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hi everyone my name is Jay I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers at e2 language comm what are we gonna do in this live class we're going to look at the agree/disagree type essay of course there are a number of different question prompts that you'll see on test day for your IELTS including a great disagree discussion give your opinion what are some other ones problem-solution advantages disadvantages is this one here the agree/disagree is pretty tough let's look at it in more detail what we're going to do in this live class is we're gonna aim for IELTS 9 we're gonna aim for an IELTS 9 why not if we fall a bit short that doesn't matter this is an IELTS 9 essay or at least it should be it has all of the attributes that you want to aim for to get a very high score I've written on topic I've used precise vocabulary I've used accurate grammar and I've used a logical structure so I'm gonna show you how to do that in this lesson I mean what actually what we're going to do is write this thing sentence by sentence so get out a pen and a piece of paper because there's only one way to learn how to write an essay and that's to write an essay so let's do it so the first thing you need to do on test day is look carefully at that question prompt it's going to look something like this what you can see up here of course is just the generic information you have 40 minutes down here it says to use reasons and examples and to write about 250 words at least 250 words so in other words we need to write more than 250 words what's truly important here there is this part here this is the question prompt this is what you need to look at on test a and this one says this to what extent do you agree or disagree I'm going to show you how to write these types of yes right fine so what you'll notice about this question prompt is that it has a general statement the statement here says vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also dangerous let's think about this general statement first of all it's just one side of an opinion somebody is saying to you that vaccinating your children is dangerous and unnecessary there is not two sides of the opinion it's one side of the opinion and what you have to do is well you have to do this you have to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree what does that actually mean discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree let's think about that because it's not asking do you agree or disagree it's saying discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree we need to get this right if we're gonna get an IELTS nine so in my essay that I just showed you the extent to which I agree or disagree I've used words like entirely completely completely an absolute entirely in other words I've completely disagreed I've absolutely disagreed but there are other ways that we can do this so what we need to do is we need to think about the extent to which we agree or disagree as a spectrum a spectrum here you can imagine somebody completely agrees and here's the other side of the argument you completely disagree here someone moderately agrees and slightly agrees slightly disagree and moderately agree this is what this essay is asking you to do it's saying we're on that spectrum are you do you completely agree do you completely disagree do you somewhat agreed is somewhat disagree this is what we need to do in this essay so let's think about this with these question prompts smoking cigarettes is good for your health discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree so maybe if you're crazy you might completely just sorry completely agree and you might think smoking cigarettes is great for your health most people would completely disagree with this one right that's the extent to which they disagree they completely disagree okay fine what about this question prompt it says public transport is the best way to get to work most people probably moderately agree or maybe slightly agree because you know public transports busy and sometimes it's dirty maybe even a bit dangerous so that's an extent to which you agree with this one what about if you were stuck in the desert Coca Cola would be the best drink well I think people would sort of either moderately or completely disagree with this one that doesn't really make sense what about if it said if you were stuck in the desert water would be the best drink okay I imagine people would sort of probably completely agree or maybe moderately agree and say that Gatorade would be the best I don't know but anyway then we're back to our one which vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also dangerous what I'm going to do in this essay I'm going to I'm going to land about here I'm gonna sort of completely disagree with this but I'm also gonna add something in here and you'll and you'll see you'll see what I mean by that let's think about the essay structure in an essay structure the basic structure is like this four paragraphs introduction paragraph on to and a conclusion what we're going to do is well the introductions the introduction what we're going to do in this essay to what extent do you agree or disagree we're going to be acknowledge side one so this is a hard essay to write I think this is probably the hardest one so in our first paragraph I'm gonna say look I understand why some people don't want to vaccinate their children because of these reasons then in the second paragraph I'm going to destroy their logic it's kind of mean but that's what you need to do so I'm gonna acknowledge why some parents might not vaccinate their children that'll be my first paragraph but then I'm going to completely disagree or agree with side two and I'm gonna say give my reasons why this should be I'll show you in a second how I do that this is the structure that we're going to use it's very similar to the structure that we saw in the other essays similar to the structure we saw in the discussion the other opinion if you haven't seen those check those out on YouTube as well very similar structure we're going to write up sentence by sentence