Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Friends With Benefits - February 18th, 018

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and then those who do not have any level of balance they perpetuate the lie that Jesus is my husband there is no biblical understanding there is no theological scoring that will make Jesus your husband you are perpetuating a wisk virginian philosophy of incest because how can Jesus be your husband if he's your brother yeah y'all may sayin nothing to make some I'm tired of y'all who are so sanctified that you act like you are not sexual the sexual gift that you have God has given it to you so you are out of order then ask God to take away the drive God don't take away the drive just show me where the parking leave my garage where he can in fact be entrusted where somebody can handle my engine and Calpol the person besides a do you hear best to preach of the unity [Music] everybody is standing st. John's Gospel in chapter 8 verses 3 through 6 is our Tex st. John's Gospel chapter 8 verses 3 through 6 what you found I want you to Clare heaven we're gonna read it together aloud come on everybody beginning at verse 3 the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery they made her stand before the group and said to Jesus teacher this woman was caught in the act of adultery in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women now what do you say they were using the question as a trap in order to have a basis for accusing him but Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger how dear friends I want you to please be seated I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject friends with benefits friends with benefits the entire athletic community is in all of adidas as lucrative contract extended to Derrick Rose 2012 it couldn't be contested that he was a stall on the rise and a phenom to keep your hyeyeon after all in 2011 he was the youngest player in NBA history to become elected MVP back in 2008 he was the number one draft the initial signing of the contract he was considered a hot commodity he entered a landmark 14 year deal they would net him a whopping 190 million dollars at the time nobody could have predicted what would happen in the next season 64 days after signing the contract he tore his ACL and missed the entire next season the year after that he was falsely accused of assault and yet his contract remained intact well puzzled many reporters spectators and fans alike as how he still has that contract and what gives many pause is not his performance on the field but what was the last stipulation of the contract the last stipulation of the contract is that Derrick Rose's brother Reggie would get 250,000 to 300,000 a year here this with no job description but people really did not really take much pause on that after all this is Derrick's brother he's a former player in Metairie cars he acts as a manager as a confidant as an advisor so the 300,000 was almost digestible but gave people cardiac arrest he's keep reading in the contract is that Randall Hampton who is Derrick Rose his lifelong childhood friend now gets paid from adidas 75,000 a year and he has no job description has no office hours and no skill set anybody can define Derrick's older brother serves as his mentor his business manager and his trainer but not even people in Chicago can figure out what Randall does that Nets him $75,000 a year the only thing that anybody can conclude is Randall seems to be the epitome of a friend reaping the benefit the anointing ladies and gentlemen in the allure on your life is so powerful that the people around you are about to benefit it's not for anything that they've done just simply because they are in close proximity to who you are they're getting ready to yield the world win in 2011 Justin Timberlake starred in a film that shares the same name of this sermon and the plot is that a New York executive recruiter entices him to take a job in the Big Apple to work for GQ magazine they both have been jilted in the past hurt in Prior relationships and because they've known each other all their lives they make a commitment to just have fun all seems to be going well until sex gets involved with no covenant no commitment the perks of the physical fulfillment don't match up with the emotional trauma dr. Susan lakyn in an article for Psychology Today warns of the emotional landmines that are sure to detonate in such an arrangement you are always going to have a problem when you are not living in God's plan let that seep in for just one moment the first issue that commonly occurs is that you are entering into something sensual something sacred with somebody who is carnal you have become intimate with somebody who is foreign to God just on its face a friend is somebody who you trust and they in turn trust you how can you trust somebody who has trust issues how are you being committed to somebody who sees you as convenient a relationship of any significant dynamic is birth out of shared history experiences situations commonalities circumstances compatibility and mutual interests here may advance just to be your friend there's nothing to do with sexuality and you know how hard it is for you to maintain the friendship just with somebody you don't sleep with you'll have seasons you don't feel like talking you have days where they get on your nerves you have episodes where you just need a break and you're not even intimate with them the problem is you have entrusted somebody under the title to be friends with benefits here it is clutch your pearls you about to have an asthma attack the problem is y'all ain't even friends the Bible says that a friend is born for affliction and you have set up