II Samuel ~ 8:6 to 10:2

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study hour we're getting ready to get back into father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel and you are invited 2nd Samuel chapter 8 verse 6 is where we're gonna pick it up today and in our last lecture David has doing war with how to desert the king of Zobel which is we discussed in our last lecture as part of Syria today we see a lot of action going on in that part of the world today but that cleared the way for Israel to the north and if not did they if they didn't take possession of the land they certainly took economic control of the land all the way up to the Euphrates River which normally that wasn't considered that wasn't part of the original land allotted to Israel in the from the land of Canaan the promised land well David in his army defeated how to desert and then the Syrians of Damascus sent troops to help their allies the king of Zola had a desert and David defeated them as well so victory after victory and there's a reason for these victories that David is enjoying that's because the Lord was with him David was very much doing things God's Way at this point in his life that is about to change when we get to chapter 11 but and you know if you are a righteous person you're gonna be offended by what David did in in Chapter 11 and 12 well guess what God was offended by what David did in Chapter 11 and 12 as well and David paid a price for it but we always want to be careful not to set ourselves up as judge there is one judge that is even or Heavenly Father let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up with 2nd Samuel chapter 8 verse 6 and it reads then David put Garrison's in Syria of Damascus and the Syrians became servants to David and brought gifts they paid tribute or taxes to David and Israel David and the Lord preserved David whithersoever he went this word preserved means to to be safe or secure and if you're doing things God's Way he'll make you safe and victorious over all those that come against you these Garrison's that David established and there were many kings of Judah who established Garrison's following David but they were military outpost and it was common not to go in and occupy all of the nation that they had taken control over economically but to put Garrison's there military outpost so that if an insurrection arose that it wouldn't take long to have Israel Israelite ease troops on the scene taking care of business verse 7 and David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of how to desert these probably being vassal kings or governors you could think of and brought them to Jerusalem now a shield is made of gold would not be a very good weapon if you were planning on using it in combat the shields were of gold wood would basically sliver apart if someone struck it with an arrow or a she or a spear or a sword but these must have been just for pomp and circumstance when the Kings and vassal Kings were trying to put on a show Solomon when we get to the book of Kings you you have Solomon did the same thing he made shields for his goat the military bodyguards in and around his house to carry on on show days when there was a big pomp and circumstance but David's building a lot of precious metals here and what is he doing with all of it well he's dedicating it to the temple David stockpiled a lot of gold a lot of silver and a lot of brass in these victories over the enemies of Israel so that they would be readily available when Solomon was allowed to build the temple for the Lord the tabernacle in Jerusalem verse 8 and from bita and from Bharathi cities of how to desert King David took exceeding much brass the spoils of war and it's written in 1st chronicles chapter 18 verse 8 that the brass that Solomon used for the brazen sea the pillars of the temple and the vessels of brass came from beta and Barrow they this brazen sea was not a small vessel it was a medium-sized swimming pool they formed it in the clay of the ground and then melted the brass and poured the brass in the mold and then peeled the clay off of the brass once it cooled off it would hold approximately 18,000 gallons of water again a medium sized swimming pool and of course that was used for the priests to wash themselves in preparation to minister to the in the tabernacle verse 9 when tui king of hey math heard that David had smitten all the hosts of how to desert and what had happened here was - he had been battling against the Syrians how to desert in particular so tui and by the way hey math those of you who have been studying with the chapel for any number of years at all know that when hey math has mentioned red flags go up we're talking about this particular geographical piece of land is very much associated with the Kenites Amos chapter 6 verse 14 another example where the Kenites are associated with hey math you'll find in 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 where the Kenites had already worked their way in as scribes to the tribe of Judah verse 10 then 2e sent joram his son unto King David to salute him and to bless him because he had fought against high to desert and smitten him for how to desert had wars with tui and joram brought with him vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of brass here we have a very powerful neighbor that they're securing the friendship of we want