Luke ~ 2:1 to 2:38

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welcome to the shepherds chapel network family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor murray's unique teaching approach brings god's word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of god's letter to you the bible and now here is pastor arnold murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherds chapel welcome to this family bible study our back in our father's word the great book of luke luke mean the light giver and certainly that light shines if you open yourself to it we know now that because zacharias served the course of abaya we know that the conception of the lord jesus christ happened on december the 25th those of you with companion bibles you're very fortunate because appendix 175 gives you even a day by day account from the conception to the birth and let me just go ahead and put this out of the way the actual birth took place on september the 29th the first day of the feast of tabernacles and on the eighth day of course he was circumcised and that will be in this particular lecture we're covering today having said that chapter 2 verse 1 the great book of luke let's go with it the account of the birth of john the baptist as well as the lord jesus christ verse 2 verse 1 and it reads and it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from caesar augustus that all the world should be taxed that that is to say a census taken and you had to be enrolled or registered verse 2. and this taxing or registering was first made when sarinas was governor of syria and verse 3 and all went to be taxed everyone into his own city that's to say the place of his birth therefore keeping the family record and um and the genealogy as it should be verse 4 and joseph also went up from galilee out of the city of nazareth nazareth the uh the aramaic name i like it's not the guarded one but in aramaic it's it is the branch town and it would be from that branch as a mac that is to say the branch being the lord jesus christ that excuse me from there which is called bethlehem and of course bethlehem naturally is the house of bread and christ's body was the bread of life these things are not by accident they had it happened because he because because he well i got two pages here was of the house and lineage of david now it's important to a student of god's word that you know and understand there's nothing by accident that god's plan is always perfect we started with the 12 tribes of israel through which christ would come and rachel being in labor delivering the last of the 12 of the house of israel the 12 patriarchs which would be benjamin where did that birth take place it's important that you know nothing happens by accident genesis chapter 35 and let's pick it up with verse 17. verse 17 of chapter 35 the great book of genesis listen carefully and it came to pass when she was in hard labor this is rachel that the midwife said unto her fear not thou shalt have this son also this was her second child joseph being the first 18 and it came to pass as her soul was in departing for she died she did that she called his name ben oni but his father called him benjamin bennett is son of my sorrow but the father changed his name to benjamin which is son of my right hand 19 and rachel died and was buried in the way of ephrath which is bethlehem the house of bread it's important that you know that this birth was christ's birth there was not the first birth that had a great deal to do with the house of israel for he was the savior of israel and jacob set a pillar upon her grave that is the pillar of rachel grave unto this day and there it was that in this same place that this zamac branch would come to this place and would be birthed there where benjamin son of my right hand was born and then rachel the favorite wife of the patriarch the great patriarch she died in in that childbirth right here at bethlehem so this being the lineage of david this is where david grazed his sheep so be that as it may nothing happens by accident what has been shall be again five to be taxed with mary this would be joseph to be taxed with his wife mary espoused wife being great with child she was very near that due time six and so it was that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered seven and she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him don't don't look over that she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in saddle swaddling claw clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end and here we have the savior of the world uh it doesn't matter that it was not in the end but in in a different place a manger he was still rich he was still the savior of the world and is it not amazing that even to this day the very scene of that christ child in that manger upset so many people and to heck with them we could care less if it upsets them it upsets them we're very generous in these christian nations to allow anybody to have their freedom of religion but don't try to mess with ours that's a no-no if you want your business cut off and a bunch of other things then that is to say if you try to grinch christians that's just what you are as a grinch christians don't do business with grinches so be that as it may um that this child still upsets so many people and there he's the savior of the world died on the cross that whomsoever will even one of those rascals if they were to ever come over to be a child of god instead of a child of satan then certainly i and i i speak of the kenait then how precious even they could be to be a child of god let's go with the next verse verse 8 and there were in the same uh country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night now this lets you know here that we're we're approaching september if december the 25th you don't have shepherds in the field all right it's winter but here we have this particular time for that which we know is the true birth date but still don't ever let anyone rob you of that for the holy spirit began dwelling with us when when mary conceived for as she approached elizabeth john six months in her womb left even that embryo could feel the presence of the living god and so it is verse 9 and lo the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory that's the shekinah glory of the lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid these poor shepherds were not used to an occasion such as that verse 10 and the angel said unto them fear not for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people how many people is that all people whomsoever will this was a blessing to whom would listen whom would