the land that I give to you is more beloved to me than the land that I keep with me I love giving you land you could take all the property that you want it's okay so he told the Prophet slicin why don't you take this piece of land which is right across from your house with a Aisha okay so why don't you take that piece of land right across from your house without you shallow the Aloha and huh so the Prophet slice of them smiled and he made your out for him he prayed for him that Allah would give him a palace in paradise so faulty Maz home an Ali's home was then built adjacent to the house of the prophets light seminar each other the Elan that in fact the only window that you have in those small if you look at the the the models of how those homes were built there was only one window the window of Aisha and the window of Fatima were facing each other right so it's very close to the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so they moved close to him but then you had the problem of poverty as I mentioned in the story of Ali re Dodi allow on home was always poor always in poverty right his whole life is defined by intense poverty and the prophets like Salim himself lived in great poverty so it's not like the prophets like son made it and then left his daughter in poverty no the prophets like some himself was in deep poverty until until the day of his death right the prophets lie some never moved into a palace he never ate more than a meal of the day and it was usually just some dates and water profits like son was in poverty so Ali and Fatima reached the point of extreme poverty and I did all the Elan who developed back pain and faulty model D Alana developed blisters in her hands because of the amount of work that they had to do just to stay afloat and she was exhausted and so ideology allow and who said to Fatima well the Alana and how why don't you ask the prophets my Selim if he could provide a harem a servant a maid someone to help out in the home and father modeled the Aloha and has said that I'm too embarrassed to ask him I'd eat all the allahu anhu said why don't you just go and just inquire just see if the Prophet so I said I'm you know the prophets like some had high emotional intelligence he could tell what his daughter would want or you know and and he would be able to read it in the prophets lie some would likely as we know his character would likely go ahead and say yes fine you know here you go and so Fatima went to the house of the Prophet so I saw them after salat defended after the Fed to prayer the next day and found that Aisha may Allah be pleased with her and inquired about the Prophet sly salam and i said well the aloha said that the prophets like some had not come home yet so he was still in the masjid doing remembrance he was praying he was remembering allah he was supplicating as he would do for a long time after the morning prayer after fajar up until the time of sunrise so she went home now when the prophet slice of them came home all right you should told the prophets lie some that fatima came looking for you today prophets like some immediately went to the house and he knocked the door an idea of the Ilan who said men who is it so the Prophet slice and I'm said that it's it's me I'd he told the allahu anhu said jana salah and tablet he said o messenger of allah wait they wanted to get the house ready it was nighttime okay and they wanted to get the house ready and you know be a little bit more presentable right when the messenger of god comes to the home the prophet slice and i'm said don't worry i'll I had a coma he said just stay as you are stay seated as you are now remember last week the house of Ali and Fatima had one bed it was also their couch it was also where they fed their animals from so they literally sat up on the bed and the prophets lie some said don't get up just stay right there and it was a cold night okay so the Prophet so they were kind of wrapped in the blanket the Prophet slicing him went inside and he sat between them and he looked at Fatima and he said yeah Fatima o fault English she said now I mean I was sued a lot yes o Messenger of God he said Tennille yo did you come looking for me today so she said now yeah Abby yes on my father he said mother to edenia faulting about what is it that you're asking for Oh Fatima what what caused you to inquire so she said to the Messenger of Allah so I tell him that I heard that maybe you had a servant or maid or someone that could help me maybe there was someone that could help me because it's become difficult in the home the Prophet slice at him said man acaba raki who told you that there might be some servants or there might be a maid or someone to be able to help you a hobby MOT to be able to help you she didn't want to throw our idea under the bus because the idea was the one that told her that I think that he might he might be able to provide a servant or made or ha them to help you so she just said someone told me so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yeah Fatima a fella or a plea kuma ma hua Haruna kumamon condom shall I not Oh Fatima shall I not give you something that is greater that is more beneficial than a servant were made to assist you so they both said of course now the thinking was that maybe he's gonna give you know he's gonna he's gonna find a way to have multiple maids or multiple servants to help them out that the Prophet slice I was about to make this situation really good for them right the Prophet sallallahu wasallam instead said when you go to sleep say subhanAllah 33 times which is to glorify God so say subhanAllah 33 times say alhamdulillah 33 times meaning praise Allah 33 times and say allahu akbar 34 times okay that God is the greatest 34 times so glorify Him 33 times praise him 33 times and declare his greatness 34 times which would make a hundred they said enough radiata so Allah will do that yellow suit Allah and then they said well hoddan and also as their maid or is their servant the prophet sallallaahu them said and this is powerful because it shows you the ethics and the integrity of the prophets why son and he said I can't give you a hotham I can't provide a servant for you and leave the people of sofa which were the homeless people that slept in the messages okay so the Mazda that had homeless people does so for the people that's left in the back of them as he said I can't leave them and the orphans from the Battle of bed there empty-handed okay so there were orphans from the battle prophets lie some said I can't give them two I can't I can't help you and then leave them in their way but the prophets lice