Minecraft but everything is a time bomb

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing some minecraft but this time there's a twist i'm starting a new world and i want to try using this mod that's definitely going to torture me and then i hope to do more episodes in each episode we change the mod to something that's going to torture me in a different way today's mod explodes items that are left on the ground for about three seconds you know i used to do minecraft videos a long long time ago and now it's starting to hit me how old i must be because i think i did videos in like 20 11 or 20 i think it was 2011 on minecraft now i'm sitting here i'm using this wooden chair that you can't really see because my back is thrown out i'm not ironically using a walking stick because i hurt my foot just like yeah let's be hip and play some minecraft oh god i almost forgot what the mod was great now i have memory loss as well to top it all off hey there friends how's it going my name is see it's all about being careful because even this if i destroyed okay that's not a good example even this if i destroy this by accident the whole thing would explode so i just got to be very careful with collecting items and what i hit jesus christ that sound scared me [ __ ] hell i just i thought it was an explosion i got scared no no no okay that's that bit gone it got stuck in the leaves that wasn't my fault i feel like i'm gonna have to have an area that i get supplies from because this area is gonna be ruined i was gonna build my house here but i guess not you know what i [ __ ] hate jungles anyway i'm not living in a jungle what the hell was that what are you oh my god what time bomb did you just drop no what are you doing what are you doing what i don't understand are they laying eggs or something or are they just terrorists i don't know oh my god there's three of them all going at the same time the poor things the poor landscape jesus i'm just gonna collect some stone and get the hell out of here i don't like this area i'm so glad i decided not to live in here because i would die to turtle attacks did you know that up to one person has died from turtle attacks it's a bigger problem than you thought you know you just assumed no one has but like those snapping turtles have got to be like they got to be responsible for at least someone dying all i know is i don't want to be added to that sadistic i don't want to kill myself either jesus i gotta be careful i gotta be careful it's just constant anxiety every time i mind something there's the ticking star it's the endless ticking oh my god my boat is a bomb itself how much is left on the timer i wanted to cross to that island oh no okay wait i can see the one that's a 6 15 14 13 12 11. this is absolutely terrifying just get me to land get me to land get up get out get out get up get out get out i can't believe the boat [ __ ] explodes i can't believe that may as well fit in with my old persona going here old man yells at cloud damn you minecraft you've changed zombies are you kidding me you go away can i make the sand fall on them oh i'm such a genius no it's a bomb all right that worked my walking stick now i can't reach it oh my god all the animals become bombs how the hell am i supposed to get wool i want to get wool to make a bed but every animal once they see me decides they'd rather just die than deal with me i'm constantly on edge please help me sheep oh no no no no don't come any closer honestly you'll turn into a bomb there's no time to explain just don't come close to me there's even a baby one and i'm not saying like i don't want them to die like i'm fine with that really oh my god no i'm sorry i'm sorry oh even their arrows explode jesus christ i'm nearly dead what if if i come on do you drop wool i i gotta get it underground or something otherwise i'm gonna die how am i supposed to get food i'm so upset i'm not even gonna be able to get back here if i die so i'm really worried this is just a constant state of panic and i hate it i just made a second crafting match by accident i can't even think right now i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm taking way too long i'm taking too long and i'm getting scared and i hate myself i'm really opening up to you here hold on let me get in here okay oh collected or collected or collected this just isn't worth the emotional trauma is it it's just not worth it okay kevin let's just simplify this down the goal look for iron to get shears so i can shear the sheep and make a bed uh if i can set my spawn at least i'll have that is that iron sorry i know it's super dark i'll try not to include too many clips from this because i know you can't see anything but we got the iron that's all you need to know i'm burning my jungle logs to make charcoal because you know what i hate jungle logs all right there i came out and said it i don't like them they're the worst plank in minecraft oh god i can imagine the hate comments already i know how passionate people get over there jungle logs this is your life now kevin you have a cane your back hurts and you're living in a hole right i got shears i don't know if i'm even going to be able to get close enough to shear them to be honest with you i'm kind of just winging it here i don't know what this mod is capable of i think i'll make a box for all of my valuables though i got so many valuables you know i don't want to lose my one block of sand or this stick and what would i do without my two pieces of granite you know i don't want to take it for granted it means a lot to me oh i've gone mad i've gone mad whole madness is setting in i gotta say though i'm not doing too bad on the the old tools and whatnot i've got an iron set here minus the axe i i should probably make that too but i ran out of iron i used it all like look