Super Mario Party (with Irish lads) | 2021-05-04

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hello how are ya can you hear me hello hi how are you good to see you there's the man of the hour where where is he are you talking about him the child how are you doing everyone fantastic to see you i can't really see you but you know yourself fantastic to see your names there we go how's your foot sore that's all right surgeon called me today and was like hello how are you dead it's like nah not yet ah that's grand so then i was asking can i exercise and he was like yes just clean afterwards and i said okay so i did cardio on my cross trainer and it was grand it helped because with a cross trainer you got no impact going on so you just i was just kind of leaning on the back of my right foot a bit and it was great it was nice it was good to get get get the body moving you know get the blood flowing how have all have you been oh wait i've just realized am i lagging uh all right i might be lagging for hmm damn it that should have been done earlier second ah how do i how do i sound pretty am i lagging or am i good hm i can i can pause this if i'm lagging but if not i might just leave it on because it's going to be done in like five minutes stream is indeed acting up god damn it okay let me let me pause it there we go [ __ ] one drive i don't know what it is it's just taken all of my power recently sorry about that everyone solved uh oh what is up with my alerts oh jesus they're all over the place sorry about that um oh what is up with the alerts oh i'm not sure pop thank you for the gifted sub earlier rorick scott mason uh wormhunter uh casia alanzi thank you so much christopher thank you for the two subs aaron vaxxor uh you yuling liam leach uh forbe r.j johnson and kaz thank you very much welcome welcome how's your foot it's sore people were just asking me about it it's it's a little bit out but it's it's all right it's getting there i'm just hoping it solves it if it solves my problem i'll get over it that's what i'm most worried about that it's not going to to fix it uh do you think we'll hit front page nope that was an organized thing uh it was a bit of a mess up i was supposed to be on the front page another time um but it didn't it didn't go through for some reason so they were like you can have another slot and i was like chaos might be fun so i did chaos i figured it was it was interesting for uh which lines are joining i think it's going to be dan nagler uh and jack and myself otherwise i just that would be weird um but yeah i thought the chaos one would be fun because i felt like if someone just came across it and didn't uh didn't know of me like obviously they don't really care about me because they've never seen me before they might be interested and it's like really interactive it made sense um right right right jesus king thank you for the support uh we'll be joining them in about five minutes so i'm just gonna call out some of these uh uh toad zev lexi uh medallon lauren n.a freeman ifa uh annabelle dayton zemenst uh zamanzit is it jushi a yumi muffin dex asuda green whimsy skeleton uh baler lo katrina thank you so much for that as well um jazz thank you for the five subs that's very very kindly a judge big joe divine coconut arrank non-compe lara green uh maxine fin dog jesus cat catadera uh oh my god roy thank you very much for the subs what the [ __ ] thank you very much back in hell i was going up there and it just kind of popped out of nowhere thank you so much for that gee i think you you could have self-funded the the [ __ ] hype train there uh thank you very much for that you didn't have to do that that is too much thank you very much for that uh did you hear about steven's survey no i'd rather not i prefer to just figure out in character if that's cool it makes the rp more fun if i don't because i shouldn't know that you know because i haven't been in the the city but hopefully i'll get back to rp soon enough um roy thank you so much for the 100 subs that is [ __ ] nuts but thank you thank you so much that king came out of nowhere i was just reading up there thank you very much jesus how do you tell if you got gifted subs uh i think you'll get the sub badge next year that's probably the easiest way to know where is max's feed i don't know i don't know uh probably in his own mouth i would imagine but i i cannot confirm or deny that really i it's just what first came to my mind but i have no idea um aaron thank you so much for that again that was way way too much thank you uh mini goodie namira glossy high nine five uh area uh i see thank you for the five subs that's very very kindly thank you very much what else office horton whisperer spring sun phoenix cosmic cynics thank you for the 10. uh airy uh jackie jamming just callie who cares i'm awesome colder cat goosey stumpy oh snow foots uh caster hannah uh hutton bosby hellish uh echo eva and who cares i'm awesome thank you again i'm back and recovering from surgery me too we're in the club well i hope you're feeling well otter stitch thank you as well um jesus uh ironic thank you very much again for the 100 subs you're very very kind uh do you shower with your clothes on kevin yes i'm catholic of course i do jesus i found a surgery body yes yes yes i got when i got a call from the surgeon this morning i was just like oh he likes me like yeah he's checking off on me um well yeah he gave me some tips and whatnot so hopefully hopefully he'll recover soon enough i don't know i think my doctors said if they go down this route it would take like three to four weeks but then i looked it up and it's saying like 12 weeks so i don't know hopefully because i'm sick of sitting around and i sit around a lot just so you're fully in the loop uh and see thank you so much for the three subs fluffy giraffe sammy charlie's ironic cat yummy otter stitch uh trauma thank you so much for the five subs jesus christ uh elise boss mr napkin uh anna seabirds fully clothed sex scene evan beanz kochibe thank you for the five subs shannon uh corrugated dreams cabbages kays thank you for the three john quillis tams and bullet writer thank you so much case thank you very much for that that's very kind pretty demented thank you as well all right shall we um shall we try and uh join in here uh rowing thank you so much again for the 100 subs that's [ __ ] insanely generous thank you uh temptams bullet rider pretty demented wedding mott canary beyblade uh venus round handle sam ellen thank you for the two subs jesus christ three subs even thank you very much stan uh thank you for the tip how much for you to shave and goatee and more than that mask angela and turds thank you very much swarovs ellie uh rabbit thank you very much as well um how you been doing i'm doing okay all things considered i'll be fine thank you for the hype train jesus christ that was way way too much um but thank you thank you so much easily distracted rabbit ellie julia kitty uh swarovs thank you very much um right right i'm going to try i'm going to try and track this gang down um let me see where where are they hiding oh dan's already there okay i'm going to join um i want you to go bald there there is no price for that i'm afraid it's not going to happen i'd be too afraid what if it didn't grow back uh right so i'm gonna join um let me know on the volume side of things uh how everything is because obviously i i gotta adjust each individual voice i'll be keeping an eye on the chat and i'll i'll you know try trying my best to keep on top of things um let me see here uh i'll do my little tweet so that's out of the way thank you for the support thank you now cowboy jeez worm helm gyllum uh cowboy winry joey uh abian kitty julia easily distracted thank you very much i i'm trying to keep up that is way way too much thank you very much for that but yeah let me know on the volume i'm gonna try to swap over and out of the discord and just get this right happy happy moving and [ __ ] 27 million now that's insane thank you daniel i'm sipping on whiskey as i stream right now and life's good ah jesus that's great to hear you deserve it whiskey oh jesus [ __ ] hell kevin you can't be doing that how are you coming in and scaring me like that glad to hear you're doing well i'm recovering from foot surgery so if you could not rub it in my face jack that would be nice kevin i'm i'm sorry like did they have to take the thought or like they tried to give away right they should have yeah they wouldn't take it for some reason we tried to leave it there at the clinic they wouldn't have it it's causing me nothing but problems if you guys could just keep it like that'll be grand oh jesus i hope you're doing okay kev i watched your video today it sounds like it was an ordeal it was a bit of an ordeal but sure you know me i'm a bit of a drama queen so it's not the end of the world it'll be fine you actually undersell yourself quite a bit and you try not make a fuss out of it and it probably was a lot harder than you're letting on so i think you're okay okay i mean kevin previously like also jokes about getting hit by a car oh that was funny to be fair geez you should have seen the look on my face jesus imagine the look at the other lad's face i saw it he was angry for some reason i think he was in a bit of shock too um but i'm glad to hear the move went well jack that's the main thing yeah it did i mean we didn't move that far it's the same town so you were saying that yeah it's just that stuff is just a massive ordeal isn't it yeah it kind of tires you out more than you think it would it does yeah yeah it's exhausting look i'm not the only one that's ever moved in the world so we'll move on from the topic oh god we're just waiting on dahi at the moment yeah i think he's having any signs of life oh really i think he's live on youtube i saw him live like you just a little while ago the [ __ ] is no youtube he's not said a word has he ah he's not even here kevin no i'm sorry i mean in text isn't he always like kind of with us though i always hear him screaming at yeah he him he'd be here i thought he was really mad excited for today too yeah he usually does that he'll just show up just rolled out of bed more than like we'll give him we'll give him a few minutes yes look he's probably opening up some cards it'll take him a minute he's really gone 110 into those carrots doesn't he look whatever works for you exactly he seems to be enjoying it that's the main thing and i like his twitter clips of it so i do as well actually the amount of carrots like he's just opened at this point like every day i'm just like i'm gonna spend like like a thousand euro on this like i need it it's like no no stop you don't well you see no play he's the after case so that's what you'll be like you'll be tweeting all these miserable clips where you're angry because you bent your own thousand dollar card or whatever it was jesus yeah it was worth it for the meme though i got a good laugh out of me likes and retweets isn't it like they can do anything money can do if you go to a store and say jesus i'll give you so many retweets for this i'll give you so much exposure for this week like cryptocurrency based on twitter likes there's going to be one eventually i think you just invented it actually it's only a matter of time i'm a billionaire lads oh god i i'm actually kind of surprised that doesn't exist i know that you brought it up there's a gap in america so we'll get on it uh listen i'm just trying to invite you to the game it's a bit different for this one i found kevin but it says he's offline and sean i'm trying to find you what's your name on switch again i actually don't know i let me launch the game and i'll see no worries i'm trying to find you i do have your ad on switch don't i i've got kevin i can see um i think so yeah we've been mario kart together yeah i'm wondering if like we if we have to add each other for that or we just use like a room lobby code because i know there's bolt for that oh we have to use joy cons for this yeah you gotta use like one on its side uh i don't need oh he needs a new link for the discord hang on i gotta go hunt for some joy-cons i'll be back all right uh i'm ignoring attempting to join your game dan but i'm getting i'm booming pretty hard right now i'm just uh it did the invite come up i don't know it should i online on the switch are you connected to him yeah but it said hit the home button to accept but i'm only using one controller it's the one that doesn't have the home button oh i mean that sounds like a you problem it really is i'm just asking please help me uh if you take the other joycon oh i got it okay i think oh i'm so confused well it needs to i need to slap this roll on nagala because he's coming on it's weird how discord still works where it's like if it's not like a partnered server the audio quality is like shite in comparison i don't know why they do it that way yeah i know you can boost the server i guess it's just bandwidth they're like you know it's a free service i suppose they should make a cryptocurrency or you could purchase it and improve your server i think they do have a system like that yeah they have nitro but it's a little bit confusing i don't know why they can't just be like oh do you want to upgrade your server instead of like do you want an extra nitro pack to add to your server for extreme quality it's a bit confusing to an old man like me i found my joy cons but i haven't plugged them in since i moved so they're dead oh no oh um that's problematic yeah that's real bad [Music] well they're plugged in now so if we just vamp for a while i've never vamped before how long did i take the charge um like five days the charging's in the eye of the beholder oh jesus he's vamping he's doing it he's distracting us thank god we can we yeah yeah he just knows he knows me struggles so he's being a good friend he's a nice fella um you don't have any uh one of those other controllers do you think you can plug in the pro controllers apparently you're not allowed to use them for oh yeah yeah you have to use the joy con all day this is why it's not so difficult to set up the stream for this game because um because i have like a thing that will let you connect to my switch so you can do controller inputs but it doesn't work for motion controls and that's like the one main thing with this it's all motion based right right wait but doesn't the pro have gyro in it it does but don't question these things sure they're always trying to like scam me aren't they those poxy bastards to come in here trying to get me to buy an extra pair of [ __ ] joycons oh my god i fell into a dublin accent earlier in my stream so it's here to stay for the night oh i'm so sorry for your loss this is tragic news new million subs knew sean i saw a tic tac earlier where some dublin guy was uh re reenacting the scene from it but instead of a boat falling into the sewer it was a can of dutch gold oh that's [ __ ] grayish we all float down here it's like not as scary like like pennywise it's not anyways it is at the same time you know it's more real you guys everyone's thinking owen have you guys ever seen that clip of the news reporter in dublin talking about something and he says something about cocaine and somebody goes by and he says i love cocaine i think i have seen that yeah oh god i'll find it oh god there's like i haven't seen that one but i've seen the one where it's like it's like it's like there's like a weather report or something it's like there's treacherous conditions in dublin and a man just falls on the pavement oh they did him dirty and it's like oh my god do you think like were they just recording the snow or did they know that was a slippery hill and they were waiting they're like someone will fall and we'll catch their misery it's so menacing it really is i sent it in the irish lads discord uh let me take a look it's like if anyone wants to go to dublin that's more what it's like sorry just i just listened to it there ah that's [ __ ] great i don't know chat thing yay drugs calm down there you go we got we got them in now [Music] oh close close hey there you are dude i should be up there in the top how am i you know you're doing the run right before me dan [Music] um so i'm gonna i'm trying to send you isn't it do i have your add it on switch oh lord have mercy like sean i still can't find you look i'm still stuck in the thing where it says press l and r in the controller because that are charged no worries how do i accept that yeah it's really different because it's like you could i've is that good i've been able to like invite people on switch like this before but it's like they've updated