Planet Zoo & Minecraft (with Anna_Chess) | 2021-04-13

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hello everyone i know i'm alive just about i saw everything from he's dead to he's never coming back to the cane must be slowing him down how are you doing folks how is everyone alive i hope i mean i can see your typing but i can't physically see you so i only have to assume the worst how is everyone how's your foot it's sore but you know what it's manageable it might have been why i'm late might have been it's a bit better than yesterday yesterday was [ __ ] awful um but it's good to see ya i've got it elevated now so hopefully that'll solve it according to the doctor if i just hung from the ceiling upside down then i'd be elevated for good it might fix it care bear thank you very much for the five subs that is very kind here emo dreamers uh babies uni lonnie thank you very much a fiver for my favorite streamer jacksepticeye thank you care bear thank you again for the five gabi and js thank you for the subs and uh gabby happy birthday hope you're enjoying your birthday you specifically asked for a birthday clap so there you go welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome where is asthma you ask right next to me because where you'll be able to see asthma a bit clearer soon i think but we're going to be playing planet zoo today i'm excited i'm thinking of doing a zoo that is basically just kind to the penguins and the red pandas and everything else is just there as a necessity i think that's kind of my plan so we'll see how it goes audrey thank you very much for the sub callum davies thank you for the sub as well auto fire loaded alien boy creations thank you as well for the subs as well 11 months as well alien boy creations thank you for that panda face plan thank you very much for the 10 subs super kanye thank you very much fast arrow i love bear noises earl js gabby thank you sed thank you very much as well panda thank you so much for that god there's so many people there who are subscribed for like months it's crazy it's it's very kindly thank you very much we need to protect red pandas we do what about the koalas it's just just the right pandas and the penguins everything else is going to suffer unfortunately so yeah we'll see how that does yeah and it's not going to be happy about the um jesus thank you for the results coming in there jesus when i'm watching the chat they're just popping up constantly thank you very much give us an asmr can i should have i'm thinking about getting another camera because i'll have two lenses for this type of camera now and i was like it might be cool to have two angles for some streams and also be handy to like film stuff if i had one not mounted here but also i'm like is that unnecessary i don't know i just like i want to increase the production quality but also i'm kind of like hit a ceiling of what i can do here so i'm just trying to think of ways to improve um god thank you for all the subs uh wintershire lucille noah skybo tyrannosaurus celesti uh stiltjid uh vladimir sorry she's that's just a normal name i don't know why it took me so long to get that out sadashi nerotormer trey stormrider cherry gangrel uh catif madpad uh cloaklow the germinator thank you very much for the subs tenia thank you so much for the 20 subs [ __ ] in hell that is very kind jujubeen thompson oh yeah pink sparkles ghost airfall emmy the plaster shannon thank you very much for the subs and andrew thanks so much for the 10 as well very kind thank you so much welcome everyone just joining let's get kevin to do a kickflip why though i can't even skate i don't understand why would you want that no foot count i can't max is in the chat and you know what he's like i was even thinking i was like going live and i was already late and then i was like oh i need esmer i'll get him in a second when i go live but then i realized that i have no socks on and i'm on the internet so i decided to actually just go get it uh sorry max andrew and tanya thank you very much for those gifted sons again you're very very kind i super appreciate it um yeah the plan is going to be try some planet zoo um we got a bit of a a rare opportunity today uh i've only been offered this once before i think and then it didn't go through but the planet zoo people are super nice um they sent me asmr and they were like hey you want to play planet zoo because we have like a front page slot and you can have if you want so it's like oh that sounds nice basically that's how the conversation went it was actually pretty close to that just like twitter dms um so i think in like 20 minutes we may or may not be on the front page for a little bit i don't know i guess we'll find out but either way i'm happy to play some planet zoo because i [ __ ] love the game i just love games like this where i can go in and have some controlled chaos but after planet zoo then we're going to play some minecraft with anna for a bit and then on thursday the next stream we're going to do some gta rp because i think we've got it started it it was a lot but i think we're there but yeah that's that's kind of the plans um let me catch up here and then we'll get started i'll just do a little tweet out as well and catch up with the alerts andrew and tanya thank you so much again i really really appreciate it uh panda face plant thank you for the 2000 bits uh ndc uh clito uh shannon the plaster gabby mentats uh hayley uh salty bran ki blady lotta boss uh crypt phantom catedera fredo thank you very much for the tip i'm i'm upset that i laughed that your message just planet sucks question mark because it doesn't even make sense it's just like haha among us paul gaming thank you very much for the sub 12 months too uh rosie thank you for the sub as well also 12 months uh jeez they were both in a row too that's mad thank you very much i clyde thank you for the bits and hello back to you azalea ttv and wombat thank you as well thank you for the kind words wombat all right yeah planet source everyone the front page just went live and everyone just left uh right let me get the game sorted where is the game in game i don't know why i have this call so weird for some reason i just have starting soon full cam media share chess be right back in game stack for the game i don't know why i don't just have it on game but anyway so brilliant right let me get the game captured for you and we can get started uh planet zoo you're gonna have to help me out here a bit because i'm not very good at this game it's like i don't think i need to say that uh dmcd ash mojito uh elias thank you very much for the subs and come on thank you very much for the three subs it's very kind of you anyway gang such aside uh let's get started i don't know should i do career or no i think i think i'd rather bean land was the last one no yeah i think i'd rather start to sandbox from scratch let me get the game up here andrew thank you so much for the subs again oh this is so chilled out already i do know of among us i'm a hip hop yes you'll fit right in here all right is that good oh that is relaxing um tundra dude i have the new i have the new um expansion i don't know if they brought in new areas where do we want to be um let's go let's go tropical yeah what we're gonna need a name for it what's the difficulty difference um guests won't request refunds animals never get bored i don't think that stuff really matters for me uh what's the name under the sea i like that and i don't know why because it makes literally no sense under the sea zoo it's a tropical zoo in asia but yeah it's called under the sea seymour thank you very much for the tip uh thank you very much for that dying son joey's aries uh desuka he shoots he scores lacquery andrew thank you so much again hello mate uh alice's thank you so much how um where was this celethia uh christopher lynn shiny dying son thank you very much all right that is kind of sus all right you need a staff room well i need anything to be honest with you i don't really have anything at all i don't think i'm blocking anything am i let me let me move myself slightly just so i'm a little bit out of the way um webcam i'll just move myself over there i know it's slight but look it'll be annoying me the whole time if i don't fix it so there we go that's a bit better that this aquarium is pretty sus you think this is the aquarium well i guess it does have a window you have to be fair if you fill that up with water i that would be pretty neat like other than the microwave and the toaster and stuff uh it would be pretty neat all right i think i think the staff room should be pretty far away because it would kind of take you out of the moment wouldn't it i'll put it over here uh there perfect do i have unlimited money okay i do i have unlimited money to make the worst zoo in existence habitat i think will we just focus on the red pandas first should we make just an epic red panda enclosure oh god and so it starts it's all i see i can can i get like a pre-built one blueprints oh my god it should be like a western style it's gonna not know its own identity this zoo all right red pandas it is but can you build habitats that are pretty built um excuse me i'm sniffling all over the place uh yes you can how do i do it cowboy red pandas yeah i like the idea of having a cowboy zoo called under the sea in a tropical jungle because i i feel like it's just oh here's some quite a habitat large no we don't want that weird considering we're called under the zoo but australian shelter uh east asia shelter ah here one large primate habitat no herbivore march cat i mean i could put them in anything large bear habitat that might be good for my red pandas for the red band it's [ __ ] massive all right where can you view it from there i think that's good oh that's go oh that's a little bit high um is there any way to undo in this game or we just oh there is okay wait hold on let me lower this uh large bear habitat that fancy it's a little bit excessive how do i lower things um how do i do this again i need to remember oh yeah here we go okay i can't have it too low i don't think because i maybe it'll work let me let me give it a try just out of curiosity what will it do okay yeah then oh no that's fine actually that's grand the terrain is a little bit weird because of it but it's fine these red pandas are spoiled only the best for the red pandas no would red pandas and penguins get along they're hardly going to fight are they the red pandas definitely won't because they're scared of their own shadows but can the red pandas have cowboy hats and six shooters that would be amazing the zoo is unbearable i like that all right let me see here uh well we got we got that started we need some paths um ah let's see plants rocks barriers we don't really need any more barriers we're kind of sorted i think we're we've already gone overboard with the barriers for the red pandas don't penguins need more water nah that's a lot of water to be fair like i think it looks like it's not a lot because the habitat is huge but that seems like an okay amount is it penguins need a top hat we get them all dressed up and everything i'd love it um right how do i build paths again here i'm a bit rusty at this game now uh how do i lower like that is that at ground level there we go sorry pardon the sniffling all right the road immediately leads you to the red pandas i don't know actually i'm thinking maybe maybe i should delete this right because everyone's going to come to see the red pandas i'm thinking at it from solely my experience when i go to the zoo people are only here to see the red pandas so we should make it loop all around so you have to see everything else first do you think that's a good idea it feels like a good idea we are done yes this is it it just pulls up you're done no you see my idea is oh that's a funky path my idea is like no one would go to a place just called the red panda spot you know except for me but if i have it labeled as a zoo marketed it as a zoo and then when the people come it is technically a zoo like there are other animals there they're just horribly neglected and the cages are too small and you can't even see half of them uh but you'll still get to see the grand exhibit basically it's a roundabout way of me just owning red pandas essentially fire lord thank you for the bits put the stephanie enclosure in the red pandas in the break room i like that too i like that already um a second let me take this sorry for the sniffling i don't know why it's so bad today heck of allergies come on god [ __ ] things i went outside for like 10 minutes maybe that was it ah thank you whoever donated there or or bits or subs i'm sure i called you out earlier but i heard the noise kevin dead yeah i went out of sight i'm gone out of sight out of mind i alive hd jay thank you very much for the sub there as well i'll get back to you about your extended warranty don't worry uh staff pats i mean i guess i have to make one right otherwise they won't get here uh all right this is fine that's fine there we go so far so good um it's turning into like a maze we're not even like halfway back oh what is this okay i'm liking it to be fair what a lovely walk to work it would be well other than the stairs actually it was looking at it and i was like that would be kind of peaceful but then when you look at it this way not so much you know when you look at all the ramps especially if you like bike to work there's stairs on that one uh but they'll be fine they'll be grand they'll figure it out it's like the first the first point to call when you're trying to get a job here you got to go all the way around this this little maze i could have some pants branching off it as well but i don't i don't think it's actually going to do anything it's just going to confuse people i think who joined the stream late they're not going to understand what this part of the park is about well that's fine it's a secret between you and i popend is on the roof i wish i could wait how do i change it so it's just always all this day okay i can't change it okay cause i don't i don't wanna work in the shadows even though it looks like i probably should be um hold on i'll be right back there i'm just gonna blow my nose because it's driving me nuts hold on i'm barefoot don't look don't look all right sorry rip kevin jesus how many times have i died just this stream alone i don't even want to know over my whole streaming career neo sophie the suka jlem oh it's festive alien boy creations uh firelord flavor j man uh totally uh cadet harrison amity nate uh james tostay did pandante thank you very much for the 10 subs bella thank you for the tip as well and happy birthday to erica queen of thoughtland thank you for the sub and bill thank you as well all right uh i think what else do i need need like i know i need animals but like what do i need to open uh let's see you need a keeper hot why would i be keeping my staff in a hot you know i'm not gonna question it because i like the sound of it but we'll put the keeper hot like here i think what exactly is it i don't know you need a quarantine been quarantining for a year mate all right we got that started why is it so small cruel and unusual punishment i don't know vet surgery can go here because this is about the animals and we actually kind of care about the animals with certain animals anyway and a trade center can go there see it all worked out all calculated all up here [Laughter] just make sure it's zooming in you just see a monkey with symbols or a red panda with cymbals probably more fitting are we disconnected we do okay zoo i keep her hot small what is this facilities without power oh yeah we need power of course we do um let's see oh god i'm not dead i just fell i need electricity i think it's here it's all coming back to me now all right we need solar panels uh what do we do wind turbine will we be wind powered i think i'd like to surround all the like staff rooms with them and stuff just to be really annoying there jesus why is my why are my allergies so bad today i'm so sorry it must be so annoying i apologize but look we're sorted now imagine i imagine being on break and all you can hear is all the things around you like there's about 12 of them surrounding you all right what is this keep it hot why sweet but jesus they get so bad sometimes i don't know what it is uh right what what was the last thing i need more power don't i oh god okay it was like one of those ones that was common it's like 99 of the way there but it didn't quite no it arrived is kevin okay i just had that feeling um when you get that feeling and you can't stop sneezing i need power where's the power yes why does this room not have it but the other does do i need to connect them up is that it that could be it this it's such a waste of money i spent so much oh god doesn't feel like the right thing and especially where we are it felt like the sun would be a better option you know that's fine what a day huh what a day necklace thank you very much for the bits and happy birthday to you even if i'm a bit late it's like why now of all times i was fine all day and then i go live and life is like you know what allergy time and plus it's like this is the day we might or we may or may not be on the front page i don't know we're supposed to be um and then they're just going to see me going off screen and screaming every now and again i don't know what it even sounds like it probably sounds like more of a cough than anything um but it is allergies what can you do huh i took my medication earlier but sometimes it's just it doesn't care anyway back to what we're doing multiple power sources are inactive why because i need to have a path for god's sake they're so needy why do i need a path this is the worst path in the history of paths and i've seen some bad paths okay we got one connected this has got to be like the least efficient way of possibly doing this i wonder are the other ones not connected because they're kind of just off on their own like in a block of them you know it's possible let me take a look [Music] they might be oh no they they they are not okay are they right how do i delete things uh delete okay let me try and delete the ones without any road connection we'll see how it goes the sound of placing the pad sounds like what