and I'm said if you say these words every night before you sleep Allah will provide for you in ways that are far greater than anything that you're asking for I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu said that I never missed there was not a single night a single night that I did not say those words after that subhanAllah 33 times at hamza 33 times allah 34 times and he said i swear by allah that we were increased in strength and sustenance and we never felt like we needed a haddon ornate needed a maid or a servant after that that allah had enriched us in this situation or gave us the strength so that we didn't need anything after that despite their poverty they were a generous family of course faatima is like her father I did all the aloha is like the prophets my son who raised him and so they used to give their whatever that came into their home would often leave before they could taste anything of it and so according to some of the narrations of tafseer for example the verse in surat al in son y ultra munathara marla hobby he miss keen and a team and a serie in a monetary mokume you Angela la nuit do min come days and voila Sakura the verses in surah insan chapter 76 verse 8 and 9 that and they give in food or they give their food in spite of love for it to the needy to the orphans until the captives and they say we only feed you for the pleasure of Allah we wish not from you reward or any form of gratitude many of the scholars said that this was on a night that ID and faulty model the alarm had on had despite their starving despite their their hardship that they only had a loaf of bread and some water in their home and they gave it away to a poor family that came to ask and so allah subhana wa ta'ala related that for them and there are different proofs of this if know Josie to him Allah mentioned some of the proofs for this amount of shaffer used to refer to a tea or the Aloha on some of his poetry man unzila fihi atta man unzila fihi hal atta the one who sorted ensign was revealed for that Allah revealed that praise of people that give despite their own hardship to the orphan to the to the needy and to the to the captive there are also some narrations where you have disagreements some narrations where the prophets lie some goes to the home finds laughter there are different narrations and each one of them gives you a different dimension of this household and some lessons for us one of them the prophets likes that I'm used to go to their home and wake them up for p.m. being a neighbor of the Prophet slice of them it comes with some commitment to write so the this father would leave his home the prophets like son would leave his home at night and knock on the door to remind them to get up and to pray in the middle of the night as the prophets although I said I would get up and invoke his Lord in the middle of the night so one night the prophets life son went there and he tried to wake ideal all the allahu anhu up and i need did not wake up so the prophets lie sallam told ID the next day said why didn't you wake up when i tried to wake her proclaim eyelid he said the honest Allah if Allah wanted to bring our souls back he would have all right if Allah wanted to bring our souls back he would have so the prophets lie solemn hit his own he walked away and he said Wakata in San Ophir - ang Dona that human beings are always arguments it says that you know even I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu would say that the prophet slice some supplicant in sun authority Angela human beings are always argumentative there's also a story of Ivy and Fatima getting into a disagreement this happens in the household of even the prophets lice Ellen right a husband and a wife getting into a disagreement and you've got to have a high level of emotional intelligence to know how to diffuse it to know what's going on the profit slice of them said that when I used to get into an when I showed all the Elan huh he once told Isis I know when you're upset with me she said how he said because when you're upset with me you swear by the Lord of Abraham and when you're pleased with me you swear by the Lord of Muhammad's Allah so I can tell I can tell from your sentiments I can tell from your statements the way that you speak when you're upset with me so idea Infante man one night the prophets my son went to the house of ID and Fatima and he found fault Huma there alone and she was upset so the prophets Weiss on him said where is your cousin you can say where's your husband where is your cousin right he could tell that there was some probably some friction he read the situation right so the lahardee was alone so she said the eldest a lot we got into a fight an ideal of the Elan who went to the message' to sleep in the Muslim now this method is not open for marital disagreements for you to come sleep in the message by the way I'm just gonna put that out there right the message of the prophets lifetime you could go there at any time of the night but there wasn't carpet there wasn't a sea it was dirt so the prophets like some walked into the Masjid and he saw I need all the Ilan who sleeping in the corner and his top garment had come off and I need all the Ilan who was had dirt all on his back sand on his back and he was sleeping so the Prophet sly Sun went up to him he didn't wake him up and you know threatened him he didn't wake him up and and you know the Prophet so I saw them did not play angry father here all right he could have I mean he loves Fatima and and this is a part of justice right that you have to have a sense of justice in laws in particular this is where father-in-law and mother-in-law can be very unhelpful when it's my daughter my son instead of the best interest of trying to see you know trying to make the marriage the best possible right so this is the prophets license version of in-law interference he goes up to ID'd all the eleven he starts knocking the dirt off of his back he sits him up and he puts the he puts the his shirt back on him and he says Columbia about to rob sit up Oh father of dirt instead of apple-pie level to rob an ideal of the Ilan who started laughing and the prophets lie son was joking with him right so the prophets lie son would joke with a D and call him Abu Turab and that was his favorite nickname right and that's actually where the story originates from that the prophets lie some is knocking the dirt off of his back cleaning him up he says cumbia ABBA to rob sit up o Abu Turab and he says go back to your wife go back home right so this is this was the way the Prophet slice Allah interfered if you will in the life