this why why so long yeah this game is like two and a half years old now and it's like let's make online for it now i guess because like me and kevin played this like when it came out and i remember that stream because like we tried to play the board game mode but yeah i'm not hearing it either you just couldn't and we ended up playing this like bootleg kind of mini game mode we could only play 10 a day and it was a real [ __ ] talk to me about that online lobby check connecting to the network oh my gosh i'm just giving hello it's actually happening folks oh people are losing their minds my end because they're just like okay i'll adjust it properly in a while sorry about that folks i had nothing on my hand i was like we're getting there we're just waiting for sean to come back with his controllers now yes it is i kevin what do you wish for oh hi donnie how are ya she has everyone's voice yeah we do you got to get one of these then the the go explorers they're so good oh they're great i really need to say i just can't compete i mean you could do changing naturally sure if you could amplify your voice you can kind of throw it you know that's me project attracts a house like that dan you know let me get a mighty echo that's it fair play to you oh jesus people are saying i have the toad voice i don't think that's the same caliber um i think that's what you're in hell not heaven the toad voice is just pain like like i wouldn't recommend it hello i don't know [Laughter] no i don't like this i'm in so much pain it really sounds like it like i can i can hear that it hurts your throat yeah yeah it does you can only do it so long you need water if you're doing the toad voice like don't toad voice and like like without proper hydration i didn't realize there was so much involved with this it's dangerous it's it is it sounds it dude be careful it's like watch out it's gonna sneak up on you oh jesus lads i have terrible news you're getting married that would be awful newsletters shock into the world uh i don't have any charge joycons in the house uh jesus so they're you're they're chasing they're charging now though i hope yes they're plugged into the switch but chad tells me to take three hours to charge okay don't take three hours all right yeah yeah okay twitch i have a solution to your problem 12 minutes tops are you sending me some i'm running no you only need one so just leave them charged for 10 minutes and then you can use one and then you can plug that one in and unplug the other one and there you go oh my god look they may have operated on the foot but the brain got an upgrade as well i have two brain cells now both overclocked should we just wait about half an hour then so you get some of that initial charge and then we can do the swapping route if you guys don't mind i'm sorry that i have [ __ ] it all up i'd say even 10 minutes let's see look nothing came out in the switch in a while i haven't played it yeah i know what you mean i don't really pick up my switch that often to be honest yeah i i've actually been [ __ ] loving them there's a paper mario game on switch that's actually quite funny um or the new one yeah cause like everything's made of paper but like they actually they capitalize on the idea of it being a paper world so it's like one of the bosses is just a set of colored pencils and they're just graffiti on everything in the world like another boss is literally just a hole puncher and it's like it's one of the it's one of the most intense bosses i've ever had in the game it's just a hole puncher but it like it dances and like it kind of like takes your face off when you're fighting it oh it's so it's crazy it's genuinely funny yeah it's like mario characters are like investing in pyramid schemes in that in the game which is just like it's just really jarring when you uncover it it's like what like toad what did you say yeah it's a bit too real for that universe isn't it yeah about but like that's what it's like like some of the toads are actually likes us i always knew there was something going on with toad he's all in mushroom no brain it's hollow inside is that a hat that he wears i haven't looked into the lore or the manga of super mario there's a really like cursed fan art oh i kind of want to see it now toad mario hat oh where he takes off the hat yeah but he just takes it off and it's just like hair and that under like there's like a third eye that reveals itself oh no i would not recommend typing it into google search well we got it now i kind of know well spit too late for that one dad i act quick curiosity you know yeah [ __ ] it up jesus scott for life though dan thanks very much nah no problem no problem holy [ __ ] we're just gonna pop some different music on the stream so it's not constant guessing you saw it i mean i just typed in toad cursed fan art and i'm i'm getting a lot [Laughter] so sorry if anything i've made your day better yeah you've made my life worse though i'm not gonna sleep i forgot the toads are frogs i'm just seeing a buff frog or like a real buff frog yeah he's like a four pack can can you send it to me i can i see it thank you he wants to see what's going on here kev do you really want to have a look and they do stuff they don't know what they want they don't know what they want this is against tos for sure okay what if the what if the toilets are in hot tubs is it against the os then no then it's okay that's a good new point people's names down though toads and hot tubs in bikinis uh with writing on them fan what is it what is it fan art or something i think it's subscriber names i'm i'm not familiar with the hot tub i guarantee you someone's going to draw that and tweet us like no doubt someone's going to draw that and tweet us like hey yeah admit that made that thing oh my god should we get a hot tub and all stream all your steamy pasty irish boys in one place dude if we do if we do it should be like one of those kiddie pools out the back you know it doesn't even like go up to our knees he's quite tall he's never fit in one we need we need a decent enough pool size yes or we could swap around do a 24-hour uh irish uh kiddie pool who gets the night shift out in the garden with the cold holes running through [Laughter] the water's so cold we'll have a bit of a portable radiator going on now oh geez oh man we'll have a like one of those ones that you put like a a cylinder a cousin gas into and just put it on the side i'm not trusting you can add that to the calendar that we eventually made yeah yeah the advent calendar the advent calendar yes that was crazy ah jesus we make an advent calendar but we sell it in february yeah cause it really stays 28 days you're a genius then we've gone down on production in july do you only get half the year it's like an obsolete calendar brain that they said sell the tub water afterwards oh my god that person they're going to get into two trends are your issues gamer sweat i have been debating getting one of those hot tubs and doing a hot tub stream like it has been on my mind no no no i'm seriously debating it i found one and everything that i was willing to buy if it's not why don't kev why don't you don't think about your children i don't have any you will eventually have all right you're going to have lots of children kevin you look like the guy that has the face of five children all right what does that even mean you're just saying you look like you got the face of a fella that's five kids you know what i mean like eventually i just look stressed is that what you're saying all right like why it's amazing do you want your the friends of your children to see pictures of you in a hot tub in a bikini assuming you're going to go full bikini on it well i was thinking scuba suit i was going to get the whole oxygen tank and everything okay that's different then that's different then they'll just think i'm cool they'd be like your dad's a scuba diver dad like scuba dives and i muted for like 15 seconds and i don't know what i missed well i'm getting a hot tub and i'm five minutes i have five children yeah kevin's gonna have five children that are gonna see him in a hot tub in the future fair play kev thanks so much man daddy just decided it for me i'm really shocked with the news well sure you've been sitting on the fence now i better someone decided it for you i was somewhere near the fence [Music] like streaming office is because it's like converted bedroom there actually is a room with a bat literally in view of my camera so i've been debating doing a proper bathtub stream but just like sitting in a full suit or something like that right can't conform to the meta it must be a modest bathtub stream you know yeah you got to be well dressed just show the bathroom i'll bring myself in a modest way you know a modest word modesty you know i think the main thing i need is just longer cables so my pc can reach it because i otherwise have to put the pc in the bathroom which just doesn't seem smart that's not what yeah yeah i might get a lot of plug ports in like irish uk bad bathrooms they don't have that yeah because it's safer that way yeah no they can't trust us to be safe with it so they're just like we're taking all the plugs out of your bathrooms so yeah kevin's gonna have five kids dan i feel like you're you're three and sean you're four and i think i might be five four yeah you'll be four jack why do i need to leave growing up i know that that's a mistake [Laughter] which one were you the fifth the pure accident we had four that's enough it's like ah [ __ ] hell it broke come on jack being born speedish keys [Laughter] they came out with the [ __ ] top of the morning and you know [Music] irish babies congratulations one spongebob timecard later and you're here it's quite the origin story look i can't even charge you switch controllers so something went wrong so jesus all right how's the hose have been charged in there jack i don't know it's still charging it's on the switch it's a bit of shite of a console i had another switch switch is pretty actually yeah reggie's balls in your mouth what's going on here you just cringe but i think that nintendo pro would be cool switch pro would be cool i see that trending every week there's rumors of it isn't there it's rumored to be announced every week yeah yeah yeah nintendo pro switch please that would be sick though like we're probably going to get like the nintendo 3ds 2 before we get it oh man uh yeah i don't know how to check how well it's charged let me see i think it says it on the home screen doesn't it or devices or something you've got enough time to get a cup of tea oh you have plenty no worries and uh what what's uh what's the chocolate i like yorkie not for girls that was always weird growing up it was did they change it of course they changed it well like i i don't know i still personally believe your keys aren't for girls but that's just me that's a weird [ __ ] hill to die on the stone age guys that that was a toast joke right there yeah i just got to defend yorkie bars i love them too much the controllers are over 50 already wait what so you guys that's called a total joke you guys get that one it's humor that's so obviously wrong around people that will contradict it i have never met this man i don't know him who is he there's no post like no it's you he's the problem right now wait no i'm fine i just think every every other chocolate is fine it's just the yorkies you know maybe that should shouldn't be for girls just your keys though oh jesus not nells they can have anything else what are like weird like advertising campaigns where they're for chocolate bars like there was a bunch of them back in the day where they were just some real like weird it was weird there was weird promotional stuff in the 90s voice that was the 90s was it golden that was like the wild west of the internet and entertainment and advertising the internet in the mid there was the internet there was dial-up i think maybe late night yeah the wild west and when what's up okay all right you know what i mean i was trying to sue with people get your tea [ __ ] get your [ __ ] tea in your mouth [Music] you guys don't realize how many crazy ads there was in the 90s and the what you call them the naughties i hate that words they're called yeah the naughties boys won't you go back they victorian times now hashtag cancel dahi let's get a trend in boys if we all work together lads we can finally take them down over a yorkie choco oh man the barrel is law for cancelling someone oh jesus oh man breaking news pokemon youtuber gets cancelled for a yorkie joke i get the baby bell address moving on youtube how's the tv how's your tea my tea i haven't what do you mean i even got out and get it yet already too much fun getting kicked i see [Laughter] it's like the advert the adverts i think i remember the most crazy adverts um yeah it's like the advertisement i don't think i don't know if they do them to this degree anymore but like irish road safety adverts they were brutal they showed children getting killed and ever yeah so like irish road safety adverts like for chats yeah it's like basically they just show a [ __ ] car crash and like not censor it that much at all and it was [ __ ] horrible terrifying let me explain this one do you guys want do you remember the one where the girls playing in the backyard and the characters and kills the girl yeah it's it's hot it's horrific it's scary dude it's terrific and it's just like not censored and it's like you're just sitting down to like watch the simpsons in rte and it's like it's a horrible car crash like it was so [ __ ] there was one where it like rolled in over the fence and it like cuts a daisy in half oh jesus sang jack you really remember it yeah remember it's not about reacting to some of them to show people how [ __ ] up it was and then did you guys ever change the ad when one of the trucker ads came up yes yeah just changed it straight away i felt like a horrible person but i was like maybe genuinely uh back to my modern modern utopia i forgot about trokore yeah i don't really remember them the boxes in the eyes are angel those dads i would sad sad poor ads i would swap those off sometimes i'd watch them i'd watch one in ten so that way i didn't know i you know i was a horrible person completely i watched one they heard the stomach like they appreciated yeah so it's like oh it's grim it's taking so long jack's charging these controllers man he's vamping i launched the game i've never launched it before and apparently toad's talking to me like hello welcome to the plaza oh you want to come into a hot tub why can't you all do that voice did he practice this sexy fight i don't know how i don't know who's the most terrifying one foot and four in the other jacks is scarily accurate like i i don't know how much you've practiced that you're good with the toe jack i'll give you that toad good with the toad yeah like okay i'm at a menu and i'm running around with a bunch of lads i think i need to send you an invite have i got your ad on switch okay that's another that's another ball game completely here how good would an irish lads podcast be this is practically been one right now oh jesus oh that was my plan podcast though what do you guys think about that uh yeah i don't have a den that's a very hesitant i mean i i so i the only reason is because i know i know kevin has just started a podcast series and then i know um i i don't want to reveal too much but i may be working on something um but i'll be happy to have you all on yeah but it's not but are you going to talk about irish lads will you call it the orange lights or something else i know it was it's just something else i was working on oh man should we catch specifically an irish what's going on at once lads there's already somebody just send me your friend code uh let me get my friend code for you now hang out oh so basically i asked for an irish lad podcast and everyone sat in a podcast [Laughter] you missed the low tidy okay what if what if i started right an irish lads podcast but it was only like once a month like really rare that way it wouldn't be like stress yeah exactly it wouldn't get in the way too much the champions are called the spodcast or the podcast or the live the potato wait what the lad cast is too good yeah the lad cast potatoes the pod potatoes i guess it goes with podcasts potatoes yeah that's that doesn't sound as good though let's see you're going to have a lad cast and it sounds very like that no that might get us canceled in 10 years apparently there's a there's a bad connotation to the word paddy people are actually just called paddy in ireland yeah no yeah but historically