Proverbs ~ 9:3 to 10:5

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in our father's word chapter 9 we're gonna pick it up here with about verse 3 in a moment and how beautiful the father's word is here in proverbs proverbs being a lesson in lecture in what's right and what's wrong and what happens if you follow which path and it's a set of instructions that were of comparisons and I think it's a beautiful work you know we had we had recorded in the last few chapters Azer which is an apostate who was a harlot and she had a house and had a banquet and the opposite of that is wisdom is having a banquet and she has a house that has seven pillars in it and and naturally seven is the number of spiritual compete completeness and we covered in revelation chapter three verses 10 11 and 12 where God's elect are the pillars in that house and that's that's the beauty of being a part of the mini membered body which is the house of wisdom wisdom coming from our Father of course but here she's preparing this banquet wisdom is this is the banquet you want to attend not the other that we covered by Mystery Babylon you don't want to go to that banquet so she's as we learned in verse 2 she's killed the fatted calf the Beast and she's mingled the wine that is to say it's spiced and she's furnished her table let's pick it up if we may with the word of wisdom from her father then in verse 3 as it continues and we asked that word of wisdom from him verse 3 reads she has sent forth her maidens she crieth upon the highest places of the city who did she send out to preach this message the maidens well didn't know women were supposed to preach well you might get some disappointments when you truly get into God's Word and learn a little truth she sends out this wisdom sends out maidens to carry this message in all honesty the word that has translated maidens here means young persons and it can be either male or female but let's give the ladies credit where credit's due because they pick on them so much that let's give them the credit is those messengers after all what is a messenger messenger is an angel so therefore you could understand why we call most ladies angels just little ole angels right here dwelling among us okay verse 4 I'm just making friends and influencing people here okay but that's who she sent out verse 4 whose so is simple this word simple means unsuspecting in other words ignorant biblically illiterate doesn't know the false Christ is coming doesn't know come here from Sikkim so naturally they're unsuspecting because they're not Watchmen who so is simple let him turn in hither that's an invitation as for him that one of the under standing she saith to him even when they're unexpected an unsuspecting and and even haven't learned wisdom here throws the door open to that person but of course there was a qualification that warned of understanding a lot of people don't and that's where you have to make the discernment in planting seeds a lot of times you will plant seeds and you'll have somebody that doesn't want understanding doesn't care about understanding God's Word wants nothing to do with God's Word so don't cast your pearls before swine okay but this just be those that that they may be unsuspecting and they may be biblically illiterate but wisdom is willing to take them in and nurture them with truth verse five come eat of my bread and drink of the wine which I have mingled and of course you know what the bread and wine is symbolic up to the Christian in this generation you know why her building has seven pillars spiritual completeness God's election and we know that that this bread and wine is the body of Christ and whereas she is speaking to the many membered body of Christ but here we have the feast of feast the table of the Lord that's what she's inviting here ultimately the highest Sabbath to the Christian because Christ as it is written in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 and 7 Christ became our Passover this table verse 6 forsake the foolish this word foolish means the heartless okay doesn't have a heart doesn't care and live in other words forsake them and live forever and go in the way of understanding there are some people as I stated earlier that you can't plant a seed with and they are this word foolish being heartless meaning they don't have mind they don't have a mind that is seeking the Lord they could care less that's a person that you can plant a seed and if it doesn't grow hey kick the dust off your feet and go into the next ok verse 7 he that reproveth thus quarter get us to himself shame and he that rebuked Ithaca domen getteth himself a blot in other words he's going to turn he's going to mock you and and will certainly run you over and belittle you you have to protect your credibility this goes along with intuitively knowing who you're planning a seed with intuitively knowing if it if you're receiving a reception there if not you got you a fool okay a heartless person heartless meaning they don't have a mind and and the mind is the seedbed of wisdom and if they don't have a mind there's no seed bed so you wouldn't want to waste seed there okay he will even mock you for trying okay make light of God you and everything you stand for it's not necessary for you to go through that though it shouldn't bother you if it does again kick the dust off your feet and March own that's his problem not yours verse eight reprove not ask order lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee in other words tough love is a hard old thing and when you have the that spiritual