and zelda walking over grades hey let me i'm interested i'm trying to place this the sound now i'm not sure are they oops that would have been dangerous you start rolling down the ramp and there's just a hole dead pendant thank you so much for the 10 subs again you're very kind if you want to delete something press alt f4 i'm telling you in a second and although i'm not threatening you that was a joke you were not in danger at all i'm gonna start streaming on twitch soon give any tips i don't know because i'm like i i'm in a weird position where uh well it's not too weird other people have done it as well uh where i didn't start on twitch so i don't really even know how you start off on twitch like how how do you do that i don't know um right we need to get some animals uh red pandas red pandas can i search by species is it possible to uh reset all filters refresh list and we'll store straight history maybe i just do need to go through no it can't be that right how do i filter them hmm happy birthday happy birthday to whoever's birthday it is tanya thank you for the bits rubber soul pooty uh sydney trina alien point creations you're clearly allergic to us again it's okay i'll see you kind of rolling off screen this news is amazing well i'm glad you enjoyed it you don't start off on twitch you start on youtube but it only works if you're irish i see uh wait what was i doing yeah i need to get species i can reverse it uh it's an alphabetical so you'll get there eventually i like that advice but i don't know i guess i can just do it this way red pen red panda wait what's wrong with this one why is it bright red fur with black legs and tail why does it have that oh it's got more appeal because it's like a little bit odd i guess i'll adopt you if you're a bit odd send a zoo all right that's scheduled oh why did it reset red pandas everyone i'm just gonna buy all of them all of the red pandas they have can i mark multiple ones i can't but i could do it this way right uh i think back it all right waiting in trade center uh select all and how do we hmm i guess how do can i can i only do them one by one send to zoo uh sent to zoo maybe i can only do it one by one sent a zoo there's probably a quicker way of doing this but i'm getting there that one's been moved already that one's removed already all right now i just wait right i'll speed things up there we go kevin please feed them i don't have any you've no staff that's a fair point that's a fair point uh how do i get staff again do i also find that under animal training or trading even uh let's see i gotta remember how to play everything or how to do everything in this game um blueprints terrain pats zoo is it under zoo i think it is yes okay it's coming back to me i think one caretaker should do uh one keeper should do and one you know what i'll just take one of everything i'll beat noah only half is good i'll just be no uh one of everything we got a vendor some people have too much work some don't have enough like that vendor has literally nothing to do i thought we were taking good care of the pandas we are look at their their enclosure oh i just realized the person's gonna have to walk all the way around god damn it all right well there's one oh this poor man i'm just dangling over the water so you want a jab do ya just dangling them over the pond do we build toilets the world is our toilet on this zoo we're all about being natural here and what a cutie though that panda was let me see look at that wow look at that everyone nature in action oh do you even have the k why are you staring into the corner like the blair witch you're gonna terrify the newcomer what are you doing oh that's wacky they're troubled that is so freaky are you gonna say no you're gonna be a normal red panda you're gonna stare out into the sun and just have a nice time i like that all right let me speed up time so we can get more oh jesus that is oh my god look at the crowd coming to see the right pandas why is there enrichment law it's insufficient enrichment what is enrichment for a red panda what is this visiting player alerts i have a visiting player i don't understand can you visit your friends uh zoos oh we have the mechanic working on this whatever this is probably like oh the wood's going through the chain link oh we got a new red panda where's the one that looks different oh that little hop oh jesus you're adventurous i can see why they're coming to see you uh okay he just said inside the wrong food and water all right if you insist how do we get it it's uh habitat right i'm so happy uh block of ice block of frozen fish bamboo feeder what the that would be bamboo right would they eat bamboo i don't know what this is what okay um what do they need food bowl large would they you can filter by animal oh can you now filters species oh wow this is making it easy for me okay perfect red panda oh this is amazing thank you this is perfect this is exactly what i need a heater yes i don't think you need it we're in the tropics this right this might not be needed at all but you know what we're putting it down anyway no you know what that's probably a bad idea that's probably going to kill them delete that we'll put it into someone else's oh rubber duck oh it just kind of fell over just gonna throw it in there they died no they didn't stop it you're lying to me uh right let's see habitat betting small medium large look at this oh we have a new arrival medium put we'll put some small ones around here too there you go relax in there now that that is lovely for them red panda dead it's not oh you mean the dock was dead okay make a rubber duck exhibit i wouldn't be against it rubbing pad i wouldn't mind a rubbing pad myself there you go and a small ball a small ice ball another ball i'm just giving them literally everything a water pipe there we go if they can figure out how to use it they got water for life uh we got some polls here wait those aren't visitors those are protesters oh no all right let's just ignore that for now that's fine what what do you mean it would be handy to have a rob wall you could rub yourself against it itchy back no problem you got your rub wall set up you're being ridiculous right now folks i'm sorry to say that to you but uh let's see when oh that'd be so nice imagine seeing a red panda using one of those i'd visit that zoo uh i think we're sorted are we i i want to get them a cardboard box i don't know if they'll use it it looks like just some trash was left there but i i still think it would be cute to see them play oh yeah all right maybe next time oh jeez they can jump that high i'm worried they'd be able to just jump straight over the fence is anyone coming to actually view them i guess they're kind of viewing them from there but they're not coming that close they're going to starve no they're not uh maybe they will i can't find the food herb scented yeah put them on those uh water bowl where is the food where is the food somebody oh a premium box it just falls over is fantastic the path is too far i think it is but look it's not for them it's for me anyway so we'll they'll be able to see other stuff oh why why is and why are you like this um food food food food enrichment items food and water uh feeding platform where can they eat there there wait they're about to me all right that's fine okay back to uh back to the food back to the feeding anyway back to our cam zoo we're just enjoying ourselves making a nice little zoo oh coming in here you gotta feed them are you just cleaning they've got the leaf blower out but there are literally no leaves okay i think they're stuck that's fine nature in action we're over here doing a nature documentary too dead now no you're wrong you're wrong one second we've got some alerts here hold on uh right welfare okay habitat what what are the issues the temperature it's too hot oh sweet but jesus okay hold on hold on i got you uh where was it cooler cooler cooler yes okay i hope this will work yes now they're happy oh my god this is such a [ __ ] mess i have just thrown them everything there's [ __ ] spoiled aren't they select habitat the barriers are slightly damaged i don't think they need to worry about that it's about to go in the box everyone he oh he broke his box ah sure boys will be boys oh he's using the deluxe box yeah you see that's what you go for the deluxe box it's not as fragile it wasn't the panda's fault that is gorgeous they're all just having a great time look at them wouldn't you love to be a captive of this zoo i know i would three dead what are you talking about are you talking about the guests because none of them are dead um let's see red panda can i select look they're happy out uh only partially oh oh okay the food is an issue for sure uh can we get some food up here please uh must be set on the habitat gate uh let's see food food food i want to put the quality to like way high grade 3 quality food yeah that's more fair i think on the pandas and me they're all dead they're not dead is it just because they're out of sight please don't kill the red pandas we won't they're safe look look how happy it is god i wish that were me other than this starving part but we have food on the way i just hope that the keeper can get here they can right keep her being requested do we i'll just hire another keeper i guess someone who is actually good at their job there you go now go in there there you go to be fair how can you blame the keeper for being late when they got to go through all of that [Laughter] keep all cars away from those red pandas i don't think cars are their worry right now can you get to the the thing why are you just bringing out the leaf blower we need food all right let's let's get another one and put it close to the the entrance i guess because my staff are kind of uh struggling um i know they can get up here well actually i don't i'm gonna put another one just to be certain that they can get there uh there all right keeper on route perfect which one though yeah go okay yes okay we might actually be getting some food here this is a serious walking hazard this place no it's like you got there you knew what you had to do and you just took the lazy way out where are you even going huh what are you doing what are they blowing okay where is the food at keep her hot to make food we have the keeper hot but it's just all the way over here unfortunately um wait no that's staff from small hold on the keeper hot was this one keep keeper hot yes maybe we just don't have enough keepers efficiency inefficient capacity zero to one maybe we need more keepers i'm willing to invest if it means saving the pandas anything for the pandas all right you gotta care for it now no rp no today we're doing some planet zoo then we're doing some minecraft afterwards and uh unfortunately is if you didn't make it that way and rp will hopefully be on thursday had some issues with getting on the server but i think we're sorted now um five keepers per panda i think that's a fair ratio god this place is a [ __ ] mess why are you not feeding them oh they're amazing stop stop stop stop stop okay wait no this this is just cute is this is this are they running off together they are a cutie you gotta give it to them they're very cute cinematic that's the cinematic cam this all right look i'll leave you to it i don't want to put you on the spot in front of all these people on twitch i just want the keeper to actually [ __ ] feed them keep her on route as the keeper [ __ ] runs away oh they're going to get food though okay fantastic the staff room is so far away i'll be worn out by the time i get there maybe i should move the keeper hot like right next to them oh my apologies my allergies are going nuts it's very frustrating all right my pay is pretty good they're happy with that let's let's make it keeper hot i guess staff facilities uh keeper hot large aquatic yeah why not why not right it's like half blocking the exhibit so you have to go all the way around uh pat's and okay and that doesn't really help but i'm going to make a little route here for the staff so people aren't allowed on this the guests can't go that way it is forbidden and they're very very obedient that is genius idea thank you this layout makes no sense why not give me one one reason i just want to make sure they get fed and once they get fed we can move on to the next uh prison well the first prison this isn't really prison is it keeper on route yes yes they're getting food i think you might need more than one basket the water is dirty is it i mean kind of but like not like sewage dirty or like toxic waste dirty it's just like meh you know it's nature they like it like this all right there you go you're finally being fed after being in here for i don't know how many days oh it was playing on the logs there you go oh look at that oh they're going to love this i bet red pandas love not starving to death go go go just gonna stare at oh my let's eat i'm the only one who gets a good a good seat in this zoo where are the other ones okay none of them are dead yet i'm just wondering they're about to mate good lord we're to be overrun with red pandas soon why where can i expecting offspring well they're going off the mate again so all right oh geez the jumps they do i'm just impressed oh look at that the air they get [ __ ] hell they just kind of glide i don't think they're affected by gravity their cuteness does not need gravity all right they're being fed well anyway that's that's the main thing are you happy now wait no not you you haven't eaten yet you walking away how happy are you what insufficient food oh that's just because the others haven't been fed but they seem happy there's gonna be more than enough food for them and their offspring pretty soon so that's great now we can start on the second enclosure what animals do you want next they're half bird it sure seems like it they'll get sick from the water what cleanliness how do i clean it oh no clean water what oh i can actually clean it uh that's worrying clean water there we go it looks clean now even though it's not so you got that rubber ducks penguins next alligators monkeys penguin elephant i like the idea of elephant i think uh what's this it has damaged barriers i'm sure they'll be fine i'll call the mechanic there but they'll be grand yeah i think we're gonna go elephants next uh let's see habitat wait i just thought of something can't i settings game uh animal settings disable animal debt yes apply okay all right now we're in for a good time because there can be no death oh that's a lot easier okay uh let's see can i get a pre-made habitat immortality yes we're sorted now we don't have to care for them at all you know i'll just like wait what oh uh lemur climbing frame i don't think the elephants will like that what if i let me get the animals first let me find what uh what a pandas what uh elephants are available so i don't know if they'll that'll depend like on what items i get you know what the hell are these things okay that's scary uh maybe filter it by appeal okay that's too high jesus people really like them no that's not doing it if i could only do it by weight because i don't know what they'll be called like elephants something but like it'll probably be something elephant right what the hell is this giant tiger land snail how big is it does it say the weight that's too much reading for me all right uh is there any is there any way of filtering it spiders please we could do at some point you're in the wrong section which one should i be in animal training reset all filters i thought it was an animal trading trade history rewards ah there we go oh i was in animal storage i see um right filters appeal optional uh ah african elephant perfect i'll take them all sure why not four elephants there we go and now we need a habitat facilities nature is it under facilities or habitat it's under habitat isn't it uh filters reset now let me see thank you very much for all the followers as well folks i need to catch up with the alerts as well uh avrak remy frozen combat lost bkc adam thank you for the tip as well silveria trash wagon tania uh robert soul pootie sydney trina thank you very much uh crow hungry over penguin hungover penguin sorry i was worried there for a second i was like you might be watching this for the wrong reasons killing joke new bird circle yi uh tony bologna uh [ __ ] uh snot snuckle i'm gonna say red fire hannah uh sheriff tsuki uh these these the bad the sebastian sorry uh morgan golden god annie a total shane aspect and kevs thank you very much i hope i i hope you're enjoying my little zoo right let me see what we got here we need a small habitat because let's face it we've used a lot of the real estate here for this and these stupid staff rooms that we really didn't need uh they were a little bit selfish if you ask me have a set large no aquatic penguin shelter well that's kind of neat i like that uh australian shelter small small classic shelter i could just build my own uh large large like no i don't want large thinking more small new world shelter no that's too fancy that'll cost me a bunch uh semi-aquatic habitat i like that look but no small primate habitat that's too big all right i might have to make my own be nice to the elephants i am being nice to the elephants don't worry don't worry let me see think glass no uh want to keep them under control wood logs that would keep it elephants wouldn't it yeah and i'll just put it high there we go and protest what you can't see and bring snap that back this way oh i need to turn that actually this way there what do you think so far this seems like a bad idea how give me one reason all right now how do we get those animals inside we have the zoo animals uh this one uh move there there we go we're well on our way folks move all of them there perfect all right we'll sort it out it's too big i think it'll be okay because like once they get breeding and stuff they'll fill up the cage kevin you've made a backyard oh no this fits zero elephants we'll see we'll see who's right with the amount of elephants that'll fit in here i think we can get four elephants with extra room here for extra babies what's this uh powers needs repair oh my god they're all breaking down but hua is about to have offspring so that's just fantastic just that are you being taken care of or