guys how was the word used apparently because they they the word patty came from like paddy cabins where they'd put put them in cabins and they'd drag them in cabins or something like that it was some forms that's going to pick it up and find out that patty was using the word badly in the past and we'll have paddy cast and we'll be canceled in 10 years no i do my chats just suggested a brilliant one only lads oh no that's it was perfect god we could do an episode called the only lads of the lag i feel like lad cast makes the most sense though yeah how about if i organized it and you guys just hopped on once a month would you mind i'll be down for that i'll be down i know what i can do is i'm kind of like a bit of a crackhead so for information so what i can do is i can gather all the random [ __ ] and just throw stuff out to you and we'll just talk away if we if i feel like the conversation's dying i control throw a wrench in there and be like what you guys think of you know this or that every single stream we do you come up with the next great idea and we never hear of it again the last time is the time before that we were investing in an irish like gaelic game or something like they never go anywhere i'll be crazy like financially invigorate the studio find a golf on me i do yeah i do be having a matter of years we should have a podcast called this that and daughter we just have a podcast and it's all of jackie's crazy ideas [Laughter] and we just listen it's like that's great we just shoot down all of them and try not to get canceled what i could do right i could get that like has gone and we could have like i could get custom mugs made for us because i feel like i feel like we either need to be drinking heavily alcohol or tea in this in the podcast or coffee but to be honest did you send me any uh you moved i'm in ireland now if you send me some i i will try it out because i actually have been getting into coffee but i'm a bit of a weak i'm a weakling i don't have a you know no no yeah this is good for that because it's and we try to make coffee that doesn't like [ __ ] you up right it's like a first step into like high-end coffee nice so if you send me some or buy some can i buy some now am i able to buy some now yeah actually trying to get [ __ ] freebies off me like supposed to lie would you okay what's the website jackson's join the game get out of his ass get it get out of the false ass restart all right okay well watch these what's the coffee jack get a bit of pearl in here what's a coffee jack coffee jack i typed it in this is going to be a test to see how good the brand is you can reverse engineer what the name of my coffee is what do i say top of the morning oh my god the brand speaks for i can actually just send you some coffee if you want me no [ __ ] off i'm buying a shark too now [Laughter] i'm subscribing i'm getting one a month now holy [ __ ] he's in he got his name oh my god he's multitasking yeah he's a legend we got some amazing friend hot chocolate you didn't tell me you did hot chocolate oh we have tea coming soon daddy yo all right i'm drinking he's on every single podcast oh i forgot i can't play his toad you can't play it's totally for cold brew all right yeah the cold route takes a while to get back in stock every time because it's hard it's the game oh it's okay in general all right boom i think i'm good now let's check the old shopping cart extra large you're [ __ ] playing or just i am playing i don't know if you actually wanted to be monty mole now or not i think you just like i do like monty do you want no what map do you want to do do you want to do whomps or like the king there's mega fruit tantalizing tower look how gold that one is stoned i played the gold one recently and it's it's a bit [ __ ] in comparison okay okay i think that one looks just pretty orgy that would look very like oh gee there's a bomb on here i like i like uh i know let's go with that one this is that one it's nice it looks simple and og you know what i mean we'll start with this we can we can probably have time for two hours if we do like do you want to do i think 15 turns might be best yeah you know best unless that he has cards so no no no no no i i opened stuff before i got here you got any other stuff you need to buy any odd jobs you need to do you want to kevin daniel what what have you guys got for sale goodbye kevin just had surgery you could pay for that yeah i could just search it says my car doesn't mean any of meet any available shipping rates what's that all about you're just just playing the game i can send you guys admire your phone uh we can just move on from the rules we should be okay it's fairly self-explanatory we're gamers oh it's motion control oh one oh now we're going places wait so i'm luigi who's waluigi is that cat me and then oh you have to press a yes slapping the belly daddy's monty mole and then shawn's donkey kong about to do is wrong let's get going it's it's a much more anticipation to get this off the ground yes this has been uh a year in the making dude we wanted to do mario party for ages like uh yes sir it's just been hard to kind of set up because they didn't have the online future basically it's what it comes down to we literate to convince nintendo guys it was all because of us for [ __ ] sake at us already we've been waiting so long all right here we go okay ooh event special event what have i done oh you just made the womps move oh so they walk about i feel he's muted but i think he's practicing he's practicing it i have no uh sound coming out right now for some reason oh so if you go to obs and you right uh you click on the cog wheel in your audio mixer go to advanced audio properties make sure that your elgato is monitor and output yeah for some reason it's not we can give we'll give you a moment sure all right let's give you a minute let's get let's get the tax orders this will give me time to figure out why you don't work continuously anybody got a discount code sitting around jesus what uh what are you going with in the end did you get a couple of blue any available shipping rates your car doesn't meet any available calm down daddy it's going to be all right it's just putting me feeling coffee i don't want it happening i don't understand anybody who's watching this can you please buy it and let me know if it works i mean that's that's nice to support sean he's like something's wrong with sean's site guys quickly you buy his coffee on youtube let me know let me know if it's working oh no could everyone test it by inputting your credit card number onto sean's coffee website yes it guys if you could do that that would be great make sure the quantities works buy at least 20. okay i think i have it you got it it's okay man i was just becoming your best uh salesperson thank you thank you appreciate you like ten thousand dollars right there yo then you definitely need free coffee [Laughter] jesus [Laughter] i'm good to go sorry for [ __ ] up the whole stream it's okay you're grounded we got there in the end yeah yeah we're fine hold on just let me buy the coffee real quick oh my god it's working it's working it's working it's like everyone here has just been like waiting to like first set it up so long i need five more minutes the coffee's almost purchased i'm [ __ ] hyped for this man what are you talking about and i will subscribe to the newsletter oh my god all right okay we're good it's been ordered normal dice are the monty mold dice let's go i can get a coin from this pink we're moving oh oh no look at this that's all right look at his little legs when he walks he's so cute [Laughter] here we go here we go think six sing six four you did this you didn't think about it one of you wasn't thinking six wait was i supposed to that's what i said i wasn't [ __ ] sick i thought you're like reinforcing yourself into thinking six like like mourning yourself in the mirror kind of thing minigame boys what no they made us all red they couldn't give us a 2v2 brian fuzzy fight school okay brian just messaged like from the discord looking on from afar it's like why haven't you started playing the game yet first you're not here and now you're [ __ ] making fun of us yeah because [Music] well mine weren't even charged so oh no sean has no power go go right go right go right go oh it's so difficult to control jesus it's so difficult [Music] i don't feel very safe i don't feel confident i'm dead this is awful oh that was [ __ ] brutal that's terrible okay we just have 15 more of those minigames [Laughter] welcome to mario paris oh my god should have worn the heart rate monitor for this one i was just donkey kong's sad face was so strong there oh god come on big numbers there we go fat stack dude uh i'll i'll just walk up oh which way you're going where is this no no go the other way go that way go that way 100 you get an ally space you need those if i go oh if i go to the left yes yes yes i mean go right thanks daddy i appreciate you do you pay me five points i'll carry no why would i want that i gotta start helping you i don't have enough money for the star still i need i need to actually say so this is broken this is so strong this is where the game gets broken as long as i don't get daisy i'm happy oh as long as i don't get her oh my god that was close close what you got against daisy ah she just sucks like she shouldn't exist that's fair honestly oh wow peter's dice block is really good that actually is pretty good yeah on average of four all right here we go there you go we all get one impression i've already done toad too do i have to shut up now you should go on the green one cave the green one okay and then you get a big mushy but kevin that would have helped you yeah but i just didn't want to make dahi oh yeah kevin likes to make things hard for himself it's some bollocks oh you got to pay you to get past the trump that's a man for one man he is he is i've got a plan oh no money what's that stinky man all right you can't go back though all right donkey kong okay go on now go to rolling stone i'm mad for forest today you definitely got to go left dude you got to go left there's an exclamation mark that's going to do something oh we got to see what happens i'm the one controlling them but you know you got to do it okay let me click it for god's sake let's go special the third one all in on the middle not the third third not the third one the third one only one of you actually had like okay go for this one aquaman roll whatever you want rigged dude official airplane sean now fair play do you deserve it i always support you you know what the writing's on the wall there dan you're the one who made it happen that's true i didn't read out the lines you wrote the script i'll take credit for that one now you can send me my check in the mail what's this snack attack with the balls this is so hard to get it's just it's just a warm-up this is just the warm-up i'm very competitive let's try it now daddy well this is where it counts sorry this is the real one now the high stakes all right the corn is blowing time to start grabbing the car should be blowing get away that's my stack i want this popcorn that's a boulder you can have that one no no i don't know what i'm doing it's just a game it's nice look at that zero points it's not a camp when it's ranked yeah literally right look at me dude oh pollux i don't have enough coins is it ten coins i think it's ten yeah ten for a star [Music] dude uh if i look roll the luigi dice and i get one yeah that could work one of us are probably going to pass you could get seven overshot of them oh no luigi coins [ __ ] [ __ ] move on dumbass oh no i think you need to go down here lakita i like you too look do you want to play with your friends or do you want to win this space let's go it's not it's it's oh he just walks straight past oh sim carter might get a star come on i [ __ ] hate this game right texas girlfriend on that burner phone wait what i'm saying yes but he accusing their attack because he's got [ __ ] daisy's following up behind him oh true oh no no i [ __ ] hate daisy i think it's definitely worth paying here definitely we're paying you reckon i mean you're gonna get the you're gonna get i'm not gonna do that look it's not worth going just stop play your own game there i'm even confused by the instructions so i'm just not gonna pay and move on oh you got a buddy as well dude the buddies are all pee they're actually there you saw you did easy please be daisy please be daisy who is your wife who's your wife risky all right um all right let's just let's just go again thank you so much for the five stops oh no oh god love him he's trying that's unfortunately oh i'm not having fun i thought the irish are full of luck welcome to the bad luck space wheel look at the irish in iraq get the money installed [Music] the game will just come back and give you something later that kills us all no no it's just going to [ __ ] me oh here we go my heart bleeds for you do i need a specific you can go past no you can go past it and you you can buy it even toad tips i don't care i just gotta roll the dice you know i don't really care you need help oh he's done it ah look at them go now the four star thank you i hope she moves directly in front of give me your help [ __ ] star and get out of here i don't miss work in retail sorry buddy sorry oh god oh come on just come over to me come over here now go on toadette over this direction oh that's a grand old space oh she's right there i'm just really close i gotta roll i'll get you there no problem i just need some extra coins you'll have them next turn though you only need one don't you yeah i mean but hopefully i get it in time you'll be fine ah thanks kevin i appreciate the support i believe it's like mario kart you'll just get a blue shell towards the end and [ __ ] us all up and win yeah it's not coin oh no it's really not i've played this a few times and when you're in last games like yeah you're staying there bud it's like what do we do i know this is only four players but i think brian she's watching the stream oh right we bump into each other we might be able to get him and call if he wants to join us you don't even have to play only four player but he can join the call if he wants yeah tonight kick me while i'm down yeah let's get brian in here i would love that yeah everyone would like that yeah i'm sorry it's already up we pick up we pick a direction to go is it i'm getting the middle boys that's mine i'm going in the middle i'm going to be fine i'm locked in already oh my clown [Laughter] do it no one's gonna get it you're never gonna win you've been continuing i'm not letting this rat get a single coin i'll wait we gotta go for the big one for us we gotta go for the biggest [Music] shiny look well some of you stopped dan i got someone [Applause] oh my god actual coins tell me you're stubborn without telling me you're scared ah jesus bite [ __ ] it aren't you you should make that tick tock time oh didn't get it closed oh no i get more money 12 coins jesus my god you've so much that's pretty good that's pretty good and then i get a dice block here we go i think i want to use this because it gives me the highest chance of a good roll there's a lot of fours on great [ __ ] fantastic luigi instant disappointment oh twitch perfect timing compilation oh let's go wage some coins every player wages coins you don't have any doubt they thought he doesn't have any coins how does this work i'm spamming it no is that any benefit to to stop holding it come on wait is it gonna pop i think it pops i think it pops i think it does pop oh no yes why did mine pop and you were there i win by default the best type of victory aren't you glad i made you wait a half hour for my controller for this sure thanks thanks thanks jack your coffee will will help once it arrives in a week it'll keep you awake so you have to think about it all night two that's hilarious two months i'm slow and steady go how's my chance to come back man no no the tortoise is gonna win the race i did it i did it guys i thought real big all right we're coming back you will go a long way the [ __ ] the [ __ ] smack talk right where am i trying to go oh i need to get over the toe dash you're not going to get there well no three things at once yeah the most you can get rolls the six with the golden dice if you wrote your dk dice block you have a chance of getting a 10. but everything else is zero do it roll your dk roll your dk yes you can change it if you go left and right i'm just gonna roll the regular one i don't think i can get there yeah i know you're you're good you're definitely oh god i love them on the way boys one is closer