II Samuel ~ 7:9 to 8:5

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel we're having a blessed day here at the chapel we hope you're having a blessed day wherever you are we're getting ready to get back into our father's word here we're gonna pick it up today second samuel chapter 7 verse 9 and as we left off in our last lecture david had a time of peace very one of the few times in David's life that he had peace but when you when you have a time of peace you think about building and David was sitting in his fancy Cedar Palace and he looked out the window and he saw the Ark of God which they had just successfully brought up from obed-edom where it had been for three months Kerr ja-jeom for several years before that and it was sitting out there in a tent and David thought to himself in fact he didn't think to yourself he said to Nathan who was a prophet of God I think I'm gonna build a house for the Lord and Nathan said well do whatever you you know your heart tells you to do you're obviously being blessed by God but that night God came to Nathan and told him that here's what I say to David concerning him building a house you're not going to build me a house when did I ever ask a man to build me a house and then he kind of dressed David down a bit and said you know you were a sheepherder boy a sheep boy and I took you and made you the king of the most powerful nation on earth at the time and you think I need you I didn't find you in that Cedar Palace I found you out in the pastures with your sheep and we pick it up there but again I want to remind you that this is chapter 7 has a fantastic promise for David and it also has a fantastic promise for you and me let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day second samuel chapter 7 verse 9 and it reads and I the Lord speaking to David was with thee whithersoever thou wentest and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight this has cut off your enemies from your face including the giant Goliath and have made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth I made you the king of the most powerful nation on earth at the time and under David and Solomon not only was Israel growing geographically by the land they took on from conquered nations they also were controlling economically greater expanses of geography on the north they went up into the land of the Syrians all the way to the Euphrates River not possessing the land but having economical influence over the land meaning that the people of those lands were paying tribute taxes to David and Solomon then on the South almost all the way to the land of Egypt became Israel then to the southeast of Israel you had the fell to David and as roll the moabites the ammonites opening up that transportation path to the Gulf of Aqaba which was critical for Solomon to have a southern port whereby they could launch their ships of tarshish for the trips for gold and other precious metals and stones to offer you see other than that Israel's only outlet to the Seas was the Mediterranean Sea through the port of Joppa which was in the land of israel called jaffa today verse 10 moreover i will appoint a place for my people israel now this was at the time of this writing the the promised land but it also has a futuristic meaning there is a promised land in our future it's called the kingdom of god I hope there's a place there for you and we'll plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own it's called the Eternity and move no more this is prophecy of the second advent neither shall the children of wickedness you can think of the Kenites flick them anymore as before time and that definitely hasn't happened yet God's children who try to do the right thing who are righteous are attacked continually they're oppressed by Satan and the wicked and evil people of the world well why will they no longer be afflicted by the children of wickedness because they will have found their final destination they punched their ticket into the lake of fire they're fini they're gone never to be thought of again verse 11 and has since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel and have cause thee to rest from all thine enemies also the Lord tell us that thee that he that yah-ha they will make the in-house this is promised to David that again is fantastic concerns David's family not so much Solomon which we will see is referenced in the following Scripture but you see the seed line that's promised here did not pass down through Solomon who was the next king after David the the King and the seed line that is promised came through David's son Nathan who that is who the Messiah would come the fantastic promise made to David verse 12 and when thy days this is to David be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy father's I will set up thy seed after thee no doubt what we're talking about here we're talking about is his lineage which shall proceed out of thy boughs and I will establish his kingdom out of the root of Jesse will come in insin that the Gentiles will even seek and his salvation will be glorious theirs and that's Isaiah chapter 11 verse 10 also quoted in Romans chapter 15 verse 12 verse 13 he shall build an house for my name this this descendant of David will build a house for his name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever and the son who would build a house for thy name that would be Solomon but again the one who established the throne of his kingdom forever was not