Pick up your feelings - Pastor Jamal Bryant

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every voice and celebrate and lift every voice and give praise unto god this is the day the lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it to be young gifted and black that was our hbcu choir representing every hbcu in the nation singing our negro national anthem it is so significant during black history month that we don't just remember our history but we make history and new birth has been committed to making history every sunday in the month of black history we have made a donation to an organization who has been doing the work and it is only befitting appropriate and proper on this the last sunday of black history month that we would make a donation to the nation's oldest largest and strongest civil rights organization the naacp and so today on behalf of new birth of dekalb county branch i received a donation from new birth for ten thousand dollars as they continuously fight for liberty and justice for all but i want you to know about what it is that new birth is doing in fighting for justice is not always about a police officer shooting it's not always about the prison pipeline it's not always about criminal justice sometimes it's about food insecurity and so we're making history even in overcast weather yesterday thousands were fed because we understand if you're not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem we're in the middle of our lenten fast and so we are collecting 2 000 pairs of glasses for those who are visually impaired both in the atlanta metropolitan area and a thousand of which that we're going to be sending to kenya for those who do not have access to immediate georgia i want you to know because of your graciousness that we've got two 18-wheeler trucks headed to texas on tuesday yesterday we collected 32 000 bottles of water 1 000 cases of water and those two trucks are getting ready to go dispatched realizing that they are representing the body of christ in our local embassy new birth we're going to hear later on in the service from our executive pastor colleagues lemons who is live in texas who is serving today who's volunteering today who's sharing today so please make sure you don't miss one moment of what it is that we're doing i want you because this is good ground today i am wearing one of the original flight suits from the tuskegee airmen who was an airborne unit who were the real patriots of this nation of fighting for democracy even when they could not get home loans i want to salute all of our african-american veterans who laid down their lives for a better life that they themselves were unable to see and now we realize we are soldiers in the salvation army if we must fight increase our carriage lord i told our volunteers yesterday that sometimes your money is your missionary and i believe that when it is that you sow into new birth it doesn't stay here but it goes abroad to meet all of the needs of our community and even across the diaspora i'm going to challenge you even right now for all that you have seen all that you have heard all that you have felt i want you to sow a seed into new birth our tithers you know what is expected of us that obedience is better than sacrifice can you imagine that our four parents rubbing nickels together as seamstresses as butlers as doormen we're still able to open up 114 historically black colleges and now this generation can't even keep them open i want us to be able to give because they were able to work from the sweat of their brow and still make an impact and still make a difference i looked glowingly as it is that our own minister tiffany boone boasted with pride at the ministry that her grandfather birthed in the 70s and knowing that it's still going forth our responsibility is to make sure that the next generation does not inherit our debt does not inherit our weight and does not inherit our pain our responsibility is to make it easier for somebody else fannie lou hamer said we sing we shall overcome so the next generation will have an easier way of coming over so do me a favor whatever it is that you're doing i want you to pause it and i want you to collect your giving apparatus and i want you to share right now with all of the prompts that are beneath me whether that's through giblify whether that's through text to give whether that's through push pay i don't care what it is that you have to do even if it's on our new platform we are newbirth.org don't let anything stop you until you give knowing that you are contributing to history that many people are on the sidelines watching history but new birth is on the front line making history the question was asked if you were alive during the civil rights movement during the civil rights era what would you have been doing and the answer is whatever you were doing right now our grandparents who didn't have formal education couldn't have an email address weren't able to travel around the world but understood as their mantra and their soundtrack if i can help somebody as i pass along if i can cheer somebody with a word or with a song then my living is not in vain i want you to help somebody i want you to encourage somebody i want you to invest into somebody i want you to sow into somebody and i want you to do it right now by giving into new birth i'm telling you god is getting ready to do something because you are history maker you are a world changer you are a global influencer