Ten laws of love part 2

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name come on family you're here tonight this is the family crowd would you stand to your feet all over this sanctuary and let's start by giving God another great big hand clap of praise if we will he is worthy of our praise and adoration come on he's worthy of your the clapping of your hands and even the clapping of your hands is a praise come on put a phrase on it tonight he is worthy of our praise our dear brothers gonna come and lead us further to the throne room of God and then we'll go right into our worship tonight good even Parliament's our own that's all fella he is before we go before the throne of grace Oh gracious merciful Father God that you are we would not be here on this day if it wasn't for you Lord so we just said thank you for the breath that you have grieve into our body we thank you Lord O God because we're less than 24 hours away from the first day of Lent season start in the concentration of the sanctification of the resurrection of Christ Jesus and we pray and father God that we will hold true to what it is that we give up in this lent season we pray that we will make our walk prophetic with you Lord of God an intimate see were few Lord of God that we will spend time to be purged cleanse perd fighting wash and regain that there will be something on us that people will see our life that our lights always shine that our Heavenly Father in Heaven may better speak Lord Father and the devil made me horrified father God we pray and for every person that had prostate way towards in a sanctuary that you will give them something inspiring and encouragement that they have come having their ears of anticipation of what they are expected to hearing from the man of God we pray father God for the travel and mercy that you will give each and every person that is on their way that is pressing their way towards here we pray for the webber that you will hold back the wealth Lord of God as well we pray for the shepherd of this house a lot of God that you will continue to nurture him you will continue to watch him and redeem him will you continue to feed him with fresh manna that he can see his flop to make them maturity in the body of Christ we thank you Lord for such a leader that you have given us well the leader that is after your heart a leader than hear from God a leader that have a word that is very inspiring and encouragement to the Souls minds and bodies a word that challenged us on our intimacy of our relationship with God we pray for the choir Lord of God that you are blessed acquired and they will make a joyful sound to set the atmosphere as we set the atmosphere prayer they set the atmosphere of praise so Lord of God we pray that you I have angels over there here that make a joyful sound that come from the fruit of their lips so Lord we thank you for this appointed time in disappointed our lord of God we thank you Lord because if we have a thousand tongues we couldn't thank you enough but just because you gave us one we say thank you thank you Lord for you being such a great God and Jesus name we pray amen god bless you you've been so good Lord you you've been better than good I can't praise you enough I owe you my life I can't praise you [Music] so - Lord you are [Music] you tell those children [Music] Oh [Music] so should be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anyway good [Music] [Music] so good come on let's sing it together you know one cool [Music] you [Music] so good [Music] me [Music] Lord we owe you the crazies tonight [Music] not only oh you're crazy not only only the praise tonight you've been so good you've been so good so good you you've been so good to me [Music] les Salah come on but you give God some praise come on celebrate him with an applause of thanksgiving hallelujah before you take your seats would you just embrace to people around you tell them you're worth loving you're worth loving you're worth loving you're worth loving [Music] hallelujah we're grateful under God for all of you who are here on tonight you may be seated would you arm yourself quickly with a writing instrument a couple of critical things that I want to share with you in route to you celebrating Valentine's Day alone tomorrow I want to take a moment to invite all of you to meet us here on tomorrow at 12:00 noon for our power service it is Ash Wednesday that leads us 40-day journey towards Easter everybody wants a resurrection but nobody wants crucifixion and so this is the process that theologians call self-denial where I give up a part of my pleasure part of my delight in order to go through the process where I give God my undivided attention and so I'm gonna be praying over all of you on tomorrow that will meet me here at 12:00 noon personally going to be laying hands on every person that comes and so if it's your lunch break I'm gonna have you in and out but as that you'll please come bring your co-workers your neighbors your colleagues and your friends bring your Valentine tomorrow they need a breakthrough amen so bring them with you I began on last week a lecture called the ten laws of love I and I want to give some backdrop to it before I go into those ten I cannot ask that you'll please go in to break into social media and invite as many people as you possibly can to be a part of our time of sharing and connecting on tonight there some people in your space who need this word more desperately than you do they just are not here on tonight a professor from from Cornell University is wrote something