believe just as it is to this day but at this time they were looking forward to that first advent students of god's word patiently looking forward the day had arrived the savior was here the savior was born in bethlehem verse 11. for unto you is born this day in the city of david as savior which is christ the lord that is to say the anointed one of yahweh the living god verse 12 and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling claws lying in a manger that's that's where you're going to find him this is a sign and that sign will prove to you that this blessed event has transpired 13 and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising god and saying here here here we didn't have just one angel the angel of the lord which is the presence of the living god but we had a whole host of them singing and praising god before these shepherds 14 glory to god in the highest that is to say the most high god and on earth peace good will toward men and and to the men of good will that's the way it is but you have to be of good will to expect those blessings you can't be out of step with our heavenly father and expect to be blessed you will be miserable most miserable indeed but to be of good will in knowing and loving him and what he has done for us then those blessings certainly come forth they pour out 15. and it came to pass as the angel was gone away from them into heaven the shepherd said one to another let us go let us now go even unto bethlehem and see this thing which has come to pass which the lord had made known unto us i'm sure that was an awesome thing for these shepherds who tended the flock which is symbolic of shepherds head shepherds the head shepherd had been born in bethlehem and father david had even tended sheep in this same place that these shepherds were tending sheep and and so it is feed them and they will come that that will be the moral to this whole thing 16 and they came with haste that's how impressed they were about this situation they came with haste and found mary and joseph and the babe lying in a manger proving that the what the angels had said was exactly accurate that they had been led there and here was the savior of the world in the form of this child so innocent and yet so powerful 17 and when they had seen it they made knowing abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child that a king is born and and they would say we went to bethlehem we went to a manger we saw him but that wasn't all that we had observed and witnessed we saw a host of angels we observed the very angel of god speaking with us directing us to this king which is born to the world the savior god's anointed one what a day this was for those shepherds and attending their their herds of course but at the same time fulfilling this very thing of being a witness to the very birth of the king and verse verse next verse 17 18 and all they that heard it wonder at those things which were told them by the shepherds i mean they were honest men believable and people were amazed at the measure that god was fulfilling his word of promising this savior never forgetting isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive and a child shall be born and you shall call him emmanuel which is saying god with us verse 19. but mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart she treasured them that's what a mother will do that's the way a mother is that's the instinct placed by almighty god and a mother is to know and to understand to observe the attention that this firstborn of hers was receiving not only from earth not only on earth but from heaven also at the witness of the shepherds verse 20 and the shepherds return glorifying and praising god for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them told to them by god himself through the angel of god the angel of god is the very presence of god in the holy spirit 21 and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcision of the child his name was called jesus that is to say being interpreted yahovah's savior which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb now naturally i want to reiterate again it is no accident that john the baptist was circumcised at passover having having his hit having his birth take place at very close to after the spring equinox but then being baptized at passover and here we have on the great day that is to say the feast of tabernacles that when you take the course of obayah and the birth of john the baptist to mary's conception six months into elizabeth's pregnancy it brings that birth date to september the 29th which on that year was the first day of the feast of tabernacles now we have eight days have expired which brings about the law of circumcision for the boy and on the last and great day of the feast of tabernacles the lord jesus christ was circumcised now many things hinge concerning this date the time of seven one full week which of of years seven years was shortened into two three and a half segments but then in revelation nine shortened to five months and those five months are from may to september those birth spans our father gives us many wonderful things to observe they come to pass this is why you want to always be very alert when when an equinox or the tabernacles and we see signs god said this is a sign for you then you want to observe those signs you do not make a religion out of them but you observe because it's god's way many times of communicating so here it is the last day of the great feast of tabernacles and the savior yeshua called and named how many how many people has god named he named this one he said you will call him jesus the the angel gabriel the man that stands before god himself named this child there were only been about four men that got people that god himself named this happens to be one of them cyrus was another and so it was john the baptist being another it was not zechariah's notion to name john the baptist john which is being interpreted god's gracious gift for it was a gift to that senior citizen who who conceived and bear that son john who was he that went and prepared the way before the lord jesus christ so verse 22 to continue and when the days of her purification according to the law of moses were accomplished that would be leviticus chapter 12 verse 2 it's 40 days okay they brought him to jerusalem to present him to the lord so this is 40 days of purification for mary okay verse 23 as it is written in the law of the lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the lord exodus chapter 13 verse 2 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the lord a pair of turtledoves and two young pigeons