solomon you see the the throne of solomon wasn't permanent they went all the way down through Zedekiah who was the last king of judah before the Babylonian captivity but it was ended that point the lineage that will go on forever and ever I'll add is that of Messiah that passed down through Nathan all the way to Mary who was of the tribe of Judah she was also half of the tribe of Levi we have the king line and the priests line joined together in Messiah 1st chronicles chapter 28 verse 3 we learned the reason that David was not allowed to build a house for God himself which he desired to do he said so much at the end of our last lecture but in the reason that stated there in 1st chronicles chapter 28 verse 3 was that he was a man of war a man who had shed much blood but it was necessary he said the people the nation of Israel was being oppressed by the Philistines by the the ammonites the Moabites list goes on and on they had a lot of enemies and it was necessary for that blood to be shed to bring it to a point where they would have peace where Solomon could build a house for the name of the Lord verse 14 and to notice you have a star at the end of verse 13 most of you in your Bibles that means that 99.9% of biblical scholars agree that that verse is talking about Messiah verse 14 I will be his father and he shall be my son hebrews chapter 1 verse 5 to which of the Angels did the Lord say this is my only begotten Son if he commits iniquity I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men and of course Messiah had no iniquity he had no sin Solomon on the other hand had iniquity he had sin he he really messed up toward the in his older age when he took on so many foreign wives and began to worship their gods small G that's the reason that God ripped ten of the tribes of Israel away from Solomon's son Rehoboam now as far as Jesus though he he took the stripes for our sins that we might be healed Isaiah chapter 53 verse 15 but my mercy this is loving-kindness you could think of it as grace unmerited favor shall not depart away from him as I took it from soul whom I put away before the soul was rejected by the Lord but this is an irrevocable promise you know many promises in God's Word have that little word two letter word if attached to them you can claim this promise if you do my commandments for example there's no ifs and there are no conditions in this promise that the Lord is making to David and you and me it's irrevocable it's a covenant of salt it cannot be changed it cannot be altered verse 16 and thine house referring to David's family and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee thy throne shall be established forever and again that did not occur through Solomon nor did it occur through Zedekiah all the way from Solomon to Zedekiah you had a king of Judah from the time of the Babylonian captivity you had no king of Judah again you have a star following that verse that means that it's it does refer to Messiah and what did fulfill that scripture was when the wind the king of kings and Lord of lords which that's futuristic from here as well you see Messiah came in swaddling clothes the first time and he was crucified on a cross for our sins but praise God he went into that tomb and three days later resurrected defeating death and you know the promise that why is this such a special promise well I don't know about you but I fall short from time to time I mess up I sin to be in the flesh is to sin if you're honest with yourself they were at that like it says in the first epistle of John who ever says he has no sin is a liar I believe that's in James is in the book of James chapter 1 but anyway what is so fantastic about this promise well none of us you see could make it into the kingdom of God if it were up to us to live in the flesh according to God's law we all sin we all fall short Messiah defeated death he who had the power of death that's to say the devil hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 will document that but we have as a result of that eternal life open to us for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16 probably the most quoted verse in the Bible but that's what's so fantastic about these promise this promise that's being made to David not only David but you and me as well the offer of eternal life a king for one and all time that being Jesus Christ yes he he came as a babe in swaddling clothes the first time the second time that he comes he will be on a white warhorse and he's gonna have a rod of iron and there's gonna be discipline and things are going to be straightened out at this point looking around us today I believe he's the only one who can straighten this mess out I say come Lord Jesus come verse 17 according to all these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David this was God's message to David this was not Nathan's personal opinion now in verses the eighteen through twenty seven we have David's prayer of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for the promise we can join in with David in thanking the Lord for the promise of Messiah verse eighteen then went King David in and sat before the Lord before the Ark of the Covenant is what this means and he said Who am I Oh Lord God and what is my house that thou has brought me hither to David showing signs of maturity here he's humbling himself and questioning whether he's worthy or not something that we also should ask ourselves occasionally are we worthy are we doing