to be your ally we don't want to fight you we want to buy our way in that's another indication that we're talking about Kenites possibly in tui and his son joram who by the way is called in first chronicles chapter 18 verse 10 ha garam which is not a Hebrew name I suspect that he changed his name from hot Aram to joram which is a Hebrew name so that that would further increase the likelihood that David would take their friendship an enemy of an enemy is a friend and that's what - he is doing here the David was the enemy of how to desert how to desert was the enemy of tui there for David became - his friend verse 11 which also King David did dedicate unto the Lord all this gold silver and brass into the Treasuries from what Solomon could draw to build the tabernacle with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued into the Treasuries of the tabernacle verse 12 of Syria and a Moab and of the children of Ammon all these are nations that came under the subjection of Israel under David and of the Philistines and of Amalek and of the spoil of how to desert son of rehab king of zobo a lot of spoils going into the building fund for solomon's temple verse 13 and David got him a name David made himself a name when he returned from smiting the Syrians in the valley of salt being 18 thousand men this is actually was the that were defeated and the valley of salt is in Edom and don't be confused by saying by smiting of the Syrians now David is credited with eighteen thousand and then what is it first chronicles chapter eighteen verse twelve Habash I and one of David's nephews is credited with eighteen thousand then in first Kings 11 verses 15 and 16 Joab is credited with 12,000 of the who were killed now and it took six months longer for Joab another nephew of David to have success verse 14 and he put Garrison's and Edom throughout all of Edom put he Garrison's again military outpost and all they have eaten became David's servants and the Lord preserved David whithersoever he went and the geographical area of Israel is growing substantially and if you take a map of this area and find Israel especially if you have a book similar to the atlas of Bible lands which we used to offer in our library here at the chapel but unfortunately that book has gone out of print you can still find them online if you're searching for one or two copies but we can't get them in enough quantity to offer them again but if you look at the area that that Israel had taken over economically influence and also physically such as the case with Ammon Moab and Edom you have Israel and then to the southeast of Israel is where you had find the and there's a very important piece of information to this and the securing the land of Edom gave David and Solomon access to the Gulf of Aqaba to the south which was another outlet to the Seas and it would be from the Gulf of Aqaba that Solomon and the king of Tyre Hiram would launch the ships of tarshish to go and fetch the gold from offer which was an exceedingly pure gold verse 15 and David reigned over all Israel and it was growing geographically and David executed judgment and justice unto all his people he was a fair and a just judge and king over Israel up to this point now in verses 16 through 18 we have the officers of David you could think of this as his cabinet if you will but they're chronicled in verses 16 through 18 and Joab the son of Zarya was over the host Azariah of course being David's sister that making Joab obviously david's nephew but he's the head general over the armies of Israel and Jehoshaphat the son of a high lude was recorder recorder would be the writer of chronicles you could think of this position as a historian for example when Israel had success over the the recorder would make a written record of this and what year it occurred in perhaps and but major events the recorder would jot down for history verse 17 and Zadok the son of a high tub and a him elect the son of a buyeth our were the priests and Azariah was the scribe now this is the first time the word scribe appears in the King James Version Bible you could think of this position as a secretary treasurer the one who would keep the books if you will and again this is the first occurrence of this title but the secretary treasurer of any nation or organization of course would be a very trusted party now at this time there we know you notice that we have two priests over Israel as a doc is that Gibeon where the mosaic tabernacled the tent of Moses is located at this time and abaya thar was the grandson of ahem elec is also with David a bio thar came to David when he was on the run from Seoul when he had that ragtag army you may remember his father helped David by giving him the showbread when they had nothing to eat also he gave him Goliath sword and there was an Edomite by the name of Doeg there that witnessed this and he went back and told Saul that this priest had helped a by Authority had helped David as a result of saul sent Doeg who killed 85 of the priests at Nob abaya Thoreau was the only one who escaped a by authority David however when Solomon is to take over the throne buyeth are supports another one of David's sons at Anaya and he paid the price verse 18 and benaiah the son of jehoiada was over both the Cure thights and the Pella thights and David's sons were chief rulers advisors or princes now benaiah was with David