How to AGREE and DISAGREE in IELTS Speaking

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listen most people learn how to agree or disagree in english by learning expressions from a book right i agree up to a point but i have my reservations but that's not how we speak real english not naturally so knowing how to agree and disagree naturally is a key part of ielts speaking especially part three so today i'm going to show you a wide range of simple natural ways to agree and disagree in english so you can get a high score in the ielts speaking test are you ready say yes keith i am totally let's do it [Music] hi this is keith from the keith speaking academy please do remember before we begin to subscribe to the channel so you can find out about my future videos coming this way um if you enjoy the video please do like it and leave a comment down below right and if you'd like to find out more about my work and how i can help you improve your english especially spoken english for the ielts speaking test go to the website all the links are below right questions in ielts speaking especially part three right you do get a lot of questions asking you directly what you think right do you think uh reading is important or do you agree that reading is important or even would you agree that some people say reading is important what do you think right so the examiner will often ask you for your opinion what you think where you may want to agree or disagree or they directly ask you do you agree right and you need to say yes or no there are also more indirect questions right is reading important should children read a lot right and again you may it's an opportunity for you to agree or disagree and give your opinion so i'm going to focus here on different ways of agreeing and disagreeing but very important right my goal is to help you speak naturally ielts speaking is a test of natural conversational english it is not about formal english not giving a presentation or a thesis presentation it's about natural spoken english so i'm not going to give you lots of long complicated expressions like at the beginning of the video i agree up to a point but because that's not really natural um it can be but only use long phrases if you feel comfortable and they come naturally right if you're not sure you just say yes or no but of course you don't want to always be saying yes no one word answers are not great so let me show you different ways of handling agreeing and disagreeing but in a really natural way let's take agreeing or how to agree first so for example the question do you think children should have a mobile phone or do you agree children should have a mobile phone yes the simplest answer is yes but actually if you want to sound just a hundred percent more native speaker yes i do using the tags yes i do is very very common in natural spoken english right do you agree that yes i do or would you agree that children should have a mobile phone yes i would those tags are really really what powerful natural yes i do yes i would okay but just notice you need to get the right tag so if the question is a bit more indirect right should children have a mobile phone uh yes they should right yes they should not yes i do yes they should okay if you're not sure about that right tag you just keep it very very simple right should children have a mobile phone yes i think so the biggest mistake i hear is students saying i think yes no i think so right never i think yes if you're going to say yes put it at the beginning yes i think so if you want to agree strongly right maybe you agree strongly that children should have a mobile phone yes i totally agree and again the use of the adverb is very very very common right yes i totally agree yes i completely agree should children have a mobile phone yes i totally agree it seems to me that and then you give your opinion yes i completely agree it seems to me that they should have a mobile phone in case they need to call their parents in an emergency for sure i mean i couldn't agree more i think it's important they have a phone in case they need to call their parents and notice if the question is do you agree do you agree that children should have a mobile phone yes i do agree in my view it's really important they have a phone so they can call their parents in case of an emergency yep i do agree yeah i do agree yes i do agree notice yeah yep and yes all of those are absolutely fine natural informal english now other ways of agreeing strongly without using yes or i or think right right you can just use simple chunks of language right um for example do you think children can make decisions on their own absolutely they're very capable of doing that without a doubt i think they can not only they can but they should make decisions on their own for sure right most children are very capable of making decisions on their own yes i think that's absolutely right they can make decisions on their own for sure i mean the way i see it they can make decisions and they need to make decisions on their own to learn how to be independent right so there's some very nice chunks there that you can use to agree and this is agreeing quite strongly but what if you only agree hmm a little bit do you think we should keep all our traditions yes i tend to agree but at the same time there are some traditions we should let go of up to a point but i think there are some traditions we we don't need to continue notice here we often don't say i agree up to a point right you don't need the whole sentence it's much more natural to just say the last bit up to a point but right the same i agree to some extent much more natural to some extent to some extent but undoubtedly there are some traditions that we should stop by and large yes most of our traditions are good and they instill some good values in families and societies great some very nice chunks there the other chunk that is very common is kind of and you may use kind of with different endings as well for example for this question do you think children learn songs more easily than adults kind of but it's not always the case i mean take my little sister for example kind of but actually um some older people are very good at learning songs for example my grandfather kind of but the way i see it that's not always the case right i've got a little sister who and in some cases actually you may not be agreeing strongly or even a little bit you may just be unsure kind of sitting on the fence right i don't really know so you might say for the question do you think ebooks will replace paper books in the future to be honest i'm not 100 sure about that it's possible but at the same time i think we will still use paper books that's a tough one in some respects yes but i do still feel we will read paper books in the future well it depends i reckon in the future we will use both digital books and paper books okay so those are different ways of kind of just being honest i mean you know always always remember this it's more effective to kind of be honest and tell the truth and speak naturally than trying to make up some complex language because when you're focused on the language you get lost whereas when you speak naturally you're in the flow and it's much much better right let's have a look at disagreeing and the first thing to say is do remember you can disagree with the examiner right very often you may feel and often from a cultural aspect that you need to agree with the teacher or examiner right but not in the ielts speaking test you can give your honest opinion you are not evaluated on your opinion right whether it's good or bad it's the language that's important for example an examiner may ask you something like do you think that parents are stricter now than in the past no i don't i would say they were much stricter in the past actually i don't agree with that i think parents in the past were stricter than they are nowadays to be honest i don't agree with that i would say that nowadays parents are not as strict as in the past it's perfectly fine to disagree with the examiner or with their question or statement right now one of the common questions is the examiner says some people say what do you think or do you agree okay and with this one with there are some nice chunks that you can use right for example some people say parents are stricter now compared to the past what do you think i beg to differ i think parents were much stricter in the past i have to disagree i think parents were stricter in the past for example my father told me how strict his father was and it's quite horrific that's not exactly how i see it i would tend to say parents are less strict nowadays okay so that last one i'm being a bit more diplomatic maybe if you feel more comfortable being diplomatic and hedging or making your disagreements softer right that's not exactly how i see it i tend to say or i tend to think right i tend to think is just making your thinking softer so to speak great if you want to be a bit clearer then you can use the word no or not in different ways for example do you think old people value friendship more than young people no not really i think it depends on the person irrespective of their age not necessarily i think there's a lot of young people who value friendship as much as old people and a different question do you think old people like the same music as young people not at all i think they have very different tastes in music due to the uh generation gap no not at all actually i'd say the opposite is true i think they have very different tastes take my parents for example no quite the opposite actually i'd say they have very different tastes in music so you can see lots of expressions there with no or not i'm just making it much clearer when you disagree that is disagreements great so you'll notice i think as you listen to these questions right a lot of the do you think or do you agree questions um they talk about differences between now and the past or now and the future or young people than old people right so be prepared for that those kind of questions i think are quite common we see them year after year in ielts so being prepared for that and having these little chunks of language to agree or disagree is great only use the longer ones if you feel totally comfortable and natural otherwise keep it short keep it brief and focus your energy on the real nitty-gritty of your answer right that's where you really are gonna make a big difference great i hope all of this helps so listen thank you very much for watching um and i hope the ideas here can help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on ielts speaking great that's it for today if you've enjoyed the video do like it leave me a comment below subscribe and i look forward to seeing you in the near future take care my friend
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 279,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking agree and disagree, agree and disagree conversation, agree and disagree esl, how to agree in english, how to disagree in english, how to disagree without being disagreeable, how to disagree respectfully, agreeing and disagreeing in english, agreeing and disagreeing in ielts, how to agree and disagree, how to agree and disagree in english, how to agree and disagree politely
Id: RNhZztK_lRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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