that was intriguing to me here's what he said he said you have to look at of the theory of love as a story the theory of love as a story and here's what he said it really provides for me a backdrop or a springboard as to what it is that I want to articulate today he said people's perceptions and notions and definitions of love is shaped mostly by the stories they see they hear they read about and they witness firsthand we are by nature observant and we draw conclusions from those observations and so all of what we've seen all of what we heard all of what we experienced make a deposit into our gist into our depictions of what love is supposed to look like and so we start looking for it in our partners based off of the picture that we have in our head based off of what we saw in our homes or what we saw on television he raises an example that I want to give to you tonight a young woman grows up in a loving family with two parents in the house who openly expressed their love and affection for each other she's raised as a little girl reading fairy tales about princesses living happily ever after and a prince crossing over a moat to rescue the princess as an adult she witnessed her older siblings making good relationship decisions that end up in marriage starting their own family and all of these paint a broad stroke in her mind about what love is supposed to look like who have laughter with smiles with hugs with appropriate touches so she is envisioning a house with a white picket fence a husband two kids a dog because it is in fact the echo of everything that she's seen in his experience its pleasant it's safe its tranquil and his idealistic and as a consequence that's what she brings into the table of our expectation of what love is supposed to look like across town there's another girl who grew up with just a single parent with a battery of imaginary uncles that come through the house the mother is never in a stable relationship but changes suitors every 12 to 16 months she as a little girl is already watching rated-r movies has already exposed to explicit sexual scenes she in fact spends weekends at her grandmother's and hangs out with her older cousins who are watching programs about vampires and werewolves with a vampire never kisses a girl on a mouth but only on her neck a handsome fallen angel comes to earth to save the damsel in distress only to find out that this handsome one is a demon in her mind because nobody in her family is married all of her cousins have children out of wedlock and never even look towards engagement and 25 years of age she's only been to two weddings has no expectation of a whole family life and so what her picture and understanding of love is is a whole lot different than the first young lady that I am back Culture Media and experiences shape how we define and understand love often we make our own stories up in our heads so people approach you want to talk to you how loud you but because that man does not match the fictitious figure that you've created in your head you said that this is not going to do so I'm passing by somebody who completely wanted to love you and was head over heels the problem is they don't match your picture and because they don't match your picture you've thrown away the frame so when God shows and send you the picture you rejected because that's not what you saw in HBO it's not reflective of what you've seen on lifetime if I pass this mic around the sanctuary even child dear friends who are watching online all of us would have different varied and sundry stories of our picture and our expression of love whether is our grandparents that were married for 50 years my favorite aunt and uncle that was always taking trips how big sister that fell in love with high school and is still with the same one whether or not we lived a vicariously through Barack and Michelle Obama we made up in our minds that kids even were growing up in a broken home that we honor airily want to be a part of The Cosby Show we were with Denis and Theo and saw ourselves as a part of that construct nine out of ten of us if we are honest this afternoon nine out of ten of us when it is that we construct a picture in our story of love with as for my parents from our friends from a barber shop from a dormitory from the basement from a house party nine out of ten of us when we construct our story of love car story picture and ideal of love does not come from because we have reduce love to romance we have reduced love to intimacy in the sexuality and don't know for god I want you to have this love is agony and so I'm not sure we really want love or we want a soap opera do we want love or do we want drama do we want love or do we want a miniseries do we want love or we auditioning for our own reality show in it amazing I share with you on last week that the very first time that God ever speaks the word love is in Genesis 22 and when he speaks love in Genesis 22 in it are inspiring to note that when he's talking about love there is no woman in the chapter it is amazing when he talks about love in Genesis chapter 22 there is no reference about heterosexual homosexual relationships there is no bedroom there is no marriage there is no honeymoon there is no couple skipping through the Garden of Eden is that when God for the very first time speaks love he says a day right and when he says it to Abraham he brings up love for one reason and one reason I'm like he says I am going to use love to test you so I'm going to use I want you to have this tonight I want you to use I'm going to use