of Ali and Fatima to make things better okay to defuse the situation there's also a situation that arises after Fatah Mecca after the conquest of Mecca now back in those days polygamy was primarily to establish links between tribes right so it was this person this noble man marries someone from this tribe and that brings the two tribes together and especially is done after war right to bring two tribes together like the cases of been almost fell upon Jody and others that you find in the Selah this was the Arab custom right where a person would be asked to marry a nobleman from one tribe is asked to marry a woman from another tribe and that brings together two tribes and solidifies their relationships so after the after Fatah Mecca the tribe of Abu jahil which was Banu which was Benham assumed Benham assumed and Ben who Hashem were close right so this was the prophets lie Sam's tribe and that powerful tribe and they had a lot of heat before Islam right and I mean one islam happens because abu jahal tortured the prophets i some he was the pharaoh of this nation and so they proposed to a.d they said why doesn't Adi marry and this was a joint effort if you will from some of the elders of the tribes right they said why doesn't a D or D allow an who marry Fatimah bint ABI jihad Abu jahil had a daughter named Fatima and that would bring the two tribes together now on faulty model DLR and they even heard that that was suggested it hurt her humanity right it's her humaneness and it hurt the prophet's life solemn that she had caught wind that that suggestion was put out there and it hurt and it and it hurt him that she was hurt so the prophets lie salam when he heard he said listen I'm not gonna make Haram what Allah made Haddad he said but enema Fatima to belong to a mini you Dini mother he said father he was a part of me what hurts her hurts me what hurts her hurts me and he said it's not befitting that a person would be married to the daughter of the prophet of Allah and the enemy of Allah at the same time the pharaoh of the ummah and the prophet of allah at the same time so the prophets lie some step then he expressed the humanity of it the emotion of it and there are some things that the scholar is mentioned they said imagine faulty model the allahu anhu saw abu jihad torture her father right saw abu jahil torture the prophet's lifetime she was the one that would clean his wounds from abu jahal even hire him o allah said that this incident occurred after the conquest of Mecca at that time none of the prophets why sons daughters were still alive except for her she lost her mother she lost her sisters and so anything that would exasperate her grief and jealousy was something that was not looked upon and that just like her mother who had perfect faith Khadijah body alone and it was not befitting that anyone else would be married to our deedledee allahu ta'ala anhu so the prophets like some stepped in right and the prophets like some expressed that pain now this was again the custom of the time but it shows you right that things can hurt people at those times that there was a human sentiment to that and the prophets why some acknowledge that pain that faulty model d11 have felt but he wasn't unjust prophets why some did not come in and say Haram he said listen you vini Martha she's me and I am her it hurts her what hurts what hurts her hurts me and that's enough right I did it'll be Ilan who did not pursue it or anything like that but just the hint of that hurt her and there was no question of the love of that relationship and I make that very clear there was absolutely no question of the closeness of Adi and Fatima may Allah be pleased with them both in fact you start to find now you dig into their relationship the depth of that love right and that's something that also is to be told that there was a deep love between both of them that formulated over the next 10 years there's actually I need all the alone who was a poet and I'm gonna you know this this lesson is gonna end with a very painful poem but this one's not I did all the Elan who used to author love poetry for father middle of the Elan right and so we all need to be more poetic idea of the Aloha and who once saw a faulty model of the Aloha I'm not using what was known as the sea walk which is the toothbrush now the sea walk comes from what tree and ask the all the bed ones here from the oak tree so see why cuz now it's on Amazon for like 30 bucks it's a Moroccan toothbrush it's just from the unlock tree you could go to it you could go to Mecca Medina and just grab a whole bunch of them right and they talk about all the amazing health benefits of the Moroccan toothbrush it just sounds more exotic to say the Moroccan toothbrush it's a see what it's from the Iraqi tree and I need all the allow I'm who used to author poetry for a faulty model the allow on hand so this was one of this was a very powerful one because it shows you his eloquence a little dial on who saw Fatima using AC WAC and he said to the sea walk he said Holly tayaru de la la cabeza 3 ha I'm a 50-yard lraqi Erica no quantum in a little Qatari petal toka Martha's a mini aussi Waku C Wacha it's a powerful Arab I mean by the way for him that I would have to like spent I could never come up with that I'm not going to say I would have to it's impossible to take a lifetime to come up with something that eloquent but I D played with the words to express his his his love for faulty melody allow and huh he says he'll eat a I owed that Araki we thought he had he's like wait a minute you know where it's not just the jealousy of Fatima Friday he said Holly TR Odin Araki Mythili ha o stick of the Arak tree how dare you how dare you you know and then he says Emma hefty Rudel Araki Erica weren't you afraid of stick of the Iraq that Erica that I would see you low quantum in a little Qatari cattle toka he said if you were a to be killed I would fight you I would kill you Natha Ximena yeah Sawako see Wacha no one has escaped me OC whack see Wacha which means other than you faulty malady allow Iran huh this made her I mean the she she she she was the one that actually felt extremely treasured and touched by this wasn't like ideal of the law I know being crazy and going into a rage in a fit this was his way of expressing his love and his leader for her in their tradition and using the eloquence that that he had so what does it look like for the next ten years obviously Medina as a whole whatever the profit slice em goes through they go through as well so it wasn't just the poverty the Battle of the hood faulty model do law on hell was pregnant with her first