than zero i think that next star is daniel's i mean i hope so i'm very close now i'll be devastated i think it's between me and dying anyway yep can take pancakes is that what it's an internet name for a mini game title there can i you have to take them from have pancakes oh take them from the top so they can't be covered okay there's star pancakes in there too now okay well if there's anything like the warm up i'm winning this it's anything like anything so far endless let's go let's get some pancakes i didn't even get one there oh it's stop grabbing the wrong one oh you [ __ ] [Laughter] give me that [Laughter] that was such a cheap way [Music] okay i need i need a good roll dude i think you'll be fine you need two luigi yes as i i just don't use jesus oh dude because you get a minimum of wine she gets a minimum one that's two you're two away from me jesus it was close oh my god fair play and fair play fair play dance [Music] shepherd's pie the most romantic dinner we go for another shepherd's pie if someone like let's just say my fiance made shepherd's pie for me that would be a turnout oh jesus i'm just saying you're separated to be fair but shepherd's pie what would be like the i'm going to cream me me britches immediately uh i would go no apple crumble apple crumble oh not apple pie a man of culture the crumble is the right one another ally oh my god oh my gosh dude this is so broken mr [ __ ] popular over here yeah look at this the drift king i'm super popular in college oh that's a good dice block risky on the money but if you don't need yeah i think i think being the drift can be fine popular in college all right let's try it [Music] oh you do land in a bad luck space after you get the stars you have a chance to lose the star in a bad luck space do you you yeah you do you want to be careful that would be great to care for now kevin we're so not happy for him we're like yeah i swear when dan got his everyone was like good job dan great stuff that was the dinner you're getting hit on or is this where she has to know if you could move in front of me again tonight that would be lovely oh that's yeah it is actually near you dan you are the closest to that oh my god a good woman oh wait no that's coming back she's over here oh that's coming back he's got to go all the way around i'd like it to steal a stare oh it costs 30. just get coins just get coins then who likes [Laughter] i will post this on twitter and expose you as a terrible friend publicity is good publicity if you ask me anything i'm sorry you shouldn't have said anything [Laughter] you're unfollowed for a week [Laughter] this is where they're like give the coins back to that form of sports oh don't move the star now all right okay oh that's okay daddy you can have him he's enough for a star i'm such a nice guy okay okay there you go [Music] that's all i know oh you're very close to his anus there yeah he's definitely stuff stuff in there i'm getting i'm getting the chalky milk down whatever down bad jewels and he's a crumbled man not a pie so oh [ __ ] oh it's like dodgeball guys at your rivals you can hold up the two pies at once this about sums up this game it's time for him to ready up anyway how much can we cover him in pies i don't know i'll i'll try and help hold on no friendly firelight sorry [Laughter] oh lord so much pie but has about as much pie as he is missing coins oh jesus oh the game's getting a bit pushy with us like are you ready now yeah you want to play you notice the two buttons at the top we've been just giving you some high guys this is what i've come back to you look like you could use it you're hungry you went away for a snack yeah thanks guys i've been fed in game and irl thank you very much guys it's not crumbled while we trade i mean it's kind of crumbled my pants as you hit me in the face with these pies thank you okay i'll stop then oh no all right done up there die you're ready whenever you're ready there's you it's the classic body comedy dahey we started as enemies now we're friends we're on the same team let's do this yeah he's mark wahlberg okay oh [Music] you're such a big target dude i'm yeah at least my dick's here [ __ ] no you're kidding me we got two coins you're [ __ ] kidding me no we got more than that you're kidding me we only got two coins for that we got [Music] do you know who you are you're strong so used to losing ah yeah oh you can't go that way i can't go that way i gotta go around i'm gonna waste three fish with taboo dice block five and a seven come on just don't lose two coins oh my god this guy he's only 10 away from the stars i hate this oh my ander giving him a gold and you're going to buy the golden yeah yeah oh my god gotta go fast well someone's the favorite child we gotta gank for him we can steal it from him let's go in here oh my three coins and i'll let you pass it's only three hey guys how many coins for me to bully dan and all the minigames no don't do that more than you have that's irish nowaday deal i shall be bullying dan in the next mini game it doesn't have to make us look sad you know it could just like keep us out of it oh no i always get picked on whenever i play mario party with anyone yeah stop winning yeah that's probably why stop being good trying to read the chat what are you trying to tell me sorry i don't know i was looking at the minigame of my life so i'll take it oh oh she's over there soon are you just coming further because i'm trying i can make it back in time yeah yeah this is going pretty pretty bad are you just saying dan the villain i agree he's the most terrorist i'm literally sick of this [ __ ] receiving a lot of three guys it's [ __ ] capitalism 101 i mean i didn't get much off the money it wasn't that beneficial ultimately i don't think we can make capitalist jokes when we're all streaming and everyone's gift and soaps actually i'm a socialist i'm recording to supply free content oh i see content you're not streaming are you no no no oh no that's not a surprise for them not should i have set up a squad stream or something like that or does it matter too much we're all looking at the same thing i guess you just want me to see you're winning [ __ ] off you want to come see the winner's point of view oh it's my turn all right it's your turn you checked out already yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the spirit i'm glad you're happy again to see the smile on his face again wow guys genuine laughter i'm just gonna well maybe i should keep going to it for when it gets here i'll send the squad invite just in case anyone wants it okay i don't know how to spell jacksepticeye there's like 40 impersonators for you i don't know why why is there so many jacks left yeah you can you can uh put an impersonator in there if you want to just show sir oh not this one again i didn't like this one the popcorn the popcorn what was that i said what's up popcorn again for the game stan are these all random they should be random yeah yeah we just got unlucky give me the popcorn now give me one let me have one this is my popcorn you can get some popcorn after i've finished my cup dad i have corn deficiency give it to me the corn deficiency no dance stop it desperately need some corn dan is taking all of the popcorn look at him i'd like you could feed a village i've got nothing i'm sorry myself that's so sad this is all for me with that much popcorn it won't go well kev that's because he's all the bodies he needs to feed them why have you just called kids and a wife all of a sudden i don't understand a big flock i don't know man why not he settled down his brain goes yeah that's what my brain thinks now it's all the kids in my life kevin i was able to send you the squad streaming invite if you wanted there at least oh are we squads from sorry okay i couldn't send it to sean because there's too many jacksepticeye impersonators i tried all right you win mario party and you win the stream game as well whatever yeah i'm sorry i i tried i really did it's fine do it use it use it is going so badly uh do i want to use that ice block again you're honestly you're fine you're nine away from the star you're you'll be fine okay you have two buddies you have two bodies you're nine away you use the mushroom that gives you five moves this is just overkill at this point okay let's get over there yeah gee i wonder if you'll make it guys oh i just wanted to make sure i'll pick up another one of those that seems quite good this is definitely not a rising tide all ships kind of scenario [ __ ] sake we got to take him down uh wait are you just gonna win if you get three or does it just keep going for 15. it keeps going keeps going space as well he paid her off for sure something's going on she's a paid actor i paid her 10 coins for the star i'll give you that oh you paid her something under the table as well yeah those sly little luigi fingers look at this particularly jesus this is the cheese you've been doing i couldn't even afford three stars go on luigi now where are you going next today i'd put her right in front of you go a little more down the road there oh good farrah's awesome i'm not getting her anytime soon lads i know you all be upset yeah yeah right two buddies in a [ __ ] golden mushroom my microscopic violin is plenty right here oh my god another friend this is dumb how many can you get i think four is the match four oh gosh only of me and myself and i look at that [ __ ] eating grin on him let's get warrior but it's just six years yeah that's a crazy block [ __ ] rigged oh cheers okay oh my god oh my god i'll get to know how it feels to be dan oh god i hope thank god you made it kevin you're okay okay even though it was impossible you're not the maker there's still a bit of this close yeah it's scary there oh good all right now lads if we combine all our stars we actually treat that like [ __ ] kevin dude like i don't think you realize though half an hour we've been treating down like [ __ ] that's only because he's doing really well yeah okay we can treat kevin like [ __ ] in a few minutes my self-esteem is in tatters no you're willing i wish that was me through the roof i'm winning the stage but losing the mental battle oh they put it right over them all we're all right all right i thought you were going over to you two are near this one are you or i can't even remember where ever it is kevin is live now i did that there you don't need to remind us just just a reminder kevin my birthday party is on saturday [ __ ] miles boys all right let's get another uh another move here and uh you're so rude dude yeah and excuse you goes a long way i'm just saying i don't want to get a red so the game of two thank you so much for that again yeah very doing great shaunie thank you for the tip as well thank you for all the support i'm just going to appreciate it i'll win for you oh you're going aggressive for the start here you can't deliver on that oh he's going on something dk play but it's all right oh oh damn dude you're definitely getting the star next no doubt about it um what are we looking forward to this versus space oh i kind of like that though no i landed i definitely don't want to do the other one that's a bad look space you want to do the versus space flowchart thank you for the two subs as well thank you yeah yeah very much but also it's not a bad space so this might make the womp move and then you actually save three coins as well so yeah you know just uh rich get richer ah nice nice nice that's a good one that's a good one that's grand let's go ahead that'll be fine now lads i hope it's the popcorn one the pie it's like the popcorn one dude there's no other mini game what's the name in his money oh this one this one's a bastard what the hell oh you got a ground pound and time if you get the bomb though you reset all the coins you've got oh what and the closer it is to the bomb the higher the value it is you lose a lot of coins yeah is it just lockers are actually timing to it i think there's time into it but uh good luck good luck because someone's gonna scream smith thank you so much for five seconds very kind my entire life all right let's get going i guess [ __ ] sake [Music] quickly get some coins yeah jeez i got my rhythm going i figured once you got one of them you could just actually spam it and you keep getting the same one yeah that's what i was doing oh my gosh that's like oh holy [ __ ] [Laughter] ryan how you doing have you joined welcome enjoy my music who's winning not [ __ ] me daniel oh [ __ ] shocker it's the drift king mr moneybag so happy for me brian shocker uh i need to go around and get that i think i can do it if i use the dash mushroom oh my god so that was five and then the power of the allies and look we get a lot of friends dude he's literally going to get 15 steps in one goal this man can lap the [ __ ] board in one turn just go regular i don't want to chance it yeah yeah yeah dude just don't oh my god [Music] holy [ __ ] we just stole jack star right there you know as you do which way do i go oh he lands in a bad space if he wants to get my sword you're going straight into this he's not a bad space if he wants to stare what you're going to do huh punk [Music] okay sorry a bit overboard but but just getting real just aggressive and mean i just want him to i just why would you get away with this you're not involved bollocks then you know that dude let's play mario party well he's got more stars than coins i wish my controller was still dead you know that i was still dead well it's not it's nice to play with you guys you know it's nice to hang out with all the friends i'm having a great voice that's insincere [Applause] [Laughter] bro i dodged a bullet yeah you [ __ ] did i feel like the ball is straight between my eyes right now i've been absolutely shocked to [ __ ] so it's been great fun for me oh jesus oh that bad luck stars just please give me stars again even the people in my chat went down to win now give stars to the oh the star moves oh no he's going to move into himself i only have three coins that could have been worse i am lucky i'm on he moved that money out of his account real smart [Laughter] i was so happy for a second life was nice for like a good two seconds there god i don't go anywhere fast out of coins now oh no i think he might have a scheme off his sleeve there then oh yeah boys maybe one time i will get off the top of the floor wait where's the the the way thing again opposite side over there holy [ __ ] well i might try and get a lucky space then well if you go down you can buy um you can buy a thing that gives you extra steps and stuff like that so yeah i don't know why not it's like five coins to go through that five three four yeah i think it's three for the other one i would go down inflation get that that literally gets you on the start i want anyone to win except [ __ ] dan as well this is my third time ever playing a mario party by the way are you liking it i do i love it i'm glad mainly because daddy's yelling at everything yeah i love how nogles tells come on perfect [Applause] oh let's get him lads that makes no sense i'm literally below you i i okay we have to shoot him we have to knock over our wall oh we have to oh wait yeah okay the bottom is pointless okay so we need to like converge yeah yeah or just spam boys spam boys spam okay i think i've got it look at this sweaty [ __ ] our pride is on the line let's do this come on lads come on boys spam the ace spam that [ __ ] like that's your last day important life okay i'll prop you up here hit it hit it look you're just going to have to go with kevin because he's going to avoid everything that you tell him to do okay go boys no come on lads come on everyone top of the morning to you come on buddy what's up hey jesus here no you're a rifle get out of here oh i got my tank you don't get to do it you're not alone thanks i'm so miserable i'm like i'm like this 45 year old divorced mole i've my ball the wife left and took me microwaved dinners and watch sports uh some people love that life don't [ __ ] on them you're much worse i would love for you to find a 45 year old bald mold that would be awesome i think i just want to quickly can i get another hour ally oh my god do i go up her down for that it's like fine i'm sure you go down but i thought that was the lobby following dan yeah he's got a [ __ ] paddy [Music] this guy's becoming a [ __ ] another youtuber on hello and then hope your little guy i was thinking that too i think that's what you need you can't let kevin kevin's gonna lap the [ __ ] map in a second here with me why are you turning on me all of a sudden turn on you i'm dying against everyone you can't let dan win oh okay i see