your love for another person to test how much you love me so I put people in your space in your life on your path for you to love just so I can use them as a test do you love me so he says to Abraham listen I know that you love your son Isaac but I need to see whether you love me more so I'm taking you up into a mountain and I want you to sacrifice him to me and if you sacrifice him to me that will be the evidence that I'm first he is the gospel that we never hear talked about is that sometimes God disrupts relationships not because the person was wrong not because they didn't fit but because he got jealous God then felt a certain kind of way because you started giving them more attention than you gave him and it didn't even have to be somebody you dated somebody you slept with it could be somebody you produced so many of us test the love of God I hope you can handle this by what your children go through sometimes the test of the love of God is how you have to salvage family members who are wasting away sometimes God takes you through a test not because you are being satanically tempted but because you're being angelically processed and he wants to see in your discipleship what are you willing to give up and we have misinterpreted that love is about acquiring and for God love is about losing what have you compromised in order to get the love of God and the people around you who are sitting in church who are watching online have no idea what you had to give up in order to be saved they have no idea what you had to walk away from to have some fraction of a righteous existence for real for real people don't know you really don't have to struggle like this and it sounds strange because you've never been able to sign the permission slip for your mouth to speak it out loud is that you are suffering for him and this isn't anything that you knowingly did or consciously did but you had to go through something in order to get close to God and so we talked about five laws of love those of you who are not here on last week let me give you the first did we get through five last week all right so let me get you through the first five from last week and then I'll close on last five and get out of here of the very first one you remember is love is not lust love is not lust lust is selfish and love is selfless do you remember that number two those of you have your notes what was number two please love lasts and love leaves love lasts and love leaves the reality is is that love can be a momentary feeling but it has to be a long-term state of mind what does that mean pastor that means every day you are not gonna be just carving people's name in the desk he'll be days with just the sight of them gets on your nerves that you need a break you need to run away but you still love them I just need some space y'all just gonna leave me out of here and so the more you enter you realize that it is a conscious decision in my mind even for the days I don't feel it in my heart and so people who are earnest in church will be able to attest to the fact that some days I guess I love God but I don't feel like I'm in the church now yes I wanna worship but I don't feel like turning in my neighbor he's been good but I don't want keep lifting my angel y'all are leavin me idea huh I know I gotta love my neighbor as myself prepare sir please don't make me hold hands again some momentary feeling but that's they have a long-term state of mind number three what was number three please love it takes work let me add as an addendum and it is a job that you rarely get paid for is that you don't even see the benefit especially when you work at loving people that are not appreciative when you're loving people who don't value your sacrifice when you're loving people who don't even take note of your work ethic they think you do it without any pause and they don't know you had to move heaven and hell just to make sure they hear Christmas number four love does what love can enlarge when it is that you're operating with the love of Christ it does not shrink it grows and your problem is is that you want to contain it and you want to manage it and the problem is once you're in love then you can't control it and you don't even realize how out of control the love is until you try to stop and then you hate yourself or keep loving somebody who's not deserving of it and you realize in that moment I'm a lot like God because I keep extending chances to people who didn't work for it I keep forgiving people who are not sincerely apologetic I keep letting people back in who are the exact same people who left me out there I operate out of the love of God watch this only when I reached the moment that I feel underappreciated it is in that moment that I can step in his shoes without climbing on his cross and every parent every sibling every wife every husband has this moment where you sat in the car and and ask yourself why am I doing this is this even work and union realize you were talking to yourself you you cussing under your breath you coming up with an escape plan you figuring out how it is that you can get this done how you can kill them and leave no evidence wait you gonna get rid of the body you don't you cooking eggs and figuring out will they smell the bleach and then you just you think about all the clues that you done left and you said Lord ain't no way I can get away with it did I give you five last week love isn't imagined if it's just in your head it's gonna show up in your heart my sister who you all have met dr. Tama Brian Davis uses an expression