from the very beginning he's he's listed in the chronicles as one of the three thirty I should say the thirty of David's mighty men the David's Heroes they're also referred to jihad was a priest but benaiah was a very trusted friend and stayed loyal to David throughout his life and part of Solomon's life when Solomon became the king now these pure thoughts and Pella fights both served as bodyguards to the king they they were tasked with protecting the King's life while they were on dude in Jerusalem or wherever the king was the Karaites the very the name means executioner and first thing I thought when I thought executioner was a dude with a black hood on and a huge broad-bladed axe ready to take off someone's head this they weren't responsible for executing people but remember David is not only king over Israel he's the judge and so what the cura Knights were tasked with doing was when David made a judgement they were responsible for executing his judgments making sure that what he said came to pass the Pella fights were more couriers but they were also responsible for the David was the judge for the entire nation so the Pella fights would take David's decisions on the road into wherever the affected area was chapter 9 David shows kindness to Jonathan's house which he promised that he would never he promised Jonathan that he would always show kindness to Jonathan's house but he also promised Saul you remember that he would not cut off the seed of Saul's house which was common in this time if a king assumed the responsibilities of reigning a nation oftentimes he would completely eliminate the male population of the previous king so that there would be no possibility that they could lay claim to the throne but David swore that he would not do that to Saul's house chapter 9 verse 1 and David said is there yet any that is left of the house of soul that I may show him kindness or favor for Jonathan's sake in 1st Samuel chapter 20 verses 15 and 16 a very emotional time for Jonathan and David when they parted ways they promised each other or Jonathan made David promise that he would never that he would show favor to Saul's house and his own house meaning they're for Jonathan's David said that he took that and swore to that he would never be angry or show it wouldn't wipe out the mail seed line of the house of soul that would be the next to the last time that Jonathan and David met verse 2 and there was of the house of Saul a servant whose name was ziba and when they had called him unto David excuse me the King said unto Him art thou ziba and he said thy servant is he yes I am soul servant ziba now being soul servant he's probably a little nervous at this point you know why is the King David calling me to Jerusalem verse 3 and the King said is there not yet any of the house of Saul that I may show the kindness of God unto Him and ziba said unto the king Jonathan hath yet a son which is lame on his feet he was handicapped from the age of five when news came from the Mount Gilboa that Saul Jonathan and Saul's other two sons that were killed in that battle when it came to the the people who were with mephibosheth the son of Jonathan has made in a hurry to escape dropped him and he was crippled in his feet for life as a result of that verse 4 and the king said unto Him where is he and ziba said unto the King behold he referring to Mephibosheth is in maccer the the house of my curve the I'm al in lo debar verse five then King David sent and fetched him out of the house of Makkah the son of Amy L from lo debar good things are about to come Mephibosheth sway you see Saul was the king of Israel very powerful man no doubt owned tremendous amounts of land as a result of that his sons were successful Jonathan included they no doubt had possessions but Saul as I mentioned and three of his sons Jonathan and two others killed by the Philistines at Mount Gilboa ich bush F killed by his own people the last remaining son of Saul basically all that's left is mephibosheth the grandson of Saul my point is mephibosheth is heir to a lot of land and David's about to make sure that mephibosheth takes control of all the land that belonged to his ancestors verse 6 now when mephibosheth the son of Jonathan mephibosheth would probably be approximately twenty years old at this time the son of Saul was common to David and he fell on his face and did reverence and David said Mephibosheth and he answered behold thy servant and no doubt Mephibosheth being the grandson of Sol but a little nervous and probably trembling as to why David is calling him David's going to do his best to calm Mephibosheth spheres and David said unto Him fear not for I will surely show the kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake and will restore the all the land of soul by father and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually and no doubt again there was a lot of property that Saul owned that Saul's sons owned and that is all going to be Mephibosheth now this soul thy father there is no word in Hebrew for grandfather or grandmother or grandson or granddaughter when it states soul by father saw was actually Mephibosheth grandfather but when someone in the Old Testament when you see that soul by father it doesn't necessarily mean it's his direct father but it more or less means that he's an ancestor and that would apply here this is quite a promise from