Ecclesiastes 5:1 to 5:20 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Ecclesiastes 5:1

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you saved welcome to the Shepherd's chapter welcome to this family Bible study are back in her father's word the book of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes is the Latin name for the book the true name is Keith which is Hebrew and a lot of people translate it preacher it means the assembler the one that draws them together this is an exceptional book in our father's word because it's written to the man that walks under the Sun meaning people in flesh bodies telling you how to evaluate life in the flesh but to always remind you you also have a spiritual body and you want to listen to it instead of the flesh so much because it is the flesh that will lead you down primrose lane unless you're really right into the Word of God chapter 5 verse 1 the book of Ecclesiastes and it reads keep thy foot wind outdoors to the house of God and people are ready to hear excuse me than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil in other words don't Chum what does it mean to keep your foot when you go to the house of God well when you use your feet you make sure you're going to a house of God because there's a lot of other houses out there there are houses that God's Word has never taught it especially chapter by chapter and verse by verse it's the traditions of men and if you're not careful that can make void the Word of God and the word the sacrifice of fools simply means that someone they're not interested in what's going to be said anyway they're putting on a show okay they do it for its reputation in the community or whatever and God considers that evil so you want to make sure that when you go to the house of God that you're more ready to hear his word not some man's work but God's Word verse 2 be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God for God is in heaven envelop on earth therefore let thy words be few it is you know when you pray that's talking to our Father and certainly you never want to be rash a lot of people when they say to pray you're supposed to pray if it be God's will and there are people that will tell you you deem it from God and I'm going to tell you something if you demand from God that's rash and most likely he'll let you wait awhile you put it on the back burner and you're hung up there so you want to always be respectful you know if you love him if it's not his will you don't want what it is you're asking for anyway then that is that is the true following of Almighty God is the only what he wants because you know he knows best verse three for a dream cometh through the multitude of business in a fool's voice is known by multitude of words in other words it is a dream when and and good planning comes through a multitude of business you're working hard and you're producing God is blessing and it is good good all the way around however a fool's voice is knowing by multitude of words your ratchet Joe okay talk talk talk and never really says anything that's that's that's one of the biggest waste of time there is verse 4 when bout ballast a vow unto God deferred not to pay it he had no pleasure in fools pay that which thou hast vow'd it's better that you not bow at all if unless you're really sincere and at the same time I want I want to say something or many so called you let your foot go to certain houses and if you're on a fixed income one of their things is to make you sign a pledge that's a vow and that you're supposed to pay that every week or month or whatever the case may be and and they hang senior citizens up with that it's a form of begging and God doesn't send out beggars so if you have somebody begging for money and many might say well but I made a vow but you made a vow to pay the money to God if it's not a house of God you don't want me anything don't let them give you that soon when you're on a fixed income and they're trying to rip you off okay now I'm not judging but everybody knows that's a solid fact remember God said to the to the disciples he sent out he said don't you take a script or a purse well the purse is a big in bag I mean that's that's what the word is in the Greek tongue that that they would beg with and he said don't you do that and so it is verse 4 I'm sorry verse 5 better is it that thou should is now not Val then that thou should is Val and not pay God doesn't appreciate that if he he he doesn't want the sacrifice of fools but I think when you really bow to him that you're going to do better and then you know and we are in flesh bodies and flesh is weak sometimes you're going to slip then comes repentance not worried about it repent get back in the graces of God and keep moving ahead but it is better not to promise unless you know absolute it's no pressure there's no doubt I can make good on it you just don't promise that could be like helping a brother or whatever the case might be verse 6 suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the angel that it was an era for should God be angry at the voice and destroy the work of dying hands and that can happen you know don't if you open your mouth and make certain promises and then you can't fulfill that and I'm talking about truly to our Father now you don't want to tell an angel is just a messenger you don't want to tell the messenger of God well it was just an error I didn't really mean it what are you saying I don't buy that whatever you're trying whatever whatever you have asked help with I'm gonna destroy it I'm gonna let it fall through the cracks you will not be successful so you don't ever what that is God knows what you're even thinking I have to say it out loud so you can't con him and if it is if you were to make an honest error and repented it would probably be forgiven but what is talking about here is to use that as an excuse and for failure God doesn't like it always be honest with your father and straightforward or it can put you in a heap of hurt verse 7 for in the multitude of dreams in many words there are also diverse vanities but fear thou God and fear translates in the Hebrew language to revere or fear loving that's what he wants