discernment to know when when a wise man is present though he may be unsuspecting if you plant a seed it's going to grow and he's gonna love you he's gonna love you for caring for trying whereas a heartless one isn't it kind of sad that we have that type of person but you've got to you've got to come to the realism we do we have them there against the church there against Christ there against anything that you stand for and what the father is saying here you don't have to you don't have to comply with this you don't have to worry with it okay and verse nine give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser teach a just man and he will increase and learning he's going to learn more and more and more and you know you you never want to come to the point that you think you know it all you know you know I've studied God's Word for many many many years I've taught it for many many many years I've taught book after book after book over and over and over I still learn the word is pregnant it grows and I learned something every time I teach a book from God's Word so you can always if you will if you will teach a wise man there's always something there to learn never and everything you have topped out and that you know it all you don't okay that's an impossibility God's Word is so complete but only our Father can attain and understand everything when and besides that growing and learning is a joyful process of learning from God's Word verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom don't ever forget that you learned it back in chapter 1 verse 7 and of course the word fear as you well know translates both Revere and fear and reverencing or loving God is in fact the basic in the beginning of wisdom that's where it comes from why because all wisdom comes from him and the knowledge of the Holy translated holy 1 the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding it's always there that Holy Spirit will lead you guide you direct you and and never be afraid to reach out and ask our Father through the Holy Spirit to enlighten you on a certain subject to give you a message to give you a truth he'll always respond when it's needed and it may be far and few in between but when it comes it's fantastic it's fabulous grat latch on to it and remember knowledge of the Holy One is understanding clarity in the simple way that only God Himself can teach verse 11 for by me this is wisdom speaking for by me thy days shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased a lot of people think that this means longevity it doesn't ok it means what it's saying is by me that that day's shall be multiplied it means they'll become great because you got wisdom you got knowledge and the years of thy life shall be increased in importance because people will seek you out if you have wisdom for questions for answers for guidance for leadership that's what wisdom will do for you okay in properly translating this particular verse and that's because it isn't you that's great and it's not you that's important it's the wisdom you possess which is to say the Word of God okay the Word of God is so precious and so wonderful and when he gets you to absorb and and be a messenger one that he sends out with this message as he did the maidens in verse three to carry forth that message how precious it is how wonderful it is and and so it is verse twelve if thou be wise thou shalt be wise for thyself but if thou ask or nest if you scorn wisdom okay now alone shall bear it and then would you only hurt yourself if you seek wisdom you it is wisdom for your own purpose your own self that betters you that comfort you and don't worry you'll share it you can't you know it's like it's like holding something hot you have to you have to get rid of it you have to take that truth and pass it on never if God gives you a truth don't hide it under a bushel you let it shine from the pedestal of a light and share it with others because it comes from our Father in other words it isn't jurors it belongs to the Father but a person that scoreless wisdom only hurts themselves well why would scorning wisdom hurt them because they're stupid and they're gonna stay stupid okay stupid is as stupid does and and they hurt themselves but but that's the beauty of Proverbs it's your choice you have to take you have to realize that what God is telling you in wisdom is you have to take responsibility for thyself for yourself you you have to be accountable you have to desire to have wisdom whereby not only that you can help yourself but others and therefore in reaching out God will touch you and assist you and help you but but if you hate wisdom and if you turn away from it you just hurt yourself and how inward you could have been a blessing to others you're a dead okay a dumb dead good-for-nothing never scorn wisdom verse it's more precious than silver it's more precious than gold verse 13 a foolish here we have a little different thought a foolish woman is clamorous she is simple and knoweth nothing this is the contrast in contrast to verse 1 where were wisdom is building a house and she's having a banquet and here we have a foolish woman as clamorous it means she's a ratchet JA just goes on and on and on and never says anything ok I mean she can talk all day long and will never have said anything that amounts to anything fool is as a fool does okay and verse 14 for she sitteth at the door of her house she didn't build it she sit at the door of her house on the seat in the high places of the city man I mean she's always obvious I mean that's where she