will we just leave you there or ah they're cute all right you got oh elephants is here i told you see i [ __ ] told you i knew it would work it was all just a mess for a matter perseverance you're like craning your neck to try and see and to see the elephants you don't want to see what's in there all right it's very cruel uh many guests think the zoo tickets are underpriced okay if you say so i'm willing to put them up in a bit uh oh jesus oh no no no no you still think they're overpriced he just [ __ ] headbutted the thing hold on bigger barrier uh take glass maybe oh no why doesn't the elephant like being imprisoned i don't understand look you're just doing me a favor now at this point because i wanted to take down the rest anyway so it makes sense why are you protesting i think they're more than capable looking after themselves you see you tried to save and now you have to deal with it hold on we'll be fine can i delete this i can okay turns out wood cannot hold an elephant look at him so majestic all right we got thick glass oh no that's that's just wood again all right thick glass now we're talking people are running out of excitement okay at least now i know that it can in fact be smaller that's that's good to know you know it was a learning experience if nothing else there we go and then we can get a little door on there now we're talking uh does someone want to catch that elephant uh where did okay they're safe and look another one oh that's great that's great that's being requested emergency capture for a fee yeah why not there you go uh can we move that back into the pen please important alert acquires attention what do you need now food quality for fake sake like look you don't know how good you have it the population here is about to double you have no understanding about what's to happen here all right filters uh species african elephant now we'll get them whatever they need they need some feeding uh bedding let's see they're not gonna be able to sleep on that a mud bath oh sweet jesus oh hold on let me try and fit this in somewhere uh no no it doesn't work oh god damn it now it probably wasn't the best idea putting the star attraction right next to the entrance and they're all here to see them escape again they're going to be disappointed when they don't this is sad those elephants are living the life i mean i'd like my house to have this much light so that's that's a positive at least thank you very much for the follows everyone i appreciate that right put it outside so they can see it and never use it oh my god that's so cruel i'd like to point out that i didn't think of that that was someone in chat so uh they'll be grand they'll be fine the crowd is [ __ ] insane they're not going to be able to get in here anymore [Laughter] all right large barrel feeder there you go dude i'd think twice about going in there i have a feeling they're going to lash out and it's going to be you they lash out at why are you cheering this is not a good situation all right they'll be fine um right that's that pen done uh what should we go for next everyone what are you thinking kevin what have you done i'm building a zoo what have you done what are you up to all right what's the next animal take your pig and think about what you're suggesting here because remember there's a 50 50 chance it could have a wonderful enclosure or an even better enclosure so think about what you're saying here human i like that is there any way i could put the human into a cage i'm not sure if i could get away with it because i think they're just trying to leave wouldn't they where are you running off to oh don't we have another elephant somewhere two of them actually i think they're still being moved here but i don't know where they are that was loud uh monkeys whale cage your staff i don't know how you one monkey um snails oh a snail enclosure would be great actually i think we'll go with the snail enclosure where's the glass again one-way glass uh let's just do normal glass all right there uh let's get the door in and let's get some snails uh or you can you go to animal trading you go to the top one and what was it called again was it in this one [Music] ah there it is okay adopt send to zoo invalid destination [Laughter] too small for snails they might be a little bit smaller right uh where do they actually need to be stored i assume you get like little tanks for them or something all right what else can we get for this one animal trading uh let's see thank you very much for the five subs ollie uh moonage lou remy slanted a beanie uh leaky cow's very cute uh remy meatball uh unassuming turtle ezreal insert key smash neon alex a wine local transgender kevs thank you very much as well appreciate it penguins chimp you want a chimp in there just a single chimp all right if that's what you want that's what you want i think it's a little bit weird to just have one chimp in there but the heart the hard ones with the heart once i suppose uh we just gotta find the first chimp we can put a bona bow is that how you say it uh i don't see like a chimpanzee but you know what let's put one of them in there adopt send a zoo there you go all right if that's what you want a single chimp inside there that is just fine uh barriers how do i do the snail one i really want a snail uh habitat clear the filters there for me please aquatic penguin shelter i like the sound of that i think i'm gonna go with that i'm gonna build my own uh how do i rotate things there okay and now terrain and we'll lower it how do we fill it with water water cam water rough water why is it rough water i don't understand are you the single gym but mud bats and the elephants are even more pissed i mean maybe it just has the mud bath in there for perfect sake thank you very much for the follows everyone i appreciate it uh alex sloane obini and zeno thank you as well xeno thank you for the all the subs earlier they're very very kind [Music] don't put asthma in a cage the thing is could i put the penguins just out or will they freak out they probably would freak out right but i could put like a super low thing like the penguins aren't anything to be worried about right like what if i just put it a meter surely they'll be happy with that like it's only a penguin what's the worst it could do well you look at them they're [ __ ] cute there's no need to freak out over a penguin uh let me see tall objects 126. what oh that's just part of the thing i see okay let me get some animals penguin what's it going to be called though in the game like it's going to be something penguin isn't it oh wait is that oh there was chimpanzee it was just under western chimpanzee okay chimpanzee is going in there i don't know where the other ones are important alert what do you mean sorry my apologies my allergies are going nuts today i'm sorry asthma penguin we need an asthma penguin you're right you're right second ah hold on i'm gonna go just grab my slippers and i'm gonna go blow my nose i will be one second and i'll be back you keep an eye on the protesters for me i don't know what they're looking at in that pen there's nothing there is [Music] oh oh all right i'm back sorry folks what did i miss how is the zoo going are we attracting a few visitors why is everyone crying are they just sweating okay they are in fact just sweating did the monkey arrive i have never seen a more depressed looking chimpanzee but you know what that's fine you got your mud bath look you could be much worse off you could not have a mud bath is it just too hot for them or what's the story they're sweating out of their eyes ah yes just sweating i i understand animal trading uh penguin penguin uh surely there's gotta be like a filter on the type filters any species ah here we go okay penguin penguin penguin uh is there what about uh king penguin yeah there we go that's the only type of penguin i could think of so at least that worked uh boy in motion thank you very much for the tip and thank you for the kind words too strawberry jeans you uh utopia bean say no thank you very much as well a snapping turtle petting park for the kids i like that i like that a lot it's like oh yeah they're friendly jesus should they're only turtles what's the worst they could do just snap their hand off uh right stop alerting me that there's protesters is it really big news anymore i don't think so uh didn't i just select the penguin oh i didn't click confirm okay uh oh hazel and harrison and cooper and alice perfect now back to my zoo animals uh can i rename you asmr and you will be asmr and you can be asmr and you're bob all right let's get you all inside of your new home invalid destination oh yeah there's no door hold up i'll be right with you i'll build a door and you'll be fine uh here we go and wait why is it connecting up like that what i don't know it's probably just trying to place another one there you go now that's good right bob we all love bob he's just you know he's just a penguin being a penguin wait disease and diseased animal discovered what is disease about this you'll be grand oh no he's going to run into the glass just like that for a guy all right you got your friend now elephants where did i literally lost two elephants and i don't know where they're gone well let's not talk about it let's wait on our penguins how are red pandas doing i'm worried there might it literally looks like someone just dumped all their trash at the zoo because i just bought them one of everything how many repenters oh oh you are sleeping right oh yeah yeah yeah they're sleeping they're buying it five how many are there in total select habitat animals seven seven red pandas now fantastic important alert requires attention i doubt that it requires attention disease diseased many things tickets are underpriced if you say so all right okay i trust you filter for the water can you actually get one i don't know uh we're waiting on our penguins what animal do you want next what what would you want to see snails i don't know how to put in the snails i don't know what we actually need a cow cow crocs sharks can we see what's like the most lethal is that possible one second any species uh what sounds scary maybe it would be like alligator or something um hippopotamus they're pretty they're pretty aggressive aren't they [Music] crocodiles giraffes maybe a giraffe is the most lethal i don't know they've got the reach advantage for sure uh we get some lions yeah that might be nice are the gorillas what do you think rhino humans how could i trap some humans i'd love to know uh let's see okay let's let's buy all of you i'm really splashing the cash here all right we need another pen uh i think there was a pre-made primate one i'll do that large primate oh that's too big oh the penguin's here are you asmr that's asmr what do you think oh ignore the fact your stuff is kind of floating hold on hold on there there you go now enjoy it oh my god he's like so this is it huh this is where i'm going to live out my days just like do something come on do something no no no i won't why is there a lot of marks on this glass was the monkey trying to escape no can't be can't be add a cooler oh that's a good point i should add a cooler uh where is the cooler here's a chew toy i don't think that penguin's gonna be very happy there you go there's your cooler oh he's standing on it i loves it that's nice now i'm gonna make this a little bit deeper i think can i make it deeper i thought i could maybe i can since it's already in a habitat or am i doing it wrong you know what you'll be fine i'm going on to my next one we gotta make one for the gorillas eat asmr are you serious jesus you have to drain the water okay let me let me try that hold on terrain water get rid of it and let's get digging i suppose it is fairer on the workers if i got rid of the water first all right i wanted to be able to have a good time in the water and it just didn't look doable there what what is rough water there you go now you'll enjoy yourself won't ya um perfect now habitat back to the primates uh there was large cat large bear uh i want like small primate small primate there we go ask and you shall receive uh okay not that hold on okay like there it failed okay maybe it has to be up a little bit it failed god damn it oh wait hold on should i have a turn the other way why can you not modify this is it just too floaty is it too close to the path so it won't modify it because i thought there we go lovely you'd love to see it oh no no one's gonna be able to see this one either i i would really love to know why sorry penguin closure i would really love to know why people think this is uh overpriced or underpriced sorry any fee is overpriced to be honest with you there you go all right this is just urban development everyone these kind of things happen in an urban area all right did he just dive in the water i think one of them dived in the water i might be wrong at least they've got shade in the water now that's nice urbanization is bad but look it's necessary in this area it's very dense at the moment i think the only very dense thing here is me uh select habitat view animal market yes you go in wait are you new i've already adopted some gorillas but if you got more i'm willing to take them off your hands yes oh my god there's going to be so much fighting i just got it way too many but let's get going anyway send to zoo there you go delivery scheduled i'm main knees wait what's this animal cannot be released to the wild why would i want to release it to the wild living in a city like this it loves it it's like zootopia you know the highway going through your house uh it is what it is anyway i'm looking forward to the gorillas do you think they'll fight i hope they don't bob needs food that's true we do need to give some food to bob and let's see it's filtered by species uh king penguin where is king penguin where are ya king penguin there you go and food a bubble machine oh bubble machine i want to place loads of these wait do they just go oh yes wait i i don't know if it was actually supposed to go under the water or not no i don't think it was okay well that's broken it's just so caught for space i can't place them i think look the one will do they'll love that mirror will be oh they'd love that food tray small that ought to do there's not many of them yeah that that'll keep them going uh rubber duck might be a little bit excessive they have to play with like 30 of them at a time imagine how horrifying this would be if you were one of the guests looking into the pen and a load of dots just started emerging from the bottom of the pond for no apparent reason it would be so scary to see like where are they coming from i can't hear you you're black out here you're protesting over all these rubber ducks and all the fun i'm having oh jesus there's a lot of them what are you even protesting is it the highway because look life is a highway sometimes you just gotta deal with the cards you dealt with and the cards they're dealt with is the joker it's me uh all right the monkey seems happy uh the elephants seem happy how are the red pandas doing it's the main question only one of them is sleeping huh what are you doing they're being fed anyway that's the main thing i was a little bit worried they got the water aren't they the cutest that's great a new penguin has arrived welcome asmr meet asmr oh no this is bob say hello to bob he's not the most social of the penguins but he's a good guy deep down when you get to know him he's very very nice oh sorry i didn't mean to uh play it past kevin there uh right what do we got here we got 40 ducks four penguins and have our gorillas arrived do we need more keepers or something oh more offspring i love their no gravity jumps uh we're gonna have so many red pandas so so many and i'm gonna be so happy i'm curious when they'll arrive i should probably build a path up so that the people can actually protest while seeing what they're protesting feels a bit more normal you know all right and around there we go now we're becoming like an actual zoo that's neat i like it cool [ __ ] gorillas yeah i don't know how to add the snails i i really don't know someone was just saying it uh no spiders more spiders can we get giraffes i'm sure we can we can fit them in somewhere um we got a little bit of space here we could put in uh electric fence i think that's unnecessary i think they're quite gentle creatures aren't they uh all right hold on okay all right hold on no this way and then back and then connect that up there no there there all right not bad we can fit them in there and we need a door come on stop protesting you're wasting the energy you'll need to protest later when i do even worse things come on can we go under here oh we might be in a spot of bother hold on i might have to put the door on the other side uh yeah i'm gonna have to sometimes you gotta get creative there all right yeah we can get some giraffes in there good thinking chat good job everyone this stresses me out why we're just having a good time playing some video games making a zoo you know love to see it don't you oh for god's sake all right let's see we got here uh zoo we need animal training giraffe species i'm glad we figured this out uh giraffe enclosure in the elephant enclosure well you think we could combine them and then make this into something else that that might be an idea they're not enemies there they get all on with each other it always confuses me that they have um you know they'll have the name of the beforehand because i just look for giraffe but it's not their uh giraffe draft or after after half i've probably gone over it now a million times sorry i'm i'm blinded here i can't see it did you see it what what's it called what's his full name uh african giraffe you see i thought that too but then it wasn't there [Music] hmm i don't see it oh okay you were right thank you chad i've never heard of that before that is new all right wait is it stop telling me about the power source failing i don't care about that me want giraffe where are the other elephants from earlier sent to zoo we'll send one in there we can send one of the other ones in into here maybe there should just be a giraffe in every pen it would kind of make sense if you think about it like a lot i'm sure you'll come up with something uh santa sue oh the gorillas