an arrangement that is born for ease and the moment that there is a conflict then your immediate protest is this ain't what I signed up for as soon as you all have in fact odds between each other you get frustrated because you pre registered for a class you thought would be stress-free so you should keep trying to opt out of an assignment that you never registered for because you are operating what's this outside of the permissive will of God where you want His grace to shower on your disobedience the book of James says that God in His permissive will turned you over to your sin so you become that sin so you don't even understand why you keep attracting the same type of people that come in a different form god help me so they look different they dress different how they smell different but after a couple of weeks you realize this the same Negro and you don't even understand how you got ensnared and entrapped with the same person when you thought it was gonna be something different because you went into an agreement and you forgot to invite God the carrot of enticement to glue the relationship the only thing that keeps you together is sex when you look at it is really uncompensated prostitution so sleep with me and I don't expect you to love me sleep with me but don't kiss me sleep with me but don't think you gonna meet my kids sleep with me but my family don't know you exists sleep with me but don't hold my hand in public sleep with me but don't question about what it is that I'm doing so I appreciate your body but I didn't sign up for your mind the reward then for fainting and interest in me is that the trade-off is I get orgasms without understanding God look straight ahead please so I don't want you in any way to provide any level of fulfillment for the other dimensions and areas of my life outside of my body so I want the relationship that is reminiscent of a caveman that I can drag you by your hair make you yell make you scream but I do not want you to think because if you think you're thin begin to re-evaluate what are the dimensions of the relationship and this is not something that is sensible for somebody who is civilized how is it that I am smart in every area of my life except for the governance of my body when it is time for me to make sensible decisions about my body I love God in my heart and in my mind and in my soul I just disrespect him in between my legs so God you know my heart but I give you every area of my being except the area I believe you can't fulfill and then those who do not have any level of balance they perpetuate a lie that Jesus is my husband there is no biblical understanding there is no theological scoring that will make Jesus your husband you are perpetuating a wisk virginian philosophy of incest because how can Jesus be your husband if he's your brother y'all ain't sayin nothin to me so I'm tired of y'all who are so sanctified that you act like you are not sexual the sexual gift that you have God has given it to you so you are out of order to ask God to take away the drive God don't take away the drive just show me where to park it I need a garage where it can in fact be entrusted where somebody can handle my engine and my motor help all the person besides they do you hear pastor preaching to you today and so what happens is that we neglect the body of scripture that says it is better for you to marry then tomorrow and so you pray for a job you pray for a house you pray for degree but you do not pray for a spouse and God is saying do you think I can give you a job do you think I can give you somewhere to live do you think that I can give you a meaningful income you shout about that and operate on it by faith but you don't believe that I've got enough power to release to you a husband and a wife and part of the evidence that you don't believe it you shack up with a Negro who ain't looking for a ring you keep a woman around who has comfortable being girlfriend and never wants to be right so there is no room for me to operate and exercise what I have for you but the devil is a liar I speak to 500 of you who understand the glory on my life is not for me to be a side chick a side piece or to be 711 God created me fearfully and wonderfully and there's something greater in man for my life and so we want ecstasy with no expectation we want enjoyment with no jealousy it takes too much out of you watch this it too much it takes too much out of you for you to in fact grow up and believe that you were designed for mature relationship how many times do I get to test drive before I decide if I want the car God y'all look straight ahead how long does it take you to make up in your man whether this is gonna work for me or whether this is working against me can I tell you God always provides two exits before you have an accident but you keep driving on empty working on something that God never ordained and God never verified can I say just a seventy of you who got a receptivity to the voice of God God make it clear to me whoever is in my space if they are not supposed to be in my life a victim so that who you got for me can occupy what is supposed to happen for me and so you found yourself into this relationship of a friends-with-benefits invariably somebody is gonna break y'all don't like it let me preach it in a way I said invariably somebody in the arrangement and in the agreement is going to break one of the participants will play along because they believe that's the only way they can stay close to you and if they make a demand then you'll retract and find somebody else to be the substitute teacher another one watch this will stay in it because they feel falsely obligated to stay with you because you held them down when they had