catches people going by unsuspecting and she she clamors her old ratchet jaw is just really wound tight okay and and there she is where people by Drive go by unsuspecting she's got all the advice in the world and yet she knows nothing verse 15 she sits in those high places to do what 15 to call passengers who go right on their ways minding their own business going their own ways busy people working doing God's work and here's old ratchet jaw just taking up everybody's time taking up space and clamor and on and on and on about nothing nothing and nothing okay well what can you gain from nothing nothing and nothing well nothing you're never gonna gain anything from her okay verse verse 16 whoso is simple that means unsuspecting again let him turn in ya there go ahead and stop and as for him that one of the understanding she said to him in other words she's going to imitate great religion okay I mean she's got it ratchet jah knows it all hey and here we got one that is simple he's not he's unsuspecting but he doesn't want to learn and don't turn in here as the is the message you don't need to listen to a ratchet JA after you intuitively discern she is okay but what does she say to him listen carefully she whispers 17 stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant yeah you got to remember where this was written in the Middle East where water is a very precious commodity you know I mean in a desert laying water is is not something you want to steal okay but what is her great clamoring words of wisdom strolling waters are sweet and and bread eaten in secret is pleasant you you when you go to the Lord's table you don't do it in secret okay you're not ashamed of the fact that you're protecting of the Lord's table but you see this isn't the Lord's table this is the old this is the old clamoring one ratchet JA even called our mystery Babel and if you want because ultimately that's what it would turn to you're never going to learn anything from an unwise fool okay and and and that's the end of it other than bad information and so it is when God tests you I would hope that when you would hear her make these statements you you would know right away hey this this is bad news you don't want to be so simple or unsuspecting that you would listen to something like that again bearing in mind that in the desert stolen waters is a very serious crime that's a very serious wrong verse 18 but he knoweth not that the dead are there now listen to me carefully he knoweth not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell now he didn't realize that who this guest of of hell was because the word dead here it's ray p.m. you need to know that that's the fallen angels and the offspring thereof okay and if you don't know when you're in the presence of raffia it nails the whole thing as to who you've been talking to ratchet Joanne about okay and and that's why they are called the dead just as they are in Psalms 110 you start messing around with them in the word so that the grave hell you're talking to you're not you're not talking eternal life you're talking to one of those that is here to deceive and to deliver into the very hands of Satan even down and this is one of the reasons Paul would teach so boldly in first corinthians chapter 11 verse 10 where he said you want to keep something over your head speaking to women maidens that take the word out you want to keep something over your head it's not your hair it's not cutting your hair it's christ and verse 10 tells you what because of the angels the rhythm the fallen angels okay because that's death nothing but Satan's own messengers so hey true to the course in Proverbs you got a choice you've got two houses you have the house built by wisdom with the seven pillars or you have ratchet jaw sister babbling and she will ultimately lead you to the fallen angels which is to say Satan's own family you don't need that and that's what that's what apostates will do for you you well how do I know whether in the lines with God's or not you know who is simple who is unsuspecting how many today suspect or know or is unsuspecting I should say that the false Christ returns first what are they commonly taught you don't have to worry about the false Christ because you're going to fly away there's just one big problem with that that's clamoring now I'm not judging anyone it's just a fact okay and God's Word documents it and it ends ends you up in a very bad bad place it's called deception and it's kind of called bed and down with the rape hem you don't that's the dead you don't need that okay the fallen angel you don't need that you need wisdom and wisdom teaches you if you wish wisdom if you want wisdom seek her early and you will find her love wisdom she will love you seek truth and it will always protect you God protects his own from deception and from the very eyes of Satan himself giving you power over him so you want to always take the high road which is wizz the road of wisdom okay the old ratchet JA took the high places where she's going to gets it down from there to a low place ratchet JA ratchet JA ona known as cetera but it sounds so holy holy holy you want to listen to the Holy One as you were instructed in this chapter who is the holy one there's only one how could you be wrong how could you not know where there's only one it's Yahweh our Heavenly Father okay so what a fantastic chapter to follow wisdom calls in chapter eight is to have the the opposing houses the house that God builds with wisdom or the house that Satan bills for the Raytheon and maintenance were sent