I'm in lockdown so I played monopoly with me, myself and I

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And actually having 3 diffirent personalities, one for every character. But I'm not sure if having 3 diffirent personalities is a good thing...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Marko_Ramius_ 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey uh you guys want to play monopoly or something yeah yeah that sounds funny actually yeah that sounds good it's crazy it's good all right i can put my masterpiece on hold all right this is gonna be fun gents i'm looking forward to it already okay so house rules if you land on free parking you get all the money that's on the spot where's the money kevin are you eating the money then what are you chewing on nothing dude that is not cool that is a gift from all of our parents i'm not dealing with this you set it up i i don't want to set it up i never be the banker just set the damn game up he's going to eat the entire deck of money if you don't set it up soon could you do that for me for a change could you actually do something this isn't coins i suppose i'm not setting it up kevin i swear to god if you push that off the table i'm not setting it up go on do it i dare you go on go ahead say kevin why would you do that i told you i wasn't setting it up i think i'm choking on the money all right well that was a failure but i really think playing monopoly virtually will work just a treat are you are you just going to sit there or yeah do you want to do you want to leave this this is going to be weird if you just said thank you thank you thanks sorry about that all right well now that he's gone we can move on to monopoly plus which is rated as mostly negative on steam i also find it very interesting that one of the first community guides is how to uninstall this garbage in this guide i will go into deep detail on how to uninstall this worthless garbage this decrepit developers consider a game good lord mr weenie that is hitting them where it hurts i don't know what this thing is but i'm feeling pretty fabulous so i'm gonna go with that player two is going to be the car that once struck me and the dog just because it's cute oh my god look at my piece that's awful i think i'll look up that guy i don't solve this decrepit game okay so the car that hit me is going to have an aggressive play style surprise surprise i'm gonna buy everything without question the dog is gonna have a bit more of a frugal lifestyle and only buy cheap things and me i'm gonna play as i normally do the way that destroys families i'm already on the property ladder this is fantastic i don't mean to jinx this but i think i'm going to win oh for effects sake the car that hit me is right behind me oh god kevin get out of the me as a brave way do you want to invest the car is aggressive it buys everything sorry doggy it's a doggy dog world out there you owe me six dollars okay i thought it would be more joy it's awful what's the context what am i i'll buy that for sure i feel like me and the car are playing very similar games right now but when i play i just try everything to make a set no matter what it is i do it to make a set oh the guy who's coming right for me why is this guy following me 16 bucks now i'm living the high life i'm loving this stance young man there's no need to feel down oh wait there is because you are in jail now oh man the first go-around really you don't have to put me in a cage by playing monopoly or mousetrap are you serious this car is actually following me he is so determined to run me over again that he's willing to follow me to jail to do it ah perfect's sake is this mine no it's not it's for sale god damn it it is cheap enough so yes the doggy would buy it i'm so pissed that stupid dog damn you i mean damn me that's a double i meant to pay but you know what i'll take it if it had gone the other way i would have complained that i didn't get out and i meant to pay but now that i got it right i'm like yeah that's fine i'll move ahead draw a card nice buy utility i'll buy that they're not great but they're not bad it's early in the game it'll pay for itself in time for sure plus this thing is gonna [ __ ] follow me isn't it it would pay for sure the car would pay it'd be like if kevin's out there i'm coming to knock him down the car is about to screw over uh the dog because once again playing the aggressive strategy just buying a property but you know what dog you deserved it that is car ma it's a chiropod because the other player's a car eight do i get one of the really expensive squares here i don't know but i'm gonna dance my way over there and find out oh no it's a chance count there's a good chance it's gonna screw me over i think oh i went all the way around that's fantastic news are you interested in buying this property you see this might be a good strategic buy but i don't think the dog would do it they're too cheap for it which means it goes up for auction so i gotta auction against myself this is weird i'd pay 200 for that i paid 300 for that i wouldn't pay 310 for that i'd pay 320 for that i paid 330 i paid 340. i paid 350. i pay 360. i pay 370. i pay 380. i pay 390. i pay stop i i wouldn't pay that goddammit you win again kevin stop your dancing you're not doing well at all six are you serious you're getting my other light blue one i hate this car you can buy this property i can but i don't want to put it for auction ah like i would go out at this point i'm just giving it to the car at the value that it's worth i don't want to do that you got to be kidding me this car is buying up everything it's a slum lord look at how many properties they have compared to us this isn't fair me and the dog should rise up oh wait no the the dog's getting caught for income tax they're in a bit of a bind all right i guess it's up to me then well me and me oh for [ __ ] sake will i buy this i you know what i think to make a set it might be my best opportunity here wait a second the car's getting screwed over here has to pay the dog 50. take that me oh i didn't have to be that mean to myself or am i going to get the browns i would love the browns i think they're actually strong cards even though no one seems to like them but they steadily build up and they're very cheap to invest in i'm in i don't know why i just don't