child what was his name and her son well the allaha wine huh so file Timon was pregnant with her son during the battle of a herd and she was at the battle serving the injured and faulty model dial on huh actually took care of the profit slice on him after his injuries in or head we know that The Messenger of Allah Sai son was injured severely in the battle of a hood that year it was Roma Bahn of the third year after Hitler that has some of the ilaha tada and who was born now if you remember the jota when Hassan was born what did I do I talked about it Friday Ultima how did he named him war and the prophets Lila came back and he said no no his name is not how his name is not gonna be war his name is gonna be Hassan Hassan means goodness it means excellence it means it means a source of good right has some of the Ilan who was special in many ways for one no one looked more like the prophets like something has some of the Aloha and there is a narration where a black had picked up in her son he was throwing him in the air as a kid and he said to him you look more like your grandfather than your father all right so his Shaba his resemblance was of the prophets lice and I'm even more than I did all the allahö tada I know he looked more like his grandfather than his father the prophets like son used to love him he used to it has some of the alarm on home wood and I want you to remember this next time you see it Hassan would always jump on the profits back Institute so when the prophets lie son would make sajda prostrate and has some of the Ilan who would come and attack him jump on his back now kids that's not an excuse to take too long jumping on his back but he would sit on he would get on his back and the prophets lie son would prolong his sujood when in Hesston was on his back so he'd stay in prostration while Hassan was on his back and when the prophets lice that I'm used to see him he used to hold him and put him in his lap and he used to make dua for him he used to pray for him often I'm saying although the allahu anhu was born the very next year the fourth year after his era what did Eileen aim him he named him how to began he named him war prophets lies on him said no his name is Hussein which means little Hasan okay so another source of goodness so the prophets lysozyme took naming very seriously and they're saying well the Ilan who also just becomes the the a source of great joy for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and this family of Ali and Fatima becomes four that are extremely precious to the Prophet slice of them and there is a narration they said that has some of the Ilan who resembled the Prophet slice and a most from his upper body meaning his face and his and his arms and things of that sort they said the same of the Ilan who had the had the same legs as the Prophet slice of them so he resembled the Prophet slice them in his own way and both of them were always on the prophets I saw them he used to be giving the Hult about he'd be giving the sermon and the prophets why some would see at Hasan and Husayn he paused the Fatah he'd get down from the pulpit grab both of them give the whole bus sitting down with it Hudson Hussein in his lap right so think about that imagery okay one of my favorite had eats in this regard to show their closeness and there's so many a hadith by the way about their closeness ie some of the alone huh said that one day the Prophet slicin we're not wearing a cloak a striped cloak which was which was which was a wide Juba so it was like a very wide black cloak that the prophets my son was wearing so it has some of the alar and who ran up to the prophets I said oh so the prophets Lysanne he sat down and he wrapped al-hasan in the cloak then her saying ran to the prophets lie some so the prophets lie some opened his cloak and he put both of them in the Juba playing with them and then Fatima his daughter his the mom came and the prophets lie Selim extended his right and put Fatima under the cloak as well and then I became and the prophets lie some extended his cloak and he put all four of them under his Jubba right and just to show love right just in the moment just to show love and while he was sitting with them the prophets like Selim recited in them I you read allahu de barranca marritza elevate what utah herecome taught lira this in sahih muslim that allah only desires to remove from you any type of impurity o people of the household and purify you through through that which is purifying and he made you out for them but that's the image right the prophet slice I'm holding all four of them tight after they were born faulty model Diallo hon huh used to the prophets lie son used to come to the house and he used to call out he used to say to Fatima oh dear Rudi if Nia call my two sons for me I want to see my two sons I want to see it Hasan Hussein so father model deal on how she would dress them up cutely and they'd run to the prophets lie son and he would squeeze them and the prophets lie son would smell their hair right like it's that's love right to just show that love that he had for them and and he would often pray for them may have lost some parents I be pleased with them both so that's a that's just a very special relationship that the prophets like some you now see another element which is the Prophet as a grandfather right and what he was as a grandfather to them and then as ain't Zana brought the allahu ta'ala anhu zeyneb was born and the fifth of them had jumped on c'thun was born in the sixth I keep saying the head after Hitler I'm sorry the fifth after hijra meaning the fifth year in medina and then uncouth omen or the aloha on huh was born the sixth year after he taught and then they had another son who died at birth and his name was and the prophets i some named him at mahasin this was a smaller version of hassan her st. Alma Hassan who actually died at the time of birth and so their their their family rounded out and these four children and even a bar so the allahu ta'ala anhu he said that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said Habibullah lima lucuma near me the prophets lie son said love allah love God for what he nourishes you of his blessings so love Allah for the blessings that he provides to you what a head boonie be hub Allah and love me due to the love of Allah and then the prophets licenses were Abu Talib 80 Leo be and love the people of my household love my family for your love for me okay or so because of my love for them so love a lot because of what he gives you you love me because and they all love the prophets like some you love me because of the love of