Tuesday 9/14/21 II Samuel 3:19 - 4:12

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- [Narrator] Welcome to the Shepherd's Chapel Network family bible study hour with Pastor Dennis Murray. Wisdom is understanding God's word. Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter, verse by verse study of God's letter to you, the bible. And, now, here is Pastor Dennis Murray. - Good day to you, God bless you. Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel. Welcome to this family bible study hour. Ready to get back into our Father's word here at the chapel. We invite you to get your bible and join us, if you care to. We're gonna pick it up today, Second Samuel, chapter three, verse 19. In our last lecture, we saw the House of David continuing to strengthen and it listed several wives and children, sons that were born to David at Hebron. Then, we had over on the other side, Abner took one of Ishbosheth, who had been announced as the king, being Saul's only remaining son. He was totally incompetent and a weakling, I think. But it was Abner's strength that allowed Ishbosheth to take over the reign of the northern tribes. David remember was king over Judah only at this point in time. But Abner took one of Saul's concubines which should have gone to the new king, Ishbosheth. And fact is Abner by taking one of Saul's concubines that was seen as laying claim to the throne yourself. And Abner came down on Ishbosheth pretty hard. And what am I, a dog's head, he said in verse eight. And he then told Ishbosheth, I'm switching racehorses. I'm going with David to be king over all of Israel. And Abner went to David and said, you know, let me make you king of all of Israel. And David said, well, on one condition and, that is, the next time we meet face to face, you bring my wife Michal who, Saul her father, had illegally given her to another man. David was her legal husband and she his legal wife. And we saw Abner then going to Gilead, the tribes on the Eastern side of the Jordan river. Also, Ephraim, no doubt. And he told them, for a long time, you said you wanted David to be your king. And I imagine a lot of people were fed up with Saul after he went mad from his jealousy over David and God rejected him. People were probably not all that happy with Saul being their king. They could see that David was anointed of God to be the king of Israel and had talked about being under him at some point. Abner said, you know, you've been talking about it, don't just talk about it, do it. Here's your opportunity. So, with that introduction, let's ask that word of wisdom in Jesus' precious name. Father we ask you to open eyes, open ears, this day. Let's go with second Samuel, chapter three, verse 19. And, it reads, and Abner also spake in the ears of Benjamin and Abner went also to speak in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel, and that seemed good to the whole house of Benjamin. Abner knew that God had chosen David to be the King over all of Israel. Note, in verse 17, Abner went first to the other tribes of Israel besides Benjamin and then he went to Benjamin, more specially, I think, in that it had been the tribe from which the royalty came. That carried perks with it. Saul was a very powerful man. The most powerful man in Israel. And, with that, came gifts of vineyards, olive yards, promotions to positions of leadership in the military and the government, et cetera. That was all the many benefits received as a result of Saul being the king. But we see Abner being an integral part of the kingship of all of Israel coming in line under David. Well, let's put it this way, God wanted it to happen so it would have happened with or without Abner, but Abner is proving to be a wonderful ally to David, at this point. Verse 20, so Abner came to David to Hebron, and 20 men with him. And David made Abner and the men that were with him a feast. And he was happy to see them. No doubt, he was happy to see his wife Michal once again as well, but it was a festive atmosphere in Hebron at this point in time. Now, Joab and David, no doubt, knew each other very well. And David, recall at one point, was a captain of thousands in Saul's army when they were fighting against the Philistines. Joab was also a very high-ranking officer in the armies of Saul. I think David and Abner had a mutual respect for each other. They knew that the other was a very good warrior. Fearless warrior. Verse 21, and Abner said unto David, I will arise and go, and will gather all Israel unto my lord the king, now David not Saul, that they may make a league or a covenant with thee, and that thou mayest reign over all that thine heart desireth. The whole nation of Israel, not just Judah any longer. This is good news to David. And David sent Abner away; and he went in peace, parted on good terms. David's happy with this news that Abner brought to him. Abner's happy because the rest of the nation is going to have a rightful king and that being David. There's one that's not going to be so happy about this engagement. His name is Joab, David's nephew. 