want the cow to win i'd be okay with dog me winning but not care me you landed on a free property oh it's free it's in it's available okay that's that's a bit poor phrasing i thought i got a free property well i thought dog me got a free property this is confusing luck is on your side it really doesn't feel like it but thank you for saying i landed on someone else's property why are you saying locks on my side i know i got a double but like what's the good of a double if it's just getting me in trouble wait what yeah i'm [ __ ] lucky all right oh oh my god you owe 100 but you can't pay what what do they owe to the to the board is it we can mortgage something yeah let's mortgage the green i mean it's not even going to be that useful i said mortgage it don't bulldoze the [ __ ] thing luxury tax that's very fitting oh for [ __ ] sake he's buying the one that i need that was the set i was keen on from the start i hate him so much no we're feeding into this car i hate it it's your turn you get another turn when will it be my turn you keep getting doubles i just want to play i mean i am playing but i want to be main character kevin not dog kevin all for fixing you're getting my other set come on dog you wouldn't do this to me would you i sound like i'm just trying to be hip when i say i was like come on dog you wouldn't do that right you're a nice guy i hate you i hate you so much it's like i gotta stay true to the player you know i gotta stay in character but at the same time i hate myself are you going again of course you get another go all right well you're coming to jail with me now anyway let me out of here get me out of this prison oh wait it's actually my goal okay wait i might just actually pay for it yeah there we go okay thank you very much all right you know what dawg i know this is risky for me but i'm gonna offer you a trade that i know you'll accept because it's beyond generous you can have my red my orange my water works and my light blue for incredible leverage over the other player and a dollar right and that's off the books you don't have to declare that dollar and i just want your brown what does the dog say yes because a dog would sound like if he was saying yes probably would manage to talk if offered a deal like that i'm staying true to my play style of doing whatever it takes to get a set oh that is incredible balance donkey oh i gotta pay doctors fees that sounds about right i'm falling apart maybe it's time to manage your portfolio i think it might be we're finally seeing the real voice of the car very much the villain of the piece okay if i were an aggressive player at this point i would say that other kevin me the dancing bear one is in way too good of a position even though it's only one set that's going to add up i would offer a straight change of the orange to pink maybe ask for the railroad as well i think that's a fair enough trade but then the dog is very frugal so i don't think the dog would accept it remove that from the deal and you got yourself a deal oh you are a shrewd negotiator kevin deal oh you landed on the property you just [ __ ] sold that's bad luck but it's okay because you're going to start investing in your orange properties now and we're all going to feel the heat you are not poor just out of cash why would you say that to me oh no i've just realized i landed on the last red which the dog needs the car has gone in 200 and none of us can afford it i'm sorry doggy we've been outbid by the aggressive playstyle of kevin the car you owe 20 bucks but you can't pay cause the car landed on the other one good enough for you you deserve it luckily they have plenty to mortgage oh my god another double why is everyone getting doubles except me oh no wait i did get a double that one time the one that screwed me over twice in one goal oh the car landed on my property yes 450 buckery boos heading my way that'll just about pay for it yeah i'll take it thank you very much for that i feel like the bears already winning in their world like when you're going down the street dancing like that you're winning at life oh what's this a mortgage property pathetic six dollars and you have six dollars what happens here you just have no money yeah you just have no money okay be careful carr i'm actually getting a lot more threatened by the dog now all of a sudden pardon the pun but they were an underdog for a while there but now not so much hold on let me privatize the railroad real quick all right carrots you go if you land on orange up ahead you are completely and utterly effect just filling you in thanks me appreciate it luckily they landed on their own property but they still gotta get past the orange danger you do not have enough money to buy this property oh they don't have enough money to buy it well i guess they'll go up for auction in which case they can only bring it up to 70 and then they have to withdraw it ah this is good i like having more money than everyone else it's a nice feeling what's this the electric company is up for sale i think i'd rather chance at auction oh look at this sixty dollars perfect oh god i've got a cheat code here pretty much oh no but we're coming up on orange danger or as the dog calls it orange justice okay the car got passed but still has to pay 18 bucks gotta put another property up in mortgage oh they passed oh they've gotten enough money to bid against me now no it was good while it lasted i guess in fact actually now that i think about it i think if i was the dog here i would spend the hundred immediately to just upgrade the orange because once you get the three houses they take a big leap look at that 220 to 600 like that could actually win the game oh no please don't win the game i forgot that i'm coming up to it oh what's that is that a nine i think i'm safe yeah i'm going past it i still have to pay you but i'll pay 18 bucks that's fine it's the other one i'm scared of all right we are at the safest point of the board we could go all the way around before reaching orange again oh wait you're going to jail never mind you can't even afford to get out your stupid car oh i landed on the good property and i can get it out of steel as well this is fantastic news oh it looks like you're out car and now you're out doggy that means it's mine for half the original value i don't know what to do because i could spend