IELTS Reading | SUPER METHODS #3 with Jay!

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okay Starlin welcome to IELTS reading super skills this is the third one we've done this quarter and my name is Jay and I will eat ooh language I'm one of the expert teachers the first thing I want to talk to you about is IELTS reading in general it's all about finding needles in haystacks what does that mean well this is a saying in English where something is incredibly hard to find right it's all about finding key words in paragraphs that's what IELTS reading is about finding a needle in a haystack so the let's first think about synonyms because one of the most critical skills that you need to have or understand is synonyms a synonym of course is a word that means the same thing as another word like big and large or small and tiny or hungry and starving for example these are synonyms words that mean the same thing so let's do a little warm-up I just want you to find the synonyms in this paragraph please you have ten seconds look into this passage and find the word find the synonyms quite literally ten seconds cool alright it was have a joke actually but this is basically what happens in IELTS reading you have your question over here and in the question will be a key word right then you need to look at the text or the passage you need to find the corresponding key word in the text and it will often be a synonym it more often than not won't be the same word as the question so here for example you look in the kit you'll find the key word here you look in the passage and you'll find a synonym same thing here key word synonym key word synonym this is the essence of IELTS reading let's do a little warm-up I want you to find the synonyms in this text here so here are the words you can imagine that these are in the question and here is the passage you need to go through and find the different synonyms I'll give you a few minutes to complete this one [Music] cool pop them into the chat as you go go ahead khushboo well done please work fast you're nearly quarter of the way through your time already good Joe Murray well done keep going you halfway through your time you should be it now up to number five Gordana well done well done Deepak now see if you can get three four six and seven about 30 seconds left khushboo check your number at leas and on youtube well done my ARA looking good and mum on good Jerry Matane has two parts what are the two hearts understand signals and should be a verb noun cool well done that's probably enough time that's the kind of pace that you need to read so let's have a look here are the key words and the questions here's the passage what I'll do is they give you the key word here and here there is a synonym so let's go through the answers so you can see what I mean so understand imagine this is in the question and it's asking you something that understanding and here in the text it says interpret so now you know where to read and where to find the answer understand interpret associating attributing cognitive mental it's all about synonyms empathizing with adopting the perspectives of so here it's not just a single word it's actually multiple words that mean the same thing feelings emotions find that's easy that's just a noun and a noun goals intentions the wild the animal kingdom so you can imagine it's asking you something in the question about the wild and then in the passage it mentions something about the animal kingdom show demonstrate is looking at has an ion so here we've got a phrase is looking at and here we've got a very strange phrase keep an eye on something or has an ion so these mean the same things understand signals interpret cues cool how did you go let's have a look looking good looking good well done right let's do something a little bit different now here's a phrase telling the difference I'm gonna give you a whole paragraph what you need to do is quickly scan your eyes over the paragraph and keep this keyword in your mind this phrase rather telling the difference telling the difference telling the difference then you're going to look at the paragraph and you're going to find the synonymous phrase the corresponding phrase the phrase that means the same thing cool so start repeating this in your mind telling the difference telling the difference you got 20 seconds telling the difference ten seconds telling the difference what's the synonym good you got it just on time that's right maybe you needed more than 20 seconds so let's have a look differentiate telling the difference or differentiating these are synonyms let's do another one I want you to find the synonym for the word confused confused confused if 20 seconds ten seconds good khushboo well done good Joe Murray got it three two one end so you had to quickly read your eyes scan your eyes over this paragraph saying confused confused and fused confused confused no no no no no perplexed interesting that's the synonym for the word confused for the adjective confused these mean same thinks let's do it again this time take out a phrasal verb take out to take something out to take something out take out take out what's the synonym here khushboo well done you got it good Deepak I'm on got it as well well done good good I'll give you another 10 seconds cool all right let's have a look so take out take out take out take out we're running our eyes over generate a crucial to the encryption that protects our privacy and security engaging in a digital transaction could be it actually I didn't see that transaction could be take out because you well I'm not quite what about withdrawing cash withdrawing cash taking out cash withdrawing cash these are the synonyms these mean the same things this is the skill that you need to develop if you want to get a high IELTS reading score this is the skill how do you develop this though first of all you need to understand the nature of synonyms you need to