New York Nights | Dr Matthew Stevenson | Lord Do It Again

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lord this room is yours tonight [Music] every inch and every there it goes every inch and every angle of it is yours it's yours totally it's yours completely you are god there is not another come on lift up come on we're just going to do this father you're greater than every throne every dominion all rulers and powers and that that tries to oppose you you are god come on for a minute you are god over us as individuals you are god over us as purposes you are god over us as brothers and sisters fathers and mothers and husbands and wives you are god over us we lift our hands before we go into a time of supplication saying be god over us i don't hear you be god over us i know that we've uh accepted you as lord and savior for heaven's sake but tonight as we become intercessors we accept and receive you as lord for the sake of life for the sake of decisions and movements and insight and understanding be god over us sovereignly completely without hesitation interference obstruction or restraint be god over us and as we pray our father tonight extend your ear in this direction teach us my god to pray come on lift your heart for a minute as we approach your word we bow our hearts we bow our intellect we bow our definitions our understanding [Music] make our bodies instruments of prayer tonight every man and woman under the sound of my voice crown us o god with a call of divine engagement have holy conversation with us talk to us spirit of god and finally lord while i'm teaching will you do me a favor crown some new intercessors will ya we need a lot more than what we have and we want men and women in this area and in this city that will devote themselves to pray and devote themselves to walking up and down the lanes yea the aisles of the spirit to do what needs to be done to facilitate and arbitrate in the realm of the unseen thing make us men and women that are called to pray and we will give you the glory for it because it takes you to do it in the name of jesus all right let's sober up a minute apostle gail i'm going to say our decree and i'm going to teach you i know it's going to be hard to endure that but i'm going to do that and then midway you're going to notice i'm going to change and we won't be friends anymore i'm going to be in my office repeat after me god is exalted the devil defeated and we've got the victory coming from your spleen god is exalted the devil is defeated and we've got the victory if you need a personal victory let's say it god is exalted the devil is defeated and i got the victory all right everything connected to this oil stop looking at me and shout real quick not that one another one pull from your belly your guts no more cute church no more cosmetic church die and praise him come on from your belly a little while longer a little while longer my heart and my flesh adore you in a try in a weary land where there is no water i long for the living god through prayer hallelujah [Music] all right come on pull out [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit down go ahead sit down okay even if you have to be a slight bit facetious tell the person next to you looking real good you're looking real good [Music] you know after you shout and dance a while stuff comes apart and didn't end up where it should have been all right um i have a saying uh thank you so much can we give it up and celebrate my band i absolutely adore these people true to true to uh my office and true to what i'm here to do this week is kind of facilitate what god wants to do a part of what i'm going to be sure to do is always honor my musicians they will never i don't even know why i'm saying this but there will never be a band of any sort in this particular church that feels abused or that doesn't feel appreciated so i love and honor you guys so very deeply i'm here and you got a pastor too clap your hands for the power of a pastor i'm not here to preach have a seat amen um so the way this is going to work i'm going to give you some formalities out the way and i'm going to teach you and then i'm going to pray um i want to honor all these beautiful beautiful leaders and faithful ministry groups from everywhere um i love all of y'all i'm gonna meet them or introduce you to some of them in a minute let's honor the ministry gifts that's another thing i'm not go let's honor the ministry gifts amen those that place uh uh stay in the realm of the spirit um woody vereen is here he's one of my sons his beautiful mother prophetess deborah verena is here with us we love you so very much uh apostle isaac watson is here with us stan isaac i'll explain him to you in a minute uh prophet don george pastor daryn mathis and all of y'all everywhere thank you so very kindly let's be hospitable and welcome them please i have a theory about ministry gifts that there are ministry gifts who carry things that you need but because you don't celebrate them you're locked and so part of making a demand on the anointing is not making google eyes with them so you can get a word it's about learning how to honor it out okay and so we've got to learn in any state in any environment when people uh uh stand to minister before you we've got to let them know that we are aware of who needs who amen my son pastor jeff whitaker is also here i love you all nations virginia um um and then also a pastor rory marshall is here from grand rapids michigan i love you so very much um because of where i'm shifting a part of what y'all are going to notice and i need your help to pull this off and achieve this is i'm going to invite a lot of ministry gifts whether they're connected to us or not to just come and see what we do and how we built it because this is a phenomenon it's bizarre um this is a new church and look at y'all you know so you all are good looking good looking and y'all faithful and consistent so i want them to see what we do i am also in the most significant ministry transition to date in my life the most powerful the most brave and part of what that means is that i'm reshifting a lot of my priorities i've decided next year i'll be celebrating 18 years of pastoring um to the glory of god and um 22 years of preaching and so amen i know you think i just got here um but i was me before you met me and um god has been doing a whole bunch of things with that and so i'm in reflection fee and part of what i'm reflecting about is my need to posture myself by pastors i'm shifting in my focus and what i'm going to do so i'm going to be spending a whole bunch of time crafting solutions and environments for what i know to be and you'll learn it in a minute when you listen to me a strong pastoral crisis a thought came to my mind the other day i wonder how many great gifts would not have killed themselves if they had a real pastor i wonder how many overdoses we could have prevented talk to me if they had a real pastor would some of the world's greatest pop stars still be alive if they had a shepherd that needed nothing from them i know you want me to tear up my plow i'll offend you in a minute i want to know if we even remember what a pastor looks like because it's such an abused title to shira everybody's excited to do it and to ascend in and i'm scared to death of it and and my idea of pastoring is what we do is more significant than the president and you only have the right to be offended about that if you are the president but for those of us that get to determine if people believe in jesus christ or not they experience the heart of god the father god the shepherd through their pastor lift your hands and say thank god for a pastor so i'm going to devote my energy to doing that because pastoring in any level in a post-pandemic world is going to be crazy it's not going to be like it was before so we got work to do um the other thing that i'm going to be doing is just being very very very deliberate about where i'm putting my energy and my resources and my efforts so i've got a lot of stuff that i'm working on and i need your prayers and your support um through this entire transition is gonna be one heck of a ride can we honor again our leaders those that serve and volunteer here i love you guys so very much okay now that that's out the way no takers are history makers let's take notes those of you that are blessed and fortunate and happy is what the scriptures say to have an iphone i when i get a green text unless i'm led of the lord i know to leave it alone um the story is this before i give you my scriptures and my thoughts because we have something that we want to pray and before i leave i'm going to use or must or direct our prayer strength at praying for the shepherd of this venue this house bishop brown something hit me in the car where i was told that after we pray what we're going to pray we need to spend some time deliberately for crying out for this man of god we need to make sure that we honor him through prayer now listen you know the black the the urban church um one of the things we're good at elder daisy is flattering and so part of what that looks like is you know when you have a man of god you you might use different means you know to get close to him in some context we don't really do much of that here yet but um one of the best ways to honor your leader is to vow listen to be their intercessor is to commit to pray not the crisis but the promise a lot of what we call prayer is a personal venting session of the soul's immaturity has nothing to do with praying to christ don't tighten up yet i'm just getting here and so praying for our leaders is a service unto god and we're not praying for our leaders for god to fix him so we can like what he or she does so we're going to stretch out for our leaders does that make sense to you we so i'm going to give you some principles about prayer and and i think you need to understand why this is important for your personal prayer life is because prayerlessness is sin and and i know we talk about fornication and we talk about alcoholism lying and cheating but going weeks and weeks and weeks without quality time with him meanwhile on the phone with them is sin and so we need to become a praying people you know just like how we are excited about praise and and all of that i think we need to be equally as committed to the development of our prayer lives and here's why everything that god wants to do in your life and in the world at large is going to come through a womb you came through one so will your word the name of that womb is prayer you create a space for god's word to become a part of who you are scream yes i don't trust preachers that don't pray scream yes i don't trust prophets that came pray scream yes as a matter of fact the way i was raised i know y'all different was you did not prophesy if you didn't know how to pray i know you want me to turn my plow but god gave it to me tonight and there's a lot of people we do prophecy tricks and games and you know stand here and stand there and and all of this i want to know if you can pray because if you can't pray i don't trust the source of the revelation you can just have a good idea or gas or or a noise or something like that but when there is a prophetic person who visibly demonstrates commitment to prayer then they deserve to be heard from an integrity standpoint lift your hands and say we love to pray you need to be a little loud about the time we're done and so this is an issue and it's something that you need to address personally but it's a foundation that i want to like corporately you will be in one of the most powerful moves of god of your life these next several days i am certain that god is going to do some very dangerous things that will be irreversible in your life so we've got to set up faith for prayer okay and i'm going to give you some pragmatic stuff and i'm going to give you some principles and then we're going to pray