nations are going to call your name generations are going to rise up and call you blessed your seed is not going to be thrown in the fallow ground but it's going to mushroom up it's going to grow and it's going to blossom that's not what it is that somebody can do for you what are you going to do for somebody else i'm going to challenge you all of our tithe as you know that tithing is 10 of our income those of you who are visiting from other faiths other reformations other assemblies i want to challenge you to give generously even in this moment zealously even in this season every person that can every person that will don't deliberate don't hesitate because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah and i thank him for saving me our music ministry is going to prepare our hearts for the word of god but while they're preparing to do that i'm going to remind you that we're in the middle of our fast and as a consequence the only beverage we drink is water we're mindful just as we did yesterday that we are walking every day but on saturdays at 8 a.m you walk with the pastor around the spans of this campus three miles in total i want to remind you that we have no whining i want to remind you that there is no wheat we're collecting 2 000 pairs of glasses as our aforementioned i need you please sir please ma'am send in your old glasses send in readers let's be a blessing this coming saturday i am going to be dispatching to you communion receptacles so that next sunday when we take communion we're going to be able to do it together get your heart ready get your mind ready get your spirit ready we're journeying two of the book of ephesians but i need you to do me a favor please i want you to go to the video and after the video prepare yourselves for what god has next with educational programs and seminars that encourage individuals to get involved the dekalb county branch naacp has continued to be a beacon of hope for the hopeful and the hopeless that's why new birth and pastor jamal bryan gave a donation to the naacp for ten thousand dollars thank you pastor jamal bryant and new birth missionary baptist church my name is teresa hardy and i'm the president of naacp dekalb county branch we are elated to receive this fabulous donation of ten thousand dollars we will use this funds to continue to fight for freedom we will fight to end racial and hatred discrimination how we're going to do this we have 2021 e3 game changers they are public policy education economic sustainability criminal justice reform health advocacy and youth engagement we look forward to all of you supporting us in this continual fight for freedom join us at naacp the cab again we are more than 28 days thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus listen i can't promise you that you won't have bad days but i can say that your good days will always outweigh your bad days because all things work together for good to those that love the lord and i know you love him so since you love him worship him with us this morning and give god your heart surrender everything to him because he's working things out for you right now you don't have to worry no more don't cry about it no more he's working it out for you that's lord let's prepare for the word of the lord this morning thank you jesus come on family for me just here to encourage someone so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i wrecked messenger and said i want you to come sing and she did it and i'm telling you god aligned us for such a season as this and i'm so appreciative not just for she uh but for her family for her daughter uh standing with us and serving faithfully in the ministry ephesians 4 verse 26 and 27. ephesians 4 verse 26 and 27 it says be angry but sin not don't let the sun go down and you still angry please whatever you do don't give the devil space i better read that again be angry but sin not don't let the sun go down while you're still angry whatever you do please don't give the devil a foothold i want to preach for a little while today using it as a subject pick up your feelings pick up your feelings transparently i've got to tell you that my television has not been turned to football since the debacle that swirled around colin kaepernick so in the latest super bowl begin to broadcast live from tampa florida when my social media pages begin to explode not just because the halftime performance by the weekend didn't have a strong finish but it became apparent during the singing of the national anthem that the queen of souls mantle was transferred from aretha franklin to jasmine sullivan she tore down an empty stadium and it felt like electric carriage came from her throat enough to power the entire state of texas soul music is a genre that taps the heart and every emotion that comes from the spirit the bible says in luke chapter 6 verse 45 out of the mouth the heart speaks if that be true jasmine sullivan is more in touch with her inner being than any person i know when she first came on the scene the song that launched her to stardom was a song entitled bust your windows where through tears that she sang i bust the windows out your car and no it didn't mend my broken heart i'll probably always have these ugly scars but right now i don't care about that part i bust the windows out your car after i saw you laying next to her i'm glad i did it because you had to learn i got to ask you a question have you ever been so mad that you wanted to break