the best we can to be worthy because I'll tell you most of us if it were up to us as to whether we were worthy we would come up short verse 19 and this was yet a small thing in thy sight O Lord God this was a tremendous thing for me and my house my family David is saying but for you this was but a small thing but thou has spoken also of thy servants house for a great while to come for ever for example and is this the manner of man Oh Lord God this word manner Hebrew word that most of you are familiar with it's Torah as in the law this could be translated and is this the law of man Oh Lord God verse 20 and what can David say more unto thee for thou Lord God knoweth thy servant and indeed God did know his servant David he knew his heart and his mind he knew that David had he was a man after God's own heart that's how well the Lord knew David and that's the reason he selected him to be the rejected Saul's replacement 21 for thy words sake and according to thine own heart or this could be your own mind hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know them it is a promise to David and a promise to us that has been made known in this chapter 22 wherefore thou art great o Lord God this has ever the the praise of the Saints for there is none like thee neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears and if you have been giving ears to hear and eyes to see don't ever fail to thank God for having eyes to see and ears to hear we are seeing in the last several chapters what I would refer to as the Ascension of David's kingship we're about to begin the decline of David's kingship especially when we get to chapter 11 David did some things that would turn the stomach of any righteous person and my point is David was not perfect guess what neither are any of us either so don't be too quick to judge David when we do get to the decline of his kingship and with what he did in chapters 11 and 12 in particular but what you know the point I'm trying to get to is that even though David fell short and messed up like the rest of us do he never ever fell into idolatry and when he said neither there is none like the neither is there any God beside thee David believed that with all his heart with all his mind all the future kings of Judah would be judged according to David as far as whether they how they walked with the Lord most of them did not walk with the Lord as closely as King David verse 23 and what one nation in the earth is like by people even like Israel whom God went to redeem for a people to himself and to make him a name and to do for you great things and terrible or awesome would be a better way to translate the word terrible for thy land before thy people which thou redeem us to thee from Egypt from the nation's and their gods after 400 years of bondage to the Egyptians God redeemed his people Israel and brought them out of bondage and brought them into the promised land it was not an easy trip for Israel it was not an easy trip for our Heavenly Father you see he had a bunch of rebellious stubborn children who refused to believe him and time and time again he for example he parted the Red Sea so that Israel could come out of Egypt and walk on dry ground he gave them manna from heaven he gave them them quail he provided water from the rock when there was no water for the or their livestock to drink and what did he get did he get thanks no he got complaints and unbelief and murmuring from his children verse 24 for thou has confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto thee forever most today don't even know who they are and thou Lord art become their God verse 25 and now O Lord God the word that thou has spoken concerning thy servant concerning David and concerning his house established it forever and do as thou has said and the Lord always keeps his promises promises again this was an irrevocable promise I think David is not doubting that the Lord will fulfill his promise he's just again questioning whether he is worthy or not verse 26 and let thy name be magnified forever saying the Lord of Hosts is the God over Israel and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee in Genesis chapter 49 we find the blessings of Jacob on his twelve sons the twelve patriarchs of Israel and in verse 10 of Genesis 49 when Judah was receiving his blessing the promise was that Judah would always be the Lion of Israel and the scepter would never pass in other words the king's scepter the kingship would never pass from the tribe of Judah that ultimately will be fulfilled when Messiah returns as the king of kings and Lord of lords Genesis excuse me Revelation chapter 19 verse 27 for Thou O Lord of hosts God of Israel has revealed to thy servant saying that's revealed in the Hebrew is has opened the ear always again be thankful when God opens your ears I will build the in-house therefore hath thy servant found in his heart or his mind to pray this prayer unto thee and David's song or prayer of thanksgiving and joy ends with that verse and now O Lord God thou art that God and thy words be true and now has promised this goodness unto thy servant and again God always keeps his promises verse 29 therefore now that it pleased thee to bless or be thou pleased to bless the house of thy servant that it may continue for ever before thee for thou Lord God has spoken it and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed forever and the blessing to the world would be messiah in Genesis chapter 18 verse 18 it