brittany i saw her earlier where's she yet she left oh girl b where i can see you you know them new york women they i'm telling you they they elder donna been teaching me boy they will get you together what up hey just aggressive i'm kidding i'm kidding a little bit i'm kidding okay and then i was trying to discern what spirits of rage and anger was on which borrow cause i'm like there's a little bit of aggression in each one that's a little different so we got work to do there's a scripture i do want you to put up and this is not my main one but i do want you to put up this scripture because i know we've not considered what it means but this is going to be very important to some of the things you and i have always experienced by prayer not to make a generalization but my experience has been i was raised and groomed in and by prayer by senior citizens and that's not bad say that's not bad before you get offended say that's not bad but the problem is where was everybody else i can't remember the the the deacons in my church i'm fourth generation in that thing and stream i remember the deacons doing what we used to call in the baptist tradition devotion but it was more singing than it was praying now we all have our journeys and we are to honor those journeys but we've got to bring a course correction to our approach if we intend to be effective in prayer you understand that this is why most of you probably fall asleep trying to read the bible it's because you can't just engage it like a regular document if you don't believe it that thing is living bread and food for you and you do that by prayer you can grow your love for the word by praying the word people always say man you just got them scriptures all the way down to you i know it was hard on you at school no school was actually quite easy for me um i learned it by praying the scriptures when i did not know what to say i said what he said when i did not know what to think i said what he thought and i chose to do it until i believed it because one of us is right and one of us is wrong so when i had a view and when i had an opinion when i had a need i went to the scriptures to figure out what he said about it scream yes and so prayer has that partnership and their role in our lives and i'm not legalistic or i believe that there are people who take great pride in the amount of time they spend in prayer now if it is your thing there are some people who have a grace to shiver to like spend hours and prayer and they lose themselves and that's perfectly fine but i don't want you to develop a pride in your prayer life some of the most arrogant people i've ever met in my life took great pride in their prayer life and they demonized people because they didn't pray in the way that they did so there is not one way to pray open up there is not one way to pray and it's not unknown it because it's loud talk to me it's not anointed because you mimic whoever you studied on youtube what makes it anointed in prayer is honesty and the nakedness of the heart scream teach to me if your heart can't be naked in prayer your heart can be naked anywhere stop dating right now don't ask nobody else to be a friend right now if you don't know how to bear yourself honestly in prayer you're not going to be transparent nowhere else it is a matter of life and death praying and praying yourself into that and so i started prophecy esperine this crazy journey my grandmother was an intercessor and so you know i taught you all about the noise in the other room that there was a a pre-cadence like a rhythm to pray she would find her way and then begin to pray about whatever she felt was on the heart of god and she always prayed for her stuff last i was like girl you're crazy i about to be praying about no drunks and no crackheads and whole monkeys they going to hell anyway y'all i'm praying against they will but she would always put the needs of other people before her that's intercession you say it's deeper than the ask it's the it's being able to come in contact with the heart and the mind of god even when it hurts you so you can't be a real intercessor with an opinion you've got to be willing to sacrifice the way you see it until you pray until you have a different heart on the matter if you deal with i'm just warming if you deal with bitterness you've got to pray if somebody offended you you got to pray and i'm not talking about witchcraft prayers where you want god to agree with your version on the story i'm talking about prayer the only way to break the yoke of unforgiveness after you go to counseling you've got to become you're not going like this take a deep breath open up you've got to become a personal intercessor for those that hurt you and i know you want me to turn my plow and i don't care cause i'm not scared of you when people offend you if you're going to get breakthrough in your heart first of all stop postponing it good giggling don't postpone your need to forgive and shout and postpone your need to forgive and run you don't have a victory lap to do if your heart is in a soul tie with the kingdom of rebellion and unforgiveness pray then dance pray then sing pray and then run if you don't you're just another church actor and and and and acting is very easy to learn in church come on and open up it's creeping in acting is easy my god i don't have to go to broadway i can just look at you and what happens is we got a lot of people that mimic who they aspire to be and don't want to sacrifice at the realm of their offering but when you pray god keeps the heart in the hand god keeps the heart i'll get the in the hand when i know a lot of people don't pray because of how long their leash is [Laughter] i'll leave it alone but you know people who pray have a short leash i i'm the most gracious man i'm a proud gracious ain't no legalism in me nowhere yet i mean anymore to the glory of god but god still has me on a leash i cannot do what you do and i'ma be very honest with my church there sometimes i want to there have been several moments over the last three years that i want to clean smack the stew out of people that ain't done that unto me just to express myself but honey when i opened the closet first thing god dealt with is you got to deal with the stitch you don't want to hear this you got to deal with what's emitting from your heart because that's what i'm talking to your heart is praying through your mouth i don't want your mouth if you're going to keep your heart it's quiet in this anglican church and i know why we stopped praying we got concerts come on and open this up ain't nobody praying the the average uh praise team rehearsal is more populated than the prayer meeting and when you get to the prayer meeting ain't nobody there but those that are aged and seasoned the pastor got the nerve to not be in prayer the way i was raised up by god is if anybody gonna lead prayer this is not something i can delegate how you gonna be the visionary with a closed eye i bind the power of the closed book and the seal closet we're gonna pray today [Applause] now you're not offended them guardian devils and you are there are things in you that's been groomed to fight truth and deflect it here's how it works man i so wish shirley could hear this man i so wish pookie could hear this i need to get this teaching to my niece so and so no no no no we're not playing tennis and ping pong this thing's got to land on you put your hand on your chest and say me first come on and obey me say me first we love to delegate what convicts us we love to deflect what's supposed to discipline us but when you pray i'm not preaching the point i'm making elder jasmine you're so beautiful baby i don't believe at an elder dawn i got like school like real school i ain't no honorary nothing factually but um i don't i've not seen research i've not seen proof in statistics i love your presence where somebody's character can remain unchanged if they've regularly frequent the secret place so when i see unchanged character and i'm not talking about a bad season or a bad moment or a day of grief or depression i'm talking about years of arrested development where you look the same come on open it up you act the same and you want the same i know you vacated the closet because you can't pray and stay the same it's impossible and if you can you might just go to a spoken word meeting because all you're doing is listening to yourself talk when i pray before i go any further i confess my stuff see my prayer life is a little different i'll go and say god i'm mad i can't stand them if if you don't hold my tongue i ain't got the strength to do it i'm about to speak in other and unknown tongues and i'm gonna talk about you coming up and your mama i'm gonna tell you kids it's ugly and you want nothing before you met me i'm gonna let all of it out and then i say but my heart wow my heart is yours so even though this is how i feel i can't stay that way so let me pray sometimes the problem is me but i only know that when i go before him sit down don't push me [Music] and so and so the c hey okay the secret de real to my study life is my prayer life i don't prioritize my mind over my heart because the way the heart work is it can control the mind it's not the mind that's desperately wicked it's the heart that emits signals it tells you what to think some of you don't even think what you really think you've got an old heart with red bottoms on and off hearts and you just went through elders class and of heart and you get offended at dumb church theatrics where are we gonna get the opportunity to sing who in the world let me pull out so prayer prayer is not listen to me prayer is not about god's loneliness it's not that he's sitting on the throne use the word throne as an intercessor that's a very key phrase you need to use you need to understand that he does not move now his word does he's seated so so we're praying to a god who's made up his mind hold on i felt that here we're preaching to a god that don't need to think about it we're praying to a god that ain't got to reflect on anything he does all things well and that's why i pray see the fundamental issue with our christianity is we think sometimes we're writing he's not but when you understand thrones open up dominion open up sovereignty divinity you relinquish your right to oppose him in your humanity but the problem is that never happens without prayer you can't get that to read no book and you can't get that by making your prayer person lay hands on you or finding something you know there was a time and i'm not binding it or i'm not judging it so i don't want you to think i'm being critical i'm just serious this is my life and yours there was a time when renee there was a whole period like 1999 to like 2004 everybody was decreeing and declaring and one day i became crazy i decided to create that and it became so stoic and and distant i mean they wrapped up in a prayer i decree i declare and they just start mimicking whoever impressed them so one day i tested it i say hey spell it define it help me know it's etymology who told you what to say first of all because of your life you don't have authority to decree you barely a believer [Music] lord i can't get nobody here we're still struggling to get you to believe by grace through faith and you want to fight jezebel and burn stuff in the second heaven they will eat you up up there this is not about copying and mimicking it being impressive by prayer first thing that's going to happen is god's going to kill the the desire for you to impress people i don't know a real intercessor that has impressing people as their motive so if i am an intercessor come on we got to pray i am also an intervener if i am an intercessor i am also an interrupter if i am an intercessor i am also an interpreter i put my hand in my heart to god's mouth and his mind to find somebody in christ does this make sense to you now i was getting to this point because i think over