i have nothing else to be doing other than play with my iron in this hole all right store all those away and just go out with my shears still going to wait till daytime it must be nearly day time but i'll be right back when the night turns today and then we'll try and get ourselves a bed all right we're gonna sprint at this sheep shear it and then sprint away all right that's the plan come here give me give me give me give me give me oh yes oh my god i'm down to one hand even less than half a hat and i only got one wool oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i forgot if you use shears on the tree that it actually makes them fall i wanted to just destroy them i want to find an apple i don't know what to do i don't know what to do all right you know what i'm gonna just charge you the thing and hope for the best i didn't pick it up god damn it how many sheep have to die by my hand oh this is awful way i don't want to kill you i want to kill the sheep run run run run run yes yes this music to my ears just sheep exploding i can finally make a bed where's my home where's my hole in the ground there it is this is so pathetic all right well i've got a little setup now at least i i've got my respawn sorted and all that and now i just need to i don't know what i need to do i need to make a door i guess to try and protect myself and then actually collect some supplies to do a proper proper house no no no oh god no no no no jesus i nearly didn't make it through all right okay i've got the basics of my house started i don't think any mobs oh they can't there there okay now i i don't think mobs can get in but obviously i need a roof and whatnot so i'll go down and do a bit of mining try and get a basic setup i'm not going for anything with style here i'm just trying to get something that can protect me from the outside world i just wish i could get something that could protect me from myself no i told you i needed something to protect me from myself that was like [ __ ] looney tunes i was just digging above me and then i was like i should probably look down i think i'm running out of ground i looked down and there was just nothing oh man after all that at least i'll sp that's insanely still spawning i can get my stuff back but i think it just blew up that's all my iron gear gun remember earlier when i said how proud i was i gotta say though not doing too bad on the the old tools and whatnot god i was stupid then all right you know what i have to child proof the house and no i don't have children it's just for me no no no no no no no no no oh this is way too stressful it's like the chaos mod all over again oh no griefer jesus has seen what we've done he's seen that we did bad and now he's angry all right my house is done i know what you're thinking god that thing's beautiful but also it's a little bit dark we should get some coal and try and lighten the place up a bit the hell is that is that a ship or is it just like a little island oh that is a ship well what a good stroker lock oh no no no no not good luck at all wait fishy i need to eat fish can i actually pick that up of course they're all going to explode as well why would i think that was possible imagine that look i got one fish at least oh we're eating tonight probably the only time i'm going to be able to eat food food a suspicious shoe at this point i'll take it i've seen anything i think there's usually two things in these ships but i'm kind of too scared to actually look for it because well the whole ship will start blowing up if i destroy any blocks there's dolphins there no no no no i know you're you're friendly in this game and you want to play and everything but if you come near me you're going to blow up oh my god there's a skeleton on a spider over there is that still super rare i remember that was like one of the rarest things in minecraft at one point let me let me act my age here for a second oh a spider with a skeleton i remember when that was rare back in my day oh no oh no oh no i i need to worry about everything exploding right now i don't i don't need creepers in my life it's just in general i just don't need creepers in my life all right have a little bit of a sleep thank god sweet dreams i have a feeling this guy is not having sweet dreams his life is a living hell all right i'm going back on the mission of finding that call i will find it no no no no no oh man the call was hidden that was really scary i couldn't get to it i just don't want to die anymore okay there goes my pick you know what that gives me an excuse to leave and not look like a coward phew now not if you think i'm cowardly that was close wouldn't want that happening for the first time ever oh no oh no oh oh no no no no no i just want to get some wood hold on hold on let me get some wood and let's i'll let you do it you can blow up as much as you want now if i don't go close enough it won't blow up okay i should leave why am i sitting here pondering about the fact that i should leave the area instead of just leaving the area i think this is actually the best setup i have a fake little house upstairs that looks like just a shack and then i come down into the real place under here where i live as a hermit and i'm safe from everything because even if something gets close to my walls out there it might blow up i don't know how this works i assume it's like a radius thing all right you know what effect windows i do not need windows anymore more of a mac person anyway well kevin you've done it you've made possibly the worst minecraft house ever created the next issue is i'm going to run out of food before long and i don't know how to get food how can i a bow all right a bow would work i can keep my distance but i'd need spider web right so i'd have to go kill some spiders this is just a disaster all around