states that all nations will be blessed as a result of thy seed that that statement made to Abraham because it would be through Abraham that Messiah would come this is the reason that Eve could be called the mother of all living for it would be through her womb umbilical cord to umbilical cord to King David then umbilical cord to umbilical cord to Mary the mother of Jesus and being coming to pass in the birth of Messiah you see this particular chapter is very important for us to understand for many other reasons then it's the promise of Messiah you see this this this chapter we we learn the key of David if we're aware of what we just was promised you see there's no way that you would understand who the Kenites are those who claim to be of our brother Judah as it states in revelation 2:9 in 339 but do lie and are of the synagogue of Satan we're talking about the Kenites the promise of Messiah through the root of Jesse as we covered in this particular chapter it brings about the knowledge of the key of David that it was through David all the way back to Adam that's F Haddam of Genesis chapter 2 would come Messiah and that key of David as it's written to the Church of Philadelphia opens doors that no man can shut it's the key that opens the scripture for you to understand make sure that you understand the key of David it's a critical piece of the puzzle as far as understanding God's Word chapter 8 if I were to title it I would title at the mighty acts of David the wars and victories over the enemies of Israel and David's officers let's go with verse 1 and after this it came to pass that David smote the Philistines and subdued them and David took metha gamma out of the hand of the Philistines metha gamma means the bridle of AA which is Alma means Mother City and at this point in time Gath was the mother city of what was basically left of the five major Philistine cities and a bridle and those of you who aren't familiar with riding horses but a bridle is what you use to control a large animal or a large nation such as the Philistines and in other words David put a bridle in the mouths of the Philistines so that he could continue troll them a bridle on a horse you have a lead on a left lead and a right lead that is attached to the bit that goes into the horse's mouth and when you want to go right you move your hand to the right when you move them to go left you move your hand to the left and that tells the animal that the the feeling on their neck of the lead that that's the way you want to go and that's the way you control david was controlling the Philistines is the point verse two and he smoked Moab and measured them with the line casting them down to the ground that part concerning cities now we're going to be talking about people even with two lines measured he to put to death and with one full line to keep alive and so the Moabites became David servants and brought gifts they paid tribute now what this is doing is accomplishing partially fulfilling numbers chapter 24 verse 17 where God promises that he's going to smite the corners of Moab and why would God do that because the Moabites led his children in Israel into worshipping idols this two lines measured David lined up the male's of the Moabites and the feet and the other second line was the females of the Moabites the males were exterminated the females allowed to live verse three david smote also how to desert have called how to resurrect rana khals the son of rehab king of Zopa this is part an area of syria of today and he went to recover his border at the river Euphrates this recover in the Hebrew is causing the hand to cover which is a he Bri Azzam a figure of speech meaning to take possession of the land that was a large territory north of Israel all the way to the Euphrates that came under Israel's economic influence at this two point in time and David took from him a thousand chariots and seven hundred horsemen first Chronicles eighteen four states seven thousand horsemen which was probably more correct very it would be way out of proportion to have a thousand chariots but only seven hundred horsemen or cavalrymen seven thousand more likely and twenty thousand footmen and David hewed all the her chariot horses but reserved of them for an hundred chariots as food in the Hebrew means to hamstring the horses figuratively it means to exterminate them and what David's doing is making sure that those horses won't be used to make war against Israel ever again verse five and when the Syrians of Damascus these would be allies to the people of Zola the Kings Oba the king of Zola had a desert is what I'm trying to get out came to succor this means to protect or aid had a desert king of is Oba David slew of the Syrians two and twenty thousand men he wiped out those who came to help how to desert the king of Zola so we'll continue in our next lecture and see the continued successes and victories of David and again though we're nearing the point where the ascension of David's kingship begins to go downhill David had much success defeating the enemies without but the enemies that he had the most difficulty defeating in trouble with where the enemies from within we'll see that as we get into chapter 11 and 12 we got a short message asked you to listen a moment won't you please the book of James James is a book that I know you'll enjoy because it is written when you rightly divide it to those that are scattered abroad that's to say the twelve tribes the ten tribes scattered