II Samuel ~ 10:3 to 11:13

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today second book of Samuel chapter 10 verse 3 we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel and you are invited we barely got started in chapter 10 in our last lesson and we learned in the first two verses that nay Hache the king of Ammon passed away and I'll briefly remind you in case you missed that lecture yesterday that in a hash was the one who came against the people of Israel in jay-bez Gilead and the men of Jabez Gilead went out to neigh hash and said make a covenant with us and we'll serve you and they hashed said this is all in 1st Samuel chapter 11 and they hash said well let me pluck every one of these right eye out and then we'll make a covenant and you can serve me and they all said whoa well let me just give us 7 days to think about that and they sent word they needed help in deliverance and that's when Saul the first man king of Israel came to power but we learned that David upon learning of Nahash as passing sent messengers to they hashed his son high noon and ha noon now keep in mind here his frame of mind he's just lost his father so he's mourning the loss of his father but he's also become he was the heir apparent so he now has the responsibility of the nation of hamon squarely on his shoulders no doubt being a young ruler by that I don't mean a Zayn age I mean it's being an office only a short period of time he's probably listening to his advisors a little too closely and David has sent messengers with gifts and comfort work of words of comfort - ha neun is where we left off in our last last lecture let's see how well David's messengers are received by ha neun and his advisors we ask that word of wisdom and assured Jesus precious name always and father ask you to open eyes open ears this day 2nd Samuel chapter 10 verse 3 and it reads and the princes of the children of Ammon said unto ha neun their Lord the king thinkest thou that David death honor thy father this could be translated surely you don't think that David doth honor thy father that he hath sent comforters unto thee hath not David rather sent his servants unto thee to search the city and to spy it out and to overthrow it that wasn't David's intent at all as we learned in our last lesson I pointed out that in verse 2 it says that David will show kindness to huh noon the son of nay has as his father showed kindness unto me while David was on the run from Saul evidently Nahash who was an enemy of Saul but an enemy of my enemy is my friend and so neh hash evidently did something to help David and David certainly needed a lot of help when he was with that ragtag army running for his life from Seoul the ammonites did not trust David though they have seen the nation of Israel gaining geographically gaining economically they controlled the borders of a huge area of land and a lot of it had belong previously to other nations the ammonites are thinking David is sending spies to check us out and were the next mark on his list to occupy and take over verse 4 where 4 ha in took David servants and shaved off the one half of their beards and cut off their garments in the middle even to their buttocks and sent them away now this would be the height of insults to David's men not only to David's men but to David because he was the one that sent these people to comfort ha neun hebrew man's beard was an ornament it was worn with great pride and again a tremendous insult but not only did they stop there and cutting off the one half of their beard in other words didn't cut off half of it this way they cut off half of it either the left side or the right side entirely this would be very embarrassing and shameful for a Hebrew man well they didn't stop with the beard they cut off you see at this time men wore skirts and they cut off their skirts very short to wear their buttocks were exposed and sent them away so I can just imagine after 2 or 3 days in the hot Sun that the servants of David had three sunburned cheeks one of them on their face I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out where the other two cheeks were sunburned and you know we can find humor in that I guarantee you David did not find any humor in the treatment that his servants received from ha noon at all there's trouble on the horizon verse 5 when they told it unto David he sent to meet them this is the servants who had been insulted because the men were greatly ashamed they were too ashamed to return to Jerusalem and the King said tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown and then returned then they could return to Jerusalem with their honor and and not be shamed number six and when the children of Ammon saw that they stank this means that they were aboard before David the children of Ammon sent and hired the Syrians of beth rehab and the syrians of zobo twenty thousand footmen and of King Miaka a thousand men and of each table d'hote toeb twelve thousand men they knew that there was a fight coming from David and their hiring mercenaries to help them out David had good intentions and what he received in return was evil on the part of HA noon and the ammonites there's a fight coming verse seven and when David heard of it and heard that they had hired these mercenaries is what this means he sent Joab Joab being his head general and all the hosts of the mighty men David's thirty