from you God he wants your love and there they are vanities means emptiness empty words don't cut it okay that's that means various the the word in the Hebrews should be various foolishness and this this chapter is kind of written to a fool in Earth never gets anything done that's the person it's talking about verse 8 if thou seest the oppression of the poor and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province Marvel not at the matter for he that is higher than the highest regardeth and there be higher than they you might say in this country you mean they're going to go all the way to the Supreme Court ah I guarantee you in this country there is there is a judge that's far higher than the Supreme Court if they mess up in other words judicially speaking is what this is talking about the court that messes up they'll still be judged by Almighty God in this nation our Constitution was basically made from the general law from Britain which came from God's Word so our Constitution is based on the Word of God and the law of God and you don't want to pervert that God is saying I'm watching he watches our nation today especially the judge shifts that than is judicial and political lesson is right and that that is wrong we have a much higher judge and he's watching verse 9 moreover the prophet of the earth is for all the king himself is served by the field what this means is the Solomons the rider of this God giving him all this wisdom from first Kings chapter 3 verses 5 through 15 god blessed blessed Solomon gave him this wisdom that he's able to commune in this manner but what do you think I own it all that field out there produces all the food we eat but the plowboy he derives his blessings from it the same as I do as a matter of fact I may need the prowl boy more than he needs me the the world itself is a family and it takes all peoples in the profits and getting by providing food shelter and everything else you need each other so the king himself but basically umbels himself here he says i I want it all but I need that plowboy worse than he needs me because without the Plowboys he would have nothing out there other than plow himself ten he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver nor he that loveth abundance with increase this is also vanity this is evening this you're just void in other words if if you love silver instead of Almighty God and it becomes the number one thing in your life you can stack it up and stack it up and stack it up and you'll never have enough and it will never make you happy so what are you seeing here keep your priorities straight because who is it that loveth silver when you're supposed to love Almighty God now there's nothing wrong with having silver but you're not supposed to love it or worship it or let it take you over or because you will lose all your happiness and quite frankly you may have a big pile of silver but you will be one sad individual because you left God out of the equation it is our Father that you're supposed to love not some object verse 11 when goods increase they are increased that eat them and what good is there to the owners there of saving the beholding of them with their eyes and in other words if you the increase is what you eat or so forth but with silver what good is all you can do is look at it okay it's just good for the eye and it's not good for the tummy it won't sustain you and and I know you're going to say well you could buy things with it yeah but their minds really that's what he's talking about here verse 12 the sleep of a labouring man is sweet but in a hard day's work men hit that pillow everything is fine whether he eat little or much but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep it's fine he doesn't work he didn't have to work and labor and he's not as healthy even and it's not many helpings the abundance will not help you sleep if anything it will keep you awake worrying will did I invest step properly should I have invested that somewhere else and they turn into a worrywart they're not going to get any sleep because they do not know what to do with all their riches verse 13 there is a sore evil which I have seen under the Sun right right here on earth that's what he's talking about namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt so plan because of the reasons for stated they you wonder about where are you going to invest it did I invest it properly is it drawing the proper interest that it should if somebody going to fail there and I'll lose it all you know it's you know it is not that is an evil under the Sun you might even have Betty somebody come along and say well here if you will invest with us we'll move it offshore if you're fool enough to listen to that when it goes offshore you can write bye-bye okay it's gone so you have to use wisdom it's good to work hard and have something to show for it but don't worry about the increase do the best you can with it and the laborer is going to continue to sustain you anyway whether you lost it or not that's why you can sleep so good you've exercised your body means the rest and you know you're going to have more coming in if you should no one likes to lose anything but he's got a lot to comfort him he that works hard but but this is an evil that is under the Sun that means in the flesh body that's one of the worries that people run into verse 14 but those riches perish by evil travail that means adventure he begetteth a son and there's nothing in his hand he really got ripped off I mean he evil travail means that he wrong adventure you bought a bill of goods somebody promised you 30 percent guarantee if you invest in this company or that or this it'll increase and the only person that increases is the one that got you to buy from them and they're gone so that that's evil adventure you didn't use your gray matter up in the head and you were thinking about it has to do with just a little bit overanxious to make too much always use common sense you know what the going rate is if somebody all whatever promises you triple the going rate or something there's something wrong okay you should know that verse fifteen as he came forth of his mother's womb naked shall he return to go as he