something if you've never felt that way the people in texas did when they were in sub-degree temperatures and the representative they elected ted cruz decided to go to cancun if you ain't never been so mad where you felt like breaking something the people in black lives matter did after it is that the whole nation celebrated first line responders in healthcare but still there is no justice for briana taylor you ever felt like breaking something you were that angry the people in port-au-prince haiti feel that way right now because democracy keeps eluding them surely you wanted to break something when unnecessarily your boss was staying on your back your teacher was not being attentive your significant other was flirting with another i read a tweet on yesterday from a disgruntled citizen that said that they got a notification from the government saying you owe us three thousand dollars and with tears stained cheeks he said but y'all owe me my grandmother do you know the toll of what it takes that 500 000 people have died in covet after a president said that it really was just a spoof and a farce you've been to a place where um your heart was so broken that the only thing you could think to break was a dish a glass a window or maybe somebody's jaw [Music] you caused me pain jasmine said so i did the same i had to do something to make you hurt after her sophomoric success she got frustrated jasmine did from seeing all of the shenanigans jonathan of backstage life in the music industry she took a hiatus to make some assessments and now he recently has uh renee renewed and released a new vigor and a new album her newest project is called pick up your feelings it's a requiem to a disloyal lover who's been caught creeping instead of busting windows out of his car she decides to get a new phone number get a new car a new sense of herself and it managed admonishes him the only thing you can do is come pick up your feelings what a meteoric rise and what a shift in maturity that the last time we saw just jasmine when she's caught out there in her feelings she wants to break something now she's come to a place where she realizes i am not going to allow other people to manipulate my emotions i ain't even gonna bother your car i'm not gonna play on your phone do me a favor and just come pick up your feelings it's amazing how zora neale hurston once wrote that people will stab you in the back and then get mad when blood splatters on them they get upset when it's their fault that they're in this place god is getting ready to free somebody from holding on to the feelings of anger the feelings that are making your blood boil the feelings that are pushing you over the edge the feelings that have made you not be able to see straight stanford university professor james gross posits a four-stage model to capture the sequence of events that occurs when our emotions are stimulated it's been named the modal model and what happens is when a situation grabs our attention it in turn makes us appraise and think about the meaning of that situation you ever been in a circumstance in a situation where you walked away and then you pause and say did they just say that to me you ever had to sit in your car and rehearse here it is what you should have said you ever been in your bed and said lord the next time i catch them it's going all the way down you ever had to harbor something for 15 of you who've got anger for somebody who ain't even alive somebody who can't even feel your wrath somebody who is not even impacted by your disposition i'm talking to somebody who has had steeped broiled down anger because you can't figure out how it is that they tried to wreak havoc on your life and you're left picking up the pieces and they've moved on as if nothing has happened you ever been at a place and a station in your life when folk act shocked because you expect and demand an apology nothing more infuriates you when they feign as if they don't remember what happened or try to flip it on you as if you misunderstood in every expectation that you gonna play the fool they have no idea how it is that you have to hyperventilate while sleeping that you're clenching your teeth and your fist while walking have no idea why it is that you're contending with serial migraine headaches that advil cannot fix you ever been at a place of anger here it is where you can't even pretend like you are all right where strangers ask you is there anything that they can do you ever been at a place of real deep seated anger because the reality is nobody can really anger you who you don't care about it was david who said if it was my enemies i would understand but it was my friends who ate at my table i hope i can go there who slept in my bed who was on my phone who was playing with my kids to be a christian translates to mean christ like to be a christian means that you are christ like therefore i can't help but be convinced that jasmine is probably a believer because she's actually mimeographed an aspect of the savior's behavior that many of us have ignored in matthew chapter 21 there's something striking and startling that takes place that arrests my attention in this hour and matthew 21 it rings familiar for you because matthew 21 is palm sunday where it is that people climbed up on trees and took off uh branches and began uh to throw their clothes out into the street and yell out loud hosanna blessed be the one who comes in the name of the lord hosanna the king is here hosanna