heroes were often referred to as David's mighty men he sent a lot more than his thirty mighty men though with Joab he sent the armies of Israel verse eight and the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array at the entering in of the gate and the entering in of the gate we're talking about the capital city of the ammonites which was called ray Baba and the Syrians of zobo and a rehab and each table and miacca were by themselves in the field now many of these names are familiar to us from chapter 8 of this book of second Samuel now the war with the ammonites the reason that this is being the history of that war is being stated here and somewhat explains the events that we're going to cover in chapter 11 of second Samuel and it was the war with the ammonites where we saw the the beginning of the decline of David's reign as king of Israel verse 9 and when Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind in other words he saw the ammonites go in behind the gates in safety of rabaah their capital and he saw all these mercenaries out in the field he intelligently realized that there were two fronts of battle he chose of all the choice men of Israel and put them in array against the Syrians now what's happening here is Joab is going to take the hand-picked men the most experienced warriors and attack the Syrians because the Syrians were known to be a much stronger army than the ammonites Abba Shai Joe ABS brother who was also a very high-ranking officer in the armies of Israel is going to hold the ammonites at bay with what's left of the army while Joab leads the first group against the Syrians with the best men of the armies of Israel verse 10 and the rest of the people the the army of Israel that weren't handpicked by Joab he delivered into the hand of a Bechet his brother and David's nephew a son of Zarya as well David's sister that he might put them in array against the children of Ammon both young very young when they started serving their uncle David they're not young at this point they are proven battle-tested warriors both of them they were very loyal to David for the most part up until later chapters of second samuel verse 11 and he referring to Joab said if the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come and help the good military strategy and it also indicates confidence nothing is said of what if the Syrians make the best of me and the ammonites make the best of you nothing is referred to their hood one of us is going to be successful and then the other one can come and help the other if they're not winning verse 12 Joab continues to his brother Abba Shai be of good courage and let us play the men for our people and for the cities of our God for Israel and the Lord do that which seemeth him good this play the men is a bad translation it should have been translated be of good courage and let us be strong and put forth our strength for the cities of our God and I like the way he ended this well we're going to be courageous and put forth our strength and be strong but then we're going to turn it over to God the Lord do that which seemeth him good we're gonna leave this up whatever God's will is we're gonna be happy with the outcome verse 13 and Joab drew nigh and the people that were with him under the battle against the Syrians and they fled before him so far so good you know paid mercenaries these Syrians were verse eight they were paid mercenaries and mercenaries are not always the best soldiers their commitment is to the money or the gold or silver their commitment is not a cause and most often soldiers who are committed to a cause make better soldiers than paid mercenaries verse 14 and when the children of ammon saw that the Syrians were fled there goes our hired help then fled they also before a Bechet and entered into the city they went back into the walled city of RIBA to where they could be behind the walls much safer more secure there so Joab returned from the children of Haman and came to Jerusalem now this will be a short pause in the action we learned in our next chapter why Joab decided not to lay siege against ray ba at this particular time and it's because winter was coming on and it was very difficult to lay siege to a walled city at this time it took a very long time to be basically the strategy was to starve the people of the city out and so rather than put his armies through a long winter of a siege he's gonna wait until the spring verse 15 and when the Syrians saw that they were smitten before Israel they gathered themselves together they haven't had enough to this point and how to reserve a kin chapter 8 sent and brought out the Syrians that were beyond the river he sent for help from Mesopotamia on the other side of the Euphrates and they came to helium and show back the captain of the ho of how to rezar went before them called in reinforcements and it won't do them any good David will also bring reinforcements from Israel and when it was told David he gathered all Israel together all the fighting men of Israel and passed over Jordan and came to heal em and the Syrians set themselves in array against David and fought with him the location of heal um is unknown today verse 18 and the Syrians fled before Israel and David slew the men of 700 chariots of the Syrians and forty thousand horsemen our Calvary and smoke show back the captain of their hosts who died