are here fantastic your giraffe supervisor will be here shortly this is like the queen giraffe in the middle here looking after everything else uh all right penguins looking good i don't know what this one's doing just staring off into the distance ah you love to see it you love to see it what's this visiting player rt what what is this i don't understa i thought rtu is protesting me this is rt apparently just taking a look at my zoo disapprovingly what's he looking for do you think should we capture him could we capture our tea am i able to pick up the player all right hold on let's capture rt uh chain link no that might not be strong enough to contain him glass ah second i need to get rid of the path all right get rid of that path get rid of that path all right and there we'll just build a barrier around him wait ah god okay pretty good pretty good no there there there come on and back there we go get rid of this pole and then the path can go around there the rt explosion honestly i think it could be an interesting enclosure i think people would pay to see it uh we need habitat items now filters species uh um what's he closest to if dan isn't there hmm all right i won't i won't limit him i'll give him some bubbles uh there you go a block of frozen fruit why can't i not place this why is it obstructed there you go a blood scent marker there we go he'll smell blood uh a drum so you can get artistic what else would he want he'd probably want a dog ball and a fire hose ball uh maybe a foraging wall what else does damn like uh hanging barrel feeder perhaps a football what else does he like does he like tires uh prey scented sack that's pretty good one uh a skittle a slow feeder so he doesn't he doesn't have too much at once by accident he might get a little bit overwhelmed a small ball uh snowman skittles a tree forager put that in there no i can't i'm running out of space a small ball colorful a water jet oh no oh no i kept oh wait i think i got it in okay i please don't just teleport out yes we got an rt everyone rt gamer okay it says rt on his player name that is fantastic all right i'm happy i'm happy you you came for a human enclosure and we got the best human enclosure of all time rt game himself i'm so happy how about what we have done here today that is absolutely terrifying he's i can't tell if he's panicking or just trying to pop the bubbles i think it's the bubbles i think he just really really likes the bubbles happy birthday to rt game by the way it seems like he's having a great time at the zoo for a dan just trapped in there forever now you love to see it though looking great dan i gotta say looking great all right well that's that enclosure don uh let's go check in on the gorillas they're doing okay so far i feel like they need something to hunt that isn't just you know human sorry my bad my apologies he's escaped no he hasn't he's there oh excuse me sorry jesus best present ever yeah i think it's pretty nice gift from me to dan to lock him up like this oh god my apologies about the nose here i'm gonna have to get you to keep an eye on dan while i run to the bathroom i'll be right back watch him [Music] hello hello [Music] [Music] hello [Music] oh dear at me i apologize everyone constant constant sneezing front page content i don't think we are on the front page did it actually happen i don't think it did i don't think we actually got on there i'm not sure what the deal was with it uh strange one kevin the elephant what's wrong with him are you just calling me an elephant because i never forget you clicked rt in his cage good wait oh my god what happened i left you guys in charge for like two seconds the other one doesn't even care he's just eating like you know i could have my freedom but i kind of like it in here so i'm kind of okay with it where'd the other elephant go they're all running into the zoo for some reason you said watch dan not the elephant all right you win this round how did he oh there he is all right i found you right emergency we need to change something about the elephants how did they get out of there don't understand hold on let me let me break up this is it is this actually brick [Music] i don't know how to get it working uh i don't know what this is ah a river for animals to cancer okay okay so you can do different styles all right concrete it is it's a concrete jungle out here god that's depressing and we'll get the other one inside it's very small it is i know that might be part of the problem all right uh let's get you in there put them in the pit i mean you might be on to something there there's such a clog here uh let me get you will i i don't need a cinematic camera of the box right now let's make a pit they want the mud bath they probably did to be fair disease is now life-threatening it doesn't look very diseased he looks pretty happy he looks like he's about to do an assassin's creed jump um right okay everything looks fine here oh they're playing with the ducky how many red pandas do we have now oh my god there's so many search247 thank you very much for the uh five subs you're very very kind thank you very much um or to maggie thank you for the tip and geez i hope your cat's all right uh i hope you're doing okay cyber sir meg and [ __ ] thank you as well the godly gecko tamak elena met a winner hey it's jack acp uh pen dragon star lnc thank you very much for the bits ollie noella k galent uh kitty k lozy uh holland thank you very much as well i appreciate it i'm sure dan would like a dip in the water i mean we could hold on first of all i got to build the pit exhibit um let me get the terrain out oh my god why are they panicking oh perfect's sake all right hold on while i build the pit these elephants are more trouble than they were like take a leaf out of dan's book he doesn't cause any ruckus at all all right wait hold on all right we're gonna build the pit here oh my god hello jesus christ [ __ ] hell there's no way we can use this right like is there any way we could get like animals down there hmm i don't think it's gonna work the thing is they can't die so we got that going for us uh thick glass red brick it's a snake pity good lord all right this is such an odd shape they're never like symmetrical at all they're just all over the place all right how is this going to work i'm going to try and put a door in here wait yes connect there yep so hopefully when they're dropped in they'll just go straight in the hole uh let's get rid of these we'll connect this up a bit there's too much land here we need less land and more pit get rid of that get rid of that here is that perfect all right i am really curious to see what happens here uh let's move the the aliens so let's move the aliens over to this page instead this exhibit instead god my english isn't doing so good today where's the elephant oh there you are cheeky all right animals uh get you all move there now we wait just speed it up a bit we just gotta wait to lay it back in uh we got everything boxed up they never really go down along to see like the gorillas or anything or the penguins where are the penguins oh they're there oh look at that they're actually cooking it's so hot jesus uh dan's fine that's good to know we'll wait we'll wait at the pit but the red pandas are about to mate we're gonna have so much red pandas it's great it says invalid what did i oh i think that's because i was hovering over here maybe i didn't click i don't know windows what do you mean why do you want windows i don't understand put dan in the pit i don't think i can because i think if i remove him from his enclosure i think he's just gonna run away and i can't like pick him up or box him for some reason in this game i don't know why oh my god sorry about my nose everyone it's all over the place it's just constantly at me today and it's weird because as i was saying at the start of the stream it wasn't at me at all uh earlier on for it was just like once i started streaming of course then it's like oh yeah here we go it's go time uh are they on the way are you allergic to streaming maybe i mean that would make sense why it just kicked in all of a sudden all right put lions in with rt do you think but like if i put on an enclosure door what will happen i mean he still wouldn't have a path to escape we could try it hold on because he's not connected to the path so he can actually run away all right let's go buy a lion shall we in the name of science uh species keep an eye out here as well to see if any keeper comes watch there out of the edge of our screen species poor danny he'll be fine i have reasonable confidence that dan would beat a lion in unarmed combat i would put money on it in fact uh west african lion yep uh yeah you know what i'll adopt them all and i'll keep them in storage for when i need them i don't sound like a responsible zoo owner animals uh [Music] where are they there i call them den hunter so that they'll have first name basis to bond over uh animal escaped oh that's not good but like it's dan hunter like his name his second name is hunter it's a common name honestly uh put him in here delivery schedule don't worry dan you'll have company soon you're going to be fine or sending help you must be freaking out like why do none of you care they're protesting the animals but yet here i am a human being trapped and no one's helping me and the paths go all the way around him it's fantastic he's just lonely i think that's it too i think he is just the food is rotting don't talk about dan like that [Laughter] he's not he's fine you've upset me now [Laughter] okay i'm amazed he'll just go off and alert here dan is meeting sake oh yeah i forgot i made a pit here oh how did you get out oh you little cutie did you escape did ya how did you escape what the [ __ ] what is in under here or the elephant what broke them out i don't understand i don't understand why you're running i'd be running towards them i can help them oh no uh hold on no we don't need an electric fence that seems a bit excessive hold on all right up this high wait come on there we go there we go nice and fixed how did that jesus have no idea there you go i think i might need more employees do you think that could be the issue i think it could be a strong part of what's going wrong here uh there we go how did this happen where did my zoo go so wrong what is how is this broken is it just the upkeep red panda angry apparently so i don't think they understand how lucky they are that they're like the only thing being treated right here like a proper like respect there you go oh my god it is falling apart like as i fix it more is just falling off look at that i just passed here and it's it's already broken all right we need more mechanics hold on staff uh mechanic get loads why are you running for the exit there is no escape don't try leaving i think they're afraid of some animal is it the monk oh my god okay that could be the reason why is my zoo falling apart a dangerous animal has escaped oh come on if you really say that's dangerous emergency capture dangerous emergency capture dangerous animal right fine if you say so like come on i understand ringing alarm bells for the elephants or even some of the primates and stuff but the red pandas really oh god it's just shattering what happened who did i buy this glass off it's all a scam and where are my giraffes i ordered oh for [ __ ] sake the whole zoo is falling apart the penguin just kind of flopped into the water where's the lion can i turn off the the like fact that it'll it'll degrade and stuff because i don't want that it's making it harder uh where would it be it would be under game right difficulty easy uh i don't think that's it but animal setting uh uh i don't care about inspectors you can stop by guest settings economy settings what do you think mechanics i have loads but i don't know maybe maybe i do just need more mechanics i'll try but i think they're a bit scared of all the animals that are running wild all these ferocious animals jesus christ can you blame them oh my god the terror saying hold on you're too fast for me wait click yes i guess i know it's cute i want to put it in the box there you go there that's cute it's the alarm bells still going why is it i don't want to zoom in i just want to put you in a box there we go i can't find accessible staff room what's wrong with you just [ __ ] look harder it's not that far away disabled barrier is dilapidation where does it say that though uh disabled barrier dilapidation [Music] uh i don't see it power everything that's fine oh there we go right down the bottom thank you good job everyone we did it together is it fixed now oh that automatically fixed everything that is fantastic uh the mechanics are on the go can we get these all unboxed [ __ ] disaster here uh all right it's just [ __ ] fine hold on i'll take care of this put them in there you know why did i put them in there why did i put them in there hold on zoo that's they're just gonna shatter it's just creating problems for future kevin move there you go in there um wait no that wasn't the plan at all hold on move in here yeah let's move them all in there into the pit then we'll see how it'll actually work i'll do it again just to make sure move here delivery scheduled all right now we wait at least everyone's back on track now everyone's coming back into the pack check on dan dan is fine he's the one who didn't escape luckily enough dan your frozen fruits are going off come on dude just start licking start licking on the ice block uh it's western gorillas are fighting for alpha status all right well let me know how that goes i suppose you can't die so there's no real risk uh what do we got here that just won the red pandas it is we gotta get those red pandas back in uh wait why can't i not move here the one more have escaped well i know that animal escaped fixing why are you all running they're all [ __ ] terrified of red pandas and i don't understand why it doesn't seem right put the red panda in the pit but why i want to put the elephant in the pit are we actually gonna have to hunt them down the problem is i have so many warnings that i can't really get through to all of them that's fine dehydrated dehydrated that's fine dehydrated quarantine is passed i wish hmm i don't see like anything that's escaped escaped animals animals escaped uh i guess let's just put anything that escaped in here that'll that'll make it a little bit easier for me to deal with i suppose uh escaped animals animal escaped move or should we no you know what anything that escapes should get sent to the pit it makes perfect sense if you think about it move to the pit move to the pit move to the pit can i select them all hold on move this can i not okay i can i can't move that one to the pit i can't move the snail to the pit uh okay move you're all going to the pit not the pandas we'll figure it out we just got to get them all into the pit for now because my workers can't work i don't know they're just useless they can't seem to figure out that red pandas aren't this like life-threatening animal that's going to murder everyone in the park uh escaped animals do we have anymore oh my god we have a lot more okay animal escape can i just move why can i not move these ones i don't know uh animal escaped animal escaped as soon as i click on this it's like nah you can't move that one but i can move some of them it's interesting i don't know why it's doing that all right move i just gotta find the other ones then those poor pandas won't survive the pin and they'll be fine they'll figure it out they're smart creatures i don't think they're going to the pit anyway escaped animals um we got to figure out why these ones can't be just rescued i don't know where they are like why these [ __ ] alerts are just non-stop um send to trade center move i can move that one for example i can move that one move that one i can't move this one why though there's got to be one just roaming around is the pit basically like oh the giraffe is here about time i forgot there was a giraffe being added to every pit oh there he is pesky feckeria all right are we good i think we're good i don't know why i couldn't just move them one is in dan's enclosure is it i don't think there is i think dan is still alone view animal market yes adopt send a zoo yes there we go i can't wait oh sorry jesus christ my nose thank you very much for the follows everyone i need to catch up with alerts uh alter adam baby lozy a casserole lissa elegant chimp [ __ ] thank you very much the zoo opens up a whole new world for the animals in the wild they never experience boredom obesity loss of purpose the true american dream homer simpson that is very uh this is very very it's just a very accurate quote all right it's good the the animals are coming back everyone nature is healing now i think we're good put a giraffe in the pit i don't i don't even know what's gonna happen with the pit i'm curious i wish these alerts would go away the the alarm bells are still going oh there's another one i'm gonna be catching red pandas everywhere aren't i i think that's good no the alarm is still going [Music] what what is that noise oh is it just this trying to get out hold on if you stop trying to get out i'll leave you out soon i just need to make sure i have everything i think i have them all but the alarms are still going off for some reason they can climb the new fence you put on but i do i don't think i returned them to the enclosure did i uh wait forty tomorrow thank you very much wait for tomorrow sorry thank you very much for the five subs elegant chimp thank you for the sub jazz thank you for the sub as well or the bits even and nighthawk uh alien toast newfound jamie alien boy creations tanya thank you for the bits anonymous tip there as well thank you uh eat this eat i'm not sure what that i'm just going to call it thank you for the sob i'm not sure what the name is sorry bad 32 nanda nostril uh a cute papa uh wiener and [ __ ] thank you for the sub sorry if i missed any as we went down okay i think the workers are relaxing so that's probably a good sign the animals are going nuts in these boxes for some reason i just don't get it okay i think we can speed it up and just wait yeah the crowds are coming back this is fantastic news i might get more keepers to try and just speed things up i