II Samuel ~ 5:1 to 5:25

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today this fantastic book of 2nd Samuel chapter 5 verse 1 we're having a blessed day here at the chapel we hope you're having a blessed one where you are well things have been cleared out of the way for David to become king of all of Israel Saul is dead killed in battle against the Philistines Abner is dead the general to Saul murdered by David's nephew Joab but before he was murdered he made some pretty strong steps to bring the ten northern tribes of Israel under David's reign he said you know you guys have been talking about it a long time thinking about you'd like David to be your king now just do it is what Abner said and we're gonna see some of the fruits of Abner's laborers come to pass in our lecture today Saul's house continued to weaken in fact it's almost diminished and nothing now ich bush at the last remaining son of Saul was murdered by his own people in our last lecture that only leaves one grandson of Saul Mephibosheth by name David will take Mephibosheth into his own house and he'll eat at David's table the rest of his life due to that promise that David made to Saul son Jonathan they loved each other as themself so that's with that introduction let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up second samuel chapter 5 verse 1 and it reads then came all the tribes of israel to david on to have brawn and spanked saying behold we are thy bone in thy flesh this is a very important part of the key of david bone and flesh it would be through david's bone and flesh that messiah would come and it would be knowledge of that key of david that would help us identify those who claim to be of judah but are of the synagogue of satan Revelation chapter 2 9 and 3 9 not my words the Word of God now when it says all of Israel came to David obviously that would be impossible what we're talking about are the tribe princes probably military leaders were involved in coming to David and they're gonna give David three reasons why he should be the king of all twelve tribes the natural seed of Jacob verse two also in time past when Saul was king over us thou was he that led us out and brought us in Israel you were right at the souls level you were second in command to salt david was a very powerful military leader under Sol before he went on the run from Sol and the Lord said to thee thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be a captain over Israel the three reasons that they're offering to David that he should be their king you are of our bone and flesh you were one that led out and brought in that means carrying out the day-to-day activities of the military and the Lord said you shall feed my people Israel that shepherd boy now a shepherd of men and and rightly so in david we have a type for messiah the shepherd the good shepherd verse three so all the elders of israel came to the king to Hebron and King David made a league or a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David king over Israel this would actually be the third time that David was anointed the first was by Samuel when he was probably 16 or 17 years old Saul was very much still the king of Israel at that time it's it's probably been near 20 years at this time since Samuel anointed David he was thirty years old when he began to reign over Judah which by the way was the second time that he was anointed king that the capital was in Hebron now he's being anointed for the third time as king of all twelve tribes and in the chronicles we have I started off by explaining that the books of Samuel and kings we have more of a man's view a man's eye view of how these events came to pass in chronicles it's more of what the Holy Spirit God's view of things how they happen in chronicles it states in this verse that that he was anointed king over Israel according to the word of the Lord and Samuel verse 4 David was thirty years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years a total of seven and a half over Judah the remaining period of time he was the king over all 12 tribes he was 30 years old when he began to reign over Judah only that was also the age approximately when Jesus Christ began his ministry was at the age of thirty book biblical numerix of course the number forty most of you or where is probation verse five in Hebron he reigned over Judah Judah only seven years and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over all Israel and Judah and I think Jerusalem probably if not immediately after David was anointed the king over the 12 tribes Israel Jerusalem became the capital there's one little matter that has to be taken care of before it's fully becomes the capital you see Jerusalem originally called Jebus and it's controlled the the Citadel or fortress at this time is covered or controlled by the Jebusites yes Jerusalem fell in it was right on the border of Judah and Benjamin when the allotments in Joshua's time were made but and it fell the Lower City fell to Israel but the Citadel still very much in control of the Jebusites David will take care of that verse 6 and the King and his men David and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites this is one of the tribes of the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land the land of course meaning Canaan the promised land which spake unto David saying this is