understand that hat that in the question is a key word in the passage is a synonym but that's not it that's an understanding of it what's the skill the skill is that you actually have a big enough vocabulary where you know that take out and withdraw mean the same thing you have a big enough vocabulary that you know that confused and perplexed I mean the same thing ok this is what it's about there's no trick to it really you need a large vocabulary in order to do this accurately and to do efficiently to do it quickly they are the two real things that you need to keep in mind while doing IELTS reading is accuracy yes you have to be accurate but you also have to be efficient you can't be slow because you would just simply run out of time so accuracy and efficiency large vocabulary your ability to spot synonyms is critical but there's another skill so the synonym one's important but there's another one where you need to understand or ask yourself what's the main idea these are the two main skills first one synonyms second one main ideas main ideas so let's do a few little activities here I want you to scan read the paragraph again to find the main idea okay run your eyes across it read it very quickly and pick out what is the central ire so imagine if you took this paragraph and you put it into a saucepan and you turn on the oven the hot plate and you boiled this paragraph down and what's left would be the main idea so let's think about this while looking at this one here I want you to read this paragraph and decide a B of C or D which is the main idea I'll give you another minute I want you to double-check your answer think about what the most important part of this paragraph ears what's the scientific breakthrough so Deepak chick see I don't think it's see 30 seconds left I'm gonna give you a hint it's not Dee it's not Dee seconds good Bessel well done all right let's stop there good I'm on confident confident confident okay let's have a look salty foods make makes salty foods makes you salty foods make you thirsty I'm sorry my grammatical mistake they're salty foods make you thirsty err again my grammatical mistake salty foods make you less thirsty okay one salty foods make you thirsty a more thirsty or less thirsty makes you salty foods makes you make you energetic salty foods are important on Mars hmm well let's have a look we've all heard that eating salty foods makes you thirsty err but what sounds like good nutritional advice turns out to be not true so it's not a it's not a and this is something you have to be careful of in IELTS reading is deceptive sentences so the first sentence looks like it's true okay great I found it that was so easy but then the second sentence will contradict the first sentence and make it untrue so you need to keep reading to find the answer often what sounds like good nutritional advice turns out to be not true in the long run in a study carried out during a simulated mission to Mars an international group of scientists has found exactly the opposite to be true so salty foods make you thirsty err the opposite is true salty foods make you less thirsty the answer is B and please forgive my grammatical errors there I must have copied and pasted from that sentence there the answer is B salty foods make you less thirsty interesting that was a tough one let's do it a simpler one what's the main idea the main idea good much better-looking good this time give you another 30 seconds for this one 10 seconds cool right let's have a look all right so if we if we took this paragraph and we boiled it down to find the main idea of what would it be about would it be about ocean litter is this about ocean litter well it mentioned ocean litter what about is it about the world's oceans is that what it's about or is about fuel from plastic or is about mobile reactors let's have a look so ocean litter billions of pounds of plastic waste are littering the world's oceans so it's got this one a and B in the first sentence that this sentence is the important one now an organic chemist and a sail boat boat captain report that they are developing a process to reuse certain plastics transforming them from worthless trash into a valuable diesel fuel with a mobile reactor the answer is C this is about making fuel from plastic one more before we begin our mini mock tests scan Mead to find the main idea here we go you another 30 seconds all right take a look let's read this is it about bed bug ancestors is it about the oldest insects ever found is it about a very special cave or is it about ancient human activity so a cave in Oregon that is the site of some of the oldest preserved evidence of human activity in North America was also once a home to not too distant cousins of the common bed bug archaeologists describe remains of the common bed bug found in caves near Paisley or Oregon that represent the oldest specimens of insects from the genus SIMEX ever found ranging between five thousand one hundred and eleven thousand years old the answer is a this is about bed bug ancestors not too distant cousins of the common bed bug oldest specimens of insects this is about Ben and esters of bed bugs is it about the oldest insects ever found no it doesn't mention that it says it represents from the genus SIMEX so they're the oldest ones from this particular genus mentions this very special cave but that's not what it's about and it mentions ancient human activity but that's not what it's about cool all right I know that was tough but that's what it's all about it's about synonyms and it's about main ideas and also about understanding the IELTS question types so what we're going to do today is something a bit different I'm going to give you a very simplified IELTS question type just so you don't have to struggle with the content of the passage so you know how to answer the question and once you understand it conceptually then we're going to do a more difficult one okay but before we do