he said you said kevin yeah i don't know if you're helping me hurry up for blood today dad i'm sorry wait why didn't i get my body to help me wait why yeah you're right why dare you bamboozled me it's because if you use the specific dice block i think that's oh no no you tell me i see i'm sorry information dan i didn't know i i actually honestly forgot that i'm not selected remember no i did it's all right things are still looking okay for waluigi it's okay dan has to choose his favorite ally to execute at the end of all time he's gonna lose the emotional war oh no are must have been nice while it lasted there goes uh 30 30 coins by the way that's an expensive star look it's the only score you're gonna get yeah you're on the board wait wow that's you might give me a start at the end again for being the biggest [ __ ] without the bonus star oh no one loser come on [Music] [Music] actually that messes it up for uh dan actually knock kev does it oh he just passed it right in front oh i just went past there let's go guys i think he's the enemy now he's going to have the most stars and coins he was oh how's it going don't mind working when i come past your hair i'm here do you want the join you're worth the trip now you're going to be the pimp king i'm going to get paulie wait brian didn't call me drift daddy did you call him drift daddy don't bring me into this you oh what is this my god oh we got to play like bomb tennis yeah but it's it's 3v1 but he's got a really big racket already i'm already gonna stay top i'll sit okay i'll just watch watch out for kevin he's uh an imposter i'm a wild cat shawn what are you doing over here he's already forgotten what are you doing i'm sorry i'm the imposter oh oh oh there's so many mobs going up oh oh god my death's perception kevin what are you doing i'm helping wait where do you want me to be there's only so much wait don't blame me i did okay no i got hit by quite a few of those i think i threw on that coins i got him ah geez it's a bit silly i'm happy for you to be honest thank you you've had a rough call all right he's 27 away guys i wonder if he'll make it that can give me more money which dice block do i want to use for my arsenal use the eight one use that one uh uh i think i do six one's pretty good too just getting my extra coins is actually not bad here that's true it still gets a five you were only zero goes further for me oh my gosh he's gonna get the golden one and no i can't i can't really yeah someone's stealing another staff from him and we'll bring him down to penguin ah no don't do it there's no point you're right next to it don't you yeah i'm well actually no i'm i'm i'm six spaces away so 19 to go oh my god it's a bit steep you got a lot of twos kevin i really lose uh that way [Music] yeah this is one it's literally going to push you backwards if it's one that doesn't really matter no yeah that's fine well if someone else was lying it's like the momentary panic climactic he could have moved at any time but he went into the uh okay do i have a dice block no okay what items do i have oh let's go oh let's go here we go hey yay what do i want to do now uh go on now daddy okay pick the number you want it's five to the star okay i'll just go six but i feel like that's gonna put me on a bad spot i mean you could have checked oh no no it's you gotta go you can go down wait up down blue one it puts wait wait why are you going that way why what are you doing okay yeah yeah sorry there it [Laughter] yeah let's go one [Music] yeah now if you get a chance to steal a star which start you steal shawn um it depends on who's nicest to me and who buys more of my coffee i've already i'm loading up the car hold on i bought the hot chocolate as well i actually use the mug quite often i do too yeah the bugs [ __ ] great even if i'm not having coffee i'll use the mug well that's points deducted oh [ __ ] you should have talked jack uh designed that mug purely to only have coffee yeah i have alex untrusted life thank you for the tip and nick thank you for the tip as well christ thank you for the generosity youtube last time i could have gotten the last time there's a [Laughter] i was lied to do you think that's how they sound all the time even in bed i'm closed [Applause] [Laughter] think of the children mushroom chip oh yeah it's one square behind me behind kevin oh god no um what's down this way you can buy more more items from that guy you can buy another golden block from him someone just said in my chat worst day of my life or best day best day for one specific kind of person literally one in the chat best day for someone who needs to reevaluate your life to be frank sign steal and deliver what's this one about there are as many packages as you can i control a drone a humble courier service versus the big corporation your conveyor belt on the left then i think nice oh so i dropped him off there get away your little rack i can use the drone to steal packages from you what i don't know what i'm doing you just [Music] okay i think i got it now yeah i've never seen you guys get drones and we okay wow you try to steal it then i'm going for it he's gonna play this one dirty yeah big time i mean it's one versus three a big nasty corporation with your drones yeah and daddy baby [Music] what if we do a floor each i'll do the the bottom floor the easy one and you do the upper limbs dude he's stealing so much of her [ __ ] he's going to wrap oh you could stay at the stairs and he won't be able to steal from you oh look he can't get to me he can't get to me right he's going to take [Music] get out oh my god this is a joke [ __ ] you i'm delivering mail here faster oh my god he's so friendly i think i have 10 seconds to get down go away [Music] a robot would replace you right now thanks thanks dude getting in my [ __ ] way your fat ass was in my way oh my gosh it was it was oh jesus okay i just need the convoy to get some numbers here and we can really steal from you you don't even need to do anything you have to do yeah look i can't it's not my fault that my mother gave me this [ __ ] dumpy all right pick up your mind i i never know which one to go you just have so many friends to choose from i'll go this one give me some coins do i make it oh no it's five to the star oh my god gee i wonder if they'll make it a surprise okay give me that can he lose stars for being the biggest bollocks at the end guys i've already been i have to assume that's not enough i've already had one taken from me it's not enough you can't lose people you're literally double the rest of us [Music] this isn't trickle-down economics all i know is that two people have enough money to steal a storage from that oh no i like that man stop crying this is why i didn't make many friends you like the tide it came in your happy meal and you shut your mouth right being the drift king has a cost then i don't know let me get some coins there just don't mind the gang kevin who's playing or not and i think i still can't even beat him to the stairs but i'll try yeah if i could just get around your entourage dan could you ask him to nudge over or something there's so many that's not bad at nine okay so 10 10 10. that means you don't last oh that's stupid yes oh that was close you kind of have to do the red one though you're kind of oh fair enough fair enough going the other way i just hope he doesn't get the 29 away guys you might get it i might get it dan could do it come on i haven't met any friend i think that's the saddest part of this i have oh wait are you about to oh no no false alarm would i like to buy something no i'm dark poor look at me just probably shouldn't have bought that even it's just such a depressing story the point boys here we go oh you love cocaine again oh it's bad luck again though i have never had anything bad happen to me yeah i felt bad for you honestly thank you or nine i'll take your bitty thanks there sean kevin's got a lot of money he's been 52. maybe we'll get a star store all right here we go dave let's get him kevin i feel like i've been the nicest to you throughout so let's work together on this one oh yeah why are you saying jack you're not happy not really no i'm just happy to play with my friends oh we just have to catch fruit oh okay but it's like there's like one of the other teams on top i see i feel like the top has a bit of an advantage honestly yeah oh i'm ready whenever you there all right don't get the prickly round things they're bad thank you so much guys thank you here we go i need some sort of tactic for this i need to match your tactic [Laughter] good luck matching my attack [Laughter] we just agreed to go on each side it's like look we both get something that way yeah gentleman's agreement oh that was a lot oh it's getting [ __ ] up we didn't need the coins anyway then yeah we don't mind to steal a star from him so bad how many turns do we have left kevin returns kevin could steal his power think about it oh please for the sake of the competition no way he might actually get there before you um oh that's a versus space that's a versus space you'd be landing i can't it's a veil of any more allies maybe you can sell one for coins okay what happens if you go on there and you put one in for a standard it even says you already have all the allies anyone needs well what do you get if you go on i'm going this way oh wow you all bump into me i'm rude kevin you know what to do you need i'm going to get a one day please let's be real please don't oh thank god you're all right there you are no you know there's higher numbers on the dice kevin you just learned that yes in case you weren't aware kevin to bring balance i'm sorry dan no kevin [Laughter] not stealing it's just packs all right shut up dad [Music] whatever i want kevin's winning too deep let's all get duhi let's all get kevin no [Laughter] steal the stairs where is it going okay those aren't too bad right yeah they're actually none of these are that bad give us some coins okay i'm fine with that please be closer to me oh i'm not fine with that i was i mean where's she going would have gotten it wouldn't he yeah bye-bye wait where am i it's over there now it's got i think it's closer to you uh sean okay yeah yeah i think it's closer to you sean or me oh you've got can you look around again what is that is it over there on my left it is yes check the map check the five thank you for the you guys are manipulating me in the wrong direction everyone's gonna have three stars after this round because like sean's got his pipe it's an even playing field don't [ __ ] tell them do you mean we're gonna find out in a minute like it's like i just look surprised i guess if that's what you prefer unless one is right in front of me like this is really close this is it's going to come down to bonus once isn't it and they give it over randomly yeah she's moving again bye-bye are you going now you're so good at that yeah it's scarily accurate [Music] just being carried away yeah we get it you have a star that's all you do this is your one purpose god love her she's trying her best john no need to make a god i need my knee oh maybe you might want to move through i moved them for you look before you check oh you don't have to pay them i'm warping there so i don't know what you're all right right right yeah no no no i i've got to pay the tour to get back oh god well she's going to move again oh she is yeah where's she going next let's let's go it's actually pretty fun seems like a good map yeah yeah there's only four maps in this game which is a bit unfortunate i wish it was more like most of the old ones had like six give me your stars nice everybody on three has equality should be very close yeah we all like three stars even amount of clowns in society if everybody else just tears each other down see this is so cool how many goals look at them lads having a great time three four yeah now it just comes down to who's richard oh god now it's a class-based struggle between all of us oh my god is it going right down again oh it's heading over to you guys it's gone right today oh but i i still need to pay the toll that's the thing and i might not have enough money oh that first time i'm going forward no you're going to give 10 money well no i might lose money here now oh let's go choose how many coins to wager sweet jesus specific i only have seven that was braces wait press when you feel the strongest rumble what oh oh i think you beat me on that one i didn't i barely had any rumbles oh yeah god damn it on the other side of it he just missed an attack oh [ __ ] let's go i'll take a few coins i want up the second with that one oh no no more kevin give me the racket one oh you bought the game is everything okay oh okay this oh we all have to be around oh yeah so we have to trust the other people to do their side yep okay i'll cover these four yeah why would you cover four we all get three yeah yeah that means get up there luelle luigi yeah you be team leader dahi you organized everyone great green guy green guy we got you of these three i get these three three oh the knife two no we all have three each are we ready there's only [Laughter] i get these three if it's there you just punch it yeah we need top efficiency guys yeah there's eight there's three of us yeah take a point get it get it oh my god oh this is intense come on we can do it no no no no no no we can do it you can't he starts screaming or something scream instructions there we go did we do it oh we did no we did we [Music] [Laughter] god damn it let's go i needed you to scream instructions at them dawg it was my only chance and you let me down i was i was very camped i just jumped into the land so close holy [ __ ] this is so close three two three anything can happen folks okay yes give me a bonus i'm coming in last first place second place luigi third place donkey kong four players he's just about to get the next start bring the exports on we're bringing the exports seven certain luigi will win seventy percent he always says but kevin you have like only a few coins left and everyone's in last place yeah it's just so that the kids don't feel bad but it just hurts more if you know what's going on dude kids are still here oh there's more pay the toll uh how many do i need seven g i won seven i wonder if i think you will be okay will he choose uh yeah i think about it more man i turned off the pressure pressures in your head look at this what pressure holy [ __ ] oh you can steal coins from people i think uh yeah sure um oh come on i am coming down you are in first yeah okay yeah so i kind of have to do it yeah that's good wow what do you mean that's good check it's completely nicer pretend to give a [ __ ] oh dino ah stinky he's a really bad guy thank you okay can we give me that star god damn it you did it luigi like he should have six shouldn't he if we didn't steal it i should have six that's so sad that's so many stolen and i think we didn't steal enough by the looks of it that's what this is telling us yeah more should have been stolen look i just don't want to be last don't worry it'll be me she's on the move where is she going straight over where i was and we're down she's over there aren't you just past her now um oh my god he's coming oh he's coming oh my gosh dude yeah [ __ ] hell need to take him down he can just go to every single one what items do i have how fast sixteen's at the start that's not gonna be enough brother well if you have what ice blocks do you have stop trying to help him you know he's no whole nine i'm trying to give support i appreciate it dan thanks kevin even if it was just pity oh my god oh my god man you've terrible luck with your rollers oh it sounds like it oh wait i can get there oh [ __ ] i need i believe in three thanks man i don't believe you as well look at that [Music] right now the system's against us kevin it really feels like it i got two pipes that just got me straight to a star and i still feel like i'm not winning well i should move over to you'll be all right uh whatever jesus this is heating up quickly this is so close this is heating up quick it's so close yeah whoever wins gets cancelled i hit 27 million today i'm sending them straight for you oh congratulations jesus sean's just going to like abuse his audience i only have one power in this one it's kind of lads it's coming to me oh it's coming for kevin now what will i like to cancel you over what have you done lately uh i said something sexist this stream oh jesus christ yeah he's probably not feeling like he's easiest [Applause] i mean he still gets a bunch of coins for like doing nothing oh god would have given me a star he's first now whoa oh i am wait how much do i need to