22, and behold the servants of David and Joab came from pursuing a troop, they came back to Hebron from a raid, and brought in a great spoil, booty if you will, with them, but Abner was not with David in Hebron; for he had sent him away, and he was gone in peace. Now, Joab is probably suspicious when he learns that Abner had been there talking with David. Joab is probably worried that Abner is going to obtain a position under David which might cause Joab to be knocked down a rung or two on the chain of command. So that, plus Joab is anxious to avenge what he sees as the blood, the murder, of his younger brother Asahel which Abner took care of Asahel. But that really wasn't murder. It was self-defense. Asahel gave Abner no choice. It was either kill or be killed. That makes it self-defense, not murder. Verse 23, when Joab and all the host that was with him were come, they told Joab saying, the people who remained in Hebron, told Joab, Abner the son of Ner came to the king, to David, and he hath sent him away and he is gone in peace. Now, Joab loses his cool. He's suspicious of Abner's intentions as well as anxious to avenge his brother's blood. Then Joab came to the king, and said, what hast thou done, question. Behold, Abner came unto thee; why is it that thou hast sent him away, and he is quite gone? Now, that's a little bold for Joab and, yes, Joab is David's nephew, but David is the king. And, if David said, off with Joab's head, it would be off with Joab's head. So we see Joab being a little bold here. But, he's saying, you had Abner here, he's been chasing us all over Judah, while he was serving Saul, trying to kill us, and you let him go in peace. 25, Joab continues, thou knowest Abner the son of Ner, that he came to deceive thee, and to know thy going out and thy coming in, this is a Hebraism, a figure of speech in the Hebrew language, it means your daily activities, and to know all that thou doest. Abner is a spy and he was coming here just to gather information to help him the next time that he makes war against you. Abner is playing you, David, for a fool. Here we see Joab trying to prejudice David concerning Abner. Verse 26, and when Joab was come out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, which brought him again from the well of Sirah, this not very far down the road, Abner had not made it very far away from Hebron, but David knew it not. Joab did this on his own. Joab, no doubt, sent after Abner in David's name. When the king says come, you come. Verse 27, and when Abner was returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly, to speak with him privately. You can almost here Joab saying, may I have a word with you Abner? And Joab has more than just a word for Abner. And smote him there under the fifth rib, that he died, for the blood of Asahel his brother. This is for the murder of Asahel, his brother, the blood. Again, it was not murder. It was self-defense on Abner's part. Now, the one who has committed murder here, the shedding of innocent blood, is Joab. It's not the only time that Joab will do this. When we get to chapter 20, verse nine and 10, we'll learn that Joab took Amasa to the side and grabbed him by the beard as though as to kiss him, as was a common practice at the time, and also smote him below the fifth rib. He murdered him as well. Now, when someone was struck under the fifth rib, between the fifth and the sixth rib, is the primary location, behind the fifth and sixth rib, where the heart is. And I think this phrase under the fifth rib is utilized four times in God's word. We see three of those occasions just here within several chapters of each other. First, we saw Abner struck or smote Asahel under the fifth rib. Here, Joab smote Abner under the fifth rib. Ishbosheth, the last remaining son of Saul, is not far behind. 28, and afterward when David heard it, when he heard that Abner had been murdered by Joab, he said, I and my kingdom are guiltless before the Lord for ever from the blood, or the murder, of Abner the son of Ner. David washing his hands of this incident. He didn't know... Now, he's going to find himself in a difficult situation with the people of the other tribes of Israel other than Judah. Here, they sent their strong general down to make peace with David and what happens? Abner gets murdered. How do you think that would settle with the people of northern tribes of Israel? 