you'll notice that the introduction and the conclusion are similar and you'll notice that the paragraphs are exactly the same so in fact this structure is easy or quite easy to remember how do we write the introduction we need a place to start we're gonna write sentence one where you write a general statement based on the prompt so here's the question prompt again it says vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also dangerous what I'm going to do here is I'm going to write a general statement so I'm not I'm not rewriting this in my own words that comes next what I need to do is sort of write a bit of a background statement about this prompt a background statement a bit of a general statement so what I in fact wrote was this my general statement says vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular among certain demographics of society vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular among certain demographics of society I've written a general statement based on this what I want you to do is you're going to do it on a different question prompt this is your question prompt it says smacking children is the best form of discipline to what extent do you agree or disagree so one hour you to do now is write a general statement based on this prompt here you have one minute the background state I should call it a background statement actually or a general statement based on this don't rewrite that sentence yet just write a background statement let me have a look at that chat all right what have we got we've got hmm jason says some people believe that corporal punishment is the best way to instill discipline in children that sometimes as a teacher you just think life's good that is a beautiful sentence well done Smitha says spanking children is an age-old practice generally followed by people good fine victor says children's behavior can be controlled in many ways but some people choose to use physical punishment oh you guys are too good Julie to control our children's behavior some people use physical punishment purnima these days that has become difficult to discipline children great that's fine that's a general background statement that's fine physical punishments discipline children has become a hot topic of discussion in recent years clothes good let's go back so we wrote a general statement now we want to rewrite that question prompt in our own words a little bit different let's look at mine so my question prompt was vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also dangerous so what did I do first I wrote a general statement vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular amongst certain demographics of society now I rewrite this in my own words and I've added a few words here I've said these people claimed that vaccinations are hazardous to children's health and as such a not needed so the idea of being hazardous is that it's dangerous and not needed is unnecessary I've added something here about these people that's fine you can do that as if you want but effectively what I have done for my second sentence is I have rewritten this in my own words so here we have a background sentence now I rewrite that prompt in my own words now I want you to do it for yours I want you to rewrite that sentence that smacking children is the best form of discipline of course you may want to say that some people or some parents believe that smacking children rewrite it in your own words see how you go all right let me have a look at some of the announces so okay I think we need to start with mmm-hmm I can see what happened that first sentence really needs to be a general background statement about children are becoming less well behaved or something about physical punishment has always been around for a long time something like that then we move a little bit narrower and we've rewrite this in our own words races some people believe that corporal punishment is necessary to discipline children excellent Smitha says some parents believe that punishing children by spanking is the best way to discipline their children good Julie says although one category of parents can consider this approach is appropriate I completely disagree with that not yet we're not giving our opinion yet first sentence background statement no opinion second sentence rewrite the question prompt no opinion the third sentence which I'll show you in a second is where we move into our opinion because we need to build this essay out we need to start wide and go in to start broad and then go precise Suresh says some people believe that punishment is a good way to grow kids raise children a good way to raise children remember this is a formal essay you need to write victor says for some parents smacking children is the unit is that is the some look is the best way sometimes there's no synonym is the best way to control and improve the behavior of their children good let's keep going here we go so now we move to our opinion and we say this essay will argue that will argue why then we move into our opinion let me read your mind so first sentence background statement vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular among certain demographics of society the people claim that vaccinations are hazardous to children's health and as such are not needed of course in the second month all I did was rewrite that the third sentence here is my opinion and this is where I say what the essay will do this essay will argue why vaccinating against spreadable diseases is entirely necessary despite some potential risks now if we think about our spectrum I've used this word here entirely necessary entirely necessary so I've the extent of my opinion is clear I have said that vaccinating children is entirely it's absolutely necessary I haven't my extent I've gone right to one end here now you may want to do that with yours but what I wanted to do is give your opinion and think about that spectrum of where you sit on that spectrum okay so yours says smacking children is the best form of discipline what are you going to argue this essay will argue that are you going to completely agree are you going to