what the Jebusite said to David except thou take away the blind and the lame thou shalt not come in hither thinking David cannot come in hither and Jebus again was a fortress it was a walled very defensible structure and what the Jebusites are saying here this just really wasn't translated very well but what the Jebusites are saying is david we could leave the lame and the blind here by themselves and you still wouldn't be able to come in in other words our weakest members the lame and the blind could defend the city against david its impenetrable is what they're saying verse 7 nevertheless david took the stronghold of Zion this is the first time the word Zion appears in the King James Version Bible the same is the City of David and after David and his men defeated the Jebusites and Jerusalem was no longer called Jebus it was called either the City of David soon after he defeated the Jebusites David would change the name to Jerusalem verse 8 and David said on that day this is to his own men whosoever getteth up to the gutter and smite at the Jebusites and the lame and the blind that are hated of David's soul he shall be chief and captain wherefore or because they said the blind and the lame shall not come in to the house David slamming them here for what they said that our lame and blind could defend the Citadel against you and your men now what this whosoever get it up to the gutter there's a quite a bit of disagreement upon scholars as to what this means some believed that there was like a tunnel under the citadel of Jebus and that just doesn't stack up to me and that seems like a very highly unlikely Jerusalem is surrounded by three valleys except on one side obviously if you go three so three valleys you got one side that's not protected by a valley that's where this Citadel was situated to protect against you had natural defence and the valleys around Jerusalem and then you had this Citadel on the north side one of the valleys is thought to have had a waterfall and that's what the one scholar points out that David said whichever of my men goes in and kills the Jebusites and throws them over into the waterfall will become a chief and a captain but David's promising rewards to those who take risk is what we're seeing here verse 9 so David dwelt in the fort and called it the City of David and David built round about from me low and inward now what this is the Citadel was pretty much by itself and what David did in fact his descendants Solomon Hezekiah and even Manasseh which is arguably the most evil of the kings of Judah all added on to this wall that was round about there was a tower it's thought that was part of meelo as well and what they did was build a wall from the tower to the fortress making it even more defensible and protecting the lower city of jerusalem even more so so they defeated the Jebusites and David moved in to the Citadel verse 10 and David went on and grew great and the Lord God of hosts was with him God had left soul his house diminished God was with David and his house was strengthened and in the next few verses we're going to be told how the house of David was strengthened and when God's with you you have success why because you get God's blessings if you're going against God's commandments and against his will do you think he's going to bless you of course not you don't expect anything from God if you're not doing your best to be pleasing to him David is being very pleasing to the Lord at this point in his life verse 11 and Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David and cedar trees and carpenters and Mason's and they built David and house and it would be quite a fancy palace made out of cedar when we get to a future chapter in 2nd Samuel after David's Palace is complete he looks out a window and he sees the Ark of God sitting under a tent and he wants to take it on himself to build a house for God we'll cover that when we get to then very soon as a matter of fact but God won't allow David to build his house why because he was a man of war a man that spilled much blood now Hiram and David became quite good allies the people of Tyre were known for their cedar number one that they could provide but then they needed goods that Israel could provide so Hiram and David often arranged trades in fact is it would be Solomon who would go on and build the house of God the Temple of Solomon and David would make arrangements for Hiram to provide Solomon in advance with the needed materials for the house of God verse 12 and David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel sake not necessarily for David's sake but for the sake of Israel Emmanuel came for all of Israel and indeed for the entire world's sake no one would find salvation without Emmanuel which of course those of you who know the Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin will conceive and you'll call his name Emmanuel which means God with us David no longer and again it was 20 years since Samuel had anointed David to be king I'm sure a lot of that time David was probably thinking samuel or lord better said are you sure you want me to be king it sure doesn't seem like it because Saul's chasing me all over kingdom come I'm on the run for my life and you're telling me I'm supposed to be the king but finally David feels that the Lord has established him as the king of Israel verse 13 and David took