nothing and now that God has given them strength they want to walk away but feel like they gotta stay think you got somebody else who just hates loveliness and has found you to just be an electric blanket who can feel the void even though they don't want to see your face y'all ain't saying nothin to me think you've got somebody else who is used to being in a long-term relationship and it's not adjusted to the pain of having to sleep by themselves and they just need a warm body and it ain't even sexual it's just a drive for intimacy y'all - phone it for me think you got somebody else who all of their friends got somebody and so they just need a prop or a puppet to just stay there and operate their strings up so that they can fall in line so you got a coach the Negro in the car when you talk to my mother say yes ma'am when you around my family act like you love me put your hand around me my friend is coming with you hold my hand please God told me to tell you you too old to be coaching somebody in this season you don't need to be coached you need a quarterback in a cheerleader baby if you don't know the play and timeout this is a penalty you gotta go back 50 yards until I can find somebody that can handle the play I'm gonna say this I want you to be see that I'm gonna say this to you please just to 200 of you the rest of you don't even know why you here but I'm gonna take this burden off of you cuz I need you to have it with no apology I gotta say this to you nobody has ever said it your spirit your soul knows it and will recognize it but I want you to articulate it in this don't change everything in your dynamics of your relationship will you lay your hands on yourself for me please I want you to save this statement I promise you in your whole sanctified life you have never said this I want you to say this I am come on say it I am an inconvenience I stay up late at night I call that strange times I don't remember I'm supposed to eat I got quirky habits sometimes I want to be by myself there are days I talk to myself I got bizarre subjects on my mind I am an inconvenience so if you need somebody there simple that's not me there are layers to this baby when you think you know one-dimensional Who I am it's a whole nother pot of what God's got for me look at the person besides say whoever gets me is gonna be blessed and confused y'all didn't hear what I just said whoever gets me yes don't have to praise God and pray to God Lord this woman that you gave me not this man that you gave me God said I'm going so bless you I gotta give you somebody who deserves to give you glory I'm telling you that when whoever God has for you find you they're gonna be speaking in tongues no it's thank you that you found me a woman that knows how to cook and if she don't know how to cook God know she know how to order even if she don't know how to clean good she know how to light candles you don't find me a woman God that even when I don't feel good she knows how to be my therapist knows how to be my coach and she gave you made me you ain't seen a porn star yet there's something that God got for me but I can hopefully unleash it on whose ordained [Applause] therefore your neighbor tell them is layest it is on Facebook come back now come back I've been preaching 20 minutes y'all only going quote one line or what I said pastor said I'm gonna be a porn star now yeah I said after you get married y'all okay you gonna quote a quote it right cuz I know this be viral by Tuesday stay wit me on Facebook what's this they have several categories for your personal profile on Facebook they have several categories for your personal profile single divorced married widowed or the most questionable one is complicated I told 7:30 service I didn't even know so many y'all was even in a relationship till Valentine's Day [Applause] y'all posting up Nick Rose I ain't never seen in church hashtag forever like when did it start and the reality is you not looking for nothing complicated is simple I still want somebody who gonna love me not gonna lie to me don't respect me gonna value me and make me feel like it's only me God y'all bet y'all better not leave me out here it ain't that complicated that's it I want you to be able to live to the place where you are considered lover and friend because to love me who me is your benefit you are benefited just because you were blessed enough to find somebody as inconvenient as me if I was easy to find you could have got another me but you had to go through all of that just to prep you for somebody of my caliber I understand your mother don't like me she regular oh god I can't hear nobody here I I get it your family don't feel me it's all right they playing they don't have no goals no ambition no Drive I'm in it for your family I'm in it for you and if you can handle that the Bible says leaving Cleaves in Johnny [Applause] and Johnny I'm telling you if y'all read the Bible y'all never have to watch Netflix I'm telling you in John eight but you go to John eight it's gonna blow your mind this time look at John eight please in John eight we find a sticky situation here's the secret sticky situation stay with me as we find a married man who also has a friends with benefit arrangement it's a married man with a side chick and they get caught watch this in act they get caught in the heat of the moment I want y'all know I'm so mad with John when he wrote this he is so ambiguous in text and this before reality television so he don't give me the details that I really need to know yes he says they get port in act you know some stuff I need to know from John I gotta know it I don't know how yeah I gotta know it I wanna know did the wife find out I don't know if the wife found out