completely disagree or are you going to moderately agree moderately disagree you have one minute let me check some of these answers this essay will argue that spanking is not the best way to discipline children good that's fine that's fine okay good that's that's I'm hot totally agrees that's fine sometimes you just have to choose even if you don't believe it sometimes you should just choose what it was easiest to argue because you just want to you know it's not a test of your what you truly believe it's a test of how well you write in English so if you are faced with a question prompt this you know if there's an easy option take it take it you've got 40 minutes you don't have four days to to think about your option there Julia this essay will discuss the reasons why I completely disagree with the using physical power of adults over children while some people may argue against okay good that's fine Jason this essay will argue why corporal punishment is completely unacceptable great so on the spectrum of what to what extent does Jason agree or disagree he says it's completely unacceptable and so he's gone right down to that end of the spectrum excellent good work let's have a look at the paragraphs we have just written our introduction mine says this let me explain to you how I did it this first sentence I wrote a general statement about vaccinating children it has no opinion in it it's just a background statement setting the scene for my essay it says vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular amongst certain demographics of society then I rewrote the question prompt and I said these people claim that vaccinations are hazardous to children's health and as such are not needed now is there an opinion in this sentence is there an opinion in this sentence Nora I just said these people claim that vaccinations are hazardous to children's health and as such are not needed there's no opinion all I did was rewrite question prompt then I move into my opinion by saying this essay will argue I said this essay will argue why vaccinating against spreadable diseases is entirely necessary despite some potential risks just like Jason said it's completely unacceptable I'm saying that vaccinating is entirely necessary if I look think about the extent of my agree or disagree I've gone to the far left or right whatever that is I'm not sure cool good stuff let's now think about paragraph one paragraph one will look like this now this particular question prompt doesn't have sides sometimes the question prompt will say some people believe this and some people believe that so you've got a red side and a blue side you've got two competing or different opinions and that's kind of easy because your first paragraph you talk about side one and your second paragraph you'll talk about side to this question prompt that we looked at just had one sign it said vaccinating children is bad or smacking children is the best way to discipline them there's no side to but we need to sort of think about this a little bit differently what we want to do in paragraph one is we want to acknowledge side one we want to that question prompt even if we're going to completely disagree with it we want to think about reasons why people might believe that that will be our paragraph one then we'll say what we think in paragraph two so let's do that I'll show you what I mean first thing I need to do is restate side one so vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also dangerous so I'm sort of restating this changing it a little bit because I'm going to talk about parents I said parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children fact what I'm gonna do I'm gonna skip ahead I'm gonna show you just bear with me while I do this I'm gonna show you what this paragraph looks like and then we'll come back and do it sentence by sentence okay so I'm gonna acknowledge these parents views people who are against vaccinations so my opening sentence says parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children then I'm going to give a reason they are justifiably worried about injecting their children with unfamiliar substances that could potentially make them sick I'm going to give another reason parents naturally feel protective of their children I'm going to give an example indeed there have been some recorded instances of children unfortunately reacting adversely to their injections then I'm going to write a concluding sentence these few instances have bolstered existing fears in parents that vaccinations are not necessary and potentially more dangerous than the possibility of contracting the communicable disease itself this is a complicated paragraph this is a prompt it's a hard one to do what I want you to do is acknowledge the other side of the argument so what I've done here is I've said look I understand why some parents don't want to vaccinate their kids they're protective over their children they love their kids and they don't want the kids being injected with this crazy stuff who knows what it is and in fact there have been some examples of kids getting really sick from vaccinations and in my last sentence I've said however despite this love of life so I want you to acknowledge the other side of the argument so let's go back to do it so I said parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children I want you to restate the other side of the argument so if you're against smacking you should talk about why some parents believe in smacking for example you have one minutes let's have a look at acknowledging the other side of the argument so Jason says on the one hand those who believe that when pain is inflicted physically the absorption of learning is long-lasting this means that children will definitely remember and learn in the long run good you've acknowledged the other side of the argument of course in paragraph 2 we're going to destroy their logic and that's what makes a good essay kudos says because it will generate negatively in their behavior missing something this miss something omus julia says the parenting style in some families describes raising children through using power which can