I've stolen from her is this people can only fake for so long you can only act for so long until you get to the point that you forget your lines and sooner or later they gonna run off scrip and expose you to who it is that they are Claude McKay the Harlem Renaissance poet wrote a an incredible poem called we wear the mask and there's so many people who are in love with a mask on and part of the criminality of the church is that many times the church forces people to pretend because we have created and carved out a false Leave It to Beaver motif that you're supposed to be happy because you're in covenant that they somehow think that you've waived a magical wand and because you took your vows before God you supposed to be head over heels with somebody who stopped growing and so the church conditions us to endure but not to challenge so no matter what the case is no matter what has happened the church says stay in there it's gonna work out God is with you don't let the enemy get in this he trying to tell y'all apart that ain't the enemy is em and nobody talks to us in the fluidity and the clarity of what happens watch this when I wake up and realize that I put it together and God didn't and so the vow was given at the altar here it is the foul is given at the altar the command is given by the at the altar what God has brought together let no man put her son but what happens when God didn't pull it together my biological clock did my lonliness did here it is I want you to have it kindness did and so I stayed in it because they were nice to me cuz they treated me nice and you found out by default that nice isn't love here's what nobody ever articulates or unpacks and that is is that more often than not that Satan is polite and not only is a polite Saint nish charming I many years ago I was on a plane with Les Brown and Les Brown many of you all don't even know Les Brown is actually an ordained Baptist preacher who used to pastor for many years before he went in a life coaching the motivational speaking us why he's so good at what he does he's really a runaway purged let less Brown says is there many times people in church blame and stuff on the devil that their decisions brought them now and you got to ask yourself what did I choose without consulting God in what did I decide without his input God always provides for you I want you to write this down God always provides for you two emergency exits before the crash the jaw here without your saying said God always provides two emergency exits before the crash and how problem is we always think we got enough gas you have been drowned with somebody in the red light is on we gotta stop I got enough I know my car the light is flashing is I'm telling you I didn't took this road a million years next thing you know you on the side of the road somebody who knows their car but doesn't know their limits and you have to stop going the extra mile for people who won't help you push somebody needs to eat that right there for me stop going the extra mile for people who won't help you push number five was love isn't imagine can we go to the last five please number six love can be enhanced love can be enhanced we spend so much of our focus in our attention on feelings that we never look about innovation met many years ago I went to go see was Jill's last name Jill Scott thank you I'm having a senior moment Jenna went to go see Jill Jill Scott and Jill Scott said a an example I like she says love is a Ritz cracker it's the same cracker you can't eat it every day you just got decide am I gonna put Cheez Whiz on it am I gonna put sardines on it am I gonna put crepes on it am i gonna slice up tomato at the end of the day is the same cracker you just gotta figure out can I add something to it to make me forget it's a cracker my love has to be in hands and so love demands imagination love hates monotony Love hates monotony because it's always looking for something different so if you do not know how to provide that level of innovation I think you're sudo will look for a difference in somebody else y'all not gonna like this but still love you I know buddy saying Amen just I'm trying to help you in love being in the hands what am i getting ready to change I've been saying to you over the last year Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is that keep doing the same thing expecting different results I want to ask you a critical question what are you doing different with your love life dot dot dot with God you pray the same prayer Rinat that same Daily Bread book listening to the same tired CD and you don't even understand that you've made God a bored lover so he's looking for somebody else who brings excitement to their worship that will do something else and offer something else in order to keep God's attention and so your relationship with God has become stale because you don't do nothing to switch it up so when is the last time in your love relationship with God here it is you fast it say God yeah you been there when I bless my food I wanna see how you gonna show up when I'm not eating I felt your companionship your comfort with me while I'm sitting watch TV I want to know what your presidency is when I'm in my house with not no one can I feel your presence god I'm sick of doing all the talking and you now saying nothing I'm gonna try you I'm gonna do what's gonna make me uncomfortable I'm a ride all the way to work with nothing on you got 23 minutes to say something yeah you gonna give me the silent treatment I'm gonna give you the silent treatment but you got to