Allah and then you love these children this family of mine because of my love for them as well your love for me the prophets like Selim was once carrying and Hasan will the allow China was also inside here Muslim and he said ilaha in the Bible oh Allah know that I love him for him so love him as well what a big menu him and love those who love him so this is the type of DRA the type of supplication that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make for them he said sallallahu re-summon another authentic hadith man I have been husana when her saying Fahad beben e woman woman above Adama colony he said so I said I'm whoever loves these two and husband would her sane loves me and whoever hates them or angers them hates me this was also a house of great laughter the Prophet sallallaahu ardi wa sallam would often spied their house and he would hear their laughter and the prophets lie some would inquire would inquire about their laughter and say what is it that made you laugh so that he could laugh with them right so this was a you know idea in Fatima had a very had a relationship where they used to joke a lot and this is one of the C fats actually one of the attributes that's mention of their marriage in several of the books and so I did all the allahu anhu said that file tema about the Elan had kept on teasing him and saying that she's older than him Heidi was very young when he got married right so she would tease him and say I'm older than you and I deal of the Elan who would insist that know he's older than her now back then by the way there's actually some perspective to this back then you know and some of you could actually relate to this a lot of people don't know their birthdays from where they came from right like it wasn't really a thing right so back then it was very conceivable that you don't know the year you you're born either this year that year somewhere around this month or that month right that's actually a thing so Fatima would mess with Aidid all the alar anyone say I'm older than you and I did all the allahu anhu would laugh about it and and that's when the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam saw them and i read all the Elan who used to make funny poems for her as well that would make her laugh that would make her laugh frequently so I need all the allow I know and faatima had a very loving relationship as well when it came to the laughter that came between those two now the prophets like some has to maintain as we said a delicate relationship between or with both of them and you realize that the Prophet slicin I'm also called Adi his brother and Omaima nor the ilaha and asked the Prophet slice in him why she would he would still call him his brother and the prophets lies Salim said because I chose him for me after the hijra I chose him to be my brother after the hijra so he maintained a relationship with I did all the Elan who in that regard and maintained that relationship with Fatima as his daughter now there's something to be said about this that we talked about the story of Adi in the prophets lies I'm joking with each other right over the dates and the date seeds I think two helices ago there's something about the father presence here the age gap between him and Ali and the fact that he still treats Adi like in the dolt like a brother he consults highly on his most sensitive matters talks to him about things loves him shows him that type of relationship he doesn't be little I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu or get in the way of the marriage between Ali and Fatima in any way whatsoever now just getting to sort of that love and kind of getting to the end of this that position of faulty model the allahu on huh and that position of ideal the aloha was well known to everyone but i want to specifically talk about faatima post right we're post the marriage of fatima post her having hudson her saying zeyneb an uncle soon and I assured of the Aloha huh she narrates this that the prophets lie some had asked permission to enter in once and the Prophet slicin was with her and I showed the Aloha and huh was wearing a was wearing a wool dress the narration mentions that so she came in and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told faulty model the allahu taala an huh that do you love what i love and she said yes he said to Fatima do you not love what i love she said of course he said i had beat javi so he told faulty model d alone had to love i he shuttle the aloha knows so that that's also that harmony that the prophet slicin was able to strike in general where his favoritism if you will or the way that he clearly favored certain people did not lead to him wrong in people and he always tried to maintain as much of a cohesion as possible now there are two narrations that kind of go to that last moment of that special relationship between the prophets like simon faulty model the aloha now one of them is when the prophets like Selim came home after a journey outside of Medina and this was towards the end the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam did what he always did he went to the mazda thirst and he prayed his to wreak eyes and then he came to he went to his home and thought him a-- all of the aloha and again the prophets why some even after fatima got married he would visit her first before his own spouse right he'd first go to Fatima you got to check in with with the daughter first right and then he'd move on so faulty model Diallo huh welcomed him she did what she always did she kissed his head she kissed his hands he gave him this place as the prophets lie someone do when she walked in a room he'd kissed her forehead put her in his seat right that special relationship and she started to cry and the Prophet slice and I'm said why are you crying and she said to the Prophet slice um she said you're you're pale your clothes are shabby and you're not eating it's a still a B huh this is the mother of her father so she's upset because she sees the deterioration of the Prophet slice of them physically right that the Prophet slice time would not eat he'd go out hungry many times and he refused to ask he refused to eat to his fill sallallahoalyhiwasallam and she started to cry and this was the same girl that wiped the camel guts off of his back and cried in Mecca this was her upbringing her childhood was crying because of the stress of the prophets lies Allah so once again the prophets like salaam comforts her and he says to her yeah fatima don't cry because Allah has sent your father with a mission which he will cause to reach every single house on the face of this