E2 IELTS Academic | Writing Task 1 with Jay | Essential Vocabulary

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers here at e to language in this live class I'm going to talk to you about some essential vocabulary that you need for IELTS academic writing task one because imagine on test day you look down at your paper and you see something like this what vocabulary are you going to use to describe all of these different trends right that's why I want to show you in this live class but before we do that let's talk about how you actually scored in the IELTS test because vocabulary is critical okay so you're scored on four things in your IELTS test the IELTS examiner's look at these four things right and one of them is called lexical resource which but simply means vocabulary right so let's go through how you're scored specifically so if you get an IELTS five out of nine for vocabulary and means you have a limited range IELTS six has an adequate range so slightly better IELTS seven has a sufficient range IELTS eight has a wide range in IELTS nine has a wide range of natural and sophisticated vocabulary so these examiners are looking at the words you're using in your writing and deciding what level you are according to the range right so I want to show you a number of different words for describing trends ok trends are the changes that happen over time in a graph so again let's say you're looking at this one how are you going to describe this blue line you're going to say it went up it's probably not that sophisticated and we're going to need to have a range of different vocabulary that mean the same thing as went up maybe you're going to talk about the refined sugar and it went down you also need vocabulary to talk about lines or trends that stay the same and also lines and that go up and down so let's have a look at went up at first I'm going to teach you a range of different words that you can use on test day now your score you can think about the words like this verbs and nouns and let's say you have the same word like increased right let's say you're looking at this word increased okay there's the verb and you can see it's in the past tense and let's say you also use the noun and increase of here's the noun here that would actually be counted as variety because you've diffused different word forms okay so that's just something to keep in mind so you need to know the verb form of the word and you need to know the noun form of the word so for went up increased is a good one but you don't want to use that too many times you could say grew escalated or rose you don't want to use silly words like shut up rocketed or burnt because they're not academic and if you want to use the noun form here you can say an increase of or the growth was or the escalation or a rise of you don't want to use nouns such as mushroom snowball or proliferation they're just not academic enough fine what about went down let's look at some different words for went down decreased is a good one declined fell diminished these are nice verbs to use in the past tense or the equivalent noun form would be a decrease of a decline of or a full of you don't want to use verbs like shrank plummeted or died down because they're not academic enough and you also don't want to use really complicated words like depletion because it's just not precise or certainly not a slash either a verb or a noun cool what about if the lines stay the same right what's some good language some good vocabulary for this well we can say they stabilized they plateaued they remained steady and here we have the verb form with the noun remained steady or remained stable and if you're comparing say you've got that line down the bottom let's go back and look at it see this one here relatively relative to the other lines and remained relatively stable that's a really nice phrase there if all the other lines are moving but there's one line that's staying the same and remained relatively stable you could use the noun stability but it might be difficult but a plateau would probably be a better word there okay last one what do we say about lines that are going up and down what's some good language good vocabulary that we can use in our writing tasks one well fluctuated is a nice one and you can also use the noun form and talk about fluctuations you can say that the number or amount of whatever it is varied or differed and perhaps you can talk about the differences as a noun okay these are both plural nouns fluctuations with an S on the end and differences with an S on the end cool okay now we've got those key nouns and verbs that's a good starting point but now we want to get precise and the way that we get precise in the way that we talk about intensity or how much something grew or declined is we use adverbs we use adverbs of intensity okay so we're going to talk about the intensity of the trends so let's say you've got this verb decreased well maybe a decrease dramatically have you decreased sharply substantially considerably markedly or just slightly these are critical adverbs that you want to keep in mind for your writing task one same as increased sharply escalated considerably fluctuated well actually just be careful because fluctuated dramatically is okay you can't really fluctuate sharply though you can fluctuate substan or considerably or markedly or even fluctuate slightly that's fine just be careful some of these combinations work and some do not what about rose markedly and fell sharply that's a good collocation there fell sharply alright it's quiz time I want you to do a little quiz this will take you two minutes please do it you can have two minutes to choose a verb and an adjective from down here to complete the sentence in order to complete the sentence though you'll actually have to understand the graph let's just go through it briefly so the first one is to do with refined sugar that's this red line here the next one is the total amount of sugar that's the blue line here see corn sweetener dextrose and edible syrups and that refers to these lines here what are they doing and the final one d refined sugar consumption from 1985 where are we here from 1985 down to 2010 what happened to that so please fill in two words each using words from here put your answers into the chat below by the way well I should say if you're not yet a subscriber to our ions channel click the subscribe button every time we produce and post a video you'll be notified on your phone okay all right good luck you have two minutes you all right how did you go hopefully by using the correct verb there are a few different answer options actually but you should have been able to look at that graph see the line see it or what it was doing pick a verb pick an appropriate adverb put them together to describe what you're seeing precisely okay this is ultimately what you are graded on in this section of the test cool let me show you my answers I wrote refined it sugar decreased significantly you can see the significant decrease here until around 1986 you could have used declines you could have used to decline sharply that would also be correct or decreased sharply that would also be correct be the total amount of sugar consumption rose sharply to 1984 also you could have said that it well let's have a look declined rose mmm Oh got two rose oh oh I think I might have screwed this up I'm sorry that's okay let's keep going see corn sweetener dextrose and edible syrups remained relatively stable is a nice way to say that and D from 1985 to 2010 so we're talking about this line here refined sugar from here to here what happened to it well it declined slightly didn't it it declined slightly or decreased slightly or perhaps you could even say something like decreased marginally is also a nice adverb to use anyway what I wanted to show you here I'm sorry about my little mistake there was that there are some key verbs that you should memorize an on test day you don't want to repeat the same word again and again and again so really you just need you know for synonyms for decrease decline FAL etc you need a handful of adverbs and you'll be fine on test day because that's all you'll need to talk about okay but there are those four things there was the increase the decrease the stabilization and the fluctuation there are the four things that you need to remember handful of vocabulary you can do it you can do it cool guys if you need any help with your IELTS academic or whatever tests you're taking actually check out e to language comm you can sign up for free and if you haven't yet subscribe to our YouTube channel do click that button now and yeah thanks for watching see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 521,952
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Keywords: ielts, vocabulary, ielts 2018, ielts test, grammar, vocabulary words, ielts listening, listening, ielts academic, ielts general, writing task 1, writing task 2, esl, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts e2, english, e2 language ielts, e2 ielts, ielts academic writing task 1, e2 jay, how to, ielts writing task 1, e2, ielts jay, ielts practice, ielts writing task 2, ielts tips and tricks, ielts preparation, live class, ielts online, ielts academic writing, writing
Id: FIyFV-t6rB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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