Hosea ~ 6:1 to 7:17

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study I are ready to get back in our father's word on what has gone on here father says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and you know it is true my people will not read the letter that God has sent to them rather than listening to the traditions of men I will never understand and we had in the closing verses of chapter 5 a prime example of where they went to jar that's to say the adversary that's what the word means ask him to heal them it's like people run into the Antichrist in the end times and asking him to heal them he can't he doesn't have that ability only our Father does and when you turn when you return to the Father then like we closed in Chapter five I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offense and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me early when times get rough people the old Jezreel really start searching out for the true father where did I go wrong you went bad wrong if you forget totally and leave God out of the equation of your life chapter 6 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it verse 1 reads come this is what they say okay in returning early common let us return into the Lord for he has torn and he will heal us he has smitten and he will bind us up and and from the witnesses to the deception of the end times when they finally wake up verse 2 after two days will he we revived us in the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight now there's a time given there did you catch it well what is the time in his sight that means he has returned that means the seventh Trump has sounded that three days is the three days that the two witnesses lie in the streets of Jerusalem the PATA in the Greek that is an arena where people celebrating but when you're in his sight he has returned and so it is this this is how good our Father is even to those that will allow themselves to be deceived if they'll turn back but they gotta mean it okay none of this play in church you've got to mean it verse three then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord that's to have knowledge concerning him his going forth is prepared as the morning and he shall come unto us as the rain as the latter and the former rain and unto the earth in other words when God has made the promise just as sure as the Sun comes up every morning and goes down every night you can count his prophecies as done it will come to pass exactly as he gets stated it just as loyal as the Sun is to come up and go down and what is this ladder in the former ring it is a play on Jezreel which is a hebrew word we said Hosea when you marry the harlot has the first boy naming Jezreel has a two-fold meaning in the Hebrew it means to scatter and it means to sow and when you sow a seed then the former rain sprouts the embryo and it makes a beautiful plant but if it doesn't get the latter rain doesn't with no ladder rain it blasts in the field you've got Zippo you've got nothing so what you have to do you have to let the rain of Almighty God the living water into your life and you have to stay with it or you cannot mature into a true Christian of Almighty God but just and and you can count on it and when you wake up and that old Sun comes up in the morning and sets at night that's how faithful God's Word you can count on it Satan will lie to you he will con you he will lead you down primrose lane and the the question is do you have the knowledge of God to prevent deception because Satan the whole world is going to go whoring after him that are in the end times in this latter rain that do not understand the letter their father has sent to them verse 4 Oh Ephraim that's the ten northern tribes got it Oh Eve reom what shall I do into the question Oh Judah what shall I do into the question for your goodness is as a morning cloud and as the early do it goeth away in other words the very best you can do all the goodness you got is like a dry old cloud that comes up in the morning the first time the Sun hits it and to do it's gone doesn't amount to a hill of beans what God is saying how how can I count on you you're nothing less that's why God is so pleased with his elect that do listen that are prepared that do have the knowledge of Almighty God whereby they're not destroyed we're by God's plan comes to pass as it is written that's why God so very much loves his election for everything else is it can go to nothingness pretty fast to better then a house of emptiness verse five therefore have I heared that's just say soand it's an OL Anglo word meaning someone planted them by the prophets I have slain them by the words of my mouth and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth and again what is the light that goeth forth he's like saying it's the Sun coming up going forth just as sure as the Sun comes up every morning and goes down at night your is coming that means lower the boom time and he's going to do it our Father has a way of when the Christian nations get a little too far out of line they better have meetings to decide what to do because God is going to chastise why he loves us anytime God loves the people he punishes he corrects and what you want to do you want to have the knowledge of God whereby you can ride out the storm and be blessed at the same time many people are being cursed that is to say having a real hard time you can put that in your mind and just assure as the Sun comes up every morning and goes down at night it is truth verse 6 for I desired this is a verse I want you to always remember it shows you the emotions of Almighty God probably I'll quote this verse more than any other verse in the Bible it lets you know what God really wants from you do you want to please him then listen to it