29, let it, in order words, the blood or the murder of Abner, rest on the head of Joab, that's where it belonged, and on all his father's house; and let there not fail from the house of Joab one that hath an issue, that's an abnormal, bodily discharge which makes someone unclean, Leviticus chapter 15, verse two and the following verses, or that is a leper, also unclean, or that leaneth on a staff, that's lame in other words, or that falleth on the sword, one who's violently killed, or that lacketh bread. Don't let it ever be that there's not someone in Joab's house that is suffering, is what David is saying. Let there always be one suffering in Joab's family. What we're gonna see is David's going to put the treatment of Joab in God's hands. He's gonna leave the judgment up to God. Verse 30, so Joab, and Abishai his brother slew Abner. Whoa, now, we learn something there that we hadn't learned before, Abishai was, at least, in conspiracy in this. What we don't know, it's not written what part Abishai played in it, but it's very plain here, Joab and Abishai, the older brothers of Asahel, slew Abner because he had slain their brother Asahel at Gibeon in the battle. They couldn't rightfully claim the right of kinsman redeemer in killing Abner. That's only if Abner had murdered Asahel. He didn't murder Asahel, he killed Asahel in self-defense. Here we see, I think, Joab's motives and his actions here are controlled by jealousy. Jealousy is a terrible spirit and it can cause completely rational people to do totally irrational things. He was jealous of Abner, he was afraid that a league between David and Abner would weaken his position in David's kingdom. Verse 31, and David said to Joab, and to all the people that were with him, here he's publicly going to state his displeasure with what Joab did. Hopefully, this information, what is about to happen will appease those who sent Abner down to make peace in a league with David and, for David, to be their king. Will it work? Rend your clothes, this is what David said to Joab and the others, and gird you with sackcloth, these are signs of mourning, and mourn before Abner. And king David himself followed the bier. Now, bier would be.. An Abner was, course, in no way a poor man. But, at this time a bier was a couch, you could think of it. But a poor man would have a couch where he would sit upon it. It's also where he would sleep at night. And it's also what he was buried on or in. A bier, you could think of it, as somewhat of a coffin. And they buried Abner in Hebron: and the king lifted up his voice, and wept at the grave of Abner; and all the people wept. A lot of loss over what began as nonsense when Abner and Joab showed up with their men at the pool of Gibeon. And that turned into out and out battles and, again, a good man, Abner senselessly killed as a result. Now, David is truly mourning and probably many of the others of Judah as well. Joab and Abishai, it's probably more of an acting job. 33, and the king lamented over Abner, and said, died Abner as a fool dieth? Now, this kinda loses it. What this means is that Abner died an unnoble death. He was a ferocious warrior. I'm sure Abner would have much preferred to die in battle fighting against an enemy rather than having one of his own flesh and blood murder him. A fool could be taken to as someone who is ungodly. Verse 34, thy, this referring to Abner, David continues, hands were not bound, you weren't a malefactor, nor thy feet put in fetters, you weren't convicted of any crime, you were innocent. As a man falleth before wicked men, so fellest thou. And all the people wept again over him. He didn't deserve what he got. It was murder. And here he's calling his own nephews wicked men. That who's responsible, Joab and Abishai. Verse 35, and when all the people came to cause David to eat meat, or food in general of any kind, while it was yet day, David sware, saying, so do God to me, and more also, if I taste bread, or ought else, till the sun be down. Let the same thing that happened to Abner happen to me, also, if I partake of anything to eat. This shows the people of the northern tribes that David is truly mourning the loss of Abner. And proving that he had nothing to do with Abner's murder. And all the people took notice of it, including the tribes of Benjamin, Ephraim and those in Gilead on the east side of Jordan. And it pleased them: as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people. David drawing the people of the nation together under him. They like what they're seeing in David's actions. David was experiencing sincere grief over the lose of Abner. They believed that he had nothing to do, at this point, with Abner's murder. If they did think he had anything to do with it, the league or covenant that Abner first suggested would probably be canceled and Israel would not go under the reign of David. Verse 38, and the king said unto his servants, know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel? And that's quite a statement coming from the most powerful man in the nation, calling Abner a prince and a great man. Verse 39, and I am this day weak, in Hebrew this means tender, in other words, I'm emotional from the loss of Abner. Though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard, or they're too severe or cruel, for me: the Lord shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness. Here, he's putting the matter into God's hands. What David is saying is, yes, I'm anointed the king over all of Israel, but this is just more than I can bear, right now. I'm emotional and tender as to make a decision what to do concerning