don't think money is really an issue anyway okay is it the keepers that move the animals it's gotta be right all right i don't know which to watch the dan enclosure or the pit oh dan's from like finally and they just come in and blow the leaves around and leave the penguins have escaped really and please move the animals out of the boxes not yet we need to try and waste to see if we can fix this scenario i don't think the penguins have escaped because we don't know what has escaped and i've already assigned them new pens but i think the staff are getting confused and alarmed because there's apparently some animal on the loose but i don't know it might be fixed now okay why are you cheering with this human trapped in here uh but i have assigned them new pens what you see they're all [ __ ] running and the alarm is still going there's a red panda in there but you're meant to be in here aren't you i'm not sure uh edit barrier can i edit the whole barrier hmm i'm not sure i can put the bits that i put in as this no it's still going even though they're bringing animals in okay i was expecting that to be a red panda but they are bringing them in slowly but surely i just want to see them add the lion to dan's cage i guess we could try and sell some of the other animals circle edits whole barrier ah let's try that then okay edit barrier uh circle and oh very good thank you um what could they not break steel mesh climbable not watertight not climbable will powered no we don't want an electric one not playing with water tight thick glass that should do it it's still [ __ ] going the draft requires one alert what are you on about the draft's fine come on please be the lion i'm just waiting just waiting peacefully for them to come in god damn it oh oh wait they might be going for the pit though here we go very curious here come on our first animal in the pit i think they're okay all right how you liking that mr elephant oh [Music] [Laughter] you'll be fine why are you going in your box come out do not be shy it's just kind of slowly tipped in oh that was beautiful come on we just want to get dan some company now and i think we'll be happy what's this this elephant what is this elephant doing a weird elephant all right the staff are getting things done at least i don't know why the alarms are going off but i guess we'll just have to accept that that's part of the zoo now i don't know i don't know what it actually is we may never know uh do we have call a keeper call a vest and call a mechanic no guess oh god animal escaped you know what maybe that's a good thing i know where the hell it went the alarm stopped i think it was that animal whatever escaped the pit is for sacrifices to clash on the lowland grill is about to mate okay good it's not in dan's pen oh no okay let's see view animal market yes adopt send to zoo go in i'm just gonna i'm gonna adopt loads of them and put them all in there hopefully that'll just alert more of the keepers you know because whoever's doing this is slacking i just went down to have some company praise clash not yes thank you for the follows everyone i appreciate it dalbert the weird lou i am having a good day thank you if it wasn't for my allergies i'd be fantastic kenny thank you for the tip as well um i was thinking about life they come down with me stuff then spectre is coming in nine months i hope dan is ready uh it's still just like the rt is visiting i don't think you could call him a visitor anymore come on keeper who delivers the the boxes it can't be the key the keepers because they're taking [ __ ] ages uh the vet is going to check on dan i have so many keepers it can't be them caretaker maybe it might be the caretaker i think i've won so it would explain a lot why it's moving so the key slow the caretakers okay that makes a lot of sense now all of a sudden all right come on get me a lion fast i'll put it in put in even more they have such a long line of work to do oh wait hold on hold on they're coming oh wait they're bringing everything to the pit oh no oh no oh no oh it's down there oh it has been exiled to the pace oh no unbox all there you go what even are these oh there's penguins and everything the chimp everything that would try to escape there's no one protesting oh no no no kevin no kevin yes he's fine they're fine they're fine they're fine oh the lion oh yes everything is right with the world now ah yes i think i'm happy with how this zoo is turned out what do you think can i get a rating out of 10 in the chat please i i wonder why they're protesting i have no idea to be honest with you i really don't i can't i can't see a reason cabera thank you very much for the host i appreciate that that girl dory dauber kennywolf uh claire that angelfish wait for tomorrow thank you for the bits as well as the gifted subs earlier as well you're very kind thank you ten out of ten i like it thank you so much i gotta ignore all of the other answers just 10 out of 10. that's all i'm listening to all right what else have we got in here just the elephant made it down funnily enough uh what could i do to oh we got some more animals coming i think what do you got for me now i don't think i can come out of that box uh where's the terrain go on there you go ah it's ah there you go come on how did the one elephant make it down i think it worked unbox all but what was it it might have been the snail the more snail is down there just trying to avoid the elephant oh oh that's a bit of a disaster but you know what sometimes these things happen there you go it's i wonder how low i'd have to go before it would classify it as like escaping the elephant okay can i unbox everything unbox all they all just go back up there i don't know how that one hero got down there anyway i think we're done someone just said fill it with water i just saw so many people like kevin and then one person going fill it with water fantastic dan's having a great time in here that's good to see that's the main thing i'm just happy dan is having a good birthday happy birthday to arty game everyone all right the lions are fighting nah nah they're not all right i think i'm happy to leave her zoo there i think that is a super cool zoo all right i think i will leave the zoo there we're going to play some minecraft with anna now for a bit oh this should be good but i hope you liked my uh under the sea zoo which was in the tropical jungle that is gorgeous you love to see it you really do i hope you enjoyed it did you i feel like you did uh i feel like you you it would be hard enough to enjoy that too i will be right back i'm gonna run to the bathroom and we're gonna play some minecraft oh deary me deary me gang i am so sorry about my allergies jesus ah they're very annoying today i apologize there's not much i can do about them unfortunately they're very aggressive uh ryan the game guy the dark knight printing low lifer thank you very much uh is it uh took a tool box thank you as well yummy thank you for the two subs and that girl dory thank you for the sub as well alright let me see if anna is ready let's see uh i'll give her a call i'm not sure when she'll be ready but i think she's ready now actually all right wash your [ __ ] hands i do oh hello hello hello hello how are you hello how are you this time hello hi ken hello hello how are you how are you ah sure you know yourself [Laughter] i've been watching your gameplay i can't keep doing the period but i've been watching your your zoo and i must say i was very impressed with all the all the basic stuff but also the cool things that esmere has and then you caught live on air rt game for his birthday i did that correct i did rt game mistakenly visited my zoo i have no idea why he thought it was a good idea but i put him inside a glass pen and everyone was waving at him and he was catching the bubbles and jumping up and down and it looked like he screamed for help i know he was catching the bubbles it was just it was all really cute to be honest so adorable what a birthday present you're a really good friend i know um are you ready for some minecraft i hope i am i just want to make sure i connect the proper way without leaking so i'm still on full screen and then i hit play and i need to join with the same ip address as last time i might have to give you another one i'm just going to set it up there now and see see how it does um it should only take me a second yeah let me know multiplayer and direct connection yeah um i can't even remember what we were doing last time what was the last thing we do we did um good question um all i remember is getting trapped constantly rav the darkness is a villain the absolute worst of all other than that i'm not sure oh and the game sun is coming from the wrong place i might need to restart this oops sorry if it's picking up the microphone i think i can hear it i need to it's pretty hardcore i think i have messed up my audio setup give me a second i'm going to restart and i think all right it might my thing is opened uh i don't sure if it's on the same one as last time so just direct connection on the same one i'm gonna try try the same one i might have to change the port i think it's a different port it's trying but it's not responding i think try that one that should work new one let me see oh i think this is working it seems fantastic that was easy we are such pro gamers i threw eggs at ya wait a second i'm not i'm trying to i'm pro gamer but i'm not pro streamer my my screen is black give me one more second for the game capture yeah apparently it's not picking up the game yet barry jacks ryan thank you for the support dark knight thank you so much wait this is weird game capture or game capture should work with minecraft yeah i think it's working now it just took some time to to load it but now i have it i'm just gonna make myself smaller and then i'm good to go as well okay yeah that's it i'm ready okay wait wait a second you said you were throwing eggs at me again wait wait a second you're still throwing exactly i used all our eggs on that oh man all right i think last time you were just adding on the extension weren't you and we had we finished our little farm oh yeah i remember this beautiful piece of architectural design yes that's me what is the flashlight i was planting flowers oh um we just wanted company because it's only the two of us normally and it's like you know quite boring i'm fishing in front of the door in case you're wondering what am i up to all right this is a new method any bites so far no not at the moment but i have high hopes of this okay all right fantastic um what's this what's the first port of call what do you want to do um do we have enough food i think we we did cook some fish last time before we finished our boston home is still impeccable um i think we were gonna go on an adventure or i'm mixing things up the order i think i wanted to guess like stuff to make cakes but i can't remember how to make a cake cakes oh they're making a cake i think that was fun yeah in this game we're being much nicer we need to go get uh sugarcane sugarcane where do we get that from i think i've seen it on some islands so let's hop in our boats before it gets stacked let's go i also forgot to send you a squad oh i see some right there invite or if you can send me when i forgot uh do you want to play do you want to set one up and i'll go grab that sugar cane there it's just over on this island so it'll only take me a yeah yeah i'll send you a squad streaming right in the middle fantastic so we just need sugar cane eggs and what else do we need for cooking baking baking bed i think that's it because we have we have cows for milk so you're gonna have to stop throwing the eggs around uh because it's going to waste so if you can stop throwing the eggs and store them away instead i'm gonna try just this i i have this urge that i need to throw it at the people i see and like you're the only one on the island so it's a little bit weird i'm sorry what's the flavoring for the cake can we make can we add anything it's gonna be grass grass flavored birthday cake i love it we don't know any better so true there we go i'm gonna invite you now let me know if you see the squad stream invite okay i'll be in bed oh it's not nighttime yet come on wait a second you're already here i'm going to bed it's it's yeah i got the sugar cane i planted it and everything and i'm ready for bed you're so fast when you're setting up this question i didn't see what you're up to oh no time to lose time is money in the minecraft game let me know then once you're in bed i see you're there oh there's our little friend hello oh he's staring at me accepted who's staring at you our new friend we have a new friend i don't think he has a name yet oh i see oh he wants to stay with you that's fine yeah i think he was gonna hop into your bed i'm holding a flower in my head just in case i have a natural bond with animals i did see that in planet zoo um yeah that was beautiful thank you so much the rt game is a wild and majestic creature but under the right conditions he can be tamed i loved how you tried to choose the species for rt but somehow youtuber streamer didn't show up on the list i just thought like dan would be there you know yeah damn nice dude birthday boy yeah needs an update to fix that will i go with you yeah you can hop in with me we're gonna look for some more sugar cane awesome we need more tape start i'm just going to hit star squad stream real quick and then people can see both perspectives i'm sure we came across loads of sugarcane somewhere how do they look i see some there um you'll see them now in a second i just pulled out my sword in case i need to protect them oh god oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no they will not attack us right oh jesus christ no it's fine we're not in danger at all this is how you sound when everything is fine and we are chilling in the boat right yeah sure oh that's sugar sugar cane that was yeah oh you're driving up and to the left there now all right this is easy [Laughter] this is easy you said to the left after yeah right there's some on the island up there and there's some just to our left is that the horse there it goes all right goodbye or is fine cherished or just go in the middle yeah yeah there you go is that our island no no you would buy them there's some to the right and some to the left look it's to the left to the left here i can see it clearly now um all right awesome let's take a little nap then um dandelion ellie thank you so much for the two zombies 7000 nice vince max the destroyer west marianne thank you so much ralph the darkness thank you keep going around we're almost there where is it we're almost there hold on oh there we go see it was on the far side all right so there's some here and also on that tiny island there you go parking there we go just took a bit of exploring to get to the right spot yeah excursion not that you can leave your house often nowadays so we gotta make the most of it no the sense of direction is just all over the place you know it's anna used to be like a compass before this whole quarantine thing started but nowadays that's so much all right we need to go exactly behind us now is that a horse or a donkey so cute it's an ass is it yeah let's take a left slightly left there you go no not that left a little bit more right no a little bit more left tiny bit tiny bit more yeah there you go that'll do it no i'm just guiding you around this obstacle and then we take a bit of a right here so go a bit more right oh that obstacle the island no the underwater danger that's in the water ralph the drowning no no relation to ralph the darkness just happened now the same name it's weird on the developers oh my god it's ralph the drowning he'll run run run go to the right go to the right don't just go into them what are you like jesus you're mad you're absolutely mad you're not giving me a tip anyway that's for sure and take a right there now who are they ralph the drowning rather thank you so much yeah it's a different different boss it's weird on the developer's side i don't i was suspecting it was something to do with the developer being called ralph the creator of the game yeah because it's not very but he said it's not yeah everyone is rough i forgot how do i leave my boat it might be for the best a few days without minecraft and i already forgot the keys what do i press shift shift oh thanks i wouldn't have guessed it i was pressing anything what shift all right so no more throwing eggs now do you hear me anna no more sure we gotta make cakes do you want to feed the animals yes i'll kill the ones that escaped because i know what what you get like when they get out of there no no no no no no they knew what was best seeds no no i wasn't looking oh my god there's so many chicken oh no there are two i'm gonna save these two come at me come with me where are the seeds wait you mean there are ones after escaping hold on let me take care of this i'm i'm just uh sunbathing oh you would have gotten away with it if i didn't rat you out with you two i know what you're thinking she's she's a bit cruel about it please no i'll let you live though and i just let them live come on don't be like that i want to help them back but i don't have seeds i want to oh one of the scenes in the box isn't it i thought so but i can't spot them we have bone meal and lily pads i'll give you some seeds there you go grab those there you go you picked them off uh how are you yeah thank you uh can you plant two here look this is your training and farming come here all right okay place them here and here you passed very cool i was sweating like crazy i remember my first time as well farming jesus christ the ripe age of two i was wondering if you have talked to your community about farming slash farming simulator recently um i don't i did tweet it out if if you folks didn't see that i got a gift from john deere after talking about tractors in my farming simulator video and they sent me a toy tractor instead of a real tractor after me asking it's so hilarious though and the thought is what counts they did send you a tractor you that you asked for i did get a big laugh out of it when i opened the box and i see it's from john deere limited and there's just a toy tractor in it with a note saying thank you for being such a fan of