say something before I get to work what am i doing in my relationship - in the handset with God that I force him to communicate with me in ways he has never done can I switch it up that I always meet God at 11:30 I wonder if he'll say anything different if I come to 7:30 you only saying nothing I want to know if my relationship with God will be enhanced will be developed will be cultivated if for the rest of the week all I do is just read over and over and over and over again the chapter print pastor preached on Sunday because I got a enhance it and I need a relationship with God that's separate then my relationship went to pastor will he talk to me through this same text because God gave it to him for a reason and I was sitting only in that service what more was God trying to articulate to me that pastor didn't hear y'all y'all here yeah let's go to number 7 love cannot be engineered love cannot be engineered loving one person does not mean you have less to give others so my three youngest daughters always always always always I thought by now they would grow out of it but they don't all all three of them will come to me individually as they dare don't you love me two bears and they'll do it when the other two aren't around so no I love all y'all to say and outdoors anything but we noticed what she's supposed to say but for real it's me ain't it I said no do I really do love all y'all the same then out doing the angel have a meetin says we can tell you've liked angel best no I love all y'all the exact same no you talked to her more no she'd only wanted to answer the phone so God God is saying why says I am so encompassing that I love all of my children whether you were raised in church or just join the church and so what's this I give you favor without making you the favorite so having the favor of God does not make me better than any of his other children and so I don't care how much anointing how much how many call how much call you have on your life how much grace you carry you still aren't better than anybody in this building your favor doesn't make you to fame for it because there was somebody else save to apply for that same job y'all I ain't saying nothing to me somebody y'all say you got declined on that same apartment you ain't a favorite you just got favored in that instance so that's why I gotta keep praying low keep giving me the favor people who do not have an authentic love relationship with God can't stand you cuz they think you'd a favorite I need a favorite I just got favor how'd you get favor I found out how to put Cheez Whiz on the cracker yeah you just sit now but III understand when the Spirit of God moves I'm gonna be like the one at the Pool of Bethesda I'm gonna be the first one to jump in because I found out the first responders always get the prize is there anybody that just feels in your spirit if God won't give out any favor tonight yes he loves all the y'all but the favor he's giving tonight he's got to give me because there's something I need that the rest of y'all are not willing to do I won the favor of God favor of God I just got to be released on your life number eight love has limits what y'all write that down please look has left and I need you to write that down because a lot of people have confused the dimensions of God God's love with yours God's love is unlimited now man oh yeah okay y'all can be phony and churchy if you want to your love has a limit you ain't gonna keep talking down to me Oh y'all ain't saying you ain't gonna just keep lying in my face is insane Bayou in here you ain't just gonna keep stealing out my purse I love you but my love has limits Henry cloud has a book called boundaries that you have to have for yourself what are my boundaries and we don't teach this in church what are the boundaries of my love I like you but I can't deal with you of clothes no and I ain't even mad I don't have no beef we'll need to meet we all need a counselor we'll need a mediator we'll need to set up to go see pastor you have crossed the boundary you've endangered my children you have in fact Wriston my health and my livelihood you have thrown off everything that I've saved and worked for I can't keep it because loving you should never make me calculate the loss of love of myself that is not in the will of God for my life that I got a soul of you that I start to hate me god I can't you know about that that is not God's plan for my life that loving you makes me filled with regret God I can't hear nobody I am NOT gonna be under no bridge trying to figure out who I am cuz I loved you too much that's God's job god I can't hear nobody he died for you I refuse to let you kill my joy I refuse to let you steal my self-esteem I refuse to make you feel like I walked too much out of my life because you are pretty or Amanda settler I believe there's still more that God has for me and i bind every demon that tries to guilt me into love God's love does not deal with the manipulation and so we are often given the fight-or-flight option that in the face of danger I'm either gonna run away or miss data and fight and what the church never gives redress to okay so what happens when I'm just burnt out and I want to take gloves off so that we can just have a fireside chat chat of as family because the church a lot and affords me no space to say I'm tired I don't want you to make me feel bad cuz I ain't got nothing left how am I the bad guy when they drained me and so now I'm the one that needs prayer God y'all ain't saying nothing to me and I'm and I'm the victim and there is no