came and shall take nothing of his labor which he may carry away in his hand and that's just as stating a fact now there is an exception to this rule as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 I'm sorry chapter 14 verse 13 the only thing you can take with you when you die work not your labor in a field but the work you did for Almighty God and in assisting someone a smile to somebody that was down the reason month taking care of God's children being a blessing to them simply by being there that that is that can go with you but the rest of it what are you saying the men that loves the big pile of silver he's not good it's not going with him he's leaving naked that means void of anything it's it's over in his body this flesh that walks under the Sun is going back to dust in his spiritual body instantly we'll find this out in chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 of this book goes to the father from which it came your spirit is the intellect of your soul and your soul is the beat you being yourself I'd like to translate it whether you're in the flesh body or the spiritual body our Father is not the God of the Dead you may bury somebody out here in the ground but don't worry they're not there they've already gone there with the father and that's why it is written there's no way that we are alive and remain can proceed to dead because they're already there to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord and so it is so happiness is a wonderful thing and what God wants you to know you look at the facts you need not accumulate a lot of things and expect you yourself to enjoy it forever because you're not going to be in the flesh forever and that in itself is a blessing because spiritual bodies in heaven it's a wonderful thing that's what we all work forward to step by step and time by time so happiness comes basically from what verse 1 stated what your foot where it takes you to where you're going to hear God's Word and and you're going there to hear the word of God verse 16 and this also is a sword evil that in all points as he came so shall he go what prophet hath he that hath labored for the wind that means like chasing the wind vexation that's what it means all you're doing is chasing chasing the wind so don't always be prepared and know there are certain things that really have value when you understand the man that walks under the Sun in the flesh body the thing that really is the most valuable thing of all loving our Heavenly Father and his giving you wisdom look and and blessings because I don't care how poor you are I don't care who you are but when you love him and communicate with him let him know that and you labor he's going to bless it and you're going to do just fine you will not be chasing the wind the most valuable thing in the world is to love God and receive His blessings because with that comes wisdom and when you're wise enough you know better than to deal in any of these things that are evil that we've been discussing in this lecture verse 17 all his days also he eateth in darkness and he had much sorrow and wrath with his sickness well what is this eating in darkness what is darkness who's the Prince of Darkness Satan is in in other words if you eat it on the dark side if you participate on that dark side you're going to have sorrow wrath and you're going to have sickness that's a sick thing but that that's why as I've for stated from the last verse one of the greatest things you can have and when you walk under the Sun in a flesh body it's to love God and stay in the light not the darkness you eat in the light for Christ is that light and when you eat from his table of truth the very word of God you're not going to have that sick mind that it's role and despair in most places if you eat in the now I hope you understand we're speaking spiritually here not actually eating but going with Satan's plan not God's the false Christ is coming and a lot that think there in light are going to be in darkness and boy will they be sick when they were they're going to pray for the mountains to fall on them they're ashamed too ashamed to face the true Christ stay out of the darkness in the lion stay in the light verse 18 behold that which I have seen it is good and calmly for one to eat and to drink and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh Under the Sun when he's in a flesh body all the days of his life all of them listen carefully which God giveth him for it is his portion God is so good to his children when you love him don't ever eat in the darkness and leave your love for Almighty God out of the equation that is about the most hurtful thing you can do because God created you different than anyone else your DNA is different your fingerprints he wanted somebody just like to you so you do make a difference with him but you got to let him know it rip you if you go chasing around the darkness Satan's way you see that's what happened in the first Earth Age people begin to follow Satan instead of God and that had to bring about the start of the Second Earth Age so let God know you see God gives you your portion of what you deserve you will keep everything he intends that you keep because he will give you wisdom the knowledge to know how to have even wisdom of the world listen to me closely that the main thing is wisdom from Almighty God above wisdom of the world is simply street-smart to know how to invest how to take care of everything utilizing one simple thing common sense to lose your common sense and you're moving into the darkness you lose your common sense and you're going to make many mistakes because if it doesn't make good sense there's something wrong and God doesn't like to deal with waste and he doesn't want to waste his time it's when you love him and when you do your part that he didn't rejoice in the labor it is God will give them their portion he'll see to it you'll guarantee it verse 19 every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth and have given him power to eat thereof to enjoy it and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour this is the gift of God you know that is so important simple yes in the simplicity in which our Father teaches