and her girlfriends gave her a tip as to where she can find don't you know I stay up late at night I'm watching cheaters from Dallas Texas I'm gonna know if the cameras is coming I'm trying to figure out where did they get caught it they had a hotel honey at her house are they at his house is this her work husband I'm trying to figure out some detail John won't give me they coordinate agree and with both interesting and appalling is that just the woman is dragged out when I'm getting my say is gonna be problematic for so many of you but I need you to stay with me and they trying to stone the woman this is gonna mess you up I promise you this is who Theology I'm giving you right now if they trying to stone the woman watch this but she ain't the one in covenant god help me and see sometimes y'all get wrong with the mad with the wrong people god I can't hear nobody you up trying to fight argue and tell part a stranger and you never hold accountable the one that broke the Covenant help me in here you blowing up stalking her Facebook page and Instagram and she don't even know who you are check your own man gun all y'all gonna need a nap after this she's caught once this dragged out and his was crazy y'all the man that's married the man that's in covenant the man that broke the code of ethics is never brought to trial and here's the problem y'all here's the problem is that they bring the sister to church this is um this predates Judge Judy they haven't trial in workshop and a problem I don't know if you all ever looked at the Textus way is that a man who she's sleeping with this woman in this text is not a prostitute he did not find her online what's this date and a full-blown friends-with-benefits relationship and watch this and now that she's going down he won't stand with her oh god I can't hear nobody so we friends until is inconvenient god I can't hear nobody but when I need you to stand with me and protect me then you walk away like you don't even know me I gotta re-evaluate what was the basis of our friendship is how are you just my friend when we laying down is this too grown for y'all on a Sunday I need you to be my friend when I'm standing up and I need you to be my friend when I don't have the strength to stand and feel like I'm getting ready to lose it that's when I need you to be my friend watch this y'all and y'all they gonna like it both of them go to church just look straight ahead so the creeper and the cheater the creeper and the cheater go to church plus it can they bring them to church to hold them accountable god help me Nia is too much slippin and slidin happening in this sanctuary god I can't hear nobody this is not the dating game this is not the hook-up I can't hear no about you ain't coming here looking for a man or looking for a woman you come here looking for Jesus I can't hear nobody in here if you date somebody after that is over you better go find somebody else and some other church but you ain't running through here they stood up they stood up in church and they start reading to Jesus the law and says what's this she should be stoned hallelujah but it shouldn't just be her it should be both of them both of them should be killed y'all gotta forgive those of us in this room who are shout and praise and give God glory please forgive us cuz those are Yahoo being judgmental giving us the side-eye the reason why you quiet is you ain't never been caught in nothin god yummy but but those of us who were in the room then no God caught us in some stuff and they should have killed us right there but it gave us another chair and you gonna sit in here and act like you ain't slept with nobody watch this since you've been saved [Applause] it caught me on some stuff [Applause] [Music] hallelujah he caught me with some stuff how little you only want you to look at your neighborhood the subject is too sensitive right through here just just elbowed your name and tell him he caught me in some stuff hallelujah I don't even want to go through the details all I can tell you is that when he caught me he should have killed me but I'm so thankful that I serve a god that looks beyond my fault set miss me at my knee all the perfect people be quiet but those of you that have fallen down even in the month of February but just try is sufficient and all this time all this time consider I've been preaching this sex for years and I realized I've been preaching it wrong all these years I put this focus on this woman getting caught all these years I talk about the man that got away and I realized and study and prayer meditation this week that this text saying about her and that's why her name ain't called it's gonna mess you up for some of you it ought to make you cry it ain't even about him that's why we never find out what happened to him over was the merit saved we found out something that blows my mind is they caught her and sought out and promised giving I blow your mind they were trying to find her just to set Jesus on [Applause] god I can't hear nobody so they pull out just to see how Jesus was gonna treat her when she got caught I just need 50 of you who are in this room who don't even understand that some of the mistakes I made what the enemy was trying to see what Jesus don't straighten me caught I can't you know about it that's why I don't care what you think about me I'm just grateful he still loves me when it should've washed his hand you caught me in some stuff [Applause] Satan in all of his aims won't see what do y'all do with him now he gonna let favor stay on his life God having some stuff how he got stand now God said I know he been caught but when I chose him I didn't ask you to vote on it god help me when when I picked him before the foundations