that what I want you to do on a piece of paper is just write down 1 2 3 down to number 10 like this because this will be our answer sheet and we'll use this for all of the real questions we do so we're going to simulate the IELTS reading exam so please write that down I'll just give you 20 seconds to do that cool alright and we'll start off with multiple-choice why because just about every IELTS reading exam contains a multiple-choice question they're extremely common so let's do a really simple one okay this is what the question looks like on test and this is why it's confusing this is a very very simple passage so please read read the question then read the passage then answer the question put the answer into the chat so su récord please check your number - Donna check your number one khushboo you might have to turn your phone screen if you're watching this on your phone good okay dead simple dead simple you should have just got this immediately first of all it says J has a red car he bought his car off his uncle Tim for $400 it rattles it smokes but it still works what color is Jay's car pink green red or black from whom did J purchase his car rattle smoke J or Tim the answer of course is red one C and 2 D Tim he bought it off Tim fine now we understand how to do this question so what you do is you quickly well this is what I do you look into the question you find the key word like color for example then you look into the paragraph and you see the word red so you know what that's where you should be reading here you're going to be looking for a name so you're look into the passage and you find the name that's how you do this one so let's do the multiple choice for real with a complex paragraph I'm going to give you a few minutes to do this actually will give you quite a lot of time I want you to get it right concentrate on accuracy not so much on efficiency you you you hear one more minute you I see a lot of people writing for number 2 choosing deer doesn't meant measure internet reliance here it says it's used to measure excessive reliance on the internet so the answer for 2 is not D so I'll give you another 30 seconds please check your number 2 it's not D will also give you another hint question 2 starts from starts from this sentence here you cool alright let's take a look at the answers here in fact let's first read the question number one says what is the main problem with the IAT or the Internet addiction test what's the main problem so as we saw before we're looking for the main idea in the paragraph is it a it relies on old data is that the main problem or B it does not utilize modern Internet tools or C it's just outdated or D it has changed significantly over time the answer is C it's outdated and if you look at this particular sentence it says the IAT was developed in 1998 prior to the widespread use of smartphone technology in addition Internet use has changed radically over the last 18 years so one C is correct a B and D are not right it just simply doesn't say that what about not to one particular problem with the IAT and now we're reading for detail we're not reading for a main idea a it may be overstating results B it's not standardized C it was developed prior to 1998 D it doesn't measure Internet reliance let's have a look at B first it's not standardized well here it says the IAT is the standard test so it's not be what about C it was developed prior to 1998 it says the IAT was developed in 1998 so it's not see what about D it doesn't measure Internet reliance well it says here it says it's used to measure excessive reliance on the Internet so it's not d the answer is a it may be overstating results why showing up false positives for people who were simply using the internet rather than being over reliant on it so for questions 1 & 2 you can write on your answer sheet C and a and if you've got that please put a smiley face into the chat I just want to check good work Bastille and khushboo well done they weren't particularly easy questions good work nice what about on YouTube how you're going call and I run a got it as well nice nice nice right true false not given we're gonna do this one every week why because conceptually it's very difficult it's a crazy question it's hard to understand true and false is easy to understand but not given is something that you need to practice so let's have a look at a very simple one here so this time you'll be writing T F or in G here it's the same paragraph as we saw before says J has a red car he bought it off his uncle Tim for $400 it rattles and it smokes but it still works number three says J owns a green car this is true in which case it says the same thing as the paragraph is it false in which case it directly contradicts what's in the paragraph or not given is there just no information given about this so we cannot know and we cannot assume anything so please do it three four and five good okay let's have a look at the answers this was of course dead simple so answers J owns a green car is false why because it directly contradicts this first sentence that says J has a red car James a green car J has a red car direct contradiction must be false J's car is old well it doesn't say anything about that it mentions that it's red it mentions that I bought it off my uncle Tim for $400 it mentions that it rattles and it smokes that still works but it doesn't say anything about the age of the car and we can't assume just because it's red and then it was cheap and that rattles in smoke it's old you can't assume anything therefore it's not given because there's just simply no information on this and the last one Jones a red car is true it says the exact same thing in different words so let's take that understanding and that concept and apply it to some real questions of difficulty we'll give you a few minutes to do these funds you one moment 20 seconds by another 30 seconds actually 30 seconds starts now ten seconds