abroad being very specific in your freedom of Christianity the repentance giving much personal instruction as far as controlling our thoughts and finding peace and giving us those parameters where in Christianity defining those things that come from the Word of God example that bitter and sweet water cannot come from the same spring well from God's Word you should not have both either the practice of healing brought forth in this book of James I know you're gonna like it James that great book of instruction welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we simply won't do it well let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address I always love to see the map of the locations around the world that are hitting our website via the internet and it's it's very rewarding to see most often that the heavy consolidated responses or hits on our website are usually around us military bases situated around the world in other words wherever you see a heavy population of American troops both men and women around the world that's where our program is being hit with computers and that's always rewarding China also the first of course you have the United States his number of hips than Canada but then followed thirdly by China which is a very those people if you're a Christian in China you're oppressed believe me so it's very rewarding to see that they're interested in studying and we do have these prayer requests though if you got a prayer request you don't need a number or a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to talk to your father go to him in prayer make time each day all too many I'm afraid don't have time for God and if you don't have time for him guess what he doesn't have time for you either go to your father and prayer and do it often we do have these prayer requests father we come to you United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs addictions to drugs father financial difficulties you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way and our police officials in the United States who protect us from those who would want to do harm we ask that you watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have John from Missouri how is it documented that born-again actually means born from above well if you have a strongest concordance which we strongly recommend that anyone who's wants to study God's Word that you have a strong concordance because that allows you to take any word in the King James Version Bible back to the original languages and if you have a strong concordance look up the word born again as it appears what in John chapter 3 verse 3 I believe it is yeah that that you take that word born that word again look it up and it means from above in other words in your concordance you'll find that that word is an oath in in the Greek and it means from above what does all that means it means that your spirit was with God in heaven but then when your mother conceived you God placed your soul your spirit in the embryo born from above charlie from michigan and thank you for your kind comments what event will it be that takes us into the sixth Trump the deadly wound or the two witnesses coming on the scene thanks charlie both lead-up to the Antichrist being on earth at the sixth Trump the deadly wound comes before the six Trump the two witnesses are before the six Trump not long before but before carrying when you see those events happen and know that the six Trump is real close Kerry in Arizona why did they say that Jesus was raised on the third day when he was actually raised on the fourth day and if you're in the grave three days and three nights that would be the fourth day well we teach in the Bible states that it was three and a half days the third day at sunset is the end of the third day because he was in placed in the tomb at sunset on a Wednesday you count three days that Saturday evening then sometime in that tonight heroes Sunday morning three and a half days okay Amanda in Texas is there scripture in the Bible that says God has a sense of humor well I think so what comes to my mind first of all is first Kings chapter 18 verse 22 and the following verses when Elijah takes on the 850 prophets of Jezebel and Ahab and he challenges them and says you know okay we're going to take two oxen and you prepare your ox and ask your God to consume it bale in other words and I'm going to prepare my offering and whichever one is consumed by fire from heaven that is the true God and the prophets of bale and the prophets of the Groves they danced and he rod and cut themselves and jumped up and down on the altar it was a real religious hoedown in verse 27 Elisha mocking the 850 prophets says you know maybe your God is on a journey maybe he's on vacation in other words or or perhaps he's sleeping or or maybe he has a pursuit meaning he needs to take a potty break proverbs chapter 6 oh you follow that does does God have the ability to hate and yes proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 and the following verses we learned the six things that God hates and then if you add discord it becomes an abomination Malachi chapter one verse three Romans chapter 9 verse 3 God loved Jacob and hated Esau yes God hates you can be assured that God hates Satan as well hates what he has done to his children Henry and Georgia does Gog and Armageddon let's say Haman Gog and Armageddon occur after the 1000 year reign if so how can Ezekiel 39 apply if we are in spiritual bodies