of the world I didn't need your buy-in that while we were yet sinners he died for us I know nobody preaches us anymore but I want to tell you what my grandmother used to say Williams singing in this generation it pays to serve Jesus occasional buddy in here Yin anybody now there's some benefits to being a friend to God he he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none none other has ever known I need you to lift that hand please [Music] you've been found guilty but you still get His grace god I can't believe y'all they shelled us I said you've been found guilty but you still got his grace and his rice is sufficient for me all of the perfect people I don't need you to worship but those of you that are shocked that God's hand is still on your life would you open up your mouth and just thank God for the benefit of being the recipient of His grace that hand is lifted I want to pray for you [Music] Oh [Music] how did it thank you God hallelujahs a design for shelters this is for worshipers right your God hallelujah uneven know how my kidneys still functioning I don't hunt even know how my livers operable I got no idea after all that weight I still got brain cells sighs your God [Music] would you bow your head I want to pray for you [Music] I need all his viola please [Music] in compliance with the holy spirit the [Music] full oblation can't open up this altum you better to leave in a minute oh and open up this altar for those of you who need to disassociate and disconnect from a relationship you know is not ordained by God you with somebody God had promised to you you reduce your level of standard and expectation God I'd rather be your friend and reap all of those benefits that's the way you are I'm not trying to embarrass you I'm trying to equip you and empower you don't you let these church people throw you off the Bible says that he stooped down to the ground and then beginning to write he without sin cast the first stone and when he wrote that people had to drop their rock because they knew that even if my sin ain't her sin all have sinned fallen short of his glory those of you that need God's grace even though you've been in something that's illegal you've been in a relationship that's not been authorized I want you to come meet me at this altar please I want to pray for you I gonna try to make you fall to the ground I'm trying to make your cry I'm trying to make you live right I know people don't preach holiness anymore I know people don't pray for sanctification anymore I know that hallelujah you reduce your standards and believe that it's alright for you to share your den ain't what God got for you well God's got for you today community property just gonna be for you I need you to come please there's still three more of you to come hallelujah come on please I don't care if they text you why you was in church get to this altar [Music] the anon anon your life is too obvious for you to be a secret did you hear what I just said the anointing on your life is too obvious for you to be a secret I need you to come I don't even have release yet to pray cause it's still too more of you who are wrestling with getting to this altar would you please come you holding up the whole surface and not only are you holding up the service you're holding up your life I need you to please come come on I need you to come I don't care if you're a man I don't care for you're a teenager I'll give you mad and who you cheatin wit is married I need you to tell me how little would you pull in as close to this altar as you can I want you to take that neighbor by the hand nobody said the road was gonna be easy I don't believe he's brought me this far to leave us now hallelujah I speak peace to every person who was under the sound of my voice that this decision is gonna give you an immediate release now for one moment are you gonna have to second guess it a prank even in this moment that God will purge them completely out of your system that you'll see a man won't even feel nothing hear their voice it won't make you weak go through a rough season and you will not be tempted to backslide I pray right now God shut every door you left open how dare they think they can come into and out of your life at their wheel how the do you thought just change the locks [Music] now said only who I have for you will have the key hallelujah I'm now stuck up I'm just guarded because I Know Who I am and I know fees come in to steal but I've had my heart stolen too many times from people that I trusted pray over your life over your heart over your spirit that God will not give you a substitute but they gotta give you a replacement the junkie what'd I just say if God is not giving a substitute he's giving a full-blown replacement as big happiness over your life unconditional love over your life years of unstained memories over your life I pray that you'll fear find a sense of wholeness and completion I pray that God will send who you need to accentuate all of your positives so that your negatives only look that big I pray that God will send somebody into your life that can handle your baggage and still fly the plane I pray that God will surround you with somebody who sees your potential and refuses to be impressed by your present pray that God sends somebody into your life that will push you up and now fool you and those of you you exercise the faith has spoken by your pastor would you lose that hand they give God your best sound of Thanksgiving [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 48,932
Rating: 4.8676777 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Id: 8HL-gDlcrvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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