john deere i don't think i am a giant fan of john deere but well now i am to be fair i wasn't before so their marketing worked it did work kevin i'm in trouble well you're as good as dead now i'll take this one you take the others and then some of them started escaping and i panicked and i opened the fence and it just made everything worse you know what you're like it's like when a child has like that feed at like a petting zoo and they're running from the goats and the goats are just getting angry or chasing them around but the child refuses to drop the food but i think you've figured it out now um the only issue is that to get out of here i still need to open the fence and then they will follow me one day um i mean did you put away the seeds yeah i have no more all right then just i felt it all to them just open the gate run out close the gate it's as simple as that thank you uh right oh so we're gonna need to wait for that sugar cane i mean we could wait for the sugarcane what do you mean with that we have to wait for it to grow a bit because i don't really want to waste it but oh i don't know how long it takes i don't know how much you actually need let me let me take this amount and we'll i'll see if it'll use this i have 11 eggs on me eleven eggs on here cheers all right i've so that's like five to spare five to spare why are you throwing them jesus there's no need for that carry on now oops i only have five eggs left uh oh we need wheat milk okay i need more buckets you need more boxes more buckets carol says thank you again for that polymer how do you make buckets and the mr blues digital drugs and nob thank you for the subs uh buckets are made with iron at the crafting bench but i can take care of them i see we want how many can you stack pockets you can stack pockets okay i think that'll be enough stead buckets yeah all right i'm gonna put three bucket or yeah three buckets sure into the the farming um chest will you grab them and go milk the cows oh yeah sure lovely evie thank you so much for the two stops every day i learned how to farm and we get milk right it is the irish way after all have you ever done any of that type of farming just looking after animals our neighbor was a farmer i remember going over there once and all the sheep started escaping and then he was like calling my dad like help stop them what do you do to sheep trying to hurt them as a human never being on a farm before but other than that no not really so how do you milk the cows in real life and in minecraft um because the exact same you go up and right click on them with the bucket in your hand bucket in my hand yep right click like just like real life oh jesus all right wow so grab your next pocket i have like three already full oh really all right come on that was quick yep farming is cool it sure is um do you want to pass me the milk how do i do that i was just gonna say i didn't want to throw it at you but if you say so one more come on there we go cake all right i'll put this up here would you like some raw chicken to add to the cake not really no take a bite it's so pretty right click this right click yep um it's not doing anything is your hunger full um yes ah i see okay you're not hungry for cake i think it's just that since his dance cake the program knows that we shouldn't eat it before he bites into it well i already took a bite out of this but you're the same person so that i cannot i cannot i see oh what a lovely birthday cake engaged the whole time in planet zoo so i think there's a you know the contrast between him being one of the main attractions of your zoo and now getting a cake yeah i mean it's nice you know it's nice to show someone like what they have and you don't know what you have till it's gone and i took away his freedom yes that's a good learning lesson you're right it is you're you're giving him the best possible gift experience all right anna i gotta run downstairs and grab my medication so if you want to take care of the uh game audio there you go um if you want to take care of the farm in the morning i'm just going to stand up on the well and they can watch you take care of the firm what about wheat can i use wheat to feed on the little cute animals we have also guys let me know the volume is okay on my end because i'm not sure if you can hear the game audio last time we had no game audio so let me know if this time you can hear it that would be lovely if the volume is fine and also for kevin do i do i have it balanced for once i'm booming here and there but hopefully i managed i have no idea what to do i don't know what to do right now in terms of feeding the animals i don't think we have seeds what else can i give to them you hear the chicken amazing amazing sound is good thank you so much now what do we do guys i am out of ideas i only know how to fish and i've just started developing this new method of fishing right here into the ground so that that's new harvest the wheat how do you do that i have a raw chicken i guess i could cook um unexpectedly i'm going to go back into the house and i'm gonna cook i'm gonna cook some chicken since raw chicken on me i guess how is she doing everybody i'm gonna cut how is she getting on we're gonna need coal which is in here yeah i've got this what's she doing oh yes got this post thank you and thanks for the hype train earlier good what can i do feed the chicken with seeds from the wheat but how do i harvest the wheat and also how do i make sure that rough doesn't the spawn i am ralph the darkness oh no oh no that was proper scary scary [Music] i just did an impression i see i see you will be consumed by the darkness you know oh my god no way no way this is terrifying i don't know what i'm doing at the same time i even forgot how do i open my my overall inventory so not just the 10 items i have at hand unless i forgot everything it's like every time i play i'm gonna need to relearn because i forget it it's just i don't know how you'll pick it up in time oh gabriel that's ralph very different people honestly i see i was told to harvest the wheat but i don't know how to harvest is it really just punching it yeah it's the this one though this one's done what do you mean it's done uh the one i'm looking at so the end to here are done they're fully grown the rest is not okay i just picked the one in the box though so i just that works too ready ready mia i could cover it thank you very much punch these yeah yep that's great i guess i directed everything just for them i think we need an extension of the extension no if anything from my experience to planet zoo i think we need to make it smaller oh no oh no once you have wheat is it is it something you can feed to the chicken or like i need to do something with this sweet so what the one i have in my hand that's okay to give to them i just made this sweet loads now in there what are you feeding uh oh not the chicken but what i guess are the cows and the chi for the chicken we need seeds right yeah um we might need to expand the farm a little bit it's pretty small chicken it's very easy it's a bit loud i'll turn it down and the sheep or do they also eat to eat or well i want to try oh yeah they love me so wheat for sheep and cows and seeds for the chicken seeds for the chicken that is correct the seeds we can only just find them in places like when we went on a trip you get them from farming every time you harvest wheat you get seeds and you just find them in the grass and stuff as well okay yeah i remember finding them but i was wondering if there's any other method because we couldn't find much of any of the seeds just we definitely need to try and get more cows if we can more cows yeah just continue to feed them let's get rid of my stuff i think i fed most of them at least they are currently just staring at me i guess it means they are not hungry with so much crap i think i need to go find some lava to make some sort of incinerator because we've so much crap just sitting in our inventory what was that what was that already set in in sydney uh incinerators so just like a what's that uh like a big oven essentially i just wanna that you throw stuff in to burn it and destroy it i see i'm just going to fill my infrastructure it's basically like recycling do we get something out of them or it's just yeah it's like recycling except no benefit and lots more pollution um but other than that it's basically the same i see what are these blocks here what blocks i don't know what you're looking at um next to the wheat did you place here something or is this just i'm not sure i'm gonna call you you'll have to if you hover over it it'll tell you what it is and then i can tell you what it does um it's not telling me where they are they are yellow blocks yellow blocks um hay bales oh yeah yeah hey bills howdy that's pretty much all they are i stole them from some villagers okay i was like this wasn't here a minute ago and i didn't think they can grow this fast i was very confused you stole them from some villagers and then you placed them here they were weak and they didn't deserve them i see nice job uh thank you so much now will we return it to the villagers no no no no maybe they don't need it they don't no all right if you say so i do what's next now that we have a beautiful birthday cake we have fed all the animals except for the chicken because i don't have seeds we need to somehow get some i'm trying to just get rid of all this trash that we have just hanging around our inventory is so messy i can add to it two glasses of milk can we even have the milk for instance if you're poisoned the milk stops poisoning oh that's really cool it's actually really handy but yeah i just never carry them around let me get rid of this stuff keep it on me because you do get poisoned from here and there so i think it's handy to have yeah serious spider problem oops we did at the start when we first moved in jesus the place was infested it was mad i tried to protect you but then ralph appeared so unfortunately there was no chance yeah which ralph was it i only knew rob the darkness from earlier i didn't know that there are so many versions of him and the others are not right no they're not related there's some versions of him yeah wait there's a dolphin on lined out here anna come see what are we going to say oh my god it's a perfect addition to the farm you get them in the cows or into the well or something i was just arranging my inventory what is what is a dolphin doing here i don't know what he's freaking out get here go on get in oh we need him for the farm for the aquarium no no no we need him for the farm go back into the ocean he doesn't want to go in the ocean he wants to go in with the sheep fly away i don't think you know what a dolphin is fly little dolphin go all right they made the fight there you go emergency so but oh it's coming out of the water it seemed like no stay there stay there how did that happen i don't know i don't know what i'm just wondering about my primary school animals knowledge that i thought i learned that they were smart and they seemed really smart and very cute i don't know uh i made another cake you did yeah i think we'll just leave the cake on the well on the well well well now i understand what you're saying they look lovely it looks like it's some kind of a strawberry vanilla cake it's blood cake do you want to sleep and then we can go down into the mine tomorrow sure all right now that i'm informed about the kind of cake we have made for dan lovely happy birthday dan happy birthday dan do you have food on you i have 10 eggs and 2. cooked cod and also i think some other fish as well yeah there's more cooked cod upstairs if you want to grab it all right i'm sleeping with a cooked cot in my hand just in case that's a bit weird uh drunken irish luke pelican erica butterscotch you said there's more food here uh in here in this one in that one yeah down the bottom row i think there's salmon and then just above us i've loaded chicken i murdered lots of chickens on the farm and sure i have loads of food now oh no yep it is what it is uh now we have access straight to the mine and make sure you have like all your tools like you have enough iron and sticks and torches and whatever you need i run sticks and torches i have none of those i have i have two glasses of milk um two flowers 10 eggs so what do i need you're going on an adventure together with the flowers sticks and there's none here i guess i need to make some sticks iron this is iron i'm gonna take this pile of iron with me wait how much are you taking 44. no you're not all right i'm gonna take [Music] ten no not really like do you have uh equipment i have a pickaxe a sword and an x and they're all okay um the pickaxe is partially used um it might be good to have a backup i can make sure you need it all right to take i can't even divide them i forgot how do you divide it and panda thank you so much for the ten seconds left it's very kind of scary thank you for the sub as well uh what are you trying to do um half them in the chest but because i'm using a left-handed mouse i always forget what's the one of the clicks so i think it's left click for you i managed somehow so i've got 22 pieces of iron on me and a fishing rod as well iron shovel oak planks sand more oatmeal don't have that sand it's good to have on you i guess i'm still worn this oil you might leave the sand here it's kind of handy to bring a waste block with you as well just like dirt just in case you need to build a wall or something to block yourself in that kind of thing oh really so i actually take it thank you so much for the five subs it's very cool what about puffer fish uh no no okay all right now i'm ready to go wait you said i need stickers wait wait how do i get going wait a second blank oh stick there there it is [Laughter] you can throw eggs at the enemy you know oh but i don't mean me by that i mean you can actually hurt the enemies with it wait where are you for real i wanted to take my boat like this excuse me we're going down underground where are you oh i thought we are going somewhere else you mean that we are going down the mine i'm so ready for this yeah you ready for adventure more gold and diamond the hell was that i heard a noise we are in danger i heard it too okay we're going for level 16 because we want to go straight across and find some diamond level 16. so we're here now we need to just do straight strips all right aha will i you dig straight that way and i'll dig straight this way and jesus in no time we're going to have so much diamond you wouldn't believe it oh i found lava is that oh jesus wait i don't know oh no that's red stone okay just like oh no it looked like it was moving so i was like this is more than just red story this is this is the real deal level 11 people are saying okay people told me 16 last time uh hold on anna we need to go a bit deeper hold on come back but how do you know what level are we uh when you click f3 it comes up so i'm going to give you this line instead whoa when you click f3 it looks like i'm not understanding a thing out of this ah sure you know what most of that means uh yeah oh sure all right you can go forward there but be careful it sounds dangerous wait for wait wait where are you come back down there i lost you so down there and then just go straight don't dig down anymore just straight down and straight no no not down just stick straight yeah once i'm down here then i go straight yep yeah okay just all right get out of there yeah there you go just keep going keep going there you go oh you're so brave you're so brave oh jesus christ all right okay this is dangerous it's very oh my gosh does look there's just everywhere i'm gonna follow you very very wait no no no don't don't don't no this is not even remotely unapproved yet hold on no not even people push you in how am i gonna push you in i'm not going to tell you that what if i throw eggs at you i'm here trying to anaproof this and you're trying to kill me all right it's been an approved you can now continue on your journey oh because now i'm not able to fall into it it's physically impossible unless you actually try thank you so i'm continuing this way just straight yes but just watch out for lava just don't don't walk before you look you know i look then i walk into it i am understood yeah oh more lava oh no i'm coming back hold on i'll be right there now i'm staying away from it sticky back thank you but i see shiny things and i'm gonna take it oh my gosh i'm taking those with me oh i just i'm just watching over you thanks so much i found some gold did you know fantastic so i think so this is great news for the settlement what settlement is all for me all right it's great news for hannah underscore chess thanks oh my god i found diamond oh amazing it's for the sudden no no it's all mine what do you mean there we go oh my god i can make a diamond house out of this i'm glad you just changed the rules i thought we were a communist tribe oh look who's here now all of a sudden hello so what diamond someone say diamond diamond give me my diamond give me my diamond you've lost where you were now uh i did where do i go you're confused now aren't you uh i'm very confused did i go back in the tunnel wait did you just place a block there so that can't go back no no no no hold on let me find you your way back look there it is what there it is is this where i come from yeah so where do i go where did you call it that way um i don't know it was almost to the tune of continent joe uh you were going this way this way have any iron on you could you give me three iron yeah for one diamond right i don't have any diamonds yeah what do you mean i don't have just found some i didn't find any are you sure about that how many did you say you need i'll give you as many as you need oh oh i threw away weapon at you okay bit aggressive but that's fine there we go there i gave you a bit of extra thank you very much you're welcome um i'm going wait a second where am i going this way oh wait i had another pick already oh i'm just being greedy then how do you make a pickaxe here without the crafting bench uh i have a crafting bench on my side see it here oh i might need one soon there you go i just gonna i think i'm just gonna make one now then do you have enough iron to do it yeah okay good oh so it's just