here we we're not going to build the knot with what i'm about to give you we're not going to come over here to only see the mother's prey and then the men that are called to pray don't have another male example of prayer so they mimic the women that they know that praise i know that hurt but the real truth is that there were men who would get i literally will grab you by your face and say you're going to sit with me right now and we're going to pray and i'm going to teach you how to pray i love your grandmama i appreciate mother smith and all them people but i want to know if you know how to open up as a man and give the lord your emotions don't tell them what to oh y'all so uncomfortable i want to know if you prayed before you asked for a number i want to know if you prayed before you put that money in that dumb business that wasn't going gonna have a long life did you pray yeah i'm so old school i used to have hey evan prayer partners i know y'all don't do that no more but you got gossip partners you got drinking partners you got screwing partners you got all kind of partners and nobody to call to pray i scared you you got to have partnership and agreement and prayer if you don't open up i'll crack in here get your hands and say send me a prayer partner i want a pride partner look i we got we've gotten so far away from this we get offended that we don't get a birthday post that folk don't come to the dinner don't nobody want no red lobster keep your stupid balloons and your happy happy joy joy soul [Applause] i don't want a friend that i can't pray with you not about to be my bff and i can't show you my closet shout hallelujah [Music] i would pray i would fall in sin and do something stupid and i would go and confess i know that's a cuss word and then we would take them out of the prayer it wouldn't be weaponized so we would pray and so i found this scripture that blesses me okay this is our these are these are our instructions put up isaiah 56 and 7. stop yelling at me y'all prayer prayer it's the way to everything in life you're getting nothing without it richie the level prophetically if you walk the streets of new york shaniqua there is this constant nervousness in the spirit i know and and it almost brings my gifts to sensory overload because everybody's in a rush nowhere everybody's walking fast nowhere they're dressed up and have no identity they have briefcases and they have no confidence they they have long tarantula eyelashes on and deep on the inside they hate themselves listen to me god will change your view and your image of yourself because when you get before him he'll tell you listen girl you look good and i beautify the meek of salvation you don't need a compliment when you got a closet put those hands together for a father that will affirm you i'm working in here he will affirm you when people when people have an addiction i ain't got no nose an addiction to affirmation i can tell they don't be an intercession if you say thank you i appreciate it if you say that you're valued i really do value it it's encouraging but it don't make me if you say thank you or not i'm going to obey god if you give me a certificate i'm obey god if i don't get a plaque i'm still going to pray [Music] this hey this will be a church where we gonna pray we're gonna pray we're gonna pray in happiness we're gonna pray in sadness we're going to pray when we feel good because here's what i'm trying to do call your prayer life out of crisis mode the reason why america's response is everybody prays because we wasn't doing it to begin with so then the enemy is able to do whatever he wants to do and then we're like oh oh oh reactionary prayer but you don't need revelation to react it's quiet thank you sugar and y'all better leave it alone isaiah 56 and 7. your presence is life your presence god has given me authority to break yokes off of prayer lives focus up here god has given me authority to break yokes off our prayer lives your body is not the only thing that can have a yoke on it there could be a real harness stopping you from praying choking the life out of you here's what i didn't know glenn isaiah 56 and 7 this is just a principle even them will i bring to my what so that's an ascent so a part of the principle there is you can't pray and stay at the same level there are times you're going to have to elevate i'm going up okay i have the right to be myself but in prayer i choose not to be okay on my holy mountain and here's what made me i will make them scream this word if that's a scream y'all need help scream that word i found a mystery when joy starts to decrease in your life one of the things that might be symptomatic of is an abandonment to pray i could never they don't like this i i never understood why god allows hardship why why god doesn't show you and stop everything sometimes it's because you're too happy to pray you got the money you want open up you got the job you want he finally said yes to the dress you got everything you want your contentment got your closet glued your comfort got your prayer life on lockdown and so god's got to let all the hell loose to bring you back to the altar and then when you get there he's like stay here i'm gonna let this stuff sting until you learn how to stay here i'm gonna let this stuff hurt and you're gonna bleed until you stay here cause the next time you leave me for a man i'ma make him turn on you i'm looking in here will make men joyful where and what what what what my house shall be called a house of prayer for who all nations so pragmatically when i would go to prayer i'm like this is so this is dumb they're just saying the same stuff she don't even know what she talking about what's happening and what i noticed was the design of the enemy was to make prayer boring the bible says i'm going to make them joyful in my house of prayer the book of acts gives us a contiguous pattern of miracle deliverance prayer meeting miracle deliverance prayer meeting will you allow me to write and indulge me the right to offend you 87 percent of you in the room if i be god's prophet has spent more time in planning meetings and prayer meetings that's how the plan becomes idolatrous because it didn't come through intercession i'm about to hurt your feelings zumba because what happens is you get this plan and plans bring security and deadlines and goals and it gives you a sense of identity when you are not what you do that's your problem right now that's why somebody else does it better than you you can offend it because you worship the plan but if you put the plan in the prayer closet then the plan does not have the power to devastate you you should be okay with a changed deadline come on and open up you should be okay when a relationship don't go how you want to it's because the plan wasn't a plan on his own i got to plan through prayer idolatry of the play these i mean they just vision boarding by 35 i need to do this and then it's a real spirit of depression it's like my i'm almost 40. and what happens is listen to me the other thing prophet has been read that fights the prayer closet huh is the clock i'm not talking about your watch i'm talking about the one in here i'll make men joyful in my house of prayer can i take you deeper i was going to do it anyway now go into the mess i just asked to be polite because i'm working on my manners okay that's just i'm growing sue me okay psalm 10 4. psalm 10 4 put that up and then we're going to pray a scripture tonight i'm going to bring some people to help me pray i'm gonna give you some pragmatic principles y'all know how when uh pastor rich tober who i absolutely adore i can't say come on i'm so proud of him proud [Applause] yeah he he's written some things that i told him i don't think you know what you did and i don't think you know the power of that pen god did something to you um anyway um what was i saying yeah psalm 24 okay is it 10-4 oh that's prophetic okay i have bad news maybe your prayer life is not where it should be not because you're tired maybe it's not an issue of your blood pressure maybe your sugar ain't low maybe it's not the fact that the kids don't have lunch or that you got to iron maybe the real problem is you got pride i know now when i said that you're like because i'm nice to everybody some of the most proud people in the world smile a lot some of the most proud people in the world know how to dress that pride up you can be proud and not know it as a matter of fact most of the people that i've ever checked about the spirit of pride was the last to know they were bound everybody else in the circle was like duh the wicked through the pride of his life keep going keep going now give me verse 5. countenance he will not seek is there a relationship between prayerlessness and pride and does this song tell us that seeking god is a demonstration of humility and that if you desire to humble yourself which the wise should do one of the things you need to regularly do is put yourself on prayer times to seek to seek if you ain't listen i'm pretty irritable right so i have this thing i've learned with my wife if i lose my keys or um a garment of clothes i blame her immediately okay i know it's dysfunctional but it's just the way i find stuff i walk in like i left my jeans right over here she's like boy she pays me no mind she's a perfect piece you know but i blame her and then i find it because my blame in some weird way makes me rethink about where it could really be but but but but but having to seek something out will humble you when you like when you like i know i left my wallet no you don't because it ain't there i where was the last place you had it you see seeking has everything to do with going back and forth for the last place you don't just seek for the next play i'm working in here you seek god to be delivered lift your hands and say from the last place you seek god to have the authority say the last place or the last place broken off of you and many of you cannot be led because you're trapped in where you left it but when you seek him it's a way that god keeps you humble god has a beautiful personality there are times when you feel his nearness he like hey i'm all over you just love and love it and there are other times he's like no come back here a little deeper why aren't you talking cause i want you walking come back here just a little further see god is not ignoring you he's inviting you and when god is inviting you you're gonna feel like he's gonna narrow you but don't give up seeks don't stop seek don't move seek god if you don't answer today i'm not moving i'm going to be back here same time same place i'm too anointed to live my life in myself so i know to trust myself i've got to seek you your problem is you trust yourself too much you ain't got trust issues because you trust you as if you ain't the same flesh so pride and prayerlessness are intertwined now you're like oh my god i don't think i'm better than anybody no no baby it's not about you saying i'm better than you that's arrogance it's about you thinking that what you've got to do today is more important than prayer it's about you saying well i only got five hours of sleep so i just worship how you gonna give god a little drive through drive by prayer and then spin your greedy tail 30 to 40 minutes at a line in chipotle open up open up cause one of the ways i can tell your pride is about what you do with your food i know you don't like that you patient for stew and oxtail and peace but you're impatient for prayer i said that you're patient for rose all right and when you got to make a romantic dinner where is your patience for prayer where you going what you want to rush for food ain't going to be that tomorrow the same thing will be here tomorrow if you don't sacrifice a space all he wants is a space all he wants is some room all he wants is to know that your priority is his and your decision-making is his and your opinion is his but when