the score you you can get eight oh dude [Music] that's the only way to get it no he has items he has items what are you doing yeah yeah he's my controller's a [ __ ] laggy he only has this goes a guaranteed amount of spaces and that doesn't let allies wrong oh you've got the chance come on sean it was a tragic accident team mini game hammer and sickle hammer and second so we're against the system now oh my god you're not an army let's get on get boys all right we just have to all gang up and dad okay you already have yeah we need a good job this is an absolute game oh my god my guys are gonna die so fast get one target then let's get him gang got him i died [Laughter] nowhere [Laughter] [Music] look it's the only way i've gotten stars jacksonville is what you should change jack schneiderlin guys two turns left dan can not physically get this right it should be impossible i can't do this i'm still going to move as far as i can he's still going to get 20 guys you're still cold 11. i don't think i've seen you roll in single digits for like seven goals it's been a while i'm moving one at a time go take one of those for next time i'm still in the game i'm hanging in there uh do i want to do that i mean i might as well you get another ally if you go that way if only yeah i need more more allies they haven't got enough wait whatever the other direction for taxi i'd go the other i'd go oh what is that what does the taxi do i think you're just moving he's gonna take you straight from the side it moves you to another i don't want to do that you should have went the other way and got your coins i showed up oh let's see what i just need to see you're full all right four you only need four i don't trust it a very nervous player here no i'm a realist have you been watching me that's a good role there oh thank god this is what it feels like close look at him can i get a pipe in my [Music] what a scam you've used it twice yeah but to give you the golden mushroom right before this which did ensure you'd get it i think kevin might win though it's very close oh i think it comes down to bonus stairs we can't give it to kevin why why why do you sound disgusted ew kevin why would they pick anyone else i have no idea oh wait where's toadette going now i don't know far far far far away oh she's not just small she's far away dan can make that no bother yeah i think that will make this actually yeah i [ __ ] hate hold it uh not in this economy i mean you only have one turn left so there's no point like you're going to use the pipe i imagine oh he didn't get coins which is the next game he'll be stuck unknown surely they'll give me at least one coin even if i do bad in the mini game right all right i do give at least two i believe yeah pity coins i think they do like you have to unless it's like minigames you're really balls go on now sean honestly you might be better off 29 to the stare lads what can i do if you maybe look at the boards there might be something you can buy the pipe if you get far enough you can buy the pipe yeah i think if you i think if you use the if you use the gold dice block to get at least six let's go or if you use the item guaranteed it's all to play for this is it's not only that he got it it's the way he got it you get a friend yoshi that's one of the better ones to get honestly yeah he's nice yeah she's schooling she's just because he's grand yeah he's sounding he doesn't do his taxes i don't need him to do his taxes i'll i'll defriend him by the time the tax man comes all right guys this is going to be a 3v1 no no not at all that makes sense hang oh lads i'm great at catching balls yeah you just lower the magnet is it i think so oh no all right all right can we raise the magnet when we've got some uh it goes up when it catches enough balls i think oh and then it automatically goes down yeah who's giggling at you does someone just giggle at balls kiki we get it he's winning oh [Laughter] [Music] oh my god oh [ __ ] i saw those golden balls and i couldn't resist okay this is the final turn lads oh jesus it's all to play for last like we could all get the star at least one more i think i'm good for the pipe no there's seven away so that means i'm just using should i use who cares just pick one i'm tired of this [ __ ] oh yeah they get really bad [Music] won't last long even with the pipe i'm still going to lose wait for those bonus stairs dude i'm telling you it's random as [ __ ] this one biggest goblin that's chilling over here i can almost make it again if i got a high enough for all i could have got it didn't have enough coins but why did you know this would have gave me coins that roll mattered a lot more oh wait if i take kevin's coins he might not have enough to buy it that's true you wouldn't do that oh my god is it gonna do it holy [ __ ] [Music] i've changed my mind cancel that man we can't die on twitter oh jesus give one start from the last place come on come on come on come on get it no oh come on give me coins give me coins oh wait no it gives the coins back to kevin again oh [Music] [Laughter] kevin doesn't know how to put his foot on the accelerator he's been dragged through dirt kevin i feel like i've aged 10 years in this game oh [ __ ] there's two coins all i can do is draw for last place i'm beating dan because i have two coins [Music] no no i i respect my i respect that are you on the left like in the loop watch yourself you get a friend yeah at the very end you get a friend at least they gotta you guys are rivals though that's a [ __ ] friend [Laughter] keep your enemies close right he does own the game oh you're all in a discord call with me so yeah cheers [Music] you're a [ __ ] look i just put it out there i didn't actually tell him to do it it sounded like you told him to do it though i might have ah jesus this is all to play for yeah this is gonna be so close this is absurd oh it might actually come down to the last mini game last minute game on the bonus stars like i think yeah i guarantee you it'll give dan one for having the most friends it's definitely gonna take into consideration that he has so many yeah that's that's that's classic nepotism right there i mean it might not it has like other ones the government of nintendo it's really weird ones like there's somewhere if you land the most red spaces for instance it'll give you a bonus i'm still in fourth yeah oh the only stars i've gotten are by going through pipes oh she's just chilling over there can you make that i don't think so no one's making it do we have another dice roll or is this it this is the last turn okay okay oh look at that i might be able to make that give him another animal give him bowser or diddy just give me another roll right now i roll double sixes three dice roll it now no one's looking just cheese thank you for the support chad yeah i need to cheat that's my motto i appreciate you guys just fours i need your energy to carry me three game boys oh sorry dan you guys are always together let's go kevin come on all right this is just box all right all right all right let's go jack your big balance let's go your knob all right here we go what's this juice box oh no wait there are aren't there so we have to we have to get the pattern uh i'm very bad at this by the way no you're not shoot look right there right there oh we have to click it in yes yeah and you can if you choose the wrong one you can cancel it those two points might make the difference if i don't get a bonus there i can't beat kevin you will get bonus stars for sure i might not let's go grape watermelon okay oh my god that was so quick i thought we had that one me too banana yes good morning [Applause] thank you so much for the hype dandelion thank you so much high five thank you so much [Laughter] it was the the runes adventure is over this was one for the books oh gosh oh god this i i this is actually going to be so close they're going to give it to kevin they already said he's 70 gonna win it that was pity okay the first bonus star oh let's go whoever collected the most coins in total which is probably [Music] oh [ __ ] i have lost the second bonus this is a slowpoke that's kevin come on that's right i was getting once the entire game oh [ __ ] [Laughter] is let's go that is amazing i went really slow and i saved my money for this the conservative mindsetly unfair the grand national winner oh that was so funny oh my god played poker the other day he doesn't know how to play it he wants all their money that is amazing do you want to play another round and one more board game i'm down to do one that's 10. yeah indeed yeah let's do it okay i'm just gonna run to the bathroom and i'll be right back sure we'll take a quick bathroom break yeah again thank you so much kerosis uh and cccc thank you so much [ __ ] stuart an angry tax payer risha uh only brain dead uh v fl ford is it stoned uh ovic maurice thank you so much honestly thank you so much for the support i hope you enjoy that game this is fantastic i love mario party online i'm gonna run to the bathroom we're gonna play again stay right there i'm watching hey hey [Music] jesus elizabeth thank you very much for the five subs that's very very kind to you thank you amy pinstripe jesus leah uh charlize thank you very much for the five subs as well can buy me love thank you for the bits the whole game took me in such a roller coaster i got emotional whiplash like 50 times yeah i'm not surprised that was amazing that was so good and thank you for all the support uh mark uh jesus uh the gentleman pingu maurice uh ovik time hitchhiker mark thank you so much gang i really appreciate it resurrected i'm alive sean did say he'd send his audience on whoever wins oh no oh no i forgot oh did he ever buy his coffee no i actually bought it no you lied about that they should double double cancer in there how did i lie you said you said i thought you had issues at the flowchart thank you for the subs as well jesus christ the omc rainbows thank you very much very kind appreciate it thank you i thought he's getting canceled over there ellen thank you for the bits is it one that you just pour into the coffee and just put it in water do not need coffee and coffee is actually concerning yeah it would be good like jewels your favorites all right time to mute your very kind mindy [Music] [Music] you guys have such a close special relationship it's very sweet to see it's too close it's painful i told you i went to visit him and he ignored me for the whole trip oh god played fortnite with me thank you for the room the whole trip i mean don't don't worry if you come here i'll play mario kart with your brian as much as you like no i'll pass dan [ __ ] you too i guess you're getting there on my enemies list uh welcome back kevin hello i just got a picture of brian arriving and you're just playing mario kart with ninjas [ __ ] that guy taking all my friends oh my god i think we're just waiting for shanton mute did he hop off to the bathroom too can he hear his history i'd assume so you saw him in the bathroom he's just crying oh no the real call thank you so much for the five stops caster thank you for your time your props to watch your mind i'm watching your chat cause your chat seems super chill all right they're very nice except one of your mods needs firing okay he linked everyone in the lobby all right everyone link to all their socials and then at the end of it it says oh and brian wait and there's no there's no link it's just there's no like i was like it was funny it was funny i mean it was like they might not have been [Laughter] i tried to get his attention but he ignored me i was trying to start like a little fake fake like brian would you be up for once a month uh all right thanks brian rip the lads podcast i guess that's it had a good run would you be up for a once a month podcast called the lad cast just those five i when i tuned in earlier someone had a better one that was the spud buds i thought that was a good one sport boards no only lads only lads oh i saw someone say sport boards and i thought that was funny uh only lads that's funny we could change the name every month yeah kevin and friends that'll be really confusing it's on spotify what's it called this month mad lads but i do think i think lad cast is good yeah yeah kevin and friends yeah let's go kevin happy friends i'm glad we're all in agreement no damn it is there no is everyone ready to play again are we good yeah yeah good to go yeah yeah okay let's get going what up we don't need the rules we've been in this hell before oh lads good [ __ ] start please let's go kevin you go first please don't play me like this again sake get one every turn but somehow i'm not the slowpoke look the five is hot i'm good i'm convinced there's like one space in the difference for that award i'd love to see the stats it was their stats afterwards did they give you a breakdown no i don't know we could have looked like a graph oh there was a stat page i think i think there's so many coins and stars and stuff like that no i think there's a pretty detailed one from what i remember but i might have dreamt it i dreamed about this game a lot not played it much silly misty did you already get a message never mind i just lost coins it's pretty bad it's okay it's going to give me the damage at the end i'm not manifesting it all right yeah exactly there you go positive vibes only party fives only nice one i'll see you soon hi jesus we're going places lads slowly but we're getting there come on now get your seven even though you can't get it you'll just get it somehow an ally will come out of nowhere just go slightly further yeah he may have lost but at least he had an orgy afterwards oh my god how to make a family-friendly brand i'm hearing that impression again 27 million subscribers strong look i don't have to care about demonetization here yeah it's like you've done well enough who cares at this point that puts a timer on the bomb guy in the middle and once it goes down to zero it blows up and everyone gets off no problem that's oh we all get hot the screen is bright my whole face lit up what is this right oh my god i love that addition oh no swap controllers go for the other joy-con go off for the energy quickly jump first look at him just hitting the wall he's having a bit of trouble he's mad he's trying his best all right okay i'm ready i'm ready he got me tomato king thank you for the five very kind yes all right thank you as well it here comes daddy big nuts that's just one note what oh oh oh this this controls like a [ __ ] ford focus you're having a bit of trouble there sean you're not really turning much there jack shut the [ __ ] up oh watch out ah no guys survive what attempt i don't like it [ __ ] oh it's all up to you kevin please i see so well god damn it oh my god i just gave you a sense of security dude even with that joycon drift dude destroyed us he was doing skidmarks in that massive thing oh yeah that was kind of broken yeah two coins just for being there that's great just for taking part i lost three at the start so i'm back in the game you will find set of teeth on you as well thanks invisalign oh thinking i'd highly recommend it honestly i was gonna ask legit is it actually good yeah it took a year but that was only because it covered would it i think it would have taken less but it's super easy but do you need like a retainer afterwards permanently yeah boys he distracted us with teeth tall can he just so yeah you're like we're a retainer every night then after that or like third night whatever okay look we all know whoever gets to start first doesn't [ __ ] win is everything this is fake positivity this is like a tick tock pro true oh wait is she just hopping over there that's so near what no second one please he can just get that again he doesn't have enough money right now yeah but he's very close jesus he's so close environment the hell does that do oh it is two to a rival's dice roll oh that's pretty cheap that's so that's not a nice item to use now sean i'm sick of this [ __ ] boys i guess we're getting the star for being the slowest again it's the long game you're building up acids yes yes guarantee you you get it too let me use your dice you gravitate he's too likable everyone gravitates to him luckily oh god his dice is nothing but positives well i mean it's just kind of like the same as a regular dice though except one and two is just coins like max don't be humble again don't get a six i i believe in myself i don't have enough money though so if you get a [ __ ] that's bad surely this is bad i'm gonna go away aren't i no no they're sending me to the mines miles away now it's on the other side of the ball came away with nothing