it's just oh very simple three irons two sticks yep easy as that awesome uh jack sticky thank you very much for the subs i appreciate it take it what what where is my pickaxe wait what where is it what do you mean where is what where's my pickaxe i swear what do you mean wait what happened to it confused where is it afraid only you can answer this did i okay so let's make another one she what i don't know i thought i made one and then it was gone did you just quit before you actually she didn't make one they're saying you didn't make one i though for some reason like geez i'm not a monster no you're not a monster um it's just that strange things happen to me it tends to have something to do with you you know we got a break in the tunnel it's always accidental oh i've just been trying to pick this stone with iron solely oh i'm digging downwards um why are you doing that i made a mistake we got a little break in the tunnel here we got enemies in the tunnel enemies enemies in the tunnel worse than ralph the darkness we got skeletons uh should be good for now we'll see how things progress from here you let me know if you need me to protect you okay hardcore anna at your service what will i uh what will i shout if i'm in trouble there's lava coming up by the way so be careful when you pick ax just say ralph because i think at the moment in life this is the person i'm most scared of so i will know that it's real okay what do you fear most about ralph the darkness he's just so not like i was gonna say unexpected of every time he shows up i i'm caught by surprise so i i'm not ready i'm not ready to face him i think that's the worst about it comes out of the blue yeah do you just tend to do that yeah well by the way i saw it on on the internet let me let me read this out because i was were you googling about ralph the darkness because you're not going to sleep again if you keep doing that it just came up on your stream i think ralph the darkness wiki so when you were reading about max and um his little addiction to certain things then i realized i didn't want to expose him i mean it sounds worse if you just say his addiction to certain things you may as well say pete at that point so when you were reading that article about him i realized that there's one about rough the darkness on the call me kevin wiki yeah um i don't know if i can find it now wait where was it call me kevin wiki oh it's so much more difficult from the phone i don't want to change my my scene on the computer one second i might find it i hope i believe in you anna what the hell is that noise there's something fecky in this cave i'm worried it might be ralph oh no oh no where was it you're saying oh no but you're not going to help at all oh it's just that i can't find um the wiki page about rob the darkness that's what i'm saying millennials always on their phone what did it say about him it was such a good article i hope it's not gone if anyone has it please please link it to me in the chat if if you find it because i can't find someone has it printed off and laminated right here you guys have it please let me know and send it over in the chat that would be possible can i still help you keep minding my own business you may as well just keep mining your own business all right i'm very good at that also i don't know where i am and i don't know where i'm going uh that's half the fun in life isn't it oh look sir thank you so much luxor does have the article there we go thank you so much luxor it literally says wait for it ralph the darkness wrote the darkness the universally recognized final minecraft boss that traps idle players in dark rooms when they are afk in multiplayer sessions meeting ralph is a very random event in early game he's total he's a total menace he has a roommate named eddie the lazy some say that kevin made him up to mess with anna rudolph some say he hides in the well well well all we know is that he's called ralph the dax it's a beautiful article it is beautifully written fully the first paragraph um just showing how menacing and beasty of a specimen he is i forgot about eddie eddie hasn't appeared recently his roommate yeah well he's lazy so he doesn't appear much but when he does boy is he lazy what happens when he appears i'm just getting lounges around really doesn't bother anyone and what about the other off because this article doesn't talk about the other off yet well you don't really need to fear ralph unless it goes completely dark then you're fine oh i'm in the darkness though uh oh oh oh no but for real if it actually goes there okay then you're in trouble okay so it's like it's dark but it's not fully dark you mean that what do you mean i i don't know where i am and i don't know what direction i'm going and talking about um wait wait wait there is no exit kevin kevin i think it's happening kevin kevin kevin i'm i'm trapped this is it this is hold on i'm coming back i'm coming back if the blocks start to get removed if the blocks start to get removed just hold up your shield okay hold up my shield oh how do i hold up my shield there oh no oh no oh no how did this happen again who knows oh hear that spooky music no there's spooky music for me i don't know what's going on in this tunnel but there is actually a curse of some shape or form it does feel like that because just by mentioning the name of ralph i got trapped so i'm at the stage where i believe that if we talk about him he's going to be summoned so it's better not to mention like voldemort himself isn't it exactly yeah we started watching did you say um that we started watching harry potter in french that's one way to learn a language yes um no we we wanted to re-watch harry potter but we didn't manage to watch it with the right audio so we she's just mining in the dark i am lava oh my god i like how earlier i was like i'll be sure to look and then like i closed it off so it's completely dark and you just kept going i'm done with this so i'm just gonna keep mining no matter what it's just after meeting ralph now for at least the third time i'm traumatized oh i thought you were thrown amused no no no it's the other way around i need a therapist but you didn't react at all when it went dark in there you didn't seem to mind i just couldn't believe it you're in shock i thought first that i was just not finding the tunnel that i'm just being clumsy as usual and i was not just gonna i was just not gonna find the exit but there was an exit so i wasn't panicking until i realized that no there was no exit jeez that's quite the horror story i gotta say sounds scary it is very scary what do i do now kevin you need to keep mining which direction any direction doesn't really matter for instance oh no not that way oh uh any other direction yeah how about here how do you know that's just random you can go anywhere you want we're on the correct level so as long as you don't go up or down and just be careful lava hello wilco how are you thank you two three layers of of blocks two just two just so you can keep walking forward that's what it's all about and keep your eye out for the prize which is diamond in this case all right sharing is caring so we have one diamond so far sharing is caring if you if i find it apparently but if you find it no it's all about hoarding diamonds my precious you're gonna need uh one of the voice changes i do need it because my bar not voice is not the best lava how do you keep finding lava i don't know what do i do what do you do when you find lava you just place a layer of flooring on it or how did you yeah but you can just kind of turn around um like it doesn't matter what area you're looking in so i think i found a cave have you yeah i can hear something above so what's a cave like in minecraft does it mean we have a better chance there of mining or i mean there's a better chance of creatures living there it's because like diamond spawns within a certain range like we'll just i don't know what it is but we'll just say 10 to 20 level 10 to 20. and if you're in a cave at that level obviously you can see a lot more blocks because you're just walking through a cave rather than mining but we're just mining along a strip hoping to find some diamond i see but if you found a cave it means that's something good for us i just looked up in my chat someone just said she's going in a square i thought i need to make some logic out of what i'm doing but no it's just straight you just want to go straight that is it yeah every time i go straight i find lava so how do i avoid the area it goes straight in a different area pretty much that's it so i would go back to the main tunnel and then go straight in the opposite direction yep that's fine any direction any direction that's not towards lava oh well that does seem like there's a lot of lava around here for some reason yeah yeah about the cave i was just hoping that it means that as you said that then you see more of the surface so they will be able to spot the blocks that have gold in it or diamonds yeah we're mainly looking for diamond what do we use the diamond for just glossier a few i see yeah we just want to flex on everyone i think you told me a few possible usage to diamond last time but i didn't know which one is the the best one for it because you can make weapons out of it you can make outfit out of it too or that's not correct um yeah you can make armor and tools and all that out of it oh here we go here's the cave did you find one for real i did will i join you there if we have a better chance there or will i stay here we're in danger aren't we yes wait you met ralph again oh sorry i should say his name oh you spawned him now uh okay i'm scared um i'm scared do you need my help to protect you i do indeed come back to the main tunnel there now how do i find you oh i'm in a very very very very long tunnel hold on i'm going to come find you there you go see me come towards me i the know oh no oh no oh that was the saving voice but every time i hear it it reminds me of ralph even if it's a saving voice it's just the bad memories you know that's all right wait where are you a pit how did you end up in a pit um i guess that's where i belong apparently but where are you hey where are you up is this where the cave is yes it's up here i thought it was on the same level no no no no we're just going to take a look around get all the the iron the coal whatever might be around not the gravel we don't need the gravel oh we need the other stuff um i don't know what you don't got but i'm gonna say yes oh dear oh there's loads of cool things here i like this place uh-huh shiny things shine is good all right i don't have the time to anaproof this pool of lava so just be careful around it okay i'm gonna try i'm gonna try my very best to not fall straight full speed i learned how to sprint to fly off oh it's like in four guys when i told you i have the urge to to jump into empty space even though i know i'm gonna respawn and you know what i'm supposed to do i couldn't understand because anna was like oh sometimes i see that there's a gap and i just jump towards it to just jump at something and i'm like but why because she just couldn't seem to explain it just like i don't know feeling because that's what like i'm so clumsy and i don't have gaming skills so obviously i'm not good at any games that requires actual skills but in four guys sometimes i i make it very rarely but sometimes i make it most of the time though i either fall because i'm clumsy or i fall because i decide to fall uh and yeah i don't know why i i feel like i know that i'm doomed that i'm gonna die and i'm just like i'm just gonna speed this up and die it's weird it's a strange strange way of thinking you know yeah i don't know the right one because then you respond in the same location yeah you just gotta do it again yeah exactly uh back to dandelion thank you i'm just trying to reach what i mind but there's lava everywhere and i'm scared and we don't really need the cold okay um you were about a 20 block too close [Music] a different available i just cannot not mine it they're like magnets they draw me there if it was important then it might be worth it but when it's when it's that there's no real point i'm gonna make us a crafting pinch and we're gonna we're gonna set up a little camp here a little camp we got a crafting bench we got a furnace where's the furnace did i spin around there you go that was quick yeah i've just turned around so obviously yeah and i'm gonna put on some iron do you need any iron for tools um my pickaxe yeah i do need but i still have iron on me so i just need to craft another pickaxe i think do you need some um no i think we're good i've got some burning away there now so you can grab some when it's ready and make some tools or whatever you might need thank you i still have loads on me so you can have the iron yourself because i have like 12 pieces on me okay i'll leave it there two glasses of milk for when you get poisoned from when i get poisoned of course never no obviously not like i i would never all right oh you hear that what is that did you hear it no all right you say so or is it wait maybe my game sound is not loud enough i heard something what did you hear i'm not sure it was a spooky noise and i don't know what it was can i get the red things i really like them yeah go ahead there goes my pickaxe i'm starting to think we're not going to get any diamond at all is it just by chance that we would find some like is it is there percentage of how many should be here or it's just like sometimes there's loads sometimes there's almost none it's just luck really like i mean what can you do you know oh lava yeah all right okay so there you are and i'm gonna go this way but there's lava everywhere and now i know that there's lava that way i'm not gonna go that way i'm gonna go this way god it's so loud all right there's a cave over there i think i don't hear what you hear it's just the the lava noise is so loud because i'm right on top of it just don't follow me whatever you do because it's hardly even kevin proofed at the moment none of my banana proof i see oops oh god all the bats are just dying dying oh no yeah what happened is it the lava killing them yeah they're just kind of flying into it oh oh that's bad poor [ __ ] ah sure it is what it is i suppose why are we not finding any diamond so i think i was just wondering about it in a way that there are different islands or different lands in minecraft where you start oh yeah diamond isn't really affected by that it's just lock okay so there would be like similar amount on on any spawning location whether we find it or not sorry god oh elliot they're bad today yeah i have those days too and it's spring time so it's even more likely unfortunate yeah those days i've only been thinking recently it's like oh it's gonna start soon where it gets uncomfortably warm in the room and i get super allergies oh no yeah allergies are just rough to handle it's just with streaming you just feel bad because your allergies are going nuts and people are listening to your sniffle and sneeze and all that exactly i feel bad for the viewers like it's one thing that we need to work like that because we are used to having other genes already both of us we have similar allergies and we are just allergic to each other basically but other than that um yeah i feel bad for people seeing us sniffle and blow our nose and whatnot because i don't i don't want to do that obviously it's just that you you can't really help it when you have allergies yeah it's annoying but luckily everyone's pretty nice about it yeah yeah see people are all like it's okay broadcast because i feel like on my own stream my community knows that i have allergies but if i'm covering a chest event and the viewers don't know it and they are just like as if i wanted to be blowing my nose into the microphone like it says emergency i need to sneeze i don't want to sneeze into the entire production of this chess tournament no that's definitely worse when you're not on your own kind of space because i think people who follow will be like reasonable and they're they're grand because it's like oh it's not all the time and you can't help it but like random people would be more yeah yeah i find it more difficult in those cases oh i hear something oh uh someone i feel like oh it could be ralph oh oh my gosh this is it's getting louder oh what is it it sounds like a creeper oh that's just creepers i never know the difference because i get scared when i see them creepers and zombies one has like what's the difference appearance wise zombies wear shirts oh what do i do what do i do i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm running and i'm dying no you can kill it um i guess i can try with my sword but i need to be close enough and he's using an arrow a ball and arrows so i don't think i have a bow oh there you are oh no oh no oh no hold on wait hold up hold up do you have a shield i do oh i forgot i have a shield you can block the arrows first let me go first wait you're killing me it's good it's not that big of an event at this point like if you get up against one thing you can block arrows with your shield and then just hit him for god i have a shield and now you took an arrow [Music] sticking out of your leg all right i know i think i might have a lead i found a cave that looks promising but let me just um let me get some anna proofing off and we'll we'll head off this way i think sure uh i wish i could help and pull out that arrow because it just it makes no it makes me look cooler oh yeah no you're really hurt hold on hold on now slow down now you're getting too carried away all right just like sticking my head out to see what's going on is it safe yet okay we're almost there hang in there now can i take the red stuff they are so nice uh no no we don't need them please no no we don't think i like the most those stones with the red it's not super useful for what we're doing no no it's pretty complicated that stuff they look very pretty though asher that's the main thing all right yeah and a proof and approved okay i think it's an approved you'll see that area is off limits wait you gotta verify your claims and if you say this is unapproved i need to show that it's unapproved i see well it comes with a lifetime warranty um i see here no not that