Joab. Cuz it was the king's responsibility, when there was blood that had been spilled in the land, not only was it up to David to correct it and to punish those who were responsible, that blood also cried out to the Lord. As when Cain slew his brother Abel in the Book of Genesis. You remember God walked up to Cain and said, where's your brother, and he said, I don't know, am I my brother's keeper? And God said, his blood crieth out from the earth to me. And, when blood is shed, innocent blood, the Lord cries out to him as well. On David's, almost on his death bed, that's First Kings, chapter two, verse five and the following verses, on David's deathbed, he instructs his son Solomon, he said, don't let Joab, his hoary head, his gray head, go down to the grave in peace for what he did to Abner and Amasa. Use your wisdom to take him down to the grave. And Solomon found occasion to take Joab down because when Adonijah, another of David's sons, chose to try and usurp the throne from Solomon, Joab supported him at that time. And Solomon took Joab out. What goes around comes around. Chapter four, verse one, and it reads, and when Saul's son, now we switch back to Ishbosheth. The last remaining son Ishbosheth, I should say, the last remaining son of Saul. When Saul's son heard that Abner was dead in Hebron, his hands were feeble, he became weak, and all the Israelites were troubled. They wondered what would the new king David do now. And there's some of them, probably the word hadn't gotten around yet that David was truly mourning the loss of Abner. Some of them probably still suspicious that David had something to do with the murder of Abner. Abner had been Ishbosheth's main stay, if you will. His strength, and now he is gone. He doesn't have the power to remain in the kingdom now. He was incompetent, he was a weakling. Verse two, and Saul's son, this is Ishbosheth, had two men that were captains of bands: the name of the one was Baanah, and the name of the other Rechab, the sons of Rimmon a Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin: for Beeroth also was reckoned to Benjamin. Of course, Benjamin was Saul's own tribe which makes the crime that these two are about to commit, even more heinous. This Beeroth is near Gibeon about six miles north of Jerusalem. And the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and were sojourners there until this day. This means that they were strangers or foreigners in the land. Verse four, and Jonathan, Saul's son, had a son that was lame of his feet. He was five years old when the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel, and his nurse took him up, and fled: and it came to pass, as she made haste to flee, that he fell, and became lame. And his name was Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth, if you translate it, means fighter of Baal. He's called Meribbaal in First Chronicles. Now, you might recall Jonathan and David were like blood brothers. They were very, very close. David had sworn to always honor the house of Saul and the house of Jonathan. As a result, then, that Jonathan was a son of Saul. In chapter nine, David will restore the property that belonged to Saul to Mephibosheth. He will also make it to where Mephibosheth, the grandson on Saul, the son of Jonathan, will always eat at David's table. In other words, whatever the king had for supper, Mephibosheth had for supper. Ishbosheth is the last of Saul's family capable of ruling and he isn't very capable of ruling. So, all of this, has a purpose and that is setting up David to be the king of all of Israel. Jezreel, don't let that throw you. That's near Mount Gilboa where Saul and his three eldest sons died fighting the Philistines. Verse five, and the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, went, and came about the heat of the day, it was about noon in other words, to the house of Ishbosheth, who lay on a bed at noon. And this is Saul's last remaining son, the last family member capable of reigning as king. Time to take a nap. Verse six, and they came thither into the midst of the house, as though they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him, this is Ishbosheth, under the fifth rib, here we have that phrase again, and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. Pretended they were there to fetch wheat for their men and they murdered Ishbosheth. Verse seven, for when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and gat them away through the plain all night. They rode through the Valley of Jordan all night long. Why did they take his head? Well, proof that Ishbosheth was dead. They planned to collect a nice reward from David for killing Ishbosheth. Verse eight, and they brought the head of Ishbosheth unto David to Hebron, and said to the king, behold the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul thine enemy, which sought thy life; and the Lord hath avenged my lord the king this day of Saul, and his seed. And, here, he's covering or cloaking what they did in the name of the