earth whether it be in the towns or the villages or the tents in the deserts ok don't cry because this message that has consumed me and consumed us in these difficult moments this message is going to reach every single household in the world it's gonna spread it's okay it's gonna be worth it at the end of the day so the prophets likes him just like he comforted Fatima in Mecca and said 'let up Keefe and allaha la Ceylon Ibaka don't cry Allah is gonna support your father Allah is going to give victory to your father show something special that faulty model de lama and huh understood this is a girl this is a woman who perfects her faith right so her attachment to Islam is not just because her father's the Prophet slice of them she has perfect Eman this is a woman of Prayer a woman of supplication a woman of do Oshin a woman who has her own special relationship with allah so when the prophet slicing him says that look this is this is going somewhere that Allah is gonna make this special and it's going to reach places and you shouldn't feel sad it's okay that was something that would comfort fonti model the aloha now now the last moment though it's something really to capture all right utility Aloha describes the dying of the Prophet slice of them right and you know no matter how many angles you talk about the death of the Prophet slice I'm from each one is very unique and each one gives a different layer of what the death of the Prophet slice I'm meant to that community and I shoveled the ilaha she describes the moment where the prophets license fever his pain his sickness had reached such a point that the prophet slice on him was in and out of consciousness he was sweating he was burning from his fever salallahu alayhi wasalam and the prophets lie some could not walk at that point and faulty model d ilaha and huh she walked into the room now imagine this is the prophet slicing him every time father would walk into the room what does he do gets up holds her hand sits her in his place kisses her honors her he can't do that he's sick he can't move sallalaho any less of them so I showed the alone on her she says that the prophets lie Selim he tried to rise up and he says marhaban babe neti welcome to my beautiful daughter and he cranny smiled twice Allah and she said that he showed more energy in that moment than he did in that entire period of his passing he exerted himself more to greet her when she walked into the room then he had and though in the entire last days of his life so Elijah land where he was dying and he was struggling right and that's the the show of strength and honor and love for his daughter and then he he told faulty melody Aloha to come and he told her he signaled to sit to his right side and then he whispered something in her ear and fonta melody Aloha and I started to cry heavily right she started to weep and then the Prophet sly sallam said this he shot of a Yeti he once again said come down so she came and he whispered something into her ear and she laughed and then she embraced him so that was the last time that they actually embraced she left the room enjoy and it was strange I thought of the alone huh asked Fatima huh What did he say to you she said I'm not telling you it's between me and my father this is us it's a secret at that point right this is special this was a moment that she just shared with her father she wasn't ready to share it with anyone else at that time right and then later on auto model the alone had told ah I shall be alone and he remembered what you asked remember what you asked me and she said yes so she shared with Ayesha what the prophets lysozyme told her for the very last time these two have been through so much together right there this was Hadi just a piece of Khadija and the peace of the prophets lights on them bidding fair and the prophets like some is leaving this world and Fatima has lost her mom lost her sisters lost everybody right it's now it's the prophets nice of them and this is for her father but everything to her and she said that the first time the prophets life that I'm called me down my father told me that I'm not gonna live past this this is it right so I'm gonna die and that was something that was so inconceivable to so many people even though it says man in the chameleon you will die and they will die as well you're a human being you will but the thought of the prophets like some dying he was so big in their eyes they couldn't imagine his death they just could not conceive of the possibility even though they knew it's in the Quran twice right after in Matta Akutan if he dies or if he's killed right I mean it's in the Quran but when when she when he told her that I'm not gonna live past this faulty model the law and has started to weep immediately second time the prophets item says come back and he tells her you will be the first one to die after me that's a strange thing to make someone laugh 27 year old young mother she's only 27 by the way young woman and the profits I son tells her you're the first one that will die after me and join me that's the part that makes her happy that I'm about to leave but you're coming too you're not sick nothing's wrong with you I'm not praying against you but the profit slice of them is speaking obviously when my anticline in hawaii doesn't speak from a place of vanity or from a place of desire the prophets item speaks on a divine revelation you're gonna die after me and that cost Fatima to life that's how much she loved her father and that's how much he wanted to be with her father salallahu alayhi wa sallam and when the prophet sallallaahu hani wa sallam died now how did they know that the prophets like some died this is a very human story at this point all right he showed the Aloha and her screamed the prophets lie son died in her lap when Julian came in and the prophets like some lit up and he raised his hand to the sky and he said refika and a better law vehicle Anna I choose the companionship of the Most High those are the last words of the prophets lies I might choose the companionship of the Most High and his hand fell all right you showed the alone has screamed and the first person to hear it was faulty because she was sitting in the house right next door and when faulty model the Eloheinu heard that this is what she responded which she said yeah abbot ah rob Mahima Idina yeah a betta you know gibreel Ananda huh yeah abbot ah Jonathan Philadelphia Matt Wow beautiful words powerful words said yeah Abbot oh my dear father how close you are now to your Lord man Rob Mahima I don't know how close you are now to your Lord yeah Abbot ah eligibly de nanã