him more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem after he was come from Hebron and there were yet sons or more sons and daughters born to David Deuteronomy chapter 17 God knew that Israel would seek a man king eventually and in Deuteronomy 17 17 God says that a king of Israel should not multiply wives to themselves David multiplied wives to himself but you can hold a candle to Solomon Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines I believe it was but David's the wives that he would have and the children his sons in particular would bring a lot of heartburn in David's life the sword was never passed from David's house and will cover why when we get to future chapters verse 14 and these be the names of those that were born unto him in Jerusalem shall moua and show Bab and Nathan and Solomon all four of the Shamu show Bab Nathan and Solomon were born of Bathsheba the woman that David had an adulterous affair with sent her husband Uriah the Hittite with his death sentence to Joab to send him to the hottest front in an effort to cover his adulterous affair with Bathsheba David summons Uriah from the front and in an effort to have him sleep with his wife to cover the pregnancy of Bathsheba Uriah would not David sent him with a note with his death sentence to the hottest front Nathan first let me say Solomon of course is the the seed line through which the kingship would be passed down however it's Nathan that the seed line to Messiah would come easily documented in Luke chapter 3 Nathan means giver it's a form of the word Nathan M which means given not to be confused that I'm not saying Nathan was an mm by by any means 15 the list of his continued sons goes on a bar also an Eli schewe and Neph egg and Jeff ayah many children are of the strength of a man's house and Eli Shema in alauda and LF elite were 17 but when the Philistines heard they had a point anointed David king over Israel all the Philistines came up to seek David and David heard of it and went down to the hold I think we stepped back in time a little bit here for David to have taken Jebus which was a fortress and then leave that in other words if he was going to war against the Philistines make the Philistines come to the fortress just as the men of Jebus said you leave your blind and your lame only and you still couldn't come in there's some truth to that you could defend a castle with very few people it takes sometimes years of a nation or an army laying siege against a city before it crumbles basically you have to starve them out is what the case is now one of the reason I think this again steps back in time David would not leave the security of a defensible walled fortress to go to a hold which is a cave a stronghold I think the cave here mentioned is a deulim as we saw in 1st Samuel chapter 22 verse 1 and it was before David took Jebus that the Philistines rose up against him and he went to a place he was very familiar with the lay of the land because he spent a lot of time there on the run from Sol verse 18 the Philistines also came and spread themselves in the valley of rafia Rafa was one of the descendants of the Fallen Angels won quite a bit of notoriety raphe M we're talking about Giants verse 19 and David inquired of the Lord saying no doubt this through the priest Abhaya thar with the Urim and Thummim shall I go up to the Philistines question wilt thou deliver them into mine hand and the Lord said unto David go up for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand you talk about being a sure victory when God says go up I will deliver the enemy into your hands you are on the winning side remember we have two priests at this time you've got Zadok who is of the house of Eleazar the proper line of the high priest who has a Gibeah with the mosaic Tabernacle and you have a buyeth are of the house of if Tamar who is with David at this time verse 20 and David came to bail prayer ISM and David smoked them there the Philistines and said the Lord have broken forth upon mine enemies before me as the breach of waters therefore he called the name of that place bail para ISM bail para Zim can be translated the lord of divisions I like to translate it the the lord of the breach the meaning that that the lord broke through on the philistines like a flood of waters destroying everything and the way you tell you you talk about power a flood is got awesome power it takes everything man women children buildings animals and that's it's a terrible disaster 21 and they're they the Philistines left their images and David and his men burned them they left their idols no doubt they thought that their idols would help them win the victory over Israel they didn't have a victory so they just left their idols and David burned them as should be the case with all idolatrous materials today I wish we could burn the traditions of men the the traditions that get in the way of people really understanding God's Word at all they've replaced God's Word with the word of man verse 22 and the Philistines came up yet again and spread themselves in the valley of raffia now I think this is somewhat of a later date the Philistines wouldn't take a thumping and then turn around and come immediately they would have to regroup possibly they made some new idols that they were in hopes could deliver them from the defeat of Israel that is not going to happen