entity to pet to pour back into me after I've given everything and I'm not saying anything and you saying this is God's will he said I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly if that is God's promise over my life then why is my love in a drought are you saying to me pastor that God wants me to a G to being unhappy then I'm just supposed to suck it up hold it down shoulder through it and there is no light at the end of the tunnel how you telling me that this is God's permissive will so God you already see that I'm empty you already seated I'm depleted and as a consequence my nerves getting bad yet my tolerance is getting low my cursing is becoming more fluent God y'all ain't saying nothing to me my anger management is coming out of control I'm getting ticked off by small stuff is working me and getting on my nerves and I'm trying not to let it seep out I'm trying to keep it together but I understand I have limits I didn't know I had so David's a creative meal clean heart we're new a right spirit energy I feel glory coming right through here they say wasn't even where I was going I'm still at number eight but I just feel like I need to just pray for nine of y'all right here that are just empty that have just hit a brick wall that death I Drive and with the red light on would you lift up that hand I just want to pray for you hallelujah I feel cool overcoming would you just open up your mouth and just cry out on the God before I even pray I need him to feel you're back up again you ain't supposed to be feeling like this you got a knot in your stomach you got a monkey on your back you got a gorilla on your chest come on open up your mouth right where you are I'm crying but I ain't got no tears I'm frustrated but I got no words I need some real people right where you are you done tapped into a vein right there the enemy been doing everything to try to suffocate you and choke you you don't even know how you sleeping next to them you even know how you able to get through the night and keep tossing and turning God - give me your Paraclete the Holy Ghost I need the comforter to be able to sustain me and keep me because I'm hitting my head up against a brick wall hide and pray that and cry out and fasted I didn't read the word I didn't aim the church and still nothing has broken God said that's cuz I needed you tonight and because you made it into the house of God something is given better - if for you I come back for your family I said for you something is getting a break I tell my church I oh I talk about doing it for the kids I say doing it for parents God is giving ray make something and just for you lift up that hand let me pray for you fill them up God hey how do you feel about God finally I need you to cry out out of your pain out of your frustration out of yeah thank God your anxiety God hallelujah ain't supposed to feel this way they're not supposed to think this way God hallelujah they got too much destiny to be depressed hallelujah the devil is a liar why are they lonely in a four house God you gotta break something [Music] god I pray that you break the yoke hallelujah break the shackle break the chain this cycle has gotta end hallelujah I don't know where my worship as I said this cycle gotta in Thank You God in the next forty days I need you to give me a resurrection or I need you to give me a hand said y'all ain't sayin nothin I said God between now and Easter I need you to open up a door or give me a door to walk out or to do something in this seasonal live so that my heart didn't happy my spirit is in wondering [Applause] hallelujah speak up every lifted hand a breakthrough is getting better to happen in your relationships y'all ain't saying nothing a breakthrough just get ready to happen in your marriages open up your mouth I said a breakthrough is get better to happen in your private intimate life yeah I supposed to be carrying it like this God you gotta do something hallelujah [Music] hallelujah if you feel that I dated just stop clapping your hand oh my god come on I can't hear anybody open up your mouth watch God do it I can't hear anybody else l watch God do it y'all still ain't saying nothin in here I said open up you're my watchdog do it in the next 40 days hallelujah in the next 40 days hallelujah speak affection and attention over your spirit over your life over the next 40 days me yes don't be fulfill I speak over your life over the next 40 days no more depression no boy emotional abandonment Speicher over your life [Music] hallelujah God show him something in the next 40 days we'll be careful to give your name and glory let me get to these last two and imma let you go number nine please love is infectious love is a communicable disease you'd be amazed to know that 4,000 people have died this year of the flu four thousand people have died from the flu they died watch this not from cancer not from heart attacks not from drive-by they died from what was in the air and what was in the air gotten the UM hallelujah I'm praying that the love that you carry is contagious that it changes the atmosphere changes rooms who changes environments you ain't got nothing in you left to argue it's too draining it takes too much of your energy too much of your time how do you I've read this quote that I want to give it to you is that a man don't want to come home and fight after is he after he's had to fight all day and a woman does not want to come home and fight with a man who has no fight you know did you hear what I just said son a man does not want to come home and fight after he's