Hosea 6:6 don't ever forget it it reads for I this is God speaking I desired mercy that's loving that's love and loving kindness that's what I wanted from you was loving kindness and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God I wanted you to study the word I wanted you to have the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings your burnt offerings don't do me any good at all I want your love I want you to love me that's our father's emotions and he's letting it hang out a lot of people think if a person asked for someone to love them it shows the weakness if you declared your love for them it does it love is the strongest force in the world and and it just happens because why because it attracts and and God he your burnt offerings they don't mean that much to him he wants your love and that's that do you understand what is sacrificed in the Millennium there is no flesh to give a burnt offer and besides Christ did away with burnt offerings on the cross and love is demanded in its place but what do you sacrifice in the Millennium then love loving our Father loving kindness toward the family in keeping things going as it should be what a very important verse and this tragic torn up deceptive world is to know that our Father the main thing he wants is your love it doesn't it's real easy when you see what he has done for us to return that love and to give him a good day letting him know that you do love him that you appreciate this letter he is sent to you telling you how to find peace of mind and happiness completeness because God is in the equation of your life and your plan verse 7 but they like men more like old Adam have transgressed the covenant they they just simply went against it okay went against the covenant that with God there there have they dealt treacherously against me they just simply turned from the truth and and you know something the sad part about this is is people con so easy when they listen to some loudmouth some super preacher well if you follow me you'll be blessed forever listen to my Commandments well now when a man tells you to listen to his commandment you want to be real careful because you're supposed to be listening to God's commandments not man's man's traditions make void the Word of God well how could I tell the difference simplest thing in the world read the Word of God come to the knowledge the truth don't be deceived you live in a generation that it's a dangerous thing to find yourself decieved verse 8 gilad is a city of them that work iniquity that old rocky region even tire and is polluted with blood that is to say even the priests track blood around ok because of a spiritual murder well what spiritual murder when you teach falsely and bring about a spiritual death dinner and a hammer spiritually all but they they say they love God thus they say they do but they don't want because they won't read his letter and they are destroyed for lack of knowledge of the simplicity in which Almighty God instructs his commandments that lead us into peace of mind and progress they like to go back on and this has to do they say Gil dad was as you need to add a little more to this Gil dad was a City of Refuge ok if somebody actually was driving a car cutting wood and the axe blew off the handle and killed his neighbor accidentally he was to go to this city and and and their be protected he said there's even track and blood there even in the city that's supposed to be a City of Refuge ok verse 9 and his troops of robbers wait for a man so the company of priests murder in the way by consent for they commit lewdness and and so it is that the the word consent cecum means the back they stripped the very everything off your back by the priests do by begging and and what did they do here what did jonadab do there in the Ephraim's nation the 10 northern at Samaria built an idol temple and temple harlots - calves were placed there to worship you don't have to go down to Jerusalem and it's just like some yo-yo saying today you don't have to understand the book of Revelation you're going to be gone that's a lie any time you would allow a man to tell you you don't have to understand God's Word you have been had you're in terrible shape if you would let a man tell you his words were more important than God's you're on a slippery slope right to the banks of hell enjoy the trip the priests themselves well this is why Jesus would say in in mark 13 in Matthew 24 many don't let anyone deceive you many will come in my name many will come to you claiming to be a Christian preacher or claiming to be a Christian don't go there if it does not align with the Word of the Living God verse 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel there is the whoredom the idolatry of ephraim israel is defiled she is deceived in other words when when that ten tribes actually practice idolatry worshiping calves and listening to false priests too far to go down to Jerusalem it's no wonder God brought the assyrian down and took them captive and scattered them that's why he said there was prophecy to marry the harlot named the first boy Jezreel because god's about to scatter them verse 11 also o Judah and we get another tribe in here he has set and harvest worthy when I returned the captivity of my people doesn't want to get too nervous about that then oh boy goody-goody we get the harvest as a harvest of punishment for neglecting the Living God and he says it comes quickly so needless to say God makes it very simple in basically the center of this chapter verse 6 a little offset but we'll call it the center where he gives you his he pours his heart out to you he tells you what he wants and he's honest and saying it I don't want your burnt offerings don't want your sacrifices I want your loving kindness I want