II Samuel ~ 13:21 to 14:19

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today 2nd Samuel chapter 13 verse 21 and we're a little over halfway through David's 40-year reign David's getting on up in years he has excuse me as children who are sexually active which we witnessed in our last lesson in that his oldest son Amnon raped his daughter Amnon half sister Tamar Miaka was the mother of Tamar and Absalom Amnon was not May occas son but was David's son so and of course there's two things wrong with what Amnon did one he raped a woman second it was an incestuous affair his sister so both of those are worthy of death and we're gonna see Absalom and you may recall in our last lesson epsilon told Tamar put it out of your head I don't want you thinking about taking revenge against Amnon I will take care of it and that's what we're going to see in our lesson today Absalom bringing justice if you will David's not going to look at it as justice David is going to look at it as murder which he's looking at it wrong and he'll learn in Chapter 14 that he is looking at it wrong so let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day second samuel chapter 13 verse 21 and it reads but when King David heard of all these things he was very Roth what David heard was that Amnon had raped Tamar his daughter and he got angry but that's all he did you know David being the king is also the judge of Israel he's responsible for making sure that justice is done in the Land of Israel getting angry over someone raping their sister is not making sure that justice is being done this is just another example of what the Prophet Nathan told David in chapter 12 after he had Uriah the Hittite killed basically by the ammonites God looked at that as though David had killed Uriah the Hittite and he said the sword will never pass from your house your immediate family and violence becoming more the norm in David's house than the exception David wasn't able to discipline himself he wasn't able to discipline his children either verse 22 and Absalom spake unto his brother Amnon neither good nor bad I mean not a word not so much as a peep for Absalom hated Amnon because he had forced his sister Tamar he raped her and then threw her out and you may recall in our last lesson Tamar looked on the latter the fact that he threw her out after he forced her is worse than then then him forcing her then raping her throwing her out was worse situation for Tamar it was like he was divorcing her and then that's putting the shame back on Tamar that had everyone talking well what did Tamar do to Amnon that he threw her out putting the suspicion back on Tamar the shame on Tamar rather than where it belonged which was on Amnon 23 and it came to pass after two full years I'll tell you one thing Absalom is patient if he is nothing else that Absalom had sheep shearers in bail 'has or which is beside ephraim and Absalom invited all the king's sons including Amnon now the sheep shearing time for those of you who are not familiar with ancient biblical times in the Old Testament was party time I mean they broke out the wine flasks there was a feast they had plenty to eat it was like a festival atmosphere at sheep shearing time you might remember one of the twelve patriarchs Judah his favorite time of the year was sheep shearing time and that's an ironic that I brought him up because his daughter-in-law Tamar by the same name of Absalom sister got him drunk and took some of his seed from him verse 24 and it's probably a good thing she did if not he would have polluted his seed with Gentiles verse 24 and Absalom came to the king to David and said behold now thy servant hath sheep shearers let the king I beseech thee and his servants go with thy servant come to the party dad it's gonna be we're gonna have a good time the wines gonna be flowing the food is going to be plenteous come and enjoy with us and the King said to Absalom nay my son let us not all now go lest we be chargeable unto thee and he pressed him Absalom pressed David even the more howbeit he would not go but blessed him in other words no son you go ahead and have a good time what this not chargeable unto you means that David saying your place is not big enough for all of us we we don't want to be a burden to you because the the that everyone went knowing that your place just is not that large verse 26 then said Absalom if not in other words if you won't go David I pray thee let my brother Amnon go with us and the King said unto him why should he go with thee I think David and we learned in verse 21 David knew what Amnon had done to Tamar I think he's becoming a little bit suspicious about Absalom's intentions then again though he might be saying well it's been 2 years and nothing has happened so perhaps everything as well with Absalom not everything as well with Absalom and things are getting ready to get a whole lot worse for am none but Absalom pressed him David that he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him verse 28 now Absalom had commanded his servant saying Marquis now when am nons heart is merry with wine when he starts giggling and and speaking a little bit giddy and when I say unto you smite Amnon then kill him fear not have not I commanded you be courageous and Valiant now Amnon is the king son and he's assuring though his servants that he'll take responsibility for the death of Amnon do it and do it right and and you know Amnon excuse me Absalom is not out of his rights legally according to God's Word what Amnon did was worthy of death and that's what he is making sure happens it should have happened two years earlier when he raped in an Tamar his sister that's two capital offences incest and also rape am nons guilty Absalom is carrying out the sentence according to God's Word verse 29 and the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon as Absalom had commanded then all the king's sons arose and everyman gat him thus in the Hebrew was rode upon his mule and fled all the king's sons heard or maybe even some of them