Lord. Have you ever noticed when someone goes off their rocker, is crazy and does something stupid, like kill someone, and what do they do? Well, they blame God, they say a voice told me to murder this person. And it wasn't God's voice that told them, it was Satan's voice. Verse nine, and David answered Rechab and Baanah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and said unto them, as the Lord liveth, who hath redeemed my soul out of adversity. And David's gonna read them the riot act here. First Samuel, chapter 24, verses 21 and 22, David swore not to cut off Saul's seed. He made that promise to Jonathan. And, in First Samuel, chapter 20, verses 15 and 16, David swore that he would also show kindness to Jonathan's house. But verse 10, when one told me, saying, behold, Saul is dead, David's talking about the Amalekite in chapter one of this same book, second Samuel. They came running to him to tell him of Saul's death. When one told me, behold, Saul is dead, thinking to have brought good tidings, I took hold of him, and slew him in Ziklag, who thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings. The Amalekite thought that I was going to reward him for killing Saul which he claimed to do. And you think I'm going to reward you because you brought me good news that Ishbosheth was killed. How much more, when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bed? You murdered Ishbosheth. Shall I not therefore now require his blood of your hand? You murdered Ishbosheth. And take you away from the earth? Verse 12 to conclude the chapter, and David commanded his young men, and they slew them, and cut off their hands and their feet, and hanged them up over the pool of Hebron, as a warning to others. But they took the head of Ishbosheth, and buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron. And the reason they cut their hands off because that's the hands they used to murder innocent Ishbosheth and the feet that ran to collect a reward for having done so. But justice proved to the people by David that he had nothing to do with this murder. And here he's making justice for those who murdered Ishbosheth. So David becoming more and more popular with the people of all of Israel. Anyone of the house of Saul who could make claim to the throne, at this point, has been eliminated so it's a wide open path for David to come in. And he becomes probably the, if not the greatest one of the great kings of Israel, and Israel is very successful under David and under Solomon. Was he perfect? Well, we'll see when we get to chapter 11 and 12, particularly, that he wasn't perfect. He did make mistakes like all the rest of us do. But, as far as staying with the Lord, David never waivered. Not once did he fall into idolatry. All the future kings of Judah will be judged by David's standard as far as how they walked with the Lord. We got a short message, we'll ask you to listen a moment, won't you please? - [Narrator] The Mark of the Beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you. What is the mark of the beast? Many false teachers would have you believe, it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin. It's getting late in the game. You need to know what the mark of the beast is. As it's written in Revelation, chapter 13, verse eight, many will be deceived. Christ said in Mark 13:23, behold, I have foretold you all things. Jesus, indeed, told us how not to be deceived. And Pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's word concerning this critical subject. The telephone call is free. The CD is free. No shipping and handling. Just call 800-643-4645 to request your one time, one-per-household copy of the Mark of the Beast. You may also mail your request to Shepherd's Chapel, PO Box 416, Gravette Arkansas, 72736. Don't be deceived by Satan. - Welcome back, we're glad you could join back with us. Let's have the 800 number please, 800-643-4645. That number good throughout Puerto Rico, the US and Canada. If you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air, feel free to call that number and leave your question. Don't ask questions about a specific individual, denomination or organization by name. We try to teach God's word in a positive manner. Throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose. We simply won't do it. We'll let God's word do the teaching, the correcting and the healing. If you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world other than what's able to use that 800 number, your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address. It's quite alright to mail your questions in. Got a prayer request? Well, you don't need a telephone number. We can do away with it. You don't need a mailing address. Talk to your heavenly Father, make a little time each day to tell Him that you love Him and to thank Him for the many blessings that He bestows upon you. If you think He's not bestowing any blessings upon you, you might want to do a little self-analysis. You might be taking some of those blessings for