your love I want you to love me enough that you'll listen to me I want you to love me enough that you will absorb my letter that I write to you in love in guidance and in a direction that you'll be blessed and you'll have a wonderful life he let it all out there showing his emotion toward you his child that he does love you but then he lets us know both the house of Israel in verse 10 and Judah and 11 there's a harvest coming and it's not the harvest from the former rain in the latter rain unless that rain you withdrew yourself from Almighty God because it's a harvest of punishment chapter 7 and verse 1 let's go with it when I would have healed Israel a morning - when I would have healed Israel then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered in the wickedness of Samaria for they committed what they commit falsehood and the thief cometh in and the troop of robbers boil Earth without they strip it clean bare and he said I would have healed them but oh no what does Samaria dude Jeroboam Jarrell born of a father of many people or was he ever and he let everyone of right down Primrose Lane golden calves it's alright to worship these instead of God you know anybody that would listen to a man that would turn away from God like that deserves to go to hell okay if you don't have a change of heart I mean that is stupidity to its highest degree verse two and they consider not in their hearts that's to say in their minds that I remember all their wickedness I've got it written down now their own doings have beset them about they are before my face I'm watching every move they make and don't you ever think for a moment he doesn't watch every move today don't think he doesn't watch the little lady carrying the cross with a bunch of people who surround and knocking the cross to the ground and perverted the whole affair don't you think that God doesn't notice that and has it written in the book yeah there's a harvest coming praise God I want to see it verse three they make the King glad with their wickedness and the princes with their lives I mean your leaders eat it up instead of trying to have things right verse four they are all adulterers or idolaters as an oven heated by the Baker who sees this from raising after he had he needed the dough until it be leavened in other words they're just burning up so much that they're like a a baker that will need in the leaven and let her raise a little bit and then he needs it down but then he sticks it in the oven turns up the heat that it can't rise again unfit he said that's the way their minds are unfit and what you will know is that stupid God doesn't just come right out and say it in so many words that they're stew but anybody that would do this there's only one explanation they're stupid verse five in the day of our King you notice that's a lowercase the princes have made him sick with bottles of wine he stretched out his hand with scorners he drinks with them he drinks with those that malt God know we've got some people that like to malt God forget God and just be good be good at what going to hell okay you know anybody that's the Kenites that like to mock God and they like to party with them I mean people that are supposed to love God will party with them have socials with them now let me ask you a question what wine is it that a good Christian for takes of it's a communion if you want God to walk with you if you don't walk with people that malt God because they're going down verse six for they have made ready their heart like an oven this is their minds it's hot it's heated okay well they lie and wait their Baker's sleepeth all the night in the morning yet burnin as a flaming fire now we have an era here that I have to correct you with companion Bibles it's corrected for you a leaf and and the word a leaf and the word for I is or is confused at times okay and a in and a leave and when it's switched it changes Baker to anger okay and it was switched the Messiah has many places where ian was switched for a leaf and vice versa it changes the word so what it should say their anger sleepeth all the night in the north and they never get over it and in the morning it burns as a flaming fire okay their anger and and so it is their stupid verse seven they are all hot as an oven and have devoured their judges that's to say God's elect they won't listen to them and their kings are falling and there is none among them that calleth unto me that they're they're all running to the Antichrist ultimately is what it's about they all go whoring after the Antichrist that's why he would tell Hosea salvation to go marry a harlot verse eight and for him here comes the 10 tribes again he had mixed himself among the people Ephraim is a cake not turned you know God is really kind of calling some names here what I want you to do is I want you to picture an old hot cake that you've poured it out on the grill and and it's nice and brown and ready to turn and the top is all full of raw dough and bubbles what he's saying is you're half baked and unfit to eat you're a bunch of half-baked people now our Father knows how to lay it on the line and and he says all of that 10 tribes you know one wood that they went north over the Caucasus mountain they settled Europe many of them later coming to America in Canada and most of them don't even know who they are they couldn't trace their genealogy back to generations I don't know where they came from well I don't know but I love God oh do you which one there's two there's the false and there's the real well I love Jesus well there's two which one have you ever been taught don't be half-baked don't have your mind real hot and built up with anger and never quite get around to the simplicity in which God teaches verse 9 strangers this is outsiders have devoured his