witnessed have Amnon being killed many of them probably thought we better get out of here Absalom is planning on killing all the king's sons so that he will be the heir to the throne no brothers no competition when it's time to fill the role verse 30 and it came to pass while they were in the way that tidings came to David saying Absalom have slain all the king's sons and there is not one of them left this is not true Absalom only killed or had killed his brother Amnon and that for a justifiable reason he raped his sister Tamar this is a good example though was what happens when the old grapevine gets cranked up and once one person tells of an event and then another person adds a little bit to it and retells it and then who they who they tell it to adds a little bit to it and before you know it the the event is exaggerated completely out of proportion that's what happened here Absalom did not kill all of David's sons but that's the word that ended up getting to David verse 31 then the King arose and tear his garments he thinks that all of his sons are dead and lay on the earth and all his servants stood by with their clothes rent mourning what they think is the death of all of the king's sons now this would be very serious you see David is the king of the most powerful nation in the world if all of his sons were dead that leaves no one to inherit the kingdom of Israel verse 32 and jonadab the son of Shem II Aidan called Shema and other places David's brother answered and said let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the young men the King sons for Amnon only is dead for by the appointment this is by the mouth in the Hebrew of Absalom this have been determined from a day that he forth from the day he forced his sister Tamar you know this is a bit ironic because it was Jonah DAB's idea to begin with that Amnon pretend that he was sick so that when David came in witnessed that he was in bed and sick that he could say Oh have my sister Tamar come and prepare breakfast for me and have her feed me in bed and I'll be feeling better which unbeknownst to David set up the you possibility or the location where Tamar would be raped by her brother Amnon so it was Jonah dabs idea of how to bring that to pass you're not gonna hear jonadab telling David that by the way that was my idea now jonadab being the son of David's brother that makes him a first cousin to Amnon Absalom also a nephew to David verse 33 now therefore let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart to think that all the king's sons are dead for Amnon only is dead jonadab making points with his Uncle David again you don't hear him saying making any claims to the fact that it was he who gave Amnon the idea of how to set the situation up where he could rape a tomorrow verse 34 but Absalom fled and the young man that kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked this is the young man who kept the watch in Jerusalem where David is and behold there came much people by the way of the hillside behind him all the king's sons - Amnon and - Absalom all returning home with the exception of those two and jonadab said unto the King behold the king's sons come as thy servants said so it is it's just as I told you uncle David not all of your sons are dead just Amnon and it came to pass as soon as he had made an end of speaking that behold the king's sons came and lifted up their voice and wept and the King also and all his servants wept very sore a very great weeping is what this is the Hebrew a very sore means and what they're doing is grieving am nons death but again Absalom had the right to carry out that punishment by God's law Amnon was worthy of death David is not looking upon it that way 37 but Absalom fled and went to Tao may the son of a me who'd king of ghee sure and David mourn for his son every day he mourned for his son Amnon not for his son Absalom now Tomei we learned in chapter 3 verse 3 of this same book is the grandfather of Absalom and on his mother's side in other words tall May is May occas father he's running for protection to his grandparents he knows that David thinks what he did is murder and he is fearing what the restitution would be from King David for what happened to em non 38 so Absalom fled and went to geezer and was there three years afraid to return to Jerusalem for what David might do to him and the soul of the king David long to go forth unto Absalom for he was comforted concerning Amnon seeing he was dead this vs. interpreted many different ways by the scholars some believed that David because time passed that the loss of his son Amnon had grown to where it was not so hurting to David and therefore he wanted to go forth unto Absalom this word unto can be translated against and I leaned toward the scholars who believe that David was wanted he longed to go forth against Absalom to revenge or avenge the death of Amnon and that's further supported by what happens in chapter 14 chapter 14 we see Joab is going to go to great lengths to make up a fictitious fictitious story made up by and with the assistance of an actress to make David realize what Absalom did was justified and he's going to go to great lengths to do that as a result Absalom will return to Jerusalem but there's a two-year period after he was gone three years - geez er David refused to see him for two years after he returned to Jerusalem that's another indication to me that David's was did not long to go forth unto Absalom he wanted to go against Absalom chapter 14 verse 1 now Joab the son of his Araya perceived that the Kings heart was toward Absalom this word toward again can be translated against and it's the Hebrew word all Al transliterated and it can be translated against if David had forgiven Absalom there would be no need for Joab to go to the great lengths that he goes through making up this hypothetical situation and employing an actress to convince David David wouldn't have refused to see Absalom for two years after his return if his heart was toward Absalom his heart was again