way not that way no that's off limits you're not allowed that way no wait where are you how do i where do i go what do you mean um oh there you are you're just like what do i do what do i do this is an impossible fossil to figure out wait what's what's there underneath the rock did you place there something or something purple oh what is that oh oh is that like a zombie oh jesus oh i saw something purple but i couldn't tell what it was all right how about you you go up that way and i'll search here you go up that way just this way yeah dig up any um iron or uh diamond you find or maybe gold or something i'll search this section diamond gold gold this is called um iron diamond all right keep going there's a bit of a cave there what's the blue it's the color [Laughter] it's like kind of like your favorite color at this rate i think diamond is my favorite color i see i really like that blue hoodie for a reason i was so proud of myself for for buying something useful for once as a gift after the potatoes i gave you i think this was an upgrade to get you that hoodie for a bit of context anna bought me potatoes with stickers of characters on it and they looked just awful and then they started to rot within days to be fair the website made it look kind of cool like it kind of burned it into it so it was kind of a meme so you'd like get the character burned into it but they just like printed off a bit of paper and glued it onto the potato and just any random [ __ ] potato had just sent it to us i bought one with turks face on it and the other one was with bim some because that was in your bim zone era when would you play you played bibson a lot on on your streams back then when i ordered the potatoes that's true kind of stop at the bim something there's gonna be like a resurrection of bimpsons sometimes you know you just gotta let something go if you love it let it go so i like vincent into the wild i see all right how's your search going um not too good because i started digging a tunnel i guess wait no no no don't take it you're supposed to search that cave because i'm searching the other cave oops um yeah that potato parcel thing is so mind-blowing though that it was a very successful pitch on shark tank we do watch dragons then sometimes and shark tank is the american version the same business show and that potato parcel thing where the potatoes i ordered from like that was a literal pitch and one of the shark tank investors did end up going for that business so i guess yeah i guess there are many people like me in the world that they can fall into ordering like 35 for two random potatoes with bits of papers like just just taped on like pretty much it was it was nothing elegant and like all the paper was all crumpled because it was just standard paper it wasn't even like laminated or anything nothing i remember you tweeted about it with the expectation versus reality because in the picture they do look like it's it's engraved into the potato or some some kind of a special method and not just the printed that picture and then we don't need cold at all you can keep going you don't need to get before yeah yeah totally i wasn't doing that okay great i was just thinking to myself because i'm mining coal here and i'm like yeah yeah oh that's silly yeah cool husky ronnie soda [ __ ] cosmic and green which otherwise he looks like that he wants a good business [ __ ] because if there are many people like me in the world who want to buy it there's a huge margin of benefit on it how's the search going uh i find red stones a lot and i really like them uh oh i'm in the darkness oh oh kevin kevin yeah ralph kevin rob you can place a block to get out and you can yeah yeah um but like you have torches don't you yes um negative negative i thought hello hello i guess i need to get out of here maybe i need to place a few now the sand would be handy i guess my inventory is so full thank you for having me oh it's going great yeah uh no i haven't found a thing but there are many redstones they are very pretty good i don't have space in my inventory this is so just full inventory yeah oh wait it's because i don't have them organized i have like many planks and such i think i've got this i think i've got this got it sorted oh thank you i'll leave you two wait you haven't finished have you oh i need to stay here well you need to finish mining i saw some iron over your shoulder oh does something oh gavin what kevin what diamonds kevin what did diamonds there's so many oh my gosh you won't believe this i won't believe it i think until i see it with my own eyes hold on you won't believe this what kevin look at this your inventory is full so i guess they're all mine anyway i'll be seeing you later so you totally did not see these diamonds earlier i'm assuming oh that was funny though because i was like why would you send me back into the dark tunnel i was like talking to you looking over your shoulders just seeing the diamond and then you're like well yes we better we've got it finally i found it ages ago before i even approved the lava and i had to lead you down there and i kept coming back to checking you because i was like it's not that far you're just like digging stone digging what is this what is this tunnel oh no so you've been preparing this for the whole time i thought it would be a nice adventure for you you know thank you but we got diamond how many was there there were six that is fantastic you know what that means diamond tools for the settlement tools and let me just thank red panda because i know that red panda is is a huge supporter of your channel and they came over to my one to give 50 subs thank you so much red panda you are you're in the wrong place though you're on the wrong channel the call me kevin channel is the other one but i really appreciate your support thank you um do you want to come down this way i don't know where you are um this way is uh that way this way yeah that way thanks for that red panda but pen is always super supportive yeah very supportive this way and it's a great username especially after having seen your little slippers there with the foot cam one day i think you mean my zoo and your slippers no i just made a zoo i i know you have found that you're a zoo because it's your favorite type of animal and asthma of course ezra was the king of the zoo king penguins i did actually have some king penguins i saw them and then there were more so one was even like there was esmer and someone else that was bob i was yeah that was bob the penguin yeah bob bob very common name among pink penguins no asmr was much more common there was three asthmas and only one bob and i don't mean to alarm you but yeah the cave is closing in and we gotta run fast come this way what do you mean we don't have much time right all right drop down take a right take a right and then take a left yeah follow me we gotta run huh oh no oh no uh where are you oh you brought up slippers now max is here [Music] how is max how is mr max's p.o which is the way out it could be this way yeah absolutely did not talk about food camps before max you definitely didn't hear it the timing this way wait are we going up yeah we're returning we are mission complete i see i see blue and queenie thank you very much for the raid i appreciate that thank you i hope you enjoyed your uh your stream what were you getting up to let me know i encourage everybody to click on the squad stream tab and go over to kevin's channel how's your follower goal going today it is it's 639 out of 1000. i just got a raid as well from blue and queenie thank you for that bobby's streaming well what were you up to let me know i think that follower girl can definitely be a bit boosted if anyone from my channel hasn't followed kevin yet this is this is my four ounce account i wish i could multitask i wish all right that's that's not bad i wonder can we sleep i don't know is it i don't know what time it is oh jesus andrew thank you very much for the 10 subs little queenie thank you for the sob as well daisy cool husky ronnie thank you uh what do you mean just in game you can make a clock i think um you just look at the time the weather but like it's hard to tell because it's just so stormy whether it's going into night time or not it looks like it's getting dark but i don't know hard to tell i was wondering if i pressing f3 since there are so many codes on that scene if any of them is time but there's no such thing i don't know i don't know i really don't know anna i just don't know i see that's all right it's okay it's okay not to know i am hungry though so i'm gonna have some of that cake once it stops raining or do you think i can go outside i sure have a bit of cake in the rain yeah why not it was obviously best time to build a bench it's when it's raining yeah anna and i bought a bench because we thought it would why are you destroying the cake that i say oh i'm so sorry i destroyed one and i ate half of the other one but i'm enjoying the story about the bench it was over oh no we bought a bench it arrived i brought the boxes outside sunny day in ireland and then i go back inside turn around and it is pouring rain all of a sudden so just staring out the window like god that bench looks good as it lies on the floor just the wooden planks on the floor still in the wrapping so we had to remove the wrapping quickly because it was all the paper but it got soaked it was going to be very nasty yeah that was quite a nice building a bench project failed i was just staring at it like it's a nice color though and the whole day it was sunny until the bench arrived and we actually wanted to build it then it started lashing it was pretty much like this this is irish weather in minecraft right now i was gonna say yeah very similar i had left half a cake for you none left for that i'm sorry and it's his birthday jesus yeah i know but like he's late to the party why is he not here i don't know you know him sure what is he like yeah i'm i bet that he's preparing for the magic the gathering tournament because apparently i'm gonna be playing against him i signed up for a tournament without knowing that damn the villain is one of my opponents well you're gonna you're gonna struggle against the hearthstone pro that's the thing because the tournament different game but for context all the only thing i know about games is this one game called chess but because i was a coach for pogchamps um they asked me if i would like to do the the opposite where i'm gonna be learning a new game as i as i did help um streamers and gamers to pick up chess from almost zero and now i'm gonna do the same in magic the gathering so i'm gonna learn it from zero i have never played a game except for the few times kevin and i tried to play it without knowledge and uh i thought this is a great idea but then when you told me that dan has played hours of like years and years and hours and hours put into hearthstone which is a similar strategy based card game you're in trouble i'm gonna get crushed you're gonna win by default anyway he's gonna forfeit really yeah he's trapped in the zoo so you're gonna be fine all right thanks for that thank you for changing my qualification all right we have 15 diamonds now i know we're going to upgrade the diamond tools are you ready tools yeah and i need to organize my inventory let's just lock the door it's like you're not running away now because you get lost again i'm just gonna say my inventory is full and so messy where do i place things because this is also almost full um just throw anything in there and i will clean it before next time because it's it's awful everything is a mess yeah it's very full um and these don't even fit there the ones that are not repeated oh all right i'm going to give you one two three for a pickaxe one two for a sword so now you can build a pickaxe and the sword out of diamond thank you so get your sticks my sticks i forgot i got the f3 on my screen so you had it up since we were in the tunnel i think i headed up for like the past couple of minutes yes oh no i was wondering why is there like a cross in the middle of the screen oh no you said a pickaxe diamond pickaxe um yeah and a sword diamond pickaxe and the sword i need to make more sticks first i don't have uh [Music] thank you again hello mate thank you as well and thank you for the followers everyone i appreciate it such nice music again this piano play you like it yeah yeah i recorded it earlier added into the folder thank you god you got to dress up your room a bit anna next time this this is just depressing looks like a saddle well it's that i decorated your room but what did you do in my room [Music] red panda thanks so much for the ten songs so it's very kind you didn't have to do that thank you by the way thanks to all of you who were inspired by the button design i i saw a couple of you tweeting that you also recreated the bottom design very impressive it's become a trend now it is it is a trend all right i can make more buttons for you if you'd like i think next time maybe more buttons sure but i think for now i might be a bit done with minecraft i gotta finish up just let me just um create the weapons and then i'm done okay i thought you would have done them already no i didn't have sticks i was just making sticks do you have sticks now or do you want me to throw you some i have so you said a pickaxe and a sword diamond sword sword okay and a pickaxe pickaxe made of diamond if it doesn't appear on the list maybe i'm just blind british boy thank you for that the kind words i hope you're doing all right yay you did it you did it yes nice now we can dance give a few throws um oh my gosh my inventory is just a disaster i'm curious how it looks um you don't want to see this this is terrible i'm gonna have to sort it down we need a bigger grab your sword there you go it's swinging around there you go you're ready for battle go on let's go try it come here yeah yeah wait a second all right try it yeah where do i try it there you go go ahead no no no no no no you're trying your one kevin no we're gonna go back into the mine i'm gonna use the pickaxe in the mine now let's come on bedtime [Music] they're free then oh the chicken no you're gonna kill the chicken no you're never going to be able to fight enemies if you don't try fighting the chickens that's what they're there for i like how they just go back into their prison immediately afterwards what do you mean prison i mean they're mean to give them more space less space they don't like they like being huddled together for warmth i see i see i'm gonna close up the server this has been fun thank you so much for the diamond collection it was good shame we couldn't play a bit longer but i know you needed to start a bit later and i had some other stuff and yeah i'm sorry i couldn't allergies you know yourself yeah sure you know yourself but we're gonna play next time i'm sure that will yeah we'll have a longer session to be fair we still played it for what an hour and a half there it's just when you're playing with minecraft it goes really quick for some reason i don't know yeah i really like it and thank you for being so patient with me you and your community and my community is everyone being very patient about how noob i am even though i've been taught now which control is what i still forget them i get lost constantly so i really appreciate people putting up with me being just an absolute beginner always i'm forever a beginner ah sure everyone has to start somewhere don't they but wait a second people start somewhere but me i'm staying at that level it's just like there's no progress what do you mean when you first played i told you how to build a boat and i said like build a u in wood and you had actually put them out on the floor and built a u instead of doing their crafting menu so you are improving maybe i'm improving like in very very tiny stairs that i appreciate the the patience thank you so much you will get there you're learning and once you're aware of ralph and you're ready for him it's all you need really really yeah yeah oh i hope one day i'll be ready i'm trying to bring up your your stream on my end just like stream sniping for the follower goal to hit 700 and more i hope it's gonna get there in no time guys make sure for my community if you're not falling kevin to go over his to his place because he's a genuinely funny creative original and very hard-working creator i know it from experience it's so true thank you so much everyone for playing with us and i possibly will see you and your community soon what does that mean threatening you we've got a spawn are we in danger so confused no i just thought about what you told me for maybe for the weekend but i don't know if we do it or such so i'm just like sammy's saying it i might be spawning in your chest watch out chat she's coming for you apparently i think that's a threat it is all right have a lovely day for the games chat by anna bye bye bye bye boy all right there we go all right i'll send you over to anna and you can fulfill her threat of seeing you soon so we'll do a raid on that gang thank you so much for joining me on the stream i hope you enjoyed my little uh my little park and our minecraft adventures be back on thursday with some gta rp but if you want more of me god knows why in the meantime i posted a video so you can check out the youtube below uh i post a video today making a little sequel to the titanic didn't go so well but yeah i hope you uh enjoyed the stream and i hope to see it thursday thank you so much for all the support throughout uh thank you blue and queenie for the raid as well uh vince the chaos gang twixt red panda thank you again for the support andrew thank you again as well and uh enjoy your morning day night [Music] you think what what did they say yeah you think the titanic isn't sorry i don't know what you mean by you think what maybe it was about the the titanic sorry i don't know what way i worded it anyway adios folks enjoy your night morning afternoon lunch midnight goodbye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 326,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: SPk6vLDbo4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 47sec (12587 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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