there he thumped and their gourds good it was a tremendous victory for David and which is not unusual for David because God was with him up into this point they they won't regroup this time the Syrians have had enough and never again will their war with Israel under the reign of David or Solomon this is the reason that Solomon and David controlled such a large area up to on the north of Israel to the Euphrates River they didn't take possession of the land totally but economically they controlled what was going on and they collected taxes tribute if you will from the Syrians verse 19 and when all the kings that were servants to how to reservations of the Syrians who served him saw that they were smitten before Israel they made peace with Israel and served them so the Syrians feared to help the children of ammon anymore the Bassen vassal Kings abandon how to Reza if you can't beat them join them the old saying goes and that's exactly what the vassal Kings they saw that how the reservoir to be victorious over the Israel they withdrew their allegiance from him and gave their allegiance to David all of this war of Ammon leading up to this chapter 11 and I'll warn you what you know David is highly thought of as a king of Israel he was a good king he was very fair for the most part he ruled the people of Israel in a way that the people liked David was David perfect absolutely not David was a man and just like the rest of us who are in the flesh we fall short occasionally and David messes up big time in chapter 11 and it would turn the stomach of most righteous people what David does and not only the righteous people God was not happy with what David did at all and we'll see the judgment on David when we get to chapter 12 with that preface let's go with chapter 11 verse 1 and it came to pass after the year was expired and at the time when the kings go forth to battle that David sent Joab noce notice he stayed in home and his servants with him and all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabbah but David tarried still at Jerusalem notice the time of the year that the Kings go out in contrast with the fact that David Terry door remained in Jerusalem the time of the year that the Kings go to battle is in the spring and that again when when Joab decided to leave off of the sea Jing ray ba in verse 14 of our previous chapter it was because winter was coming on verse 2 maybe a little bit too much time on David's hand and you know I'm a firm believer that power corrupts men and women for that matter and the ego gets involved and people become sometimes become sociopaths and a sociopath for those of you who aren't familiar with psychology is someone who believes that he is above the rules that apply to everyone else and I'm not trying to explain away what David does in this chapter or defend David what he did was wrong but I'm in pointing out possible reasons that he did this and it could be that his ego was getting a little bit too big people who are in power start thinking that they're more important than everyone else verse 2 and it came to pass in an evening tide this being at dusk or sundown that David arose from off his bed the armies of Israel are making war against Ammon David is taking an afternoon siesta a nap through the heat of the day and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon she was bathing in an open court Oh David sees a beautiful woman bathing in an open court James chapter 1 verse 15 states that when lust is conceived sin is the result and the result of sin is death what David is about to do is very wrong now not defending what David has going to do by any means but you know I questioned the this woman you know doubt that it there were a lot of places to bathe but bathing in open court she certainly isn't modest if you see my point verse three and David sent and inquired after the woman and one said is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Elam the wife of Uriah the Hittite geographically he was a hittite he was of the nation of Israel now right then David's pursuit of this woman should have stopped she is a married woman to have intercourse with this woman would be adultery which is a sin in God's law punishable by stoning to death Uriah the Hittite by the way which Uriah means the flame of yah he was one of David's thirty heroes he was very loyal to David from the very beginning he doesn't deserve the treatment that he gets from David verse four and David sent messengers and took her and she came in and to him and he lay with her for she was purified from her uncleanness and she returned unto her house she was just as guilty as David she didn't say no she didn't put up any resistance at all to David's advance this verse kind of loses it in the translation for she was purified from her uncleanness the the act of sexual intercourse made one unclean in the law Leviticus chapter fifteen verse eighteen and until evening and washing the person remained unclean what this is saying is that after they had intercourse she purified herself by washing and then went home well she may have purified herself according to the law of Liberty chapter 15 verse 18 but she certainly didn't purify herself of the adultery that she had just committed with David you can't wash off the sin of adultery verse 5 and the woman this is Bathsheba conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child