have mercy on us it is known in biblical circles as the triumphal entry and jesus comes into town while it is that new converts and believers cry hosanna and right after they cry hosanna i want you to see what happens next jesus walks into church and starts kicking over tables pulls out a whip and start throwing people out of church nobody has ever wedged or bridged or glued those two dimensions together for me that the same day they cried hosanna it's the same day that we see jesus lose it and i need those of you who ever been at a moment where things can be going well and all of a sudden with no warning [Music] you you just go zero to a hundred real quick my dear friend out of chicago cory brooke said uh the difference between a good day and a bad day can be one phone call the difference between a good day and a bad day can be one text message you ever had everything going well and then somebody come at you sideways somebody says something disrespectful somebody tries to plot and have no idea that you know everything about it he says um i'm glad for what y'all did out there but y'all ain't gonna bring this drama into my house as for me and my house we shall serve the lord i speak peace in your house you hear me i speak peace at your house luther said it best a chair is not a house and a house is not home if nobody's there to hold you you know how miserable it is to be happy at work and to be frustrated at home [Music] do you know what it's like to be celebrated in the street and to be ignored in your own living room do you know what it's like to work from sun up to sun down and you can't even get your kids to cooperate do you know what it's like to be complimented by strangers and your own spouse don't even look up jesus said i'm not having this in my house it makes me sick and i speak over somebody even right now that you are not going to have anger at home [Music] you're not going to have frustration at home i want you wherever it is that you're looking whoever it is that you're viewing wherever it is that you're streaming i want you to just put your zip code in the thread because i am now dispatching warring angels to fight for the peace in your house for joy to be restored into your house for happiness in your house for there to actually be real love in your house jesus said i don't like what's happening in my father's house y'all gotta take that somewhere because in one minute in one moment in one instance in one experience his emotions changed that was in verse 13. i'm still in ephesians in uh matthew chapter 21 look at what happens now in verse 14. he just kicked people out of the church found a whip out of nowhere kicked over tables look at verse 14 of matthew 21 right after he kicks people out of the church verse 14 says and then he starts laying hands on the sick and then he starts restoring sight to the blind i know this doesn't really mesh for a lot of you but i'm wondering is there anybody who ever had to go to work angry anybody ever had to perform and produce while you were perturbed anybody ever had to keep your focus when you felt like fighting anybody ever had to do ministry while you were miserable he goes and heals people while he's got an attitude and i'm believing that no matter what's going on in the roller coaster of your emotions it will not in fact take you off what you are born to do what you are created to do it doesn't matter what they have said it doesn't matter what they think it doesn't matter what they've done it don't matter what you've experienced you're still anointed and god still expect you to do what you were born to do i've got too much to do to hold a grudge i better say that again i've got too much to do to hold a grudge i don't know where you are but i'm talking to the people in the back i got too much to do to hold the garage i got too much anointing to maintain this annoyance in ephesians chapter four the apostle paul is walking through the intended attitude of believers he's writing this email to the church at ephesus and he admonishes them something in ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 hear what paul says to the church that i now echo to those of you who are streaming live be angry but sin not if um if this was actually paul who wrote ephesians it wouldn't make sense if it was a luke rather who wrote ephesians and not paul it would make sense why because luke is a physician and he knows what happens when you're angry luke if he were to do editorial notes of be angry and sin not he would tell you you can't be angry too long why because anger leads to heart disease i better help somebody here anger raises your risk of having a stroke anger i don't know where you are helps weaken your immune system anger elevates your anxiety and so now it makes sense for me that when people make me angry that even if i don't say it i think it and i'll tell my friends here it is they make me sick because how angry they made me is messing with my blood pressure it's messing with my heart it's messing with my immune system you make me sick but i am not going to give you the authority over my life that i am going to lose myself and my health dealing with somebody who never deserved my joy in the first place be angry but sin not the reason why paul adds that addendum sin not and i don't know how many of you can keep it real but the longer i'm angry the longer time i have to plot the longer i stay angry the more schemes come through my head the more i stay angry you got