all of my money on houses for the dark blues and hope someone lands in it make a load of money but then if i land on the orange i'm insta-dead but alternatively if i don't invest maybe the orange will just slowly kill me three okay you're safe for now someone's going to die tonight into that orange oh look at that you can't afford that kenya i guess it's going up for auction unfortunately i don't really want to pay that much either for the thing you know what i think i'm gonna let the dog have it for 130. this is such a weird dynamic i'm confusing myself at this point like i kind of got buyer's remorse there for buying it as the dog but the other me unexpectedly backed it out i thought we were going to keep going a bit but then i kind of analyzed the situation and thought maybe it's not a good idea nein no can you slow down i don't want to go up to orange justice over there oh my god you're off to jail again the car has done some dodgy stuff not just knocking me down god damn it that's a five i've landed on the orange haven't i [ __ ] this isn't good don't dance your way in there 5.50 all right i can afford it i guess mortgage something useless this one and it is desperate times all right i think it's time for the dogs to upgrade their properties congratulations to them i'm so happy for your success let's move on advance to boardwalk oh feck where's that oh that's mine why couldn't someone else get that one of the other me's i'm just getting around the board faster now i'm just coming up to orange justice again meanwhile the car is just collecting insurance [ __ ] insurance fraud no wonder you're in jail so often i think at this point the car would be thinking i have no chance of winning unless i do drastic measures here so they would trade the red for 315 it'll give them enough money to buy a few houses it will unfortunately give the dog another set i don't know the dog isn't too sure on this one now i think a counter offer how about 3 17. oh i don't know about that now how about a counteroffer to that let's meet in the middle at 316. how about that deal oh i've been watching a lot of pawn stars you know pawn stars get your mind out of the gutter shrewd negotiating car i may disagree with your crime but your business mind i admire it all right i feel like we all have a chance of winning now i still think it's in the dog's favor having said that the dog is on their way to jail so who knows wait there's still a property for sale oh [ __ ] i don't think anyone wants this like beyond 50 i don't think the dog should buy it and even me i'm like i guess 60 and then the dog would have draw i i don't know even if that was worth it to be honest oh you landed on me fantastic don't show the game on this section so they have no idea who landed on what i think that's a good idea okay no for real though the the car owes some money oh my god they have to sell a house that is so harsh and it's gonna have to be the really good one too there you go and house paid for itself eventually it's payday it sure is and you know what that means invest in more property recklessly oh no the confetti went off too early you're getting income taxed that tax evasion is not working out for you not good at all now you got that double in the end to get out of jail and you skip all the properties god damn it oh no oh no oh no no no no no no where am i going oh fat oh no i think i'm in trouble no don't dance stop the dancing oh for [ __ ] sake how much do i owe 750 sweet jesus mortgage that for oh my god this isn't this isn't gonna work is it oh no i can't do anything this is soul-crushing this is absolutely soul-crushing there's your [ __ ] money now [ __ ] off i think at this point the dog would want to invest more there we go there's another two houses and all them and you're still pretty safe from everything god you bastard oh no the car owes me so much money i don't think they can actually pay it off it seems kind of pointless that the stage it's just selling everything for that oh no okay there's no way you can pay that you you have to bankrupt to the dog you're 7.50 you've like everything mortgaged and there's just not even enough houses there you're bankrupt i'm sorry i i would have loved for you to win i've been rooting for you since the start are you serious you're getting my other light blue one i hate this car oh look at that you're landing on the pinks now that they are yours perfect sake i wish you luck i do too i am in danger okay i somehow slipped by and landed in the middle oh that's nice you're landing on my property great it's unfortunately been kind of destroyed recent financial troubles and all that successful people make their own luck the dogs just continues to get cards that screw me over look at them upgrading all these light blues i am in so much danger right now they just got three houses in all of them and they still have enough money to to be pretty confident home sweet home you could say that about 90 of the board when the dog moves i'm investing all of my money because realistically i'm probably about to lose so it's just it's just the chance wait auction this is the last house well for [ __ ] sake i mean at this point i just go for whatever i can get it for yeah there we go that's the last house put down the [ __ ] dog depleted the housing supply now it's just down to the roll of the dice who wins luck is on your side i always hated dice for god's sake and why does the narrator keep taunting me like luck is on your side but i'm getting screwed over just put me out of my misery you dumb dog look at the amount of properties it's like you have some monopoly over us or something this isn't fair all right i submit good game look second place against arguably one of the best monopoly players i've ever played against i'll take that all right folks we're going to end it up there i hope you enjoyed this bizarre video if you did be sure to subscribe i'd love to see around some more and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 536,889
Rating: 4.9844961 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, callmekevin game of life, monopoly, monopoly solo, monopoly multiplayer, monopoly singleplayer, monopoly game, monopoly plus, a sad loser, by himself
Id: DU42WYDQ6go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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