David that you shall eat at my table continually and you've heard the phrase to eat like a king well Mephibosheth has been promised that he's going to eat like the king for the rest of his life because whatever David eats mephibosheth eats almost makes him a prince as one of David's own sons verse 8 and he bowed himself mishima theft showing reverence to David and said why are what is thy servant that thou should as look upon such a dog dead dog as I am this is a very contemptuous or contemptible self-abasement is what he's doing here it's it sounds terrible what he said but actually he's humbling himself and humility often leads to grace unmerited favor verse 9 then the King called de ziba Saul's servant and said unto Him I have given unto thy master's son referring to soul his grandson all that pertain earth to soul into all his house all the land all the material possessions the properties of Saul and his descendants going to a fib chef's quite a favor that he's doing verse 10 thou referring to ziba therefore and thy sons and thy servants shall till the land for him and thou shalt bring in the fruits that thy master's son may have food to eat but mephibosheth thy masters son shall eat bread alway at my table now ziba had 15 sons and 20 servants he certainly had the resources to till the lands of salt and to produce fruit I like this that they shall always eat bread at my table and I don't know when I think of bread spiritually I can't help but think of the bread of life and when it comes to kneading the bread of life we're all a bit handicapped we're all needy and we need that that bread verse 11 then said ziba unto the king according to all that my lord the king hath commanded his servant so shall thy servant do as for mephibosheth said the king he shall eat at my table as one of the king's sons just almost doing everything but adopting Mephibosheth as his own son whatever my sons received david is saying worship Mephibosheth will also receive and Mephibosheth had young had a young son whose name was Micah and all that dwelt in the house of ziba were servants unto Mephibosheth all that saul owned now in the possession of Mephibosheth so Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem for he did eat continually at the Kings table and was lame on both of his feet crippled from the age of five throughout the rest of his life and you know I don't know if the Lord allows those who have passed on to see into this dimension at all but you can be assured that if Jonathan could see into the dimension and have witnessed what David did for his son Mephibosheth Jonathan would certainly be pleased remember Jonathan and David were as close as brothers of the same womb they loved each other as themselves in Chapter ten we come to the war with Hammond is detailed and this kind of the war with Ammon kind of leads to where the life of David the reign of David takes a turn for the worst up to this point we have seen his reign ascending continuously gaining more geographical property land gaining economic influence over other parts of the world where they were paying tribute and taxes to Israel and David was putting that to good use keep putting it into the the Treasuries of the tabernacle for future use won't get far but let's get started chapter 10 verse 1 and it came to pass after this that the king of the children of Ammon died and High Noon his son reigned in his stead now the king of the children of Ammon who died by name is neigh hash you remember back in 1st Samuel Chapter 11 we have neigh hash which if you translate it means serpent or snake he went to the people of Jabez Gilead to make war with them Israel people of Israel and the people of jabish Gilead came out to him and said you know make a covenant with us and we will serve you neigh hash said well on this condition will I allow you to do that let me pluck out every one of these right eye then you can serve me and they thought ooh that doesn't sound too good can we have seven days to see if we can round up somebody to save us or then if we can't we'll come out and and let you pluck out our right eyes it was Saul who came to rescue the men of jabish Gilead but let's go with verse two then David said I will show kindness unto ha neun the son of neh hash again the snake as his father showed kindness unto me now it's not written what kindness nay hash showed to David but when David was on the run from Saul he was very much in need they were very short on provisions once again an enemy of my enemy is my friend David was considered to be an enemy of Saul therefore neh hash considered David to be his friend probably the reason that he showed him favor and David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father and David servants came to the land of the children of Ammon David sent men to comfort honey no doubt with gifts in hand for the the grieving son of the the past king Nahash the servants that David sins will not be well received that's probably a good place to stop today don't miss what happens in the next lecture again the servants that David's sins are not going to be welcomed it's going to be perceived that they're spies sent to see what it would take to conquer the land of Ammon after all look what they had done to Moab got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your or head or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask for a written response to your question we have a very limited staff and time here at the chapel and we can't do for one that which we don't have time to do for all so the only format for having your questions answered is right here on the program if you're please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others serves no purpose we simply won't do it well let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number we can do away with that you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 and you know God loves you he may or may not love what you're doing he's not a god that's sitting up there in heaven looking how he can zap somebody whenever they mess up that's not his his thing he loves his children he loves her his children to love him in turn and how can you show your love talk to him go to him in prayer make time each day to talk to your Heavenly Father you should be able to talk to him just like he's your flesh father he has he's the closest relative that you have we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs got marital problems financial difficulties you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we also lift up our military troops and our law enforcement officers around the world who are in harm's way we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions first up today we have an in Oklahoma I am confused all my life I have been in church but never taught the word as I hear it from shepherd's chapel pastor Marie says we must repent and if we do our slate is I can't read your writing wiped clean yes or no yes that's true and yet we are total told we reap what we sow I don't understand does God keep our sins and then when we die we pay for them I am worried I have repented of my sins and some are not pretty I really don't know what to do can you help me please when we are young we sometimes live to be sorry for things that we did when we were young and I hope you catch the answer don't be troubled and it when you repent of your sins they are blotted out it states in the book of Acts that means that if you took your sins and wrote them on a chalkboard and then to blot them out would be to take a big ol eraser and just wipe them out they're gone that's as if they were never there before and that's the way it is when you repent you're not going to be judged on the sins that you've repented and been forgiven of you have a clean slate when you repent yes we reap what we sow if we don't repent but if we reap something as you say that's not so pretty and then we repent it's as though it was never there forgive yourself when you are forgiven by your heavenly father as well not to forgive yourself is to doubt that your heavenly father can forgive Jim in South Carolina how do Christians justify replacing the Sabbath worship with Sunday I need help with this change well in here at the chapel we worship Jesus every day and when you learn in Hebrews chapter 4 that Jesus is our rest that's what Sabbath means in the Greek language is rest and if you don't put your rest in Jesus Christ every day I submit to you that you really have no rest 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 state that Jesus became our Passover what is the Passover the Passover is the highest Sabbath of the year and our Sabbath is Jesus Christ Lulla from Kentucky hello Dennis well hello Loula I'm reading through the Bible again this time understanding more I appreciate all that you and the staff do for us what a huge task you all take on I love you for that and taking care of all of us - you're welcome it's a labor of love question who is the king in numbers 21 one do you know his name well he's named there in numbers chapter 21 verse 1 so I don't know why you would wonder who it is that his name is arid ara D as it appears in the King James Version Bible and he's a Canaanite he's King and then you state who are the spies mentioned in numbers 21 1 it states that Israel came up the way by the spies well back up to numbers chapter 13 and that's where the people of Israel petitioned Moses and Moses petition God to allow them to select one man from each tribe to go into the Promised Land to check it out it kind of irritated God a little bit God had told them over and over it was a land that flowed with milk and honey but he suffered them to go in check and numbers 13 they selected one man from each tribe and they went up into the land of Canaan and when they came back and that's why it's called the spot the way of the spies it's the way those guys went up into the land of Canaan because Arad was a Canaanite he's king and of course those spies came back all but Caleb at first and said there's Giants over there we were as grasshoppers in their sight we can't there's no way that we can defeat them and Caleb said let's go God gave that land to us we can take it Joshua was the only one that would join Caleb those other 10 spies found a very special death God sent a plague on them because they went against his plan you go against God's plan you're going to pay a price Jerry and South Carolina if Eve was seduced by the devil did Adam have a homosexual act with the devil he protect of the same tree that Eve took of and that tree of knowledge of good and evil so that is a possibility but that it was a homosexual act but remember also Satan is supernatural could it be that he could have made himself to appear as a