no idea the plans i have for you are not for you to prosper it is not for you to be in good health he says don't let the sun go down and i want to make this affirmation and i want uh 2 000 of you to announce it out loud to the elements of the universe and to every enemy that is a creeping thing [Music] god says you got a right to be angry here it is but your anger has a deadline you cannot hold this anger until tomorrow however angry you are you got till midnight to get it out of your system i feel like orphan andy right now when when i think of a grave that day that's great and lonely i just stick out my chin and grin and say tomorrow and you you got to be at a place i'm going to be better tomorrow but i'm angry right now you got to give me a minute don't try to hug me don't try to talk to me don't call me don't text me i need some time cause god has authorized my anger i i can be angry i just can't hit you i can be angry i just ain't gonna sit outside your house i can be angry god knows i thought about it but i'm not gonna kill your car i can be angry you got no idea how many lives i spared by not telling my side of the story i can be angry but i cannot allow this to fester because if i hold on to this anger that's when the enemy comes in and i'm telling you i came to evict the demonic principality of anger that you are getting ready to have a peace that passes all understanding a joy that is unspeakable i feel better so much better ever since i laid my burdens down friends don't treat me like they used to ever since i laid my burdens down glory glorious hallelujah ever since i laid my burden style and this joy that i have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away we've been making door for a night but joy is coming in the morning i gotta tell you two words good morning good morning good morning good morning old things have passed away but your joy is here your peace is here your happiness is here ain't nobody mad but the devil the devil thought he had me but ah i got away [Music] come pick up your feelings come pick them up come pick it up you mad because i'm doing better you got an attitude cause i moved on [Music] you you got a problem with me because i see you for who you are you talking sideways away from me but smiling in front of me come pick up your feelings i don't owe you nothing you could have fooled me in the pandemic but i can see clearly now come pick up your feelings want you to lift up that hand because i'm believing that spirit of heaviness [Music] is being broken off for you you're not gonna be angry over a dead dad you're not gonna be angry over dissolved marriage you're not gonna be bothered from a terminated job you are not going to be bitter from a church hurt you're not going to be scarred from a former best friend god said i'm giving you until midnight to get this anger off of you but when i see you on monday i'm expecting you to be able to declare when peace like a river [Music] attendeth my way when sorrows like see pillows roll whatever my lock thou has taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul i want to pray for you i'm going to pray for your anger management i'm going to pray for your emotions for three of you i got to pray for you before you go bust somebody's window i got to pray for you because you was going to do something today that was reckless lord in the name of jesus i pray for every person whose emotions had them bound every person whose blood has been boiling whose rest has been disrupted i pray for every person who couldn't find them find their way to their original selves god you've already signed our permission slip thank you for letting me be angry because what they did was wrong how i was handled was unnecessary what they did was uncalled for thank you for legitimizing my feelings and now god between now and midnight bring me closure take me out of it restore my heart perform open heart surgery on my feelings so i can love again so i can believe again so i can be happy again wherever it is that you are i'm going to tell you i'ma be so mad if you sat through all of this glory all of this power and claim you still don't have a church you got no idea how bothered i'm gonna be you have seen the expression of god's love and you still have not given your heart over to him i am going to be absolutely blown away that you've been rocking with me all day and you still have not surrendered to the will the way and the word of our god right below me are the prompts i want you to join new birth i want you to be a part of a ministry that is holistic in its execution that we're mindful of your body your mind and your soul i don't want you healed i want you whole i want nothing broken i want nothing missing i want to be your pastor i want to be your shepherd i want to safeguard you from leading yourself down a rabbit hole going back into that dark place come on join this church be a part of this ministry do something that you know will make heaven happy the bible says that angels rejoice over one that was lost who is now found make heaven happy to join the church right now get saved right now i want you to stay tuned i'm going now to houston and dallas texas pastor colleague lemons is there and he's going to share with us some people who have a right to be angry but they found their joy they found their peace stay tuned let's go to texas i want to thank you so much for new birth reaching out y'all got challenges in atlanta and yet y'all thinking about