strength and he knoweth it not not even aware that sir strangers have taken over yet grey hairs are here and there upon him yet he knoweth not he's still stupid grey hair is supposed to be a sign of knowledge he said he's still half-baked the majority so it's real sad well what was it that God said in that prior chapter my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge the simplicity of Almighty God verse 10 and the pride of Israel testifies to his face and they do not return to the Lord their God nor seek him for all this they don't even try well you don't understand brother I go to church down here and we worship we have a one verse chart of Reverend here that gives us one verse a week oh really one I mean you're really well-off aren't you you have one the low verse but well what context should it have been in where was it taken from what was the subject before what were was the verse placed where's the subject where's the object how does it fit into the Word of God rather than some man blowing hot air for an hour that's what God is talking about here they don't seek me if you seek God do you study and teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it is the emotions of the love of God that is portrayed and not traditions of men verse 11 Ephraim here's the 10 tribes again also is like a silly dove without heart that means without it he doesn't have mind they call to Egypt and they go to the Syria there they're looking for protection and backup everywhere except what I want you to catch this and I want you to get it real good they go here and they go there let's call 20 nations together let's do this look why don't we call on God why didn't they go to God he's the one that's in charge verse 12 God doesn't like it when man works his problems out and leaves God out of the equation verse 12 when they shall go I will spread my net upon them I will bring them down as the fowls of heaven is a bunch of dirty Birds I will chastise them as their congregation hath heard in other words it's not going to be just for the priests I'm going to they have prophesied falsely and I'm going to catch them all in their own net of tricks and lies and bring it down on their head I guess you can begin to picture from this that for those that are outside of the way of God God is not exactly happy with and you better take it very serious if that's what your lot happens to be because we're closing in on a time that it's too late to play church you better gain the knowledge that God intends you to have or to be destroyed verse 13 woe unto them for they have fled from me destruction unto them because they have transgressed against me though I have redeemed them yet they have spoken lies against me they and they do they turn from the truth you know Satan did a fantastic job of showing super preachers how to deceive people okay you know Satan and his temptation of christ Matthew chapter 4 he was a scripture lawyer Satan is a scripture lawyer he quoted scripture that is just rock-solid only right as he closed he would twist it 90 degrees where you can never make the mark but go off course and that's exactly what man does that irritates God to knowing God does not like lies God does not like deceivers God loves his children and he expects them to love in return if they will his blessings well God there were blesses me well half-baked stupid what do you think that's what God is calling those that will not follow him maybe you need to take inventory maybe God's calling you half-baked in a little bit on the stupid side for lack of knowledge of God's Word if you're on that slippery slope sliding right into hell it would be time you know they get a little nervous don't listen to lies well how do I know the difference get in the Word of God and listen to it absorb it listen to your father not man not this man or any other man 14 and they have not cried unto me with their heart when they held upon their beds they assembled themselves for corn and wine and they rebel against me it's for the wrong reasons and they go in they rebel into the great apostasy and you know the sad part is they don't know any better they've been taught wrongly to whereby they would have worshipped the first supernatural entity claiming to be Christ that comes along verse 15 though I have bound and strengthened their arms yet do they imagine mischief against me they mock God they even not Christians today so easy for them I hope you're not in that group my friend because the your outlook at this time is not too great our fathers patients are growing very very on edge and as he has promised you know one of the last things Jesus prayed for God Father is there any way we can get away from the cup of pouring that cup of wrath out on these people that disbelieve in God said there is no way that cup of wrath is coming this is why many people dedicate their lives to teaching God's Word is to save people from that cup of wrath God's wrath especially in this generation it's coming last verse verse 16 to complete the chapter and verse 16 reads they returned but not to the most high they are like a deceitful boat you know what a deceitful bow is that's when you're in combat or battle you get ready to use it in the thing breaks or flunks and you're in trouble that's what they're like their princes shall fall by the sword for the rage of their tongue and their lies this shall be their derision in the land of Egypt if they go somewhere looking for protection instead of coming to me I mean after all he delivered us out of Egypt and he has he has duties for those that love him you want to thank God that you're one of his elect that you see the truth and that you know that God can use you in a very very troubled world where there are children of gods that are so misled that you have to jar