had to fight all day and a woman does not want to have to come home and fight with a man who has no fight in them your love has got to be so contagious that whoever around you is gonna have to shift and adjust because of the spirit that you emit last one number 10 10th law how much you write this in caps please love is needed love is needed it is only in the black culture only in the black culture no other culture on the globe can you hear women say I don't need a man never your Asian woman say it never hear a German woman say it never hear a Korean woman say it is only in our culture that we make men expendable I got mouths and we celebrate that William Shakespeare said love is not love that alters when it alteration has to be altered if you got to keep fixing and changing and adjusting in a love gives a get to a place where you understand I make the adjustment of you meeting me halfway love is needed in it amazing I showed you last week that God was so pent on being loved he created the world with one intention I need something love me in there crazy he built the whole world just because he wanted to feel worshipped had all power had all Authority had all dominion but he said I got nothing to worship me and that's what I need tomorrow I'm going to my girl's school with dozens of roses candy taking them to dinner why cuz I want them to know what a man's love feels like that this is not optional is not a an elective is the core curriculum so whoever then 20 years from now who gonna date my daughter 20 years from now 20 years from now a whoever that is is gonna have to set up this had to step up to the standard I said that they're not gonna be enamored by limos cuz their father put them in it they're not gonna be shocked by lobster and crab cuz that's what their dad gave them I'm used to this what else you got you got me and so also when when my dear friend I passed and leave our diet has an expression I've stolen love yourself the way God loves you I want you to write that down please love yourself the way God loves you how in the world you depressed tomorrow knowing that somebody is missing the benefit of being loved by somebody like you - Joe here but I just say the 10 for those of you are just locking on of those of you that just got here let me give it to you these 10 very quickly number one love is not lust come on medium and walk with me number two love lasts and leaves number three love takes work it's all right y'all can cheat on your neighbors paper for love can enlarge five love isn't imagined six love can be enhanced seven love can't be engineered eight love has limits nine love is infectious ten love is needed would you say him to your feet please I'm right on time greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends I um I want you right where you are all here it's about our lives I'll close the greatest love of home is the love of Christ Jesus and I'm telling you if you don't have Jesus in your life you always gonna have that void he'll always have emptiness and you'll always be in search of a substitute what an amazing testimony you'll be able to tell your children your grandchildren I fell in love with Jesus the day before Valentine's Day what an amazing what an amazing record they you'll be able to bear witness that on Valentine's Eve because when me and God hooked up you'll never forget this night on February 13th is where I finally found the church I could love finally found a ministry that could love me with all of my issues all of my vulnerability and all of my brokenness yes I'm talking to you yeah I'm talking to you I am I'm talking directly to you you know you supposed to be a dis altar you know he's also joined this church you know this the ministry you supposed to be connected to come on don't treat God like that he's waited 2018 years just for y'all to get together before you waiting your mother's womb he knew you and then he started making plans for you plans to prosper you where you are in this place would you come right where it is that you are come on come on kids save come on join the church come on make up in your mind I gotta get right with God I gotta do it all right now come on please if you'll help me right where it is that you are would you just serve a you the circumference of of your of your immediate vicinity and just ask the people around you ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God come on everybody y'all talking to somebody hallelujah we are you come on [Music] wherever it is that you are need you to come I need you to come I need you to come wherever it is that you are come on please hallelujah bless His name if you're in love with God and you know that he loves you back would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving now [Applause] [Music] bless his name you may be seated in the presence of the Lord come on on this Valentine's Eve would you would you get a love gift in your hand ambassador's help me there those who need to give an envelope there those who missed church on Sunday because of rain and they want to give their tithe on today thank you sir whoever it is that you are sir wherever it is that you are ma'am I need you to please come I don't want you to leave here the same way that you came God has something in mind and store something special that he wants to release to you and I need for you to come please every person every person would you please get a gift in your hand which you got won't even buy one rose [Music] come on come on give God your best they always give you his give God your best give God