this put them both in danger of being discovered of committing adultery as I said earlier the the punishment for adultery if it's proven is to stoned to death Leviticus chapter 20 verse 10 so now this presents a problem for David and Bathsheba you see Uriah is off to war with the ammonites let's say he were gone from Jerusalem for a year and a half and then he returned and he found Bathsheba bouncing a baby boy on her knee what would your I immediately know he would know that his wife had been unfaithful to him and had committed adultery you know it would be the same for the children of God who are spiritually in bed with the Antichrist when Jesus Christ returns they're going to be committing adultery on a spiritual level with the Antichrist you see Christ is returning expecting a virgin bride Bathsheba is no look not a virgin obviously because she's been in bed with David verse 6 and David sent to Joab his general saying send me Uriah the Hittite and Joab sent Uriah to David what did David have in mind it will be evil in the eyes of God and when Uriah was comin to him David demand of him how Joab did and how the people did how did the armies do and how the war prospered how are things going on the war front and he's using this David is using this questioning to justify his calling Uriah away from the front to give him a report an update on how things are going in the siege against Reba and the ammonites he's trying to cover up his intentions verse 8 and David said to Uriah go down to thy house and wash thy feet and Uriah departed out of the king's house and there followed him a mess of meat from the King David saying go down to your house and and relax you know wash take your sandals off and and wash your feet and by the way I'm gonna have my chief butcher cut you off a nice chunk of some prime rib that we got in special and I want you to enjoy a meal at home and then sleep with your wife that's David's intention to have Uriah sleep with his wife that way if he goes back to the war and he comes home in a year and she's bouncing that baby boy on her knee David's sin and Bathsheba's sin is covered at least in the eyes of man of course not covered in the eyes of God but Uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all the servants of his Lord and went not down to his house he didn't sleep with his wife Bathsheba as David had intended to cover his sin [Music] verse 10 and when they had told David saying Uriah went knocked down to his house there's always someone watching ready to gossip about what someone is do not doing in and around the Kings Court David said unto Uriah Camus now not from thy journey question why then ditch they'll not go down into thine house you came all this way from the battle at RIBA why didn't you go down and relax and spend some time with your wife verse 11 and Uriah said unto David the ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents there at war and my lord Joab the general Joab and the servants of my lord are encamped in the open fields my comrades are at war they're sleeping in tents in the mud in the fields and I then go into mine house shall I then go into mine house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife as thou live us this is an oath on the King David and as thy soul liveth I will not do this thing Uriah is a very honorable man he's loyal to his master his Lord Joab the general and he's also loyal to his comrades the sense of duty should have stopped David in his tracks it should have David should have made David realize he has a sense of duty as king of Israel to do the right thing it won't faze him verse 12 and David said to Uriah tarry here today also and tomorrow I will let the depart so Uriah bowed in Jerusalem that day and the morrow one more chance to cover the adultery at least in the eyes of man David's wanting Uriah to think about it maybe if he stays another 24 hours it'll think twice and go into his wife and in the comfort of his bed I think David too might be thinking give me a little more time to figure out what I'm gonna do if you're Riya for won't go into his wife verse 13 and when David had called him he did eat and drink before him he called him in and threw a big feast a banquet and he made him drunk in an effort to try and dole his sense of duty and that even he just being David went out to lie on his bed no I should say that's Joe Uriah went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his Lord but went not down to his house again not covering David's infidelity and worse than that his adultery and Bathsheba's oh well Uriah's insistence leads David to commit an even greater sin we'll see that as we continue our study in the book of 2nd Samuel in our next lecture again what David is doing is very disappointing to those of you who are a fan of King David but always remember don't we're not the judge be careful not to set yourself up as a judge yes what David did was wrong but it's up to God to judge David for what he did and God is fully capable as we'll learn in our next lecture when we get to chapter 12 we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the book of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school on God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the book of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you as that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation we'll