Absalom verse 2 and Joab sent to Toccoa Toccoa being the home of Amos the minor prophet just as a side note and fetch thence a wise woman and said unto her I pray thee Thane thyself to be a mourner I want you to act like you are in mourning and put on now mourning apparel and anoint not thyself with oil but be as a woman that had a long time mourned for the dead David is not the only one with things to hide Joab murdered Abner the general of Saul he would later murder a massa as well now I think what Absalom or Joab is trying to do here is he believes that Absalom will one day inherit the throne and he's thinking that if word gets back to Absalom that I helped change David's mind where Absalom could return to Jerusalem that when Absalom becomes the king the fact that I murdered Abner and a Massa won't be brought up in the future good plan but it doesn't work out verse three and come to the king Joab continues with instructions to the woman from Tekoa and come to the king to david and speak on this manner unto him so Joab put the words in her mouth he told her exactly what she should say and Joab is setting up along with the help of this woman is setting up a a trap for David and when the woman of Toccoa spake to the king she fell on her face to the ground and did obeyence and said help Hoke this work helped in the Hebrew a word many of you are familiar with in the Hebrew Hosanna which means save now save me King David is what she's saying and she's playing her cards right to fall in abeyance to the king and the King said unto her what aileth thee but what for your problem woman and she answered I am indeed a widow a woman and mine husband is dead there's a sad song coming up and what we have here is a pretty good actress she would be a star on any most any soap opera that we have on television today a widowed woman by the way depends on her sons her husband obviously is no longer able to provide her needs and therefore shoe that responsibility would fall on her sons and thy handmaid had two sons and they too strove together in the field they were fighting against each other and there was none to part them but the one smote the other and slew him when we see what Joab is up to his intention is to have David passed judgment in favor of this woman and forgiving the son who slew his brother knowing that it wasn't premeditated murder the boys were fighting and it got out of hand and many people think that anytime someone's killed that God's Word says that the penalty is the death penalty that's not the case at all in the case of accidents in the case that this hypothetical situation is would be manslaughter the fighting got out of hand it wasn't that one brother didn't intend and premeditate to kill his brother it just got out of hand and things happened like this verse 7 and behold the whole family is risen against thine handmaid and they said deliver him that smote his brother that we may kill him for the life of his brother whom he slew and we will destroy the heir also the only remaining heir and so they shall quench my coal which is left there'll be nothing for me to build a fire with is what this is saying and shall not leave to my husband neither name nor remainder upon the earth they're going to cut off my husband's seed completely by killing the son who slew his brother and the King said unto the woman go to thine house and I will give charge concerning the David just passed judgment he's decided that the son should not be killed because it was not premeditated murder what this I will give charge is he's saying I passed judgment and I will give the necessary commands that your son be not slain David doesn't realize it yet but he is the family who is seeking blood revenge in this scenario hypothetical situation verse 9 and the woman of Toccoa said unto the king my lord o king the iniquity be on me and on my father's house and the king and his throne be guiltless what she's saying here is king if you have made the wrong judgment let the guilt and the iniquity be on my house and my father's house not upon the king and his house verse 10 and the King said whosoever say thought unto thee bring him to me and he shall not touch the any more you if you have any problems with this you bring the one who offends you to me and I'll make sure it does not happen again David has been set up by Joab and this actress verse 11 then said she I pray thee let the King remember the LORD thy God that thou wouldest not suffer the revenge errs of blood to destroy anymore lest they destroy my son here she's asking David to take an oath that he will not allow her other son to be destroyed kind of pushy and he said as the Lord liveth there's your oath there shall not one hair of thy son fall to the earth this applies to Absalom as well and Absalom has a lot of hair as we'll see in our next lecture verse 12 then the woman said let thine handmaid I pray thee speak one word more ry added the word more unto my lord the King and he said say on now anyone who has ever worked in sales knows that when you have the sale made close and get out of there that's what you do as a salesperson because a lot of times an inexperienced salesperson will keep talking and before you know it they've talked the person that they made the sale to out of making the purchase so a good salesman or sales lady woman when the you know that the sale is made clothes and get out of there she's not closing and getting out of there remember Joab put all these words in her mouth she's not going to spare one of them she's gonna say everything that Joab told her instructed her to say and the woman said wherefore then has thou thought such a thing not forgiving Absalom in other words against the people of God for the King to speak this thing as one which is faulty in that the King does not fetch home again his banished you made it to where my son would not be punished but your punishing your own son Absalom now you see this woman is pretty sharp Joab probably thinks he's pretty sharp as well but let me assure you King David was