please put in your answers all right so we need to think about whether these statements are true whether they say the same thing as the passage whether they're false whether they directly contradict what's said in the passage or whether there's just no information and we can't assume anything we can't read between the lines in which case it'll be not given so number three people who are visually creative suffer more frequent nightmares well here it says visually creative people fine report disturbed sleep does that mean nightmares not necessarily we can't assume that disturbed sleep means nightmares maybe they just wake up more so the answer to this one is not given it's not directly contradicting it's not saying the same thing so it's not true it's saying something else and we don't know therefore it has to be not given what about visually creative people daydream more than normal people well it says that visually creative people report disturbed sleep leading to difficulties in daytime functioning maybe they daydream more it doesn't directly nothing said here that contradicts it and it doesn't say the same thing we can't assume anything so it's also going to be not given so three and four are both not given what about five it says verbally creative people sleep longer than visually creative people okay fine here it says in case of verbally creative people they sleep more hours more hours longer verbally creative people sleep longer than visually creative people true number six visual and verbal creativity utilized similar mental and physical workings this is this final sentence here this demonstrates that the expression of visual creativity involves different psychological mental biological physical mechanisms working there's a synonym that we learnt before so this one is false the expression of visual creative involves different here it says similar so there's there's the difference there's a direct contradiction similar versus different so if you had not given not given true and false they are the correct answers please put a smiley face into the chat if you got that cool well done khushboo excellent but still got three out of four pretty good Elizabeth got them all right nice and I'll run and got them alright Joe Murray got three I think the first one trick people the idea of a disturbed sleep doesn't necessarily mean nightmares so that's where most people went wrong there cool let's do sentence completion this is the last question type let's do a dead simple one first okay this is one of the question types that you may receive in your test sentence completion fine it's actually pretty straightforward so what you need to do is finish the sentence the last word or word it depends on the instruction here it says choose no more than one word so we can only have one word to complete these sentences so the color of Jay's car is something Jay sometimes does stand-up something an easy language Jay teaches something so please quickly do this I'll give you one minute to complete whoops complete these sentences from the paragraphs good make sure you spell that one right pleased to be Rekha good nice and Aruna make sure you have a capital letter on that final one or else it will be considered wrong has to be grammatically correct including punctuation I still took your their spelling of your number the second one there so I just really I didn't change the numbers here should be different numbers cool all right let's have a look at the answers the answers are well we know that the color of J's car is red this is a word taken directly from the text and that's what you have to do in the IELTS you don't create words you take them directly from the text to complete the sentence whether it's one word two words three words etc number eight J sometimes does stand up what comedy that completes the sentence correctly because it also aligns with the paragraph here and number nine at E language J teaches English capital E if you do put a lowercase e it will be considered incorrect also be careful with singular and plural nouns for example if the answer is cars plural with an S and you wrote car it would be considered incorrect so be you have to be very particular with your grammar let's do some sentence completion ones for real using real paragraphs let me disappear I'll give you a few minutes to do these ones you you well done looking good two more minutes so Bassel remember this is one word only please read those instructions at the top so check your number nine same with you surrogates you can only write one word not too so check your number nine one minute left you yes crush Peru I guess you have to assume what type of resources in the sentence before it talks about emotions 20 seconds left cool let's stop there and have a look at the answers for this one here so answers number seven recognising happiness or sadness after a hard night's sleep may what well here it's taken from the first sentence and this is a good point because what happens in the IELTS reading is that the questions are sequential so seven will be located at the top of the paragraph eight will come next nine will come next and you read down the paragraph as the questions descend as well so the answer here is suffer you could suffer now eight in order to survive major threats we are hardwired to recognize emotions that are considered more what more primitive we're wired to recognize those more primitive emotions in order to survive acute dangers so here the adjective primitive emotions emotions that are considered more primitive that's the answer for number eight number nine social emotions are less important for us to recognize as they don't depend on our survival social emotions such as happiness and sadness are less necessary less important for us to recognize for immediate survival some people wrote both words immediate survival and this would be considered incorrect because if you look at the instruction it says no