i can't believe that i do like the little music here yeah cheers for the misery that's nice after being down in the mine for 24 hours find your way to the goal in the center oh oh this one's hard oh they're [ __ ] bananas everywhere this one is pretty horrible there's a lot of [ __ ] bananas oh my gosh there's so many wait wait are you no there's an actual thing someone else i ended up in someone else's corner so you kind of have to hit something oh yeah so you you have to hit it this is a weird one there's no way to avoid it this would be fun this would be fun well i'm a monkey commit to speed speed is greater than or equal to key oh dude every controller it's so hard to watch you love to see it look at all these bananas i'm because there's so many i was terrible at that jesus that's actually quite hard didn't you come second i did but it was a tricky one like me shifting my pants my mother being like i had to be fair sphincter control is hard seemed oddly specific has this happened to the story you want us to chair there tell it to the class look it stays in my pants stays in my bed all right go ahead and get what you need to get is my controller not working please hello wait you don't have enough money for this item you just got there we go what item you can lower someone's roll oh sure why not should laura i've been in the mines it just cancels an ally to be fair you'll be grand also now you lost your taste or your sense of smell as well you taste the smell you can't taste the smells at least i get to sniff the coin as i go by that awful metallic smell it smells like iron i've been waiting for you you don't have enough coins it's too bad oh no oh whoopsie-doopsie looks like you did a [ __ ] wookie no stop that you got the look i preferred your toed brian shows smells like lasagna no stop right there oh jesus and boop not bad mushrooms wait so is dan gonna get the coin then right please yeah but you've got minus [Music] [Laughter] you could go down as well i kind of want to stop your mind come into the mayan state mind i heard i see what you did uh okay mine i'll take one of those for later that was such a good poison mushroom that was precisely needed to be fair i just buckled to peer pressure and that's why peer pressure works it's just remember kids if you can't get what you want in life just pressure people it works every time or blackmail that works too yeah or blackmail or extortion but they're kind of the same thing or emerging it's just different things with different names did you say it was like exotic no i said something else or merger with your firm i mean i didn't even instigate that one oh no oh this is you know how good i am at the basket you're gonna get [ __ ] on now you're gonna wish you had my hands okay i'm ready now oh yeah the bomb comes my way first okay okay let's go are you ready to eat my shitty seconds yes please [Laughter] [Music] he's so big he just gets everything oh dude this is my [ __ ] zone this is my [ __ ] number no give me the first scurvy for you oh my gosh the size of is look it's not about the size of the basket it's about how you use it but it's big shots it's mattered a lot it's not a bad thing for you let's say top of the morning and say it say it top of the morning yeah nice stuff in the morning oh i love spoons here right there grant how are you do the slap noise now terrible dude that's like says [Laughter] i'm sorry i clicked bored i'm so sorry you want some more towel tips i don't want your tip towed why you got to say that sean you put it in my head you got the most kids in your audience there's like a bigger numbers there's a lot of them there no i've grown up never stopped them oh you can see the coins off someone um well oh wait i forgot to peer pressure you [ __ ] sorry god damn it i want to pay attention stay quiet i don't want any attention look you and chad will have fun at the bottom of the place that's not chad who is chad and why do you keep talking him it's like when you're talking about your instruments yeah he's doing okay he's doing okay go on monty he's right in front of you you'll get the you'll get a nobody is did did i get [ __ ] abducted no he's getting a mcdonald's he's getting chicken nuggets oh that's what he said that looks good he's getting food that's his diet i thought you just really liked the star i'm more of a tendees kind of guy don't forget my toy all right no that's that's the one that came in the other half of me last week i had that one go back go back okay sorry sorry guys what toy did you get just have to do a bit of something i see yeah can you do something for me uh kev you're very nice uh feet earlobes my earlobes are hidden right now so i know you're just making that up wait did you even get that what do you mean kevin i know you like very nice earlobes because i no i don't really need this sorry save my money oh i think you landed in the mines way boys we gotta start away wait wait yeah remember back in the day when mcdonald's would have to specify it was a lads or a girl's toy [Music] just to spite you yeah there's different times remember york is a terrorizer they used to know not again again stop this stop this the world was a much different place back then i i actually told my mother and my sister to like write to them to see if we could get free yorkies by saying like how sexist their slogan was even when i was like eight i knew how sexist it was and you were good at exploiting it too yeah for sure i never really thought about how yeah jesus christ even had a a woman toilet symbol on the front with like a cross like an ex going through it or something like that yeah it was pretty big classic a classic delicacy voice he's willing to lose his career for this corporation they don't even have never heard of him and they've changed the rapture oh my god it's happening [Music] he's sitting can't trust him it depends what you do he says a lot of weird [ __ ] i can't say yes [ __ ] your keepers you got lockjaw eating those things they were huge yeah the dentists were happy i got here they work in cahoots do you think because yorkies you know how everything else has like what did they call it like the opposite of inflation like the great shrinkage of all the chocolates everything gets smaller as the years goes on like cadbury cream eggs are smaller yeah yeah you're more expensive you think your keys now are tiny that's chocolate inflation yeah for them it's inflation kevin just got three no no i didn't he's three mushrooms he got three mushrooms it's [ __ ] pancake tuesday lads it is tuesday happy pancake day well we we got we gotta start the actual game yeah we'll win for uh kevin hello oh sorry all right kevin just realized he's never made a doctor items down to be a terrible doctor he's no patience okay that was mine but whatever what the hell what am i even grabbing no no no no no oh god damn it no he still [ __ ] beat me oh my god i got three lucky ones ah this lady jerkies [Laughter] [ __ ] sake i thought i had that in the bag that was depressing right here turned five boys were actually halfway through this game this is going a lot quicker than a lot of jesus he's gonna get another star no way he's four spaces oh my god don't do it guys he's got another one oh my gosh he's already on two this is how it feels this is how it felt [Applause] [Music] i feel like half the time you're talking you're just slipping up out of 10 reference it's like yeah i watched it all with my girlfriend recently and she loves it ah great nice oh who's that who's up there i don't know i think i am i showed vanoss yesterday the hitler clip he had no idea what i was showing him yeah that was that's a that's a weird episode oh that is what you can give some context there brian you can't just say that like people are going to assume the words a priest it's a priest and he's he looks like hitler there you go that's all the kind of things that didn't help at all that's not a good contest stephan here for a second and then he also got loads of hitler merch delivered to his house as well later in the episode the other priest has a world war ii collection and it's not the ally side no it not none of that appeal to me so yeah it's all the germans and then he takes cyanide and he's such a ridiculous episode he's got an ex-nazi living with him and he's in high school you don't get 13. he's going my gosh this guy's going for it this guy is absolutely oh my god 13. i actually holy [ __ ] the dude just robbed the star from right in front of my face wait where is it it's just a lot of big guys someone when you go down someone's leading me astray here i see what you're doing you rascal you sweaty nerd you'll still win no don't worry i want unless you don't have to wait to be again [Music] if i could just end this term with another ally that would be great i'm running a bit slow i wouldn't even be surprised i actually wouldn't i just accept it [Music] go on now i'm not over are your keys still a thing yeah i had one earlier they've heavily rebranded i imagine yes yes they have it's not for girls oh my god okay where's the next one what's their slogan now stupid it's just yorkie oh it just gave oh he can buy a pipe now sorry i was muted for five minutes explaining the father tight episode you probably needed it i feel like jack would need to explain that one oh jesus oh dude it's all right twitter would never get it anyway it's an irish thing oh my gosh how is he just getting everything happening all the time your coins depend on your rank at the mini game i was terrible at this one coins oh no oh my god he didn't even put any in did he okay this is really high stakes hello there's no rumble got dude it rumbled wait at least i get a chance at it at the end what happened i don't know so many items still no you know what i don't keep an eye on kevin he's got a lot of resources high on these shrooms anything to numb the pain of this game you're talking about i [ __ ] needed it i knew i didn't want money some things never changed stole i won oh we didn't agree to this wager you can blame den for that one that's not my fault though it was literally your fault then it's a little bit it's actually all your i'll gloat while i can [Applause] oh she's on the move again she's away by she's away her oh she's dead all right more motion oh jesus christ with all those muscles on friday the funeral i have tennis that day oh here we go oh let's go we get the bully the winner don't be the rackets don't be the rackets what's this one so this one you're all sharing a vacuum cleaner oh my god you have to like try loosely coordinate it is whoever is the most guys yeah further down so we need to go up yeah we have to work together for a little bit kevin sabotage and i'll throw something your way okay definitely high five apparently he's putting me on my own [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm drinking whiskey oh i drink too but um we played like uh emperor's new groove drinking game last night and one of the conditions was every time someone says cusco and every time someone opens the door i don't know if you've seen that film but this is one scene in a restaurant where it's a [ __ ] revolving door and they keep going in a house oh that sounds like a horrible idea then like we were like i went through like four like classes you give me hidden block did you give me a block by the end sweetie why do we even have that lever hey guys i'm still here ah welcome back it's just like not doing anything you're going for a stroll now hey lucky block ray what are you going to give me what are we getting me guys yeah let's see five points there you go now and no one got hurt everybody's happy yeah buy a nice fire dairy milk yeah uh it's 16 to the start can i actually get 16. if i use the golden mushroom get seven and two two oh he actually [Music] look i've already been ballsy enough that's all right sorry you know once a coward always a coward that's just how it is god wait am i getting another [ __ ] oh my god this guy's running around i hope you enjoy your digital friends daddy i don't have any real ones after this this is all the company i need thank you for the best party very kind he is a pimp he's got so much diddy right now oh she's got that diddy kong dick oh that's a high stakes die now all right daddy cam down look i was just trying to throw something out for the fires to get excited about oh jesus [ __ ] hell hmm fourteen to the star now dude there's some furry twitters that are smelly sauce kevin you have so many mushrooms like i should have just seen these things i mean i use them every turn after this one i guess i want to keep being friends with you all right so you're going to have to like stop pushing yourself like 50 percent into some sauce stuff all right all right look dude everybody's into some stuff but specifically diddy kong don't be me against everyone all right look at kevin he got surgery on his foot the other day kinky booger wait what hold on what's going on surgery he never stops that we know that foot surgery was cosmetic a few extra toes for a bit of balance we just have to look at the heart oh okay and be the first one to do it that's the heart's inside i can't look at it we'll have to open it up [Music] oh no i don't like this this is horse advantage oh [ __ ] [Music] he said that but i think it's pretty close like five controllers and [ __ ] work half the time oh i pressed up you [ __ ] oh my god god damn it anymore oh that was awful i hated that i went blind halfway through that game oh jesus stupid stick joy con drift strikes again that was bad technology's not there to make a working game controller unreal dude i want two joy-cons i want a d-pad i don't know who i'm stealing a star from can you even steal on this map like yeah you can oh todd left yeah i see it yeah are you gonna take it from me but i'm not i'm not even winning no you'll be winning adventure oh [ __ ] off no way oh no no way you didn't get it oh he's close now this is [ __ ] yeah but then the dance just gonna get it now i know [ __ ] emptively even though i'm winning but we're all still against dan for some reason i think it's just doggy against dan to be honest and he's just going along with this i've been at the top of the map this whole [ __ ] game i'm definitely getting this [Music] why that's just excessive i'm stealing from you next turn you're getting as we can i'll just use a regular dice block come on no come on go on convoy 15. holy [ __ ] let's pick up this i think he landed on a green one again too we're gonna land another allies but he didn't even say hi on the way past me either he's got another friend that's another rude i don't know he doesn't already [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that might have been a mistake i mean he was going to steal it anyway yeah i mean yeah you got a point no way okay come on to me oh that's yours daddy [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] i need more they're actually dumb you can't keep getting away with this [ __ ] he's just gonna go up and get it for himself now as well he's gonna get it again the harem is back is he dude he did it in less turns than that he's got the [ __ ] bully on his team too you got to use your item there peth thanks king back at it no problem kevin good seeing you someone wins other than dan anna hang on it's close it's closed i gotta get the seven don't i um i think you should go for it i think you should go for it you could go for it yeah come on there's some good spaces there yeah that seems about right that's unfortunate you forgot to sing here's a stronger mushroom for next time oh this doesn't help oh girls we're all friends are we i don't think friends need to say that out loud he just stares into the webcam we're all friends i love my friends right [ __ ] you dog how do i how do i slash your rivals out of the pool here comes fun hi guys how do you how do you refill it's like shake it up and down yeah you got to like pump it your mind yeah be careful on cam oh well i'm losing this one then oh those fireworks keep your hands up okay i don't know what the hot tub streams are allowed but hot dogs gesturing under this boys hot tub let's go oh what the oh captain oh see you later die it's a good thing i didn't know how to play because i was kind of straight away take off will you oh that was lucky you gotta you gotta bully dan you gotta pull it down that's a good point oh no can't bully the bully oh no oh kevin kevin you're doing it for everybody here you're doing it for iron come on i didn't even shoot i was just dodging i thought it wasn't 1v1 dahi it's time it's time to awaken oh no he's gonna start talking about your keys again and what