you're more important to you than his will you don't do what you need to do to find his will i hear god for a living but a part of what i know about god is he will conceal his will so that you will pursue him because if i give you what's in my hand and you still ain't reach for what's in my heart you will abuse what i use to bless you to break other people and you will worship what i gave you and look away from me i'm the giver the gift is not enough the blessing is not enough the paying my rent is not enough you can strip and do that you can sell drugs and do that and from what i understand due to inflation marijuana is more expensive y'all know don't act like that and so things are getting a lot more expensive than what they used to be come on i know y'all full of edibles and it's okay there is no condemnation to those that are in i'm gonna condemn you but what i will do is snatch you by your hair and tell you you better not be controlled by anything that didn't come through the cross and you better not let that thing ruin your life your marriage your relationship i'm working in here the kingdom of addiction come down and be burned by fire paper smoke shout hallelujah y'all love to be dependent on everything but god [Applause] [Music] ain't nothing wrong with the hennessy every now and then but does that make you happy is that how you find your peace [Music] it's got to be by prayer be anxious for nothing i'm going to be the realest pastor you've ever seen in your life and if it ain't real it ain't right so if you want to uh the blood of jesus no no no no no no we're going to talk about it in here [Music] be anxious there is a rise pm it's a revival darren of anxiety it's like it's been weird and and i think it didn't just happen during the pandemic there was there were people hitting critical ages like you know critical seasons and they started growing and what we don't like to talk about hey list i love you baby worry what and you know what it is watch me friend i tell you it's god's prophet worry is a manifestation of the mistrust of the word you're worrying because you don't believe him right so worry is from the future back worry is the heart's way of admitting and confessing i still don't know if this is god's will for me or if he wants me happy i've watched everybody in my family suffer and die and go without and they taught me that was how i got close to him and so i don't know if i'm ever going to finish this degree and i don't know if i'm ever going to be loved by a right spouse i don't know and all those questions become offenses and because there is a silent offense in your heart that you too punk to tell god you're mad at him the way you manifest it is by the closed book you you put a lock on the closet you come to church with us and you don't want people to squish especially around here you want nobody squinting at you and think you got a devil so you put it on but in your heart you're mad you're mad at god i ain't even so so when i ask you to serve the excuse you use you mad at your old church a lie you got an issue with god so we're going to pray a scripture tonight and i'm going to give you a pattern of how we do it there's some people here that have watched my prayer life and watch how i do it i mean literally and there's never not a reason to not pray now i'm not telling i think it's weird to be in a political meeting and walk up to an elected official and in point two seconds be quickening i think it's dumb and for whatever reason church people really do believe that that's the way to get influenced so you go in front of a politician an intelligent politician is going to call the police so i'm not i'm not i'm not telling you the bible says men should always pray i'm telling you if you have anxiety issues some of you do need to peel now church people i'm about to make so many people mad here's my crap how are you going to take a tylenol for a headache and not take nothing to adjust your mind [Applause] you wasn't crazy when you had cramps why do you think this medicine is bad for you honey you need a pill i know that offended you but y'all trying to cast out trauma and cast down chemical issues some stuff is character some stuff is chemical if you don't agree stop going to the dentist if you don't agree suffer through that headache you throw every tylenol pill you got in your house away so some people need a pill and no condemnation but the problem is you need a peel and prayer and if you pray you won't always need to peel my god god will break your dependency on it because he alone is your delivery [Applause] there is a way to pray through moments of anxiety there's a way to to push your emotions to back you see when the bible talks about every knee bowel it wouldn't talk about your kneecaps it was talking about understanding the necessity of teaching everything with the name the nature of god the greater name the greater power the greater authority so are you bowing your knees and not your opinions scream bow are you bowing your knees and not your version of the story i don't have enough bowing people that i know that's willing to have your moment but not make that moment your month pride rebellion offense they're like yeast you church people love to feel entitled i want to just ask the entire church of america who do you think you are all of them see it would be easy for unity if prayer preceded it but but then you got the prayer breakfast where the biscuits got more love than god ain't nobody praying and then you got prayer conferences or prayer revivals where everybody preaching false advertisement give me my money back so you're never too young to learn to pray you're never too busy to learn to pray and the more you do it the more you learn to love it you can pray yourself out of a spell of anxiety you can pray yourself i understand i met this thing physically i understand the spirit of heaviness there is a such thing as an unexplainable sadness now if you don't believe in devils this conversation is too big for you to begin with okay so let's start there but if there's a weight a blanket that sits upon people they manifest it through anger or irritability or these become outright mean the real truth may be that they wrestle with the spirit of heaviness it's the heart's way of telling you i don't know how to deal with my disappointments but if you don't fix your devotion you're going to always have disappointments ask me why your expectations have not been sanctified that's why people say stuff and it breaks you that's why people leaving if you leaving you makes you leave life for a long time that's why you got people around you and still feel alone because you won't fix your devotion first things first we want to befriend around our devotion and have a party around the fact that we got a crisis in our prayer lives if you're honest with yourself and god you're like yo i've come to the place now this is going to sound weird but i thank god for my plateaus y'all want progress and advancement you want some post on facebook but but but plateaus are important when you get stuck something about feeling like where the head do i go from here we'll pull a different type of cry it'll pull a different type of his which i don't like lamenting it'll pull a different level of a well but when you're taking the steps everything looks good we have a tendency to habitually walk away from prayer but you can pray all day every way okay now i'm gonna give you our prayer topic and we're gonna pray here's what's important is corporate participation your personal prayer life and this is my first official prayer meeting in new york city to the glory of god all right now if you study the corporate prayer meetings in the bible they were very different from personal prayer meetings and there are people who approach approach corporate prayer like it's their personal prayer closet i had to rebuke one of my intercessors several years ago i'm not this mean i'm just direct evan she she got up and she did with some of the prison workshop we just be doing you know the artist worshiper people uh she she said i ain't got time to pop and prime you she turned her back on my audience and got on her knees and had my whole church looking i went up there i said baby you have to get up now get up how you going to lead and leave if you're not here to pump in prime shut up and sit down it's my and if i knew how to get there i wouldn't need you your job is to become the map i'm working in here yeah i just took that a religious statement out of your mouth that makes you feel deeper than the people you in front of what you come to do i don't know you tell me fool you don't want me to microphone shout hallelujah it's just something that sounds deep but it's dumb i didn't come in a pumping prime you give me my check back it's a diva devil in men and women that think the attention is on them [Applause] i scolded her i sure did i rebuked i said don't you ever again abandon and vacate a place of leadership i gave you for people looking how to find the way to him [Applause] i'm that kind of leader and so in corporate and corporate prayer we're praying now i got some prayer secrets that i could teach all the time you'll get it soon enough but apostle isaac when i'm in prayer or corporate prayer meetings i pay attention to who i'm sitting by because i learned something there is a such thing as intercessory interference if i'm sitting next to you and you've got a filthy attitude and i'm sitting next to you and you mad and elder so-and-so and i'm sitting next to you and you mad because i just preached on your scene he's preaching at me who in the hades am i supposed to preach at you're in the chair come on with your offended self i know y'all love to deflect that stuff when it hits you so i'm i'm little old me scoot over baby no that not too much and we're in prayer pray to going up i got devil one on the right devil wanna and i'm like meanwhile their hearts are tight meanwhile their opinions are tight and i'm like so this is why it's important i tell my babies all the time hey if somebody next to you don't look like they want to be involved in this prayer meeting whether you got to give a courtesy fall or not fall out act like something hit you you do it anyway and walk away find yourself situated in your prayer posture i gotta find a closet cause you getting on my nerves i got to find a closet cause i can't get through your old pitch is bringing me down [Applause] so in brown prayer meetings i'm always like yo pay attention to who you're sitting next to if you're sleeping with who you're sitting next to come on the apostle is here if you know y'all screwing your ain't prayer partners let me crack it open like i can if you now y'all in sin together ain't no way you're gonna feel the confidence to pray [Applause] i'm out here now richard you know i love you that's the only reason i went to your recording i don't do that stuff cause i'm looking at people that i know are shouting together and they're dancing and sleeping together [Applause] [Music] sing it oh yeah yeah barking at each other in the choir y'all know y'all come on man be honest be honest be honest [Applause] we used to call him bay and boo i'm from now we call him bro [Music] i said it now we call him sis [Applause] see if you if you went to the closet the right one then there'd be no reason for casual sex i might need to keep the numbers low tomorrow i think i might have preached something up out of here it's disturbing to see people's willful bondage when there is a place to go when the heart is broken i know you ain't gonna like this but i'm here now there's a better place to go when you're horny what is this i smell in here what i see in here what do i see happening now [Applause] ah oh oh this is the freaking campus huh i'm serious as a heart attack the power of lust is not gonna bring this house down you're gonna have to take that freaky stuff up the street not on my watch [Applause] but ah dad so weak in the knees i can hardly speak i lose all control and that something takes over me right so i'm not telling you that you ain't gonna feel a little something there's been plenty of times after i preach that i grab my white phone and say get naked now daddy's on his way home and i want a whole lot today come on and open this up but when your body starts talking to you you don't have to talk back [Applause] gerd gerd it means to buckle down and hold it down and if you fall i'm the wrong i'm not going to ever condemn you now if you keep doing it then you you'll be on your own i'll walk you through anything i didn't hurt at all but there's going to come a time when you're going to have to gird your loins watch me with what with what we got to have bible study in here guard them with truth which means your loins can lie [Music] your loins need truth they can be sending you false information so yeah everybody in here y'all got needs and wants and thoughts and experiences and it's worse when you got a whole bunch of people to compare to because now you got 31 flavors in your mind why y'all uncomfortable act like this is a group text so the lord know you got eyes you got ears and right now it's few and far between you know there ain't as many good men out here as it used to be and i'm glad you women agree because we feel the same way you can't cook lord have mercy don't clean your house so yes there is a shortage of men but who said you was a wife yet let's bust the devil's head open to a white me let's be fair you broke and you're looking for a hero but your husband ain't your hero how you gonna help with nothing in your bank account lord they didn't like that [Applause] i'm glad i get to go back to my church again tomorrow night so you will start feeling stuff woody this version of me is the best i'm glad you ain't know me in sin i was a shake that thing missed and and i had a it was bad i would take my collar off come on let's be honest put that toothpick in my mouth bust them earrings in i would get in my caprice classic with spinners and i would put that radio in there and i'd bang it all throughout the neighborhood let you know i was coming i understand it that's why i'm not going to condemn you i understand pimping life i really do my last name is stephen sutton i understand it the point i'm making is there's something you can do with even natural emotion and natural feeling have them don't be controlled by them destructive sexual practice is always proof of somebody that left the altar now you may need some counseling therapy but if you can't stop you there's some place you ain't been and y'all are mad at this y'all do know fornication is still sin i just want to clarify cause some of y'all like fighting me like this ain't no human it's church now this is gonna be a kind of church where you can fall i want my church to be a safe place to pull because i'm done with christian cannibals those of you that buy and devour and act like you don't need to be humbled with a white towel [Applause] because they'll tell the truth about you every time so i'm not on that let's bring him in front of the church i used to hate that stuff you don't owe me an apology i don't give a i don't care who that baby child is i don't get to vote on your freedom you don't owe me no apology i want to partner with you and your brokenness but asia it's going to be a process you can't live with hell for 40 years have one altar call and really think you're not gonna have a bad day i'm telling you where to go with that day yes you're gonna make mistakes needfully so because a part of that teaches you how bad you need god i can't trust myself period so because of that i pray lord i don't know how i feel about this so this is up to you i don't know how to see this but this is up to you i make conversation with the one who knows everything about me can i just set you free from condemnation how do you disappoint a god that knows everything there are people who won't repent because they think god is mad he's not he knew it before you showed signs of it symptoms of it he knew it but when you go into that pride called independence from him and you distance your daily self i need you today my prayer life is like lord it's tuesday i can't do tuesday without you y'all go all the way to master's degrees without a man and marriage without no lord it's new hey hey hey they're getting on my nerves i can't even do lunch break right now if you don't come and do something in my heart i'm going to smooth manifest all the broken places in me and because i'm strong even my brokenness will break people so i've got to pray and i've got to remain prayerful it's life's seat belt it's my insurance policy that i don't screw stuff up i've got to pray and so when you have a person this is going to be a place where anybody can come and if the word of god don't work on you i ain't got no choice my job is to preach the truth come whoever will and drink it's free it's for you come but know that you're going to only stay for so long before the call to conversion starts hitting that heart hallelujah and the way you start to know it is stuff that you didn't used to be convicted about you'd be like wait maybe i shouldn't have that's how you know he's pulling you in don't suppress conviction even if your support system ain't convicted by what you need to be convicted for the dangerous thing about suppressing your conviction is that they are there for the next season's clarity my conviction is the steering wheel of the hand of god on my next move so the lord knows the way that i take so he convicts me watch me so that i don't take behaviors habits attitudes to wherever he knows i'm going next the bottom line is if i have convictions i've got a future that's why it's dangerous to trust people who don't have conviction it should be that the closer you get to him the more deeper you convict it it should be that the the more you're pursuing his will and here's the deal just keep trying and try and try and don't let deeply seated religious lies about god keep you away from him because you think he thinks you're dirty the whole story started with dirt he ain't scared with a little dirt and the dominion was found in the dirt why you don't want him to know you dirty i want him to know it because i want dominion i want to reign god plays with dirt all the time he loves it don't hide your family's dirk i feel a chill here don't you let folk tell you a goal in this house stay in this house or you're going to go crazy with the people in the house press your way through and it's got to start by prayer does this make sense to you all right let's do what we're going to do put up my scripture my prayer scripture now this may make me dance a little bit i want this to be a safe place for folks to fall i want people to fall and be like i got to go to church i do i really do i want them to fall make a mistake have a real bad and be like i got to go to church i want them to understand the hospital nature of what we do this is a place that's been exhibited by god in this critical moment in church history to exhibit brave compassion boldness like the church that we have that says you can sit here there are no selective sections of different varied levels of brokenness you can't say i'm broken but he really broke and you're both going to hell if you don't change and you might be roommates so it's better off for us to just humble ourselves and if any one of you be overtaken by a fault ye come on ye ye not ye that are sopranos and you that are ministers in training not even you that are spiritual the problem is there's a lot of unspiritual christians and if that were not the case we'd have a whole lot of restored people i look at people that need restoration and i see it as the failure of a christian somewhere somebody didn't reach and because we condemn kelly there's fear to reach you know when when when would the one with the issue of blood been healed and she was if she was too proud to at least reach now if you like well i did reach out the pastor's office didn't get back i'm not telling you to reach for me don't set yourself up to be disappointed right now but reach somewhere reach the problem is a reach has to have the right motive if i'm broken rory and and my heart is hurting do you think i'm going to be dumb and reject the prayer of my child my daughter comes up to me with all of her inexperience against all of my education and she has the heart of god because she's too innocent to see it wrong and she just prays by faith what comes out do you think i'm gonna be all there there that's the problem we gotta bury there there thing it sounds like this how you gonna pray for me what do you mean maybe you can see my brokenness but i saw your credit score so we both broke in somewhere with your lying taxed hill you claiming kids it ain't yours expenses that ain't right you lie too so can we like stop bullying obvious bondage thinking that it weighs differently than secret bondage it's the bondage i can't see that scared me i appreciate an honest devil you come to me and say pastor i was at the strip club i'm just oh lord jesus come on let's praise god and hopefully you'll try again next week look at him with them jesus patty cake and sin and now the young people just leaving the church good great because had they been able to find healing had they been able to be accepted before you tried to change them you can't change somebody you won't hug poo so if they come in here let them come [Music] because i ain't saddened in years but it's back i don't steal sheep i grow grass and the problem is they come starving and they get too fat to fit out the door graze on that and so we're going to be the type of place where people are going to feel comfortable in this church when walking up to an elder saying yo i stayed up last night i don't even know who happened to me but i'm here i want the type of honesty with focus like yeah i just left choir rehearsal and went back to my sugar daddy and bring all of that here bring that hurt here bring that fear here bring them wounds here bring them questions here bring that uncertainty here bring it here so you can heal you you you you know you bound don't dance to make us think you ain't all right i want nobody think i got a devil so here we go no no no no no no no no no that's easy for new yorkers y'all love that but honesty what i've discerned is new yorkers in this region we're okay with being honest with everybody else but there is a strong spirit of pride and the name of that devil is my business and i get it sugar because last time you tried they condemned you or they weaponized it or you found it all over everybody's desk all i'm saying is we're not going to be perfect but can we try can this be the type of a place that tries somebody may say something and do something but at least have a holy tribe because the more that people who are not a part of us see that we value healing they'll come they'll be like wait a minute he over there she i know you like she over there and as they watch you change mature grow develop a hunger for things that you used to hate it's more attractive than a flyer my life needs this so we're going to pray the lord gave me this i'm only going to sit here thank you for what's coming in here now [Music] okay put this up in the message put this up in the message now the kjv if my memory ranged true says when the lord again turned the captivity of zion we were like those that dreamed a dream okay put it up in the message version one of the things that we see in this psalm this is what we're praying we're only gonna hit it a little bit in captivity moments of bondage or moments of heaviness it's hard to dream you lose your dreams a part of what comes with captivity is consistent nightmares you dream about death because the truth is you want to die you don't want to pursue your call or your ministry or your purpose