the hell we catching in texas and it says a lot about your missionary spirit you are for real we woke up to a house full of water in our kitchen our dining room and my bedroom we didn't know where the water was coming from but we knew that we had frozen we had the snow to come so as we started looking and finding where the water came from we know it was behind the sink in the kitchen behind the wall behind the cabinets and so we immediately went and pulled and turned the the pipe off we turned off the sink we turned off everything we could and that's when we noticed that we had damage to all the carpet all the wood flooring all the tile in the kitchen i thank god for my pastor and members that have helped me as we've gone through the winter storm hi i'm bishop vashtin mckenzie presiding freelance the 10th district last saturday to today this church has been active giving out water and food not only to this church but to our other ame churches and other places so i want to thank you new birth thank you dr jamal vine you know texas loves you thank you for loving us back listen the bible says it very clearly when i was hungry you fed me and when i had nothing to wear you clothed me hey listen new birth let's continue to care let's continue to give and let's continue to make an impact we are a new birth thank you dr brian for allowing us to serve the community now let's go forth and let's make a difference global church making local impacts all over the country as i shared with you we've collected 32 000 bottles of water come on studio make some noise i'm grateful under god that we've got two trucks that are rolling out on this coming tuesday uh five organizations we're partnering with you've already saw pastor frederick douglas haynes of friendship west baptist church in dallas texas we've got volunteers serving with them they're going to feed 500 people on today and we've already sent them a check uh you saw in that video bishop vashti murphy mckinsey over the 10th episcopal district of the ame church we are blessing uh six of their churches who were flooded out because of busted pipes we're sending trucks uh to uh uh bishop to pastor uh anti of antioch baptist church in beaumont texas john adolf beaumont texas has no running water i got to give that to you again beaumont texas has no running water and so a bulk of that water one of those trucks is going straight uh to uh beaumont texas then my brothers of the relief gang in houston texas are going into the projects in the housing projects and helping the least of those giving out at least a thousand bottles of water a day with all of the bottles that we have we're going to be able to help and sustain them and push them with me is an amazing brother who's doing incredible work he started an organization warm the block and what they are doing is they are getting people who are displaced who have lost heat don't have running water and they're putting them in hotels i am so excited that he's with us on today tell us about the work you all are doing thank you so much for your time yes uh my name is clinton davis i work directly with josh david smith jada davis we all met through social media knowing the need for people that needed shelter water and food in houston texas dallas texas we came together and we started booking hotel rooms we started providing delivery from the homes to the people in the hotels and right now we still have people in the hotels who have no running water who have no support from the the fema and also the insurance companies right now awesome i'm grateful for you here's what i need i need 400 of you to give a seed of 40 if 400 of you will give a seed of 40 000 and do it right now when it is that you're giving they're going to ask you where it is targeted and we're asked that you will designate it specifically to the texas relief campaign the texas relief campaign do it through giblify push pay text to give or our new website we are newbirth.org we want to be a blessing we've got two truckers two trucks going out this week and i gotta pause and thank god for harvest church with apostle travis jennings they sent over to us three truckloads of water and i am so grateful that the body of christ is coming together uh with this organization warm the block is doing and so many others is showing us a picture of unity is that when we have a common interest we're not in competition we are in cooperation and so as that you will please do me a favor i need you sir need you ma'am 400 of you you'll help me to reach my goal 400 of you if you'll give a gift of just 40. we'll be able to meet where it is that we need to do in order to sustain those who are in texas god is up to something great and i am so honored that he would trust a new birth to be his hands to be his legs and to be his feet texas if you're watching we're praying for you and we're standing with you hold on we've got a special announcement for you and then pastor ross is coming
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,647
Rating: 4.8634148 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant responds to monique, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant 2020 sermons youtube, jamal bryant new birth, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons, dr jamal bryant 2020, dr. jamal h. bryant 2020, pick up, feelings, pick up your feelings
Id: v66w9FS2Rsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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