oh my god the house somehow even looks worse from the outside i'm going back in i'm just gonna do some mining i was just thinking to myself i should probably do parts that are like easy so that if i get a mod that makes the easy parts hard next time at least i'd have it done but i don't think there's anything easy with this mod everything is awkward i guess i could throw bombs at things like if i say grab this stone and then i throw the stone down on my enemies oh that's kind of neat i like that i'm just gonna collect a load of cobble to have as my kind of bomb weapon okay i see some iron it's very far down though how the hell am i supposed to get down there there's two creepers below me what if i just oh no oh no no no no no no no no okay i think the water saved me that was extremely lucky on top of their normal explosion we had the dimebomb explosion which made it just so much worse there's the iron i so desperately want no no no no what is that what is this what is coming up was that a bat i don't know that was a lot of stress for three iron honestly i don't i don't know is that worth it like i'll get my pick out of it but that was a lot of stress i don't know should i try and make a sword or a pick maybe a sword would be more valuable and i can try and get some animals i'm putting everything away that's how confident i am in my own abilities i'm going to take my lucky sand block though since my inventory is already full and destroyed for me just dropping things in there no i don't i don't want to do this okay that was good i killed something i just got to hit it twice and it'll kill them look they're gonna die anyway there's no way anything can survive in this world and yes that includes me i know my time is limited no no oh that was too close no pick up the stuff pick up that on a [ __ ] daisies all right i got some food i'm actually happy with that i didn't know it was going to be possible or not i just kind of took a chance oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i was gonna say i can get a doggie but i don't want a doggy right now maybe next episode if you guys want to see more and a mod allows for it i can get a doggy oh my god there's a whole field of them lovely because i have been known to let my sidekicks die by accident so it's good that there are a few replacements stop running away okay you know what the outside world is dangerous and i hate it that's the second time i've been left on half a heart from an explosion the second time oh my god i'm so stupid jesus christ that that's all right it's in water okay it's not too bad actually i was just like i don't need these leaves i'll just throw them to get rid of them and not realizing that they're bombs i don't think that excuse would hold up in court you know all right the good news is there seems to be lots of wildlife around my house which is fantastic i want your meat oh no oh no all right well no meat for me no no no no no no no no no all right there we go two more no no no no okay fine fine this feels so dangerous it's just it is reckless but i need food they try and run from me which i i don't know if they're trying to make it harder for me to kill them or if they're trying to save me like they're like no kevin get back oh this is such a cool spot it's like a big little lake this is pretty close to my house too maybe i can have a house on the lake like a summer house rather than my dank moist basement that i currently live in but look it's safer than living on the surface i'm starting to understand why my sims get so accustomed to living in the basement like it does feel safe this feels really dangerous oh no oh no it's becoming nighttime i i stayed out beyond my curfew i gotta get home i don't like this at all which way was my home i think it was this way oh i'm panicking now once it goes dark i'm in serious trouble especially skeletons the fact that their arrows explode no no no no no this this is a horrible idea no i'm backing myself into a cave getting upset sad sad i like when someone teaches their pet to hit a button for their emotion okay now i'm in trouble because i've gotten completely turned around and i cannot see my house anywhere um i mean there's not much to see i guess it's just kind of a block of cobble we just gotta find an ugly ugly house made of cobble no no no no no no no no no no you lunatic i am [ __ ] surrounded there i am literally surrounded by things like my house is over there i'm pretty sure and there's just there's mobs everywhere i'm just waiting to get shot at don't shoot at me i'm innocent oh there's my house my beautiful terrible ugly house oh god stay on full alert here kevin you are not out of the woods yet like literally you are you're you're in the planes now but i mean like endanger wise you're still in immense danger is what i'm trying to say i'm home i'm home i'm home okay nothing can spawn my house can they it's way too bright i lit up the whole place yes thank god i'm paranoid as hell because i'm safe in here oh my god i'm going to bed just with a lump of meat in my hand oh just a midnight snack you know you ever just wake up in the middle of night and want some raw pork chop thank you so much for watching if you've any suggestions on mods i could try out and i'll just continue this save just with another mod thank you very much for watching subscribe if you're new and i hope to see you next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 965,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, minecraft mod, minecraft timebomb, minecraft funny mods, funny mods, best mods, minecraft funny moments, minecraft callmekevin, minecraft ruined by mods, minecraft lets play, minecraft bomb, minecraft best mods
Id: _urHQRYD3sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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