because of what's going on in the realm of your captivity you have to be free to dream so this says that when the lord turned again the captivity of zion keep going then our mouth was filled with laughter no put it put another message if we got it in a minute about the pool the old school church brother read the scripture real loud read the bible [Laughter] come on y'all you're gonna laugh when you kill yourself what's going to laugh it's funny why you can't read your own bible my god anyway i'll read it myself give me a minute y'all what time is it okay now this is an easy way to pray or an easy um world y'all pray for my eyes you got it okay thank you sugar all right it seemed like a dream listen too good to be true when god returned zion's exiles when he brought us back into a place of freedom not controlled manipulation bondage we laughed that's the first time whoa hey hold on hold on some of you have not laughed in the way you used to laugh and you don't realize it's cause you deal with what the bible calls a crushed spirit it takes your laughter away we sang jasmine it was a whole period of my life three years i lost my song nothing to sing about what but when the lord turned again the captivity of zion we laugh we say you know and and look at this look at this we couldn't believe our good fortune so much stuff was happening around me and it doesn't watch this it doesn't mean that bad stuff was not it mean that the good had my attention more than the bad that who stayed was more important than who left and what i gained was more powerful to me than what i lost couldn't believe my good fortune we were the talk of the nations god was wonderful to them god can bless you to such a degree that it convicts your enemies god was wonderful to us we are a happy people but here's what i'm praying verse for and now god do it again hallelujah oh i wish you catch me up here come on come with me do it again if you jesus the same yesterday and today and forever more i know you're not going to look at new york knowing everything that happened with arturo skinner and everything that happened with miracles inside will you do it we need to see it again do it again do it again do it again bring rains to our drought hey our drought-stricken lives watch this so that those who planted their crops in despair will shout hooray at the harvest so that those that went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing kjv says and those that sow in tears will reap and shall we pray now yeah right there give that to me i'll show you how to do it if you follow me come on come on oh come on right here come on i'll give you language for it in a minute but let me coach you what you feel happening is called the spirit of prayer there's a biblical phrase called the spirit of prayer and it's a function of the holy spirit when you don't know what to pray i will pray in the spirit and i will pray without my understanding but i'm going to pray come on let it happen to you open your heart whoa whoa don't repent just be just receive right now don't apologize you got access you're a son don't say i'm sorry lift your hands and thank you for the privilege to seek him oh we love to pray we love to pray we love to pray we love to pray come on we love to pray we love to pray we love to pray we love to pray come on confess it oh god we love to pray we love to pray we love time with you my god we love time with you come on open the heart we love undistracted time before you to pray we love time where we know that we can be accepted irrespective of what we did hallelujah irrespective of how we may think that we are undeserving of it but oh god tonight we say we love to pray time with you come on right here time with you time with you time with you away from the noise come on open up in the balcony time with you time away from the noise and the distractions up and the pressures and the burdens and the fears and the apprehensions uh the paranoias the paranoias up the phobias of the stressors we come away from it [Music] now this is how we're going to start stay there you can find your prayer posture whatever makes you comfortable you can find your prayer posture it doesn't matter now the way i like to teach this come on go with me before we go in hurrying up to apologize i used to pray with fear that when i went in he was going to kill me because i cussed so i would be like father god in the name of jesus before i go any further you see how that narcissistically you call me to talk about you if i were god i'd hang up the phone but thank god i'm not so the way i like to open prayer up and this is going to be something practicing on your own i just boast and brag on him i i just talk to him until i feel my heart get drunk you know if you've ever had a real strong drink a good cocktail it'll have you stumbling like not remembering stuff there is a heart drunkenness that we need there are some things i don't need to remember anymore there are some things i need to have vacillate the heart of the king is in the head i need my heart to turn so i'm going to give you 10 seconds maybe 15 or 20 if i lose it and we're gonna just brag on him all right now let's do this corporately let's do this with full volume and put your strength in the room so i'm gonna start and we're just gonna go with me now you don't have to say what i say but you need to say something okay are you ready or lift your hands close your eyes let's get undistracted if you want to stand you can if you want to sit you can but let's go up all right let's go one two three we love you come on full valium we love you we love you we love you because you are god you've always been god you're never not god you're never not god not in crisis you're still god in famine you're still god in pestilence you're still god in confusion you're still god your god your god you were god forever from before the mountains were brought forth come on talk to him from before the mountains were brought forth you were god you never stop being god my god you eyes your eyes even roam to and throughout the earth you don't even blink for me you don't even give your eyelids rest because you're busy looking at me and tonight we lift our hands come on go with me we lift our hands and we cry out like the psalmist cried what is man that thou art mindful come on open up of him and the son of man that you have considered him for you made him hey hey hey you made him just a little lower a little lower than he and we love you for it come on we love you for it we love you for it come on talk to him don't make it about you you're so beautiful you're fair you're just you you're god here you speak and the constellations bow you speak and the trees obey my god you spoke to the sun and it should still you're so powerful what a wonder there you go right there what a wonder what a wonder you are we marvel at you we marvel at you we marvel at you we marvel at you we marvel at you we are breathless you leave me speechless looking at you takes my breath away and we love you part come on do it a little while [Music] thank you for life thank you for provision [Music] you're always providing you're always providing come on say that you're always providing your hand is never empty and and we've complained before and we've been ungrateful and you were still good to us you draw us and lord we're getting used to that now because other people kick us away but you draw us other people overlook us and yet you draw you are the drawing god you bring us into yourself and into your bosom we find grace and mercy our power to be accepted in your presence and the ultimate privilege of our lives hey the ultimate honor of our existence is to be called the sons of god now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear we love you come on stay there don't rush stay there thank you precious jesus we love you holy spirit come on you there come on use your mouth to do it we love you holy spirit we're nothing without you come on confess that we're nothing without you we love to need you it is an honor to need you we don't brag in our own strength we need you and we know it we need you and we want to we need you it's in not around but it's in you that we live and that we move and that we have our being and so from that place we pray because we don't have confidence in ourselves come on open up we don't have confidence in our career we don't have confidence in our resume we don't have confidence in our talent we don't have confidence in our skill come on i'm moving up we don't have confidence in our crowd we don't have confidence in those that move around us our only confidence is this this is the confidence that we have that when when when we pray you hear us oh god you're still listening hey you wouldn't be looking if you wasn't listening and if your eyes are upon me then your ear is toward me and we love you for prayer come on right here come on right here a little bit longer come on we're going to lift our come on pray come on use prayer as body training use prayer to learn to teach and instruct your members you can tell your body what to do by prayer train it train it train it train it come on come on shut up fear shut up thoughts shut up confusion shut up embarrassment shut up condemnation i will pray early in the morning yay i'll pray i'll pray later in the midnight hour i will pray i will offer up unto you the sacrifice before the oblation hits me upon the crown of my head i'll bow my knee before the mighty god i'll give it all to you you can have the heart come on open here you can have the will you can have the schedule hey you can have the calendar you can have the desire you can have it you can have the deadline you can have the timeline you can have the tempo you can have the rhythm out you can have the pace you can have it all i sacrifice my plans right now and i yield to your will for my life oh god even that that we don't know how we yield to it because we trust you and so we pray come on there come on there come on there there and we pray and we pray lord let laughter return come on i need your help push let laughter return will you begin to deal with the spirit of grief will you begin to deal with the spirit of grief will you begin to deal with the spirit of grief and sadness come on open up lord many of us have been robbed in the realm of our worship we don't even have the full faith to try anymore and we stopped laughing and occupied ourselves to distract ourselves from the deep deep deep disappointments my god but tonight we come before you with the desire to get undistracted come on open up act like there's a tv show and cooperate right now there are games going on around new york and people are shouting and screaming ye who are called the righteousness of god you got a right to use this air to achieve much in the realm of the spirit come on and push this thing through let laughter return bring unto us oh i hear this restore restore come on now cry restore ah cry restore unto us detroit here it comes restore unto us the joy of our salvation we want our joy to be fooled oh god you promised us you promised us we were not intelligent enough to know how to ask for it but you said we could have joy that was unspeakable and that would be full of glory give us joy let it be on the inside give us joy and our calling and joy and our decisions joy in our relationships joy and our preaching joy in our vision joy and our sacrifice joy let it return now let's pace in here let's pace in here good stay there there comes moment in prayer where you pace you don't have to hurry up and figure out what to say traveling shoes now ah right there glenn that's good man joy joy joy so that we don't continue to converse with the spirit of death joy so that we can continue to counsel with our regrets joy like a garrison around the ob oh i hear the lord saying joy one of the functions of joy is to guard your obedience capacity there are those of us in the room that's