maintain the children's behavior in a more positive level good you're acknowledging the other side of the argument Smitha says parents think of various ways to discipline their children good opening sentence nice short and clear that's fine sandy says some parents find smacking the children is the only way to control their Tantrums good races on the one hand some parents believe the children gets spoiled if they do not have any fear about honey Schmidt good we've acknowledged that now we're going to give some reasons why we're gonna give two reasons and I'll tell you why we're going to give two reasons is I just wrote this presentation today and I thought it was great and I've written this beautiful essay and I thought well the structure is perfect fantastic I put it into Microsoft Word and I did a word count and it was a hundred and eighty five words if I submitted this in IELTS I probably would have got a six not a nine so today in this one we're going to give more reasons and more examples because gonna build up our paragraphs yes so let's give two reasons or two examples so here we go I've got two sentences here giving reasons let me read you my paragraph parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children they are justifiably worried about injecting the children with um familiar substances that could potentially make them sick it's another reason parents naturally feel protective of their children so now I want you to give a reason or two to your paragraph one right two reasons I'm going to give you two minutes all right that's a minute 30 let's have a look you want some reasons we acknowledge the other side of the argument and now we want reasons why people might think that OMA says okay it's not quite as proper sentences affect the child behavior and become more violent and give him indication that life is like that good fine Smitha some parents believe that the traditional way of disciplining the children by punishing them is the finest way good Prasanna says while for some kids who are timid and generally obedient a timeout is a good enough punishment okay I'm not sure what your paragraphs there that's fine Lima says as children of this generation have become too difficult to handle parents are left with no option then other than smacking them good Julia says this can be the only way for them to control the manners of their children in addition smacking children can explain the fact that some parents may be not so good at bringing children up fine Prasanna says there are others who are stubborn and do not relent to easy punishment Maria says for this reason it can affect the kid remember this is a formal essay so we want to say child not kid words like that are problematic it can affect the child psychologically in the long run instead of helping blah blah blah great we're giving reasons let's go back to our essay because now we need to give examples for example for instance one recent study says 99% of children smack their parents in whatever so here we go I've written a an opening sentence here which acknowledges the other side of the argument parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children fine I've given the reasons why are they wary of vaccinating their children well they are justifiably worried about injecting their children with unfamiliar substances that could potentially make them sick what's another reason they're protective of their children or parents naturally feel protective of their children fine now I write an example indeed there have been some recorded instances of children unfortunately reacting adversely to their injections so the difference between a reason and example is not particularly clear what you might want to do is ask yourself why when you ask yourself why you're going to come up with the reason so why a parent's wary of vaccinating the children or why do parents smack their children parents believe that smacking their children is the best way to educate them or to stop them from doing something unruly fine that's why that's a reason and what about an example for example a parent might slap a child on the back of the hand to scare the child or for example a parent might kind of we're getting into examples of physical punishment anyway this is all just fun let's see here we go give some examples of maybe give some examples of why they would do it gives me exempt the punishment itself anyway you write what you want I'll check it in a minute oh right let me check some of these examples they reasonably point out that young tip that the younger the younger generation is more exposed to the world of crimes than all the times fine well for some kids over in Iran kudos they will misbehave with other one this will lower their mental development okay fine good example Smitha many people think that they have grown up to be responsible adults because of the way they were discipline is kids okay that could be an example persona a recent study shows that about twenty-one percent of parents in India relent to corporal punishment because of the repetitive nature of the children's bad and unacceptable behavior beautiful now the question is do you need to refer do you need to use statistics and research that is real no not necessarily you have no access to Google you have no access to a library you can make up some statistics that's fine good Julia says a good example is that some mothers can easily stop their son or daughter in order to stopped uncontrolled behaviors such as using inappropriate words excellent so there's your example of why a parent might resort to smacking their child maybe the kids being rude and so the parent will resort to smacking the child love-a-lot good fine let's write the closing sentence of our paragraph we need to conclude this side and what we want to do is just sort of acknowledge that side one let's go back so opening sentence parents what I do is I I what do I do let's go back I need to check myself whoops restate side one restate side one so I mean knowledge until drew I'm acknowledging this side of the argument parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children reason one they are