be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that off times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation you're gonna enjoy welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serve no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week you know I really believe you don't have a lot of competition these days everyone is so busy in the world the ways of the world they don't have time to talk to God so when you do when you go to your heavenly father and prayer and tell him your heart tell him your mind it makes his day and when you make his day he's going to make yours that's when blessings start to flow in your life we do have these prayer requests father we come United one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father you you know the needs of these father financial difficulties addiction to drugs alcoholism you know father if it is your will a special blessing on these and we lift up our military troops and our police officers who are in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and promised up as promised yesterday Danielle from West Virginia is our first question I think I got the question read but now I'm gonna have to read it again so everyone knows where we're at and I'll do that I love God and I love you and how you teach I have a very big family that goes to the same church my grandma and I believe that the rapture isn't the way to heaven my family doesn't believe us and won't listen because we aren't known to be very intelligent they gave me a verse or verses in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 14 through 17 what the verses 16 and 17 mean what does dead in Christ mean please tell me so I can tell them and save them okay well now you're not responsible for saving them first of all Danielle you can take it as your duty to plant a seed and try and talk some sense into them but remember not everyone has eyes to see and ears to hear God has put a spirit of stupor or slumber on some to protect them so but those who are dead in Christ that means those who have passed away believing in Christ that's the subject of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 that the rapture is pointing to saying that it's about flying away it's not you mentioned verses 14 through 17 back up one more verse verse 13 Paul says I don't want you to be ignorant concerning where those who are asleep are as the heathen those the unbelievers are and that's what the subject is and in verse 15 it states those of us who are alive when Christ returns cannot prevent that's an old English word that means precede them which are asleep those who are dead why because they're already with him that's the the subject of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 it goes on in verse 16 and 17 to say at the seventh Trump that's when Christ returns everyone will be in their spirits bodies and if you're going to try and help your family you need to learn it yourself first so I might suggest Danielle and I'm not trying to sell CDs but if you are determined to do this with your family you need to learn the scripture first and there are more scriptures than 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 you might consider warning for during the three CD set 3 0 4 5 6 which is entitled rapture theory Carl and Indiana I've been studying with the chapel for 18 years I want to thank you and the staff for doing a great work for our Lord and Savior a couple of questions one was the sixth day creation created naked as Adam and Eve were if so were I fact at the same time as Adam and Eve when they committed the sin in the garden well I think that they probably were created naked but it's not written but over the course of 2,000 years I would think that they probably developed clothing such as skins things of that nature of material that would be readily available to them for warmth in the wintertime for comfort etc although it's not written verse two I know only God can create life when the Fallen Angels went into women why did God allow the pregnancies and in Genesis chapter 6 is where you find that the sons of God as they're called in the King James Version Bible which are the angels the fallen angels came to earth they saw the daughters of Adam and liked what they saw they went into them and children were the result deburr in the Hebrew language Giants God created most people with freewill and you know it would have been very easy for God just to say okay I'm on a rubber-stamp all these people out this way now I'm gonna make fifty people this way and these people are gonna think this and these people are gonna think that that's not God's style God likes to give his children freewill and that includes the daughters of Adam that the Fallen Angels went into they had free will as well so you know again God could have just said okay this is the way everything's gonna be wouldn't have been anywhere near as interesting I don't think Greg and Tennessee Dennis is King Saul and Saul that became Paul kin meaning related and you know that's that's possible First Samuel chapter 9 verses 1 & 2 we learned that Saul the first man king of Israel was a Benjamite Paul who name was Saul and as God changed his name when he struck him down on the road to Damascus in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 we learned that Paul of the New Testament was also a Benjamite so and