them a little bit every once in a while you might even have to call them half-baked or a little bit on this the sluggard side that's stupid for lack of knowledge because lack of knowledge will cause you to be destroyed as the word says don't miss the next lecture these books of the minor prophets are like reading tomorrow's newspaper miss them alright bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii hey all over Canada the spirit moves you've got a question you share it once you do that you know father's word is so precious and we thank our Father for it and as it should be taught so let us teach it never apologize for the word of God let the chips fall wherever they may that therefore they are very healing and bringing people into the truth and to the love of God when you ask a question please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or organization or denomination let's don't judge people God does the judging and as you could tell from today's lecture he does a good job of it ok but it's not our place to judge so always remember that those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer the end of the hour will give you a mailing address always good to hear from you got a prayer request you don't need the number or an address why God knows what you're thinking why you're his child and as we learned today what he wants from you doesn't want your burnt offerings he doesn't want your offerings he wants your love I want you to love him why because he is your father and and and and if you want his blessings you will otherwise you be without his blessings in a terrible mixed-up world that's a bad way to have to be in this generation father around the globe we come West at you lead guy direct father touch in your shoes precious name Amen ok and a talena from Oklahoma you have a little lady you have made the right choice and when you find out that like if you have supported a place that you thought was of God and you find that it is isn't what you were supporting was God not a bad work so you're not responsible after you find out it was bad you've made the right choice praise God this is Caleb from Kentucky my name is Caleb I'm 11 years old how do you know that the Antichrist will come first well Caleb it's real simple the Antichrist comes at the sixth Trump and the true Christ comes at the seventh now you're 11 years old and you know which comes first 6 or 7 and it's all laid out in that Book of Revelations where a child like you can perfectly well understand it that is a very good question you hang in there and keep studying Tony from Kansas I have a question concerning worship is it a sin to use music of praise and worship some of my family members say it is but I say that Christ died and made it clear when he tore the veil that we are free to worship Him what do you say about this and is it documented well you know you have different talents in this world I mean let's take little David David that slew the giant man could he play the harp okay and by playing the harp when old Saul's heart was troubled he could just settle him down and and put him in the spirit of the holy spirit and bring that feeling of clearness to Almighty God so it takes a lot of people to do a lot of things than there are different ways of worship now naturally God did not choose me to be a musician because it does not matter what I would pick up to make sweet music with it would not turn out the way my year would like to hear it okay as well as I love music so thank goodness we do have musicians and that there's nothing wrong with that that's their gift so don't take that away from them worshipping God he does not intend us to drop every gift he's ever given us to worship he expects us to be workers and doers of all of his word not just part of it Loretta from Mississippi please give me an understanding of these verses isaiah 55:8 my god simply says my ways are higher my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and if you read verse 9 it'll explain it to you okay just go ahead and and cover that verse 9 and matthew 27 52 and those that came out of the grave one hundred and forty and four thousand well the 144,000 didn't come out of the grave okay you're mistaken about that 144,000 were sealed in their mind Revelation chapter seven and before the Antichrist appeared Barbara from West Virginia question how does one fight against battles of past experiences these are things which occurred 20 years ago or more this may seem foolish to some but this is real to me thank you for the biblical answer well you're very welcome you know we learned by experience experience is what makes you a good servant but what does experience by learning mean it means you don't forget if it's something bad you forgive or forgiven whichever the case may be but don't forget because it keeps you from doing it again nothing wrong with that but at the same time I still I sense that you have a little bit of a problem Barbara of forgiving yourself okay you or some individual you got to do that okay alright it'll build up like an old boil and just really give you trouble and you don't have to go to them if it was another person that wrongs you just get it out of your system and forget it and be a happy servant of God rejoice okay we have a wonderful life that's just we're just about to walk into so you hang tough and let God know that you love him and serve Him and let let the past take care of the past and you forgive Barbara okay if that be the problem and know that God loves you and your hope all of your spiritual family loves you also you're doing good a dooya from ohio best murray i watch your teachings sometimes i have learned a lot from it or their prophets now or was john the baptist the last prophet my husband says there are no more prophets