beautiful young woman for example that could have been but if it was a homosexual act which I said that's a possibility it would have been an abomination to our Lord Carolyn in California even more of an abomination than just protecting of the tree of knowledge of good and evil carolyn in california my question is does God heal everyone my mom said he only heals some people I said he heals if you have faith to believe and accept his healing and he will heal you James chapter 5 verse 14 tells us that if any is sick call for the elders to anoint it goes on to say after that verse that instructs to anoint in verse 15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him being the sick up that's James chapter 5 verses 14 and 15 and always pray things to happen in God's will that's you know and as people Christians become more and more mature God's will become more important to mature Christians than their own self will so always pray things in God's will Karen and Michigan who are the Kenites well the very word Kenites if you'll take your Strong's Concordance look it up you'll find that it is Hebrew word seven zero one seven in the Strong's Concordance and the the the Hebrew dictionary and you'll find that that means patronymic which if you're like me you had to get a dictionary to find out what patronymic means but if you will you'll find that that's children from the father's side of the family of seven zero one four on that Hebrew dictionary seven zero one four is Cain therefore he can I tar children of Cain marry in Texas why did some men thousands of years ago decide that the books of the Apocrypha should not be in the Bible well what happened was the the canon a biblical canon is a list of books which a particular religion or a religious community better said regards as authoritative Scripture these lists have been developed by church leaders through debate over the years the very Greek the word Canon in the Greek language which you won't find in the Bible but it means in the Greek language rule or measuring stick and I'm kind of agree with you Mary we offer the Apocrypha which contained the books of the Bible that they were originally in the King James Version 1611 Bible but were removed at a later time by the religious authorities of the time but if you obtain an Apocrypha make sure and we again we do offer it through the chapel but if you don't get one through the chapel make sure it's a good speed translation of the Apocrypha many parts of the Apocrypha I have no doubt are should be included in the King James Version Bible other parts not so much how do you know which ones well compare them and and line them up with God's Word if they align with God's Word their truth if they're not they're probably fiction Mary from Texas I understand the woman that bored the male child was Babylon who was she and who was the child and had it been a female Satan was to get her I think you're referring to revelation I wished you'd have said which scripture you're talking about but Revelation chapter 12 verse 5 I'm relatively sure is what you're talking about now chapter 12 of Revelation is what's known as a parenthetical chapter it covers a huge period of time it covers all the way back into the first Earth Age and covers to the end of this dispensation the second heaven and earth age the woman that's mentioned in Revelation 12 5 is not babbling the woman is Eve the mother eve of the the handmaid or the helpmate as what I'm trying to come up with that God gave to Adam in Genesis chapter 2 why would the serpent be wanting to destroy the woman Eve well it would be through her womb umbilical cord to umbilical cord that Messiah would come and you see the Serpent's plan was to destroy the seed line of the woman by sending the fallen angels in Genesis chapter 6 God wouldn't put up with that God protected that seed line on more than one occasion Noah's Flood destroyed the first influx of the fallen angels and their offspring the giver the sword of Israel destroyed the second influx guess what there's gonna be a third influx and it's future do you know about it I'll let us think about it but Satan's plan destroyed the woman and if you can do that destroy Masaya in that case Satan wins you follow with the second question could you tell me the names of all the ark angels are they used to talk to men to tell them about the coming events but really just saying look for the signs and ye shall see well the only two Archangels mentioned by name in God's Word the King James Version Bible are Michael and Gabriel and the Apocrypha which we were just talking about which is not canonized by the authorities of the church you find the names of more Archangels such as Raphael is one that I can think of but the example Gabriel was utilized as you said to let Mary know that something out of the ordinary was about to happen and it was quite out of the ordinary when the Holy Spirit visited her and she became with child having not known a man a virgin shall conceive Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 so yes God can use ain't not only Archangel but other angels to communicate to his children the very word angel means messenger so yeah I can't help but believe that God will send messengers angels to communicate to his elect and of course they're going to be the two witnesses as well that are going to be here instructing God's election but