out to carry the truth and the maiden was sent out to Ratchet jaw in the byways to unsuspecting people well how could I possibly be avoid being unsuspecting learn the truth love wisdom and she'll love you and you'll never be taken in chapter 10 and verse 1 the Proverbs of Solomon a wise son maketh the glad father but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother and this is speaking of mother Israel here and you don't want to be foolish to not know who your mother is in that regard and who our father is Almighty God and you don't sometimes if and what well why should I worry about mother Israel well because of a motherhood you know sometimes the father if you get too bad and too far out of line he may just turn and walk away but a mother will never give up on a child they can go down down down and that mother though she knows probably she she would be better off if she did the same thing she's going to stick with that child I heard a mother one time say I'm on my way to visit my son he's in prison and I thought whoa I hear there's this mother and her son is a prisoner a jail burden but she said you know what the warden told me he was the best prisoner he had can can you see the motherhood in that she was proud of her son even though he was in jail because the warden warden told her he was the best prisoner in jail so so a mother will stick with you and a mother will stand by with you when nobody else will so understand how important mother Israel is verse 2 treasures of wickedness profit nothing but righteousness deliver deliver us from death treasures of will twist treasures of wickedness that that's where you rob steal sell drugs I mean you you young people that see them driving big cars around the corner don't worry you know what will happen we'll pick them out we'll take their car and sell it for money to find more of them doing crooked and wickedness in other words any treasure that's gained by wickedness is short-lived it's not what it seems to be and as a young person you want to know that coming out the gate there are no shortcuts to success but there is a sure a surety a guarantee and that is to gain wisdom and knowledge and then you have wisdom and knowledge to gain those things legally ok and righteously okay because righteousness deliver us from death okay in other words you you find eternal life rather than going to hell verse three the Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish he knows what you need but he casteth away the substance of the wicked he makes sure that the wicked do not gain anything he makes sure that their substance is taken away from them and what a fool it is that fields he can outsmart Almighty God because God will see to it God knows what they are even thinking and the Lord will not suffer the soul of a righteous of families you're not going to the soul let your eternal and your nitish your your eternal life it's not going to hunger and naturally in in as much as we're in proverbs what should at hunger for wisdom knowledge because wisdom and knowledge is the most precious thing in in the earth as far as some getting ahead is concerned as far as being blessed is concerned but what God is telling you coming out the gate it doesn't pay to be wicked he himself will guarantee you and there'll be some right now will say well although there are people that have pulled off the perfect crime and gotten away with it oh you should have to see that what their mind does when they try to sleep at night they're always looking over their shoulder and besides that they haven't had their trial yet they live had a trial here among the low-mid but their main trial is coming before God and what did God say he casteth the way the substance of the wicked and he also cast us the way the wicked so don't everything there's no way that you're going to get away with it period not here nor not in heaven verse 4 by that I mean you even if you did get away with it you got to live with it here and you're gonna pay the price when you get there verse 4 he become as poor that dealeth with the slack hand but the bait hand of the diligent maketh rich you know what slack hands are that's lazy people you got slack hands you're never going to amount to hill of beans you're never going to have anything and he becometh poor that dealeth was sacked hands he's poor coming out to date and he'll be poor when he when he goes through the gate and he'll be poor forever because he his hands are slack he's lazy God really does not like lazy people and this has nothing to do with handicapped people understand and know that coming out the gate okay but the one that has a hand that diligent maketh rich he's gonna go somewhere he works at it he's going to gain the world you know it doesn't take much to be happy if you're wise because you have the father and you have his promises and you're rich rich rich because you have eternal life and you have the blessings of God that's really what you need and God sees to the rest of it it may even come a little slow be patient it's there verse five he that gathereth in summer is a wise son that means while the crops out there and the harvest is there get out there hump it get with it but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causes shame now what this applies to also and as well is truth when truth is available get out there and get it when wisdom is available get out there and get it don't sleep through it don't don't be daydreaming when you could be absorbing truth and wisdom you could be bettering yourself and what do you do I'm tired and I have