because as Ezekiel 39 verse 4 speaks of giving GOG onto the ravenous birds that couldn't that couldn't be because God would be in their spiritual bodies and the birds and beasts could not devour anything but flesh bodies Ezekiel chapter 39 we're already at the seventh Trump everyone is in spiritual bodies as you have stated they're now spiritual bodies can be consumed they can be spiritually dead in other words and that's what it means there in Ezekiel 39 verse 4 Katherine from Texas let's see I've been studying with the chapel for 15 years and loved it your father's teaching was awesome you now are doing great - thank you for that I tell everybody how much I get out of taking the Bible chapter by chapter some of my friends and my daughter are hooked on the word now isn't that fantastic and I'm sure it is in your heart as well can you give me chapter and verse where by I can prove I'm sorry however other Braniac relatives who think they are philosophers thinks it's a waste of time now and after we die that it's not needed to study God's Word can you give me chapter and verse whereby I can prove to them God's Word says we'll be taught in the afterlife the Millennium the scriptures we don't learn here and now Mark chapter 13 verse 31 would be a good Scripture I'm not sure it will do any good with your Brainiac relatives the philosophers but you can run it by them mark thirteen thirty-one states that heaven and earth shall pass away then that means the heaven and earth ages will pass away but my words God speaking shall not pass away you are never wasting your time studying God's Word the Millennium will be a tremendous time of teaching the Word of God and discipline Jesse and Harry I don't know your name just a line to tell you how much I love you in your wonderful staff they help to keep you going I have learned so much from listening to you explain the Scriptures I could not understand them before you came along now I understand so much more and my son and I listen to you every morning until he goes to work he is 72 years old I am 92 years old well you certainly lived a long life I read that when you talk in tongues your spirit talks to the Lord spirit I don't know but remember where I read this in the Bible can you tell me where it is thank you very much your dad's so wonderful I wish I had known him before but I really enjoy him now well I'm glad that you enjoy the recorded programs of him speaking in tongues it's false teaching for the most part those who teach the Pentecostal tongue means that it's where someone speaks some gibber --is-- and someone sitting next to them like a ventriloquist interprets what they say and repeats it so the congregation can understand that's not what the Pentecostal tongue is Acts chapter 2 verse 4 in the following verses read it very carefully it states that the people with who were there from all over the world spoke many different languages understood the Pentecostal tongue as though it were in the dialect of the county in which they were born that's the evidence of the Holy Spirit that everyone understands not that you have a bent relic West interpreting what the dummy said I know that hurts feelings but it's getting late in the game tongues means languages and it's taken to me and it's some gibberish it's languages that are understood Michael from Florida is the fish sign and he that gives the symbol of Christianity in the Bible no but historically it is a symbol of Christianity you see at the time when Paul was running around yanking people out of their own homes and persecuting Christians it was not safe to to advertise a Christian meaning why because Paul and his group would show up and drag him out and put him in prison therefore the Christians came up with a cipher which is the fish sign you see in the Greek language fish is ik thee and if you took the Greek word icky and wrote it vertically with the first letter at the top the last letter at the bottom and then you supply in the Greek language keep in mind the words Jesus Christ son of God Savior is what the fish sign the origin of it is it's a cipher for fish Wayne in Florida that's a cipher more importantly for Jesus Christ son of God Savior Wayne in Florida why do bad things happen to people who believe in God and please give me some verses to read on this well bad things happen to people accidents happen to people God didn't promise anyone that if you live a righteous life that sometimes bad things are going to happen in your life he didn't promise any of us that we wouldn't possibly become sick he told us how to be healthy by eating properly and following the health laws but he didn't promise us a Rose Garden Luke chapter 13 verses 1 through 4 and tells us that bad things happen to the Galileans and the Tower of Siloam fell on and killed 8 on and killed 18 people Jade Jesus asked the those who were there do you think they were bigger sinners than the rest of us no bad things and accidents happen to people that's part of life pug from Alabama was just studying with you and your father Arnold talking taking a break to write you this letter thank God for Shepherd's chapel ministry I have had many questions in my lifetime concerning God's Word the rapture theory never made sense to me even before shepherd's chapel explained my thought was always if Jesus is to return to earth to set up his kingdom then where would the raptured souls be going and why many questions for many years but no believable explanation until you