justifiably worried about injecting their children with unfamiliar substances that could potentially make them sick reason two parents naturally feel protective of their children example indeed there have been some recorded instances of children unfortunately reacting adversely to their injections now I'm going to conclude side one these few instances have bolstered existing fears and parents that vaccinations are not necessary and potentially more dangerous than the possibility of contracting the communicable disease itself so you can see that this sentence is flown on flowed on to this one here these few instances is referring back to people children reacting adversely but what I've really done here is is I've sort of said okay so parents have fears about vaccinations and I've taken it back to the question prompt let me let me read this last sentence again these few instances have bolstered existing fears in parents that vaccinations are not necessary and potentially more dangerous so taken that back to the question pumped and said okay that's why parents don't like vaccinating their kids because I think it's unnecessary and they think it's dangerous so I've brought it back to that question from see if you can do the same thing with your paragraph you need to conclude side one whoops you're not going to do vaccinations though why you're gonna do why for or against smacking oh right what am i doing I'm looking at the chat and I'm seeing these concluding sentences how you wrap up and finish your paragraph by linking back to the question prompt could in addition to that okay let me try another one Smith it there are a few reasons why parents think physical punishment is the best choice to shape the children's behavior good oh man moreover smacking children has been unusable among people because it is not a civilized action fine purnima smacking may not be the best form of discipline but for some parents it does help to control the child's behavior excellent kudos as I said children will be more scared of their parents than respecting them good ray therefore these parents believe that smacking children will help to discipline them good Prasanna this suggests why some parents resort to inflicting pain on children to reinforce good behavior excellent let's now look at my paragraph beginning from beginning to end sir what I need to do is I need to restate why for me why some parents don't believe in vaccinations and that's because they're wary of vaccinating their children now I need to give a reason why they're wary and I say they're wary because it could potentially make them sick now I need to think of another reason because I need to make my paragraph longer I say parents are protective of their children I need to give an example and I say there are some recorded instances of adverse reactions to injections then I conclude this by saying these few instances have bolstered existing fears in parents that vaccinations are not necessary potentially more dangerous bla bla bla bla bla that's linked back to the question prompt fine how do we write paragraph two it's exactly the same as paragraph one this thing's going to die what's going on it's exactly the same as paragraph one but now what we do and this is the fun part we destroy the other argument through good thinking and good writing so we've acknowledged side one we said okay look I understand my parents might believe there so I understand my parents might smack their children or I understand why people should be able to smoke in public however now we bring out the big guns and we shoot down the other side and we win the war of the argument let's see how I did that here's my paragraph - it's the same structure so I have restated side - and I've said despite the minor risks associated with vaccinating children the idea that they are unnecessary and dangerous the idea that vaccinations are unnecessary and dangerous and here's my my spectrum opinion is completely preposterous and now I give a reason why vaccines have prevented vast numbers of deaths over hundreds of years in countries around the world give me another reason the number of deaths so far prevented far outweighs the number of children who have been adversely affected by the immunizations themselves I'm an example some diseases have actually been completely eradicated through vaccination campaigns wrap this paragraph up overall the idea that vaccinations are unnecessary and dangerous is ill informed and dangerous in itself and could potentially lead to a far worse outcome for society I've acknowledged their arguments in the first paragraph in this second paragraph I pull out all of my belief and knowledge and I go ppppp and I destroy it well yeah so you can write your paragraph too in your own time you may want to pause the video now and write your paragraph too for now though we're gonna move to the conclusion I'm going to show you how to write a very strong conclusion how to write the conclusion now this is just going to be a two-sentence conclusion and it will say this essay argued that why sentence 2 we're going to give our opinion and we're going to use the spectrum the extent so this is a argued that now on a wait wait wait wait wait I don't know if you remember but in our introduction I don't know if you can see this it says this essay will argue why so in our conclusion we say they say so argued why you've got a past tense verb here we've got a future tense verb will argue to argued this is logic this is essay logic this essay will argue why bla bla bla bla bla in your conclusion this is a argued why bla bla bla bla bla so here in the introduction we tell the reader what we will tell them and here we tell them what we told them that's good essay here we go so this essay argued that or why this essay argued that people who are against vaccinations have a flawed understanding of vaccinations and underestimate the effects of what they believe this is a tough essay to write I've said this a few times but I do believe that this extent questioned the extent to which you agree or disagree is the toughest one the other ones the other ones are more formulaic the other ones are more