slack hands well you're not going anywhere then okay father likes vivacious people that and like I said it doesn't have anything to do with handicapped I'm talking minds here that seek wisdom early love wisdom she will always love you don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 645 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii hey all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question share it won't you please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization let's don't judge people people make choices and that's their choice and let it be okay unless they come to you for information then they you everyone picks their own way and so it is don't judge them God is the judge okay just simply teach God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse let the chips fall wherever they may never apologize for the word of God okay now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking and and he loves you may not love what you're doing but he loves you so let him know that you love him that's what he wants is your love and that's for most so make sure that he knows that because loving God is the first step to knowledge wisdom and understanding so it pays great dividends in love and understanding father around the globe we come that you need going direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name father thank you amen okay and question time we're gonna go with dela from new jersey is it a sin to eat meat with blood still in it like a rare steak somewhere I read where God said not to eat with blood still in it well that has to do with the slaughter of the animal in other words when when in the time of the writing of the word that we had no refrigeration or anything of that nature and and blood left in if you do not bleed the animal that you're butchering the blood will purify the meat itself now when you say a steak I'm sure you're talking about a steak from a clean animal and some people like medium rare or rare that's that's not what it's talking about that's fine there's no sin in that but the animal must be properly butchered okay that so whereby it is healthy okay and I hope that helps you Debbie from Missouri is there any is there anything wrong with musical instruments in the church service worship of worship help me understand the scripture that speaks of singing Psalms to one another well we're told to do that you know I I want to handle this easy because there is one particular denomination a very good denomination that doesn't allow instruments in the church they they sing but without the accompaniment I've myself and I'm not judging them I see nothing wrong with it David played a heart and as a matter of fact the harp is is part of the symbol if you would of some some of the tribes and houses juda that follow David is a harp in the family motto and symbol but there's nothing wrong with musical instruments they are soothing and then of course you can use anything it's the message it conveys whether it's right or wrong okay in other words a instrument used for miss fourth miss teaching or degradation people or degradation women men or cities I don't care what kind of instrument it is or what kind of voice is singing it or whatever it's wrong it's the message that is conveyed that makes it right for a wrong Marlene from Canada is it possible when we go to heaven that we can be with God alone or do we have to be with our relatives because they abuse me I don't want to be with them am I wrong to feel this way well well honey you don't if they're abusing you you don't have to worry about them being in heaven with you because they're going to hell okay they definitely will not be there and I'm not judging them but anybody that abuses as a child is not gonna be there okay so you don't have to worry about it and and it you have other family and your family is your heavenly family your family is father and certainly you'll be there and you will you won't feel bad about being with anybody that's in heaven okay they are your family Debra from Tennessee in the Bible God has was referred as a great fir tree what kind of tree was this was it a Douglas fir as related to trees well as ever the point is it's evergreen and evergreen the analogy is that it's everliving meaning eternal life that's what it symbolizes okay and and this is why that God would state in the book of Hosea I am a great fir tree and and so he is its everliving never shedding naturally the analogy is it never sheds his leaves and looks like it's dead okay it's always green and vivacious evergreen Jeff from Georgia thanks for your teaching I have a friend that asked about forgiveness for the people he killed in Vietnam I told him Jesus would forgive him and I would like to back it up with scriptures about killing in an act of war please advise Psalms 144 sums 144 is all you need what does it say it says God give me the strength to conquer in war okay to overcome in war it is a blessing when one destroys the enemy that is trying to take away our freedoms and our rights to worship God and for our children to live in a free nation in Vietnam in Korea which I was in combat myself in in severe combat in North Korea up at the reservoir and between that and Vietnam we broke the back of communism you still have a few weak communist nations but there's no more superpowers we ended that so you went to ask for forgiveness for doing the nation a great service it's the wrong frame of mind you're he's a hero he protected this nation when you see these school buses going by with little children