anytime something major was about to happen you say God doesn't have a plan that he doesn't want to come to pass he wants it to come to pass he's going to make sure it comes to pass and if that means sending an angel to communicate what's coming down he can do so and we'll Brian and Oregon if the mark of the beast isn't a chip in the hand or the forehead what is it exactly it is deception planted in your brain in your mind order our free introductory offer Brian it's you know the phone call to request it is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the postage to send it to you the postage is free and it's getting late in the game and you need to know what the mark of the beast is that's why we make it available as I said no no telephone call is free the CD is free the postage is free we want you to have it ami in Ohio does Hebrews chapter six mean you can lose your salvation no that's not what Hebrews chapter six verses four through six mean what that scripture means is that when you come to knowledge in other words when you're saved then if you backslide you mess up you sin that you shouldn't try and be saved again that would be like recruits a fiying Christ is what Paul said so what do we do when we mess up after we've been saved we repent now can you lose your salvation you bet you can lose your salvation there's nowhere in God's Word does it say once saved always saved which a lot of churches have taken up as their motto if you will you can be saved and then mess up so bad in sin to the extent that God doesn't want you in the eternity and you lose your salvation God's election can commit the unforgivable sin and that will certainly lose your salvation into the lake of fire they go Pat in Colorado who was the man who gave up his heritage for a bowl of mush where can I find it in the Bible well it was Esau and he traded his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of red pottage and you can read about that in the book of Genesis and for that reason God hated well it wasn't for that reason but God did hate Esau but Jacob he loved as it states in Malachi chapter 1 verse 3 and in the New Testament Romans chapter 9 verse 13 and people often wonder well how could God hate how did God know he was going to hate Esau even when he was in the womb that's because what he did in the first earth and have an age God keeps very good records and what he did in this the second earth age giving up his inheritance for a bowl of red pottage is a pretty good indication of the kind of person that he saw was and that's the reason God hated him Jamie and Mississippi I wanted to ask a question if you have lived most all of your life as a gay person as I have how do I go about leaving that behind and marrying a woman I have prayed and need your advice well Jamie I would advise you to read Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 which let us know that homosexuality is an abomination to our Heavenly Father now am i preaching hate no I'm not I'm preaching God's Word and that's what God's Word says homosexuality is an abomination to our Heavenly Father and most importantly Jamie I want you to read Romans chapter 8 verse 2 I'll repeat Romans chapter 8 verse 2 and it states there Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death and Jamie I would be advising you to repent and live Gloria and Colorado is it okay to bless my car with olive oil well I've blessed a lot of things in my life with olive oil my car was never been one of them but sure why not it's okay for well actually it's not okay for you to bless your car it's okay for you to anoint your car with the oil and ask God to bless you say we don't bless God blesses and of course be sure and do that in the name of Jesus Christ but at first I started to answer your question now I would never anoint an inanimate object well I have anointed inanimate objects a home for example to water all negative evil out in the name of Jesus Christ Danielle in West Virginia I love God and I love you and how you teach well thank you I love you as well in Christ I have a very big family that goes to the same church my grandma and I believe that the rapture isn't the way to heaven my family doesn't believe us and won't listen because we aren't known to be very intelligent they gave me a verse and 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 14 through 17 what does verses 16 and 17 mean what does dead in Christ mean that means those who have passed away in the flesh and I'll tell you what I'm getting the out-of-time sign Danielle I promise I'm gonna come back I don't want to rush the answer to your question I promise we will be first up next time and we'll get to that something very important question that you have out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know what it makes your father's day when he looks down and he sees you reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day you make his day he's going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though beloved it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 596
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of II Samuel, Shepherds, 2 Samuel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of, Arnold Murray, Book of 2 Samuel, II Samuel, Arnold, Chapel
Id: Ays-Z5ioiy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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