as if when you when you work and when you gain things correctly not not ill-gotten I mean there's nothing wrong with being rich if it's the blessings of God there what is wrong was being rich as if it's Mammon from earth that you rip somebody off then you better unload your donkey and get rid of that because God has a better place for one and he gives these gifts the gift is success the gift is God's presents being with you and God watching over you as he stated earlier you can have a lot of judicial systems in this world but I'm here for you and I'm the highest I am the judge I come before anything and I have gifts is what he's saying you know how to earn him this chapter has told you let's finish the chapter verse 20 he shall not much remember the days of his life because God answereth him in the joy of his heart following God brings joy you got it that's God's promise following him working with him brings joy to your heart it's wonderful to serve Him to feel his touch you're blessed and to have those blessings from God how precious it is to have the gift of God in your life it means stability common sense and loving Almighty God and receiving his blessings you don't want to pass that up stay out of the darkness stay away from the Prince of Darkness follow the light all that blessed aren't you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor our Lemuria - on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for important eco throughout the US Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it please do not ever ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization one of the judge people we have one judge already you have the right for spiritual discernment and you keep it at that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking right now no one can ever prevent you from praying because you don't have to pray out loud God hears you he reads your mind he's called in the scripture the cardia nor means he knows your very mind so what does he want from you today's lecture made it real clear he want your love and does not wish you to love silver or the world or something and leave him out of the equation because he's too high judge he's the one that will judge you the final judgment that's why it's so wonderful to love him and have his blessings let's go to his throne father around the globe week Institute he died direct father touching Yahshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay question time we're gonna go with Nicky from Massachusetts my husband passed away three years ago and I have been praying to God that he would come see me and I know so I know that he is alright will God answered my prayer he already has entered it all you have to do is read Luke 16 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus your husband's not in some hole in the ground he is with the father and the reason I say your answer is there his old Lazarus was taken right into the arms of Abraham they were happy to see him and he was on the right side of paradise the right side of the Gulf which is explained therein that sixteenth chapter God will never leave you nor forsake you so I I can't you can rest assured if if your husband learned that he is in real good shape he's okay Betty from Florida could you please explain revelation 13:5 I would sure appreciate it thank you well the dragon in verse four has just healed the one world system political system and in verse 5 it says he's going to have 42 months dragon is se caen all prophecies given concerning Satan are given in months which are what moves darkness of the night all the prophecies given concerning God's children example two witnesses it's days 1260 like son so that lets you know that it is Satan then that he's healed the war political system and he's going to set up his office as Jesus Christ only he is Antichrist anti in the Greek tongue means instead of he's coming instead of Christ at the sixth Trump now a child can count from one to seven and you are told in the book of Revelation Christ is not going to return until the seventh trunk so so you can count on it but the Antichrist comes at the sixth Trump that's what that thirteenth chapter if you were to continue on into about the Levant verse then it lets you know that he looks like the Lamb of God means he's got power but his voice is the voice of the dragon and he performs miracles in the sight of people to convince them that he's the man if you're not familiar with our father's word to be prepared for that to serve God you could be deceived and by a bill of goods that would be one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make in your life there's to be a Satan worshiper even if you did it in ignorance but still from North Carolina will there be flesh people in the millennium no absolutely not where do you find your answer to that is 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 51 let's take 50 flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom will be here and in that instant in that wink of an eye were all changed into our spiritual bodies no flesh in the millennium run from Kentucky I just want to say that the reason Jesus cried out from the cross was because Jesus was in flesh I heard you answered this question then you didn't listen did you you didn't listen no he did not cry up because he was in the flesh he was the Word of God and when he cried out what was the words again Heatley lama about the name which is to say what Psalms 22 verse 1 he was quoting a scripture that scripture tells about the whole what the false priests are doing how they're nailing him to the cross it was written a thousand years before the fact you think he cried out because he was in the flesh he cried out because he was teaching you that that crucifixion took place and it was written of God in Psalms 22 a thousand years before the fact that's fine you can always believe God's Word you see the 22nd verse of that speaks the Roman soldiers gambling for his clothing in Psalms 22 yes fine God wrote it God knew that's what he was talking he was teaching you that he was simply quoting the scripture and you should understand the scripture Michelle from Michael rather from Pennsylvania and thank you