and when David inquired of the Lord concerning the second occasion that the Philistines came up he said thou shalt not go up but fetch a compass behind them and come upon them over against the mulberry trees this time God instructing David don't attack the Philistines you go around such a circle means go around behind them and wait for further instruction there is a reason verse 24 and let it be when thou hearest the sound of a goin in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt be stir thyself this means to quickly attack before then shall the Lord go out before thee to smite the hosts of the Philistines now this is is this the armies of God I couldn't help but think about Elijah in 2nd Kings chapter 6 remember he had an armor bearer and they got up one morning and there were a hundred and eighty thousand of the enemy surrounding them and he'll I should jumped up and said let's go gird your sword on the Lord hath delivered the enemy into our hands let's go before they have a chance to get away and he likes his armor bearer says he likes ya there's a hundred and eighty thousand of them do you know something that I don't and Elijah prayed that God would open his armor bare his eyes so that he could see the armies of God around the mountaintop and he saw those chariots of fire that's what David is hearing here above the mulberry trees the armies of God and you know that there are two wars spiritual wars in what I believe in the not-so-distant future they're called Haman Gog and Armageddon and you elect you know we have work to do up until that point but when those battles take place step aside because those wars belong to the Lord but don't be at all surprised if you hear the same thing that David heard the goin in the tops of the mulberry trees as the armies of God take the enemy and destroy them 25 and David did so as the Lord had commanded him and smote the Philistines from giba until thou come to Gaza giba as an abbreviation I believe for Gibeon I think Bullinger in the companion Bible says as much as well but if it was from Gibeon to gather we're talkin thirty to thirty five miles that's a lot of thumpin Philistine God gave David the victory more importantly God went before David and in destroying the Philistines now in Chapter six we're going to see David bring the Ark of God into Jerusalem a little background on this it's been seventy to eighty nine years since the Ark of God was at the tabernacle it's been at the location well let's back up even further than that Eli sons the priests hophni and Phinehas because they desecrated the tabernacle of God this was back in 1st Samuel chapter two and three as a reminder to you but they were ripping off the people their offerings they were ripping off God not giving to God what was his they were lying with the women who came to minister at the tabernacle God was very angry and the the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of God was taken by the Philistines at that time remember they first took it to Ashdod and put it in the house of their God Dagon the fish God who has a man's head in arms the next morning they went in and Dagon was laying on his face in a position of subjection to the Ark of the Lord now they didn't think anything about it and they sent it back up the next day they went in and Dagon's head and arms were broken off well they sent the ark to Gath the men of Gath the people of Gath came down with emeralds which are in rods I should say which are hemorrhoids the people of Gath sent the ark to ekron where it was the people those who did not get hemorrhoids died because of the ark and so they decided well it's time for us to send the ark back to Israel they did so with five golden mice which were destroying their land the mice were and five golden M rods as a as a trespass offering against the Lord well they put it on a new cart you're a member of the Ark of God and two cows they let them go with the ark and they said okay now if it goes back to Israel will know that the EM rods and people being struck dead was caused because we offended the Lord well they went to a place called beth shemesh the people of israel who resided in beth shemesh opened up the ark which you don't do if you have studied god's words at all you know unholy man cannot stand to be in the presence of God God struck a bunch of them dead well we'll see in our next lecture how it goes bringing the arc from kerja theorem to Jerusalem they're gonna have to do a little Bible study before they're successful I've got a short message let's ask you to listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we won't do it will that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you have questions that you've mailed in and and you've asked and you've never heard the answer you might want to consider you know I got one this morning that someone had a two-page letter and had like 15 scriptures that they quoted all throughout the Old Testament and wanted me to answer that on the air we just don't have time to do two page questions so try and condense your questions is my point and it's more likely to make it on the air if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions and being the point got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week I encourage you to talk to him you know I really don't think you have a lot of competition these days