your best hallelujah right where it is that you find yourself would you stand to your feet all over the sanctuary stand to your feet I want to challenge you come on you can't give God a half dozen roses hey I know you don't want to give them the whole bushel but give them something better than that I want you to have something in your hand that's meaningful to get God's attention I must switch some stuff up just to keep him looking at me I want you to lift that gift up above your head please everybody gives to him on Sunday but I'm sure mother Tuesday night come on now how much you'd lift that gift repeat after me Lord thank you for loving me when I was unlovable in Jesus name Amen would you begin coming now from the last row every person if you begin coming from the last row thank you sir [Music] this thing [Music] as it you go back to your seats let's go home together please don't leave yet Andy [Music] and it's a did [Music] it's the best thing alleluiah would you clap your hands they ever give for every giver hallelujah thank you let me just share a couple of things with you you don't know how desperately I want to pray with you on tomorrow at 12:00 noon as that you'll please join me Jesus asked of the disciples can you not tarry just one hour that's all I'm asking you to give us is just one hour tomorrow Ash Wednesday I'm gonna be applying oil to your forehead before you go back to work I want to pray God's grace and choice blessings released into your life of the next 40 days I want you to please come and I want you to bring your family and your friends with you next Tuesday is gonna be so so special dr. Finley is going to be here he is a love and life coach and he's he's gonna blow your mind if you've never heard him before I'm telling you he's absolutely off the chain I need you to come I want you to bring your girlfriends bring your homeboys bring your fiance bring your husband but he's he's really gonna be a major major blessing he has a book called revelations on relationships revelations on relationships you can download that book you can get it from Barnes & Noble or get it from Amazon but he's uh I heard him just once and when I heard him that one time I said man you gotta come now Church this is back in October I told him that and so he's coming with us this month can I share with you we're doing our first church retreat that I want you to be a part of and go with us are we going to Las Vegas August 22nd through the 25th August 22nd through the 25th Las Vegas ain't never gonna be the same again we're bringing five of our churches are coming together Bishop Marvin Sapp Bishop William Murphy Bishop Rudolph McKissack pensee Antonio Matthews all five of our churches are coming together and we've taken over a whole property just for us to be able to really just detox in out of those three days y'all ain't gonna believe it we only have in one service only one worship service in those three days amen but it's gonna be really just for you to get balanced back into your life back into your marriage back into your family season just the detox is gonna be a no social media zone it's gonna be a no social mitt no hash tag nothing we want you to just be able to decompress and download and so a registration starts on tomorrow let me make sure it's not on there no it's not on there so at noon day I'm gonna give you the website how you register and I said you got to come to noon day in order to get it or watch it online at noon day otherwise you're gonna get all the information with gen pop on Sunday so those of you that want to get our early or early lead on it make sure that you hear on tomorrow but it's gonna be absolutely amazing those of you that are watching in South Carolina I'll be at Allen University for their Founders Day on Thursday morning in the convocation center please meet me and then in Columbia for the Founders Day of the AME Church on Friday so those of you in South Carolina I look forward to seeing seeing you and hanging out with you Saturday morning at 11 o'clock we go live on the word Network I want you to please please please please come out and hang out with us and be a part of our live studio audiences right here in the sanctuary we've got some phenomenal guests and I want you to be a part of it would you stand to your feet will you bless my coming today come on did you learn anything did you consider anything I hope you real value where did some things on tonight lift up that hand right where you are if nobody tells you tomorrow i'ma tell you today I love you and ain't nothing you can do about it amen those of you that need a ride home yes come on thank you if you need a ride home I need you to come and quickly please all right who's gonna help my preacher get to Mount Royal and North Avenue Mount Royal and North Avenue my dear sister right there in the black she's got you thank you so very much I come on lift up that hand would you hallelujah now when to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide with each and every one of you hints for from now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said amen would you do me a favor on your way out hug two people and tell them you better not be saying tomorrow
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 8,653
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, pastor jamal bryant, pastor, ten laws, love, laws, part2
Id: Kg1xaSLtFr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 43sec (4303 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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