for your comments my question is at the time of death as a Christian is it absent from the body as present with the Lord young you're quoting scripture that's the 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 Nate is there a wait until he returns or we reunited with loved ones where in the bible does it tell us it tells you in the Millennium chapters of the great book of ezekiel from chapter 40 to the end of ezekiel is all about the Millennium there's more about the Millennium in the Old Testament and there is the news in 45th chapter verse 20 if you are one of God's elect if you love him then if you have parents that are on the that did not make it to the right side of paradise you can go help them how would you help them get your act together this is final you know teach a little discipline marry for a Minnesota I think God for you and your staff well thank you I heard the letter that someone wrote saying your teaching is too aggressive well I don't think so I've been watching you over five years and I think your method of teaching is very good and on the money don't stop your way of teaching I think God for you and others pastor like you keep it up the good work will do it you know it is a sad thing but sometimes when you when you really know your subject and you really know the Word of God and you teach it with power some people misunderstand that is being aggressive or maybe trying to be a know-it-all and man doesn't have anything to do with the Word of God being taught properly God gives that he wrote it that's why you always want to study chapter by chapter and verse by verse for it's God that's speaking not man thank you for your comments Bradley from California greetings from sunny California I'm a Vietnam vet a Naval Air eight and a half years I am interested in your program and have been listening for some months on a certain television you say not to judge but to discern but what about isaiah 58:1 cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet and tell my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins even though we pulled off Viet Minh I can save the Gospel of Jesus Christ is going throughout the land via shortwave and mouth-to-mouth some people 20 or more or less will gather around one radio God moves in great ways well thank you he sure does you know we have outside of the United States and Canada we have more listeners in China than we do in any other nation of course there's an awful lot of Chinese but anyway salute thanks for your service and what you're saying here from Isaiah 58 that's not judging that's action that's getting it done just like you all did and man you know in North Korea and Vietnam we broke communists the Communists back it went down as a superpower so don't let anyone ever discourage you and and I see that they don't because you're a real trooper thanks for your service David from North Carolina the serpent in Genesis 3:11 you said means the glistening one but I could not find that definition in my Strong's could you tell me how you got that translation mine just said to hiss as a snake what Strong's number should I look for the the number for serpent is the same as copper and copper glistens okay so look up copper and see what you come up with you know I don't necessarily translate it as the glistening one but there were certain pretty good Bibles that do translate it as the upright one or the glistening one God made him the perfect pattern in Ezekiel 28 the king of Tyrus Tyrus is rock and language he's not our rock he's their rock he stole from Tennessee his Satan still locked up in heaven or is he here on earth his evil spirit can traverse here on earth but he himself physically or de facto is locked in heaven by Michael and will be staying there as it's written in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 until that sixth Trump sounds then he's going to get booted out do you know where he's going to be booted out - right here on Good Old Earth and a lot of people are going to think it's Christ returned and then from Phoenix or all the souls that are born from above tested in the flesh are just the 1/3 that fell thanks in advance for your enter you are so welcome basically we're all tested when we mess if we mess up Gazi neck whereas it is written in Romans chapter 8 worked for ordained one because in the first Earth age they stood against Satan they fought him tooth and nail and God and as it is written they they as Christ becomes the first fruit they were four four judged and and accepted God can what can God do then if if you are the elect God can move in your life and cause you to do things that will bring scripture to pass and on Judgment Day you can't say to him well I would not have done that unless you've interfered in my life you see so he will not interfere in someone's life that has free will unless they ask him to but he will definitely mean and shake the elect they will know what's going on but will happen to them they God uses them to fulfill Scripture Debra from South Carolina in Genesis why did God favor Jacob after he took him away from Esau you know and you see Debra if you didn't understand the first Earth age you could not understand that because God would say in Romans chapter 9 Jacob beloved and Esau I hated while they were still embryos in their mother's womb now that would be very unfair if you didn't know what they both did in the first Earth Age and it's obvious Esau could care less about whether he pleased God or not and he didn't in this earth age or that one and actually God didn't like him but he had a reason God is never unfair you might you might think in a more for a moment why is it written in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 I chose you before the foundations of this earth that word foundations is cut the bull it means before the overthrow of Satan I chose you Ryan you stood against them and God has a reason and a purpose for everything it's always fair and honest I am Vicky from Kentucky I will learn so much from you in the last year you make you make everything in the Bible so easy to understand well thank you except I don't get how you get first world in the Bible please explain this to me i watch every