not been able to obey we've even given god hesitation we've given god unmerited and unwarranted accusation and suspicion because we have no joy but jesus who for the joy that was before him he went to the cross oh god help us to obey enjoy help us to walk forward in joy help us to move in joy help us to not resent oh god the areas of our heart the hard places help us to not resent our cultural brain now open your mouth there come on travel i don't want to hate that i have to obey you won't come on open up i don't want to be mad at my obedience come on i'm teaching you how to do this pray come on now when you get to this point the way you go up in prayers you give god more honesty come on let's endure oh god oh yes it looks like this but we've caved before we've been discouraged before huh we believe the lies of the devil we own it we admit it we thought that he was being more honest and you were we thought that our accuser had more authority than you did we thought that he would help us even though you are our healer oh yeah we believe the lie yes like adam that first nature rose up in us and we started to talk to the serpent the national sign of witchcraft and the occult and we allowed it to take our ears captive my god we allowed it to bring our tongues on the false accusation lord we lift our hands and confess we curse the seas and open your heart we curse the season we've acted like you weren't here we've acted like you weren't still doing what you're always doing lord in our feebleness and i frail to you we acted like a pandemic change your personhood but let us return tonight oh god let us return tonight oh god your word says you return the captivity of zion deliver us from behaving like prisoners hey deliver us from thinking like slaves deliver us from the fear and the fatter yes lord deliver us from that that binds the head from that that binds the feet that that binds the confession that that binds the belly says free my god in the internet in the inner man in the internet until we believe you come on pray there there come on come on let's go you're doing good travel give him some honesty oh come on children obey come on give it to him [Music] laughter and singing come on come on go up see prayer is like a staircase the only strength you need is to move up one more come on find it oh god oh hey thank you for clarity and whatever you say will obey you don't want to say that see when you're praying god will impress the spirit to make commitments and covenants he'll bring you into a realm of divine contract where you have to say what you wouldn't say before lord whatever we didn't have it in us to agree to to submit to to yield to to comply with we yield it to you now now lord we're going to be honest come on go with me y'all we're going to be honest we'll do it but you're going to have to help us come on we'll walk but if you'll be with us and go with us hey hell how like you went with moses oh god just don't leave us we're used to being left come on open your heart we're used to being loved it seems like in every season of something is happening my god and something is moving and it's always changing and evolving and you've called me into a life of faith you called me into a life of faith oh god and it's frustrating but tonight we confess it to you strip us oh you come on go strip us strip us from doubt hey strip us from disbelief come on don't get distracted strip us from downtown and discouragement and disbeliever deliver us from the weapon of deception lift your heart deliver us from walking in agreement with the lie of the wicked one concerning us and who we were and where we're going and what we mean to you every lie surrounding our identity come on open up every lie surrounding what we believe about what you want in our lives we heal with a brand new break in our backs come on pray a brand new bow in our knee and we return as an act of our will we return we return my god we return we return we return yes lord we return now [Music] come on there you go you're there come on move in it moving move in and come on come on come on there you go oh yeah i feel that move in it come on go tell your soul to shut up and go in the place of prayer oh [Music] all right now come on i'm going to challenge you [Music] keep me right there glenn you're doing amazing now in prayer when you're looking for your cadence and your endurance you've got to come out of your thought life stop thinking and pray all right if you have a prayer language that's that's our place of escape from the intellect if you have a prayer language it's it's a confession of human weakness it is in fact an admission of our inability and what we do not know i'ma challenge you that we're going to pray in the spirit if you don't just thank him more and then we're going to find a vein a vein is something that can open up once pressure is applied and you'll know when you hit a vein because there'll be a flow every vein determines the flow it's the it's the map of the flow it's the lane of the floor right i'm a count of three and i want everybody in here go up in your prayer language like you ain't got nothing to hide all right let's do it one two three go begin to pray come on right there keep me there come on oh yeah that's that stuff yeah come on oh yeah come on come on that's that sound higher higher higher come on take your time there you go oh take your time they taught us we had to rush when we pray in the spirit oh but no there's full language out there come on [Music] [Laughter] come on right there oh yeah come on do it now come on a lot harder come on a little harder come on come on put some valium in the room you ain't got nothing to be ashamed of come on here are the quran come on this was the secret to paul's revelation hey i pray in the spirit more than all of you come on give yourself some time come on move move move move language languages and expressions phrases and verbs articulation from eternity the ability to vent out is by the spirit the ability we don't know come on when you pray in the spirit it's your way of saying i don't know i don't know come on hey hey hey hey hey hey for we know not how to pray as we aren't but come on the spirit helps my infirmity and my infirmity is my humanity so because i'm weak i pray in the spirit building myself up ow at my most holy faith come on build it build it ah build it come on pray oh yeah oh you're there babies come on move pray pray in the spirit while you're washing your dishes pray in the spirit on your way to work pray in the spirit while you're cooking your greens pray in the spirit while you're at the gym come on there's more in you you've not even begun to tap into the rich resource in your inner man you've got a power and a battery that don't ever need to be charged it's called the holy ghost he's helping you right now what is he doing leading you he's guiding you he's showing you what's about to come to pass there ah come on although i longer discipline yourself oh father come on let's go one more round lift your hands father in the name of jesus right there come on stay there don't come down i want you a sin in your level of prayer stay stay safe oh god lord we thank you now for this time of prayer this time of recalibration this time of re calibration this time of energizing this time of understanding this this time of stretching out in the spirit we we thank you lord that you opened a door that can't ever shut you gave us the key of david come on come up what i'm doing right now is impartation i don't have to lay hands on you all you got to do is get around the environment the atmosphere come on and come with me i've already opened it all you got to do is enjoy the ride come on and enjoy the ride we're here now we're on a vacation together away from the vacation the fears of life come on we're enjoying the view of the beautiful promises of god come up zion we're already here now god we move in supplication and we lift our requests to you we lift up high we lift our requests we make our requests known and tonight it's simple before you do it in the state and before you do it in the city and before you do it for the community do it again in me whatever that it is i want you to do it again do deliverance again do healing again you training again raise me again instruct me again hey correct me again lord do it again in me and if you do it in me if you do it in me if you do it in me i'll do it for them yes lord if you do it in me i'll do it for the rest of my life hey if you do it in me i'll never get up you won't have to look for me and call my name i won't go awol i won't go back and do it in me do it in me come on do it in me before you do it for me do it in here before you do it around here do it at me my heart is yours my heart is yours my heart is yours my heart is your opener my heart is yours do it do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again he he that had begun he that have begun a good work shall be painful to do it in me do it in me do it in me do it in me do it in me [Music] hey all right it's open hey that's not just music it's an open heaven lift your supplication what is your it what is your itch what is it that you need him to do in you come on pull your mind off the stuff what is he trying to do within it's the war within uh the breakthrough within the impartation within [Music] do it [Music] do it in me hey come on hey hey make this selfish do it at me i'm tired of running from it i'm tired of avoiding the conversation i'm tired of acting like you're not trying to get my attention i'm tired of postponing and putting it off do it in me and if you want to do it right now whatever you're trying to do in in the in me in me i want to obey i don't know how i want to follow but i'm scared do it in me i want a door open in my heart for the power of the will of god to be made manifest manifest manifest manifest to within me come on take me from concept to instruction from theory to obedience take me from hearing it to doing it from seeing it to becoming it from saying it to billy shift me hey shift me forgot me to glory come on shift me hey [Music] glory to glory you up there now glory to glory this is the place in prayer where you don't need an escort no more you don't need my help congratulations you just graduated in prayer 101. do it in me do it in me do it in me do it in me do it in me join in me joining me joining me joining me joining me come on stay there content for it it's your right it's your personal right you've got a right to it your healing your deliverance you got a right to it fresh oil upon your head you got a right to it [Music] now go for bro come on go for bro go for bro if you have faith that god is going to keep his word stand up and throw them hands up and i'm crazy act crazy you start with praise and you end with worship go ahead and adore him now my soul god magnify the lord they hear my soul my soul my soul will make her boast in the lord my soul come on my soul says thank you [Music] thank you much obliged we're grateful thank you thank you that's how you close a prayer meeting thank you cause i know you're gonna do it and even if you don't do what i want you to do whatever you're gonna do is best for me thank you [Music] thank you for your help hey come on y'all shout with me thank him in advance for his help you're not gonna break up that relationship on your own you're gonna need his help your emotions ain't gonna change himself you gonna need his help you're gonna need his help [Music] come on i said you're gonna need his help thank him because when he the helper has come he's going to help you he's going to help you he's going to help you with a heart thing he's going to help you in a hard place he's going to help you in a heavy season he's going to help you make up your mind he's going to help you to choose he's going to help you to decide hey if you pray throw your hands up and say help me do it again say help me [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] we're done but prayer prayer is the one place that you can go when you feel like you have no help [Music] so it doesn't reduce you when you're in prayer and you start to express help it's called a cry we ask for help you will not do what you have to do alone prayer is a constant reminder i've got help and this is how you do it i will say will come on say i will that that means that this is not spontaneous combustion when the bible says you will or you i will it's meaning i'm going to make a decision to do this follow me and then we're going to break for our next semester i will lift up my eyes and listen if you look around if you look down who needs to keep their head up tonight don't you look at what's around you to the front of the back i will lift up mine eyes to the from whence cometh my because my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth go ahead give the man some love for help help help help hey hey hey hey hey oh yeah i have help i have help i have help i have help you don't look at me or go with me i have help i have help i have good health i got faithful help i got consistent help hey i got holy help i got help i got help from the station with from the sanctuary the help of the lord is my help the help of the lord is my health shout with me the help of the lord is my help i'm done trying to heal myself trying to fix myself i'm done i'm not my own attorney but i've got a helper he gonna help you hey he's gonna help you sorry he's gonna help you come on i'm old school i said he's gonna help you you acting like you got everything you need pull your proud self together and admit that you need help i need help with these kids help with these bills help with this sickness help with this battle help with this struggle i help with this bondage i need help in my soul helping my mind relationship need help i need your help i need your help oh i need your help hey hey i need your help hey that's real pray hell and quick help quick help hey quick help quick help you gonna have to help me you don't have to help me you're gonna have to come and pull your soul up i need help with this degree i need help with this ministry i need help with this call help with this assignment help me help me help me help me help me before i walk away help me before i get bound again help me before i go back on my vow help me hey hey they said my belly now help help i said hell i said hell somebody should like help come on let the hell come [Music] come on and let the hell come if you don't help me i'm running away if you don't help me i'm going to lose my mind if you don't help me i'm going to get a divorce if you don't help me i'm going to end up in the asylum i need your help [Music] hey that's real proud wake up in the morning just say hell wow before you go to bed and say help me because i want a booty car but i need your help i want them cigarettes out somebody should bug help hey [Music] help lord help lord help stevie help ray ray help ebony help sean keith help anna help my mom help my big mama help my daddy help my nephew help my brother help my wallet try help my wallet help my focus i need your help i need your help and i'm glad about it i need your help i'm not embarrassed for it i need your help [Music] i don't know what to say when they pray just say help me [Music] help quick help quick help quick hell quick help if you don't do something right now this emergency is gonna drown me it's a rescue 9-1-1 and we need you i said help [Music] no more body bags in this street help [Music] i don't want to miss you quick help i don't want to make the wrong decision i need quick help give me the confirmation give me the answers send the resources send the right counsel send the right therapist i need the right attorney help from the sanctuary help [Music] i learned that phrase from my grandmother [Music] her kids wouldn't come home and sometimes she would reach a point of frustration there's gonna come a moment in your life and a need in your life where you're not going to have a prayer strategy [Music] you won't have a you won't have a book to repeat after it worked for grandma it may be working for me clap your hands and say quick help i got a deadline coming i need quick help i can't pay my bills i need quick help will you put the money in the mouth of the fish send a help oh god when you raise up a weirdo woman to make room for me i need quick help give me some space but i need your help if you call me to it you got to help me do it somebody should help me we're done y'all messing with me right now [Music] you got a son that's addicted to drugs or a daughter in a bad relationship because you can't pray they will you can just ask god to help [Music] and god is so resourceful even if the help don't come from where you wanted it he will still send help baby if god's got to reach for a bum to bless you he'll pour somebody from out the alley with the word of the lord i'm telling you here comes the help i said here comes the help i'm prophesying to you here comes the help yeah i'm sorry help wow lord have mercy is moving from my spleen [Music] you can and and listen don't be embarrassed about it the bible said you can come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain help in the time of need that's why i pray because i'm not too honored to admit i need help now when i say help you get defensive because you think god is like the people that let you borrow money god they never lent something and took it back even the gift and the call of god is without repentance look at somebody say i steal god [Music] i still got it shut up devil yeah i had a hard season but i still got it yeah i went through hell but i still got it he didn't take it back why he was my health i'm about to hit you so he was my health hey take a minute and remember a moment where he helped you this year [Applause] balcony help me come on he helped me out of that closet helped me out of that hospital room helped me out of confusion helped me out of rage helped me out of anger he helped me out of unforgiveness somebody say help i'm done [Music] alyssa he gonna help you sugar he gonna help you fee you got to let him help and and however he chooses to help let him help it i warn you ask for eyes to see the real help because a lot of our snares are because we receive the wrong help i want the right help not just any kind of help and sometimes when the help come it's not the first thing to appear most times it's ishmael you got to wait on the help the help will come after you're patient enough to receive it i'm willing to wait if it means the right help okay you're about to lose your pastor because i'm about to flip off of here because the help of the lord [Applause] go with me i said the hell of the lord what did paul say hey king o'gripper i'm about to lose it i was not disobedient to the heavenly vision and it wasn't because i was scared it was because having obtained the help of the lord i did what he said do you gonna help me hey all right so i anticipate glory i anticipate seeing you this week at prayer and coming out to labor when you are assigned to a leader as they preach and teach they open up their level to you so every time your preacher preaches it's an opportunity to the next level okay that's how you know you're connected to the right thing you can move in different levels quickly [Music] help you don't need a housekeeper you need real help you don't need a tutor you need some real help and when the help starts coming in your way you gonna look around and have more help than you really need do you believe he is still jehovah jireh and he's giving you help even right now you'll hear before me but the help is at your house [Music] all right same time same place 100 more seats should you be brave but tonight when you go to bed wipe your face don't you shed another tear you go your tail to bed get some merlot if necessary but get some good sleep knowing that in the morning i'll have good helps how do you know cause he did it last year he did it the year before and if the devil could have done to me what he wanted to do he would have did it by now but the lord was my help over to the son of god he was my health hey hey i'm trying it's on the way it's on the way hey don't touch up but pull your hand down this is to say down the road down the road help is coming everything on my row is about to get the help that they need effective immediately ain't nobody on my role gonna be without help he's sending [Music] hey do it again so he's sick he's gonna help me to heal for real he's i'm not down the road down the road oh oh oh oh oh down the road send it down the road send it down the road favor mercy help come on send it counselor partners contracts contacts send it down the road approvals send it down the road don't be stingy [Music] what you waiting on i don't know how much help you need you want to shout to the extent of your help need help help help help help help hey ho ho help my car send your help now i'm under arrest however you've got to do it send quick help however send international help send races with different help send me some business help i need your help [Music] hey glory i prophesy [Music] i i prophesy a dramatic change watch me in your support system this is the last season in your life when you're gonna look around and only see losers around you that are unwilling to leave or lead in love with you or listen to you thank god for a change of a circle i need some new people around me come on thank you if they're coming right now you bout to send my peter my james i'll even get a job come on help help help help you got to get some human help [Applause] somebody i can cry on help [Applause] i need a safe place send your help i'm tired of crying alone i need your help i need your help i'm tired of being the most holy thing around me i need your help [Music] send the investors i'm under arrest send the sponsors send the benefactors send the progenitors i need the designers i need the artists i need some musicians cinder on your mark get ready get set grow you're about to grow your health is gonna help you grow your health is gonna pick your life up from run ramp and violently hostily tossing into the next dimension i prophesy your orbit is changing your dimension is about to change levels is moving he pulled around and sent me the help [Applause] hey you don't know how much help i need i got a big calling a huge vision i just need a little help i ain't gonna even lie i need a lot of help but he gonna sit a ram in the bush hear that [Applause] y'all hear that i think i see something over there in that bush wait a minute isaac get up off this altar here comes the realm the lord will provide i said i said the lord will provide i said he will provide he will provide the lord will see to it that i have what i need when i need it and if i got it i must not need it yet but he will supply all of my needs according to his riches [Music] better better better [Music] better better better better better it's already looking better it's already looking better it's already looking better hey better better better better [Music] need your help send your help need your help real health real help real help better help better health better friends better friends better jobs better opportunities better better every way every day better yes lord better [Music] it's already looking better it's already how's the year going better how's your money doing better how's that project it's better now unto him that is able to the great head of the church do here be our blessings honor glory and power both now and forever scream the word better [Applause]
Channel: All Nations New York
Views: 28,660
Rating: 4.8344827 out of 5
Id: oI3gVugA4lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 17sec (7637 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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