granted as well. So talk to your heavenly Father. Go to Him in prayer. And we do come to you now in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Father, we ask you to look upon these, you know their needs. Illnesses in families, Father. Addictions to drugs, you know, Father. If it is your will, a special blessing on each of these. We also lift up our military troops and let's throw in our law enforcement of the United States as we lift you up in prayer and ask God to watch over, guide and protect. And the others, we ask that you touch and heal in Jesus' precious name, amen and thank you, Father. All right, let's get to some questions, see what's on the mind of folks. First up today, we have Anna in Florida. During the sixth day is when Satan Antichrist shows up on the scene, will the church be taken before this time or is it the seventh day when the church is taken up? Help me to understand this. My husband and I watch you and study with you. Well, the church isn't going to be taken up. There is no rapture of the church. Why would anyone want to go anywhere else when Jesus is coming here? Acts, chapter one, verse 11, makes it very clear and it tells us where he is coming back, to Mount Olivet, the Mount of Olives. That is why you want to make sure you have the gospel armor of Ephesians, chapter six, in place and on. That's the only way you're gonna stand against the fiery darts of Satan during the tribulation, if you're one of God's election. And I'll leave it at that. It's getting late in the game, though, folks. You need to make yourself aware that the word rapture doesn't appear in God's word and, yes, I have read First Thessalonians, chapter four, verses 16 and 17. And I'll point to you that verse 13 of that chapter four of First Thessalonians tells you what the subject is. The subject is, Paul says I don't want you to be ignorant concerning where those are asleep, where those are dead. That's the subject there, not the return or the rapture of the church to be with Jesus. The church stays here. That's why we're warned about the tribulation and to be prepared for the tribulation of Antichrist. Zee from Alabama, what does outer darkness mean? Well, as it appears in Matthew, chapter eight, verse 12, outer means just that, exterior, on the outside. Darkness means obscurity. Edna in Texas. Darkness, also, always symbolic of falsehoods. Edna in Texas, do you ever get to a place where the Lord isn't close at all? If you have, then you caused it, Edna. Deuteronomy, chapter 30, verse 11 and the following verses, it states there the command of God is near at hand. It's not in heaven, it's not where we have to send an astronaut up to get the command of God and bring it back. It goes on to say there, it's not beyond the sea. We don't need Christopher Columbus to sail the ocean blue to find the word of God. It's near, it's right here, as a matter of fact. And, if you don't do his commandments, then you will perish. Second Chronicles, chapter 15, verse two, makes it very clear, if you forsake God, He will forsake you. If you love and serve Him, He'll never leave you and He'll never forsake you. Hebrews, chapter 13, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. So, if you get the feeling like you've come to a place in your life that you're not close to God at all, do a self-analysis, as I said a moment ago, you need to get back in His word. You need to develop that relationship to where you're close again with your heavenly Father. Melvin in California, where in the bible does it talk about Bathsheba giving Solomon advice on taking a wife and being king? Well, all of Bathsheba's conversations, Bathsheba was Solomon's mother, for those of you who don't know, all of her conversations with Solomon are recorded in First Kings, chapter one and chapter two. And there's nothing written about Bathsheba talking to Solomon about taking a wife. Much of that conversation there is how to stop Adonijah's attempt to take the throne away from Solomon. Gordon in California, where in the bible is it written that Satan is loosed and is he here now? No, he's not here now. He's being held by Michael and his angels in heaven. But, there comes a point in time, Revelation, chapter 12, verse six, and the following verses, will come to pass. And Satan and his angels war against Michael and his angels. Michael prevails and they throw Satan and his angels out onto earth. And it's woe unto you on earth. Satan in his role as Antichrist will be here. Now, don't be looking for him to show up with a red long-handled underwear and a pitchfork and horns on his head other than the horns of the lamb because he's gonna come in peacefully and prosperously. He's going to be everything that you think Jesus would be. In fact, he'll be claiming to be Jesus. Ab Rabee in Oklahoma, what was the book of Jacob... Why was the Book of Jacob in the year around 1400 changed to the Book of James? Well, James in the Greek language is Iakobos. It's from the Greek word, 23AD, Iakob, which is Jacob in the Hebrew language. So