everybody's so busy in this world running here running they're working two jobs to keep the house payment May in the car payment and all this people don't have time for God is the problem you are different you make time to spend with your heavenly father each day and you know what that makes his day when you do you're special to him and the blessings start flowing when you become special to your heavenly Father we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ you know their needs father we ask a special blessing on each of these the illness and Families marital problems father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we also lift up our military who are in harm's way around the world and let's let's add our police and the face danger every day to protect us from evil and wicked father ask you to watch over guide protect touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Lana in Missouri do you have to be water baptized to be saved many incorrectly teach John chapter 3 verse 3 that states that you must be born of water to enter the kingdom of God that does not mean you have to be baptized it means to be born in the flesh what's the first thing that happens when a mother is about to go into labor or water breaks that's what means to be born of water you know I doubt that the criminal that was crucified next to Christ whom in the very hour he was dying he said I believe and he believed on Jesus and Jesus said to him this day I'll see you in paradise really doubt that that malefactor the criminal had taken time to get baptized on the way to the cross having said that you know Jesus was our example baptism is a beautiful thing I don't take me the wrong that I'm against baptism I'm for baptism and it's a beautiful statement by people that they believe that Jesus Christ was born in the flesh was crucified on the cross went into the tomb and then praise God three-and-a-half days later he resurrected the baptism being symbolic of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ again Jesus was our example he was baptized we should be baptized as well the point is is it a salvation must do I don't believe it is Joel in Illinois these transgenders when they get to heaven are they going to stand before God and tell him he made a mistake when he made them that's a good point Isaiah chapter 29 verse 16 states you turn things upside down and that shall be esteemed as the potters clay for shall the work say to him that made it he made me not or shall the thing frame say he have no understanding in other words God didn't know what he was doing when he made me that would probably be what a transgender would say Lord you messed up you made me a girl and I was supposed to be a boy I don't think God will buy it Ken in Texas what do you mean when you say rightly dividing the word of God good question 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 tells us that study to show thyself approved a workman that needeth not be ashamed keeping rightly dividing the word of truth and the word of truth of course is God's Word rightly dividing God's word means several things it means keeping up with the subject and the object if you try and if you are a Canaanite that's with a C and you try and apply what God said to Israel unless your sojourning among Israel it doesn't apply to you so you have to keep up with the subject who-who is God speaking to also the object you must also keep up with the periods of time they're called dispensations by some and that's all a dispensation is is a period of time before Christ was crucified people lived in the dispensation that was covered by the law after Christ was crucified we live in a dispensation called the dispensation of grace so you have to know what period of time you're being talking to to keep up with what is being taught Bullinger did an excellent work he's the scholar who did the scholarly notes and the companion Bible for those of you who don't know but he did an excellent work called how to enjoy the Bible and he spends a great deal of time in that explaining how to rightly divide the word of God you might consider ordering that from our library we do offer that here in our library Connie in Texas where in the bible does it say God forgives us 490 times a day doesn't say 490 times a day specifically but in Matthew chapter 18 verse 21 and 22 is what you're talking about and that's where Peter asked Jesus you know how often can my brother tries to trespass against me and I forgive him seven times and Jesus responded no not seven times seven times seventy times that's 490 times and if you truly repent that's how many times God is willing to forgive you as well George from California love your program I'm glad you enjoy studying God's Word when did you say Jesus was born while Jesus was born contrary to what most people believe on September 29th he was conceived rather on December 25th which is when most people think that Jesus was born he was conceived the word became flesh as it's written in the New Testament and if you want a complete Bible study on that it's a very interesting study and it considers quite a bit of knowledge of practices of the people when the shepherds were in the fields you have to understand the course of abaya in that way you can determine the birth date of John the Baptist who was six months elder to Jesus Christ and that's how you can