not a fool he was not stupid and this woman is going to say enough that King David is going to perceive that he's been tricked you said my son should not die yet you won't forgive your own son Absalom for we must needs die and our as water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again these are both figures of speech that that mean life is short neither death God respect any person God doesn't show any favoritism or partiality yet doth he devise means that his banished be not expelled from him David beginning to realize that he has been had God forgives everyone why don't you forgive David is what the woman of Toccoa is saying 15 now therefore that I am come to speak of this thing unto my lord the king it is because the people have made me afraid and thy handmaid said I will now speak unto the king it may be that the king will perform the request his handmaid here she returns to the subject of her situation the one son got in a fight with the other and killed the brother and the other family members pushing her to turn him over that that justice can be rendered here she's covering the allusion to that David and his for his treatment of Absalom I think she realized that and since that David was getting close to figuring out what Joab and her had up their sleeve verse 16 for the king will here to deliver his handmaid out of the hand of the man that would destroy me and my son together out of the inheritance of Israel again David wising up what's going on and he realizes that his decision to spare the one son also should apply to Absalom he's not going to be happy with Joab or this woman verse 17 then thine handmaid said the word of my lord the King shall now be comfortable or will give rest to me for as an angel of God so is my lord the King to discern good and bad therefore the Lord thy God will be with thee now she's pouring it on a little thick wouldn't you say verse 18 then the King answered and said unto the woman hide not from me I pray thee the thing that I shall ask thee imagine the woman of Toccoa is getting a little nervous about this time and the woman said let my lord the King now speak would be very dangerous thing to lie to the king of Israel David's insisting that she answered this question truthfully and the King said is not the hand of Joab with in all this bingo and the woman answered and said as thy soul liveth my lord the king none can turn to the right hand or to the left from aught that my lord the king hath spoken you are right on target David for thy servant Joab he bade me and put all these words in the mouth of thine handmaid I mean the woman of Toccoa rolled over on Joab she threw him under the bus she sold Joab out faster than you can say I'm a nun I'm a paid non-attorney spokesperson that's the phrase they say on these lawsuit commercials where attorneys are trying to get you to use their service to make a claim but anyway we'll come back in our next lecture and see how all this turns out this woman though she was quite an actress but David figured it out and he insisted that she tell the truth she threw Joab under the bus what's Joab going to receive from David well David never did quite forgive Joab for killing Abner in fact is David on almost on his deathbed one of the last instructions he gave his son Solomon was see to it that Joab does not go down to his grave with the gray head you use your wisdom to figure out a way to take Joab out and Solomon did that we'll come back in our next lecture and see how this turns out we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't pass questions about a specific individual denomination or organization we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others serves no purpose we simply won't do it well let God's Word do the teaching correcting and healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request well you don't need a telephone number you don't need a mailing address what you need to do is talk to your Heavenly Father you do that through prayer go to him at least once a day make some time set time of the day that you can talk to your father and it pleases him when you do that and don't let it be the only time that he hears from you is when you got trouble when you need something from him he loves his children to tell him that they love him if you really do so we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs father illness and Families father we ask for a healing it is your will we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world father watched over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks around the country first up today we have Thomas in Michigan where is it in the Bible that the Antichrist comes first well many many places second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses one through four make it very clear that before what Paul starts often saying in verse 1 of chapter 2 is I want you to know that the Lord is not going to return jesus is not going to return at the second Advent until at until it first a falling away which is apostasy takes place and that man of sin be revealed that's Satan in his role as an equation that goes on to say in verse 4 that he's going to exalt himself above all that is worshiped all that is gods so that he as God sitting in the temple makes it out himself out to be as he is god that's his goal Isaiah chapter 14 as a second witness to that where he is Lucifer sets up his throne on the north side and he wants God's children to worship Him this is anonymous uneasily don't take anonymous questions I'm a felon and it is a struggle in the world to do anything what does God do about people like me he says repent be forgiven and live and I'm not talking about living in the flesh I'm talking about living eternally that's what your heavenly father so second Peter chapter three verse 9 it states there that God is long-suffering that means that he's patient not willing that any of his children should perish but all should come to repentance that's what God's will is is that going to happen no