Oh My dear father - Gabriel - gibreel we announce your death yeah Abbot ah Janet Alfredo see Magua oh my dear father Jonathan Firdos is now your abode the highest garden in paradise is now your abode those were the words of Fatima I did all the Aloha was stunned he didn't say a word four days early could not speak after the death of the prophets like some people process differently right I lead all the Ilan who so eloquent couldn't find a word to utter in the immediate aftermath of the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uh nestled the allahu ta'ala anhu he said that when we buried the prophets lie salaam as i was as we finished burying him fatima standing behind us when we buried the prophets myself and she asked the Sahaba how could you how did you bring yourselves to put dirt on my father's face this is mo this is human coming you know the humanity coming out the emotion coming out but how could you put dirt on the face of the Prophet slicin how could you bury him like how did you come how could you do that how did you find the ability to do that and Anna still the allahu ta'ala anhu says that i said to her well i and calneh guru bina said that i swear by allah the only way we were able to do it was to deny our hearts which means we numbed ourselves we had to we had to be making robot ik to be able to place the prophets why some in the ground and to put dirt on the prophet sallallaahu ID whistle him and bury him in the ground honestly Ilan who says she looked at me she started crying she turned away and she left she could not perceive or come to terms with what was happening or the sadness of it and she really did not have the desire to live after his death it's all the law Harney Muslim I mean it's very clear it's not just the prophet slice I'm telling her and there are many things to talk about here you know you see people that love each other like sometimes elderly one person you know as elderly and dies and then quickly after the the spouse dies sometimes you find that type of a relationship that's very very different Allah Allah Allah knows best but faulty melody alone huh after the prophets lie some died immediately went sick immediately became hill right it did not take but a few days for her to become ill as well and you have to ask yourself why did she love her father so much did the prophets lie some spoil her with wealth and riches and throw things at her use his position of power to privilege her or was it that intense love that the prophets like some show to her right that that that was something and that's a lesson for parents as well the Prophet as a father the Prophet as a parent that what you give to your child of love is so much more than anything else you can give to them how much did the prophets lie some give her of himself despite being the Messenger of Allah despite having all that he had on this plate that made her love him so much so when did she die well the allahu ta'ala it was the first Roma Bahn after the death of the prophet Elijah imagine Medina first normal dawn after the death of the prophets license you know when you talked about anniversaries or things that come up or whatever it is after the death of a person that bring back all the pain I'm a blonde in the in Medina and the prophets I some is alive leading you in prayer how I mean look at our Mazda the normal Don how amazing was Ramadan with the prophets Lysanne amongst the people and this is the first time that they're gonna have to go through Ramadan and the prophets like some is dead he's buried fatima radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu in the very first drama blonde as that ramadan came around she it was the third day of ramadan that she goes out to her courtyard so meaning right outside the home she lays at the heavens smiling she looks up at the skies and she smiling now that to be us not been too amazed she called for a smart patronise may allah be pleased with her and she told us not been too amazed she said listen when I die I want to be buried at night so that not too many people come and no one will see my figure and you know what she meant by that was that she wanted a very modest very modest parting right and some of the scholar said she was of course known for her high up she was known for her modesty and she literally meant it has that I don't want my figure to be exposed bring a cloth that is why that will cover me and let me be buried at night so that very few people would attend so that it wouldn't cause it wouldn't have too many people around at that time and Allah would conceal me so a smart told sedima about the Allahu I know I'm Salamah was one of those that furnished the house of Fatima right and Adi may Allah be pleased with him so umm Salama brought her a cloth from habesha from Abyssinia from the migration to have a senior there was a very thick cloth concealed her with it and she was happy with it she looked at that cloth she said this is good and then she called for I need all the aloha I know all right so her last moments are actually with her family the aloha aina and she called Friday till the allotted annual and they shared some moments of love and she she actually told the idea of the Aloha I know that I want to she actually told that he who she wants him to marry after she dies to take care of the kids so she told I did all the alone who to marry ooh mama who was the daughter of her of her sister zeyneb so that she could be a caretaker for the kids she said she's a she's a motherly woman she's a loving woman so when when I die I want you to marry Obama because she would take care of the kids she would take care of an S and her saying Zane of an uncouth um and that's just her thinking about her children she embraces her family and subhanAllah she leaves this world laying out looking at the heavens and the angel coming to her and taking her with an oar on her face with with a smile on her face with just complete peace fulfilling what the prophets my son had said which is that she would be the first of the companions to die after the prophets lense on them the very first person to leave this earth from the family of the prophets I summon from his close companions that would join the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after his death I'd he told the Aloha and who just lost the Prophet slice of them and now he lost faulting our and I need all the allahu ta'ala anhu assisted in the washing of her and he cried frequently at her washing and i didö the allahu tada and who had to have the grueling experience of doing what the prophets lie son did with Khadijah which was to actually get