then determine with knowledge of the course of Abia that Jesus was conceived on December 25th born on September 29th the CD that covers that information I was talking about is entitled Christmas and it's CD three zero five one seven highly recommend that Eric in Georgia are the Kenites and that's tonight's with the ke ke ni tes a spiritual lineage or a physical lineage they're definitely a physical lineage the very name Kenites take your Strong's Concordance I believe it's Hebrews word seventy 17 and it states the the the Kenites are children of Hebrew words seventy 14 which in the Strong's Concordance which is cane so Kenites are descendants of Cain and who was Cain well he was the first son born to Eve his father was the serpent who beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden Michael from Mississippi thank you and your staff for helping us learn the word while you're sure welcome it's a labor of love did I understand you to say some people refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them is it because they are concerned about being deceived by the evil one well Michael the elect who refused to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them when they're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan again Hebrew excuse me Revelation chapter 2 9 and 3 9 is where you can read about the synagogue of Satan but God's elect are going to be delivered up and as we're instructed in Luke chapter 12 I'll start with verse 10 through 13 that that were not to be premeditate what were to say when we're delivered up but to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us in that when we're delivered up that's the only way that that the whole world can understand because you see when the Holy Spirit speaks it's that cloven tongues that everyone understands it's not a tongue where somebody says something and you have to have an interpreter tell you what the person said it's the Holy Spirit speaking and you will understand of course that's blasphemy of the Holy Spirit for one of God's elect to refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through them Patricia and I don't know where Patricia is from my nine-year-old son wanted me to ask you if he was old enough to teach God's Word he looks at shepherd's chapel every morning and night with me do I need to let him follow along in his own Bible or watch the words in the screen well you know learning where and she's talking about should he study in his Bible or follow the Bible biblical scriptures that we have for you on the screen and I recommend that people use a Bible if you plan on being a teacher particularly you need to know where the different books of the Bible are located in the Bible and if you rely on that on the screen only if I said let's turn our Bibles to the book of Philippians you would be like all too many people today I'm afraid they would have to look up in the alphabetical listing at the beginning of their Bible to find out what page Philippians is on because they don't have a clue where Philippians is most people probably don't even know whether it's in the Old Testament or the New Testament so it's important if you're going to be a teacher that you learn where it is nine-year-olds are plenty enough old to start planting seeds and that's what Patricia I would tell your son Taylor that you've got to learn the word before you can teach it you don't can't go out and just start saying well I want to be a Bible teacher and not have a clue what the Bible says you have to learn it before you can teach it so you keep studying Taylor but it's good for you to start planting seeds and 9 years old is plenty enough too old to be talking to your friends about God's Word and how good our Heavenly Father is to us Jay in Florida a lot of times in the Bible it says all Israel will be saved does it mean that all the people of Israel will eventually come around because we know out of that many people a lot of them couldn't care less about God's Word please enlighten if you will and Rome in chapter 11 verse 26 is where it states that all Israel will be saved now we're not talking about everyone that is in the geographical nation that we now call Israel what it's talking about is the descendants of the twelve patriarchs the sons of Jacob that's the Israel that's talking about that all Israel will be saved all twelve tribes in other words Rossa from Wisconsin in the book of Genesis when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah were these cities destroyed at the same time or were there different times I look both up in the concordance but it didn't say different times Webster's dictionary states this cut out attached with state so you cut that out and enclosed it okay well the dates are not the date that the event occurred both were destroyed at the same time and the date you're looking at didn't have anything to do with when Sodom and Gomorrah happened it happened around 1890 BC during the life of Abraham and lot Lisa and Montana are we all kept separate by race in the Eternity does the river divide us no I don't believe that were kept separate in the eternity based on race Revelation chapter 22 verse 24 states that the kings of the nations and then the word nations and the Greek is ethnos the ethnic peoples of the world in other words we'll be able to go into the presence of God and the lamb in the temple