James was the half-brother of Jesus Christ. His name in the Greek and transliterated English was James, in Hebrew it was Jacob. Reid, and we don't know where Reid is from, thank you for your teaching. Your welcome. Is the Book of Tobit fiction or fact? Is it good reading? Well, the Book of Tobit is one of the books of the Apocrypha. I believe it's the third. Goodspeed is the only Apocrypha that we'll offer or carry through Shepherd's Chapel. And if you obtain an Apocrypha, make sure you're obtaining a Goodspeed translation. But Goodspeed classifies the Book of Tobit as religious fiction. Probably one of the reasons the church decided not to canonize the Book of Tobit. Dan in Alabama, thank you for your kind comments. Why do so many churches have to baptize again from one to the other? Are they saying Jesus' baptism and death resurrection, once was not enough? Some church members have said they've been baptized six times. They smile like that is special. Well, you should ask the churches that require you to be baptized in their church before they'll let you join the church. And, if that were the condition and I had already been baptized, I believe I'd kick the dust off of my feet and find another place to worship. But that's quite common, is that the churches require that you be baptized by their pastors, like their pastors are something special. It's not their pastors who baptize, it's the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit that baptize. The danger of being baptized more than once too, you'll find in Hebrews, chapter six, verses four, five and six, where we learn that once you come to knowledge, once you're saved and then you fall away, repent. To do otherwise, is like recrucifying Jesus Christ again. Once was enough, we don't wanna put him on the cross again because you messed up or I messed up. We all mess up, we all fall short. But that's the beauty of Christianity is that we have repentance. That's what you do when you fall away, you repent. You don't recrucify Christ, you don't go out and get baptized by another church. Anna in Georgia, a pastor said when the Israelites left Egypt for the Promised Land, that there were some other people among them, non-Israelites, quotation, and they were the ones that started the grumbling about no food and water. Then the Israelites started grumbling too. Is this true? Well, it's partially true. And the part's that true is, and you read about this in Numbers, chapter 11, verse four, this group of non-Israelites, they're called the mixed multitude, you see some Israelites over the 400 years that they were in bondage to the Egyptians, had taken Egyptian spouses. And they were the ones who started grumbling about the food, the manna, the loathsome bread that God was feeding them from heaven. And they started murmuring. It's not written there, though, that they started murmuring and then the Israelites started grumbling. Although, the Israelites did their fair share of grumbling, it doesn't state there in Numbers, chapter 11, verse four, that the mixed multitude started grumbling and then the Israelites followed suit. It doesn't say that. Vincent in Illinois, where did Seth get his wife from? The same place as Cain? No, Cain was expelled from the Garden of Eden and he went east to the Land of Nod, Genesis, chapter four, verses 16 and 17. And he took a wife there of the sixth day creation. Seth was not expelled from the Garden of Eden. He remained there with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve had more children. He took to wife one of his sisters and the laws of incest had not been given. But that's the only way that you could have that seed line to Messiah stay pure. By that, I mean not mixed with other people's. Verse two... You have a second question I should say, how come all the races had the same language until the Tower of Babel? Were they all one race? No, they weren't all one race. God created the races in Genesis, chapter one. Then in chapter two he created Adam and Eve. (speaking in foreign language) in the Greek, Hebrew language. Ronald from Mississippi, hope you don't mind me writing. Hopefully, I won't be here much longer. We make big plans to watch and listen to you all, unfortunately, we don't always get up in time. We do find what you say very interesting. We're thankful for you all and your staff. My question is, not long ago we heard one of you all, I think the younger of you alls pastors, did you say Kane was not Adam's son? Sorry it took so long to ask. But we've been sick, I am better now. Well, we're glad you're better now. Kane was not Adam's son. You'll find Adam's genealogy in Genesis, chapter five. Kane's genealogy, which is quite different, in Genesis, chapter four. What if any, is the relationship between the two pastor Murrays? Pastor Arnold Murray was my father. My name is Dennis Murray and I obviously am his son. Barbara in Pennsylvania, when you're going to a loved one to help them during the millennium, we're considered unclean and have to stay away from