leviticus 12 2 through 8. they follow every everything being completed by the old law because the new law was being fulfilled or the law was being fulfilled in the birth of this one what what a fantastic miracle it was to have this one fulfilling all these things and coming to pass 25 and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon that's a hearing and the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy spirit was upon him well now just a moment the holy spirit was upon him the holy spirit was in christ how old is christ at this time well he's 40 days old and that spirit is still there touching people you know and that same spirit which is god's spirit is going to speak through this one it's a promise that god had made to this one simeon 26 and it was revealed unto him by the holy spirit not by somebody else not by some bad dream but by god himself god's spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the lord's christ that is to say the lord's anointed one being interpreted that's what christos means a lot of christians when you anoint with the oil of our people they'll say well i didn't know christians anointed it and they showed their ignorance to even know what the word christ means being translated rather than transliterated means the anointed one verse 27 and he came by the spirit into the temple this this old man and when the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him after the custom of the law filling it right to the letter 28 then took he him up in his arms and blessed god and said 29 remember this is from the holy spirit now listen carefully lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word according as you have promised let me go in peace now that i have seen the savior of the world what what does this mean it means that god is giving us another witness this one has waited many years to see this day come to pass just as many have waited many years as in the short life spans that we have to see the second advent it's going to happen it's going the the is tipped the sands of time are running out it's going to happen and here is this witness sent by god himself to let you know that as these laws are fulfilled concerning this son that he will fulfill all law for he is the fulfillment thereof he is he became our sabbath he became our passover as it is written in first corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8. when he became our passover that is to say when you partake of him the sacraments the death angel must pass over you that is to say satan cannot harm you as long as you use your head and think ahead and and have faith in the living god that's why this is so important that it comes from the holy spirit letting again notifying you will have some that will still be upset by this baby in the manger which is a memorial to the fact that he was born in bethlehem and though they have the conception and the birth date confused that's fine the holy spirit still begin began dwelling with us and that's what's important be that as it may but how precious it is that our father for you that have eyes to sea and ears to hear are able to ascertain the signs the seasons and god's word being fulfilled before our very eyes next verse please verse verse 30 for mine eyes have seen thy salvation i have seen yeshua i've seen jesus the savior mine eyes have witnessed it i have observed it 31 which thou has prepared before the faith of all people it was not kept a secret the very star of bethlehem comfort came forth guiding the shepherds the angels from heaven and entire hosts giving witness and there will yet be others through the holy spirit that will witness of this one coming and all the miracles performed by this one as he would come into adulthood performing those miracles in the sight of and reported and logged written and yet you have doubters but that's that's okay uh if that's that's what this earth age is about is for people to decide whether they want to go eternally into the promised land or go to hell it's it's your choice it's your trip and have a good one i prefer the beauty of this earth rejuvenated back to its original form and the eternal father with us as that's what this savior is about it saves us from that trip into the pit it saves us from the wickedness of this world it brings blessings on your family and gives you that eternal knowledge and surety that god is with you you're under his wing and he protects you that's what this savior is about what was the purpose again let's go with the next verse what was he going to do 32 a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of thy people israel isaiah 9 2 chapter 9 verse 2 how precious it is that this came to pass and this one witnessed it 33 and joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him you know they were you have to hand though gabriel had approached mary and though joseph had the faith to know and believe yet their country people and here all this attention and all these marvelous wonderful things were happening they could not help but marvel because they loved the child and as as all that saw him apparently loved him and these things came to pass in their lives they did not question joseph would a little later even take mary and the child to egypt to protect them from from herod's hand but what a man he must have been that he protected mary and that child in that way whereby god's word naturally was fulfilled verse 34 to continue and simeon blessed them and said unto mary his mother behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against or that is to say debated that's why you have the child in the manger still to this day upset some people that's that is as they choose then so be it god will take care of business you don't have to worry about it but don't let it diminish his the love in your heart for him and your dedication to him because that's what brings the blessings in your life and we don't care what if they choose that route hey that's their that's their choice it's their prerogative to do as they so choose have a good trip but do not let it even diminish your faith or belief one iota for these things happened and it is debated into this day and thank goodness we have some teachers and debaters that can make a good case most of all we have the savior it's not a fantasy as atheist would have you think a myth it's the real thing it's the way to go that's why we're so blessed and they're not period 35 yea a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed um this is the way it is and um it is what it's saying it's going to break your heart in some cases but it'll win so many hearts it's the way it goes