more than one word so in fact you had to choose the noun their survival number 10 when it comes to our immediate safety in well-being we are more likely to reallocate a mental what a mental resource we're more likely to dedicate our resources reallocate dedicate resources to blah blah blah blah blah suffer primitive survival and resources where the correct answers if you wrote resource singular it would also be considered incorrect as well so let's have a look at the answer shaped your answer sheet if you got them all right was number one with c2 was a3 was ng 4 n g5 t6 f7 suffer 8 premier 9 survival 10 resources please type into the chat what score you got out of 10 deepak 9 out of 10 nice work milene 8 khushboo 10 great work Joe Murray 8 Basile 9 Sarika 8 Donna 6a runner 8 Quan when who 10 nice cool alright fine 3 round 5 I'm on sevens no problem oh cool thanks for coming along just before you leave I just want to talk to you quickly about why you should upgrade your pack your e to language coms I'm not sure if we have any paid users of what the ratio is to free to paid but here's the reason why first thing you do when you sign up at each language comm is you get a one-on-one study plan this is where you meet with the teacher and the teacher writes you a study plan sits you in the right direction gives you a timetable tells you exactly what you need to do areas of weakness areas of strength etc on the website you'll find methods like the methods that we saw today not just for reading or you'll find methods for listening speaking writing as well as reading materials heaps of practice materials for you to practice the methods on feedback so we give you written feedback on your writing and speaking you also as part of the package that you buy you'll get one-on-one tutorials with expert teachers there's a 40-minute one on tutorials on zoom' which is a platform like Skype live classes we do every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and des and more than anything you get concept motivation until you pass you also get one you get access until you pass the test as well up to one year cool so that's enough from me let's just do a quick Q&A and then we'll call it a day you can enjoy your weekends basile J when will you work on writing and having some difficulties in that module Bassel I highly recommend that you upgrade your account because we've got dozens and dozens of writing lessons on both IELTS general and IELTS academic so do check that out we also have live classes every Monday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday on IELTS writing Coosh Peru I wish I discovered it before I have my IELTS on the twenty-ninth kushboo we just have launched an express package which is I think it's 69 US dollars and you'll get full access to the platform including all of the methods lessons all of the practice material it's worth doing because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than having to take your IELTS again so it's a bit of a I wouldn't say a guarantee but it certainly will boost your scores and hopefully you only have to do this IELTS once cool any other questions before I go Deepak how much time should we spend on the different sections of the reading section it's too difficult to say because the passengers will differ from test to test the rule of thumb is that you just have to be accurate and efficient how do you be accurate and efficient well you need to boost your vocabulary you need to learn the question types you need to you need to learn the method and you need to practice the methods so that's what it's all about it's not so much understanding 30 seconds here 40 seconds here it's about getting it right and doing it quickly khushboo I'm finding labeling Maps difficult so I'm pretty sure we have something on the website for that couch group deeper IELTS reading general B of same level like today's mock test the question types will be the same but the passages will be slightly less academic so I'm inclined to say slightly easier slightly easier Donna do you have live listening classes Nora we don't do live listening classes but what we do do is we have video lessons dozens of video lessons on the website going through all the different listening question types as well as mock tests as well aronia I got eight point five in speaking in IELTS but less in speaking for Pte how do I correct that's pretty typical the Pte is very difficult to get a high speaking score whereas the IELTS is very difficult to get a high writing score so I'll run it if you're I did send an email through hello Andy to e language calm and we'll take a look at your report card for PT and give you a recommendation if you like cool coach brew I have trouble logging in on the website I'm in touch with your IT team let's see hmm odd not sure what's happening there Elizabeth I'm having difficult with some unexpected vocabularies yes you need to build your vocabulary I am a paid user increased my initial score from five or six out of ten to eight or nine out of ten will it I if you if you practice I'm almost certain that it will the still thinks the class it's a burst yes it's a burst and that'll it's all about cool I'll leave you guys to it have an enjoyable Saturday I'll see you soon do you think about upgrading at e2 language comm see you you
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, IELTS, e2 ielts, ielts e2, ielts reading, IELTS reading, ielts mock test, e2 ielts mock test, ielts academic reading, e2 ielts webinar, e2 ielts online, e2 ielts general, e2ielts, e2 ielts academic, e2 language, e2language, ielts general, ielts academic, E2 IELTS academic reading, e2 jay, reading ielts e2, e2 language ielts reading, ielts reading e2, mock test e2, ielts multiple choice, free ielts, e2 language ielts,, e2, ilets practice test, ielts class
Id: 9GavnaSCTcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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