the temple and Christ for seven days, that's correct. Where do we go and what will we be doing for the seven days? Well, it is written what you will be doing. I guess I would answer your question, we'll go anywhere but the temple where Christ is located. And why is that? Well, it's because you were among the dead, the spiritually dead and, when you come in contact with the dead, you're unclean. And that was God's requirement, Ezekiel, chapter 44, verse 26 and the following verses. Francine from Maryland, your welcome. We try hard teaching the word and the truth. It has been very helpful to me, your teaching the word of God, but Satan is trying his hardest to make me be as I was before. He has a stronghold on my family, my sons. I can't get through, my question is, will it always be like this for me? I pray and talk to God for help and comfort through this hard time, will I be okay? Well, you'll be okay if you'll use the power that Jesus gave you. In Luke, chapter 10, verses 17, 18, and that is, you have power in his name over all of your enemies including Satan. But if you don't use that power, Satan will beat you up. He'll use your family against you. He'll make your life miserable, if you allow it. That's the key, don't allow it. Use the power that Jesus gave you. You rebuke Satan and order him out of your life and away from your home and away from your family, in the name of Jesus Christ. Bobby in Texas, who was and is living in Palestine today? Well, the Philistines were inhabitants of Palestine in the ancient times. There are many Arabic people that inhabit Palestine today. Eli in Kentucky, where in the bible does it say, I'm against those that teach my children to fly away to save their soul. It doesn't actually say that. However, in Ezekiel, chapter 13, verse 18 and, the following verses, verse 20 to be exact, God says I am against your pillows where with you, there you hunt the souls to make them fly. And pillows are coverlets that are sewed over the people's arms to cover them from God reaching out to save them with His outstretched arms. And, then, they try and teach them to fly to save their souls. In other words, depending on someone else other than God to save their soul. Man cannot create his own salvation. The rapture is not a salvation. Eli in Kentucky, where in the bible does it say I'm against.. We just did that Linda in Georgia, what order of sequence do the seals, trumpets and vials come in? That is to say, which precedes which? Well, one precedes two, two precedes three, three precedes four, except for the seals. The seals are listed in Revelation, chapter six. They are not in chronological order. They are in the order of importance. The first one there in Revelation, chapter six, tells us about the one on the white horse that comes in and has a bow, toxon, a cheap fabric imitation of a bow. He's also imitating the white horse, he who comes in on the white horse in Revelation, chapter 19. That, of course, is Jesus Christ. And I'm out of time. I want you all to know that I love you a great deal because you enjoy studying God's word in depth. It makes your Father's day when He looks down from heaven and He sees you with the letter that He wrote to you, the bible open and you're seeking knowledge of Him and how to be pleasing to Him. And then we do the best we can to follow through and to be pleasing to Him, blessings start to follow. We are brought to you by tour tithes and offerings. If we've helped you, help us keep coming to you and to reach out to our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness. One thing most important is this, you stay in His word every day. Every day in your Father's word is a good day, even with trouble. You know why? It's because Jesus is the living word. - [Narrator] Hearing God's word with understanding will change your life. We hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the Shepherd's Chapel Family Bible Study Hour with Pastor Dennis Murray. If you would like to receive more information concerning Shepherd's Chapel, you may request our free introductory offer. Our introductory offer contains the Mark of the Beast CD, our monthly newsletter with a written bible study, a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepherd's Chapel. To request our free introductory offer by telephone, call 800-643-4645, 24 hours a day. You may also request our introductory offer by writing to Shepherd's Chapel, PO Box 416, Gravette, Arkansas, 72736. Once again, that's Shepherd's Chapel, PO Box 416, Gravette, Arkansas, 72736. We invite you to join us for the next in-depth bible study each weekday at the same time. Thank you for watching today's program and God bless you. ♪ He's got the whole world in His hands
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Keywords: The Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, The Shepherds Chapel, Gravette, Dennis Murray, Arnold Murray
Id: MSJb2wJvsss
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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