getting on those buses and having the freedom to go to school it came at a price it came at a price for not only he but those that didn't get to come home alive to enjoy and see those school bus but most people don't mind paying that price to get rid of the enemy psalms 144 you read it to him if you have to okay there are many other places but somes 144 says at best dawn from oklahoma do you think that whenever we die our spirit goes to heaven or hell well and then you mention a subject line following that that belongs to a certain religion so I'm not going to touch it I'm just going to tell you the truth when you die you go to as it is written in in Luke chapter 16 to paradise in holding for judgment nobody goes to hell until the great white throne judgment which is at the end of the millennium okay that's to say the end of the Lord's Day the Thousand Year reign then at the great white throne judgment which follows that some will go to hell but you Luke chapter 16 will pretty well describe what goes on there's two sides to it one side and the book of life determines it's all written in the book and if what's written by your name is all bad you will go on the bad side of paradise and if it's all good you'll go on the good side okay meaning you can already be with God if you on the good side otherwise you're in holding to wait the Millennium crescendo from Georgia I have recently been saved and baptized I sometimes find myself walking in circles for my family my mother and I both go to church as much as we can but my father cannot seem to bring himself to come with us since the death of his mother I just wonder how I can talk to him or even if I should well I would I you pastor do you think you can push a person away from the Lord while you're in the process of trying to help them find him well you sure can this is why you just plant a seed and you do it gently but in this case we're you know what the problem is if you're not real familiar with where the dead are please order my work on where where are the dead and that will assist you in helping your father a great deal okay very comforting for his mother is no doubt with the Lord she's not out there in a hole in the ground somewhere she's with our Father and you need to be able to that tape will help you document that from the Word of God as which is the way I teach and would teach no other way let the word speak let the letter God send and I think it'll help you a great deal okay Regina from Tennessee my question is about Jobe he faced countless problems where in the bible does it say that people will face the same and what does it say they should do about it the world is so crazy now that it seems no matter what one does there is always a problem thank you for being someone who talks to the regular people of the world well thank you that's that's the people we like to teach is the regular people of the world job means persecution okay and in the beginning you find out it was Satan when God he went to visit with God and the other angels and God says hey Satan what do you think about my boy joke God new job wouldn't be into Satan regardless of what Satan did to him job God new job wouldn't give in and job had it worse than anyone could imagine because he made one big mistake he allowed three ratchet jaws to yang yeah for 38 chapters and and on and on they went and finally in the 38th chapter God give him the advice that everybody should have today he said Joe get up from there and stand up and act like a man a man of God gert yourself be ready for battle what are you doing listening to people that absolutely have no knowledge and I'm quoting from the 38th chapter of job okay don't listen to Ratchet jaws okay that's what God was telling him and then God tells him at where were you when I put the earth in orbit and soul and so forth kind of an eye-opener so always listen to God not man well how do I listen him and he's worked and and always remember this there's there's gonna be a few problems come up but let me give you a scripture that you never want to forget 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there's nothing going to happen to you that isn't very common it happens to everybody okay more or less and God will never allow you to be tested over what you're able to cut to handle and here's the good part he will always I do mean always show you a way out so you've got nothing to worry about and this is God gives us power over all of our enemies as as he wrote in the the great book of Luke in chapter 10 verse 19 we just have in Christ's name we have power over all of our enemies were the best blessed people in the whole world and so don't don't be down and and don't let the ratchet jaws offend you okay they don't amount to anything lost from Florida glad you enjoyed the study how what can you tell me about Geneva or the bishop Bibles well they're the older Bibles I kind of like it doesn't hurt to compare it's some of the newer Bibles you want to be very careful of you got to remember they're 10 nights in the world and Kenites like to do translating always have a Christian do your translating Helen from North Carolina if the purpose of being born by woman in the second earth age is to give the first Earth Age Souls a chance to repent why is the expression as in Psalms 51 5 Dave behold they behold say behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me remember what was what was the condition there you got to set the stage for it David wrote this right after he had come lying with Bathsheba okay and and he felt bad okay and that was the