else was sexist with know like the uncle that shows up for christmas leave me alone there's terry in the corner just say hi you don't want to spend more time than that give me pity money chad if you actually want a hot tub stream i will do it so be careful what you ask me i will buy one when fair i don't think you realize i'm 100 to be fair so get a hidden block be careful [Music] i think we get the really bad space can the mods run a pole for a hot tub straight yeah anyone's landed on them the wizards have a name comic there you go that's the name next question i didn't even hear what you said kamik kamik yeah i thought he said there's a ganon it's a bit more menacing ah you're miles from the star are you going for the tent oh oh please don't give me one please don't give me one please don't give me one oh that's the wrong one oh god damn it all right i'll have to wait i'll have to wait a turn to still uh steal your star here oh he's going to get another stack i got a lot of dice blocks recently there's like an eight to nine i'm interested in this poll great exactly nine wow must be nice top over here this is number one [ __ ] pick up that star do you see why i have to rob him guys i understand i thought you were being aggressive earlier but you were just being wise you were wise i know what's coming this doesn't bode well for me because if you're predicting the future i'm gonna have five kids better get started kevin i am the clock ticket i'm pretty good at predicting these things all right today it's going to go right over there wait this helps me yes you can get that oh no oh the bomb is coming out we should probably get out of here so all right all right it's getting a little worried you'll be fine kevin just make sure to use that mushroom i'm using the austrian that's the only thing that's moving me alone use the use the dash one use the dash one yeah i just wasn't sure whether to try and get more distance i don't know like how they respawn or not oh yeah you get the star but you get something else to offer hmm i just hope you don't set off the bomb it's so dangerous at the moment nothing happens you just get blown off and lose coins is it just coins coins or stars as well they would make you lose stars that's ridiculous you say that as you're about to steal a star i think the extreme ones make you loser right oh god this is going to be down to the wire again because if dahi steals mine we're all to a piece again yeah i am the equalizer okay where's the next star well you say that but you won the last one oh my gosh oh right next to you sean's plan paid off oh my god it worked out she came back guys god is real and he smiles upon me i'm done going to bed space oh that's kevin's turn you can't ask me to go off the bat i was just wondering if he would mini game every minigame terribly i hate these tiny [ __ ] controllers precision garden like i said tiny [ __ ] controllers just because you're a giant of a man oh okay so these are small okay oh this one is sauce careful with the cameras all right we got a pumpkin we assume the position oh and the water's [Music] [Music] how does it it's all about the rhythm it's all about the rhythm boys oh wait as fast as actually wait that doesn't say anything about my personal life i didn't reach it i'm just saying the guy who won is the only one here with the kid yeah i've thought a bit of a bit of pumping we don't need to know the first time he did it without pump and he had a kid lots of practice i don't know yeah look at how much money i got yeah i think i think you see a problem soon that was so fun to listen to because i don't have game audio like you guys are there brian just close your eyes for this section of the stream no no no you need to use the other dice blocks don't do it i can't i can't back out of it you can't oh you don't know and steady i'm so sorry i'm liking this plan take a sim card for you you should you could use the mushroom to get there as well oh lord all right i like i i have no friends i'm sorry all right time to steal from my good old guy dan how are you doing no pleasers you're taking the usual yeah out from the back pocket thank you are we all just par for the course i haven't got a single game where i haven't had a star stolen from me as it should be yeah i've been earning a lot of them yeah unfortunately put the target on your back unfortunately just being good at life now look how cool and awesome money more takes second this is like the second the last turn where am i going now oh oh i thought you know oh i was panicking there is panicking mom's getting real close yeah yeah hey guys i wonder if you'll be able to get 12. hmm it's just let me just [Applause] you got any ketchup thanks dan just be nice for once clear it's hot yeah well i need a towel thanks thanks 50 50 chance oh oh i guess we're still moving though you'll still need further than me most likely oh no the bomb no that will make the bomb worse i do it actually do it for the kids for the contest i go i go on you good thing special event oh he's about to blow he's a martyr i need to get out of here out of here if you're on there please don't take my star i've been here for a year all right use a hidden block be nice to jack use a hit i'm coming oh he's going for it he's gone let's be real i'm gonna get a one anyway so it doesn't matter there's a chance kevin you're [ __ ] dead to me it's not quite enough i'm just coming over to see you i knew i wouldn't make it look i'm here to congratulate you uh actually you're grant you're you're sound i'm sound by accident i threw my controller on the ground and i don't know where it is uh oh go go on lads let's get kevin oh drop shot there's a joke about doggie there and his kid oh this one looks hard i think we missed it sean the comedy's gone over our heads tonight what you're too witty yeah so kevin's killing us this is happening what are we doing here you move the cursor he's got to time it when the racket is near the ball yeah it's not just trying to hit you it's timing it that's let's see how it goes well at least jack is a big target oh no no no way stay away from my dumping i'll [ __ ] the time oh i'm gone we're not doing well the biggest guy is left i did the old double take how was he leaving that wasn't even a chance i feel like that was rigged kevin just murdered us yep crying straight that's right i did ah jesus he's in the lead now as well lads yeah let's get down final turn it's the final turn i think it's the same dice again come on but it looks cooler now [Applause] i mean i'm relating to you can't say this to me [Applause] oh god where'd she go let's go in front of me see this is the ploy you all went for that you're gonna get it wait no she's going very well she went a bit far never mind i don't know if i could reach that i'll try i'm sure you'll find a way to try with the harem they haven't killed me pimp powers like sean of all these items that you just forgot to use i know i forgot we're not at a 10 round no point in me using my item there's no point i'm not going anywhere just get my four and be on my merry old way oh it doesn't set off let's get a gold mine gamble boys why not that sounds fun what does the gold mine do i don't know let's gamble special event boys gambling time careful dig for gold all right well off you go what what oh that's not a good pickaxe for sure ridiculous ridiculous all right 12 to the star he's gonna [ __ ] do it oh my gosh will he actually do that he will well you know what he doesn't take for first place with me all right let's go for it come on holy [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god we got it what a dirty [ __ ] i don't think i want to stop at the store it's not the last turn get a york unreal dude goes on half the map i can't believe it give me that star that's insane the harem's coming in him with his gaggle unreal oh god or more coins though so well i'm about to hit up a lack or two so i'm gonna take your coin shot oh no oh my gosh he's right we need to gang up on that no it's the last turn yeah last minigame though don't we do we want more minigame if you take it from me it just means that somebody else will get a bonus star so just don't we just need to gang up on dan it's not rocket science my turn's over yeah i think we're he's got to steal coins from you he's going to steal coins from you i kind of have to take them from you yeah like it's the best of all yeah it's most beneficial i'm sorry sean all right septic guys you know who to cancel it has been decided it's over had a good run worth it was it worth it it's 20 uh how far was 26. i just use your hidden blocks use it come on kevin you can roll twice i have this i have this oh [ __ ] oh no it's actually so easy the twist i'm leaving it there no way and you're in third no jack oh my god you're in last go [ __ ] yourself guys don't remind me oh jesus it's all to play for oh this is hilarious anyway all in favor of bullying kevin in the last minute game wait i thought it was dan i think from dan to give real quick schedule has changed oh dear oh no oh slap ratzy oh sphere mongers we did this one didn't we didn't we yeah i remember it we did yes oh god oh yeah i'm just gonna [ __ ] block him i'm just [ __ ] he just saw like bump to kevin yeah let's see you get out of that corner kev all right it's me goddammit give give me those give me that don't be greedy you're gonna laugh you have enough you've got that he's eating dinner [Music] [Music] i don't know if that's the message you should be saying no i'm not content with that message well here we go who's the [ __ ] most bullied please come on pity win you got it last time yeah yeah surely not again [Music] oh and this is gonna be dan this time mini game bonus whoever won the most video games that's stan that's gotta be dan no it might it's definitely you dan there's no way it's not you dad see oh it is me okay the mini game okay so waluigi needs to get it eventually yeah that's me for sure it's gotta be i stepped on so many of those the bonus goes to oh wow oh yeah sure all of us win yeah we all won we all did it that's cool yeah that's awesome what a great ending everybody's happy that's awesome and in the end sean canceled all of us he's your last player good [ __ ] sake i did it congratulations stan thank you oh my god well donkey kong you're making yourself oh my god oh look i might have forgotten i had items the whole time all right so here here's like everything yeah if you actually use your items number of items used like one oh my god the friends one none of us said any except you there's the graph okay that's everything nerds analytics if you want to dive into them [Laughter] ah my god that was a roller coaster i am mentally exhausted that was really good getting yeah i'll figure out what it's what i'll make it on after i said enough in that stream you have an array you have a bouquet to work with jet you can just count to them for knowing me oh jesus lads it's been good fun playing with yours tonight and it's just been dumb fun it's just been great like yeah we need to do that as well i'll get it gold i i know i know brian it's lovely to have you here too i know you've been mostly quiet but i hope you guys pick another four-player game i can join in on i'm so sorry look brian first come first serve yeah it's great when i live on the west coast of america and i wake up and nogla has got four people in the irish lads youtube chat and also let's check it out let's check this out review the chat let's review the chat now show what was the first thing brian said in regards to this you'll regret that one kev this is nogla all right here we go you guys if this guy is playing the victim card let's check the receipts on the 2016 oh my god we're going to be linked hardly jesus yeah no we're going to court now thank you so much mario thank you there's a small claims court is there a petty claim score everyone everyone at 11 23 am my time which is 3 am your time and i know you're up late all right no no no sleep you're not asleep at 3am [Music] i know you're not asleep at 3am because you wake up with like i take my little banterous joke back jesus it's been so much fun tonight i didn't know the spanish inquisition was going to happen over this i'm glad we get on like honestly i never expected wait you just ignored the chat admissions i was asleep at 3 am i don't believe it look no one out petty's dottie all right promise promise for the next game right we'll find one that's five players like sorry about that [Music] kevin's chat made it very clear your podcast's gonna be the lads and then and brian or something oh jesus okay i think i'm gonna hop off of the nightlife it's been a pleasure talk to you all soon all right good game good talking bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye stay on the channel until until they all leave just talk over them saying boy that was really fun sweet jesus that was a good time that was a good [ __ ] time um i hope you guys enjoyed it just being thank you for the 10 subs again can you still hear the music now that it's minimized because it's very relaxing it's nice lights of love tom thank you very much how's your foot doing sore thank you for rooting for me um yeah hot tub stream apparently i'll go buy a hot tub a fully clothed hot tub stream i might add before i before i give you the wrong idea i'm gonna buy a scuba suit or something i wonder how expensive it is to get like a legit scuba suit like with oxygen tank and everything keep it safe for the kids exactly i've been worried that some of you are like oh yeah that's better expensive like i mean like a a prop one you know i just need like a prop at at least two euro all right well that leaves it open to the possibility all right um lolly thank you very much for the bits can you business expense the tub and scuba suit probably my accountant's just gonna be like kevin come on and then i'm gonna have to have a backup of the stream on a usb like here you go this is what i do for a living the real nerd thank you very much for the sub um a weird one but okay yeah sure is i've bought some weird stuff to be fair that i've claimed as um business expenses oh jesus okay gang thank you so much for you for being so nice and being so supportive i super appreciate you thank you very much uh i'll be back on thursday not exactly sure what i'm gonna do i've got two ideas and i haven't made up my mind yet so we'll see i'll think about it i don't want to make promises max how are you i will have a lovely evening hopefully i'll get to talk to you i don't know if you're busy if you're busy then screw you dude make some time for your friends have a good evening no but i appreciate all your support everyone mods thank you for all the hard work and not linking brian i i i appreciate the war you've started between us i'm just kidding thank you for all the work mods you do a fantastic job thank you everyone for joining in and just being nice and hanging out i appreciate your company i posted a video if you want to check it out i'm trying kind of some new stuff and i'm also trying to take it a bit easy so i don't know if i'll post tomorrow i'll have a little bit of a think um but i'd love your feedback on it if you want to go over and post a comment or whatever you think or tweet at me i'd love to i'd love to hear some feedback uh it's up on the channel now you can check it out with the banner below me the youtube banner but other than that i guess i'll see you thursday it should be i it might be a little bit early so i'm a little bit late today it might be a bit early on thursday uh depending on what i do it might be it might be like an hour earlier than normal so like 4 pm bst or 4 30 bst probably 4 30 bst we'll say but uh we'll see i'll probably tweet it so you'll know follow me on twitter i hardly ever say anything so i won't even annoy you um sorry i meant i meant to read keywolf who's playing some gta rp and i put in slash rent kibo which i'm not sure what that even means [Laughter] all right i just said i'm sending you over to kiwo for raid gang enjoy that again thank you so much for the support thank you for all the subs and everything as well very kindly shanwen at the real nerd boscia tom liza uh millie smith lucy and tizbean thank you very much for the 10. all right gang thank you very much have a good morning noon or night wherever you might be bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 201,133
Rating: 4.9500232 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: OXFbLC-fahM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 42sec (12762 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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