unfortunately there are going to be some who go in the lake of fire that's the second death the death of the soul but that's what he wants he wants all of his children to repent and live early in North Carolina i watched shepherd's chapel every morning can you tell me why i think of my past all the time i pray a lot and when i lay down here comes all my past in my thoughts i'm trying to live for god now that should all be on my mind now i'm almost eighty years old i think of all the things that i did please help one also pray for me thank you and you are in our prayers but it's highly unlikely early that you haven't forgiven yourself God's forgiven you but you haven't forgiven yourself Christians oftentimes like to beat themselves up over and over and over they think well you know I'm too good of a person that I shouldn't have let that happen and I just can't believe that I did something so terrible well it's not possible that anyone has committed the unforgivable sin at this point in time so my recommendation early would be to learn to forgive yourself I'm sure that you being a Christian you you've repented and you've asked for God's forgiveness but to continue to beat yourself up it's like doubting that God has the ability to forgive pastor Arnold Murray did a message many moons ago called forgiveness and at CD 3 0 4 to 5 they spends quite a bit of time on learning to forgive yourself when you have been forgiven by God you might want to order that Ernie in South Carolina where in the bible does it say a preacher should not preach for his own profit well in Matthew chapter 6 verse 24 it states there the words of Jesus you cannot serve God and Mammon Mammon is another word for wealth but on the other hand Luke chapter 10 verse 7 Jesus is instructing the 10 disciples who are about to be promoted to apostles which means one who is sent forth but he's preparing them to teach the Word of God and he states there in Luke chapter 10 verse 7 that a servant is worth his hire so when you say someone should preach for his own profit a servant is worth his hire that doesn't mean though that pay or money should be the motivating factor when someone preaches if all someone preaches about is money or saying that if you don't send contribution we're probably going to be off the air next Sunday you can tell where their heart is it's with the Mammon the wealth you don't hear us here at Shepherd's chapel browbeating people to send money we teach God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse we know that people are intelligent enough to know when they're there listening to an anointed ministry and they will support that ministry we're a prime example of that we don't have to beg to have time across the nation God has given us a very large format a very large platform which to reap to preach God's Word to the world we thank him for that platform Willa and Pennsylvania it says in Joshua chapter 11 verse 24 it was of the Lord to harden their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle that he might destroy them utterly and etc my question why in so many places does God harden people's hearts to do bad and turn against him does everything go back to the first Earth Age thank you and all your staff for giving us God's Word and doing a wonderful job it has to be very hard my prayers are with you and your staff well we thank you and we appreciate your prayers you're in our prayers as well these people that you're talking about in Joshua chapter 11 verse 20 were cain't excuse me Canaanites that's Canaanites with the sea they were heathen people who occupied the promised land God instructed Israel to wipe them out why well Deuteronomy chapter 7 verses 1 through 5 God makes it very clear if you don't wipe them out before you know it you'll be taking their daughters to your sons to wife you'll be giving your daughters to their sons to wife and before you know it you'll be worshipping their gods and you know what God was right they didn't annihilate the Canaanites and on many occasions Israel was guilty of worshipping the gods that small G of the Canaanites it came to pass Edythe and michigan thank you for teaching the word you're welcome it's a labor of love I would like to know if the shadow government is mentioned in the Bible I am hearing this mentioned a lot can you explain what a shadow government is and if it's something that we should know about well shadow government is a supposed conspiracy I guess would be a good word where elected government official officials really aren't in charge shadow governments are controlled by private individuals exercising power behind the scenes and if you want to know if a shadow government is biblical stay tuned for second Samuel Chapter 15 for we're gonna see a real good example of a shadow government which is controlled by Absalom behind the scenes Rudy in North Carolina if a man takes another person's life then this man gets saved will he go to heaven well that depends on how he took the life as I said in our lesson today it seems that many people think that if someone is killed that the person who killed them that's mandatory capital punishment that's not the case at all in God's law there are instances where accidents happen the in Deuteronomy and the example given is that the axe head fly off the handle and strike someone and kills them that's an accident you're not going to hold the person who that happened to responsible for premeditated murder now for premeditated murder it states in John the first epistle of John chapter 3 verse 15 that a murderer cannot find salvation in the flesh well why is that well because God's law says a murderer someone who does lie in wait premeditated murder they're to be killed and sent to father and then that's where the trial is held God is there the murderers they and the person who was murdered is there as well no does that saying that that person cannot be forgiven no I didn't say that what I said was God's Word First Epistle of John chapter 3 verse 15 states that a murderer cannot find