in the grave and receive her body and to bury her and it was extremely difficult on our needle the allahu ta'ala anhu to do so and adi actually led the janazah of his wife fatima or the allahu taala an huh and this is going back to the prophets lie son burying Khadijah it feels very similar right I mean that that closeness that tightness between these two and I did all the along tada and who he actually said he said nothing exhausted me more in my entire life than the death of my two beloved ones within that short period I lost the two most important people to me in my life within that very short period not Eataly Ilan who said everything I've been through in life battles Wars kunafa fitna all of it he said nothing consumed me and took more from me than the death of the prophets why Simon faulty model Diallo Han huh in that very small you know period of time and this is uh this is how we you end on a sad note because but there's something to be to be said about this that when you read the poem that ideal of the Alon who recited at the graveside of Fatima there's nothing happy about it there is nothing about it that is hopeful it's just pain it's raw pain when you read what I needle the alar on who said at the graveside of faulty melody alone huh but that shows you that love in that humanity in that Rama the prophesy some said that's the mercy of the heart that is mercy right remember when his own son died and the prophets Ison was crying and they said you know how could you be crying well auntie Alice Allah he said it's it's Rama this is the compassion that Allah puts in our hearts for one another and so the the words of a D when Fatima died pure pain unn I mean unfiltered raw pain there's nothing else that's given except for pain it's a very strong poem he had finished burying her he stood by her graveside and he recited the following he said Molly walk off to Adele kobori Musa Lehmann he said what is wrong with me standing at the graveside saying Salam to the one who has passed Popper al-habib E felony or Adagio be the grave of my lover but she's not responding to my greeting and he calls out he says ah habibu mala collateral do giovanna my lover why are you not responding to my Salam and a seat about the hood little Bobby have you forgotten all of the intimate he said - have you forgotten all of the intimate moments that were shared between the two of us and then he actually says in this poem he starts to respond with what Fatima would be saying back to him and he says al-habib oh what a funny be Java become my beloved one responded and said how can I respond to you wanna aura he no Jenna didn't watch Robbie and I've become a prisoner I've become now consumed by stones and by dirt and he cried for the Aloha I know and he responded again he's still speaking he says akela to Rob Omaha's any Fennessy to comb the dirt has consumed my beauty and that is why I have moved on waha gypped you are an ally one at Robbie and I've been veiled from my family and my beloved ones para alaikum Oh Mindy Salam tatata at many women come hold at Allahabad II and so he said and so she responded and she said and so my Salaam back to you and to them meaning to those that I've left behind those intimate moments have now passed these are painful words they are raw expressions of death there is nothing about them that is we'll meet again Anjana nothing about them that I'm okay it's pure pain and that is actually an expression of that love that deep love that I did all the Olano had for faulty melody alar and now now I D told the allahu ta'ala anhu did not go back on his faith he didn't become you know resentful to allah he knows the way that this works he knows the process of death and afterlife but that doesn't mean that he didn't feel pain and and I think that's actually something that's very important when we lose our loved ones we're not expected to not feel pain okay that's not what sublet is Sabha is not patience is not to not feel pain and not feel love and not feel that distance when you lose your loved ones patience is to not say anything my old Allah not to say anything except that which is pleasing to Allah and to use that pain to do good for them right like the prophets my son did with Fidel de la lonja visiting her friends spending on her behalf maintaining those relationships that's what it is and I think it's it's only befitting that you go through that you just see it's it's just love and pain an ally is actually ldlr and we're imagining a conversation between him and fought him at that point and that's the deep love that he had for her or the allahu ta'ala and huh of course what we know what the prophet slice and i mentioned of the gathering of the souls of the believers we have no doubt being that they're both from those promised that agenda that it has sent her sane or sayi - about an agenda the masters of the youth of the people of paradise that they are gathered again in the presence of the prophet slice a time in our walk meaning in the in the realm of the right two souls we ask a lot to gather us with them and to allow us to be like them we ask allah spirit are to put that love and that mercy in our hearts and to put that rid law with a lot of that pleasure with a laws decree in our hearts and to unite us with our families and to unite us with this blessed family and the highest level of generality for the DOS Elohim I mean and again this was a deep dive to that life that family of the Prophet so I said I'm gonna and I hope that in sha allah taught it gives you a lot of perspective a lot of perspective for how we carry ourselves how you know Kobe Bryant died two days ago and there's a lot of this you know a lot of people talking about death down right and this should give us some perspective this should give us a lot of perspective right when people talk about death what type of how do we want to go and who do we want to be with and two men about you are with the one that you love so I pray that if a lot look at us and find us to be amongst those who deeply loved the prophets place on him and his family that that is a sign bidden and I that Allah would gather us with him and his family as companions Ilana I mean you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 794,220
Rating: 4.8922648 out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, prophet muhammad, islam, omar suleiman, omar suleiman lectures, islamic lecture, fatima and ali, islamic marriage, muslims, prophet muhammad's daughter, prophet muhammad and fatimah, ali
Id: zSa4kKwo_cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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