night well thank you well it's really easy to get the first world age all you got to do is go to second Peter chapter 3 and he talks about all three earth ages same on earth and same heaven but three different ages as a matter of fact the word in Peter there is Eon not world but Eon meaning age time so and many other places as as a matter of fact Genesis chapter 1 if you understand the manuscripts in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth period it did not say when it did not say how long ago and then in verse 2 where the translators have kind of messed up it says to Hoover before which is to say not that the earth was boarded without form the earth became void and without form and and if you read in Isaiah chapter 18 verse 45 or vice-versa 4518 you find out that God doesn't create anything uninhabited and created it beautiful and then Satan rebelled and there was the downfall hour that's it's real easy to understand just take a little bit of time and rightly divide the word of God you know probably one of the best places is injurer my chapter four people are getting their kind of pulling God's chain and and he says to them hey before well hey let me just put it like a scripture verse 18 my people are a little Saudis and unfortunately what that means is my people are just to need a bit stupid okay they don't study but he said if you keep this up once before I destroyed every city every person everything not Noah's Flood but the great cattle Bowl the overthrow when Satan rebelled so it's real easy to understand the third earth age you've just open those scriptures up and let them talk to you okay we got mark from Colorado as they recently rededicated and repentant Christian I've been watching Shepherd's chapel daily if I can and learning more of God's will for me pastor Bernie you are a blessing well thank you and and Word of God if we're scriptures are located I have been looking for but cannot find the answer to this question and as you were also a former Marine simplify simplify Oh return maybe you can lead me to the truth if the government of this country Rams gun control down our throats as they seem to want to do can we defend our home and property shoot back from the Nazis or did as the Nazis or didn't we just surrender everything we have God says to render and deceiver Caesar what Caesar's what do we stand as Christians thank you well we vote there's no way that a bunch of wood bees are going to do away with the Second Amendment that's just impossible and nobody no in Congress today even though they may ratchet draw a lot they do not have the votes to do away with the Second Amendment and you know something if anyone did this what would happen on the next election we're a government of the people by the people and for the people and the people would throw them all out and get it back where it's supposed to be can do type people that's what we've got here you always obey your sin laws but always also protect your family Katherine from Tennessee what is the difference between the elect people and the ones that are free will what is the difference with their jobs there are privileges according to God in the millennium or after well it God's elect all they did in the first Earth Age was stand against Satan he didn't fool that he fooled just about everybody and he's going to try it again but the elec were chosen then and God will use them they're called in Ezekiel in the Millennium temples there's a dock which means the up writer just and he can use them interfering in their lives they may he would say in Romans chapter eight verse 26 you don't even know what to pray for but I for dating you and I will move you where I want you and it happens to God's elect they and he sees that it gets done now on the other end God loves his children he didn't destroy the first earth age because he wanted to he destroyed it so that he would have an opportunity to cause each person to be born in us and a woman to make his or her mind up whether you're going to love God or Satan and get it over with that's what the third earth age will be I am out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse hey most of all God does it's the letter he sent to you of his love and when you study that letter it makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make hers you can count it we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you want you to do that you bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning separates chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing the shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you the book of mark mark one of the Apostles mark having been a very young lad at the time Christ walked this earth was always in the shadows observing and listening with the intensity that young ears can picking up every word and this great gospel moves very fast but what at what a interesting and certainly impressive gospel it is for mark from those that young mind reiterates to you in chapter 13 how some are going to be delivered up exactly what they were supposed to do and even in that thirteenth chapter giving you these seven events that fulfill this I'll make up the seven seals and the seven trumpets and telling you how you are to react to them a fast-moving gospel one that I know you'll enjoy from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study of God's Word now here is pastor Murray the Shepherd's chapel welcome this family Bible study I'll praise God we've been waiting on you we're ready to get into a new study I really enjoy these specials that we do between books really enjoyed visiting with you last evening about Iran and Iraq how those that particular situation is our Father's plan and your schedule right on time naturally
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 31,194
Rating: 4.8274508 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Ecclesiastes, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes Bible Study, Book of Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes 5, Ecclesiastes Chapter 5, Ecclesiastes (Religious Text)
Id: o_hwhqLydtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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