salvation in the flesh can they find salvation after they leave the flesh that's totally up to God he's the judge Leroy in Virginia how do I know if I am one of God's elect to speak against the Antichrist and how will I know when the Holy Spirit is trying to speak through me well if you know God's overall plan and you know that the Antichrist comes first you're likely one of God's elect now the when the Holy Spirit won't try to speak through God's elect he will speak through God's elect so don't premeditate what you're gonna say it will be given to you in that very hour by the Holy Spirit you follow with another question in the Lord's Day the Millennium if I make it in the first resurrection will I be able to go and help my brother who has never been married but has seven children from three different women well the answer is yes the only restriction on family that you can't go to is a sister who is married and why would that prohibition be well and when a woman marries she's no longer a member of the family she was born into she becomes a member of the family that she marries into Ezekiel 44 25 is where the scripture I'm pulling from Jay from Ohio will the elect recognize Antichrist when he arrives and is the unpardonable sin a rejection of the Holy Spirit and to sign up with the devil yes we will recognize the Antichrist first thing we'll have coming to us before the Antichrist arrives are the two witnesses and the elect will being fed will be being fed by the two golden the two candlesticks of God Zechariah chapter 14 is what I'm speaking of oil is symbolic of truth and the two witnesses will be pumping oil to God's elect of course blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not forgivable you mentioned then throw pardonable sin Luke chapter 12 verses 10 through 13 that's for one of God's elect to refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through them Dan in Virginia please explain about when Michael the Archangel is let go on earth before Satan I don't know where you're getting that from Dan Michael and his angels fight against Satan and his angels in heaven not on earth Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and the following verses and Michael and his angels prevail and then they cast Satan and his angels out on to earth and it's woe unto you on earth Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and the following verses Joanne and Wisconsin I hope you can answer this question I hope I can too I'm aged and have had more time to read the Bible I know that having repentance and a belief and the fact that Jesus did died excuse me for our sins is necessary for forgiveness but is it necessary to be baptized Jesus telling Nicodemus unless a person is born again by water he cannot have eternal for I know that those who believe but who are not baptized thank you and God bless and god bless you as well Joe in John chapter 3 verse 5 also states that you have to be born of water to enter the kingdom of God many people incorrectly teach that that means you must be baptized that's not what it means at all what it means is that you have to be born in the flesh what's the first thing that happens before a child is born the mother's water breaks and that's what to be born of water means as opposed to the fallen angels who refuse to be born of woman and they are reserved in Chains of Darkness down to judgment Jude chapter 1 verse 6 and Jerry from Georgia excuse me I have learned a lot from shepherd's chapel in the last four or five years when glad you enjoy and study in the word question according to Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 it states that Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man-child from the Lord how can Satan be Cain's father well because Eve had already conceived before Adam knew her and Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 God is Justin down the serpent and Eve for what they did in the Garden of Eden he tells God tells Eve I'm going to greatly multiply thy conception do you know what that means that means that she had conceived you see Cain and there in Genesis chapter 4 verse 2 it goes on to say that Eve again bare Abel check out that word again it means she continued so tell me what happens what has happened if a woman gives birth to a child she continues in labor and gives birth to another child and she's just had twins but you see Adam excuse me Cain and Abel were of the same mother but not the same father and if you don't believe that's biologically possible talk to your family doctor he'll tell you that that is possible they were Cain was fathered by the serpent Abel was fathered by Adam you see you won't find Cain and Adam the genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 why he wasn't his son Timothy in Maine how can the church tell when the real two witnesses show up can you tell if they how can we tell if they are false well I can appreciate your saying the real two witnesses because believe it or not we've had I think the last count was over a thousand people that have showed up here at Shepherd's chapel claiming to be one of the two witnesses but yes the most of the church won't know the two witnesses they're going to be deceived by the Antichrist God's the elect will know the two witnesses I'm out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know what when God looks down from heaven and he sees you reading the letter he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day you make his day he's going to make years we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel Bo box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 540
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Book of 2 Samuel, Pastor Murray, 2 Samuel, Book of, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, II Samuel, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of II Samuel, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: 0_FLOFh1cq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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