verse 36 and there was one anna the anna meaning grace a prophetess now she was what she was she's a woman yep she's a woman and she's a prophetess that's a teacher for your information the daughter of penal that is to say face of god the very face of god of the tribe of asher which is say asher in the hebrew she was a a great age and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity 37 and she was a widow of about four score in four years which departed not from the temple but served god with fasting and prayers night and day 84 years after her husband who she was only with him seven years she continues in that temple serving praying and waiting waiting for what well what you're about to witness 38 and she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the lord and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in jerusalem that redemption was a precious thing the savior was there the savior brought salvation that's the whole point you'll save your soul he will save you from the grueling temptations of this life to turn you aside from the very path of the beauty of god if you allow it do not allow it you stick with the truth none of us are perfect and that's why he forgives us when we fall short that was part of the price he paid on that price that's what brings redemption is repentance and he that does the forgiving was born in bethlehem don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on cd is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived christ said in mark 13 23 behold i have foretold you all things jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor arnold murray takes you on a step-by-step study of god's word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the cd is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 800-643-4645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free cd by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 72736 don't be deceived by satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1-800-643-4645 that number good from puerto rico throughout the u.s alaska hawaii all over canada if you if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it won't you please never ask a question pertaining to a reverend a denomination or an organization we don't judge people teaching god's word you have spiritual right to discern who to fellowship with and who to disfellowship with you have that right under god's hand and serving him is such a beautiful thing spiritual discernment is a beautiful gift it lets you spot and know and gives you god's blessings those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address it's always a pleasure hearing from you now got a prayer request you don't need the number and you don't need an address you just need to talk to him you know he's got time for you that's why he created you different than anyone else fingerprints are different your dna is different you're unique but he does want you to love him he wants you to be a person that he can say my good and faithful servant well done that's what brings his blessings and his love upon you think about it father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guy direct father touch in yeshua's precious name thank you father amen okay and we're going to go with patty from florida somewhere in the bible it says if you be judged here on earth by your brethren and pay the price thou shall not be judged by your father in heaven is this in the bible and what does it pertain to and where can it be found i think probably what you're thinking about is first corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 and we're not to judge our brothers but at the same time um um i i think that's the scripture you're looking for it doesn't quite say what you're saying there but it will help you a great deal with that okay sandra from texas uh my question is how do i train her in the truth she's three years old and it's quite a joy this is the joy of my life a granddaughter well just you know um you every child is different different children come to the age of accountability at different ages but always tell a child the truth but do it on a level in which they are at at that time don't don't give them fairy tales let them you know one of the greatest mistakes people can make is to ultimately hide what happened in the garden and the flyaway doctrine don't don't ever do bring delusion keep it simple this is one of the reasons that i i like the children's book it kind of gives you a way to approach subjects that probably to them is quite simple because they are as a child they believe whereas an adult has trouble with that sometimes but i think that would probably be a great help to you john from oregon i would like to know where in the bible do i look for strength in resisting the temptation of past drug use we've been clean now for um close to and drawn to god well that's that's great and don't be tempted going back i i like i think what um john that probably will help you more than anything the antichrist is on his way he's going to be here before too long you know there's one thing satan knows and that's why temptation can be so tough he knows our every weakness and he will that's the way he tempts you because he knows your weaknesses so the thing is he's going to offer you a hit you don't want to go there because god through the holy spirit has great things for you to do you cannot accomplish them you cannot accomplish mark chapter 13 that is to say to witness before the living god with the holy spirit coming through you against the antichrist himself if if you let if you play right into the antichrist's hand you know he's always negative he's always trying to tear somebody down he's always looking for some somebody he can hurt and in your weakness he'll take advantage of that do not allow him one i owed a not an inch order him out of your life you anoint yourself and your family and you be a good servant of the living god where he can already say my good and serve good and faithful servant well done so you hang tough uh we're in we're in terrible time we're in war we're in a spiritual war right now and satan will try any trick he can to even damage ministries much less people but mainly people be careful you're doing good i'm so proud of you that you're that your family is clean keep it that way jody from illinois question pastor murray if we love the lord thy god with all our heart and trust in his holy word will it be just as easy to do right then as to do wrong i will be listening for your answer well it's it's it's always easy to do what is right but we're in flesh bodies and your flesh body might tempt you to do