sentence by sentence this one requires a bit more a bit more lateral thinking it requires you to be a bit more hmm need to think a bit more deeply to get this right this one definitely requires practice that's what I'm trying to say this essay type requires practice better than that this essay type requires feedback let me explain what I mean here if you're paid a to language comm remember you'll know what I mean but if you go to WWE to language dot-com you can if you want get feedback on your says written feedback as well as tutorials with expert teachers this is something that you need to do if you want to get a high IELTS score if you're stuck in IELTS check out the website we can help you out require practice essay questions more than that you require feedback maybe even two one-on-one tutorials on your writing anyway your turn this essay argued that what did your essay argue and you're not giving your opinion yet you're just restating your main arguments all right let's have a look at some of these ah her name I'll get to questions in a second Jason this essay argued why physical punishment is scientifically proven to be unacceptable great oh man this essay argued that those parents who use smacking who smack their children should be thought again should think again about their violence good Julia in conclusion comma this essay argued that smacking children is absolutely inappropriate while some people still punish children physically yeah kudos this essay argued that smacking children can make can make take coward and frightened which lead them to do behave negatively okay you definitely need to take a tutorial there ray this essay argued by punishing children corporately is completely unacceptable beautiful persona this essay argued that instilling good behavior through physical punishment is not only irrational but can also lead to bad consequences Maria says in conclusion this essay argued that punishing children physically through smacking is the best method to discipline them okay good now we need to move on to giving our opinion so let's see how we do that give your opinion or the extent to which you agree or disagree now I just have to pause this for a second because the alarm is gonna go off right I'm back Sarah let's see let's see let's see so what did I do I did this I said this essay argued that people who are against vaccination have a flawed and understanding of vaccinations and underestimate the effects of what they believe now I give my opinion in my opinion vaccinating children is an absolute imperative that is entirely justified despite the small and occasional risk involved so here it says to what extent do you agree or disagree with this and I've basically completely disagreed with it why do I actually believe that no I don't actually believe that my opinion is a bit more nuanced than that but on test day with 40 minutes and a grey LED pencil and a piece of paper I can't really tell I'm just gonna choose the easiest option and often the easiest option in this type of essay is to completely agree or completely disagree so maybe you want to think about that one cool so what did I do well I I completely disagreed with that prompts there so what are you going to do smacking children is the best form of discipline to what extent do you agree or disagree in my opinion I blah blah blah you have one minutes all right let's have a look kudos I'll get to that in a second yes you can partially agree and partially disagree it just probably makes it a bit harder yes it depends on the question prompts you can't Smitha in my opinion physically punishing children is definitely not the correct method to discipline them excellent the word definitely puts you on the spectrum at this end and that's a good thing to do because you've answered the question to what extent do you agree well you definitely agree or you definitely don't agree Jason says I believe that children who were punished physically will manifest psychological alterations when they grow up full-stop thus , I totally disagree with corporal punishment good to what extent do you disagree you totally disagree good Janny in my opinion I totally disagree that inflicting physical punishment on children is the best way to discipline them good Omar I totally disagree as that would affect the children's behavior and their personality good ray I believe corporal punishment is definitely not the method to discipline children Maria says it's entirely unacceptable beautiful I love this this is good this is good this is answering the question let's have a look at what that all means I'm gonna skip that I'm going to show you my full essay this is 254 words 254 words this is what your essay should look like on test day should be four paragraphs what you really need to do in this type of essay this is a hard one you need to pad out your paragraphs you need to make your paragraphs about six sentences long you to give what you need to give two reasons or two examples because what's gonna happen is these are gonna be about 50 words sorry that's not true your introduction will be about 40 words your conclusion will be about 40 words what's that 80 so even if even if this is 50 and this is 50 that's only gonna be 180 words you don't want to write 180 words you need your paragraphs to be about 70 or even 80 words long I'm not gonna do the mathematics there but you understand what I'm saying you need long paragraphs so build your paragraphs make them larger by adding more reasons and more examples yeah it's hard to do because you don't have a word count you have to count the words yourself 254 words why would this essay get an IELTS 9 why well first of all I wrote on topic everything written here relates back to the question prompt about vaccinating children everything I have not written off topic and I've not written off topic because I follow this sequence of sentences everything here if you follow that sentence by sentence structure it makes you write on topic you cannot write off topic if you follow that structure it's really important cool why else is an IELTS 9 well I've used precise vocabulary let's have a look at the first at the