reason it's written so okay there's nothing more innocent than a babe okay and Dave David was just having a bad day that day okay so you have Justin you have to take that into consideration the title to the song kind of sets the stage for it Dana from Diana from Georgia we were watching the question-and-answer the other day and you were telling who Israel and Judah were who who or Palestine and Syria what tribe are they and why are they always fighting each other we know Iraq is Babylon and Iran is Persia they're Ishmael okay rosemary from Connecticut I have heard you say that you could spot a kin I'd immediately do you think that the Kenites are the originators of the rapture the are they behind the other beliefs like evolution communism and the like basically do they preach the lies that interfere with God's truth well they have a little somewhat to do with it but don't give them our own people are bad enough okay and it's simply spiritual discernment there's no big mystery in that God discerns and intuitively you know when something is not fair and square okay not right you know you sins but they did not perpetrate the rapture doctrine unfortunately that was done by an evil spirit in a very sick woman okay and it's not did not that woman had anything to do with it but and it was two preachers that were present at that meeting that heard the any moment doctrine oh mercy they ran with it and this is all recorded in the little booklet we called the rapture doctrine I think is the name of the title of that book and I you would enjoy that but they do they manipulate and do exactly as God said but what are we to do about the can I leave them alone okay they they that negative part of God's plan must be and they worked they were the tears and you're to leave them alone or you'll damage wheat okay that's not that you're to take anything off of them don't misunderstand Larry from forgot from Chicago may God continue to bless you and your ministry well he sure does thank you Pastor does Satan looked the same as he did when the father made him yes he's a narc he is a cherubim and on Archangels cherubims are just angels age and time means nothing has no effect whatsoever they do not age they look the same as they did in the day that God created one because God's creation is perfect to a degree as far as that part of it is concerned but it was his heart and his pride that took him down as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 28 and his sentence already passed in verse 18 and 19 of that twenty eighth chapter of Ezekiel Charles and Arlene from Arkansas I might add one other thought God Himself said he was the full pattern one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever designed so he's a looker sure is Charles and Arlene markets all please define the difference between the white horse in the first seal in the sixth seal and also the pale horse do the seals represent the times up to now and the bowels open when the trumpets sound well when you get to the sixth seal six Trump and the sixth vial everything comes together the reason the first white horse in seal one is the rider is Antichrist he pretends to be God you know because it says he's got a bow around him but that bow in the Greeks is the word talks on it means a cheap fabric imitation of the rainbow okay the bow the Shekinah glory he's got no glory well why would they do that as the first seal because the first thing you need to know is the Antichrist comes first now the horse you don't want to get confused with is the horse in that first seal in Chapter six of Revelation and the great white stallion that Christ arrives on in in chapter 18 in chapter 19 okay that's that's the one you don't want to confuse because that's the true Christ and the other and six one is the false Christ and pale always symbolizes death okay divorce from Pennsylvania someone told me that we are to try the spirits by the word and I thought we or to try the spirits by the spirit well the word is the word of God okay and if a spirit I think probably what you what they meant was that the spirit by the word is if they were giving you a word that doesn't align with God's Word they're a fake okay that's the way you tell and judge a false spirit it either does God's Word or it's a liar okay and you can do that but spiritually you do discern that so you're correct and they're correct also I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but what's most important God loves you for it and and when God loves you and you returned that love it makes his day and when you make God's day I guarantee you he's gonna make yours okay now we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God again he will always bless you but one thing most important is this you listen to me you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor armor if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 2 or 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grandpa in Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan [Music] in God's Word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back into our father's word as you can see we're going to talk about faith faith does what some might call a very simple subject but faith before some people is very difficult to comprehend to understand that
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 948
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's, Book of Proverbs, Pastor Murray, Proverbs
Id: oOgHJKAT70w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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