what is wrong so who's the boss in your house that's to say your this body is your house right now you see we have two bodies we have this flesh body and within the flesh body is a spiritual body you want the spiritual body to be in charge that's and um don't give in to the flesh then the weaknesses of the flesh it would sure be easy if we could just all zip do it that way we're not because none of us are perfect we all fall short at one time or the other but thank god he forgives us and then the blessings begin to flow again no problem okay christians are the luckiest people in the world why because of their faith rita from is that's not luck that's that's a fact read it from canada i always thought that there will be those when satan is let loose for five months that will follow him even though they know and have seen christ i know there is a second death does this not refer to those mortal souls that do not accept god's word it would be wrong for someone to teach that all souls are saved in the millennium that is not true because unfortunately satan has a lot of company in hell and and revelation chapter 20 so declares it and you just have you all you have to do is look at people today and it is true that in the millennium i have great trouble understanding how that someone in a spiritual body it's true that all will be changed to spiritual bodies but there will be more that have spiritual bodies but still have mortal souls than there will be that have immortal souls because many the whole world will after the antichrist except for god's elect that's a lot of people and they're going to have a lot of correcting to do in the first place it is not our right to judge who will go to heaven and who will go to hell okay and but to teach that um if we were to say that all are saved and pretty soon if you're not careful you get into one of these cults that think even the devil himself will be saved and that's nonsense that'll get somebody in deep trouble with our heavenly father uh bobby from texas uh in daniel chapter 7 verse 25 of my living bible it states god's people will be helpless in the in his hands the antichrist for three and a half years i have heard you say that this has been shortened to five months you say here five and a half is five months okay please tell me where to find this scripture well it's revelation chapter nine and it has been shortened but we it isn't that um we we can uh we're not helpless by any means don't don't ever think for a moment that we're not we're not helpless during that time as a matter of fact when you read that ninth chapter that shortens it to five months pay strict attention to verse four what does it say it is god speaking to satan he said you cannot touch those that have the seal of god in their forehead what's in your forehead your brain use it meaning you know who he is you don't find him tempting you find him to be an abomination and you know that the holy spirit is going to speak through you against him that god depends on that it is that's what mark 13 and matthew 24 luke 21 is all about is preparing god's election to be that witness they don't have to prepare what they're going to say that would be a sin because the holy spirit is going to speak through them no we can do a lot and we will do a lot during that time latoya from georgia i have a question that i would like to ask the first question is who are god's elect as it is written in ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 i chose you before the foundations of the earth not because they were the prettiest but because they stood against satan at his rebellion and earned the right as it is written in romans chapter 8 beginning with verse 26 you if you're as god's elect the saints set aside one you don't even know what to pray for so god will intercede in your life and and direct you that's who god's elect are it is those that know the antichrist is coming first and we're going to witness against them that's a good sign that you're one of his elect i would really appreciate it if you could answer this question for me pastor murray i watch you on tv every night and i feel that i'm learning a lot from you and you explain god's word in a way that anyone can understand and keep teaching god's wonderful word well you're so welcome and i hope that that does help you our our father loves his election they know the antichrist is coming first they will stand against them they will overcome all temptations that would do deter them from that purpose which is god's purpose it is a destiny and you don't mess with the destiny you fulfill it douglas from florida i have a question i hope you won't consider it too trivial to answer are there any passages in the bible in your opinion that might indicate that god has a sense of humor i hope the answer is yes well the answer is certainly yes i one of the one of the to me one of the the funniest chapters in god's word is daniel chapter 5. nebuchadnezzar was converted he he loved the lord wrote a nice prayer in chapter four but then a grandson gets over and he orders out the vessels that were taken from god's holy place in jerusalem and they throw a drunk okay i mean they get smashed and they're using the holy vessels to do it with and god has simply a hand to come forth and ride on the wall many many people euphrates and and just a hand and the grandson wet his britches okay to me that is funny god has to have a sense of humor he was letting him know i'm not put i'm not putting up with that stuff and he didn't okay he put a stop to it but he did it in such a way that i mean that's what the translation of the writing implies his kingdom was it was numbered big time carol from wisconsin will babies who are not baptized as infants go to hell absolutely not okay baptism is a personal thing between an adult and or one that is at the age of accountability and the lord jesus christ babies we christen babies in other words we ask christ to look over them and protect them at all times but that child is not baptized until later in life okay where in the companion bible does it tells about the different names of satan daniel chapter 7 verse 8. now that is the commentary the column that's why it's called the companion bible it has a column that is a companion to the eighth verse you read it and it goes into the vowel person the little horn antichrist lucifer and morningstar many other names that are utilized for satan in in the various roles that he plays while he's here on earth okay uh he plays a lot of them and he was the serpent in the garden that means the glistening one oh he was a beauty and a deceiver zinda from florida when god comes