of the eternity that's where God's elect are able to go and I point out one other scripture Galatians chapter 3 verse 29 states there that in Jesus Christ all are Abraham's seed regardless of your ethnicity ethnicity Regina in New York first of all I would like to say that your Bible study hour has become a focal point in my daily life I look forward to tuning in each day and you're welcome and thank you for your kind comments get to your question pastor when I say Jesus I love you am i speaking to Jesus as one of the Divine God or am i addressing our father and the Holy Spirit to I find myself addressing each of the three persons in our one father God individually when I pray is this wrong for me to do now there's nothing wrong with what you were doing as long as you understand that all three are offices or roles that our Heavenly Father plays they're not three separate entities they're one entity that is our Heavenly Father you've seen the son you have seen the father John chapter 14 along about verse 10 or so sandy and Florida was Jesus crucified on a cross or a stake and I don't guess it really matters but the the Romans were in charge at the time and the Roman that therefore I believe that Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross because the Romans were the authority over the Hebrews at the time Brian in Pennsylvania my question is about Hebrews chapter six verses four through eight I feel that I'm in deep trouble when I read these verses I did lose by faith and went back to my sinning ways of life it's been about four years of doing despicable things I'm back praying and gain I can't read your writing again and I oh I started back praying again and stopped the awful things I was doing my question is what can I do to be do to be forgiven for Paul writes that is impossible to bring them back and repent again no it doesn't that's not what Hebrews chapter 4 excuse me hebrews chapter 6 verses four five and six say at all what they do say is that once you are saved you come to knowledge is the exact wording and then you fall away you slip up like you did you backslide a little bit don't think that you need to be saved again repent because to be saved again would be like reclusa fiying Jesus Christ so and he didn't fail you failed we all fail and we fall short so to get back on track with God and get a clean slate what do you do you repent and you ask for forgiveness those despicable things that you talked about that you did or like they were written on a chalkboard and somebody takes a big eraser and a racism you have a clean slate a fresh start with your heavenly Father so that's what Hebrews chapter six verses four five and six mean when you fall short repent don't try and recruit by Christ again because you failed Eric can Tennessee where and what tribe are white people descended from well Adamic peoples are descended from Earth haha Dom and I'm giving you his Hebrew name the Adam created in Genesis chapter two and you say what what tribe are black people descended from black people were created in the Garden of Eden excuse me not in the Garden of Eden but in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 in the following verses we refer to them here that the chapel is the six-day creation because God created them just before the seventh day which begins in Genesis chapter 2 then he created F ha Adam of Genesis chapter 2 and all too many people say that black people are descended or a result of Kanaan's excuse me hams indiscretions with Noah's wife who was his own mother well he said God didn't curse ham or Canaan Noah cursed Canaan this is written of in Genesis chapter 9 and because he had a rough air if you will a sexual relationship with his own mother Noah's wife an incestuous affair does not change the color of the child's skin Noah cursed Canaan ham was not the first black man neither was Canaan you don't have an endemic son and a damming mother have a relationship and a black baby pops out that's not biologically possible Martha in Georgia could you please explain Leviticus 23 39 eighth day I understand the eighth day in Genesis but not here well following the seven day feast of tabernacles you have an eighth day which was also a Sabbath in fact it was the final feast or Sabbath of the year other than the normal Sabbath's which were every seven days that Sabbath closes out the feasts ttle cycle of the year in the month of Tishri which was the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar very special month of feast alright I'm out of time want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you do make time each day to spend with your heavenly father reading the letter that he wrote to you instructions that tell you how to be happy in this flesh life and healthy we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important it's this you stay in the word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box for 16 Gravatt Arkansas 7 to 736 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 753
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Book of 2 Samuel, Book of II Samuel, 2 Samuel, Arnold Murray, Book of, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, II Samuel, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Murray
Id: acW4zkPvt18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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