John the Baptist was the last prophet up until the time that that that is spoken of by Joel the prophet transpired that's to say when the true Pentecost tongue comes forth in God's sons and daughters as it is written in Acts chapter two began to speak also as it is written in the great book of Joel in Chapter two when that day comes to pass then there will be prophets on the earth again but it really will not be they that are speaking this is something that you've got to really get a hold of it will not be those people that are speaking but it is the Holy Spirit speaking through them and do you know what's unusual about it is that there won't you won't need a translator to translate from Russian to Chinese to Japanese to English the Holy Spirit comes out in all those languages at one time okay man can't do that God can Dorothy from West Virginia I read in Matthew chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 that the unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is this correct you say it is the elect not letting the Holy Spirit speak through them well that's what it is blasphemy for one of the elect when they're delivered up before the Antichrist to not allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them as a matter of fact I want you to make a note of Luke chapter 12 okay verse 10 and it documents that when you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan that you can be forgiven for anything you might say against Christ when he walked the earth in the flesh but if you refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you and there's a specific time given here when you're delivered out before the synagogue it's the witness that we're recovered in mark 13 that's the unpardonable sin it's the same thing my dear okay who do we have here we got Terry from Texas I have one question to ask recently I heard another Bible teacher on television the issue of the late answer to prayer I don't recall the verse he was referring to but it had to do with someone a prophet who had prayed for three straight days than an angel answered to him and said that his prayer was heard by God from the very first day this teacher proposed that and this was proof that even God is limited by time and distance and said that perhaps it took three days for the angel to force across the universe hence the delayed answer God is not limited okay with God nothing is impossible what what you were listening to it would seem to me as Daniel chapter 10 and the reason the answer was a little delayed in coming there was a war going on in heaven and it's a very important war that you're to be aware of today it's the war going on that cast Satan and all his angels right out on this earth when they come just after the Razr of taxes so you want to be real careful and be real aware I I really think that a minister makes a big mistake and I'm not judging when he would say and I hope you misunderstood him when he would say that God even God was limited by time and space because time means nothing to God he's the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever and many things are impossible with man but nothing nothing is impossible for our Father okay Doug from Iowa Acts chapter 2 verse 22 speaking in tongues in this portion says the Holy Spirit came upon them and everyone around them understood in their own language but in 1st Corinthians 14 25 says who speaks in tongues does not speak to men but to God for no one understands what you got two different it's two different words totally in the Greek okay the word unknown is not connected as use as you brought out in the book of Acts because it's the Holy Spirit speaking but what first Corinthians 14 is talking about is you spreading the gospel and all it's saying Doug to you is don't go down to Mexico City and expect to teach the Gospel of Mark unless you have an interpreter in Spanish okay or they're not going to God and the Angels don't know what you're talking about but though you won't be do any good for the people down there so you have to have an interpreter and he says never let over to that need an interpreter speak following each other why cuz it's a little bit on the boring side that's the way that's my opinion so it means spreading the gospel and it's the word language that is utilized in 1st Corinthians 14 it has a special meaning in the Greek it means a language you were not born with Bob from North Carolina please help me in the following question in the parable of Luke 16:19 through 31 the rich man dies and ended up in heaven on the wrong side of the Gulf that's true where else in the scripture are the two sides of heaven described or explained well you can read of them in Ezekiel chapter 44 in the Millennium chapters ok that's even during the Millennium how that places are allotted and who can approach Christ and who can't and who can help those that are on the wrong side and who can't is there any hope of eternal life for the soul of the rich man absolutely I mean when when the Millennium comes if you read Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 you understand that God's elect are priests with him for a thousand years what a priest do they teach what are they teach people that don't know many people have not had an opportunity to even know the truth because of religion they never get around to teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse so quite frankly then they don't have a prayer of a chance of avoiding the deception of the end times if they haven't cracked the Bible open themselves and studied it they're going to go down that Lane and hopefully in the Millenium we can bring them back what is the hell that the rich man is living in after death was it was embarrassment I mean he was used to having everything his way I