two paragraphs for example I've seen I've used words like wary justifiably potentially recorded instances not necessary I've said communicable disease I've got good vocabulary in here I've said preposterous that's a beautiful adjective what else have I got I've said vaccination campaigns that's a nice noun phrase I've said I've said minor risks that's a nice little adjective noun phrase as well so I've used good vocabulary what about grammar well my grandma is in fact well perfect almost perfect have been I've used a present perfect verb here I've used a variety of verbs I've used correct prepositions etc all my grammar is looking good again it's about feedback if you want to improve what about this one this is the key to writing good essays and it's using a logical structure the structure is the thing that I just showed you before cool that's all yeah this one was a little bit tricky if you want to watch some of my other video videos do that because they're they're a bit simpler to follow do you need to practice this what you'll notice is that the structure that I've taught in each of the videos is slightly different for each essay but even if you go even if you learn this structure not even a hundred percent but at least you have an idea of how to structure your introduction your paragraphs your conclusion at least on test day even if you're under pressure you'll still be able to write something formulate something that has a decent structure and that's important if you want to get really good like if you're really looking for an IELTS 8 for example you probably need some help do check out the website right now though I'm gonna go to Q&A so I'm gonna yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let me go to Q&A where are you people let me answer some questions Julia Jay in this type of essay I need to state my opinion just twice once in the introduction and once in the conclusion is that enough yes that's enough in the introduction you say what your opinion will be like this essay will discuss why bla bla bla bla in the conclusion you say this as they discussed or argued why in my opinion so you're given your opinion in the introduction your opinion in the conclusion your paragraphs also contain your opinion but just not explicitly said remember what we did we we we acknowledge the other argument but then we destroyed it in the second paragraph so in fact you're giving your opinion but just not explicitly in your paragraphs Purnima is IELTS writing task 2 similar to PT right si interestingly PT write essay is an argumentative essay it's pretty in fact they have a question prompt very similar to this in PT the good thing about PT right now say is that they're all argumentative they're all the same in IELTS they're like six different question prompt types so personally I think IELTS writing is more difficult than PT writing however PT speaking is more difficult than IELTS speaking so you make the decision about which one you want to do Maria what if my structure is good but the rest is just right well they get AB and seven well what they do Maria is they look at those four things we look at did you write on topic and then give you between an IELTS four and an IELTS nine so they say Maria she wrote on topic perfectly IELTS nine then they look at your vocabulary and they give you a score between four and nine and they say Maria's vocabulary was seven so now you're nine and seven so your average score is 8 so now you're an IELTS paint then they look at your grammar and they do it between four and nine and they say Oh Maria's grammars only a five so your scores going to drop down to a six point five for example so you need to get good at all of them then they look at the structure finally so the four things you need to work on did you write on topic did you use good vocabulary do you use accurate grammar and did you use a good structure you want all of those things to increase to get a high score Smitha for giving examples can we use quotations that are not true you can use quotations but the problem with quotations is that you have to use the correct punctuation the correct quotation marks don't risk it just say for example for instance or a statistic 99% of people believe that persona is asking about IELTS yes IELTS general and IELTS academic both use the same question types the IELTS academic will be slightly harder than the IELTS general in writing tasks to Ponemah what should be the word count of each paragraph and what if we don't meet 250 words that's a good question your introduction in your conclusion will be about 40 try and make them 40 to 50 words your paragraphs must be longer than your introduction conclusion that's why you'll add more reasons and more examples boost them up to 70 words so you're gonna have 70 and seventies 140 and then if you're at 50 and 50 you're gonna write 240 you're gonna be close make sure you write over 250 words because you will lose marks if you write below 250 words so what you need to do is extend your sentences while you're writing them you want to write a mixture of short simple sentences and longer complex sentences but when you're writing just think about how you can extend the length of your sentences yeah cool all right I think that's it I'm exhausted I think I'm gonna go home I'm gonna go to bed thank you very much for coming I appreciate it I hope this is helpful if you need any more help check out the other videos wherever they are I'll see you guys soon thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 1,489,184
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS reading, IELTS general, IELTS academic, IELTS e2, IELTS jay, IELTS reading test, IELTS reading mock test, ielts writing task 2, ielts e2, e2 writing task two, ilets writing task 2, ielts agree disagree essay, IELTS preparation, ielts course, ielts agree or disagree, e2 ielts writing, e2 ielts writing task 2, e2 ielts online, e2 ielts, e2language, e2 language,, ielts e2language, e2 language ielts, ielts jay, e2 jay, E2 IELTS, ielts writing tips
Id: AFlx4ZS7YSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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