and Pastor Arnold I am getting many questions answered almost daily through my study of the Bible with you both to help guide me many things instead of a question I would like to just make a statement thank you for your teaching of the truth please thank the staff for their efforts are greatly appreciated main part of my statement I would like to thank the Christian people that financially support your ministry so that me and many others like me can still be fed while we are unable to contribute with cash I just want the the ones that do contribute to be thanked so that I may still benefit from their love offering so that I can receive teaching since I really need it but cannot send money at this I have in the past and into again when and if I recover well pug that's quite a witness and you know we don't thank those who financially support shepherd's chapel probably often enough and I probably the main reason for that is we don't like to express or overemphasize tithing that's a very minimal covered subject here at Shepherd's chapel but it is the many membered body that helps financially that receives the rewards that I receive as a result of this broadcast by bringing God's truth to his children who are lost in this world of darkness and if not for the generosity of the many membered body we couldn't bring this program to you and pile guy really want to thank you for pointing that out that that we need to thank those who support the chapel because that's what keeps the Word of God going out to those who are in need Gary and Kentucky Revelation 13 verses 16 and 17 states caused them all to receive the mark in the right hand or four heads is this the mark of the beast you see this is the reason that the Word of God needs to go out people are biblically illiterate and I'm not talking about you specifically Gary but what you need to do you're right it is the mark of the beast and you need to order the free internet free offer that we offer here it's a CD we don't ask for a donation well first of all the phone call is free that you can call to request we don't ask for a donation for the the free CD mark of the beast we don't even ask you to pay postage and handling the phone call is free the CD is free the shipping and handling is free so you need to understand the mark of the beast it's getting late in the game and of course the mark being in the right hand that they're doing the works of Satan and his role as Antichrist in the forehead is what's in their mind in their brain most of them are going to be deceived gala in California did pastor Murray say that Jesus Christ was going to plant his feet on the Mount of Olives where they crucified him at his second coming also does this mean that Satan is here for a thousand years locked in Chains and yes and yes well except for the short season at the end of the thousand years Antichrist or Satan not in his role as Antichrist will be loosed Acts chapter 1 verses 11 and 12 makes it very clear that Jesus will return and his feet will where will he return to the Mount of Olives which is where he ascended there in Acts chapter 1 verses 11 and 12 also Zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 a second witness that Jesus's feet will set down on the Mount of Olives that's kind of like the question that pug pointed out there that you know doesn't make any sense why would anybody want to be raptured away when Jesus is coming here Acts chapter 1 verse 11 and 12 make that very clear Carolyn from Canada I started reading today in second Kings 21 3 talking about - a building up the high places his father Hezekiah had destroyed Manasseh built up altars for bail and made a grove as did a hab king of Israel when I got to the next line I was confused and had to read it several times it didn't make any sense to me it says here and in verse five and worshiped all the hosts of heaven and served them verse five and he built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord and what the host of heaven to answer your question is can mean the angels of God God's children that are with him it can also mean Sun and star worship for example the worship of the Sun has always been or from the heathen nations of the world since the get-go people have worshiped the Sun considering it to be the life giver but that's what the your confusion there is it not only can be the God's children the angels it can also be the Stars the moon which God put those there as signs and for signs and seasons but not to be us to worship they're not deities James from Nebraska I came upon a church that its book a continuation of the Bible revelation 22:18 says if any man adds on to these things God shall add until him the plagues that are written in this book does this revert to the book of Revelation or the entire Bible I think the entire Bible and I am out of time I want you all to know that I enjoy you I love you because you enjoy studying the Word of God and you know what when God looks down and he sees you reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness there's one thing though that's most important beloved it's this stay in his word every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 708
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Book of, Chapel, II Samuel, Book of II Samuel, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Book of 2 Samuel, 2 Samuel
Id: Y4jxf_Oj7IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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