as a consuming fire and no stone left atop another will the earth be just rubble at the beginning of the millennium no plant foliage you kind of chronologically got things mixed up the con god the consuming fire does not return until after the millennium it is the lord jesus christ that comes at the first day of the millennium and it is he that will cleanse mount zion not one stone will be left atop another as satan has stood there claiming to be god that's that's when he does it but the consuming fire does not transpire until you get to the end of the millennium the last day and it is called the second death you can read of it in the closing verses of revelation chapter 20. we covered much of that in the book of ezekiel which we just completed at the end of the millennium our father is in control but he comes in love and peace through the millennium but with discipline and satan is locked away through that period so it is a time of teaching that's why he calls the election in revelation 20 verse 5 priest for a thousand years why don't you teach for a thousand years hoping to save souls that never had an opportunity to learn truth i said never had an opportunity with what is taught in this world today that's not hard to understand jenny from illinois i listen to you a lot and i love your teaching thank you but is there any place where god says to watch chapter by chapter and verse by verse i like it but i was just wondering or or what if the bible says that i have never heard anyone teach that way before you it makes a lot of sense to me well it is god's word naturally he mentions chapter by chapter line online precept on precept unfortunately in one place that has a kind of a negative meaning but i think you can find what you're looking for in second timothy chapter 2 verse 15. you are to rightly divide the word of god studying to show yourself approved what that means in dividing the word is who is it written to what is it talking about what is the subject the article and and what is the time period is it prophecy that's to rightly divide the word and then apply it as god would have us and you've almost there's only one way you can do that it's very difficult to do that in topical type teaching and preaching that is to say to take one verse and run with it okay and make a whole sermon out of one verse topical teaching but it's best chapter but chapter and verse by verse allowing god to do the translating the teaching because you know what he's the judge so of all things you want to please him not man that's as it should be pleasing our father is not difficult that's the way you do it rightly dividing the word of god studying to show yourself approved because if you're approved you're heaven bound herald from tennessee where in the bible does it say ashes to ashes and dusted us it does not say ashes to ashes it does say dust to dust okay and you will find that in ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7. but it does not matter if i do not want anyone to think well that means you can't be cremated no it doesn't mean that at all because dust is cremation as well as as any as deteriorating in the soil itself we have a spiritual body and that spiritual body steps forward and and there it is but the term ashes to ashes is not in god's word okay dennis from ohio how can you tell the difference between the antichrist and the real christ well it's real simple you know chronologically the order in which they come that's what god's word is for rightly dividing it when you rightly divide the word of god you learn that in the sixth trump the false christ comes and and he will be here for a five month period before the seventh trump sounds christ does not return until that seventh trump and and at that time he will return and boy is he um is is he going to square things away there will be many people will be disturbed people that have not been taught that there is a false christ will probably worship him thinking he is the true christ because his message is i've come to fly you out of here and there's a lot of people will jump oh praise god we're going to jump on that wagon and well unfortunately it'll be a ride to hell and that's not a good ride in ignorance many things happen in truth many people are saved thank god for the millennium betty from nebraska where in the bible can i find the scriptures that say no one can tell you who to marry thank you i i think probably you're thinking about first timothy chapter four verse three don't let anyone judge you in marriage or food for that that god has created to be received now and i understand that don't let anyone judge you in marriage but don't you try to marry somebody that god didn't create to be received also and it's not too difficult to understand the the laws of god concerning marriage okay vance from south carolina where can i document that ham uncovered his father's nakedness means to sleep with his father's wife it's real simple leviticus chapter 20 verse 11. if that doesn't do it for you then go to leviticus 18 8. to uncover your father's nakedness is to lie with his wife which would be your mother okay that was the sin that ham committed he got his father and his mother drunk and uncovered their nakedness which is to live with you know there's it's no sin to look at your pappy's nakedness it may not look too good and it may shock you okay but it's not a sin but it is a sin to sleep with his wife okay that would be a sin and looks like i'm out of time so i'll say i love you because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all what god loves you for it it makes his day and when you i'm talking about you when you make god's day boy is he going to make yours it's the letter he wrote to you he expects you to absorb it love it and be blessed we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless god he will i mean always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good discipline yourself stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because yeshua is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherds chapel family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherds chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepard's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 800-643-4 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth bible study each weekday at this same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the whole world
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,176
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: N5TzXfgsdpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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