mean best of everything right in the neighborhood and here he blew it and and his hell was was the fact that he didn't make it he's going to hell if he doesn't change his ways that in itself is kind of hellish okay but nobody understand this nobody goes to hell until after the end of the millennium after the great white throne judgment there are exceptions that certain fallen angels will bite the dust but not anyone this was lived in a human body Kathy from Georgia my question is about tithing I'm disabled and I'm on a low fixed income and what does the Bible say in regard to this my mother said that I'd deprived myself too much for others is that possible you your attention on this matter is greatly appreciated I would like to sin to help your ministry welcome well thank you and god bless you but you take care of your bills and and we're your disabled a love offering will do just quite nicely like the little widow only had two mites okay and if it's just a very smaller than this don't do not your mother is correct you have to eat you have to have your medications and you have to get by and I know you're on a fixed income and so and and God respects that okay we're supposed to take care of folks and so if you feel you must give a love offering if it's $1.00 okay then so be it that's that's that's your offering to Almighty God and He will love it and respect it what he really wants darling is your love okay don't forget that dawn from Virginia I heard pastor Murray say that God will not make us experience anything in our life that we could not handle what do you say about the people who commit suicide due to the circumstances of a very troubled life committing suicide is not a way out well you miss it you're misquoting me number one I say a lover of God's Word and a Christian a true Christian will follow as as it's promised in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 that's what you're pulling from there God promises there there won't anything ever happen to you that doesn't happen to other people and he will always he will never tax you that is to say test you over what you're able to bear if you're a Christian got it okay and and and that he will always show you a way out now let me tell you something there are situations through medication or this polluted world that people toxins build up in people's bodies or are they have a mental situation that's a form of innocency so you be real careful how you judge people you don't know what's in the mind of a person I don't either but I know God is judge and I know there are many pollutants in this world and toxics and chemical disorders because of the chemicals is released in this atmosphere that could do strange things to minds and so be it but don't don't blame don't try to say that God doesn't keep his word he does okay raw all from Arizona question where will I find in the Bible chapter book and verse that those who never heard and know Christ will have a chance to accept him well you can read of it in in in Luke chapter 16 to find what paradise is like but mainly you want to read Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 it says there that God's elect will be priests with Christ for a thousand years and the rest of the dead must remain dead until the end of the thousand years now it's important that you know we're already in the Millennium there's nobody in flesh so what does it mean the rest of the dead must remain dead it means those that are spiritually dead on the first day of the Millenium will have to stay in that condition be taught and disciplined through the thousand year period until Satan is released at the end and then they have to prove themselves will they follow Satan or will they stay with Christ they have to be tested so in other words they must remain spiritually dead until the end of the thousand years and then they have an opportunity that's not a second chance because what is taught today in so many places they haven't got a prayer of a chance of not being deceived and whoring after the false Christ Bonnie from Kentucky if the whole world after the Antichrist accept God's elect does that mean only the elect will go to heaven thank you for your teaching no no no I think the prior explanation answers your question God's elect or in a position to help our Father there there will be much salvation in the Millennium you know it would do one good if they were really concerned about this The Book of Ezekiel has more about the Millennium than any other book in the Bible even revelation 4 chapter 42 the end of of Ezekiel is all about the Millennium it even in chapter 44 shows how if you are one of God's elect it's called as a dock when the Hebrew tongue it means the just the elect that you can go help a loved one that didn't make it okay and so therefore proving the point Ezekiel 44 verse 25 I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse most of all God loves you for it his people are destroyed by lack of knowledge and when you study that word you gain that knowledge it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you but there's one thing that's most important and that's this that you stay in his word you set a little time aside for whatever your appetite is each day and you stay in that word you feed yourself from God's teachings every day in that word is a good day even with trouble why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arnold if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,128
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of, Bible, Pastor, Kjv, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Book of Hosea, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Hosea
Id: FW9hGuLs4yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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