you know at the time of the judges the Benjamites were whittled down considerably you had that instance where the Levite his concubine was abused by the men of that were belonged in Benjamin and there was a civil war and the other tribes of Israel went up against Benjamin and there were only six hundred men of Benjamin left at that point so it's possible that one of them was a that that Saul the first man King was a descendent from the same one of them that Paul of the New Testament was Sam and Illinois or the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit three distinct and different persons say entities who exist as one God or one distinct entity who plays these three roles I would answer your question the latter that God plays different roles of the son and in Isaiah chapter 14 verse 7 we learned that a virgin that's Mary will conceive and you'll name her son Emmanuel well if you know what Immanuel translated means it means God with us John chapter 14 verse 9 Jesus states there that if you've seen he that hath seen me hath seen the father if you're confused about the Trinity I suggestion again it sounds like I'm selling CDs I'm not but order three zero five seven four nature of God el shaddai will help you with our teaching in fact some higher critics I'll call them and control my language to the best of my ability say that shepherd's chapel doesn't teach the Trinity they're dead wrong anyone who's studied with the chapel and listens to us for any period of time know that we teach the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we baptize in the name of the Father the and the Holy Spirit Sam in Illinois you got two questions in today can you please explain first Peter chapter 3 verse 20 and second Peter chapter 2 verse 5 eight souls were saved by water how can other people be saved when there was only eight human beings according to these verses well what you're not understanding is that first Peter chapter 3 verse 20 states 8 Souls but that's 8 Adamic souls and we know who those eight demyx souls are in Genesis where it states that Noah excuse me the eight Adamic souls you'll find that that we know who they are there was Noah his wife his three sons and their wives now as far as the second Peter chapter 2 verse 5 it states that Noah was the eighth generation and what that means is he was the eighth from Adam and that's easy to document Genesis chapter 5 you find Adam and then who he begat who he begat who he begat and you'll find that Noah was the eighth generation from Adam of course Noah was instructed to take two of every flesh onto the ark so that would certainly include the other races or it's also possible that not the whole world was flooded but one of those two had to be what happened because you can't take a man who is perfect in his generations meaning he hadn't mixed with any of the other races or the fallen angels and his three sons and their wives all the damning people in other word and they be the beginning of other races that's biologically impossible Christian and Florida who do you mean by evil spirits is it past people that have died or the fallen angels evil spirits well it's not the fallen angels the fall angels as we learn in Jude chapter 1 verse 6 are held and are reserved in Chains of Darkness unto judgment now Acts chapter 19 verse 15 and the following verses it states that tells us that evil spirits possess people it is likely the spirit of someone who died in the flesh but not necessarily Jesus cast out evil spirits and he gave us the power to cast out evil spirits as well Luke chapter 10 verses 17 and 18 in his name he gave us power over all of our enemies that includes evil spirits Vicki in Texas I enjoy the way you teach well I'm glad you enjoy our program I like the question and answer section the best and I too have a question okay let's get to it as I watched you answered a question about a drug user being a sorcerer does that include someone who smokes tobacco no smoking tobacco is certainly not healthy but it would not fall in the category of a sorcerer and the word sorcerer if you have a strong concordance take it back in the New Testament to the Greek language and it's pharmakeia from which comes our word pharmacy and it's those not who deal legal drugs through a pharmacy but those who are drug pushers they're not going to be in heaven along with the murderers florence from florida where in the bible will i find that even the prophets wanted to live in these the last days and daniel chapter 12 verse 8 and 9 daniel desired to understand the prophecies that are sealed in the end times but revelation is revealing is what it states there in Daniel chapter 12 8 9 in other words he states he wanted to understand the prophecies but it wasn't time Luke chapter 10 verses 23 and 24 the words of Jesus states the prophets and Kings desired to see the things that you see and to hear the things that you hear Ron and Michigan I purchased your revelation CDs regarding Revelation 12 verses 1 through 4 as I understand your CD the dragon was in heaven and his tail drew a third of the Angels his children to earth does this mean that during the first Earth Age that only the third who were deceived were on earth and the remaining two-thirds remained in heaven during the first earth day Jeannot Revelation chapter 12 covers a huge period of time it goes all the way back into the first Earth Age and at the end of the chapter is talking about the end of this dispensation the Second Earth and heaven age now what it is talking about there in Revelation 12 you're right the the dragon as he's called there in Revelation 12 drew one-third of God's children away from God that was at Satan's rebellion and that one-third were going to be born in the flesh along with the rest of God's children but the states they're the the dragon was waiting on the woman to give birth to the manchild that moves into the Second Earth age and what that is Satan wanted to destroy mother Eve seed through which Messiah would come if she had destroyed if he would be successful there he wins no Messiah Satan wins God didn't allow that to happen Craig in West Virginia is that a sin go to a restaurant and eat where they serve alcohol even though you don't drink well in my opinion it isn't a sin to go to a restaurant and have a glass of wine with your meal first Timothy chapter 5 verse 23 states use a little wine for thy stomachs sake and thine often infirmities the first miracle that God that Jesus accomplished was the turning of water into wine Johnny from Nevada I watched you every week day morning from prison in Nevada I heard you say you can't serve God in prison I admit it is hard the language is vulgar from dawn to dusk and fights over territory have resulted in death if not for my unshakable faith in Jesus Christ I would be terrified I feel I am serving God in my own small way I thought I was until you made that statement do I understand you correctly I should have spoken a little more clearly what I meant was that God's elect can't accomplish the work that God has to for them to do if they are in prison for or let's say failing to pay their taxes God's elect will be placed in prison themselves and be serving God as it's written in Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 that's when they're delivered up before the Antichrist for a testimony against him and the Holy Spirit will speak through them at that time there are a lot of good things that come out of prison ministries and I certainly didn't mean to indicate Johnny that there weren't good works done in prisons you know thank God for those who are helping those who probably have no direction in their life whatsoever of no positive direction in their life and teach them the Word of God and we have a lot of prisons prisoners who are students of shepherd's chapel I mean they don't let you out to go to church every Sunday morning and but you have a television and we're able to come into your prison and teach you the Word of God right there in fact we support a lot of prison ministries through sending CDs cassette tapes damaged Bibles that were not able to use and send those to prison ministries all across the United States so there are a lot of good works done in prisons Janet from Washington I know that God created all souls in the beginning I also feel this inside and I'm asking on behalf of others suggesting reincarnation from one person to another I don't feel this is true and is there any scripture about reincarnation Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 Paul teaches us there that it is appointed to men but once to die so reincarnation coming back and being born in another human body is not part of God's plan and it's it's impossible it does not happen and a lot of people unfortunately take the teachings of Shepherd's chapel concerning the 1st 2nd and 3rd heaven and earth ages and somehow tie reincarnation into that we do not teach reincarnation Lisa from California do people on the wrong side of the Gulf know that they are on the wrong side of the Gulf and can people on each side see each other yes and yes Luke chapter 16 verse 23 the rich and was on the wrong side of the Gulf and he looked across the Gulf and he saw Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham so that's proof that you can see across the Gulf the thing is you cannot cross the Gulf that's not traversable do they know they're on the wrong side absolutely when the rich man saw Abraham he said Abraham let me let Lazarus go and bring forth a little bit of that living water that I can live of Jesus Christ in other words and Abraham's know you can't do that well then at least let me go back or send Lazarus back to warn my brothers and he said no they've had a warning in that Jesus Christ came to the earth and you you've had your chance you're on the wrong side of the goal second Esdras in the Apocrypha chapter 7 verse 77 even goes into further detail of what and how miserable it is on the wrong side of the gulf I'm out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth when God looks down from heaven and he sees you reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day and when you make his day he's going to make yours that's when the blessings start to flow in your life we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though beloved it's this you stay in his word every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 602
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, II Samuel, Chapel, Pastor, Book of, Book of II Samuel, Arnold, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, 2 Samuel, Murray, Pastor Murray, Book of 2 Samuel
Id: SIGiqwRO6-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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